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>ate over a kg of chocolate every week
Ketolards btfo
>those hands
Look too young to be 120, this bitch was 80 tops
>alive but at what cost
Shes not holding it, shitbrain
She also encountered Vincent Van Gogh as a child. Said he was dishevelled, rude, and had poor hygiene. Fr fr no cap.
>he was dishevelled, rude, and had poor hygiene
Wtf, he was literally me
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>would have gotten 180 years old if not for chocolate slop
carbcels in shambles
She also smoked two cigarettes per day.
Antioxidant and serotonin properties. Keeping yourself happy prolongs will to live. Her body wants to stay alive because it looks forward to dat der chocolate.
>an artist that everyone thought was weird and died alone and poor wasn’t the most put together dude
What? Fr fr no cap? His paintings only ever gained fame after he died. Many such cases, like H.P. lovecraft’s books.
Your body can’t use plant antioxidants.
It’s due to a life with zero stress
Dark Chocolate has double the amount of calories from fat as carbohydrates.
Can people fucking get this right just once in a while. It's like the people blaming "le carbs" for being fat, when what they call "a carb" is:
>Pizza (fatty)
>Fries (fatty)
>Doughnuts (fatty)
>Burger (again, fatty)
No motherfucker in the world got fat eating too many apples and too much couscous. Just stop eating the fatty foods ffs
>eating 5000kcals of carbs wont make you fat! have as many carbs as you like!
>misses the point
>retard typing

I hope you have a nice day.
Nobody asked. She didnt est dark chocolate
>will never tell anyone which youth fountain she drank from
what a selfish bitch
Saying stupid shit is an invitation to be corrected.
Also, still more calories from fat than carbohydrates.
Nobody asked
But people do get fat from stuff like softdrinks and beer, which contain zero fat but lots of carbs.
concession accepted
people who drink that stuff usually also eat high fat food like >>74670265 mentions. You can't look at any one food in a diet and say that's what made someone fat, because it depends on everything else they eat in a day too
>Saying stupid shit is an invitation to be corrected
So explain tto me why you brought up dark chocolate
Sugar + fat is the problem. Alone each are okay
I eat half of picrel a day, what's the chance I hit 100 ?
im gonna eat nothing but chocolate today
not sure who wins but congrats
>what's the chance I hit 100
Zero to none if your grandparents don't make it to 100

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