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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chunky Cuties who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74652750
I ate 1000 calories over my usual 1600 limit yesterday at a cookout. Should i eat a bare minimum today to try and recoup that? Or should i eat close to my daily allowance to get enough protein.
Just walk 7-8+ miles.
if you're consistently working out then one day of 1000 extra calories probably isn't gonna kill you. Just don't do it again.
Doing 48s. Possibly ate too much on refeed. I'll start limiting my portions. And fuck the pizza place I ordered from. Not ordering from there again.
Progress is still coming consistently. 170 or so days until 200lbs.
Is 1200 too low for a fat ass guy to eat daily? I know it's for women but I'm 183cms tall and currently weigh 137 kilos. I've been doing it for about a month and the only negative side effect I'm feeling is I'm slightly more hungry but I can pretty easily ignore it. I'm just wondering if it's an issue long term healthwise because I'm really liking how well it's working and don't want to go back up.
eat less today, then continue same schedule tomorrow
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Weighing myself before and after taking my morning piss amazes me every time.
It sounds pretty low to me but I don't know what I'm talking about.
Is feeling colder and sadder part of dieting?
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>starve for 48 hours
>eat a whole ass pizza
do fastards really?
A lot of fasting has got to be fats making up for binging. I've known a lot of guys who do it, myself included. It's dumb if you binge then fast over and over again but fasting to make up for a binge or even in anticipation of a binge every now and then isn't that bad.
Fastards really do
4 days ago I was finally under 160, today I am back to 160.
I can’t deal with these fluctuations, man. It’s so discouraging.
I know the numbers trend down, but in the moment it just feels like I am stuck in some hellish purgatory.
crazy isn't it, you lose literally zero bodyfat during 48 hours fast, even if you are a fat motherfucker who needs 3500 calories of maintenance, you'll still come short like 700 calories
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Femanon here. I was hit on by a middle aged neighbour last night. He knew me since March. There was a huge power gap between us. I'm a legal adult but my parents don't allow me those right since I'm autistic. He tried to help me but he also mocked me. He mocked me for being chubby and having facial hair to the point of tears. His mom when they came later was kind to me. We chatted about healthj since then. He asked me on walks. Last night he asked me to go on a night walk and finally said "take a chance. I'm not a 10/10 but close. want to be my secret summer gf?" I was disgusted at the power imbalance. But most of all how he had insulted me to the point of tears but still hit on me.

I hate being chubby. It's the perfect spot to still be attractive "enough" but insecure "enough". I considered becoming obese so I'm invisible to them, not just "attractive enough". But I can't break my habits of a month now, habits really are life.

But I hate it. I hate they and someone else online who viciously flipped on me who was insecure over his own weight and insulted me for not wanting to send him weight loss pics because I don't want "help and the truth" targeted me like that.

I wish they'd just die. I already plan to sue the online creep. I should have known the irl neighbour was hurting me when I myself said it made me slip into ED and buy a crash diet.

If anyone here thinks I'm a fat bitch I don't mind. I'm finally working on it after a lifetime of my obese mother ruining my life. Better to insult than insult and neg.

I hope when I become fit and confident these creeps stay away. It seems so hard, with all these supplements and workouts but I'm sticking to CICO atm.

To any redpill loser here, die. You can only go for vulnerable women since secure women don't want you and even those women don't want you.

Sorry for the blogpost, but that's what it's like being female and having creeps take advantage of fat insecurity especially when they themselves are insecure.
Lmao you're autistic that's for sure
What blood tests should I do to see if I have nutritional deficiencies or things that make weight loss harder? Full blood test, anything specific? Also get thyroid, pituitary and adrenals tested.
This reminds me of the anon that hates their mom just because their mom didn't feel it was her responsibility to remind anon that unhealthy things are unhealthy
>Be fat autistic insecure piece of shit
Grow up child
Lol, thanks I guess. Maybe I should trannymax too so men stay away and it's easier to lose weight.
My mother is a landwhale lmao. And even if I wasn't retarded hitting on someone like that is still rude. Why not just say you hate fatties and be done with it?
Down 11 lbs in a week since starting diet. It's water weight right?
thank you miku
>I hope when I become fit and confident these creeps stay away.
>pizza is 7000 calories
My weight loss doesn’t feel “real” to me, if that makes sense.
I’m overweight and I’ve lost 16 pounds, but in my head it still just feels like a flook.
Like any day now I’m just going to stop losing weight despite doing everything the same.

Does this feeling ever go away?
Fatty Contest
majority of people fall into 1500-2000 calorie range, even fatties, because fat requires less maintenance, fasting for 48 does nothing if you eat a pizza after, no different that bulimia
because you have to take into account what fatties do before fasting, they gorge themselves
I bought electrolytes.
It's what the plants crave
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>Post last Monday about how I have been eating keto 1600-1650 calories a day for 3 weeks and the scale has basically stayed stuck at 252Lbs (even going up to 254 the first week.)
>Someone suggests the TDEE calculator I'm using isn't accurate, which is definitely possible, although I believe I should still be losing weight eating 1600ish calories a day around 250 pounds
>Since I had been barely exercising, decide to start walking at a steep incline on the treadmill everyday for 30 minutes to burn 200 calories (treadmill says 240, but I'm lowballing it), hoping this might boost my metabolism and break the plateau
>Had weighed myself last Tues as well, and I was 251Lbs, so I thought maybe things were starting to pick up again
>Step on scale today
To be fair, I ate dinner really late last night, around 11pm or so (about 1.1k calories and almost 1.5Lbs of food) and also drank a half gallon of water and a few cups of chamomile tea before I went to bed. I also woke up pretty early and I haven't taken a shit (I even felt a little constipated last night after dinner, so I had an additional glass of warm water with 2 tsps of salt, hoping that would function as a laxative, but it didn't, and I'm wondering if it caused a ton of water retention) so I could totally see how I'm holding onto like 4-5Lbs, but holy shit this is frustrating. I did do a 6 day waterfast before starting Keto, where I went from 268 to 252, so I'm not sure if the stalling is related to this previous rapid weightloss, but I feel like any sort of plateau that would have caused should be over a month later.
Depends on how fat you are
You are eating more than you claim, just accept it you stupid fatty and eat less.
Bros i've been eating only 1cal a day for the last 6 months and havn't lost any weight....... how can this be happening? I'm totally not lying at all
thoughts on ozempic?
thank you moeblob
Kill yourself immediately.
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Also a femanon
Not victim blaming but was he actually bullying you or did he point out something ur insecure about thinking it was light teasing and then react shittily to your reaction? Because boomer men are really insensitive about that kind of shit so he may think he did nothing wrong and you were having a bad day lashing out at him.
Also i know you dont like him that way but he really isnt even worth your time and consideration. Never hang out with a man who obviously puts you in the sleeper category.
Idk if hes asking you to help him cheat on his wife or hes just one of those retards who wants to be "mysterious. " As a young fembot i fell for the stupid lies of the second type so i can say both are absolute red flags telling you this is a bad person who doesn't view you as a person. Not even worth keeping a courtesy relationship with.
And for facial hair, consider sugaring. It normalized by the time i was 25 after cutting down the carbs and losing some weight, but when i was younger and fatter i tried waxing, sugaring, and shaving. Sugaring definitely had the best results.
Good luck on weight loss~
Get on it if you can and can afford it. No reason not to.
The people who make these stupid charts should be executed.
Like I said last week, no I'm not, unless nutritional labels, package weights and my own foodscale are wrong. Here is what I ate yesterday
>3 eggs cooked in 1/2 tbsp butter: 260 calories
>180 calories olives
>10 oz broccoli: 110 calories
>16 oz 93% lean ground beef (cooked with no oil / butter): 680 calories
>7 oz Feta cheese: 420 calories
1650 calories total. This is pretty much what I eat everyday with minor variations (no cheese, more eggs, chicken thighs instead of ground beef, etc...)
I don't see why you feel the need to gaslight. I understand people are prone to underestimating caloric intake, but that doesn't mean it's always the case. I'm not excluding anything from my diet and, like I said, unless the measuring tools and nutritional labels are seriously flawed, I have no reason to believe I'm eating more than I claim.
You are lying
This image is fucking retarded. It makes incels look rational and moderate, Jesus Christ.
are you male or female?
if male, then maybe it's just a pure medical issue, but if you're female I'd consider looking into your cycle and adjusting food intake/exercise routine during the month based on that.
Nope. It's unfortunate you think a worthwhile use of your time is being a cynical gaslighter on an anime fitness board, but it is what it is. The same diet that has caused a static weight for weeks with a sedentary lifestyle wouldn't suddenly lead to a 2-3Lb gain in a week where I introduced cardio exercise. I don't even know why I'm bothering explaining things to a shitposter, I wish I could get some relevant insight from anons who may have experienced similar fluctuations.

