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Dont care still doing my rack pulls and shrugs, get fucked.
This should be obvious to anyone with a decent sense of beauty. Big traps are unsightly.
Natural strong trapezoids look great. Roided looks comical and retarded.
You cannot get traps to swell up enough if natty althougheverbeit
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Probably not but you can still make them disgustingly big... dough
are those pl8ts or xBW
Claviclelet reveals himself
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How do you minimize trap size? I don't target them directly obviously, but I still think they're too big because of OHP, Lat Raises (minorly), Pull ups, and Rows.
big traps are ugly, simple as
Those traps are overdeveloped though retard, that edit is the equivalent of a guy with giant arms that dwarf everything else. No one's getting traps that big while the rest of the body stays slender
6/10 bait
points deducted for it basically targeting one dedicated schizo, but it worked kek
Not him. They'd still look horrendous, dysgenic blindie.
he literally looks better on the right you pencil necked faggot
pl8s, but I was also joking because 0.5/1/1.5/2 is barely an accomplishment. I was making fun of OP for being too much of a fag to lift even just a tiny little itsy botsy bit.
imagine carrying about aesthetics lol. war is coming faggot your gonna need big traps whether you like it or not
Not fighting for jews and millonaries again.
Their rick sons aint gonna go to war, remind it.
>Idiot think size = strength.
Many such cases.
yeah they'll leave you peacefully alone in your home. there won't be a war on the homefront i promise
>>74666072 idk man i think the bigger guy is stronger than the small guy
it was proven that right was ultra angle frauding, he look just as small as right, and right is holding dumbells making him look narrow
so you want to be ugly? you know being strong and aesthetic isnt mutually exclusive right?
>idk man i think the bigger guy is stronger than the small guy
All jokes aside, you'd be right in most cases. The thing is that, to some extent, you can gain strength without increasing muscle mass.
caring about aesthetics as opposed to performance is a feminine trait.
>is a feminine trait.
Okay, and?
>not autistically tracking exercise volume, diet and body measurements to ensure perfect body symmetry
You say this without complete irony as if the desire to be big and mog isn't complete vanity either.
>le war
>le functionality
David's physique is completely functional, it's an all-around everyman physique, and aesthetic all at the same time. The morph of him with the big traps is not only not as aesthetic, it's completely pointless and vain, all in the name of "just get bigger bro". If you want to have faggy mog off battles and stroke your vain masulinity then go ahead. Meanwhile the average non-dysmorphic man will just go for an all around physique that's capable of most things.
except these "big trap" pictures all show the traps being freaklishly large while the rest of the muscles haven't grown proportionally
and you're no better than a woman obsessing over her makeup or her nails. men should care about what they are capable of, not the minutiae of their appearance.
Nah my wife loves mine.
Tell that to the faggot who made the morph and unironically thinks it looks better because of his body dysmorphia.
>Caring is comparable to an obsession.
No, and men in general should care little about their appearance, not all.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: right looks goofy and weak. Being wide and stringy just makes you look like a kite.
The best way to avoid growing traps is doing heavy ass power shrugs.
>the traptard unironically thinks this
You're supposed to work your delts so they look proportional, retard.
Lol if you reach the non-dyel standards you probably (granted you dont have shit genetics) decent shoulders, a big chest, decent lats. You might as well grow some traps so you look bigger in shirts.
Okay, but that's an unpopular opinion and one that has no basis in human evolutionary instincts.

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Now, that is too wide.
Right would look a lot better if his clavicles weren't visible.
How the fuck are visible clavicles bad?? what????
Weird take.
>no basis in human evolutionary instincts
Says who? What makes big delts and wide clavicles better fitness indicators than big traps and a thick upper back (which are undeniably way more reliable markers of strength among other desirable traits)?
I'm not even gonna get into how a huge portion of evo-psych theories are just-so stories because that's not relevant right now.
I'm talking about the wide frame. That is a marker of androgenization and that signals the opposite of weakness or goofiness. That's the explanation but it shouldn't be required, normal people instinctively can tell.
>the desire to be big and mog
i never said i wanted to be huge, and i don't think that should be the main goal for anyone. and b.tw i'm not the anon that posted the picture of david, or the 'le war is coming' larper.
i actually agree with you in that david's physique is fine as is. what i'm saying is that intentionally trying to change the size of a specific muscle like the upper traps because you don't think it looks good is very feminine. you would never see an olympic weightlifter or strongman do shrugs or ignore their traps to increase or decrease the size of the traps. they just train for their sport and their traps grow. their muscles grow in relation to what they need out of them.
similarly, rugby players don't give a fuck what some dyel on /fit/ thinks about their 'feminine' tree trunk legs. they need legs that big because their daily activities require them.
i think it's important to be well rounded. being able to lift ___lbs off the floor is not fitness, and neither is getting a good 5km run time. ideally you should be decent at everything. you should be strong, powerful, fast, have good endurance, cardio, mobility, etc. specializing in one aspect results in the degradation of the others, which anyone who doesn't compete at a high level shouldn't want.
>marker of androgenization
And big muscles, in this case traps aren't?
Of course they are but I'm talking about overall appearance.
Imagine roiding to look like the dude on the left lmao. Your best physique is literally just your natty potential (guy on right if casual, but he could be more muscular if he was more serious)
Okay, I've reread my posts and they are confusing but I think you get what I mean.
Who wants to look like a skeleton?
> I am a faggot who wants to transition
ok, fuck off and go to /lgbt/
right mogs and I hate that expression
>If you don't want to look like a hideous monster you're a tranny.
> having big muscles = being a hideous monster
Confirmed gay.
for women, there's no such thing as "too wide" unless it's literally non-human looking
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Fuck your pretty boy aesthetics
You SHOULD train traps
You SHOULD train everything that can make you look bigger in any way
Become a monster
Leave humanity behind
I don't care about appearance you fuck, I want to be strong, physically and mentally healthy, and functionally fit. It's so undignified and unbecoming for a man to be concerned with his own physical beauty. Your only concern regarding appearance as a man should be looking clean and presentable, and nothing else.
Don't do it, it's all a big setup for Kenshiro to drop by, poke your chest in a manly way, and whisper "omae wa mou.."
Even when it comes to height, women regard you less and less attractive the more you surpass ~193 cm, if I remember correctly.
love traps
don't like traps

