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>fit unironically eats this
>also fit: "wtf why am i binging?"

what sort of stupidity causes this?
whats wrong with this meal?
Overcooked bag rice. Dry chicken. No seasoning or any culinary skill applied.
Not even poor people should eat this.
Maybe eat some fatty beef instead of eating like an Asian peasant
I don't eat that. I have a slow cooker. Just made some absolutely killer stew.
Later this week I'm thinking chili.
ive never understood why people always eat chicken and rice or chicken and [vegetable/starch] like that and complain about it. i eat chicken breast almost every day, its fucking delicious if you actually season it or cook it properly. slow cook it and pull it/shred it, have it as a sandwich, have it in a wrap, have it on a salad. its like the most universal fucking protein ever and everyone seems to think its trash because they never season it and overcook it to the point where its dried out. how are people this bad at life?
Some people are in a rush. I'd splash some chilli sauce and pepper on this and chow down.
Onions Sauce is like fucking five calories. A little pepper and salt on that chicken is literally all it takes for it to taste pretty good. Pepper literally boosts your metabolism. You unironically get served better tasting food in prison
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>instead of eating like an Asian peasant
Asians know how to use spices, 'member?

You're supposed to be very offended because it implies American whites can't cook (they can't)
And I'm implying that actual good food isn't bland and unappealing without spices. You only need spices for slave food like noodles which taste like cardboard without added flavoring.
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>You only need spices for slave food like noodles
Asians live and breath carbs. They are more advanced than you, richer than you, and live longer in better health.

eat shit ketocultist
You didn't refute me.
Niggers offended that White people don't season dey chicken.
cyberpunk, soulless, global, no freedom, camera everrywhere, air pollution, making the surrounding environment hotter because of muh big city, gayleds = They are more advanced than you, richer than you, and live longer in better health.
Dry brine your breast.
Salt and pepper your rice.
I fixed your meals, bro.
i use salt, pepper and other spices most of the time but i occasionally eat like this too. whats the problem? i used to be insanely fat (bmi 45+) and i view food as energy source now rather than something i need to "enjoy" every time i eat, keeps me from going back to shit habits and food choices and when i crave something sweet... i eat a banana or a kiwi.
yes im mentally ill but i cant think of any reason why eating like pic in op would be so bad?
>what sort of stupidity causes this?
Fitness. But fitness people have always been like this, check out what the ancient Greeks had to say about athletes. It wasn't very positive in most cases and only the few positive exceptions are generally quoted for a reason.
>Niggers offended that White people don't season dey chicken.
Americans are bad at seasoning, yes. But none of you is white, many of you are black. So it's kinda a weird statement. Pic related is European chicken breast.
>whats the problem?
>yes im mentally ill but
This, also
fish sauce, garlic, sesame oil
basically free, and all contain a healthy macro nutrients. If you're too lazy to chop garlic at least get the powder.
MSG just use it instead of salt, little bit goes a long way.
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thats chicken thighs nigga
Pad gaprao
>because it implies American whites can't cook (they can't)
Not even American and I think that is stupid.
Spices are poison.
Natural food tastes good enough, I dont need that shit on my food.
People who need spices for a meal to taste good, have trash ingredients and trash taste buds.
No beef
Carbs are shit
Imagine if it was simply 80/20 beef with some watermelon. Problem solved, pointless suffering is over, arsenic poisoning subsides and testosterone increases. Instead, its a medieval chinese peasent meal for no fucking reason.
Weening yourself off highly seasoned food is a good habit that a lot of fat people could benefit from. They need to change their relationship to food and see it as fuel for their body rather than a source of pleasure. Nutrition is more important than taste, but you can still make healthy food that tastes nice.
I never understood this shit. This chick I know who's into bodybuilding does the meme of prepacked tupperware with unseasoned rice and boiled chicken. I don't get it. Boiled chicken is disgusting and takes like dry leather shoes. Why not sear it on a pan or grill? Why not add salt and pepper bare minimum? Why nothing for the rice?
Yeah mr. manual labor i bet you're in such a rush to make your big milions that you can't take an extra 5 minutes not to cook an absolute abomination lmao
Correct. Imagine just eating a can of green beans on the side of a half lb of bf twice a day
The gains..
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> Conquer the world
> Sail the 7seas
> Commit genocide where ever you are to get land and farm with slaves
Value exotic stuff literally above gold.
> Import cuisine from the whole world.
> Any white peoples capital has 30 different world wide restaurants