I'm a 6ft tall male in my mid 20s. I've never had any medical issues that have prohibited weightloss in the past, so I'm hoping I haven't developed one. I'll probably check the scale on Friday/Saturday. I do think this may just be a result of weighing myself much earlier (previous weigh ins have been around 2-3pm or so, today it was 10:30am. I don't eat or drink anything before weighing) and having eaten 1.5Lbs of food while drinking probably 3/4th a gallon right around midnight, including a big glass of salt water.
>Claims to eat at a deficit for weeks
>Gains weight
You can't be this stupid
I ate 10 out of 30 days in June, and on those days I only ate 1 meal.
I lost 15lbs and a ton of bloating went away. My gf was astonished, and then got angry because the fasting totally killed my libido and performance in bed. I didn't fuck her for about 2 weeks and she went mental.
I did a bit of a refeed and fucked her brains out for a week, now I'm going to fast again through the rest of July. I have another 30ish pounds to go till I'm where I want to be at.
Other benefits I noticed were that it fixed my gut issues, and my skin cleared up also. The fatigue is real and just cant be avoided, but I went on a 30-45 minute walk every day and that sort of helped.
So far this is the only real 'system' that has worked really well. It was brutal at first, the hunger was painful mentally and physically. I had a couple sleepless nights where I decided it wasn't going to happen and just made some black coffee and worked on my computer instead to distract myself.

Fasting is really the only way guys. I don't know what to tell you other than that it's super obvious it's how we evolved/were designed. You can easily live off your fat, and it's fine.
None of this happened
I also think theyre cringe but as a fembot this particular one with the accompanying video did end up helping me understand why i had such a bad time in all my relationships before i met my husband. The sexes really dont understand each other so the feedback i got from my female friends at the time was quite bad mostly consisting of terrible mindreading "trying to get him back", completely missing the fundamental point that "these guys weren't dating me because they liked me, they were dating me because they liked having the status of having a girlfriend"
it all happened, it it wasn't remarkable
On mounjaro, same shit as ozempic+another semiglutide slowing down digestion. Upped the dose to 2nd lowest on friday. I went to the store andhad no desire to buy food, bought a dinner I usually get due to lack of cravings. By the time I cooked it I still didn't really want to eat it, only did because I didn't want to throw it away. Had trouble finishing one fucking meal and still feeling bloated.
>What is water weight and retention
>What is body adjusting after a 6 day fast where 16 pounds were lost
You are this retarded.
You're the one gaining weight on a 'deficit' retard.
>No reason not to.
side effects, unknown long term health effects on humans, emerging health effects in long term users, strange effects on fat retention zones (ozempic face)

if a person can handle fasting / not eating as much on their own, they have no reason to use it
it should be a last resort drug for mentally ill fatfucks with no hope
instead of eating at a deficit, simply stop eating
if you need 'power' for work then chug a zero sugar redbull every 4 hours and some electrolytes and deal with it
try to gain muscle to boost your metabolism. Working your arms and core would help(baby steps, it's not easy to start from nothing. pushups/crunches/planks are good to start, and don't hurt yourself, just do equal to or more than you did the day before). If you stick to this and your diet, and you're not medically unable to lose weight, you'll lose weight. And, in the end, you'll feel better even if you can't lose weight. best of luck anon o7
Q: why do fat faggots go berserk when you suggest fasting as a viable method to reach their goal?

A: because food is an addiction for them, not simple sustenance. The eat to release dopamine and to alleviate stress. Suggesting they stop eating entirely is akin to suggesting a drug user abstain from their substance of choice in order to get more healthy. This is also why ozempic works so well, because it fixes the mental component of food addiction.
Basic fat people stuff - lipid panel, A1C
You could also get a nutrition blood panel that tests for a ton of vitamin levels and stuff and heavy metals etc and then get on supplements accordingly
>unknown long term health effects on humans, emerging health effects in long term users
As that anon said, no reason not to, what you don't know or are imagining is not reality. It was approved in 2017. There have been studies up to 4 years. It was designed and approved as treatment for beetus, aka something meant to be taken forever
Next you're gonna bitch about losing the effect when coming off it, not understanding how that's a point against long term health effects
from personal experience, fasting sucks ass and doesn't work, and makes you fixate harder on food throwing you into binges when you're at the end of your rope.
source: Fasted for a month eating a handful of carrots once a day with water, lost 20 lbs in a month, felt like shit the entire time, ruined my sleep + focus, perma-fixated on food and rebounded the next month gaining it all back.