it's weird how it's split like that.
This isn't a fucking anime tranny
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>love traps
Get your head out of your ass. Men in general don't like huge traps, which is why in masculine media it's uncommon for main characters to have them.
>posts movie from the 70s
Have you been living under a rock? Guys have been obsessed with big traps for years now, especially ever since Bane in The Dark Knight Rises
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Shut up, Mad Max Jesus is real, and when he comes again, I'll tell him to kick your ass.
wait, is that grace jones?
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>Have you been living under a rock?
I frankly don't know. I know who Sam Sulek is.
>Guys have been obsessed with big traps for years now
Let's assume it's true. It goes against the norm so it's a fad and if it's a fad it doesn't indicate innate preference for Quasimodo traps.
>especially ever since Bane in The Dark Knight Rises
I haven't noticed that. I could reasonably be accused of cherry picking and I don't have better proof so I agree to disagree.
My bad for thinking your trapanon, I agree with you.
Why is the artist gay?
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Nice image.
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I don't know why you posted Rocky he has traps. Definitely not that bizarre horizontal line fuck in the OP
Purposefully under developing a muscle group is retarded. This opinion is forced and illogical. Also your gay
It's the angle plus shoulder and neck position. Here's a more accurate representation of how they look: https://youtu.be/nPuOmHpGH2o?si=c5R7Uts3upwhccUl&t=139
Mine are naturally huge. Good thing i have long hair so they get covered up
That's what she said.
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bro is the king of gymcels.

Prominent clavicles are 100% kino and female gaze, and I say this as someone with non-prominent clavicles (hopefully due to high bf%, probably due to bad genes sadly)
I have this but on my forearms instead. I am 6’2” with long ass limbs yet my forearms look like those of a roidtranny, even though my bi/triceps aren’t that big, and they grew from fucking machine rows ffs I didn’t even target them
gayest picture and poster on /fit/ atm
no traps makes you look dyel
>shoulders are sloped
traps means shoulders are strong.
post the collection of calisthenicfags physiques and look how their lack of traps is a negative
literally the fucking opposite
i would rather become trap than grow big traps yikes!
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big traps = signs you lift heavy shit and are strong
small traps = low testosterone, only uses machines and are weak as fuck
>gonna need big traps
for fucking what?
no homo, but big traps and obliques makes you less attractive
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>big traps = signs you roid heavy and have a shriveled dick
left needs a quote bumble "we come in peace"
Wether you have big traps or not does not change your actual shoulder width. This is the dumbest shit to worry about as a natty especially. If you're worried about looking narrow from having big traps, you're going to look narrow no matter what you do.
Step aside, traplet
dude looks inbred. weird skull and no pecs. like wtf? doing few shit form push ups would grow pecs more and hes fighter so its almost given he does them or bench or some chest pressing stuff.
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>I'm better off without you

>Cutting all the ties
>Took time to realize
>I'm better off without you

>I wouldn't even apologize
>No longer idolize
>Your face misplaced, I'm over you

>I'm nothing without...
>I'm better off without you

>I'm nothing without...
>I'm nothing without...

>Cutting all the ties
>Took time to realize
>I'm better off without you

>I wouldn't even apologize
>No longer idolize
>Your face misplaced, I'm over you

Everyone knows Zyzz was so aesthetic because of his traps. If you want to look like you lift in a shirt, you need traps.
No he doesn’t *skull emoji *
Insane cope
You’re a retard. Aesthetics is all about proportions.
Literally me on the right (I love OHP)
hang cleans and power cleans give me an advantage in martial arts, my favorite physical activities.
Right looks better
The only females who think left looks better would be 40-60 year old hambeasts. Show this to any 18-20 year old, none would pick that male version of fridge-mode with a pudgy hairy belly
I want to add, "broad shoulders" barely matter if it's combined with a waist barely smaller than your shoulder size. Small waist is almost as important as broad shoulders for a guy, otherwise no one would care about David Laid
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Absolutely false. Small traps is pencilneck territory,
Funny copes. Y’all actually believe that your gymcelling can bail out your inferior genetics
Fact of the matter is left is a 6’3 broad shouldered movie star and right is a gym maxed incel
Unironically, how do you train for this? Genetics?
>t. the most obvious pencil necked faggot on 4chan

impressive for someone who is also a small penis manlet lol
Right wins but both still have embarrassingly small penises, much like all pencil neck faggots
>how do you train for this

You can clearly tell he doesn't train
Upper back and shoulders. That particularly shameful individual is flaring his lats in the right picture btw. Total faggot.
This is proof for wide shoulders not traps.
By losing weight and lower ab training, notice the fat on him.

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