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>OHP is not a functional lift
Is his skeleton still in there? That would be spooky
i see the problem now, his ass was too fat
Where the FUCK was he planning to go?
I hate cave retards so goddamned much.
I'm glad he's dead.
Fucking retard.
starting strength strikes again
He went into an unexplored tunnel the size of a laptop screen that was unexplored and unmapped bc everyone else rightfully said fuck that. Literal nightmare material.

Just hike for Christ's sake
It is, bit they concreted up the access
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>Just hike
you don't want to be my tunnel buddy?
hiking can be pretty dangerous too
Tunnel snakes rule!
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reminder he never died to his suffering, but his dead was rather caused by incompetence of the rescuers who didn't properly attach the gear to the wall, and one of them snapped while the guy was in the process of slowly getting pulled back, which caused him to collapse instead of slide down, then hit his head hard on the rocks below, and die to a fucking concussion
Will he be found as a fossil in millions of years?
>train nordic leg curls
>hook my heels onto the ledge behind him
>slowly pull myself up using my sheer hamstring development
nothin personnel, kid
Said rescuer was also female, for what it's worth.
I'm trans btw.
if you can ohp bodyweight theres a possibility you wont fit through many of these suicide holes

>unless youre a manlet
Caves are really cool and the idea of caving sounds like a ton of fun until I actually think about it for more than a few seconds and imagine trying to squeeze and wriggle my way through a small gap between completely immovable walls and I realize how incredibly stupid it is
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>rescues you *teehee*
lets hear it for our first responders
bruh you cant blame the rescuer. theyre risking their life crawling around in a deathtrap with barely any room to work trying to save a moron
Down and then up
On a time crunch too, considering he's already upside-down for hours by the time they reach him.
Don't you need to be compressed in certain minerals to be a fossil?
I don't know much about it but I don't think just dying in a cave will do it
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I would just send in an RC with a detachable drone and set up relay points that stick into the rock so the signal carries. I want to explore the caves but I'm not stupid enough to risk my life over it unless it's absolutely necessary
only if you are american where every 3rd person you meet daydreams about murdering people with their le hecking epic guns
God damn retards Kek
what the fuck is the point of "exploring" caves? what do you think youre gonna find? its all the rocks, rocks and more rocks.
I think it's fun the risk of them dying. Until they get stuck and actually die. Just seems like anxiety fuel to me. Id rather guy wander around in the woods alone. Can of bear spray and a hunting dog. Let me guess, you need more
There's usually more than just rocks inside the caves. You can find anything ranging from rare formations to fossils to underwater lakes to entire ecosystems with undiscovered species living deep in the caves. A lot of caves don't have shit but when you find one with the good stuff it's like Christmas morning
minecraft hardcore irl but with no mining.
the best part was that this was some old-ass lady too
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Fucking hell I remember laughing so hard that it made my abs sore when my dad showed me this
I wonder how long it took to sink in that he had fucked up big-time and how long it took to sink in that he was going to die.
I imagine when he first fell in he just thought "oh oops, better scooch my way out of here".
all they needed was an RC car with a camera that could do the dirty work for them.
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You want real anxiety fun? Go explore catacombs of Paris without a guide... Only things I would bring would be a flash light, batteries and a compass to survive.
>AI slop
So aside from le ebin liminal space, why should I be scared of going into man-made tunnels that are more than big enough for me to move comfortably?
His left arm was pinned underneath him and his right arm was pinned behind his back and the rock wall

he was literally corkscrewed into the fucking hole
I’ll be starting assisted hand stand push ups on Tuesday for shoulders day

Saw a dude in jail doing them and they looked fucking sick
nigga brutally died in a cave called nutty putty
He didn't died to the rescuers, he died to sheer fucking stupid stupidity
Here's your Darwin award Mr Jones, too bad you're not alive to enjoy it
If you ever get trapped in an enclosed space you will realise you need cave explorers to save your dumb ass.
I do this and think like this
Why didn’t they oil him up?
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They couldn't just bring hammer drills and metal grinders to open up more space in the cave and then pull him out?
Caves happen to be pretty good for minerals that form fossils. In a lot of caves you can see fossils in the walls.
He was practically unconscious when they started the rescue attempt. I bet if he was all lubed up he wouldn't have had the energy to try and get himself out and help
No room. They needed a rescue team of children or midgets for this to have been possible.
Typically yes.
not sure if this counts as a fossil but there are Maya era human remains that have been completely covered in crystals in a Belize cave.
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Could this have been prevented if he knew advanced yoga?
he was looking for Saddam
why not explore caves that are human sized?
some humans are bigger than others
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Wrong turn and you're lost in there until you die of dehydration
Every 2nd person daydreams about being attacked so that they can legally kill someone. Killers in America play a dangerous game.
In Europe you can just join a rape gang and even if they catch you they'll let you go with a slap on the wrist (assuming you have brown or black skin)
>rare formations to fossils
>underwater lakes
rocks and water! and rocks!
>entire ecosystems
insects! and a bat! cavefags are so fucking retarded. real men climb mountains
>climb mountains
To look at... air?
For one there are no blacks down there.
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if you cant appreciate a view like this youre either underaged or brown
people cover this up but he was going to one of those tiny caves that opens up into a treasure room. they dont want you to know about the treasure caves.
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>*year 4587*
>Dequanzel, I can't believe what the terradrone found. A human skeleton buried in the cave! Quick, run the sample through the AGI module.
>*blip bloop blip bloop*
>*holographic image of Nutty Putty incident appears*
Ask me how i know youre brown
This is pic so heavily filtered LMAO. I traveled shit tons of places and despite lot of them were beautiful they almost never look like in photos
>go into unexplored cave head first
We always drop into unexplored portions of caves feet first, always.