Ozempic keeps food in your intestines longer, backing you up, which means that you don't get signals for hunger and eating anything literally fills you past capacity. How does being empty from a fast = ozempic? it literally does the opposite and worsens hunger.
Is it true that SSRIs make people fat? How does one combat this?
>American hours come round
>The endless shitposting begins
The more you deviate from high protein, high volume + calorie counting, the more mad this thread gets. Cheat days are also sacrosanct here, you can do cheat days and cheat meals but if you mention fasting you will receive hostile replies.
90% chance you're not accurately tracking your food
10% chance you're eating way too much salt and retaining water

You having any puffiness or swelling in your ankles?
>strange effects on fat retention zones (ozempic face)
Ozempic face happens to anorexic celebrities who abuse Ozempic to get even thinner lol. Fat fucks actually need to lose tons of fat from their faces.
>Is it true that SSRIs make people fat?
wellbutrin actually suppressed my hunger. However it didnt manage to kill my depression
ive taken SSRIs (zoloft) in conjunction with antipsychotics and gained more than 30kg in less than a year
Fasting is poorly received here because the threads are full of very obese people who need a complete lifestyle change to commit to these changes for life
Fasting for life is not viable to most people, and if their weight loss tactic is not something that they can keep up in perpetuity they will probably eventually slide back
Regular meals with portion control of healthy foods is definitely the most upkeep-able way to get there
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I am now getting tentative mires. I'm like a few kg away from my final form too. Feels good. Also I have a fuckton of energy.
It's worth it /fat/.
It can't force food inside of you but many do have increased appetite as a side effect
If you're weary of that you can ask the psych for one of the meds that has a lower chance of it
But just stay on top of it, it doesn't magically make you gain, just want to eat more
hello i am well trained, 5-6 days lifting per week for the past 2 years. however i'm quite tall and overweight.

i plan on cut until 200lbs
my current stats are 380lbs and 6"4'

i plan on eating 4 meals a day, with two real meals and two shakes with whey and oats which total around 142g each of protein and carbs and 57g fats. 1688 calories.

i will cut my lifting back to 4 days a week to account for less energy and more recovery.

is my diet sufficient or is it too low for my needs?

thank you.
I didn't count calories cause my grandmas 70th birthday came up and I didn't want to be the weird guy counting calories and today I didn't go to the gym cause I fell into a manhole and my left knee feels weird.
This is my confession.
I gave up and started lifting weights way more often with the intention of turning my surplus cals into muscle .

Got really good results i weigh more than I did when i started lift but look much better
SSRI fuck you up mentally though. They should be outlawed and only administered to terminally suicidal patients and even in that case there should be alternatives.
Ozempic face is just extreme weight loss face, watch any weight transformation video and they go from looking youthful in the face (and mega obese) to droopy and years older but much more healthy overall
Sucks, but way she goes. We did it to ourselves
>5-6 days lifting per week for 2 years
Something doesn't add up
Guys should I join the gym? I am fat.
But i got a running machine and an olympic weight bench at home. But I got nobody to spot with and not a lot of space to exercise in. The gym i used to go to is offering me 40% off for 3 months. what do you think? it's full of stupid girls taking selphies and very very stinky men. But its cheap af and 24x7
It's usually fine as long as you don't miss doses or try to stop cold turkey
Some people genuinely do need them, the problem is they're over-prescribed when in most cases the real need is a lifestyle change - expecting to be happy and satisfied with a shit life isn't rational, if you're life's shit you need to fix what's making it shit not treat the rational feeling you get from it
It's an overall problem with medicine, treating symptoms instead of the underlying issue
You're gonna feel miserable, I'm 6' and 320lbs right now, down from 350lb, if you go below 2000kcal and 180g of protein a day while trying to keep up a regular weightlifting routine at a similiar size you're going to be fucked, like really fucked. I'm talking constant inflamed joints, trigger finger and being sleepy all day even after getting 12 hours of sleep. I speak from experience, I tried a 1200kcal diet initially then raised it to 1600kcal but it's just too much of a deficit.
I bought a bunch of konjac noodles (because they were cheap)
any good protein recipes with them?
found a keto ramen recipe with steak, dont care about keto so might throw some extra carbs and protein in there
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My dude you are a hamplanet. Forget about lifting you're gonna die if you don't lose weight.
>my current stats are 380lbs and 6"4'
Have you just been bulking constantly for the last two years? You're way past "overweight" btw you're firmly in the realm of morbid obesity. Get on Ozempic and start getting in 20k steps per day, worrying about lifting and protein intake when you are so disgustingly fat is comical.
being strong does not necessarily mean thin. i can deadlift 200kgs, bench 90kgs, military press 60kgs, low bar squat 140, high bar squat 100, pendlay row 100. leg press over 300kgs.

i'm just mentally ill and eat 4000+ calories due to untreated adhd and depression.
Try massively obese
I bought an stationary bicycle, tried it out for the first time yesterday, ass and inner thigh sore after 30 minutes.

How does it take for the body to cope with this pain?
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>90kg bench
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>bench 90kgs
>getting blood tesf for ozempic
>realize thing i ate false positives for meth
i don't powerlift, that's for 4 sets of 10 larsen style (legs off floor, flat back)

(and i'm probably a foot taller than you which makes benching quite a bit more difficult since i don't have t rex arms)
These numbers are all over the place lol
I plan to do rolling 6 day fasts starting in the fall, and through the end of the year. I'm currently studying for a graduate program exam, and my score will be very important in determining if I'm a competitive candidate for top schools or not. I tried to see if fasting was compatible with studying, but I scored much lower on a practice exam at the end of my 6th day fast (70th percentile, whereas I'm usually testing in the 90th-95th percentile). It's entirely possible fasting wasn't to blame for that, but I feel more tired and less attentive after a few days of not eating, so I'm not going to chance it. Would rather just eat keto for now so I can put my best foot forward.

Thank you, anon. I'm planning to start a weightlifting program today. An anon in a previous thread was kind enough to find and recommend a good beginner program that can be done with dumbbells only.
You are weak as shit lmao you fat piece of shit
This genuinely feels like a fatlifting false flag. No one can possibly be that stupid.
Basically any fatty could do those numbers day 1 in the gym. You can only move that because of how horrifically obese you are
Can you guys stop being rude we're all just here trying to become not fat shits
okay cool i came here asking for advice on my planned diet not to get criticized you insecure piece of shit.

idk what the fuck you're on about? when i started out i couldn't squat at all, i could deadlift 90kgs, bench maybe 30, couldn't press the 20kg bar over my head.

i've never trained powerlifting style either, everything i do for 4x10, other than deadlifts which i do for 4x5.
When I'm a human
As I hope to be
I'll mock fatfaggots all day long
Knowing they used to be me

Tell me what you'll do when you're human, /fat/!
Takes a few weeks for your bones to adapt to the seat, then you should be fine. Stationary bikes are great because you can basically do infinite cardio on them without hurting your joints.
The only insecure person here is you trying to impress with your dogshit lifts lmao
Replace the standard seat with an extra large cushioned one bought online. Thats what i did.
This isn't a safe space. I will mercilessly mock all fatsos.
You want advice? Quit this lifting shit asap and lose the ungodly amount of fat that is inhabiting your person.
Go for walks every day and cut your intake to 1k calories. Maybe in a year or two you will be normal again and not be out of breath just sitting down.
Ozempic literally makes you stop thinking about food. Take your medicine already.
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I will try to make up for all the missed opportunities and lost time in my teens / early 20s because I was a fatfuck that was rightfully ashamed by my appearance. I'm sure I can definitely experience the same milestones at 27 and it definitely isn't too late h-haha...
Try being 31.........
Walk around shirtless
Ozempic makes you blind and gives you throat cancer why the fuck are you niggers shilling that shit
Won't ever be me, fat anxiety is just going to shift to gyno / loose-skin anxiety
says the man trying to bully a stranger on the internet.

