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Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Powershitters BTFO edition!

>What is the Lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat it doesn't really matter how much you can bench.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Is time to wake up and be LEAN.

>What is /LEAN/ for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.

>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.

>Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
Regarding women, the key it's not the muscles. it's being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.

- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting... See what works for you and DO IT.
- You need muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but AVOID the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- HIIT exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows

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I’ve read around that your body can only loose 31 calories per pound of fat per day before catabolism kicks in.
Anyone here have any thoughts on this?
i only came into this thread bc i saw /plg/ in the picture.
how is it that everyone outside of /fit/ always things of us (/plg/) but we never even knew you guys existed?
This is who fills this thread btw >>74688799
48h fasting cycle is working really well for me. Down from 214lbs to 191 in about a month. I’ll end up at around 175-180. Feels so good not being fat.
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Hello my fan. Top left reporting in. Got a new pic for you for you to download.
godspeed Brother
struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.
keep going and you will achieve all Goals.
i Just Love people Like you because IT gets me going in hard Times.
Utterly retarded
>t. Kinesiology major
I know it's Kinesiology but most of our coursework is anatomy & nutrition. This is complete bullshit. It takes so much malnutrition & overtraining before you become catabolic. If you've got sufficient body fat & get your daily amount of protein, it just isn't going to happen no matter how hard you push.
180lb today (I'm 6'0") which is 5lb more than my lowest weight but still doing good and ill be 170 within 2 weeks. It's insane how different people treat you bros, I wish I had a POV video of before and after. Do it, just keep going and don't stop.
Basically, unless your body needs to preserve visceral fat, sub 10% BF or lower, you're not going into a catabolic state so long as you get between 1-2g/kg of protein a day.
Good to know. If I can cut harder without losing muscle, then that means less time to be derailed by temptation.
Just be careful. If you're working out really hard be sure you're on the higher end of that range, as close to 2g/kg you can get. You could feasibly cut & even gain muscle with 1g/kg but only if you're going really light on your resistance training.
powershitter here. working on getting leaner while still maintaining a massive bench. It's a long road but I'll get there.
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We’re with you, fren.
>Kinesiology major
lmao so you've never read the primary or secondary literature,

