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kam here
i do not post here unless i'm brought up, i do not instigate, and i wish people would leave me alone
i love you all
you could lose some weight
-body piercing
Still would
U should unironically kill yourself no one has ever loved you at most people tolerate the likeable person disguise u wiggle into every morning u fat disgusting faggot which really bears no resemblance to the loser inside which nootger person has ever met because as soon as the real u tries to connect with anyone they are disgusted and run away I assure u no amount of posting my fizeek will ever fix u. U did this 2 urself u should just move 2 meth

What about my harp ( it sounds pretty enuff for like at least 5 points)
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Post nipple plucking string for 7 pts.
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i roon now
running culture is the new streetwear
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>What about my harp
let's hear it
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You look pathetic and frail with your wa wa backpack.
Clean jerk 345 today
No body, no opinion. Simple as.
thank god finally someone normal
you're looking great brother
>Clean jerk 345
I hate you :'(
you have body dysmorphia, this is a perfectly fit guy
No, you didn't.
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Uhhh guys, I haven’t kissed a woman yet.
Am I cooked?

5’10 200lbs (NOT INDIAN OK!!!)
>No traps, no forearms
In two combined reps?
You look good, but again; No. You. Did. Not.
Post webm otherwise.
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>Post webm otherwise
>he films himself
Just lose body fat, dumbass.
Getting bigger is just making you look gayer to women at this point
If you are Persian why are you not fucking everyone's bitch rn
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he's ruined us
>He doesn't record his own form on technical lifts to keep continually improving and avoid snapping his shit and to silence naysayers on a Paraguayan mushroom breeding forum
Im mixed :0
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Real. I focus on strength tho so it has to be a gradual process :0
>anon says they can C&J 150+kg
>thumbnail doesn't even weigh 150lbs
I don’t get this one, maybe Im too low IQ
You're that retarded nigger squatting in the OHP rack with just socks
>kam Jr arrives
there goes the thread
don't associate me with other men
if you wanna fuck with a kid's mind something fierce claim they have a female mind
Nah, now that youve attained a physique, you just need to progressivly overload social interactions

At least thats what im trying
Impressive. How much you snatch?
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these poster's have female minds
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i had a dream i told james hetfield he might have a female mind and he started beating me up :(
Real. Thanks. Going out this Saturday, PR will be getting a girls number after I am plastered enough :)
I want this girl to bully me so bad
Snatch 250, dead 5pl8lmao
How is your c&j so big?
Linebacker squat ass
Up the cals
Fat ugly monsters r not allowed 2 hear my music
Nice proportions nice chest 8.5
Nice width but still ethnic 7
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half a year's progress so far, moving from SL 5x5 to PPL, 89kg to 81kg, hoping to get to 75 by the end of the year.
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listen miss t, i'm sorry for all the bullshit i put you through and honestly i used you to better myself and you played along perfectly so i can't be mad no matter what
listen, i don't bring you up, ever, only when someone specifically asks about you do i talk about you, i don't post your pictures, i don't even have any saved besides the kam written directly on your forehead
in any case, i'm wishing you all the best, lock jon the fuck down he's a... wew he's a catch, you got this girl!
>am only 147lb at 5'10"
>just benched 175 for 3 rep 5 sets
>ohp 50lb dumbells 5x5
>skull crushers 40lb 5x5
>dips 20x5 sloow af
I eat so much /fit/.. Now, I am drinking 80grams of protein and eating ice cream. I have gotten so fucking strong over the past 3 years, but I have failed to gain any weight, like at all. I think I might actually have an issue with my metabolism idk
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ahh image!
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5'7 143 pounds
if i want abs should i just keep cutting?
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Who are you?
kam's raep victim
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Hello newfag
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is it possible to get really muscle-y just with dumbells from amazon alone in my very very small bedroom?
great job man. do you feel way better throughout the day?
Just stop being a weird troon and go to the gym
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never. I need to go hermit mode and never leave my room again
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Weight lifting and exercise was always a hobby of mine and durring covid i started datibg this bitch that wouldnt let me go to the gym and i just turned to garbage and wasted thousands of dollars in doordash trying to appease this fat lazh bitch idek why dude but regardless we split and ive been slowly crawling back to humanity. I think i might have also had mumps in that pic i was def sick.

It was t just beibgbiutbof shape it wasnt being able to di something i lived to do. This was me in 2019
IDK what to tell you then. Dumbbells are great for only upper body routines, and you want to do lower body excercises to grow your skelly legs/calves and ass. Maybe get dumbbells and do squats and other variations.
>those typing errors
fellow bartard bro?
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Kek you already posted your uncensored face you fat retard. Either way great job, keep it up you're about to reach humanity again
If you want to get bigger muscles you have to lift a weight you can only do about ine workkng set of.

