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I unironically think a 6'5 265 lbs peak male human could beat a chimp to death
Maybe a senior chimp or a bonobo
after shooting off his arms and legs maybe.
Would get his face and dick ripped off in less than 10 seconds
I'd slam a chimp at 6,2
Chances are good if you catch the chimp off guard, give him a knockout sucker punch.
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Why fight? let me have banana
Put the strongest man on earth (on gear off course) vs a regular size chimp in a cage and watch the ape mol him to death and eat his flesh
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Don't you remember what we all learned when Mike Tyson wanted to bribe zookeeper to let him fight a gorilla?
And a whole lot of biologists chipped in how that wouldn't have gone so well.
Apes have a different nervous system and muscle composition than humans. Pound for pound they are around 5x stronger than we are.
Also chimps are fucking savage. They fight dirty and if you piss them off enough to the death.
A chimp would simply climb that 6'5 Adonis, dislocate both shoulders and start eating his face.
Prepare to lose
>dick and balls
>parts of your skin/face
If you can stomach that and continue fighting then sure
Humans lack the intensity to win. A man able to beat one of us would be an animal himself
A middleweight with decent aggression and fight skills could. Most men just can't fucking fight. 99% of streetfight videos are a joke. 100% of competition fighting videos are dudes holding back, on the defense protecting themselves, and strategizing. They're trying to win the match not save their lives. Men don't know how to fight for their lives anymore. There is a difference between that and sport fighting.
Fuck you motherfucker. Your eyes look gougeable, your ears rippable, your fingers snappable.

Look up rough & tumble fighting style, banned MMA moves, and aggravated assault/mayhem charges. Those are the moves so deadly and destructive they had to be banned or carry extra prison time if you do them. All of them are literally just how apes fight. We don't use our body plan properly for how we're designed to fight. Punches are something to add in when there's an opportunity for the strike to be devastating, not the primary attack. Hammerfists and kicks are much more devastating. Monke barely even has a kick, you have clubs for legs, learn to swing them properly. Learn to break shit with your hands and squish and rip soft parts. Become monke.
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I'd rather not fight one, they are beautiful creatures like orangutans, monkeys, gorillas, and so on.

But, if I did have to fight one, I bet I could take it on with boxing and grappling. Would basically try to wrestle it into a rear choke or some kind of choke.

But unless it is some sort of cage fight with a gun to my head in a thunderdome situation, it seems like animal abuse.

They love fruits, you can feed them fruits and become friends like >>74668935 said.

If you just want to hurt a primate for ego reasons that's kinda sad.
Least psychopathic krav maga student
Thinking too passively. We're talking a chimp has it out to kill you and comes at you full force. A rear choke isn't a bad plan though, I've seen it work on a dog. If it has coratid arteries and an airway in its neck, it can be choked, and being behind them is a good spot to avoid attacks and execute a choke.
I've actually taken Krav at two different gyms lmao, about 15 years apart. The stuff they're teaching now is actually pretty decent. It's not wide ranging enough though, they only teach defenses for like 8 types of attacks. If I get attacked one of those ways though, I'm prepared as fuck.

They do not teach rough&tumble tactics. I came up with those on my own basically just looking at the weaknesses of the human body and looking up banned/extra illegal moves.
My plan if I ever get put in a ring with a chimp is to attempt to shove my arm down its throat and make it choke on my hand. I just have to survive while it flails putting my weight into it and ducking for cover.
Take its eyes while you're there, before it takes yours. You still have to avoid it ripping at what it can reach and pushing you off itself.
a monkey will rip your nose and cheeks off dude
Gorillas are a lot bigger than humans. That wouldn't go well for the human. Chimps are a lot smaller than humans though. The 5x measure is also overestimated. A 6'5" fit human is going to be stronger than any chimp.
I think it's definitely possible. The problem is guys that big are usually pretty slow and chimps are nimble and have sharp teeth. If the man had a club I'd say the man would win every time. It would be ugly but he would win with just one or two solid blows.
And that chimp had a fat and lazy lifestyle. Imagine what a fit prime age chimp could do.
I thought guys on 4chan were delusional and stupid, no man in history could ever beat a chimp in hand to hand combat. Ever. I doubt you could go unscathed even if you had a knife or a blunt weapon. Chimp strength, bone density, nervous system are primed for strength and explosiveness. Humans have much more delicate and intricate nervous system primed for delicate stuff, that's why we can do art, play the piano, etc. A chimp would take you out in seconds, he would rip your testicles out, your face, take out limbs, discolate bones, etc. There is no comparison between human and animal strength. It would be over in seconds. Chimps are vicious animals too.
I think that a 6' 200 lbs moderately fit male human could beat a chimp to death. He would need to have /strongmind/ though and honestly go for the kill from the start without fear for whatever injuries he might sustain.
cringe and gay, post your fedora
He still has small weak teeth

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