tell me how tall are you. how much do you weigh. what do you lift?

okay cool what do you want to achieve by doing this?
does it make you feel like a big man? i bet you'd beat women too if you got any.

funnily enough my cardio is fine, i cycle or treadmill for 30-40 minutes most gym sessions and i work in a physically intensive job.

but yeah you're right to some extent, but if i simply reduce my gym frequency and add in full cardio days, i can retain most of my muscle mass in theory.

since i got on the vyvanse recently, hunger management has not been an issue, it's much more effective than ozempic which i've used previously to some success. this is why it's taken me until now to start dieting.
Go skiing again
Mountain bike
Maybe skateboard if I'm feeling cheeky
>funnily enough my cardio is fine, i cycle or treadmill for 30-40 minutes most gym sessions and i work in a physically intensive job.
>Says the 380lbs blob
>i cycle or treadmill for 30-40 minutes most gym sessions
>got on vyvanse
All right. Nice bullshit posts. Don't know why you took the time to concoct this story, but your writing needs work.
Obesity makes you drop dead of heart failure in your thirties AND makes you blind AND increases your risk of every type of cancer.
you can have good cardio health despite being overweight, the two are not exclusive.


honestly fuck this site lol
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>you can have good cardio health despite being overweight
yes and it can be cured with fucking exercise you faggot
>no take this drug instead
>i bet you'd beat women too if you got any.
Fat women should be beaten repeatedly until they learn that their lifestyle is not OK.
You are not overweight, you are massively obese
If exercise works why does America keeps getting fatter and fatter despite doctors prescribing exercise to all their patients?
Does anyone here drink energy drinks? Just turned 30 and regularly get my heart looked at.
Would be hard for me to fast without
I think you brought in a couple trolls scrolling through threads by posting about your lifts
Just try again later, my man
>If someone is told to do something, that means they do it
Flawed assumption
Just drink diet soda instead
because America is possibly the most culturally degenerate place on earth
bad is good and good is bad and that's why people listen to social media instead of doctors
and that's why though it is a European product, Americans are the ones jumping on ozempig
because you are all lazy fucks
>gets fat
>takes drug instead of diet & exercise
ozempic takers and shills deserve to die.
I think he's shitposting. Acting like someone who is 380Lbs can have good cardio gave it away.
That's my whole point. Humans aren't computers that you can program to follow rules. If people aren't willing to exercise, exercise isn't going to work as a solution to a medical epidemic. People are willing to inject Ozempic though. That's why Ozempic is a solution to obesity and exercise is not.
>Does anyone here drink energy drinks?
me. atleast 2-3 can per day.
t. 31
well not like marathon runner good, but able to do moderate steady state cardio for long periods comfortably. probably at a level higher than the average american, despite being twice the weight i should be. i didn't start driving until last year and attribute walking 3 miles to and from work each day to this and 1 mile each way to my gym and shops.
You are in denial retard. You won't be able to improve until you can honestly confront your mistakes.
More flaws. Plenty of people are willing to exercise, and the original discussion concerned whether or not exercised worked to lose weight, not if exercise is a viable solution to obesity on a societal level. You're also applying characteristics of a group to an individual that belongs to it. Just because people on average are not willing to exercise does not mean that individuals here aren't. The fact that they're even spending time on a fitness board indicates they're more driven to change than someone who just stuffs their face and doesn't really care.

Also, we don't know if Ozempic is a solution to obesity yet. Using your same logic, it's entirely possible that sometime down the line it's shown to have a significant likelihood of causing debilitating side effects that are just as threatening to ones health, if not moreso. If the cost of weight loss from Ozempic is destroying your health in some other way, I don't see how it's a viable solution either.
What is your 1 mile time? You're not providing any details that allow people to judge whether or not your cardio is actually good. Also, walking 4 miles a day is nothing crazy. It's good that you did that, but it's not a daunting task.
man i came here to confront my mistakes and have been chastised for exposing my flaws on the internet and have received no support???

what do you want me to do?

i simply stated my height, weight, an example of my gym numbers to get better advice in regards to approaching a calorie deficit and my plan on reducing my gym days and cutting my calories in more than half.

and what did i get for it?
a bunch of retards with nothing better to do than try to make me feel bad??

yeah cool thanks i guess?

i'm going to be following jeff nippard's powerbuilding phase 1 book (4x a week) and do some light cardio (up to an hour of steady state) on off days for 12 weeks and then reassess.

according to my current trend and calculations, i assume that i can cut maybe 75lbs in that 12 week period, i'm just concerned that maybe the calories are too low and i'd be better off eating more and taking it a little slower.
It's weird I have never seen reactions like this in these threads it's usually just very helpful (minus the usual keto/fasting/ozempic autism)
How do you define good cardio?
You already got advice here >>74663699
Because he's spouting obvious bullshit about being good at cardio at THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY MOTHERFUCKING POUNDS.
And then posting his pathetic lifts.
I mean, I get it. He might be deluded, lying, or stupid. But there's a limit.
Everything he says sounds like some 2 cent trollpost.
i do 2.5 miles in about 30 minutes (fast walking pace) on an 15 degree incline treadmill.

bikes i don't really know, i watch stuff on my phone and don't really look at the number other than the timer
yeah cool thanks i missed this post because it was buried underneath yours and the other guy (unless they're both you, but i assumes its 2 people)
>i assume that i can cut maybe 75lbs in that 12 week period
Holy moly you are delusional. You'll lose maybe ten pounds in that time, then you'll get depressed, give up, and start gorging on food again. Morbidly obese freaks like you are the people who actually need to be prescribed Ozempic first line because your life is in danger. You don't have years and years to waste mucking around with trying to diet and exercise your way to health. It wouldn't be surprising if you had a heart attack tomorrow.
>How do you define good cardio?
Being able to jog multiple miles (3-4) at a 10 minute pace or better. I'd argue that alot of people would even think 10 min per mile is too lenient for a definition for "good" cardio
That's decent but it's not really great, it's still just walking at the end of the day. Can you run a 10 minute mile?
Dr. Nowzaradan has prescribed 1200 calorie diets for people over 600 pounds. I’m sure you’ll be fine doing the same, just make sure you’re eating actual solid FOOD. A piece of fruit, vegetables (filling and low in calories, your best friend), eggs, chicken, fish, whole grain pasta. And absolutely no juice, milk, or soda. Increase your daily caloric intake if you’re lifting weights or doing a lot of cardio, or both.
Do a functional threshold power test on the bike and then report back with your power to weight ratio. That will give us a good idea of your cardiovascular fitness.
Not him but I lost close to 60 lbs in 3 months on ~1700 C with daily exercise
>alternating between binging and fasting
kill me
So switch to 3 meals a day with a calorie deficit instead of fasting
More protein and volume from vegetables if you're still hungry while doing it
It's talked about a lot because it works
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>confronted by the fact I'm an ugly looser forever destined to be friendzoned by every woman I have a iota of interest in
>despite being socially "successful" as people invite me out, like dancing with me, find me funny, etc
>video games piss me off
>only thing on my mind is eating
yeah I'm feeling it
i lost 8lbs the first week, and 6.6 the next after simply counting my calories close to what i said in my first post, but fatigue has lasted days and i have doms again for the first time in a long time. especially chest, rear delts and hamstrings.

