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is there any natural “superfood” or natural food that has the property of increasing semen production and making semen thicker and whiter?

i am referring to special foods that have the quality of giving that effect (to increase semen production) far above any other food

any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated
Celery and zinc, also ice packs on testicles
>>74624177 does ice on testicles actually do anything?
I would imagine meat and milk for protein. vitamins, minerals etc.
Minerals that increase hydration, protein, zinc, anything that increases testosterone. Also anecdotally, regular ejaculation increases total production, but decreases the volume in each cumshot. If you want to impress, ejaculate regularly (ideally with female involvement for the test boost), then suspend ejaculation for a few days to recharge before whatever you are preparing for.
>also ice packs on testicles
does this really work?
Sunflower lecitin
what is this? is it like oil?
Someone post the /fit/ cumstack image.

There’s also HCG
>Not natty
Yeah it *technically* is.
how is sunflower lecithin made? do you grind sunflower seeds and that's it?
Based dubs
Selenium (via Brazil nuts is cheapest)
If it's another color see a doctor.
i have seen that sometimes semen is transparent too, what factors make it sometimes transparent and sometimes white?
I guess if you're really dehydrated it will become less translucent and a smaller quantity.
Yes. It can literally make you infertile.
Nuts hang outside of your body because they need a temperature that's lower than body heat, that part is true. But retards took this to extremes and freeze their nuts off into infertility.
Ideally we would live in a society where it's socially acceptable for men to walk without pants or skirts without underwear like the scots, to let our nuts roam free in the wind, and pretty much how we lived for the entire human history up until very recently.
The invention of the underpants and polyester and its consequences have been a disaster for the overall testosterone and sperm count in men.
That's found in both seamoss and shilajit
Look up the "holy grail stack"
Then take it, and enjoy busting the fattest loads of your life
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My dick is hard just from the joy of sharing this with you. A fellow fit/izen already posted how to have huge loads
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Now just in case your loads are far too potent I also have this fucking gem
where is that image from? is it nazi architecture?
>enjoy busting the fattest loads of your life

>how to have huge loads

i am not looking to ejaculate semen, i just want to know which foods most increase and enhance semen production and the thickness of semen in the body

it's not my intention to ejaculate or release semen, i just want to know the foods that make the body more prone to producing semen
>>how to have huge loads
>i just want to know which foods most increase and enhance semen production and the thickness of semen in the body
These are the same thing you fucking retard. A huge load is still a huge load regardless of whether or not it's in your balls or all over your Dad's face.
>Verification not required
Buddy how fucking retarded are you?
On a scale of 1 to 10?
idk about production but my ex gf said it was very sweet after i had a few mangos over a week.
I should get some mangos, they are so tasty
Enclomiphene citrate

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