Multiple RCTs have shown that beyond the recommended daily amount of protein intake on a diet has no effect on preserving lean mass. Btw even obese people will lose lean muscle mass no matter how much protein they consume on a diet, this is much more dependent on hormonal profile than how much protein you're overfeeding.
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Cut or bulk?
Perfection! maintain.
I fucked up, bros. I had two slices of buttered raisin toast today
My life hasn't never been better since taking the leanpill but it's frustrating that my lifts have either stalled or declined slightly. Should I shift to a more hypertrophy routine or go on a lean bulk once I've achieved my final form? Currently 170lb/77kg at 6 foot and want to lose another 5lb
damn you just made me nostalgic. I haven't had buttered raisin toast in ages. with a glass of cold milk... holy mackerel
I'd much rather look like left though
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Dumbest fucking DYEL general, there's /fat/ for people who want to lose weight this is so fucking stupid. Call it the DYEL circle jerk general would be more accurate. How many of you even lift actual weights?
This amount of glazing for a literal DYEL is hilarious
Probably samefagging to save face
post body fatty
Im not fat, if you need to be taking "lean pills" to not be fat that's a you problem faggot dyel
you forgot to post body
After you mr dyel, don't forget your timestamp
At a potential fuck it point for getting body fat down, tried a 3 day fast recently which brought me down to 155, and I've risen back to 157.5ish over a week. I'm 5'11 and still look skinny fat, do I push even farther down the weight/fat loss route to get lean - more frequent fasting/keto? How low weight wise can I safely go to hit a low body fat percentage before trying to do bulk back up in a clean manner? Quick measurements via one of the online calculators (using neck/weight measurements) puts me at 15% but my stomach clearly doesn't look it
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Plz roast or compliment. Is this too lean?
You're a disgusting lard ass.
Do you think there are any mental benefits to being lean as opposed to say skinny fat? Or basically the same but less sluggish
Genuine request for advice - I've lost 30 pounds since December of last year, from 169lbs to 139lbs today (t. 5'7" manlet). Scale tells me I'm 11.2% bf. I've been keeping up with my protein and lifting. Still no abs! Just the same skinnyfat look I've had since high school. I mean I can see them if I flex but the goal from the begininng was to be able to see this shit through a sweatshirt. What gives? Does the visibility of abs have a genetic component?
Did you read that study at all retard? Okay so first off, I said between 1-2g/kg which is the typical RDA range from maintenance to hypertrophy depending on intensity of physical activity.
>Multiple RCTs have shown that beyond the recommended daily amount of protein intake on a diet has no effect on preserving lean mass
There are multiple reasons for this discrepancy and the study even fucking says so...
>The reasons for the discrepancy in results in these studies are not readily apparent but could be related to differences in baseline protein intake, diet composition, duration of the intervention, and the small effect of extra protein on fat-free mass, which may make it difficult to detect the difference in studies with small sample sizes.
Look retard, we have entire fucking classes solely based on properly interpreting studies, which you obviously haven't taken. From what you say it sounds like you barely fucking skimmed it before taking it for hard fact. The study goes on to explain the muscle full phenomenon and why sometimes more protein doesn't equate to more synthesis.
>there appears to be a refractory period during which muscle protein synthesis, once stimulated by amino acids, cannot be stimulated again (“muscle-full” phenomenon)
>reported a greater overall muscle protein synthesis rate throughout the day when protein intake was evenly distributed throughout the day than with skewed protein intake
>obese people will lose lean muscle mass no matter how much protein they consume on a diet
Except that's not what the study says you colossal fucking retard....
>The results from the most recent systematic review and meta-analysis support a very small but significant beneficial effect (400–800 g of lean mass preservation) of high protein intake on fat-free mass during weight-loss therapy.
>found that subjects who added a whey protein–, leucine–, and vitamin D–enriched supplement compared with subjects who added an isocaloric control drink to their diet (total protein intake: 1.1 compared with 0.85 g protein · kg−1 · d−1) preserved appendicular muscle mass during weight loss.
So to recap, you're a fucking retard that cited a sytemic analysis of multiple embarrassingly small sample size studies with lots of varying methodologies for tracking biometrics that pretty much universally sucked because they were laughably unthorough. Many did not even record baseline dietary intake prior to studies. On top of that it clearly says the exact fucking opposite of what you claimed. Protein supplementation can reduce lean muscle mass loss, just space it out throughout the day. Dude, don't try to fucking lecture me about the science in this field. It's part of the reason I'm in this degree field. There is so much shit the fitness community knows that academia can't even settle on because of dog shit studies like what you tried to just use.
>inb4 such a small amount of protein preserved/who cares
400-800g is nearly 1-2lbs of lean mass. So protein supplementation will preserve several months of gains while on a cut. Also, your hormonal balance will eventually adapt, your hgh levels will increase, which will reduce protein turnover & increase protein synthesis. Which absolutely zero of the studies in that dog shite analysis were long enough notice or had the measurement methods to detect.
Body fat is known to be estrogenic, and hormones do impact mental health. So there’s that.
Citation needed
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Scales are notoriously bad at estimating body fat percentage. You can get better accuracy using the Navy method (measuring waist and neck) or using a waist to height ratio based estimate like this one https://dqydj.com/body-fat-estimate-calculator/
larry wheels is proof you can be lean as fuck and still be insanely strong. mitchell hooper is literally the worlds strongest man title holder and hes been cutting body fat, so there really isnt any reason for powershitters to stay fat as fuck other than cope
LeanChads, our answer?
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Fat men act like women, and fat women act like children. There’s your citation.
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That’s one, where’s the other two?
I all three of these to laugh at the fatty who spams this shit, so I’ll wait.
Too lean IMO. Your test is probably on the lower numbers.
I love the lean pill, but I want to be somewhere in the neighborhood of lean and muscular, not skinny. Tired of not having a commanding presence.
Lean = muscular and low bodyfat
Nowhere in these threads has anyone ever said anything about being skinny
Brad Pitts face and hair on Eddie halls bloat maxed body unironically mogs bradd pitt on the right, especially if they were standing next to each other in real life.
>mitchell hooper is literally the worlds strongest man title holder
Nah tom stoltman won again.
>HIIT exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling
Noob here, 6 weeks in, 3x full body, around maintainance eating, ~180g protein. I didn't develop a feel on what a certain deficit means, but my weight is stable. (6'1, 183lbs, 23%bf according to army calc)
I have everything sorted out except HIIT, don't really have any delusions of this being a short project but I will eventually get there.