Also OHP wouldn't of even helped, the way the fucker got himself stuck required him to have his legs bent at the worst possible angle and he effectively had nothing to grab onto. Absolute fucking retard.
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>get hit by a rock in a cave
>others spend 1M€ and leave a ton of rubbish in the cave trying to rescue you
was it worth?
Mostly people whose lives are too easy and need adrenaline. Same thing with high status males paying to get dominated.
you're a big guy
I'm perfectly willing to go caving as long as I can walk into the cave and back out again. You would have to offer me millions of dollars for me to crawl into a cave.
>he doesn't do inverted squats
Understandable desu
Yeah exactly, fossils only form in sedimentary rock, I.e. the corpse is in mud and silt that is later compressed into rock. A corpse in a cave would just rot, and if it was somehow preserved it would be destroyed in the metamorphic stage of the rock cycle
We can play cave explorer for free.
I will never understand cavefags, even going to space is probably safer than this shit (and at the very least the deaths up there are usually instant). Just send a drone in there bro
They want to feel reborn squeezing through the birth canal once again. It'd be even more perfect if there were a bunch of people clapping and cheering at the exit
and the fact that he can not bend his knees backwards.
He did, but iirc he thought he was at a different spot in the cave that was a popular location for it's tight squeeze. So he thought that the cavern would continue safely as per the mapping.
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>man-made tunnels that are more than big enough for me to move comfortably?

It's a labyrinth, get lost and it's over.
This will always be funny.
he thought wrong
>she starts spinning faster
I mean all he had to do was read the fucking map and double check to make sure its the right way. Forcing yourself into a small section because you THINK it gets bigger is just dumb. His brother backed out upon it getting so small but he kept going for some reason.
>dang it! G' mas in perpetual motion again
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My nigga, post an unfiltered photo you took yourself, at the very fucking least
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I like rocks
Most of the rescuers are also cavers so they don't really mind.
They also spent hours getting equipment to him. Reading the report they waited hours for a jackhammer that didn't even work. So much time wasted sitting around doing nothing
that story of the girl getting drunk and wandering into the catacombs by accident always makes me sad. she died close to the exit too
Oh wow, to look at more rocks! Crazy shit dude
When are you supposed to do high speed gyros? Head day?
for 4
Nigger Everest is in India
this lack of faustian spirit is why africans still live in filth and why the europeans sailed the world, mountains are there to be climbed son
My OHP doesn't matter, I would NOT die in some gay-ass-sounding cave.
White european here. He's right. Cave diving is for literal retards.
HIP DRAHVE could've saved him
lmao, this. There's this huge swathe of the public that feels enlessly entitled to be bailed out of their own bad decisions. And if they're not, then it's eveeryone else's fault but theirs.

Basically peak boomer ideology.

And then you have this pure retard level of cope. Most people are smart enough not to do that in the first place.

Oh well. Nobody ever accused /fit/ of being smart.
>we need cavers to rescue other cavers who get into trouble caving in caves
Orrrrrrr... hear me out... nobody could go in the stupid cave, and nobody would need rescuing, so there would be no need for rescuers
dumb goverments banned dynamite so you can't use it to make caves bigger, but even if they wouldn't stupid cavers still wouldn't use it as it
>destroys natural ecosystems and caves structure
bitch like it matters to anyone except some retarded cavers that a tiny fucking hole would be blown so someone can actually move comfortably inside(still no reasons to get inside, but at least one doesn't need to crawl like a worm anymore)
cavers are retarded
>white man kills himself by idiotically crawling into a cramped dead end in an ALREADY mapped cave system
>tHaT's WhY BlAcKs ArE tHe DuMb OnEs hAhA

You couldn't be any more racist if you tried. Congratulations, I guess
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he went through the unmapped passage ngubu, you need to squint at the words harder
He was trying to find a gf; what pussy will do to a mf
Cavers use small blasting caps anyways to remove rock and expand passages. Dynamite would risk collapsing entire rooms
It was basically mapped as a dead end.
Get rotated, idiot

As for nutty putty cave, this was just the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of retards getting rescued at that cave.
Caving is a no from me. Some openings are so small that you have to exhale to squeeze through. Even a child would find it tight.

Manlets may walk two abreast.
You remind me of the babe.
What babe?
The pig from the movie

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that'll do pig
Spelunking is the stuff of nightmares, holy fuck. I hate the fact that Youtube recommends all kinds of these videos
Ways white guys die:
On a mountain.
In a cave.
Underwater in a cave.
Base jumping.
Sleeping peacefully in a bed.
Heartattack (most likley)
Prostate cancer
Are rape gangs a symbol of something? A loss of civilization or strong undesirable men? Maybe a fetishization of white women?

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