That being said over head presses, lateral raises and frint raises will get you jacked fast with low weight

Dont forget to supplement with creatine or increase your meat intake. Also make sure to eat more carbs than protien its should be 60% carb 25 protien 15 fat ~
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Haven't posted in here in a while.
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Youre so fucking retarded the pic had its face crossed o it when i initially sent it in snapchat in 2019 and i have a job. You assumptive retard
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IDK what this word means you fat faggot, your words are meaningless. Keep losing weight and stop being a lardelemental
Mass gainer 2f
No you need 2 build them and increase cal intake
I’m the t-800 cybernetic organism living tissue over metal endoskeleton
I've never not bought bonds. How are the tradie ones?
Looking lean brother. What are your lifts?
Oh ok. Post physique
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Great back, IDK what the fuck you're doing in the front pic with that pose tho, you look like you got rigor mortis
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Post that bussi T-itty girl
Oh ok. Post physique
Really strange thread

>168 lbs

Been training BJJ exclusively. Enjoying it a lot. Grappling is good for the body and soul
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Cbt thread show body or shut up
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Kameron if you did 1 push up for every 4chan post you made you would be the most jacked man on earth
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come at me bro
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i should be paid for content creation on this fucking website
where's my ad split
Comfy. I prefer them slightly over bonds, but there's not much difference.
My absolute maxes are Snatch 110, C&J 130, back squat 180, deadlift 225, bench press 125, OHP 80, push press 110, pull-up+60, dip+75.
Thanks, haha I don't know how to pose and feel silly, so I just stand there awkwardly.
Give a female your eye contact and she kills herself instantly
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Natty? No way right?
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>snatch 115
>C&J 135
>back squat 185
>deadlift 230
>bench press 130
>OHP 85
>push press 115
>pull-up +65
>dip +80
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Only place worse than SF in the bay is Oakland. Or Richmond. Or Vallejo. Idk anything but South/East Bay.
You lift at 24 tho?
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you forgot to add your after picture
none posting thighs
it honestly should be a crime what this man wastes
Stfu you fat fucking fat retard sand nigger. Kys
baby dick

nice physique and all, but why are you standing like a kangaroo looking for a fight?
>Braindead faggot has to copy my line because he can’t think of his own

Ok baby dick
i don’t have a baby dick fuck u x0
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yes, pale
Please PLEASE give-
height + weight
how many years lifting

Please anon this is my goal body.
Idk how I'm supposed to stand when taking a photo, and I guess I am looking for a fight.
height and weight? routine? you do cardio? natty?
17 words
fucking impressive
>moving to richmond for work
Is it over for me? I'm from the valley so I doubt it could be worse
I can see you lost a bunch of weight, wad it fasting or refular cutting out sweets eat clean and workout?

Also gj
2 lean
Imagine being Amerifat
will u shut the fuck up
i give u an inch u take a mile, as usual
i didn't give you permission to resume posting
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Very nice

Mate well done! Looking good!
they call this guy cock sucker omega
You're pretty hot.
I know the feel
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77kg 5'10
5 weeks from show day
Natty arm God
Post body, dyel.
>please sir let me see your cock so i may suck it
u can't stop this guy
omega blast off
How does it feel when ur mom falls for bobs or vegana meme?
Freaky lean mode, feel like I'm between 6-8% bf, have gotten visibly leaner in the last few months
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Forgot pic
Thats what I thought fatty
Stop shaving your pitts fag lol
no you didn't think anything, you're objectively repulsive as fuck
You look like a chewed up piece of gum
Not what vibes your mom was giving me brah
Btw fruit snax don't "just disappear", I fuckin ate em, timmy.
u also sucked timmy's cock
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2 days ago
I would fuck you hard
what's your body shaving routine? i basically look like jon hamm with my shirt off and while my gf insists she likes the way i look, i can tell deep down she doesn't like the body hair
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gyomei would be proud
What was your actual starting weight? I assume 89 is recent weightloss and you used to be fatter than that from the loose skin. No way you have that much loose skin if you started at 89kg right?
Difference in your face already is crazy. Keep cutting bro. I think you may be hiding some good face genetics under there.
You gotta eat big to get big anon.
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225. I need to hit 210 to be lean. I thought by 220 I'd be good.
Anon who said "kangaroo looking for a fight" was right but my first thought was that you look vaguely bug like.
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shame about the titties. You'll need to get surgery for that.
>kam here
Unironically who
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Not everyone has the space for a home gym, and if you record yourself in public you should be executed by firing squad.
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what's you weight nowadays? you didn't blow up and turned into this thing did you?
Not him, but just get an electric razor and buzz your torso with no clips. It doesn't get a close enough shave for your face, but it'll do for your body. Although, ime women like just a bit of happy trail under the belly button.
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this is my bakk
I feel sorry for you fatty, rather than asking advice you try and shame anons that are better than you
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I've your pussy and butthole
>can't type for shit
Wow, your opinion must be very valuable.
*I've loved using your pussy and butthole
my apologies.
That’s beyond dreaming, that’s straight up mental illness.
Stay in your lane, be happy you have the privilege to live in the same rock and stay quiet.
Sup bro. How did you get to 265? What was your cycle training and diet. Trying to bulk before i head to bali in a month.
>moving to richmond for work
Going to work at the Chevron plant? You don't have to live in Richmond itself but if you're not living near the city center it's probably fine.
That's a different guy, don't believe him, what I meant to say was "I've seen your pussy and butthole and their gorgeous (pls pls pls marry me)"
what's your new tag?
6' 155 lbs.
Right is if I just relax my core.
Do I need to cut? or what?
I've been working for a year now, but no gains because insomnia and stress are my goblins.
try working out too
need to build some muscle first
3 times a week, but progression is very bad, only my chest got big.
I was quipping on your working for a year. Anyway, your chest isnt big, Im not trying to put you down, on the contrary. If you've been going for a whole year for this, your only excuse would be if you were turbo fat. You look like those indians that appear to have wandered inside a gym and are moving 10lb dbels around and switching once through every machine, all in all 40 minutes and then leaving.

If you can only do 3 days a week, you have to actually push yourself. Might help with the insomnia too
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6'0, 77kg

please tell me that's a boy
Thats a grown ass man
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5'10 203
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Anything I should focus on? Trying to improve my posture more
I was always impressed by the view from his window
Jealous ham hands wrote (then corrected the unintentional key presses) this.

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