At what heart rate, how long and how often should I do sprints? I Prefer cycling.
I cycle min 10km, 5 of them uphill every day, but in traffic so I can't really go nuts.
So is it a good plan to do my HIIT sessions on the weekend, how much should I do so it doesn't interfere with lifting? (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Is it possible to look uglier when lean? Tbqh I don't think my face looks good when lean. I have sunken cheeks already and there's still quite a lot of fat on my abs
Yeah, if your nutrition is bad, low T, high stress, like a marathon runner, yes. For a normal person, you will almost always look better lean
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lowest in past 12 months: 187

I want to get down to 180, but when I went from 208 > 191 in January, I lost a TON of strength and I've practically been stalling at my weight and strength level fighting to stay in the 190s since.
I used to be a fat as fatass but lost a good 80lbs but I feel like my body fights me to stay at about 24-26% body fat.

Should I just take the /fast/ pill and try to run for 180 and salvage and rebuild my muscle mass from there? I'm an HITcel for what it's worth.
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You dont have to choose between being lean and weak dyel, or strong and fat. Look at any NFL running back, linebacker, defensive end. All jacked beefy dudes, prime physical condition, can move faster than any 10% cut influencer. You could literally just be that.
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>open /fit/
>/LEAN/ in catalog
you're doin the Lord's work anon
add me to your collage faggot (you won't)
WAGMI brobro
hardest part is energy deficit to maintain current numbers during the cut
your muscle mass is low
I'm 2 inches taller and 15 lbs heavier
clean bulk now (as in eat only chicken and veggies with plenty of water) indefinitely
lift and get there
you'll run a calorie deficit on a meat and veggie diet
perfect leanness
>mental benefits bein /lean/ chad
your body dysmorphia will never die
but the confidence and compliments from others is absurd
people are nicer
women are suddenly pleasant
men are respectful
>see abs through sweatshirt
possible, but you are talkin hypertrophy ab work plus low BF
Genetics only determine the quantity of abs, not the quality
I have an extra ligament so I have an 8 pack, but when I am real lean there's 2 lower
So, I can have a 10 pack if I focus enough and have my pants off
But that takes a TON of hypertrophy work
My abs are visible through polo shirts which is all I wear
Today a client commented on just that (same color blue as pic related)
WAGMI brobro
>cycle 10 clicks daily
I cycled double that each way each day on a 29er MTB for 8 months
lost 60 lbs (220+ to 160)
If you're on a road bike, you're not tryin at 6 clicks a day
But you have the potential to get LEAN
are you runnin clip ins?
That added my hammies and cum gutters to every ride
I rode slower as the week went on due to exhaustion
Cycling is HIIT if you push
>6'5 195 lbs
>24% BF
how did you get these numbers??

