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Its a gym. If it doesn't have equipment you need, then don't go there.
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It's an exercise subscription service for suburban white women, virtually identical to CrossFit in both cultishness and uselessness, but far more faggoty, with vastly gayer and primarily aerobic exercises.

My old college flame (second from left) is now a coach at one of these places and it's like she became a fucking Scientologist. It's all she talks about.
>It's all she talks about.
sounds like she loves her job. It sounds liek you are still bitter about her leaving you
I like oranges :)
>running is free
>biking can be cheap
>paying monthly fees to do it indoors in a globohomo soulless room with a bunch of dyels, middle aged moms, and Tennyson
yeah idk man, probably essential if I had to guess
I left her, actually.
I tried it for a few months because my cardio was severely lacking and they had 6am classes.

Realistically, at BEST it's a very basic cardio + "strength training" (high rep low weight) circuit class. If you want to sweat and burn calories, sure. If you want to seriously pursue training goals, not for you.

Moreover, if you look at the people around you, it quickly becomes clear that this is actually not that effective. In fact, my OT gym had a wall of photos of people hitting their milestone classes - like their thousandth class or w/e -- and NONE of them looked like they were in any kind of shape. The people who go daily usually look like shit.

Why? Because they kill themselves in the gym, burn a negligible amount of calories, and then eat tons of food that they "earned" with their high-stress, low-results workout. Then they caffeinate and drag themselves back for the next one, briefly ride the endorphin high, before crashing out and repeating the cycle again.

If you want to do it once or maybe twice per week as your cardio, go for it. But I wouldn't recommend it.
Is that why you save pictures of her and still try to figure out what her interests are currently?
Are you 50 years old?
Aerobics version of crossfit. It's not going to hurt you, but there's really no reason to pay hundreds of dollars for some cardio classes unless you're the kind of person who is unable to do anything unless there's someone right there telling you to do it.
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Yeah but it's MILF central if you're into that.
$230 a month where i live

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