Yeah sure thing bro white people don't like spices

How many Sushi, mexican, Italian, Korean BBQ, Mongol diners, Thai, Chinese restaurants will you find in Mumbai?
Italians are white
Fill a bowl with water and add 2-3 tablespoons of salt. There's your simple brine solution for chicken breasts. Now I dare you to bake it in the oven and tell me it's "bland." Also, brine that for at least 4 hours but even 24 will work.
The chicken is skinless and boneless. It's missing important collagens
I had to cut down on salt recently and as a result started using all sorts of spices and herbs.
None of it compares, it's not even remotely close.
A lot of it kinda makes me gag.
Italians arent honkies
Niggity nig
They are half Sicilian monkeys
La la la
Bix nood muthafuka
good ingredients don't need that much of condimentation

t. Med Master Race
fast food goysloppers with the hot takes on real food
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You're in too much of a rush to sprinkle some spice and throw in some veggies into that rice? Come on.
Don't bother arguing. It's a /pol/ talking point that TRVE white people take pride in bland food because only stinky thirdies need to mask their inferior quality with useless things like flavor.
I have a coworker that eats ham sandwiches every day for lunch
How's Ohio?
>this entire post
holy gigantic cope

lets not kid ourselves we both know you'd kill to live in a homogenous society with cities that are this glorious. You're just mad that the chinks achieved it while you didn't.
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>Not even American and I think that is stupid.
The American conception of "flavor" is as follows:

>loads of sugar
>loads of salt
>whatever variant of artificially flavored garbage "sauce" they got from their shitty megamarts

I don't want to hear about your muhs or buts. I don't want to hear about how this one place in Maine has seafood or whatever. I'm talking about what REAL Americans eat on a day-to-day basis.

It's either completely bland bullshit or it's disgustingly unhealthy crap. There's no balance.
A little salt, pepper, garlic, and paprika add no extra calories and will make that into an actual fucking meal. There is no reason to subject yourself to that bland nonsense. Holy fuck.
>Weening yourself off highly seasoned food
The word you're looking for is "processed" food.

Contrary to the chronic binge eaters of /fit/ -- learning how to cook healthy AND tasty food (you can easily have both) will make you satisfied and less tempted to binge eat whatever processed garbage you've hooked yourself on.
>in a rush
Literally do it last night and you can just grab it and take it out the door. You already went through the trouble of packing it up in tupperware. It takes no extra time.
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>Conquer the world
>hand it over to Jews
>100 years pass
>"uhm spices what am I some asian pessant? i dont need spices . Im not coping for being a worthless cook my food is just so high quality i dont need spices."
Seasoning brings in important micronutrients and minerals you would otherwise need supplements for.
>spices are poison
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>salted chicken

I bet you think this is some major innovation. Asians are basically shitting all over whites (Meds get a pass).

Honestly delete this post it's embarrassing
Some times I just cant be arsed to season my food, then I eat it and season it because it tastes like shit
Don't forget
>deep fried
>covered in butter and/or ranch
We can all have diversity. Texture > taste.
>arsenic poisoning
Jesus, midwits with knowledge crumbs are unironically more idiotic than morons that know nothing
>posts picture of food drenched in sauce and sugar
Whatever you say D'Qwan, don't you have some nasty okra to scarf down before your mom beats you again?
What is stopping you from adding peppercorns, thyme and a touch of vinegar to that brine? Maybe some garlic?Are you gay or something?
food is supposed to sustain you, erase hunger. its not supposed to be entertainment. if it makes you sick in quantities needed to satisfy hunger then its simply poisonous. gluttons are worse than druggies because they always look shit and their buzz lasts maybe 20 minutes combined per day.
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>TRVE white people take pride in bland food because only stinky thirdies need to mask their inferior quality
It's a gigantic cope.

