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Dr Now edition

/fast/ing general
What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

Snake juice:

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?


>any more info?

>Doesn't salt make you explode?



>Fung talks and lectures:


Previous thread:
Breaking 72 hour fast tomorrow morning boys, feels good!
dead link
Gonna be breaking my first 72 hour as well later today, honestly wasn't that bad
I broke mine at 48h so I could eat up the freeze dried ice cream that was taunting me for weeks. Then I ate a chicken salad to round out my breakfast. The leaner I get the easier fasting gets time to go for 96h+.
If I create the next OP I'll update, I assume(?) it's supposed to be this.
> The leaner I get the easier fasting gets time to go for 96h+.
keep up the positivity, and absolutely try a 96 if you can, but i will say the leaner you get the more the pangs will get until you’re used to that. just beware and take it slow
t. ex alcoholic round faced fat ass that now has feint abs and his gfs friends checking me out
Heh actually this 48 was recess from the 96s I just rolled back to back 3 or 4 times.
thanks bro
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welp, there's a month. think I'm done for now. still want to do another fast though but I guess I'm taking a break
I fixed my computer yesterday. The stress is gone. Time to finally fast again. I'm going until I drop back under obese since my weight has only gone up this last month.
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you can't eat if you give your oshi all your money
unexpected side benefit of going OMAD: suddenly my shitty cooking tastes way better. Hunger really is the best spice
>can't season/spice his food to make OMAD super incredible
Is skipping breakfast a good gateway to this shit?
I don't want to make snake juice. So my question to you /fast/, are those powder electrolyte drinks good enough, and how much of that shit should I drink every day?
Because my last fast felt hellish.
Allright lads 26 hrs in, getting quite hungry, but I need to LEAN out.
Thats really babbys first intermittent fast. If you are ultra weak start with that for a week, if youre not a complete faggot just go one day without food (from dinner to dinner)
that's basically how it starts yeah. skip breakfast and you're pretty much doing entry level IF (as long as you're not snacking throughout the day)
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>40 hour fast after two 36 hours fasts
>stinging sensation under left pec and left bicep after refeeding
Am I really having a heart attack over fucking brisket?
Does anyone have that picture of how to fast based on body fat %?
The one that went from rolling 72s, 48s, etc
36 hours is not enough time to cause refeeding syndrome.
Yeah it's my pec. I can feel it hurting when I do pull ups
I think the issue is the artificial sweeteners can cause a blood sugar spike which will ruin your fast. Idk how much you,, but if it was "hellish" then try to experiment and see if it will at least make your fast tolerable. If you notice diminished results from your fast, then switch to snake juice or tough it out. Some anons report building a tolerance for not needing snake juice after several fasts so just keep at it and take note of what your body is telling you and how deep into the fast it happens.
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question for you fasters, its not fasting BUT its 7 hours between meals which my fat ass is not used to so it might as well be
>eat ~200 cal breakfast at 6 AM
>get super fucking hungry at around 11
>still majorly hungry by 1 when i eat lunch
>eat my lunch (~500 cal) in 20 min (wagie lunch break)
>headache for the rest of the afternoon
what causes this? how the hell do i avoid it?
Could be hypoglycemia.
Try actually fasting for a few days and you'll probably find it's not nearly as horrible as whatever you think it is.

Also, have you taken any normal headache medication like ibuprofen/Tylenol? That would be my first choice
I lost a good 25lbs while fasting and while I feel phenomenal, going back to heavy free weights has increased my appetite significantly, to the point where going back to fasting is proving difficult. How do you all fast while working out? I used to do rolling 48s, and I do not want to fast on days I lift.
>That would be my first choice
>My first choice would be silencing the symptoms so I can continue harming my body.
how the fuck can a blood sugar spike ruin a fast. how the fuck does artificial sweetener cause your blood sugar to spike? where the fuck does the sugar come from? do you know people with diabetes monitor these levels? if artificial sweeteners caused your blood sugar levels to change, then diabetic people couldn't consume them. are you a fucking moron? did your mother drop you on your head? why do so many morons come into these threads? no, artificial sweeteners do not have calories. fasting is when you don't consume calories. retard
Do any of you get a rash when you go into ketosis? I always get minor rashes around my nipples, under my arms and around my belly button.
I don't fast while working out. fasting drops so much weight you shouldn't need to do it much once you hit ideal weight
just to be clear if i train during a fast it should basically be at deload levels of work and intensity, yes?
im perplexed how it would, considering that when i didnt eat i was fine, just hungry, but after i ate (did have some fruit + chicken n veggies), giving my body sugar, i was having a headache
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i understand your apprehension towards meds and that if your body is giving you distress signals that its probably in distress, but sometimes our bodies are fucking stupid and we need to use our brains and logic to override them
>"im thirsty! we need a sugarslop drink to rehydrate!"
have you considered plain water? >drinks plain water
>"oh hey we're not thirsty anymore. no need for sugarslop!"
Bumping for this
Yes, it's prurigo pigmentosa aka keto rash. There is nothing I've tried that works to fix it other than eating carbs again.
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i do want to try 24 hour fasts but i am legitimately worried about losing my concentration and constantly thinking about food (happened around 11 today) as well as being lethargic since my job requires me to pay near-constant attention at all times (veterinary nurse). i figure i should do them on my days off to start so i get a better idea of my reactions.
i dont mind taking meds but if this shit happened on a day i planned on going out drinking with the bros and i took a tyenol without thinking id get pretty annoyed lol
Oh, never mind.
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>60 hour dry fast
>scrambled eggs and some beef patties
>30 hours in on the next dry fast
>11 lbs down in 4 days

