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Very close to 100 kg bench press, so far I'm at 98 kg for 3 reps.
Weird because I can OHP 70 kg for one rep.
So anyways I accidentally visited /po/, and it's like a different universe. The threads are sooooo slow.
There's still active threads from 2018, it's pretty cool.
How are you bros doing?
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/pol/ fucking sucks now.

Started doing light cardio a month ago and I'm already lean enough to see my abs and I'm so horny all the time I feel like a feral beast. Weight training + light steady cardio is a deadly anabolic combination and I'm sorry I doubted the leanpill twinkchads. I feel incredible.
Banned from /pol/ for posting Bible verses and promoting Christianity, for like the nth time, my "refugee" boards being /fit/ /lit/ /int/ and sometimes /o/ and /diy/.
/po/ is the origami thread, not /pol/, you aren't the first one kek.
not thread
lol I was going to visit /pol/ but accidentally clicked /po/, which is papercraft and origami.
It's the most chill board I've ever seen, like a totally different website.
Should athletes do cardio specifically for their sport.
For example I don't see the point in boxers doing jump rope and running. They should throw as many punches as fast as possible for cardio.
Is this retarded?
I’ve been doing 4 sets of 10 of benching 135 good form pause reps. I start to struggle at the end of 3rd set and can only get to 5-8 on the last set. Is this a good way to gain strength? My max bench was like 170 or something but that was a year in a half ago. Then my elbow would hurt when I would bench because I was weak and retarted so I’ve never maxed bench. I also recently started taking lifting more seriously this year, right around august. Finally, what do you think my max could be? From what I said above.
Didn't read all the degen shit he wrote, just responding to the /pol/ and /po/ mistake.
I mean jump rope and running is part of boxing. I know what you’re saying though, but still other training outside of the sport is still beneficial. But the best way to get better at said sport is to keep practicing said sport.
Permabanned from /k/ for being critical of zionism
I pretty much exclusively go on /fit/ as my homeboard, then /wsg/ sometimes when I'm bored, and /gif/ when I want jerk off material but honestly most of the threads aren't good enough to even begin to enter so I rarely go there anymore
You can definitely do 100kg for a single bro. I'm about to hit 140kg soon and I'm hyped. Dialing in form and going hard on my accessories has paid some big dividends
The running and jumprope are for two different things. The running is pure cardio and getting your work capacity up. The jumprope isn't just for added cardio but also for training coordination and being able to match the rhythms of your hands and feet
A week ago I posted a silly thread saying "I'm Hitler" with perfect 88 dubs.
I didn't get banned from /fit/, I got banned from ALL boards.
Meanwhile the doomer and coomer threads kept going for hours.
That's because the jannies for /k/ are actual government agents. This is well known bro
Easy just isolate chest more, but the technique is something only real meatheads know who cannot physically make the words to explain it.

>pec minor
Deeper in the rep unless your form falters and it goes to shoulders
>pec major
You'll find it on closerish grip or even parallel grip, and you don't necessarily touch the chest unless you bounce it to keep it activated. Gotta brace your upper abs then you create the shoulder and back stability but once the upper back loosens that's snap city.
To be honest I go on these boards even when I'm not banned on /pol/, which is often.
I am bigger and stronger and have been training longer than you. All I did for 80% of my sessions was a balanced mix of compounds for 3-5 sets with 3-8 reps. The best I benched was 245 lbs for 1 paused at ~220 lbs bodyweight. I can probably do like ~275 now at ~250 bodyweight. I think if you want to get past this range of mid 200s you need to start adding other variations like partials or targeted accessories for triceps etc. but I just want simple workouts I don't have to think about.

every board is dogshit since this wesbite is: overwhelming third world now, much lower traffic than it used to be, and no new OC gets made. I go to /v/ just cause it's fast, /vp/ for autism and hugboxes (can't register an adult discussing pokemon as a threat), and sometimes /tv/ + /mu/. /lit/, /his/ and /sci/ are fun to see pseuds.
You fucking retard
Your so desperate to blow a nig because of your white guilt that you just can't stop thinking about politics
So should I start heavy like 155 till failure then end the sets with 135?
My 1rm is probably about 295 if rested because I've been tired as shit and haven't taken a week off in 2 months 4 days a week minimum chest 3x from 225 for maybe 2 in february.