They just can't admit they're useless faggots who couldn't cook toast. The /fit/cel pipeline is basically
> fat retard who eats frozen shit>>>fat retard in remission that learns you can cook chicken and unthaw frozen veggies
Then the story branches off into
> fat retard hates torturing himself so he binges
> retard who discovered frank's red hot and thinks its the greatest culinary invention ever discovered
There are no exceptions. /fit/cels are a unique breed of retards.
>texture and taste are a binary spectrum
>just like the autism spectrum I'm on
Those are not mutually exclusive. Good texture comes from cooking the food properly.
Chicken meat is actually disgusting. Birds are for when you can't afford real animal meat. Id say chicken tastes like shit but my wife's asshole literally tastes enjoyable, unlike chicken.
Just say you're autistic next time.
I'm the whitest guy you've ever seen. 100% German-American.

But I am a traveled man. And American whites have proven to be utterly worthless cooks. The quality of cooking, the quality of ingredients, and the quality of people cooking the meals is better everywhere else.

nice meme. Those sauces would be all handmade everywhere except the third world shithole called the USA
>tfw Becky's house doesn't have fleas tho
That looks like shit. Holy fuck you retards go gaga for Instagram filters.
Japanese food is consistently ranked among the best in the world.
>they enjoy their meals and receive them with thanksgiving
The Japanese obesity rate is 2% and they live the longest on Earth.

You are just autistic and exhibit the classic black/white autism. You neither need to be a glutton nor need to hate something God put on Earth for you to enjoy.
Would moon man really want you repeating the same rice n chicken 4chan bait threads every day you stupid faggot you suck at being racist
sure but for food to be tastyvand healthy it needs to be low in fat, sugar and salt. it wont have that druglike quality. some chili powder or pajeet spice mix on rice is like whatever. mildly tastier.
oh no the resident ascetic is trying to convert me
kill yourself and solve all of our problems
Slop addicted niggers can't imagine a person enjoying rice and chicken with only salt, I personally do go out of my way to add some seasoning but salt alone is perfectly fine
nta but almost all asians are skinnyfats with insanely high bf%, better than being obese i guess but still not as chaddy as the low obesity rate makes it out to be
I don't even use salt. Ever.
>Those sauces would be all handmade everywhere
You're one of the biggest retards out there, exemplified by you calling yourself """"German"""". Every culture uses jarred/canned sauces exclusively, half of which come from the US the other half come from China. You're as well traveled as the average Iowan bumpkin, which you definitely are, go back to your trailer Jeremy.
>it wont have that druglike quality.
This thread isn't about that. This thread is calling out the toddler-tier cooking abilities of white American /fit/cels and the intimate link that has with binge eating.
>go out of my way
it takes all of a couple seconds
I am acoustic
fair but i was mentally ill before that already
>almost all asians are skinnyfats with insanely high bf%
does it give you great pleasure to pulls things out of your ass and present them as facts, retard?
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>Every culture uses jarred/canned sauces exclusively

>Used to have normal food
>Now cooking Pagpag
>Or gutter oil virgin boy eggs
> Cover it with 100 spoon of curry to cover up smell and taste sand mystery meat origin
>Try to flame white people eating normal food.
>What is stopping you from adding peppercorns, thyme and a touch of vinegar to that brine?
Nothing is stopping anyone but simply using salt is just fine. Too many people shove chicken into their ovens without doing anything beforehand. It's quite amazing how much better chicken breasts taste with that one simple move. For years I had never done any brining so for me it blew my mind.
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>world's largest continent
>4 billion people
>some poorfags in Philippines (former American colony) eat trash meat

