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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
I start my week on Sunday
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Retaking the cardio pill after the scale clocked me at 240lbs post lift last week
Did 6 miles on the gym bike now I'm starving
How dare you >people let this thread get down to page 7
Really need to stay strong today. And every day. Yeah, stay motivated.

Good luck, anons.
taking a proper rest day today. I'm totally spent. been working out too hard I think for a newbie (even though I've been lifting for like 8 months by now kek). Might have a date soon with a pretty girl. Still missing my ex a lot though. But there is a pth forward for me and it is bright.
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Starting new job. Getting back into a proper daily rhythm. I will make progress on studying for my Technician License. I will be the crab that escapes the bucket.

Godspeed anons
Good work. Need to restart cardio myself after weight has climbed again. Keep it up!
That's it, man. Focus on the future!
Still waiting for the It's OHP Day! thread to arrive but I'm gonna do OHP anyway >:)

Good luck, anons
Had a pretty good weekend. My parents and sister went on vacation and I'm in charge of the house. For some reason I felt really productive and did groceries, cleaning out the trash, cooking and cleaning and doing laundry. It's boring stuff but it's good to keep busy doing useful stuff.
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I’ve begun to take practice tests and they’re not going well. But I need to stay strong and continue to study. It doesn’t matter where I am now, all that matters is where I am the day of the test. WAGMI!!!
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Good morning brothers.
I was away but now I'm back WAGMI
Its hot as fuck here finally, biking and sports every day in the sun. If youre a pale ass like me reminder to wear sunscreen.

Anyone have anything fun coming up for the summer? I'm finally going to get to go camping this weekend and I'm fucking hyped.
Nah though i shoulda found something to do. I might just go walk until i get lost somewhere. After using sunscreen, of course.
Forgot to post but the last few weeks were alright but last week was great. Finally got a fight scheduled in a few months though my cardio hasn't been to where I want it to be so I have to work on that. I'm being more consistant now but not as much as I'd like to with everything and my sleeps getting better as well. Looking forward to next week, let's see what happens
>Goals this week
Increase the frequency of my routine, study more fighters/artists as I've not been doing that at all for a while, stay consistant and read some books that have been collecting dust.
God speed to you too, anon.
Based as fuck, got to keep that in mind for the future. Keep studying hard CFA anon.
Sounds like a good time, I got nothing other then the usual.
WAGMI bros
Nice, glad to see someone following my excellent advice. Maybe look up some local hiking trails?

Me too

t. Seventh Day Adventist
>hiking trails
I gotta get outta the city first. This smog can't be good for gains.
Every week my mind keeps whiplashing between "I need to get out of this job" and "I could probably make it here". Its not the work itself, but I have a lot of anxiety over work I heven't felt at my previous jobs. I've only been here about 4 months, new jobs in my field are popping up, would it be impulsive of me to jump to a new job?
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yes the smog is awful for you, Imagine how good the light through foliage in clear air is right now.

Is there anything particularly redeeming about your current job? or are you just feeling like you should stay because your "supposed to".
Try to stay for a year
>Is there anything particularly redeeming about your current job? or are you just feeling like you should stay because your "supposed to".

A bit of both, I draw house plans for customers, but the attitude at my current company is way more corporate than my last job. I got laid off from my last one because of fucked mortgage rates which led to less people buying new construction, so I do feel like I need to stay here because leaving is a slight risk.
Ah I sympathize with that, Im in a similar situation where I've got a job that is very corporate/soul crushing, but its much better than anything else I could get without going back to school.