You wanna do like 2-4 of 3-5 near failure once a week and hit whatever intensity of volume that you can handle. I grow best with the 1 heavy day and 2-3 more chest/bench days with like 10 sets each session. This is also on a bulk and includes varying grip work.
Try doing heavy for 5ish maybe a lil more, do back arms core etc only 1-2 separate lifts, then go back to the bench or some kind of press for a 10rm weight for another few sets.
Yeah see how many you can do with 155. If it's at least 4 then do that as your working set. Do your standard warm-up if you have one. Then do one warm up bench of half your working weight. Then do the 155 for 4+ reps. Once you get to 6+ reps for 3 consecutive sets you can up the weight 5 lbs easily. Rinse and repeat this until you get injuries limiting you or start stalling, but this should take you to low 200s easily. You also have to eat enough to actually grow assuming you're like an average build.

I just put all my focus into OHP though. So based on that idc about progress in any lift desu as just adding 5-10 lbs or 2-3 reps in a year is good progress for me with OHP. I can do 190 for 3, and just shy of locking out 200.
>Very close to 100 kg bench press, so far I'm at 98 kg for 3 reps.
thats cute. how long have you been lifting for and whats your bodyweight?
I was at 175 for like 3 a lil over a year ago and I'm +100lbs now, I got half of that in the last like 4 months here's what I'd do as a working set.
>5rm and bounce enough to keep speed reps and not lock out all the way
>keep strict form but go for 10
>barely any leg drive just enough to keep shoulders in the best position for no snap city
>narrower grip like pinkys-middle at shoulder width
>push with abs like you're crunching

This is how I finally activated pecs on bb bench, figured it out from the chest press I'm up about 1pl8 each side from the last month I started using it.
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One of the girls who works at the front desk at my gym starts conversations with me, is this a sign she likes me
I'll be sitting on my phone and she'll say things to me
With this technique I'm hoping to see near roid numbers as 15lbs/month isn't quite there but I've dialed in my training a shitload.
Probably yes.
Rub your man ass couthly on her stomach the next time and see if she has eyes for your seed.
Are you saying you're up 100 lbs on bench from last year, or bodyweight? Anyways, I'd say for technique just work on body drive like in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCBAJoQvms8
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I hate that I'm getting back into /pol/ lately, I hadn't really browsed since 2020 during the George Floyd shit and Seattle sovereign communist zone thing or whatever it was. Had to drop it since the mental illness was starting to rub off on me.
I hope tomorrow I can finally get past 405x3 deadlift, if I don't I might change it up and see if I can get 365x8 or something
Go back to facebook retarded tourist.
I hit 185 about a year ago and my calculated 1rm was 285 while tired and 2 months in to bench 3x a week minimum so I think I can hit 1x295 on a good day after I rest(shoulder fucked a lil).
I didn't visit this website once last year and I thought it made no change but ever since I've been here I feel much more insecure
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>they banned me for making some innocent observations nonstop multiple times in every thread
Also I had 2 sets back to back 285 1rm I'm just afraid to push too hard and be out of lifting because of my shoulder.
>anon makes a slight critical comment about the quality of /pol/
>starts angrily spamming interracial gay sex fantasies as a response
Yep checks out
Are you really gonna let them win with that nigger shit?
if you have to risk injury to complete the lift then it's heavier than what you should be doing. Every time I do a 1-3 rep max it's always something I'm comfortable with with good form. But I just lift for health. I've known guys with higher peak strength who pushed themselves for sports. They complain about back issues, and random other pains while being around my strength or weaker than me now. Seems like a poor trade-off to get slightly stronger in the short term just to lose it within 5 years, and be riddled with pain. And most guys down that road are too stupid to fix their issues with physical therapy. I've nursed every injury with light weightlifting, or just taking time off in general. I have no pains at all, and will just get stronger gradually until I peak 15-20 years from now. 5 lbs to my OHP per year might sound like nothing, but over 20 years that's a 100 lbs. increase.
I want legs for arms but the shoulders have to be proportional. I want it to be my most prominent feature but sick chest and back is a must.

