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I went to the doctor because my cardio is shit and I keep throwing up in kickboxing practice even after months, doc told me that I over breathe and am flushing too much CO2 from my bloodstream. What exercises can i do to get my breathing under control? Thanks.
tumo meditation (wim hoff method) to train your body on too much oxygen/lack of CO2
also cordyceps pills and mullein tea to clean up and expand your lungs

also doctors are idiots, dont believe everything they say, make your own research on how to test it
He was a legit naturopath doctor or whatever, used to be an MD but quit because of all the evil shit going on. It also lines up with testing I've done on myself. Will look into the suggestions mentioned, thank you.
>He was a legit naturopath doctor or whatever, used to be an MD but quit because of all the evil shit going on
Alright, I jumped the gun then, seems like a good doctor

Try also grabbing a dextrose pill before workout, it might help
wim hoff is awful for overbreathing, wim hoff is specifically designed to cause you to overbreathe

OP needs buteyko breathing


Also inspiratory muscle training

>wim hoff is awful for overbreathing, wim hoff is specifically designed to cause you to overbreathe
I did say that wim hoff method will teach his body to handle it the sensation
suggesting wim hoff method for overbreathing just shows a lack of knowledge of the respiratory system

Thanks, Buteyko was a name that came up a few times already I'll dive into it.
No prob. Never tried dextrose, I'll eat a bunch of honey and some salt before training if my stomach is empty.
just linking videos, saying I dont know anything while just ignoring what I said makes me think you're early 20s pompous autistic douche
the video is going to explain why you are wrong and give you an explanation as to why slowing down the breath, not hyperventilating, resolves overbreathing.

Your response that it'll teach the body to handle the sensation is just wrong. There are biochemical changes that happen in the presence of co2, you should not even attempt to get used to the sensation of hyperventilation, as it will reduce blood flow in the body chronically, which can lead to peripheral problems. There's a reason why when you do wim hoff, you start getting numbness in your fingers and toes, this is because blood flow is being restricted to your limbs due to vasoconstriction.
Bas rutten developed this O2 trainer gizmo due to his chronic asthma. It trains your intercostal muscles to increase the volume of air you intake with a breath. Could be worth a look. Literally called O2 trainer
no need to spend $60 on an o2 trainer, you can just use a plastic straw and bend it to a challenging pressure.
You need zone 2 training. Here's Pogacar's coach on it https://youtu.be/z82GCNXdLAA?si=c2_0tnQbwTZfzRc-
TL;dw do zone 2 training for 45 minutes to 1 hour a day, should be at a pace where you can talk but it's uncomfortable/people over the phone could tell you're exercising. Modality doesn't really matter: could be walking. swimming, cycling, maybe jogging if you're fit enough. At the end do some V02 work, ideally 4 minutes of zone 4. Should be paced so it seems "easy" to do in the first minute but by minute 3 should be extremely difficult, way less intense than sprinting.
>There's a reason why when you do wim hoff, you start getting numbness in your fingers and toes, this is because blood flow is being restricted to your limbs due to vasoconstriction.
You can train your body to not vasoconstriction, by either hyperventillating, sauna or cold showers
or you can just not be a retard, slow your breathing down, and cure your overbreathing
Box breathing.
>"DOCTOR DOCTOR, my arm hurts when I sleep on it"
>"then don't sleep on it anymore"
you obviously don't know what word "cure" means then if you're just avoiding the symptoms, brainless homo
try not being a fatass and building a good cardio base to failure
I'm 6'1 165, I'm consistently more winded than anyone I train with even a year and a half in, including brand newfags.
have you seen a cardiologist about this? Seems like you might have an actual issue that isn't just training related
Maybe this is overbreathing, idk, but in my prime I would never allow myself to bend over when I stopped. I would stay upright, even hands-on-head, and take painful, lung-stretching breaths until my heart rate came down. YMMV
You can be thin and still have shit cardio. Go for a run nigger
I have not, what would I ask for.
just describe your current symptoms idk I'm not a cardiologist. but you shouldn't be experiencing this much cardio strain as a mildly trained person
Try sprints 2x a week 5 times up a hill balls to the wall. Doesn't make me puke smoking every day and I get like 180bpm if I don't pay attention on cardio.

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