thanks for the advice. i will add in a third shake after work, with casein probably as it's apparently good for night time recovery. and if that's not enough to curb fatigue i will add oats to it too.

the impact of running on my knees is very bad, so much so that i fear damaging my body running, so i at most powerwalk and use an incline for added difficulty rather than speed.
I don't know which one you prefer but the zero sugar monster black can with the green top is just as good as the original for 10 calories
Surely that doesn't count as breaking a fast
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I wish I didn't need them bros. I slurped one down since I posted OP. I'm just going to quit them once I lose 40 more pounds.
Anyone else slurpin?
>that pic
Such high standards nigga
For me it's just
>be at least 4/10 (I consider myself a 6 at best)
>not be fat
>not black, I am racist
>no kids
That's pretty much it
Congratulations, you're still out of most of the dating pool's standards because every fat broad things she deserves a 6'8 bodybuilder gigachad.
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TrendWeight is bumming me out. My weight readings have been below 200 for 3 days. My latest weight is at 197.6. This ought to be cause for much rejoicing, yet that site is drawing its trend line waaay above that.
> No, Anon, your trend weight is still above 200lbs, and it'll stay there for the rest of the week.
I refuse to weigh myself becuase I think im getting fatter and I dont want that thought to become a reality. Im not sure eating oats is really helping me at this point.
>eating oats is really helping me at this point.
Have you been doing anything else or just added oats to your normal diet?
It's a bit like the guy who refuses to go to the doctor because he feels really sick but he doesn't want to get a diagnostic because then, and only then, it becomes real.
That's some profoundly self-defeating attitude.
Human up, climb on that scale and figure out whether you need adjust your calorie intake.
I am plateauing in the heat, I find it very hard to not freak out from the heat when I'm hungry
Great. I read https://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/ to figure out why it was punishing me so, and the answer is, it's using an exponential moving average, a famously lagging indicator to draw its trend line.
So.. good for long term trends, bad to celebrate scale victories in a timely fashion.
>100g of potato is ~90C while 100g of rice is ~130C
Damn why did not one tell me about potatohacking your carb source
It's over for rice
potatoes are fucking goated. super tasty too but that's dependent usually on butter or cream.
For me it's a tiny bit of oil and seasoned and roasted in the oven
>drink caffeine before cardio
>much more driven to push harder and longer
Wish I knew this earlier
So many basics I don't know from not paying attention to health and exercise my whole life
If you'll go it's worth your money. I wouldn't want to lift without a cage.
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Tfw when I am losing around 4lbs per week and am consistently between 4 and 5 lbs under my trendweight weight.
What is the x axis of this chart?
Oh nvm I just saw the fine print
Anything for chin fat..
It's the one part I am missing for a chad face..
You will lose it eventually.
I don't think targeted fat loss is real
It's just your hormones and genetics and overall calorie deficit subtracting from everything
Fuck I forgot to add the weight this weekend. Gained a bit but it's just water since I forgot to weigh in the morning.

Fatty Contest
Bloat Prince
Strange they don't show chicken there
>white fish
True, it's very satiating
I added baked tilapia and cod filets to my diet when I started weight loss and it's one of my favorite dinners now
Now to sub the bit of rice with it to potatoes
Rice is the worst staple food. The Japanese have genetic adaptations to help them deal with their carb-heavy rice diets and still have massive rates of diabetes, AND their population used to be riddled with pellagra before nutritional enrichment of foods became a thing.
I say this as someone who has done a 15 day water fast, several 1 week water fasts, and 3 9 day dry fasts:

Fasting will definitely help with starting your weight loss journey but it doesnt keep the weight off. I know lots of people, myself included, who lost 20+ pounds fasting but they all rebound 90%-110% within the week of ending fasting. Its even worse for people who have binge eating disorder who use fasting as a means to binge on their few eat days.

Technically the solution could just be to never stop your fasting schedule, but personally i got to the point i was missing lots of nutrients despite my diet being heavy on fish, eggs, and green. Eventually i would start puking bile if i didnt eat for a day. Its been 10 months since my last fast for that reason. Im probably better enough now to continue, but at this point i have other options that work fine.

However, I used to be in the category of being unable to maintain any diet because i would feel like dogshit whether i was doing CICO, or keto. As long as i was eating, it was difficult to make healthy choices. But (while i was able to) fasting ended up being very easy bc there was no choice, just dont eat.

After a sufficient time fasting, diets that didnt work for me at all suddenly became way easier to maintain, possibly due to the "healing" properties of long fasts. I forgot who said this but i like the phrase "you dont lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy and the weight comes off on its own."
I always have to remind myself that nonfats see us as literal fucking animals. I wonder, will I join them or grow more resentful of them if my weight loss continues?
I have no respect for fatasses who are too stubborn to get on Ozempic and delude themselves into believing that they are one of the special few who will make it with diet and exercise alone. At least the ones who are on Ozempic have taken responsibility by acknowledging their subhuman lack of willpower and looking for another solution. Fatties not on Ozempic are the ones that can't even admit their intellectual disability to themselves.
My meals are now 1/3rd fresh fruit, 1/3rd veg, and 1/3rd protein. This is the perfect balance
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Something cool happened today. This one girl from work complained about my weight loss. Apparently I told her I was not looking to lose any more a month or two ago. I have slimmed down a bit in the last couple of months even though my weight has remained in the same range
happy for you, anon, keep it up
>1/3 diabetes, 1/3 bloating, 1/3 kidney disease
Stop eating fruit
What am I supposed to eat if not fruit, veg, and meat
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I know there are various opinions on the BMI measurement but I just entered normalfag territory after doing this shit for 11 months. -60kg and counting, feels fucking good.
You will always be a subhuman fat regardless if you lost weight.
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2 eggs
200cal protein bar
~1300cal steak
Garlic? What is that supposed to be?
Onion I think. It's a sodium free seasoning I have high blood pressure.
Congrats anon, keep it up.
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Started carnivore in January.
>144kg (317lbs)
I've been going to the gym 2/3 times a week, lost weight rapidly.
>Currently 94kg (207lbs)
Just think of how good it'll feel when you claw your way back into personhood
I know this isn’t fph but being cockblocked by a whale in the grocery store is one of the most motivating things to happen during a day for me.