Why are my lats bigger than my chest from here and there heavy 5-8 I'm too lazy to go to failure or do more because bb rows are basically legs and its the only way my lats grow.
My current routine for recovery is(and has worked I've had this same pain)
>deadhangs all grips
>reverse bench iffy if the pain is acute
>zero raises especially side delts
>just the bar ohp/btn it's kind of bad
>25s/45s bench for reps
>stiff arm curls to the inside leaned down

>reverse bench
>btn light
>generally putting my chest in front of my stomach and activating serratus and abs
>about to see if front delts are a weak point I never get a front delt pump
>about to see if cross cable rear delts can beef up the tendons
Since nobody has made a new QTDDTOT:
How do I activate my glutes more on Romanian Deadlifts? I feel like my spinal erectors do all of the work and my glutes basically don't activate until I'm already upright again, at which point they just push my pelvis back into alignment.
I have this issue even when I mimic the movement without weight. It's a technique issue, I think.
No knee bending
Oh dude back extensions made my ass feel like balloons, I'm worried if I did that too often I wouldn't be able to shit.
Sounds like you're just impatient for 300 bench then. No reason to rush when you can take it safe and deload for a week. If your shoulder is fine by then you might even be able to actually do the 295 comfortably immediately afterwards.
Just tried it with no weight and it worked, thanks anon.
I'll need to practice the movement and maybe do some hamstring stretches to avoid fucking my knees though.
Let me guess, "trolling outside of /b/"? That's a global rule.
I think unless you've pissed the mods off they just ban for whatever you've been reported for; off-topic would get you a ban from only /fit/.
I'm 5 days in and it's recovering slowly due to sleep I'm considering taking a month so it doesn't come back first time I fuck form like last time. I basically ground my shit down to where it was sore after every session days after.

It's always heavy incline so I'm guessing shoulders need some work I don't even really nail 135 ohp for working sets.
oh yeah probably just take some time off, and then go from there. You should be working on your OHP if you can't get 1pl8 comfortably while pushing 3pl8 bench. My tested bests are 190 OHP for 3, and 250 bench for 2 for reference. I think over specializing leads to muscle imbalances which can lead to more injuries over time, but I could be wrong. As long as you're having fun just keep it up though. If you don't homegym you could always ask another bench bro for tips. Seems like you know what you're doing though
yeah but it was just a silly thread. should have just been a warning.
I got my shoulder routine to go from sharp pain to nothing in 2 weeks here same with the recommendation to hit machines now I'm getting actual chest hypertrophy. Prison reps for the win less pain accumulation too.
>Tricep cable extensions
>pain in shoulder on final rep like pulling the joint down from the back
>slight pain in elbow when bent and occasional slight shoulder pain for the last few days
>no loss of mobility or noticeable loss of strength, just occasionally annoying when I sit in certain positions
So I'm assuming here I just pulled the muscle and the tendons are inflamed. I'll probably stay away from tricep isolation exercises for a week or two and take aleve regularly.
Am I underestimating the severity of what I did?
It'll get stronger eventually but you're pushing your shoulder out of the socket and it basically lengthens the tendons and the weird geometry of it causes stress in a lengthened position. Try flexing or pushing with your front delts, that and serratus/core slacking is Whatley cause it then move your shoulders each way till it feels more solid and your joints aren't being pulled outwards and are instead stable.

Easy way to think of it is imagine your bicep has a load on it, and now you have a lot of weight at the bottom of the rom and you're leaned back.

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