170 lbs
6% Body Fat according to Naval Calculator
As always,
Nice norwood man
Nice body but this isn’t close to 6, zyzz was like 9 in his prime and he’s a lot leaner too
No hate tho
175cm, 69kg.
6 years lifting
Lean is the way
>add me to your collage faggot
Lol MW anon, it’s not meant to be maliscous, I’m the bottom to right. I have nothing but respect for the leanpillers
Issa joke
>If you're on a road bike, you're not tryin at 6 clicks a day
>But you have the potential to get LEAN
>are you runnin clip ins?
yes road bike, technically gravel, no clip ins and not planning to since that's my commute.
I'll add more distance, if I go somewhere I already take the bike I just have to go more often.
I have a 1km uphill stretch where traffic normally permits me to go all out, so I'll do that.
One more question, what's up with short burst (30sec) efforts often recommended? I'm supposed to do these on a trainer at the gym right?
180cm, 82kg, 23% body fat according to the navy calculator

Trying to speedrun to 15%, only eating one meal a day. Used to try to fit all my macros in but I got lazy and I just eat one serving of whatever my mom's cooking now, I think I only ate 600 calories today maybe 30g protein. Should I take it slower?
>I look just like Brad Pitt!
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it's an old pic but if that thread existed back when I went /lean/ I would have posted it here
Machine says 8.7% (measured at a dietician) and 10% (measured at gym).

More accurate than this website, stick to machines!
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this was me lean in 2022 i was 68 kg making 30-50k steps per day, that was my method of getting lean since i love foodz
and this is me now as forearm specialist with pudgy body but it doenst matter since i always wear a t shirt and my forearms are visible

my point is it dosnt matter if u just get big forearms and neck (i should train neck more)
Well on their way
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Definitely taking the lean pill. I can finally see my abs for the first time in my life. Face is becoming more chiseled every day.
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same hairline since I was a child
every time I go for a haircut I get the same "you have so much hair, you're never goin bald" shit
>no where near 6%
that's 10 lbs of fat total
I am lean enough to have veins down my abs
Hard to convey with a compressed 2 MB picture
jpeg softens everything
>T. is unironic
thought you were blackpilling
my fault bro
own that shit
you know WAGMI
clip ins and a dropper post are goat for commuting
effortless bunny hops is sick and dropper post for stops since you can lower and flat foot
>short bursts
that would be a sprint, lot easier to do while already moving and continuing after
nice bro
lookin lean and mean
right is miles better
those delts
lean is the way

as always,
Why does the rest of /fit/ seethe so hard at the Lean Pill?
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Can't I be both?
fatties coping that they can put heavy things like autist without any real reason.
LEAN is about having muscle and low body fat. As long as you are naty he more muscle the better.
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cause they have repressed homosexuality for the leanpiller
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Got down to around 12-14% bodyfat, leanest id been in my life
Then did a 15 week bulk, gained 11ish lbs, resisted the urge to bloatmaxx perfectly well, made great gains
Ate at maintenance for a few weeks but now I'm just eating like a fucking asshole and I dont know why. I havent craved food like this since high school when I was a morbidly fat fuck
Bumping thread to ask if a liquid diet is a good way to shrink my stomach so I stop eating like a fatty.
Can you explain "muscle full"?
Because it's the actual hard part of getting fit.
Anyone can fuck around with weights a couple of days a week. If you take steroids you'll get more jacked than natties whether you put in work or not and so every week you get the dopamine of low effort PRs.

There are no shortcuts to getting lean though - particularly super low bf. Either you get your diet in control or you stay fat
Ab routine? Rare to see them all the same size.
I've read SS and found it very interesting.
But isn't directed towards bodybuilders and power lifters?
Also despite saying it's just 3x5, there are warm up is just extra workout too albeit with lower weights.
Would it help to start with it if I want to get lean?
Is it possible to get into leanpill as DYEL, with gaining muscles and losing fat, without doing bulk\cut cycle?
Clean bulk if you will.
Can you get lean by doing workout at calorie deficit?
Should you add cardio to your workout?
Cut until you're lean (10-12% bf) then eat 300 kcal above maintenance and throw in a minicut if you get too fluffy
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Can soemone help with my routine? All sets are to failure with target rep-range (1 to 15)
M: Run, 1 set chest press, tricep pushdown
W: Run, 1 set chinups, bicep curls
F: Run, 1 set zercher deadlift, ab curl

