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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides
https://i.imgur.com/ef98R.png (embed)
https://i.imgur.com/qNJIy.png (embed)

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

previous >>74640311
Hey guys, legendary rdrama.net poweruser CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM here.

How often do y'all plan out your runs ahead of time? I'd love to do a 10+ mile run each week but every time I've ever hit a personal best for distance or speed, it was because I felt great as I was running and decided to go for it. I can't decide beforehand that I'm gonna feel good to do a long/fast run, it's all just about how I feel when I'm out there.

How do I beat this?
Garmin-sama thinks I'm tapering so dropped 4 minutes off my predicted marathon time. In reality I'm on holiday and eating and sleeping like shit. Was only able to run 35km last week it's over for me (normal base is 70km).
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Apparently if you don’t use stoplights as an excuse to take breaks in the middle of your run you are a casual runner. If you keep moving and/or try to cross the street somewhere else you are not a real runner
Casual runners freaking out if cars don’t come to an instant halt when they approach a street crossing always makes me laugh. I’ll be annoyed when I’m trying to do a tempo but like you’re jogging calm down
Also because I didn’t actually read the text. Yes that is correct. It doesn’t matter if you have to wait 30s on an easy run. And yeah I assume you’re new if you’re over concerned about it
>tfw love to roon but have become a skelly in the past few years
>have yoyoed between rooning ~50 miles a week with no lifting or no running and lifting 6 days a week
what is the logical compromise? Just eat more? only do HIIT? I want to build my muscles back up before going to asia for a few months but I also love running as a way to explore new places and want to be able to go on 10+ mile runs easily. One of the best times of my life was when I was in korea for 6 months and would go on long ass runs up mountains or into otherworldly commie blocks under construction but I also have never gotten back to the strength and muscle mass that I had before I went there
if you're doing a tempo you should plan your route not to cross roads anyway
Are your roons ok during a long fast? I’m going to try tomorrow at around the 55-60 hour mark and expecting to suck
must be nice to have the option
>but still 30 degrees in Celsius
Come on
you don't have a park or oval nearby at all?
>5am 74 degrees F 91% humidity
every fucking morning lately
>no previous experience running
>work a wfh desk job so majorly inactive for years
>decide to run a 5k yesterday
>30 seconds in, i'm absolutely wiped.
>out of breath completely. gasping for air
>focus on breathing and power through. In through the nose out through the mouth
>lungs feel like they're about to explode. every breath feels like i'm taking it through a paper bag
>get to the half way point. My legs are killing me
>I have a blister on my foot, because I'm using regular addidas sneakers and not running shoes
>have to walk for 1 min and run in burts of 20 ish seconds
>continue gasping. Ankle is starting to develop some pain
>3/4 the way through. Massive cramp in left calve muscle. pain is blinding. I stay on my feet and power through.
>get to the 5k point. don't collapse. casually walk it off and go home.

>time: 40mins

This is my first time running, I did 5k to set a baseline. whak
>having crosswalks on your route
Just run along some river or do circles in a park. Even a track will do it.
>hurt both my feet
>can't roon
life is suffering isn't it
Can't tell if he is running from bills or running towards gibs.
Started to look at studies on what is the best way to improve vo2 max.
This study suggests that 4x4 HIT is the best way. Long slow distance running did the worst but that group also lost the most weight which would surely make the vo2 max and other improvements worse.
You are a casual runner if you run in places with stoplights to stop you and cars to pollute the air that fuels you.
Go in the woods or go home
just stick to it and get a pair of decent shoes
Going from 55.5 ml/kg/min vo2 max to 60.4 is about the same as going from 3000m in cooper test to 3200. These guys were age 25 and excellent shape already.
>The subjects carried out three training sessions per week for 8 wk.
My 'average'(>>74661460) shape ass should see higher improvement as long as I stick to it.