Carnivore sounds gross, but nice diet monster and saba
Fatty Contest

Stalled because of deadlines and trash fires at work, getting back on the grind this week.
What happened to cabin schizo? I miss him still
Do any of you anons have any advantages when it comes to losing weight? For me, I work a physical job that always get 10,000 steps a day.
yea, im fucking broke
Is it a big deal if my scale has a 1 pound difference each time I slightly move it right or left? I stepped on it, weighted 175, slightly repositioned it, then weighed 174, repositioned it again, 175. Is it only a big deal if it's a major difference? I'm just asking about the accuracy of the scale and if it's fucked.
I usually try to put my scale such that the 4 legs are each on a different bathroom tile, not on a single one. I also try to distribute my weight evenly across the surface of my feet, rather than tip-toeing, or standing on my heels, etc.

usually gives me consistent results.
good job anon, keep going
Bread, pasta, and rice. Some potatoes are OK too as long they are fried in plenty of oil and salt.
I had a mom who loved me and made healthy home-cooked meals every day instead of feeding me goyslop like a typical American mother.
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Friend sent me this while I’m at the gym and I think it’s giving me a test boost
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does it really matter if I'm 6'2 big frame instead of 6'2 skinny frame? is the kcal consumption the same?
It's pretty reasonable. You could maybe trade some fruits for more veggies, but it's a lot more balanced than what many folks on restrictive diets are doing to themselves out there.
If diabetes was a concern for you, you could prefer berries within your fruit selection, and generally eat one big fruit at a time, waiting at least a few hours in between. Odds are you blood sugar levels will remain in range the entire time (but check.)
Also, avocado is a fantastic fruit. Won't move your blood sugar levels at all, filled with happy fat, and a nice chunk of soluble fiber too.
My digital scale gives me 3 seconds of dynamic weight readings when I step on it, which gives me just enough time to zero in on the optimal position for my center of gravity.
That's.. that's not cheating, right?

As a first approximation? yes.
Is this exactly accurate? no. TDEE calculator are broadly correct on average, but some people will burn calories faster than other. If you have an accurate body fat % number to feed those calculators, you'll improve your odds of getting something useful out of it.
As far as I know, the shape of your bones doesn't matter much.
>As a first approximation? yes.
>Is this exactly accurate? no. TDEE calculator are broadly correct on average, but some people will burn calories faster than other. If you have an accurate body fat % number to feed those calculators, you'll improve your odds of getting something useful out of it.
>As far as I know, the shape of your bones doesn't matter much.
thanks a lot anon <3
271 down from 285. Long way to go but hopefully I remember this feeling and keep on with the struggle t. "Ballooned on Doordash" Anon
Take Ozempic, you are an addict who needs medicine.
Doctor has to look at my blood labs first, boy I hope those don't test for party time substances
Doctors don't care about your good times, and unless they test specifically for it, they won't even see them (your insurance probably wouldn't cover those tests anyway.)
Odds are you just got a basic metabolic panel, a lipid panel, and a A1c test. Maybe a couple more, like a thyroid test.
That and a blood pressure reading or two is enough to see if you've got some of the common metabolic disorders at your weight range, and figure out whether you need meds immediately.
Will eating 400-600g of fruit a day really be that bad for me
Take your metamucil fat bros, dieting means there's not as much sheer volume cleaning out your pipes
Yeah keto diet is brutal
>3-4 days of not shitting, scale doesn’t change
>sudden attack of the liquid shits, scale go down
Honestly, not really no, especially if you go through a variety of them rather than eating the exact same thing all day every day.
For me, it's when you feel like you took a shit but nothing comes out and the paper is still white after wiping
I think I call those "gambling on a fart and winning."
Real Men do that with their pants on though.
My large black cold brew does the trick usually
If your poopy is dehydrated all coffee will do is make you pee everytime you clench your splincter
Besides the 4th of July when I drank beer and ate hot dogs and pizza, since June 6 I have eaten nothing outside of bacon, eggs, sardines, low sugar greek yogurt, black coffee, pistachios, pot roast, fish (flounder, grouper, salmon) and beef jerky. In that span I have gone from 238 lbs to 223 lbs as of this morning.

I wanted to blog post in this thread because I hate explaining my dieting habits to the people in my life, I want to be under 200 by mid September
Sounds like it's time for a nice gooey extra-large cheese pizza as a reward for all your hard work!
Eh it happens. Normal people also indulge on holidays, then self correct in whatever way afterward. I had a cheeseburger, hot dog, potato salad, buttered corn and 5 beers myself. Didn’t eat until dinner the next day and my weight loss is still on track.
If I cave to the temptation of fast food I only eat half of it and throw the other half away. Ideal would be not caving at all and sticking to my 6oz of meat and 2 cups of veggies
When you're not a fatass anymore, people won't write you off as a useless fucking wildebeast
have they figured out liposuction for visceral fat yet?
I always wondered about liposuction. Isnt' it just basically amputation of fat cells? Sounds retarded.
they suck out fat cells thru a straw basically
makes sense for permanent fat loss
but it's the stuff behind your abs that's dangerous
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Im 240lbs at 5'10'' but the fat is well rounded around my body so i dont have a gut. I used to lift before so im inclined to believe some of that weight is muscle as well cause my arms are still lean. Im still a fat fuck 100% but anyways, whats a great program for me to get into lifting again? Back then I did starting strength but i found it to be pretty boring and dropped lifting all together a year ago. I want to give it another go now that I have more time to dedicate to exercising now.
Ozempic or Zepbound, I'd say.
I walked too fast on the treadmill yesterday and now my knee hurts
Damn, down 80 lbs but still fat as shit
Gotta keep it to 3.3mph for now
Boring or not, pick heavy things up and put heavy things down.
Probably just permanent knee pain from being a fatty. It'll never go away.
Probably not considering first time it hurts in 4 months of a lot of walking while heavier, just have to wait until I'm down more to up it
Thanks for dooming for me though buddy
It's the truth, I can tell you as a former fatty. My knees are toast.
is 1200 sustainable long term bros?
>Back then I did starting strength but i found it to be pretty boring
do Conjugate then
If you're a midget sure. Take the 1800 pill
> I did starting strength but i found it to be pretty boring
I.. don't understand. It's lifting weights. How can it not be the most boring and tedious thing I have to do on any given day? Plus it sucks and I'm all sore for a while afterward. I'm literally damaging my body.
I hate every minute I'm doing it, but I just assume that's normal.
Have I been missing out on awesome programs out there that make lifting fun?
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Squats and OHPs only, lmao, what you need a pulling motion? Cheat Curls!

You can do this x3 a week with moderate volume and progress and build muscle and once you cap the endurance lifts you just add weight and volume.
i've found that bouldering is a great addition to my weight loss journy. It's HIIT, builds lot's of pulling strength and as long as you have earbuds in the people that usually boulder won't annoy you at all. It also gets easier the lighter i get
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Same shit bruv, my tdee is 2400, but trough trial and error couple of years ago i figured out that im holding weight at 1800-2k sedentary with some walking, calculators are fucking bogus
been eating 1600, exact shit you do, started doing cardio 4times a week and str training 4times a week to boost metabolism
guess what? 0 results
strted eating omad, like all i eat is 120 protein via fish/chicken/shakes and vegetables, thats it, most bland chineese slave meals imaginable
and started walking 7k-10k steps daily on top of everything
guess what? 0 results
im on same weight for 2months and measurements are same, so im not gaining 400tonns of muscle or some shit
should just feasted on fucking mcdonalds at this point daily or whatever, theres literally no difference
i guess i will see a doctor, and if nothing gonna change i will just kill myself
like i dont even have any cravings left in me, i just want to be in shape but its impossible i guess
Fast, you fucking fat container.
kys nigger