This cope is exhausting. I'm trying to HELP YOU retard. The reason you keep failing is your autistic black/white thinking and obsession with purity. Just open up a fucking cookbook and stop with the whatisms. It takes literally 5 minutes to learn how to cook a decent and healthy meal.
I don't understand this meme. I'm literally half Sicilian on my father's side. Tons of Sicilians have blonde hair blue eyes, like my sister. we just have more olive skin. What is white? Scandinavian? Anglo? Germanic? Pure Aryan?
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>for years I was retarded
>now I have learned the most basic step of cooking
Excellent work anon. In 5 years you'll learn how to turn on the stove and upgrade to cooked meat.
A bit more in the store
hey I'm trying to lower bodyfat so i'm only eating egg whites
what do I do with the yolk?
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Pro Tip: put bullion in with the rice as you're cooking it. Beef, chicken, whatever. Thank me later.
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t. never left Iowa
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Would a little seasoning or sauce on the side really kill someone's gains?
What are Chinamen's obsession with adding eggs to every every meal?
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It's pure gymslop
Beef > chicken for protein
Eggs > chicken for protein
Anything > rice for carbs unless you're a gook who unironically likes that shit
They domesticated the chicken
>equivilant of a suicide note
The guy's rice and chicken will be left over after the guy kills himself from not killing himself and eating his chicken and rice
What the fuck is that retarded cunt, blathering on about? Good one "evelyn waughluigi".
I don't know but I do it and I'm scandinavian
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>Eggs > chicken for protein
There are no breasts in that image
Nothing you just said is true and you can't back any of it up because of that
balance, healthy food can taste good but it won't give you an artificial taste bud gasm like the fake food that can drive you to food insanity, but it can taste good, try mixing 1 part lemon juice 1 part olive oil with some crushed garlic
who the fuck is fit
>why eating like pic in op would be so bad?
Because your cooking should mog all of your coworkers just as much as your muscles.
The smell of your food should make them feel bad about their horrible life choices about consuming goyslop.
>food is not supposed to be entertainment
Yeah, it literally is if you're a human. Food as a part of culture pre-exists writing. But if you eat for fuel only that's fine, you're just missing out on a huge part of life that does not at all have to be unhealthy. Chicken and rice dishes that are very healthy or have healthy variations (arroz con pollo, hainanese chicken rice, chicken tikki masala or biryani, etc. etc.) take low amounts of additional effort but gives you more psychological hunger fulfillment and enjoyment and it can even be shared with others.
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they are still more advanced than you. shenzhen is awesome. US could never because you have to jump through 40 hoops, HOA's, battle 200 representatives and incompetent construction companies to renovate a road
>none of you is white
>chicken thighs, claims it's breasts

tell me you're a nigger without telling me you're a nigger
Yeah well this person didn't seem to be in a rush or didn't imply otherwise. He's just a retard, but i'm sure the replies he receives will help him towards honing his cooking skills.
more advanced... lmao
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>y-you were polluted
>15 years ago...

This is called cope. China has won
What does that have to do with Chinese people eating like the slaves they are. Stay on topic…oh wait you can't because your a coping chink.
>china won
China's rise was literally a gift from the west and they worship white people.
Your wife doesn't clean her asshole?
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Ching Chong bing bong no one cares Chang
This mentality is only for last resorts.
We have a choice to season our food however we want but if it's an apocalypse scenario we eat what is available even if we don't like it.
>What does that have to do with Chinese people eating like the slaves they are. Stay on topic >>74651843 ???
How do Chinese people eat like slaves at all, they eat the same thing as OP but it tastes better? And China accepts the west's gift graciously. Just accept that you lost bro instead of coping.
They eat rice and oily noodles and overcooked meat. They're skinny fat and diabetic etc. so don't tell me they are healthy and live longer. Chinks aren't Japanese.
>they eat the same as OP
Exactly. Slave meal.
>accept you lost
Lost what. I'm richer and eat better than majority of Chinese people and always will.
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>They eat rice and oily noodles
Is this supposed to be a bombshell?
>overcooked meat
not even remotely true. Your "Chinese" restaurant -- Amerimutt -- is to Chinese food what taco bell is to Mexican food.
1/5th America per capita. AKA utter lie
>are healthy and live longer
??? That's a fact. They live two years longer than mutts and it's rapidly increasing every day. The other Asians (who you chose to ignore) are even better. Japan curbstomps America, the only 1st world country whose life expectancy is decreasing.
>slave meal
lol a ketoschizo sighting
>Slave meal.
ketoschizo enters a thread unrelated to his diet, a thread about binging

a telling freudian slip
It's not McDonald's
Rosita, all day every day
i like the taste of white rice... chicken too...
Pro tip: bullion makes 0 calorie salads good enough to binge eat I woofed down 3 big bowls of salad by mixing in a tsp each time. I know all about electrolyte imbalances and such the salt of the bullion doesn't outweigh the potassium in all the salad.
It's called autism. People who are on the spectrum love to eat the same shit everyday while neurotypicals would rather commit suicide
i hate plain rice
disgusting dry piece of shit
this, but there are also just teens/young men who doesn't know how protein works. they don't get that there is protein in other stuff than chicken and protein shakes
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Only one of these is a real photo and the other is propaganda