Is this good? I need a logical approach to lifting for my autism brain which HIT provides but I am only making progress every week in chinups
Mini cut done and I'm not happy with the muscle mass I have right now. Time to bulk (slowly).
I'll get lean next year.
if i need to get more ab muscle built, what bodyfat percentage should i cut down to before a small lean bulk?
What workout do I need to do?
For ottermode?
SS + calorie deficit?
no idea if this is an insult or compliment but i'm second on the left
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bottom left checking in, took everyone's advice and I've been lifting more and eating more. operating at maintenance or 100kcal under instead of a 500-1000 deficit and I've been seeing decent improvements in what I can lift / energy levels during workouts. lost an inch and a quarter fat off my naval and down to ~15% body fat.
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>>74688797 (OP)
been trying to bulk for 3 years. time to start gear?
Is this a troll? Surely you can try eating more food?
How the fuck were you getting that many steps in a day? Unemployed?
Generally around 10-12%
Any running tips? I need to get to 1.5 miles in under 14 minutes, problem is I am so weak right now I can't even do the full mile and a half. I know practice makes perfect but I have no idea how I'm supposed to breathe, how I'm supposed to move, what/when I should eat beforehand, etc.
You would be absolute dick skin if you were really that lean.
You are lean, make no mistake, but surely not that low.
How did you measure?
Measured with an InBody machine. Idk if its the most accurate but thats what it came out to. My roommate used to have a scale that measured bf% (i know this is innacurate) and I remember it always reading around 7%. Considering both are very close I would imagine its somewhere in that ballpark at least. I will try to find the printout of my results, I'll post it if I find it.
Walk/Run cycles is a popular method of training.
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Already eating until I'm ready to barf every day almost always at 500+ kcal surplus and occasionally when I can at 1500+ kcal surplus. Tried to bulk by drinking olive oil but i got tired of burning oil literally leaking out of my ass and ruining my clothes. Unironically have also tried mazuri growth and repro primate biscuit method but could not stomach them and they made my apartment smell like the zoo. Im just looking for another retarded extreme thing to try.
Should you take creatine for recovery while cutting? Last time I took it felt like my face puffed up with water so I haven't used it since
Great body broski. I won't give you any advice on how to do things because you're well ahead on me. But I'd slow bulk with 150 cals surplus.
Because you need real discipline and commitment to get /lean/
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>just be one of the few literal peak humans on earth that can achieve all these at the same time
great advice from /fit/ yet again, most people would be in the 1% of the fitness world if they could even achieve two of these
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5’7 just under 150 lbs
based bro I'm just like you but 160lbs

what are you're lifts
A basic split. Chest/tris back /bis shoulders/abs and legs. 4 4x8 lifts for each muscle group. Diet is key.
Thank you. That's the plan, thankfully appetite is coming back strong
If you really are as lean as you say you are, you need to get your lights checked.
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> Im just looking for another retarded extreme thing to try.
Eat uranium, you’ll gain weight perpetually without even eating.
Generally yes, but not if you have an allergy.
Could leaning out fix my fucked up body bros
5’9 177 lbs
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Cut is going well, down to 210 from 232.