you faggots wish you had my willpower
>you faggots wish you had my willpower
I wish I were stupid enough to try dry fasting.
While this is very supportive of you, it doesn't actually answer my question.
done plenty of dry fasts, longest was 120 hours
never had any problems whatsoever
faggots just cope because they're weak
>never had any problems whatsoever
I bet you don't exercise during those fasts.
no shit, you don't exactly have a surplus of energy on a dry fast
You should exercise during fasting, at least if you care about muscle mass. No wonder it's easy; if you barely move, thirst can be tolerable for much longer.
yea well i'll worry about my muscles after i lose my tits
Fair point.
I found Dr Now on Cameo. He will call someone fat for a small fee.
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I’m like 40 hours in, just took mother in law to supermarket. I just read the backs of packets of food to look at all the horrible ingredients and feel justified in not eating for 3 days
Go till break time and then go till lunch when that gets easy
IF is 99% broscience. It makes it easier for many people to limit calorie intake, that's about the only thing that everybody can agree on
I dunno I had some sugar free soda during my fast and it didn't matter one bit. biggest thing was keeping up with my salt
>Eyes can tell the brain it's not sugar
>Brain says its not sugar
>Tounge taste something sweet and tells the pancreas it's sugar
>Pancreas says it's sugar
Guess which one doesn't give a fuck about what's real sugar or not?
>Pancreas releases glucagon to tell the liver to get it's ass in gear and convert glycogen to glucose and also insulin to signal to stop burning fat and to anticipate a bunch of sugary sweets that the body is about to consume

I wish your mom dropped you on your hands so I wouldn't need to see your post.
Would it be a bad idea to have my OMAD in the morning? I've been having it in the evening but my hands are getting shaky at work
>Would it be a bad idea to have my OMAD in the morning?
No. I eat in the morning.
Apparently in the soviet union a gulag denizen accomplished a 9 day dry fast in protest
>60 hour dry fast
60 hours is like 2.5 days, let's round it to 3 days just for the fun of it
>average amerimutt calorie intake is like 2500 calories
>2500x 3 = 7500
so in 3 days you barely lost 1kg of fat = zero progress
>30 hours in on the next dry fast
that's like 3000 calories and who is to say your scrambled eggs and beef patties didn't already cross that considering fat 9g > 4g Carbs

all in all, besides water weight and glycogen, you lost barely 1 kg of fat
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Day 34 boys (hour 829), going to 40.
I feel ok, doing minor lifting.
Also walking at least 8-10km a day
I feel fine right now, it gets toughest late at night.
not really, work any type needs fuel, moving it to morning has literally no effect on you losing weight, but it will have an effect on your performance, if u have your OMAD in the morning, you will do perform better at work, feel tired af in the evening, get good sleep, it's literally optimal for the working man
when you say "dry fast" do you guys mean no liquid too? Because if that's what you mean then I straight up don't believe the guy who claimed 120 hours
there's two types of dryfast
hard and soft
>hard: no liquids, no contact with water (showers), brushing teeth et cetera
>soft: no liquids
I personally think it's a fucking meme and it's been pointed out the difference between normal and dry fasts is utterly miniscule
My alcoholic mother is drinking again. God grant me strength.
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>picrel is me after fasting 36 hours
>I still weigh over 260lbs
this lifestyle isn't for me
Probably not entirely fast related but when should I drink coffee so it doesn't give me horrible liquid shits?
Is it happening because I'm drinking it on an empty stomach and it just evacuates everything waiting to get out from the days before?
It's a pain because I enjoy the taste and it helps suppress hunger for a good long while. I can fast without it but I'd like to figure out a way to keep drinking a little bit at least.
Some months I have no trouble doing rolling ADF. Other months I get to the end of the day and end up gorging on garbage until I'm at or over my TDEE. No clue what causes my discipline to disappear.
Went from 245 to 200 in around 4 months. Have yo-yo'd from 200-205 the past 3 months. Just want to get back to 175lbs. Just need to stop being a retard.
Well if your coffee is doing that to you whenever you drink it doesn't it suggest you have an intolerance to it? So regardless you'll get the shits... my advice can only be drink the coffee at the least inconvenient time to get the shits (near a bathroom and carry wetwipes)
What can anyone say except try to stay strong, i blocked the IP addresses of any and all food takeout places I could order from, and my online bank also allows me to block them. So If I wanted to binge on fast food I'd have to fuck around with my router, my bank and then order it, which is a pain in the ass, so I didn't do it.
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pulling random numbers out your ass that make zero sense to cope with the fact that you are in fact one of said faggots originally referred to

please rope
benefits of a 48 hour vs 72 hour fast? doing it to give my body a proper reset and detox from quitting smoking faster, I'm currently 47 hours in and I'm weighing up whether it's worth doing another day or not
I think autophagy peaks around the third day (72 hours) so if cmyou can, might as well push for it
That snake juice recipe... isn't it 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp potassium chloride, 1/2 tsp baking soda per liter of water?
Yeah keep going I’m at 56 hours myself, I’ll be going until about 85 hours. Feeling really good actually.
more protein

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