the chink cope is real
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You can monitor the AQI in real time. China has made gigantic strikes in the last decade. It's cities are futuristic compared to the former USA.
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>torches your fucking village
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China's air quality is higher than the former USA's now by a wide margin.
>Can't cook for shit and tortures self with bland food
Sounds about white.
This, having low standards when it comes to food, drinks is gonna benefit you in the long run.
Less likely to eat like a pig, satisfied with even small treats like coffee or mildly sweet things like fruit.
>mildly sweet things like fruit.
In one single sentence you have confirmed you are both American and autistic.
>Dry brine
this was a game changer
i started looking forward to eating rather than dreading it
I marinate my chicken for an hour in my own personal blend idk what the tf any one else is doing for fr real. I also put a little olive oil in my rice with lots of black pepper. I also refuse to eat my standard meal without veggies. Usually sauteed peppers and onions with asparagus or sprouts
That's a fairly large amount of chicken and rice for an average-sized person, I'd say?
wait until you discover seasoning
salt is already seasoning
i can't be bothered to put anything extra at cook time
at eat time, i just dice the chicken and mix it up with whatever else i'm eating which has the spices and herbs, usually veg
im glad im not picky or need a lot to eat. im watching the entire world becoming obese while i just chug along with my beef, rice, eggs, milk, water and some fruits and veggies sometimes.
how did a post about food devolve into deranged ethnic mudslinging
Salt is seasoning, my black friend.
>salt is already seasoning
shut up cumskin
>t. actual nord

you belong in a cave with the rest of the uncultured savages
I have never prepared chicken and rice, and I never will.
>potatoes or pasta
Gaining/maintaining/cutting is just a matter of portion sizes and extra nuts/cheese/milk.
Stop eating like a rural chinese serf.
i just don't get:
1. why this became the default cutting meal?
2. why can't they put even basic seasoning on chcken?
Now Chang show the real skyline that’s not CGI
>make some rice
>throw oil + brocc + onions + carrots in the pan
>throw the rice back in
>wa la, delicious fried rice

>sear the chicken instead of boiling it into a gray mass
>add some sauce onto it
>wa la

retards convince themselves they can't add any calories via flavoring and end up bulking on slop just to be a golem that will end up giving up on fitness eventually anyway because they're making themselves so miserable
Poor people should not eat. Period.
>Chicken and rice dishes that are very healthy or have healthy variations
>arroz con pollo
That just means rice with chicken. And no, there's no specific way of preparing rice with chicken in latam or spain that would warrant calling it THE "arroz con pollo", unlike idk paellas or lomo salteado that have some specific preparations that are recognized as the "right" way of making them, with variations that are understood as departures from the original recipe.

why do gringos always try to use foreign words they have no knowledge about to make themselves look smarter and more worldly? are you that insecure about being bad at geography or something?
Becky appears to be the only one that understands portion control. And her house probably doesn't smell like shit. So I guess Becky's?
Becky > Ling Ling > Rosita
Throw Beckys meal in a broth and you got yourself a fantastic stew
>if it's an apocalypse scenario
If you've survived and most people are dead, you'll have access to a bounty of game, fish, and wild fruits and vegetables.
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There are some anons on here seriously coping with their inability to cook but all I’m saying is in my experience ladies love a man who can cook, versus one who cooks pigslop to just fill a hole.
No one here is attracted to women enough to improve themselves to the point obtaining a girlfriend. They want a mother that will clean up their disgusting habits while they stare at muscular men all day.
Seasoning is all full of lead because it all comes from 3rd world countries and those nigglets would sell their own mother poison to make a profit.

Here's which ones are considered to have a lower amount:
>black pepper, coriander, curry powder, garlic powder, saffron, sesame seeds, and white pepper.
So stick to those primarily I guess.

Also, I've heard that buying the base ingredient of the spice and grind it up yourself can prevent lead exposure, but I don't know if that's true for sure
Gym culture is literally masochistic humiliation ritual followed by reliving some weird past trauma

You faggots didnt start loving your body and health, you just hate yourself so much that you twisted it inside out
>bodybuilding isn’t about loving your body and health
look at einstein over here
Tabasco is the only seasoning I need. That shit was sent from the heavens to make anything taste good
Your projections made the armchair psychology all messed up, it's extreme endurance athletes that hate themselves.

