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Should I cut or should I bulk? Pls help I hate being skinnyfat
have you tried lifting?
thats just skinny
eat at maintenance and lift
I'm only seeing the skinny
anon, you really need a sandwich, i could go in the kitchen and make you one if you want
Last thing I need as a skinnyfat guy is bread :(
Terrible advice
That’s not even bad. Try to bulk and you will see that you can eat a lot more than you think you can, without getting fat. Then lift properly with a slight calorie surplus.
please don't say that anon, i'm starting to think you are convinced to be fat while you are just skinny and proper bread made of salt yeast flour and water and nothing else won't turn you into a hamplanet
Dude you are Auschwitz’s mode lol
Dude you need to cut asap you're skinnyfat
Then clean bulk once you get visible abs
Keep carbs up, start drinking milk and eating meat. Doesn't have to be much, but bumping up your fat intake will eventually result to weight gain.
Lift heavy in the 6-10 rep range, 1-3 sets per body part every session always to failure.
As you get stronger you need less volume because you start learning how to contract your muscles and your technique gets better even at exercises you've never done before.
Dumbbell bench presses, one arm DB rows, reverse DB flyes, curls, extensions, leg presses or squats, romanian or stiff leg deadlifts, neck training with a plate for all 4 sides, are just some of the exercises that can put a respectable amount of muscle on your frame.
Nigger you need to bulk, you have no muscle. No point in cutting if you don't have muscle and are already low bf%
cut what nigger
Bulk and lift
Protip: ab vacuums
You need to practice holding in your gut or else it's only going to get worse no matter what you do
If you are actively pushing your guts outwards which you are clearly doing in this photo, you need to start actively sucking your guts inwards
Unless you actually want to look like palumbo
Bulk is always the answer to the skinny fat problem. Don't forget to lift as well.
Just skinny
You are not skinny fat. You are just skinny.
>Then why aren't my abs showing?
It's either geeneeteecs or you just have them very untrained
The deal with you is that you either have some visceral fat, very untrained abs, or just deliberately pushing your gut out.
Bear in mind that when people take photos of themselves they tense their abs a little so the stomach looks flatter, I'm very confident that you aren't doing that.
In any case your course of action is to:
1) Train them, I'm sure that with some training they will be more defined.
2) Eat more, weight yourself periodically and if you don't see an upwards trend to your weight, keep increasing calories until you gain about 100g of weight a month. This will ensure that most of your gainz are muscle. If you do have excess visceral fat, I'm confident that the exercise will get rid of it.
3) Learn to pose and to keep your abs slightly tensed, in my case now it became almost second nature.
>Also your way of talking smells of body dismorphia. So have that in mind when making judgements on your body.
He is fat stop being a gains goblin. He literally has love handles.
Could just be his hips you retard.
He has hip definition with fat pockets on top
No this is the real skinny fat and most self claimed skinny fat are just fat
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This is skinny fat
This guy would look relatively normal in clothes but obviously looks soft shirtless
OP is just your average skinny faggot
>This guy would look relatively normal
Then it's not "skinny" fat you retarded pajeet
bulk slowly for a few months at least, your bodyfat is already low. you just lack muscle
Calling me an ESL huh
Skinny fat is just normal BMI with high body fat fucking moron
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>He is fat
/lean/ really ruined this place
Definitely cut until paper think skin and then lean bulk, good luck.
>cut until paper think skin
What did he mean by this?
Sorry meant paper thin skin. This should be his goal and then lean bulk.
are you joking? why the fuck would you cut to the point of tanking all your sex hormones? horrible idea
Because he hates being skinny fat
he's not skinny fat and the pic you sent is utterly emaciated, not just "skinny"
He looks soft especially around chest area, he needs to cut hard.
/fat/ ruined this place. Actual fat guys with like stretch marks and stuff should just off themselves they will never make it.
No one below 180 lbs should even CONSIDER "cutting" >>74668948 This is dangerous bordering to being comitted to a hospital
>he needs to cut hard.
youre retarded
Your advice is good if you want to stay around 15-20 percent body fat if you want 8-10 percent body fat you should cut first and then lean bulk.
Why is this obvious bait post still up?
why is it bait
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Try more calisthenics and lifting focusing on your chest and shoulders first then your arms. Also, try to eat more protein. You'll basically fix the problem and grow.
that is not skinny fat that is rail skinny. Skinny fat is when you're lanky with skinny arms and a gut.
this, with skinnyfat you have this body+ bulge stomach
>hiding his belly button

oh nonononononono
This is a mental illness. You're not skinny fat you're just skinny. The only thing to change/get rid of at this point is your skin/bone structure. Go work out and bulk.
what is this post implying
This is just skinny. People are clueless about what no muscle mass looks like lean. Bulk at a moderate rate and add 50-100 lbs to all your lifts and you’ll be fine. Decline to do that and you will look like this forever.
You’re a fucking retard and I guarantee you look like shit.
Once you get stronger if you don't enough lifting feels stupid I got from here by doing focused body part like 3-4x a week and figuring how much o want to be heavy vs heavyish volume and obviously doing every muscle 3-4x a week is not fun or sustainable.
>drink milk

Yeah great advice tell the chubby skinny low T Nerd boy to drink concentrated estrogen so he can widen his hips and ass and make his shoulders look even more pathetic
>concentrated estrogen
I have literally never seen anyone get fat, wide hips or bitch tits from milk except for gomadtards.
Post body
You won't
>goes from a skinnyfat slob to 99.8th percentile body
>laugh at him for not hitting 99.9
Post body.
Where's the fat though.

That is just skinny.
Cant believe retards are telling this guy to cut, kek

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