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What’s the point of doing a ‘goblet squat’ when you can’t use heavy weights like you could with a barbell squat?
weight distribution is in front of you and taxes core differently. is also more save.
Can it build muscle though?
(((Functional strength))) *rides away on unicycle*
Based fitteccinno
You can do dozens of them, squat more total volume than with a barbell and not hurt yourself in the process while also developing cardio

Of course you won't get as swole nor develop the same max strenght as with barbelling but you also won't destroy your body yet be in great physical shape

Also you don't need a lot of space for a home gym if you use kettlebells (and clubbells), and do you enjoy going to a gym given the people who go there?
yes if the weight is enough.

two 16 kg for high rep
best is two 24kg

look up armor building complex.
JFL at barbell training destroying the body.
Any exercise done with bad form and too much weight for your current strength can destroy your body.
Just lift within your limits and you will never have issues.
Hello, fellow Dan John disciple
That’s not a goblet squat…
If that was that easy there wouldn't be countless testimonies of dudes having bad injuries due to weightlifting.
I plan on doing barbelling at some point however, after a few good years of doing kettlebells and clubbells to strengthen my DYEL musclo-skeltal structure
It's a good warmup for the squat
It's better than nothing, but still inferior to being able to do heavy sets with a barbell.
There is no end to man's excuses for not getting under a heavy barbell
The one good thing about tards like you is I don't need to wonder if you'll ever experience how wrong you are.
What's the difference between that and a zercher squat where you can at least lift a little bit more?
>You can do dozens of them, squat more total volume than with a barbell and not hurt yourself in the process while also developing cardio
If you're that much of a genetic failure, you can still use a barbell with LESS WEIGHT you fucking retard. You are not making any arguments for a kettlebell over a barbell. You are just making an argument for lower weight. The barbell would still be superior as it could also be lightweight (e.g. no plates you fucking weakling) and is an inherently more stable device (i.e. safer than you retarded kettlebells).
Zerchers are actually done by people who progress.
Oblique dominant on the zercher vs transverse dominant on the goblet. Sandbag zerchers are basically goblet
It’s not even a real goblet.
this, so much this
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>Also you don't need a lot of space for a home gym if you use kettlebells (and clubbells),
Within reason. Don't be a dumbass like me, and get adjustable kettle and club bells. My setup is the same footprint as a Rogue R3 and bench with a fraction of the weight.
For the smaller to medium stuff, yeah adjustable is the way to go now. Stuff is much more durable and well put together now than it was even 5 years ago. But once you get into heavy stuff, you still want solid pieces. The physics of things change at a certain point, and any slop is gonna become a much bigger issue.
Agreed, for example my 36kgs and 48kg are solid and I wouldn't have it any other way. But those adjustables that do 12-32kg should be perfect for anyone looking to do basic GPP.
Extremely nice
Those zurkhaneh tools are very appealing
It's a great beginner exercise to learn how to squat properly. It's a decent alternative if you don't want to load your spine although personally go with Bulgarians, regular split squats, or elevated reverse lunges once you get to really heavy weights.
It's for faggots like two of your neighbor threads "when did realize that deadlifts are LE DANGEROUS" and "I switched leg training to... LE SPRINTS".

You get to LARP as a serious """"""""""""athlete""""""""""""" while training like a total pussy.
They have a primal appeal
Redpill me on clubbells, how do I work out with them or where's the best place I can learn about it? It sounds really cool.
>48kg squat
>enough weight

Thanks for the laugh. There is a "functional" trainer in my gym and he always does stupid shit like this and he has been DYEL for over 5 years now.
let's see you squat 48kg for 100 reps in a single set.
easily doable and that's pretty much cardio. Won't generate any hypertrophy or strength gains.
Thanks bro. This is actually helpful
Mark Wildman is the best resource for modern heavy clubs and has a comprehensive program. He also touches on maces. The Flowing Dutchman is more focused on maces but his recent material is just him traveling around and showing off so Wildman is a better instructor. Paul Taras Wolkowinski is a preeminent expert on the traditional wooden stuff (which swings a bit differently than the metal stuff) and his material is straightforward but dry. Suggest starting with Wildman.
and that's what most people need, GPP
Is this a softcore gay porn board? I keep seeing arousing pictures in the catalog.
If you find that picture of a naked barefoot male arousing anon, you are on the right board.
Have you tried Mass Made Simple?
>Paul Taras Wolkowinski
Luv Paul. so glad he recovered from chemo.
I believe that’s a young man’s program. I stick with Easy Strength and ABC. They work great for me
Fair point. Thanks :)
Not everyone want to snap they shit up
Goblet squats, split squats, and single leg deadlifts are basically your only leg options at most hotel gyms.
BSS is always something worth doing whenever possible since almost everyone cheats with dominant-side imbalances using barbells.
What is BSS?
Bulgarian split squat.
For me, its the swing and press+squat

Have you ever done a goblet squat? No? Well, that explains the question then.
Which probably means he looks good and is fit, healthy and stronger than you in any general situation. Powerlifting faggots who seriously believe their strength is applicable for anything except powerlifting or sport-specific activities like dunking basketballs or whatever should be put to death.
It's applicable to being a man, fag LMAO
It's good for an explosive movement
Why do you have to guys argue about everything
so true brother, I support your statement
^ what do you want, threads of nothing but noisy agreement?
what the hell are those "shields" in the back?
Nta. That's more or less what they're stand ins for. Persians call them a Sang, dunno if they have other names. Lots of overhead type work from what I've seen, very similar to the Turkish getup kettlebell movement. If the club is a stand in for sword work, think of that as the shield.
>>74673174 is correct. Here's a video in action.
It's a lot harder than a corresponding dumbbell or kettlebell floor press if equivalent weight because the weight is spread out over a larger area and there are some moment arms as a result.
There is a giant metal bow with a chain for a string called a a kabadeh that's used for overhead work, think of 'throwing your hands in the air and waving them like you just don't care,' but with the weight you'd use for a waiters walk
>what do you want, threads of nothing but noisy agreement?
honestly it would be fun and reaffirm the WAGMI mentality, I'll give it a try.
It can add training volume with little.cost on fatigue/ recovery.

If you're only doing a 3-4 day strength routine it's not an issue, but those lifting for sport don't tend to do well being under a heavy barbell 2x per week

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