Lifters hate the world and/or seek power to assert themselves on the world.
Tapatio for me
spices actually have a ton of benefits, healthwise and even lifting-wise. you are doing yourself a disservice by being such a retard
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Why is it always chicken? Ground beef isn't that much more expensive than chicken, same with eye of/top round. They typically go on sale or can be found discounted.
I always thought Tabasco was expensive, but it's cheaper than others like Cholula and El Yucateco.
Chicken breasts taste better in rice than ground beef does. Sorry dude I don't worship red meat like the cool modern internet kids.
They are poison, just check whats in paprica, garlic, chili etc.
Terrible for human consumption.

You destroyed your taste buds with spices already if your food doesnt taste perfect without.
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>they actually make you actually faster and actually stronger actually
Lol, sure thing pal.
>Chicken and rice dishes that are very healthy or have healthy variations (arroz con pollo,
>Floor is made out of floor
Lmao that was funny
Literally nothing wrong with it. Some people have damaged taste buds I guess.
People need to learn to make sauces that don't depend on oil, even sugar is fine since it's just carbs like the rice anyway. So a sauce might be onions sauce, sugar, vinegar, garlic, ginger and it will have practically no effect on your macros but you won't want to die from eating it.
Man you just made a fool of yourself

Well played
Rice cooker .jpg
>red meat

enjoy your clogged arteries
Nice bait
good work admitting youre too retarded to cook.

dont bother reply I wont read
>make sauces that don't depend on oil
It's as simple as using all the regular ingredients and not adding oil.

They'll will never do that though. Amerimutts love being fat diseased retards. They can't even admit it's their fatty greasy shit making them fat. They'll be afraid of sugar but eat pure sugar in the form of white rice.
>Every culture uses jarred/canned sauces exclusively, half of which come from the US the other half come from China.
What a clown.
It's overcooked. Otherwise completely fine.
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>Worst meat with the worst cut and the worst carbs and no seasoning at all
I don't care how it looks, I don't care how it tastes. I don't eat for pleasure but the one pleasure I experience from eating is when my hunger is satiated, which happens no matter what food I eat.
Anon Japan is technologically stuck in the 90’s
Thanks for the blogpost! Keep us updated
I eat like this and don't binge. I've lost 6kg in a month.
No need to be so bitter my fat binge eating friend
can I also eat your wife's asshole?
>You're supposed to be very offended because it implies American whites can't cook (they can't)
The guy in OPs pic is black.
>fit unironically eats this
>also fit: "wtf why am i binging?"
Omg meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I can't cook
AND I don't want to spend time cooking.
So I have to eat this shit all the time, which makes my life pretty miserable, and I almost puke when I eat it

But I don't care about being lean either, so I eat all the shit I can. I have a big belly, but people still see that I'm lifting. That's enough for me, I'm not in the victim weight range and I look intimidating, so I just eat whatever I want (along with the bland shit I need to eat for my gainz)
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对对对——我是一个白人。但是,我觉得很多人外欧洲和美国的想法也是“清淡菜”又好吃又健康的。请坐,慢慢吃这picrel的苦瓜炒蛋。 哈哈哈

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Not true or else I would already have them in my supplement stack
You're not wrong but...
>wa la
It's voila.
Put some rice in Rosita's and some soup and it's perfect
The majority of /fit/ and of people who lift as their personality have no other life skills, including cooking. In their tiny minds, the less you do to food, the healthier it is. This may be somewhat true, but they literally lack the mental capacity to use salt, pepper, etc. They reject sauces because of an assumption that all of it is bad rather than reading ingredients or creating their own from approved ingredients. Even the idea of "good ingredients" is too much mental effort beyond "chicken and unseasoned oats/rice/potato".

They're lazy retards, and people who eat this shit usually still look like shit despite defining their existence through lifting.
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Add some veggies, tomatoes, bit of oil. Then you have a tasty and soulful meal instead of a self-punishment. Is healthier as well.

There is a notion that because fast food is unhealthy then all healthy foods must be some kind of sensory self-punishment, it is masochistic.

Food can be healthy and delicious, appetizing as well. This is a result of viewing nutrition like some cold scientific fact and not a necessity of life and culture.
Just realised im chad blandpilled
>Give zero fuck about taste
>Just gulp some raw eggs when hungry
>Cant be bothered with seasoning
>For years ive been eating oats scrambled with eggs
>Insanely cost and time effective

suicidewatch tastemaxxers
>Preparation of food takes much longer
>Complains about any food he tries that is not optimal taste
>Can talk only about Taste
>Puts finger in his ass in his free time
its not bagged rice you faggot retard
haha this retard believes anything bugmen say you really are fuckin stupid
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My fucking brother, I also do this shit even though plebs call me crazy for it.