Aiming for 200.
Can you be aesthetic and /lean/ lifting 2x a week full body? I will also run 4-5x a week
>lost 20kg (88 to 68) when I quit drinking and made a mild diet effort over 6 months
>Trying to gain a few back
>0 progress over the past 3 months despite constant binging
I now have a level of hatred for fatties that I didn't know was possible after seeing just how insanely easy it is if you put in any effort at all. I'm just going to take the lean pill and pretend I want to be this lean.
>tfw used to be lean god
>became neet and stopped going outside
>workouts went from everyday to maybe once every couple days
>have a little tummy now and ass has gotten fat
fuck bros, I’m falling from grace. I don’t look like complete shit because I have some muscle as a base, but I could be a fat ass soon
My scale says 15% which is probably about correct, but it read 18% when I started my cut and I was probably over 25%. I've cut from 77 to 70 kg so definitely lost more than 3%. In short they are not accurate (if you measured a group of people the average of all readings might be close to the true average but not for individuals).
Bodyfat scales are useless at best and actively useless at worst.
I was bamboozled into buying the cheap renpho one from amazon and it turns out it doesn't actually measure the bf%. If you short out the sensors with aluminum foil you'll get the same result.
Just using the navy calculator is superior in every way. More accurate than a bf scale and it does use the one metric you actually see (waist circumference)
Your diet will start with learning how to cook, and your routine will start with your first pushup.
Track how many calories you eat and how it affects your weight to figure out your tdee, and use that to plan your weight loss.
Good luck, future lean bro.
do you get girls or not?
how you considered voluntarily controlling you arm muscle that grab the food and put it in your month?
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6’2” 175->150lbs
still dyel but can see my abs for the first time in my life. i lift 2-3x a week and do stairmaster 30mins each time
bf% estimate?
You have very little muscle so you're probably extremely lean
My guess is <10% bf
I'm not using a scale anymore im using a 12000 dollar inbody machine so I would be surprised if it was wildly innacurate.
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I am, what lights should I get checked?
Chasing leanness is where weak lifters go to die.
Nobody who is strong or extremely athletic chases leanness because either
>they are lean
>they DGAF about some 120 lb. faggot's approval
Funny how that works.
It operates on the same principle (measuring the electric resistance of the body and working backwards based on statistical averages of groups of people you weren't in) so I'm afraid it is likely about as accurate, just more precise (but the precision is useless for your purposes)
Nice man.
What's your diet like? exact workout?
Literally your body is my goal.
But I tried eating at calorie deficit and ended up with losing muscles, tried clean bulk and ended up with extra fat.
Finally tried SS and it ruined my body shape, and back to square one.
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I've lurked from time to time on fit but this seems like the thread for me. I cut a lot of weight awhile back, I've mainly focused myself on rooning, boxing and doing other cardio workouts. I've gotten lazy though with school, my clinical placement (UNPAID) and working weekends, is it over for me (see picrel), I'm trying to get back to eating more clean and doing my workouts. Any advice?
No dude. Decent base. Keep lifting tracking cals
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Thank you, I've definitely come a long way from what I looked like before, only annoyed at my chest (I've been told by anons its gyno while some say it's fat).
I think after I get rid of my lower stomach pouch I need to try to build muscle. I'm honestly a noob but eating clean and doing cardio has been easy for even a idiot like me.
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bump, keep rooning
am i almost there? 5'9 150ish

