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/fit/ - Fitness

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I am chronically depressed because of my weight loss. Today I've binge eat an extra-large pizza, 20 wings, 6 donuts, Thai tea, 3 plate panda express meal, inn and out burger and animal fries, 5 diet cokes, milk shake, whole chocolate bar. I am killing myself with food, I feel like my heart is about to explode.
im going to end up homeless because of my poor financial decisions but I still don't feel as pathetic as you
I've pretty much just given up at life this point.
So what are you doing here
Ok bye
I just wish that you guys would die a horrible death because you mislead me to lose weight.
Gain muscle now and fill out
Dieting is for roid trannies
Bro the secret is to eat healthy food That will keep you full. Eat high protein.

For meal 1 I had 2 Pb&J with 2 cups milk
For meal 2 I had 5 eggs, a box of egg whites and 4 slices with 2 cups milk
Then I went to gym did 1 hour cardio, glutes and quads and abs
For meal 3 I had a big salad with arugula grape tomatoes and 2 cups of mango smoothie
For meal 4 I had 460g chicken breast 250g rice and 2 cups milk
For meal 5 I had 2 protein shakes at 25g protein each

So I'm pretty much hitting 240g to 300g protein keeps me pretty full so I don't even think about cheatmeals like pizza or donuts.

The days where I'm not eating properly at home I'm 1000% more likely to go to a fast food place and eat something unhealthy. Your body is like a furnace, you need to keep it fueled. Putting the right things in the furnace and you'll have good burning engine. If you put crappy fuel in your engine it's not good for performance.

Think about it like a BMW, you put premium fuel in your car so you can drive fast zoom zoom zoomiiees

Same with diet, you gotta eat properly..plan ahead, do shopping and eat good meals.

Cardio (walking) helps you burn calories so you can eat even more food while being shredded
Im confused. are you depressed about the loose skin?
I put it into MyFitnessPal just to see how much it was, it was 4300 calories with approximately 360g protein and 460g carbs

And it was still probably cheaper than how much you spent on the fast food.

I like walking every day on the treadmill so that probably burned 450 calories from walking, and the rest of the calories can go towards building good muscle mass.

Anyway bro, go shopping tomorrow, fill your freezer with chicken breast, salad, grape tomatoes, milk, bread peanut butter and jelly etc.

I also like muscle milk from Costco, it's already premixed protein just keep it in the fridge and have it as a snack between meals
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picrel will set you free. (starch based sub 10% fat calories)you can add meat tho but only if its under 15% of fat.caloriewise. dont drink alcohol. learn how to provoke vomiting by sticking fingers into throat. just in case. purge, puke and sin no more.
He's "depressed" because he's an insufferable cunt blaming others for his decisions.
If you don’t eat enough fat you’ll be depressed. Look it up. Get your daily fat requirements and your g2g
Lemme guess anon, you lost some water weight and now you've decided to blackpill yourself instead of actually improving in any way past that because some people got Lipo and now resemble giant balloons of skin

Thats not gonna be you because atleast that guy has the willpower to go through with it, and now he can eat as much as shit as he wants because he's probably sub 10% under all that loose skin and bulking would probably be alright for them

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Ok byeeee
For anyone not up date, this anon is a LARPer. He constantly
Posts demoralization about loose skin in order to get people to remain fat
The thread he commonly posts is that obese guy with the blue shirt, his story didn’t happen. It’s fiction, just a doomer esl telling you losing weight isn’t worth it so he can feel better about being a tub of shit
Pay them no mind
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