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If food is energy, why does food make me so fucking tired, it's the worst shit ever. Every bite is a fucking slog.

Why is food making me tired?
are you eating shitty food?
Probably. I'm eating Dave's Hot Chicken and ever bite makes me want to fucking throw up. I don't know why people rave about this shit, it tastes good but as soon as I swallow this shit I feel vile.
Food isn't energy yet, it has to get digested first, and that consumes energy too.
If you continue experimenting with eating and try maybe a dozen different meals, you will eventually spot a trend where some types of meal are easier to digest than others.
Incidentally, fried food is of the Devil, that is why it comes from the Deep South.
>as soon as I swallow this shit I feel vile.
Ive only heard fatties and dyels say this to pretend they know something about fitness or pretend they are so healthy it affects them this much.
>eats processed goyslop
>feel shitty
well I'm going to throw this shit away then. I don't know how fat "people" can eat this shit every day and not feel like throwing up.
You will only feel shitty if your healthy is already shitty. This is like thinking you will lose all your gains if you miss 1 workout. You were already dyel/unhealthy to begin with.
No dude, if you eat a bucket of fried chicken your digestion is going to be fucking you up.
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>well I'm going to throw this shit away then
>had it not been for my blogpost on 4chan today, i would have kept eating something that i find repulsive
I still need you guys sometimes.
>if you eat a bucket of fried chicken
>all your gains are gone
Dyel as fuck. Actually, i havent had fried chicken in months. Gonna pick some up after my workout tonight, thanks for reminding me you fat fuck pussy
Where did I say "gains" retard, I said your fucking digestion. Learn some fucking English.
Oh no, my digestion is gone if I eat a bucket of fried chicken.
Wow you're actually hyper retarded. LOL
No, it won't because my digestion actually works.
Im agreeing with you anon. If you eat a bucket of fried chicken, your digestion is gone!
although i understand what you are saying, 1 bucket of fried chicken isn't going to hurt if you are already healthy. The anon is right, only way you are going to feel any adverse effects from food is if you are already unhealthy and the last fried chicken is the one that broke the camels back. Of course you will face unhealthy results if you eat like this every day.
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Your body wants you to rest while it digests it, retard.
when you eat you go into anabolism mode
most ppl get a bit tired
if youre getting a lot tired everytime u eat, youre either overworking yourself or not getting enough rest (unless youre diabetic or have an allergy)
enjoy ur food
enjoy ur rest
nagakaborous doesnt care about your workaholism
nagakaborous will bite u for ignoring ur body
Are you a fucking retard for real?
You too? Unhealthy fatties are the ones that can eat this shit without issues, normal healthy people will get an upset stomach.
Its about immediate effects if you esl niggers could read.
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>I'm so healthy that a I have shitty digestion
>Unhealthy fatties are the ones that can eat this shit without issues
>Im not retarded, everyone else is
You are too stupid to troll. Maybe read a few books to do this before you try again. And don't do it tomorrow, wait a few weeks.
>normal healthy people will get an upset stomach
>upset stomachs are real health conditions!
Wowee, even surgery can't fix this!
huh, okay
>eat a big meal then fall asleep
I was told that this was bad for some reason.
I'm gonna be completely honest, I got no idea what that shit means.
You were misinformed. You have a relatively small amount of blood in your body compared to the amount of capillaries and after you eat you need that blood around your guts to digest the food and absorb its nutrients. When you're active and moving around you need it in your skeletal muscles. If you try to be active after a meal you will feel shitty because your gut doesn't have the blood it needs to digest the food in it or your muscles don't have the blood they need to move or both. You don't need to take a nap or anything, but you should laze around for awhile if you have eaten anything significant.

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