Also when I'm feeling lazy I throw frozen vegetables like peas into the rice instead of heating them in a separate pot.
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>Japan is technologically stuck in the 90’s
We're talking about glorious China.

Not America and it's numerous globohomo failed states
Sounds like autism, and a lack of cooking ability (only one of these can be helped)

Tbf, eat how you like... I enjoy cooking and eating good tasting food.
>add some crushed tomatoes
>add some broccoli
>sautee an onion or garlic with the chicken
>squeeze a lemon on the finished product

+50 calories
+50% nutrients
+50 seconds preparation
>-100% desire to McDonalds
>-100% desire to commit suicide

I know it's very difficult.

grug brain HURT!
Real shit.

I got into the swing of things counting macros and calories and decided to have a cheat meal about two weeks in. Ordered chink food and dug in. Highly processed, oil drenched shit, instantly regretted it. No strong desire for a cheat meal after that.

Can be done.

when you're healthy enough the urge to eat shitty food subsides
Unironically and uniliterally just add some salt and pepper, maybe some garlic
>I don't have 3 minutes to add seasoning and maybe cut up some veggies
This person has never cooked a decent meal in their life.
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this is real food
I remember someone here who said he doesn't use pepper because it ads calories
actual mental illness
>what sort of stupidity causes this?
Carb-brains, anon. Their brains run on carbs and because of that they are at a disadvantage. How can anyone eat that bland skinless chicken breast is beyound me.
Also it's easier and better to ngaf and wait until some family shindig to feel flavor "to your surprise" but not really becaz it's all planned beforehand to shock you. My mood is elevated enough as is. Do you need your tasty food all the time, little baby? Baby need flavor? Get a grip and only eat tastiness around others so they worship you, the you who they are cant believe enjoys tremendously what they greedily consume every day.
Except they eat far more meat than the rest of the world other than maybe the French and southern Europeans. I don't know where people get this idea that asians eat nothing but bowls of rice, yeah maybe fat poor people, koreans and japanese eat enormous amounts of meat because they haven't been infected by woke dietary ideologies like veganism.
Japs eat mostly carbs and small amounts of meat

cope + seethe + dilate
Truth. Nuke.
Broccoli or random salad is the way.
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>Eggs > chicken for protein
That meme takes me back
black guy here firstly kys inbred faggot second if you were a real pro racist you'd say the opposite you fucking retard.
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>Asians live and breath carbs
That's why they have skyrocketing obesity rates
Shut up with this weak bait
god this site is so fucking pointless
It's the same shit every goddamn day
90% of this board is just bot threads. The other 10% is people posting cats in the running thread.
Every thread that starts with a question in the title was written by a bot
Too much rice, the perfect amount is 0
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hello moxyte
The headline alone should lead you on a logical train of though that shows that your statement is disingenuous
It's a doggy dog world and we don't have the time to get everything correct all the time, you get what we're saying it's not rocket appliances
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Am I the only one that would rather eat this than pizza or a burger? Literally just put some lemon on it and it instantly becomes delicious.
Maybe it's because I'm not an american obsessed with spice.
>I'm not an american obsessed with spice.
So which one is it? This entire thread has been about how americans don’t use spices.
Youre exactly correct. Even regular old salt and pepper make a huge difference w chicken breast, esp if youre aeating it with rice. Make that shit salty (that salt is unhealthy is a myth started because niggers all get kidney disease - look it up. its fine if youre white) and its delicious.
Italian food is very low on spices. Indian, for example, sloppa is just a dozen ground spices plus tomato and yoghurt, the Italian equivalent tomato sauce is just tomato, onion, parsley, carrot, basil and maybe garlic.
>add some garlic mixed in manually with bit of salt while cooking
>use olive oil as base
>boil water with a bit of onion, bitta salt and nothin else, put the skinned chicken in. Let it cook.
It looks exactly the same as this meal, but tastes 1000x better. It dont take that much, and i could eat it everyday!
Yeah you enjoy sticking your finger up your ass too

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