adding more cardio throughout the week, because just lifting and calorie deficit don't seem to be doing it
ye, lose about 5-10lbs of fat and you're golden
Anyway, anybody got the insta for the middle guy, literal goal bod
Yeah, you're looking good.
>Tired of not having a commanding presence.
That's determined by height and clavicle length. Sorry anon you either have it or dont
t. 6'4" 23" shoulders, intimidating even when I was 170lbs
thanks bros
is it an okay approach to cut to 12% bf as a new lifter without much muscle/ab definition and then lean bulk for more muscle then cut back down again?
im like 14-15% bf right now and i think id look terrible with any more fat while bulking so id rather do it after cutting to 12%
is this viable or is this a terrible way to go about it?
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best I could find
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Well soft lighting hides definition, so you need to find a place with as few sources of light as possible, and preferably darkly colored walls and flooring.
Interior spotlight fixtures like picrel are pretty much ideal for this.
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>is it okay to cut and bulk?
Uhm, yeah. That’s, how they do it. That’s how bodybuilding works. Yeah, so uhhh… I’d say yeah.
some people say shit like only cut when youve built significant muscle from some sort of bulk so i was just making sure
too little muscle mass, focus on eating clean like you said, lift and give it a couple months,
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Ah, I see. This is what I look like with downlighting and no pump. I dont have any spotlight fixtures like the ones you mentioned but i figured the neon lights in my basement would be next best since at least they are overhead.
Does anyone have any advice on how to change my routine during a cut? I previously recomped down to 157 over several years so I was able to progress on my lifts albeit slowly. This is my first bulk which ended up being about 23 pounds over like 5 months. Im doing this routine to accomodate my limited equipment. Typically all exercises are 3 sets of 8-12 except abs which are generally 3 of 20. I threw in 2 2 week strength training phases to switch things up a bit and did deload weeks every 4 weeks. Should I try to maintain my current routine, cut down a day or maybe remove a set per exercise? Ill be cutting for about 7 weeks at around 2000 calories and walking to start and will cut calories and add eliptical as needed.
Getting there bros
179cm 69 kg
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focus areas were back and biceps. next bulk id like to focus on more barbell compound movements to switch things up a bit and accrue strength before I do another extended hypertrophy phase. really focus on growing my back and legs.
What's your workout / diet?
Same weight and height but lack the muscle definition.
I guess you do chest and arms more?
I just kept doing SS at deficit.
>it's frustrating that my lifts have either stalled or declined slightly.
As you get lighter, your pull ups, dips etc should improve.
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would it be worth to keep cutting or should i just put more muscle on?
This one is just sad
What BMI range does the lean pill fall under?
It’s not so much a bmi thing as it is a body fat percentage thing. I guess anywhere in the “healthy” bmi range would do if it does matter.
kek is this all the leanpill guys? you did forget the little nigger who used to spam his attempts calisthenics
i came from /fat/
This one's leagues better
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Thanks bro.
It says I'm 10%.
I definitely don't look like that.
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what are some other good sources of low cal proteins? I started eating canned tuna at 140 cals 33g protein, add a cup of 15g yogurt and two scoops of powder+1 cup of 1% milk and I'm already at at least 100g or so with like 1000 cals left
you must have literally 0 muscle
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Goat and chicken are both very lean. So are the right cuts of pork (like ham, or tenderloin) or fancy steak or beef kidney. And any bone broth is S tier where cutting foods are considered, I drink that shit straight from the carton!
This is concept is really insane too me. I believe firmly in self-responsibility. So being fat naturally is a choice we make. Yet it is undeniable that your upbringing and environment possibly has the biggest effect on your lifestyle and therefore health and therefore body weight. So can we truly blame a fat guy who had piece of shit parents who were fat themselves and taught him no discipline?
i dont really care to blame anyone. i just want people to have the tools and support to reach their goals and be happy.
Yeah you dont have to rub it in I guess
Body fat composition is mostly hormonal
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Don't count calories in protein or fat. Just reduce the carbs.
for reference, i'm about to turn 30. been lifting casually since college but never really dialed in my regimen/diet.

i've been eating at a slight deficit, reducing carbs but nowhere near full keto. for example, yesterday was pretty typical:
breakfast: cereal + blueberries + basedmilk
lunch: tuna + mayo + carrots
dinner: chicken thighs + roasted potatoes + peas

day A is chest/tris/shoulders/abs
day B is biceps/back/legs/abs
i've been doing something like AxBxxAxBxx, and i'll add cardio once or twice a week as well.

