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What is /fit/ opinion on this guy ?
I don't have anything against the guy but given the chance I would beat him to within inches of death
I hate faggots that look like this. He reminds me too much of that faggot chef Joshua Weissman
>given the chance I would beat him to within inches of death
You wouldn't do shit you edgy lil bitch.
Some of his stuff is cool I guess if you aspire to be a contortionist. It's honestly a grift. He peddles his shit like anyone can do it and tries to do lots of collabs with other fitness influencers, but it's bullshit. You would have to devote as much time to being flexible as you would to building muscle to be like him. It's just a fact that certain levels of strength limit mobility. Even Olympic gymnasts aren't gonna pull off some of his contortionist BS but he sells it like anyone can.
>tl:dr; I'm fine with basic stretching.
ummm who is this?
funky ass nigger doing funky ass things
doesn't make him right though
So you think this is a sane thing to say?
Josh weismann.
He records pretty pictures of food and writes an autobiography and calls it a cook book.
too busy knowing people in real life instead of spending every waking moment on the Internet following retard influencers. you wouldn't know who any of these people are either if you had a job, hobbies, gf, and actually go to the gym. this entire board just exposes itself.
Isn't this guy just really flexible by genetics? It's kinda frauding to say that he got that way by just stretching. He could probably do all that sht since he was young. Some people are just born crazy flexible.
I'm not against the guy or anything, but yeah, if I had the opportunity I would cave his face in with a rod of iron until it was thoroughly disfigured.
He's never been beaten up. That's what wrong with him. I'd say getting the shit beat out of him maybe 4 times would fix his faggotry for good.
first day?
So, a faggot.
It's a very good thing to be flexible and stretchable. Helps build tendon and ligament strength, activates more blood flow, and just feels good
I fucking hate this fucking loser holy fuck
Every video he appears in he's a complete fucking loser
Useless information
Guaranteed he started his whole flexibility thing just to suck his own cock
DYEL phaggot who trains "calisthenics" and stretching (party tricks) to cope with the fact he doesnt have the discipline to get into whatever his original goal body was.
goblina wife
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Faggot twink
He's anti body building, prefers to be a skinny fat faggot for his gay lover
Double jointed in his knees and elbows which puts him at extreme risk for injury
He probably wasn't even born double jointed, he probably did this to himself by over stretching and thought it was a fucking good thing
Has the body of a woman, double jointed like a woman
The only person you should get flexibility advice from is Kyriakos grizzly
That's why i do it
Is there a good cooking toober that isnt a massive faggot? I learned alot from Adam Fagussea, but i cant stand his fagginess anymore
I saw a vid of his in which he vorships some nigger actor and makes jokes about wanting him to fuck his wife. That was the last straw
>this guy ?
it's not, it's an *** :D
like just about any hollywood actor
his girlfriend is fat, I do not respect his opinions
I admire his flexibility and it's certainly an aspect of fitness many people avoid.
However the content he posts discourages people from working on their flexibility AND your strength. Both are required if you really wanna be functional and avoid injury in the future.

"Strength Build or Dex Build?" doesn't apply to real life. You're just hindering yourself.
There's always James May doing cooking vids and Gordon Ramsay's shit, Tasting History is also interesting channel.

It does, by getting bigger you are making yourself slower and gas out faster in general terms unless you just purely train to get big by doing a whole lot of endurance work.
Tasting History with Max Miller, who is unironically a real fag
I kinda like him. I ended up using some of his advice to improve my hips for kickboxing. His whole position is that flexibility isn't genetics, it's lifestyle. The limitations on flexibility are very rarely physiological, and are much more likely to be psychological. The nervous system actively controls your range of motion, and will force your muscles to clamp down once they are stretched to a position it considers "unsafe". Your muscles are physiologically capable of stretching much further than your nervous system will generally allow them to. You can get around this through a routine that incorporates PNF stretches, which is what that guy and others like him tend to peddle. PNF teaches your nervous system to relax in increasingly wider ranges of motion, until you're able to do stuff like full splits. It's easier when your younger because the nervous system determines "safe" ranges of motion through experience, so if you spend 25-30 years never going into a full split, your nervous system will automatically catalog that as an unusual and unsafe range of motion to enter. That being said, it's still very possible to become crazy flexible in old age with the right PNF routine, it just takes longer. I'm honestly kinda shocked to see so many people here who think it's some kinda genetic gift.
That's how fags should behave in order to not get beaten the fuck up and intolerated.
He's got a really fucking ugly wife. She's fat as fuck too.

Any man with a wife that ugly, I just take him less seriously.
kinda based. Strength and hypertrophy are the ones you see but flexibility and skill work are just as important and also work great for motivation.

Benching 250 but being unable to do a back bridge is dumb, especially since you can get the flexiblity in a couple months.
I will never liste to a guy who looks like this
He's cool. He learned to do a backflip in like 10 minutes on camera.
I love this guy. He helped me become more flexible. Despite being of smaller statue, I literally mog 99% percent of gym guys strength wise, because by stretching I increased strength in all ranges of motion. He also taught me how to crush an apple, which is a cool party trick and girls are always mirin'. Remember to stay flexy guys!
Bruno Albouze is great, Food wishes is pretty good for casual cooks, I've heard Brian Lagerstrom, Cooking with Jack and Jean Pierre are all pretty good too.
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uhmmm flexbros?
This is basically every couple in america and europe once they are 30.
from the thumbnail i thought that was a woman
oh lmao that's why he's always wearing hats, he bears the mark of Gorbachev
It would be insane if you wouldn't pulverize that annoying little faggot's head in
Just rewatch Good Eats
I hate him because of his fucking video where he's like "THIS IS HOW IM SKINNY BUT REALLY STRONG" and he's deadlifting like one fucking plate or some shit

His content works 5% of the time because people actually want to work on mobility and 95% of the time because people who don't work out don't know what basic strength looks like, type of person who looks at any weight being lifted and thinks "WOAH SO COOL" or thinks bodybuilders are natty and they need to do weird shit to "Avoid getting that big"
World's calmest trenbolone user award.
>It's honestly a grift. He peddles his shit like anyone can do it and tries to do lots of collabs
Immobile fatass cope paragraph
He is basically a beginner in the fitness world with good flexibility. But flexibility is extremely easy to obtain since there is no real challenge other than just spending an hour stretching each day.
He doesn't give much value in terms of how to get flexible. So I think his content is shit
Never watched any of his content, barely know who he is, but judging by the pics I have seen of him on here I think he looks gross and weird.
I didn't like him at first, but now I love him for easing a shitton of DYELs into lifting. He baited them in with the "it's okay to be small" rhetoric and then started building muscle.
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>Guaranteed he started his whole flexibility thing just to suck his own cock
You're saying that as if it's not commendable.
Townsends, he's literally trad
>*OHPs 15lbs*
Nope. Used to be stiff as fuck. Got to where he is now solely because of training.
>It does, by getting bigger you are making yourself slower and gas out faster in general terms unless you just purely train to get big by doing a whole lot of endurance work.
Absolutely false.
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Chef john
I would love to fold him like a pretzel and rape him, after he starts crying from his bleeding gaping anal rape I would remind him to "stay flexy with that ass as I will come back for seconds"
Back to where you came from
>didn’t wear contact lenses for his own wedding
Wow he didn’t give a fuck about it
chef john dunking on incels kek

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