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what lifts get your libidinal energy flowing?
for me its OHP and stone deadlifts in nature
Lool what a cope, it's all about looks
Gayest shit I read on this board and that is saying something. Literal ESL astrology homo.
Based and correctpilled.
squats with slam balls were pretty good.
Kek based femoid
The first bit about energy is definitely true
This is why my gf demands to go out for dinner, to eat varied foods and go on long vacations abroad
Whereas I would eat the same high protein meal every day and go nowhere for a holiday, as I did when I was single
The trick is to manage the number of "yes"es you give her - I allow her to bring us out for a meal sometimes, I allow her to bring us on a vacation occasionally
And sometimes I allow her to be annoyed about not doing the things she wants to do, because it's not actually about doing or not doing things, but like all women she craves the dramatic cycle of righteous conflict -> happy feelgood reconciliation
There are more autistic men than women, we don't find our matches. Criminal men match with trash women, golden retriever men with normie women. Autistic men with their hand, no one identifies with us. Women's brains don't grow that big, estrogen keeps everything small and weak including the brain.
autists can get pussy by being seen as eccentric and high energy
its so so over
Squats and tuna. I'll literally be on the verge of busting a nut after a good squat set if I had tuna for lunch
Your gf is a dude, bro.
Channel your autism into a character and play it. Make it a fun character. Even fedora tippers get gfs. No excuses.
>verification not required
No shit.
For me it's running especially listening to Freebird while going hard on the last 10 minutes.
what do women bring to the table in this scenario?

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