I would say pull the trigger on switching if it will be a big quality of life improvement.
What are you guys doing on summer holidays?
I have two weeks off and some money in the pocket but have no one to so something or going somewhere with.
I got a job and I'm steadily improving but my social life is still nonexistent and being over 30 I feel like it will always be like this from now on.
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>quit my job
Lets fucking go I guess...
>What are you guys doing on summer holidays?
Asking mt homegirls to buy me plus guest lists , no cash what so ever...
buy me beer*
Some tune because Im in shitty mood for last months and the only happy memories I have is my small gang of people who tried to be there for me up here and there when Im down...
Specially Sofia.
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[Update] Although I am still failing, I am still improving and learning day by day
Good man. Keep going.
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Brehs 120kg bench terrifies me
I need a spotter
What's the fucking point of improvement when you don't have a gf and no social life?
I ruin my body working and contributing to society for seemingly no good reason, maybe it's just neet thoughts creeping back but honestly I'm somewhat disillusioned with life.
I've got you bro. Warm and safe in my hands (spiritually).
Physically ask a jacked dude who talks to others
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Improvement is a hollistic life thing, not a lifting thing. Excercise, nutrition & rest are part of a balance lifestyle, but that's not all of it
-Cultivate & maintain positive social relationships. Humans are social creatures & require social interaction, be it a relationship, a community, a family, a network whatever. Our environment is not a savanah, it is a human society, it'll serve you very well in life to develop & refine your social skills & understanding of others
-Pursue & progress towards a meaningful goal. Your first & often hardest task is to find A goal you think is worth pursuing. Articulate it & then create a plan of some kind to get there, be it a 5 year monthly milestone breakdown or 5 min think through. Then most importantly willingness & discipline to consistently work to attain said goal, whatever it may be. It is better to whole ass 1 thing than half ass 2 things. Habit & routine is powerful & should be leveraged whenever possible. It is highly recommended you find enjoyment in the process rather than hinging your satisfaction on the result. imo you should be working towards something somewhere in your life most of the time.
While I believe nailing these things will solve 95% of problems for 95% of people have 95% of the time, none of this exists in isolation, it's all interdependent, life & people are messy. There is no universal step by step. "Just lift bro" is accurate for the obese neet with back issues but is meme for a homeless guy. "Talk to women" is accurate for the 43 yo virgin but meme for the gambling addict. If the answers were obvious then you wouldn't have a brain.
Life is long, you have enough time to do anything, but not enough to do everything. Not everyone will make it but anyone can, it is entirely possible to die having never achieved your dreams.
Got my yoga workout done early today
>inb4 gay, my flexibility is terrible and I don’t want to be a cripple in old age
Nice long walk, tomorrow get a shitty day out of the way then run and weight training.
Got a fun running event planned at the weekend with running bros
Dating Baseball girl dude here. She’s gone vegetarian/vegan cause now she has tummy issues. Gluten free is decently easy to plan around. Vegan/vegetarian. Is hard. She admits she craves meat and such. Problem is she can’t tell which sources give her issues and the allergy test didn’t help.
Still kind of want to make her exclusive this next date. Cause then I think she’ll open up more.
Fighting depression and anxiety (existencial crisis) everyday. But i will fight for a better tommorrow!
Currently getting check for an ankle tendonitis, this wont stop me!
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Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make jokes and post like life is cool and normal HAHAHAHAH well no one's fucking laughing. There's no fucking jobs, there's no fucking money,
no trust
no safety
no love
no forgiveness
no hope
no community
no morality
no thing
Technology fucking sucks and just makes things worse. The industrial revolution has destroyed day-to-day human life.

obliviousfags are worse than faggots, worse than trannies, worse than pedophiles, worse than libtards. Fuck you.
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>We're ALL gonna make it
Except for manlets, uggoes, cripples, the mentally ill/handicapped, the working and middle class, poobrowns, Asian “men”, norwooders, cocklets and this entire thread. Its over unless you’re 6’5 billionaire 10 inch cock uberchad unironically
Quit my job and dumped all my fake ass friends from there, starting anew and getting back into the gym. Been teaching myself python and I got another job already that pays better. even got more time to do my hobbies. WAGMI

Also, fuck you Alex. Fake piece of shit
>split with gf
>back pain too severe to work out
Was a pretty rough day bros, but we're still trying
When you meet a girl and things go well, you'll be glad you were in better shape. And if it never happens? Well, you'll be strong for when society collapses. Which is nice.
Seems like mental health problems are like pushing a boulder up a hill, sometimes. When do you get to stop? Ever? The boulder seems bigger today. Well, what can we do? Keep going. There's nothing else to do but make it.
Elimination diet. She could get by on bone broth, and then maybe some eggs or something. Slowly add things in. Unless she's just talking about a 'quirky' aspect to her personality and there's nothing actually wrong. Good luck, anyway.
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Congrats fren! You’re doing great!
I like how /MIS/ spawned some recurring characters. It feels comfy

We have CFA anon, Sisyphus anon, Woman ignorer anon, Brother anon. We even have the elusive rare spawn rate Autism anon. I think about you motherfuckers sometimes, and it goes to show, if some dude on a Mongolian basket weaving forum keeps you in his thoughts, then the people in your actual life, that you might think not care for you, probably do a lot more than you'd give them credit for

Cease, crabcel.
Remember to get some new friends along the way. Too much isolation for too long can create other problems.
Can you walk comfortably? Sometimes a walk in nature can help with the mental suffering. Though, for some people, too much time to think like that can lead to overthinking. Still, worth a try!
There's always someone who cares. Even if it's a random 4chan poster.
Tried going heavy on Bulgarian Split Squats for the first time (just 70lbs dumbbells but heavy for me) holy shit I haven't been so close to puking since my first month lifting.
BUT the feeling in my quads/glutes was sensational. Gonna definitely keep these in the rotation.
Nothing wrong with yoga, if you leave out all the mysticism bullshit.
Yoga is absolutely based if it's the more active kind and not the one where you just hold a stretch
I discovered that putting a pillow under your knees helps hip and back pain and holy shit it's like a cheat code. I've been doing stretches and the likes but just lying down like this is letting it relax and I could almost cry from relief.
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Finally saw a physical therapist for chronic neck pain from my /ic/ job.
Got dry needled and felt relief from pain that I didnt even know existed.
Whole body felt numb i was so relaxed.
We are so fucking back.
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As weird as it sounds, I think about you guys too. I enjoy your company even if it’s only for a couple of minutes a week. Although we will never know each other, I hope we all make it.