but now i'm going to shoot for AxBxAxBx, with some cardio every day. hopefully that gets me down to 12% without losing any muscle
How do you deal with the taste?
cottage cheese
tempeh/soimilk/anything related to that

you look good. i think you could do either, but maybe cut first and see. mirin chest
i like it actually. but i always add mayo, olive oil, and celery salt. celery salt is a huge cheat code (thanks to my gf for telling me about it)
>huge cheat code
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>lose 10lbs
>BF% stays the same
I do weight training and eat my protein what am I doing wrong?
will spamming 2 minute planks help train my abs or are planks just for endurance and not muscle
just for making tuna taste better
Plancks are a core strength revealer, horrible for actually building strength or endurance
Retarded exercise should be banned
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What about ab wheels/rollers?
The average American is so fucking fat and unhealthy. I've had multiple doctor visits recently, and every time they check my blood pressure (110/70, healthy), they're impressed. I have normal range cholesterol and that's impressive. My resting heart rate is 60, and that's impressive to them. I overheard my rheum say that I have the lowest blood pressure he's seen in months. It's incredibly worrying. And I don't even eat healthy, I'm just 22 BMI and work out a couple times a week.
Water weight counts as lean mass, that’s what you lost.
could have lost 50/50 muscle and fat causing bf% to remain the same. if you're not getting 7.5/8 hrs sleep minimum, up it. make sure you're lifting at least twice a week and hitting protein goals. if you're missing any of those 3 factors, that's why you're not in a muscle-sparing state.
NTA, wheels are pretty effective in my experience but are tricky to start out with. If you can be patient figuring out where your limits are and building up from there I imagine you'll make some progress. They are not as easy as they look
>weighted ring dips
>weighted ring pullups
is this /lean/-approved? unironically do you need more for the taxi driver/fight club mode?
I need to start paying attention to these threads. Time to take back part of the board from the fat fucks
>Just take roids and train 6 hours a day 6 days a week
fucking mong people with lives and jobs can't do that retard
You look about 12%
I can do 1.30m planks for 3 sets, how would I fare if I started out on my knees?
>making tuna taste better
Dude, give your gf good dicking tonight.
This taste nothing like tuna anymore, I figured my egg spice has celery salt.
But is canned tuna supposed to be this fatty?
300 cal 14 g of protein, lean town here I come.
>I won't give advice
>Gives advice
Most fish have a great protein to calorie ratio, so you can have variety by switching your fish around.

Turkey isn't bad but I am not a fan of the price or taste of ground turkey unless I make a white chili with it (which would be ok if you don't use any beans). When fall comes around I do eat a lot of baked turkey until January because it's cheap af and I only have to cook once a week.

Eggs are good too. They are a bit fatty and for me I will blow my daily calories if I eat more than one (short mf over here) but I usually just eat one with another protein. (E.g. 1 egg, 1 fish filet and a salad with either homemade vinaigrette or just salt, pepper and citrus juice)

Anons have named every other good ratio food here so you've got some options.
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5 7 60 kg

was 90kg 2 years ago and have only been lifting for about 10 months. I want to cut for 2 more weeks since holiday is coming up but what should I do after? I don't want to bulk as Im scarred from being a fatty. what would you say is my bf%?
>>can we truly blame a fat guy who had piece of shit parents who were fat themselves and taught him no discipline?
kill yourself ugly and short bye bye
With a year of low carb, lifting, cutting and a new haircut he could become.. above average.

Which is good enough.
Watch better anime.
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people on the left must feel sad, you can tell they started fat and rather than first losing weight then building mass while remaining lean they'd retain a cut, healthy look. Instead they just look fat still but can lift slightly heavier stuff
Damn. Pretty much my goal. I'd say you're around 11%

How much you lift after 10 months? What's your diet like? Do any cardio? Pls help
What did you do to get to that low bf %?
One of very rare cases of a natty mogger, assuming you are natural
>Diet is key.
so what are you eating anon?
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>my ab routine
hypertrophy them
-Fork put downs
-weighted ab pull downs focusing on isolating each side
-weighted leg raises
-pullover machine for serrations
Anyone have a video of this fatty girl who was a 1/10 who then lost weight and became an absolute cutie smiling at the camera while walking down the street?

Or anything similar. Trying to motivate the gf to actually lose weight, the leanpill is very true for women too.

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