Will rooning give me nice legs and a fat ass? ( serious question)
Or does it barely grow your glutes if at all?
Yeah, definitely going to stick to it. I'm planning on running 20 min sessions. At the moment I can run for about 3-4 mins before having to walk, so my goal is to be able to run for 20 mins without stopping
Run on dirt if you can, it's way more comfortable than running on concrete or asphalt.
Hi, 240lb 6ft tall fat fuck here.
I've never been a runner, went for my first run in ages and ignoring stops I probably ran maybe ten minutes total and I feel nauseous as fuck. How many times do I have to run until the nausea stops.
Generally it will be more humid during the morning instead of the afternoon. This is also why summer sucks so much because it's a choice of barely human temperatures (80F) with higher humidity versus dying in the bright sun at 90-100F.
6'3" 240 when I started.
Use couch to 5k and stay hydrated. You are likely just nauseous from your terrible diet and lack of water, along with more physics activity than you are used to.
This isn't criticism, this was the problem when I started.
Go, cook fresh chicken and vegetables. No more ultra processed crap. Drink water until your piss is clear. Start running slowly.
I plan the day before and eat accordingly, proper eating the day before a run is how I've pushed my distance and pace PRs
you were running too fast for your fitness level
what exactly do they mean by avidweird adjectove
second run of the day, wish me luck
(i drive my car in to get serviced, run home, then run back to pick it up)
At least a month, maybe more. Make sure to not run everyday or you will 100% fuck up your knees. Lift weights, do core exercise, quads. I was also 220lbs 5'11, it was hard to start but now I've been running for over 5 years.
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I have been running for 8 years. Stopping mid-run is a sin most grave. If you stop for more than 5-10 seconds for some random reason like dropping your headphones or your shirt, you might as well walk home because your run is over
go run
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Did my 5k PB today, bros.
Is cold starting like this bad?
Avid runners play frogger, they don't stop at crosswalks.
Yeah it looks like you did your warmup in the last 2k or so.
jk bro nice pb
I’m not running 10+mi of tempo on a track or a half mile loop in a park. I have a rail trail by me. It has a bit of elevation change and somewhat uneven surface which I prefer to a track anyway. There are street crossings (not traffic lights). It’s a little annoying but cars tend to stop earlier when you’re running hard and it’s rare that I actually have to come to a complete stop. I just speed up a bit afterwards to make up the time and assume it’s probably going to be that much easier in a race when I don’t have to speed up and slowdown
pausing in the middle of a roon for a brief period feels nice and doesn't change the amount of work you're doing at all

you also look like a monumental faggot running in place on the side of the road

the decision is simple
I like crosswalks desu for my easy runs because I am mentally ill and will ego run all of my easy runs. crosswalks let me rest and keeps the effort in check.
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Took it a bit slow today because of the heat. It wasn't all that hot out while I was running (Garmin app says 73F) but it was hot last night and I didn't sleep well. I couldn't get my average cadence up to 180 either, which is annoying.
Saw a heron perched in a tree and two buns. One of them was hopping along side me as I ran for a bit, which was fun.
I'm going to have to go really early again tomorrow because I have a mid-morning appointment... meh.
>mentally ill
Yeah, me too, but I'm on track to start therapy. Don't neglect mental health gains
Serious question am I supposed to pause my watch if I hit a red light, I usually just let it keep running
It doesn't matter but I would say most runners do. Never pause your watch during a speed workout though. That's lying.

Don't think even Goggins would agree with you on that one
If you have a good diet, you’ll have tone legs, ass will be ok, not fat. If you incorporate some lifting the ass will be bigger.
Most watches will have an auto-pause feature
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>watch battery died midrun
might as well have not done the run
been out of commission for a month with what I assume is ITBS. Been trying to foam roll and do stretches like clamshells, but recovery is frustratingly slow. Anyone got any protips to heal this bitch so I can enjoy summer
Is it worthwhile to add calf raises at the end of each lifting session for injury prevention?
corr propa good kittingtonhamptonshire-on-avon diss one
do it on your leg day
How long is too long for recovery cardio on a machine?
Can I use this routine to bring my 5K time down to below 20 minutes? Current PB is 20:3x. Or should I make it more difficult by adding 2-3 reps to every speed session?
therapy didn't work for me. I have felt better recently though after restricting my diet. I don't eat any carbs other than rice, don't go to restaurants ever, eat mostly plain meat, eggs, cheese.
I think I have been darwin-selected by the agrijew without realizing it. It's like some people have very strong allergic reaction to peanuts, but subtler. What if eating the shit foods, GMO fruit, vegetables, oils, etc. caused you mental issues but it was in a subtle way, and you were constantly eating the foods, so you never had a reference point to notice it? Interesting thought.
I’ve been trying to eat healthy. My pre-roon snacks have been two bananas for many months now. Which is about 200 calories.
But bros… Snickers and coffee is to die for and I only allowed it to myself once in past year (pre race).

But real talk. Banana vs candy for pre-workout. Does it fucking matter?
Is it that much healthier if my overall diet is already good?
all sugar is poison unless you are an advanced weightlifter.
Alright, who let ketotards in here?
This is not a running question which so please excuse me but there's nowhere else I can ask it and don't want to fill the board with another easy to answer thread. I can walk all day long on concrete with my shoes but when I walk on wooden floor with slipper which are kind of thick my knees start to hurt really bad after like twenty minutes for the whole day. Is that normal and should I just get shoes or what?
I got infrared therapy on mine.

It did improve it but took about 6 weeks
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started running, and my foot is hurting right where the arrow point.
What can I do to fix this?
are you a woman or a man? i seriously cannot tell with that foot
Bananas are much less likely than candy to contain mystery chemicals which may cause inflammation
Pretty good roon today, added an extra quarter mile and sprinted the last .2 miles. Only had 2 minutes of walking in the middle to sip water, 5 minutes walking warmup.
Heart rate avg is 6bpm lower than my last similar distance/speed roon on Saturday
2.5 miles in 32 min yeah I know I'm still out of shape
Going to need some more details
I've had pain in that exact spot immediately after a roon a few times but it went away after a few hours. Is yours lingering? Days? Weeks? Reoccurs often?

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