Today I saw a guy benching 240 for 2 sets of 5 reps. Instead of feeling discouraged or jealous, it makes me want to work hard so one day I reach that strength. I don't know if I can reach it in a year, but I want to try
>Passed over for a position at work today
>Package from ex gf that I still love was stolen off my porch

But I'm starting a new cycle of 5/3/1 this week so we're getting it
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You are far stronger than you can ever imagine. Keep pushing forward, eventually a beautiful tomorrow will arrive. WAGMI
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sorry to hear that, you'll get the promotion next time. good luck on your cycle!
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from the practice tests, you have clarity on the types of questions that you need to work on. it is an opportunity to assess your strengths and weaknesses. devote more time on your weaknesses and study hard on those questions. do some questions that you excel at, every now and then, to keep them sharp and remind yourself of your strengths. you have done it before, you will do it again CFA anon!

trainee anon here. started a new stage in my training with a new supervisor, it was recommended i trial them for a couple of weeks. they seem nice so far, but it's only been a few days; i won't see their true colours during the trial period, but i should not overthink it. i will re-assess and make a decision in a week or so. now i need to diligently work to fix up my issues that were flagged in previous stage of training. let's fucking go!
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Thanks for the kind words, trainee anon. Unfortunately, at this point it’s harder to spot my strengths than my weaknesses. I can’t even get 50% on the practice tests. However, I am gradually learning and improving. I just need to be ready by the exam date.

You have the right attitude - work on shoring up your own weaknesses. You can always improve. Good luck in your new stage! WAGMI!!!!!
I've been struggling to get gains because I've had inconsistent with the amount of lifting sessions per week, but my girlfriend said she's gonna start beating me for every session I miss so I think things are gonna be alright.
I gotta lock in
How can I become obsessed with my work (not wagie, actually personal projects)?I waste too much time and need to do more
You have to live it
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yes i am
cos i cant lose weight for shit
im eating far below my norm, tracking every cal, not eating slop\drinking even stopped to season my food since i cant lose 1kilo
im doing str training 4 times a week, 2 times legs, push and pull, im always sore, eating enough protein too, 45min cardio 4times a week and 7k-10k steps daily, guess what, im still 95kg at 178height for like 2months, and i was increasing my activity more and more and eating less and less
im at the end of my wits, i hate my life my body and everything else i just want to die, i dont want to even binge on slop or drink myself till i pass out or wahtever, im way past that i just want to end it because it seems i will never lose fat
did my steps in the morning fantasizing about being hit by car and dying instantly, just end it
She's also become more controlling over my dieting. I'm away right now so every time I fail to go to the gym or miss my diet goals she's been tallying it for when I get back. I have super bad focus and habit-forming issues and had parents who were completely lackadaisical and just let me rot in my room as a middle-high-schooler, so I'm pretty excited.

Actually hit 1/2/3/4 a while back from inconsistent bro-lifting, but have stalled since. She's gotten super into the gym the past year.
Okay so you were in a maintenance phase because you are eating more than you think. Doesn't mean you made zero progress, you're now probably stronger and slightly more muscular at least which lowers your bodyfat anyways. Stop being such a whiny faggot and start weighing your food.
do you want me to give you a screenshot where i eat 1600ccal daily for a whole week or what? obviously im tracking my shit
calculators say my norm is 2400 but its obviously fake, my norm is around 2k
Okay then stick to your program, you've only been at it 2 months and sometimes it can take a while for progress to show up. But yes, I don't believe you're actually eating 1600kcal and losing no weight. Maybe you're underestimating on what you do track about 10-15%, which is normal for a lot of people, and/or also not properly tracking stuff like oils used in cooking. Either way if your norm is like 2k you must really barely put any intensity into your lifts and walking. I am very slightly taller and once outweighed you but even now at ~90kg my sedentary maintenance is like 2400-2500 consistently.
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there you go, it outs me as a snowmonke, thats the reason why im not a fan of posting shit like this
pay no mind to colours, they suppose to mean shit like breakfast/dinner/etc but im eating once a day, recording stuff in random order after i take it off my scales
yes im weighting every meal, no idea why people think that for some reason people lie about their intake
Yep, that's certainly what you wrote down. Doesn't make it accurate.
at this point i think i will just stop eating, bad habit, who needs it anyway
Today i struggle again. Tomorrow i will do the same. I make it, one day at a time.