or you want me to eat once a week while im also lifting?
I want you to stop eating until you're no longer a fat ass you absolute mongoloid.
thx for great advice and help
You're whining about not losing weight like it's a mystery why, nigger. You are too retarded to count calories. Don't put anything inside your body except water and electrolytes. It really is that simple. Watch how your delusions about how much you eat and burn not matter anymore. Or kill yourself, I don't care which. Just stop being annoying like you're special.
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Around 10 kilos to go
whatever dude, shouldnt have posted in the first place
I seriously hope you kill yourself.
nice job, that was my exact starting weight, keep at it
you got some anger issues or something? let it go lilsis
I'm jelly anon, my goal for weightloss was to be able to boulder but a logging accident a couple of years ago fucked up the rotator cuffs in both my shoulders so a couple of years later after making it I'm still worried I'll reinjure them again if I try it
kys fatty
No you
Ate 4 boiled eggs and a can of sardines to break my fast. Still hungry, but don't want to microwave some shit when I can wait for a couple of hours and have a good meal once stores open. Fuck me.
Take some chillpills frens.
Eat real food and not microwaved slop brainlet
Lifting weights just twice has set me back 2 weeks in weight loss. How do I cope with the scale going up?
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>have like 20kg overweight
>most of it is in my belly
it doesn't hang or anything but I'm scared of loose skin
is it just genetics or is there any way of minimizing it?
Speaking from experience you won’t have loose skin losing 20kg unless you're ancient.
genetics plays a part but for 20kg there shouldn't be any problems. Keep the places where you think you could have loose skin like belly and tits hydratised if it makes you feel better
what are you guys doing to improve posture
I imagine a rope pulling my head up to the sky
>1 month in
>small deficit
>consistently lose 0.8kg every week
>literally no hunger at all

Seems too good to be true. Can I do this all the way to visible abs or will I have to increase the deficit at one point?
>scale goes up for two days
>Down for the next threes days
>Then back up for 2 days
>Then back down for 3 days
God I hate this so much
>200g away from leaving obese territory
>have been stuck at this weight for a week now
god damn it man I know it's probably just some water weight fuckery but I'm still mad
You'll usually lose a lot of weight pretty quickly for the first few weeks/months and then it slows down after that. But either way just maintain your deficit and do some exercise and you should be fine, don't worry about losing it fast since that just leads people into either rebounding or going into fasting/meme diets/other eating disorder tier shit.
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Under 240lbs finally.
Good job anon
How do you break through plateaus and what causes them?

I have been stuck at 226 for a week and a half despite being at a deep cut
>How do you break through plateaus
By continuing your diet as normal
>what causes them?
Water weight usually
Plateaus arnt real and just a sign you're being a fatty and eating too much
you break them by just doing what you've been already doing, they can last a couple of day or in my experience can last up to 2 weeks.
As to what causes them it's very hard to gauge, usually it's weird water retention where it seems like your body just doesn't want to obey the laws of thermodynamics.
They always end sooner or later so don't worry, unless you're giga retarded you're probably counting your calories correctly and not including the exercise into your calorie need calculations
Referring to highly processed foods as slop has really helped make them less unappealing. Now whenever I see stuff like Little Debbie cakes or Hershey’s syrup I just get disgusted
You need to exercise. If you don't exercise you won't have much abs to show.
Plateaus are absolutely real. They happen because your waterweight increases. It happens when you start a new exercise regimen, eat more salt than usual, eat more carbs than usual, get constipation etc. Basically extra water weight keeps your weight high. Once it disappears you see a sudden drop in your weight.
Less appealing* less unappealing would mean that they're more appealing
How do i estimate the calories in plain oven baked chicken wings? Got a 800 gram pack (20 wings give or take) and it says 198 kcal / 100g but im not eating the bones obviously. Would around .7x of the weight come close to a rough estimate, so about 1100 kcal?
None of this is true by the way. Its just turbo fatty cope because they can't put the fork down. No different to a fat person saying they're big boned.
That 100g is already without the bone dumb dumb
i have a very retarded question but how come there's so much talk about losing water weight when you tend to drink more water when dieting
what am i missing
Ita just fatty cope trying to claim the fact they're gaining weight on it really just being water. I've seen people in here gain like 15lbs and claim its all water weight lmao
The amount of water your body holds varies. Drinking past that limit is not going to make you gain weight because you will eliminate the excess. Some things will change the amount you hold. Specifically, the amount of carbohydrates you consume (carb loading) and the amount of salt you consume (water retention via sodium consumption). Ignore the retard that replied to you. It's a nigger that understands nothing about weight loss and projects his ignorance as insults, making strawmen on his head and then beating them as "explanations" for things he doesn't understand.
Damn, are they really that calorie dense
One of us knows nothing about weight loss and it ain't me.
Will donating plasma fuck up my lifting? I need to break the skinny fat arc but id like extra cash for a new truck.
tried the qinoa and chia meme.
dunno if placebo but it seems satiating enough off a rather low amount.
I'm experiencing one right now. I'm at >1000 kcal deficit every day but my weight has increased because I started lifting. If the weight stays then it'll take 2 weeks to lose that amount of fat.
dunno about plasma but I used to donate blood very often and it just made me sleepy on that day. next day everything was fine again.
Hi anon. I have this problem where I will stall out for weeks even while weighing my food. Some things I noticed when I'm going through these times that could contribute to a stall.

>not measuring properly
I know anons have said this, but I also made errors in measurement. I found my measurements were more accurate if you weigh ingredients while cooking and input your recipes (including seasonings). It's normal to make mistakes, I feel like doing it for a long time actually increases the chances.

>elevated cortisol
If I am feeling stressed my weight does not move. I could eat perfectly, but my body just won't let go. Reducing stress by meditation, a light workout/stretching/yoga or going for a walk alone are some options. Sitting and focusing on the feeling, trying to actually feel it in the right places in the body, and then processing the feeling, instead of trying to stuff it away also helps a lot. Maybe your problem could be underlying, chronic stress. I was so used to it from growing up in a stressful environment that it took a while to figure out that I was constantly in that state.
Good job man.

I started at 362, was 242 this morning. I'm around 6'1". 20 years old. What's a good goal weight? I've seen people say 200 but also as low as 185.
complained or complimented?
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ninth day, we move
>What's a good goal weight?
what matters is what percentage of body fat you want and how built you want to be, your goal weight comes after that as a necessary consequence of that body fat, those muscles/that lean mass and the inescapable weight of your bones and internal organs
I don't eat much anyways so I'm gonna attempt a 72 hour fast. Seems pretty easy. So far I've just been knocking back cups of coffee, smoke a cigarette when I get hungry.

