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>peak endurance athlete possible best in the world
>skinnyfat with little definition
>literal fridge with stick arms
video ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1FylHV_BVk
>Carb junkie
>Looks like shit
Not a surprise
Endurance is a different form of strength, as is speed.
I'm not watching your retarded video faggot.
Usually triathletes have a bit better upper body because of the swimming. He looks like a pure runner or cyclist.
>Can I keep up for 24hr?
Not even talking about Aleksandr Sorokin. Ran just shy of 200 mi in 24 hr avg pace of 7:15 min / mi. That’s so much more impressive than a fast ironman as far as I’m concerned
Hippocrates wrote that long distance running increases fat and reduces muscle. I was like "wtf that can't be true, why did he think that?" then I see this thread.

Learn what skinny fat means dumb fuck. He's lean.
yeah but is he really the fittest man in th-
average marathoner body, running is gay.
how the fuck is that lean
>best endurance athlete in the world
How are you going to call someone that? Best triathlete fine but endurance athlete is too vague. How you going to compare him to Kelvin Kimptum or Killian Jornet?
that kind of makes sense, assuming the person can eat enough to make up for the huge calorie exertion
>body deems higher need for bodyfat for extreme distance
>body deems muscle(especially upper body) wasteful needing to carry it while it does very little over miles
>assuming the person can eat enough to make up for the huge calorie exertion
I mean if they couldn't they'd wither away
But it actually takes very little fat to sustain you over long distances. Michael McKnight (picrel couldn't find a shirtless picture) has done a 100 mi and a 24 hr race (~113ish mi) on zeros calories (water and salt only) and he has little body fat
I think he has the highest measured VO2 max ever and that's what makes him "the fittest person in the world"
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He'd only burn 9-10k calories running 100-113 miles. That's like 2-3 lbs lost, and he can easily regain within a week.
Now let's see him run a Barkley.
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Isn't that the point? It doesn't take much fat to go even 100mi

Kiptum has the marathon record. Jornet's arguably the top ultra trail runner and also has a bunch of mountain climbing records on the side. He solo hiked everest twice a few days apart without oxygen, a tent, a radio, or ropes and the first time he went up he got sick at like 7000m and went ahead and summitted anyway. Then like 4 days later decided he was going to make a second attempt. Honestly probably going to fall off a mountain one day he doesn't ever use safety ropes
I surprised Magnus has decent VO2max despite not training endurance sport. I got interested recently in VO2max training because started thinking of doing mountaineering and VO2max is most important thing in it
t. someone with shit VO2max
>still fat
Rip kiptum
Kelvin Kiptum's VO2max dropped sharply to zero this year
I can't help but feel for his legacy it was for the best. It's really hard to believe he wasn't on something and eventually it would have come out. Even if they all are (which they probably are) he would have been the one torn apart for it (see Lance Armstrong)

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