Stay motivated, anons.
>number on the scale doesn't move for 2 months
>might as well kms

Dude just stick to your program for a while longer and see how you look and see if the plateau breaks. If it still hasn't moved at least a couple pounds after 4 months I'd be concerned. Weightloss isn't about some temporary diet until you hit a goal weight or whatever, it's about consistent change of habits. Are you getting stronger? Even actual muscle growth takes at a minimum 3 months for any measurable growth at all, and more for actually visual growth. You're being impatient.
Maybe you have a thyroid problem or something. Though, you should still be losing some weight.
i guess i just eat even less, like 1400 or something
dont think i can push myself harder, im ready to puke after every gym sesh, walking for like 2h daily, my legs and hips are sore af after, for cardio using cycle machine, doing like 45-60mins at 120 heart rate 4times a week
i guess i just need to train harder, no idea what im doing wrong, like sure im getting a bit stronger i guess i can go on longer and lift heavier but i guess im not even on my beginner phase or whatever, years sitting on my ass are biting back
whatever, thx for advice
I don't know what health care is like in your country, but maybe you could have some tests done? And you gotta understand people are gonna be confused reading your posts. If you're really putting in that much effort on the stated calories, you really should be losing weight. It's not like you're magically generating energy from the air around you.

Good luck, anyway
Thanks anon, I walked off 1000 calories with a pedometer, didn't help the mental stuff but its easier on the back

Also breakup bros get in here
greetings and felicitations, /MIS/, i'm writing this with a hellacious chest pump so excuse the spelling errors. On thursday, a literary journal featuring my short story will be published. i wont say which one cus it uses my real name but I'm pretty stoked for it, I'll be entering a local competition as well so let's hope they like it.
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Im going to try and squat 120 lbs by the end of the week
Congratulations! It must feel great to have your work praised! I'm not going to look for it, but could you explain one of the conflicts in it?
a good man trying to find a job who regrets having to leave his kids and distant wife alone for so long, all I'll say.
Long short story I was a NEET for many years and now I have a job that I've been doing for a couple months, anyway most of my coworkers get annoyed at me because I'm somewhat of a clumsy retard that can't remember what I did yesterday or take initiative to do anything because my brain is fried from being alone all the time doing nothing for years.

Is there a way to fix this or am I fucked?
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I'm going through it too man; the people self-centered attention whores and don't have the brain matter anymore to see the obvious collapse and global conflict
>Great gf
>Light hearted, charismatic
>Gym and close friends
Now I'm isolating myself and my passions are evaporating. There's just no economic future for our generation, until we have a savior it's just us, we'll make it anon
I've totally fucked my life over for the last 6 months. I lived a mediocre life, and I lost it. I have nothing, I am nothing anymore.
I don't know if it's over, but I will embrace my failure to be born anew.
I just want to feel alive once more, to radiate like a living sun rather than live as a husk of a human being
I will make it anons, and so will you
I hope you make it anon, it's been a rough year for a lot of us
Just finished being at my sisters wedding. I’m proud of myself for going. Didnt feel all that bad being around my mother and father, almost felt like old times from before they split up. I rode in the car with them. They were driving me insane at certain points and doing shit that was pissing me off and annoying the hell out of me but it wasn’t that bad.
The in law family was all chill too, except MIL that bitch is fucking annoying. Feel bad for her ex husband, apparently it was their first time in the same room together in 20 years. They did not acknowledge each other. And I understand why if I hated being within 5 feet of the woman.

My sister wants me to go hang with her and her new husband at an arcade with husbands brother and sister in law and his best friend.
I don’t know if I can do it. What I did today was a lot for me. My social battery feels totally depleted. My sisters guilting me. All because her j.a.p. kike best friend decided to go on a vacation during her wedding day and can’t go. Hate that bitch so much she’s done way worse and idk why my sister is her friend at all other than having grown up together. I can’t be in the same room as that roach so it’s probably for the best (gonnacall her a kike to her face over bullshit she’s done to my sister in the past, if I detailed youd all tell me to do more than verbally assault).

I’m not even that close with my sister anymore and she’s been less than okay to me at times in our life idk why I have to go. I don’t want to. I have no desire to leave my house at all today anymore. I feel wiped out. I wish I wasn’t like this. I’d say social anxiety isn’t really as much the case like it used to be, I just genuinely find being around other people exhausting. I feel like I just ran a 5k and then maxed out on deadlifts. I wish I was an extrovert and I hate when introvert is thrown around so easily but it’s undeniable. I do shit like go hiking camping and hunt or fish solo and I love it
Oh and just to clarify my point, I think it’s complete horse shit I should be the one who gets guilted when it’s her shitty friend who was supposed to be the one going. Hate that cunt so much.

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