How long can I do this and how much weight will I lose doing only 72 hours?
I want to ottermode. Strong twink physique
You will lose roughly 1.5kg. If you can do it, more power to you. I know it fucks me up.
wait, arent the plateaus a consequence of losing weight? i mean, if i lose 10 kilos, my TDEE is reduced by 200 calories and that makes my progress slow down.
Thanks. It should be pretty easy. I really don't eat much anyways and recently it's been feeling like a burden to have to eat food.
should I plan it on rest days then? I feel like it's fuck up recovery
you'll lose some water and probably 1kg, I've done a couple of 72h fasts and they're really not a problem at all although I think they were quite easy for me because I already don't feel any hunger by generally eating low carb
>6'1". 20 years old. What's a good goal weight? I've seen people say 200 but also as low as 185.
I'm 6'3" and aiming to see how I look at 195lbs. Then probably heavy lift, bulk eat and see how I look closer to 200, maybe?
>how much weight will I lose doing only 72 hours?
just calculate your tdee and multiply it by 3
if average is about 2000, you lose less than 1kg of fat
Not all 6'1" frames are built the same, so it depends on you. My next milestone I'm looking at is 200 lbs, but I have years of weightlifting behind me. My advice would be continue to lose and reassess, but don't have the mindset where you're trying to get to a certain point, because once you're there, you'll be susceptible to falling back into old patterns. Think continuous improvement, it's a lifestyle change, the diet never ends
>the diet never ends
yeah have already internalized and accepted that i will never be able to eat the way i did before and that's OK. gonna try to get to 185-195 and start lifting. less of a goal and more of a checkpoint.
changed up the way I do my lifts. Now I overload and try for 5x5. when I feel I can't do any more I move to another excercise until I'll get to 5x5 then load more again. I noticed I made pretty fast progress whenever I started loading more compared to keeping on with 5x5 until I was comfortable.
I cant tell you how it impacts recovery.
I know that it creates a decent calorie deficit though :^)
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so let me get this straight
lets say im a fat fuck who was eating 2.5k-3k daily and doing fuck all then dropped my intake to like 1.5 started lifting\rooning\burning ccals in meaningful way for couple of mounths
then hit a plateau, dropped everything, gained even more weight ofc, but then decided to do it again (finish it this time lmao) but all of the sudden you not losing weight at 1.5k anymore, you just kinda hold it even with lifting
so my metabolism is just eternally fucked or what? i have to go even lower and cosplay starwing ww2 jew eating 500cc or fatmaxx in the gym for years till my metabolism unfucks itself while im gaining grizzly physique(the thing i wanted to avoid at all costs)
is there a way from this situation or im doing something wrong?
plateaus are inevitable, how long has it been going on
This is one of the most cancer posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading
That's one cause, and it's usually the main culprit. That can sort of be grouped with miscalculation though can't it?
>stress eating
how to fix
Don't stress
last month i was doing 1800, while my norm is 2400(i think calc is full of shit and my norm is 2200-2000) with some lifting, cardio, etc
nothing changed so i went back to 1,5k (my lowest intake i ever did back in the day) like 2 weeks ago, and still zero results, not even one gram
boo hoo
take it ez
always remember that you will never die from hunger, so why eat now
post your best chickin recipes
eating chicken with mustard daily is making me want to execute everyone i see
endless rage
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uhhh, just dont be depressed or stressed?
My best chikun recipe is to buy a $5 rotisserie from the grocery store and pick at it while it's warm.
My second best is to grab cold leftover rotisserie from the fridge, cut chunks of it on a plate, and had a dollop of mayo on the side. If I feel decadent, I also cut a medium Hass avocado and throw it on the plate too.
My third best chikun recipe is to buy this food https://shop.sprouts.com/product/59937/sprouts-black-garlic-chicken-and-mushroom-saute-meal, throw it in a pan, cover and barely pay attention to it while I nuke a bag of steamable crucifers in the microwave. When the chikun is done, I move it to a plate, being careful to leave the juices in the pan, so I can transfer the cauliflower or broccoli or brussels sprouts or whatever in it and have them soak the flavor as I heat them in the pan for a couple minutes.
I am so fucking lazy.
based. i like rotisserie way too much but im getting bored of legs and thighs with mustard sauce.
>nuke bag of veg
not worried about heating up plastics? i always avoid that shit and just empty them into a steamer (metal or bamboo)
> not worried about heating up plastics?
I'm low-key slightly worried about it, but not enough to stop. I should read up about it, see how bad this really is.
>worried about heating up plastics?
Those bags don't contain BPAs or phthalates. If they did they'd melt. The bags are microwave safe. But I do share concern, in a perfect world I'd use my stainless steel steamer all the time. But the microwave is quicker and more convenient.
Before I did weights i did calisthenics and that was a ton of fun. Starting strength i just kept it as is, i didnt add anything. Just swapping out bench for OHP wasnt enough to keep things more engaging.
Ill check this out thanks
thanks im no longer depressed nor stressed
i dont have rage in me only stress and fear
>why eat now
calms me down and makes the stress go away

maybe i need to learn meditation or something
>like 2 weeks ago
>Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
It's a good start. Fear can lead to anger, just ask picrel.
You just have to adjust your mindset. Stress pushes you into making a choice: Fight, Flight or Freeze. Modern humans have added another one: Soothe with food.
Return to Monke, and lean into the "fight" response. Get Pissed. At yourself, at the world, at whoever is fucking with your life, at the unfairness of it all.
There can be something quite cathartic about allowing oneself to feel anger.

But also, meditation is good too. So maybe two minutes hate, and then sit down cross legged with your eyes closed.
yeah but i mean it's all chinese shit, how do we know that for sure. and how do we know there isn't some other toxic shit in there that we'll find out 20 years later makes your penis fall off or something? I just rather not take the risk. It's an oil based chemical-filled bag. Probably better not using it. But each unto their own. I won't ever cook shit in plastic and I won't drink from plastic bottles either unless my life depends on it.
>smoke a cigarette when I get hungry.
Retard alert!
>how do we know there isn't some other toxic shit in there that we'll find out 20 years later makes your penis fall off or something?
at that point you can schitzo out about anything that you eat, who know many chemicals are in the meat and fruits/veggies you eat, who knows what fucked up shit they will cause in 10-20 years
no point in worrying about stuff you cant change, if it makes you feel better because you think you are in charge sure go ahead but no point in me worrying about these things since I can't change them
Smart if your goal is just lose fat and not get healthy
Food legally cannot enter your mouth without your consent.
He could just get nicotine gum or something if he wants to use it as an appetite suppressant.
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370 cals left for the day.
what should i do with them?
im thinking one of these things i have:
>Caesar salad
>more of the home made bolognese i made earlier
>russian salad
>empty calories
>alcohol (poison)
>pure carbs
>bowl of mayo disguised as salad (slop)
How about nothing.
i am the sad
Whatever you want, honestly.
Do you have target macros you aim for every day? Pick whatever gets you closer to them.
For example, I want as much proteins as possible, as few carbs as reasonable, and fats can do whatever as long as saturated fats stay low, so in your shoes, I'd be looking for some high protein snack of some sort.
But if you're not really hungry, don't force yourself, it's okay to occasionally end the day with a higher calorie deficit than usual.
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I'm in eastern europe, i've got like 2 hours left before bedtime. I do try to aim for high protein, low carb yeah. i was really under yesterday too and yes i was honest and logged everything.

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