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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Expectant Eaters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74709304
How come the ducks never lose the weight? I'm starting to think these nuns are a bad influence.
When does the brain fog from a heavy deficit go away?
never unless you're keto
Come on, anon, even calorie counters admit that they need to make sure they eat a minimum or they suffer negative effects. Just eat a little more until you feel better.
Anyone else recently sober? Will my emotions ever come back and will I ever feel normal again? Weight is starting to fall off me atleast.
Sounds like you have Anhedonia, should get better the longer you stay sober.
I have never had brain fog in my life. Sounds like a vaccine problem.
You've probably never cleared your brainfog, though.
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Weight loss by itself is a challenge, but weight loss with the added mental stress of job hunting while low on money is even worse
there’s that, and working a soul sucking 9-5 (more like 8:30 to 5:30) while trying to cut. i just need to make it to friday i just need to make it to friday i just need to make it to friday wagie wagie i just need to make it to friday
Having a job is kino, fuck you
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I've eat like a pig in the past 6 weeks. Put on 12lbs.
Imagine not working weekends to cut 2 decades off your career
Imagine not earning enough were you can just work Monday to Friday and retire early.
I've been a NEET four years.
I'm not sure where to ask, so I'll ask here.
I can't do more than 30 push ups because my head gets dizzy. How do I fix that?
just stop eating. it's that simple. you don't have to consume calories. there's an entire biological process that occurs when you don't eat that literally allows your body to burn fat. you have to make use of that if you want some good weight loss. just do it, quit being such a pussy.
Aw shit, I'm having a flu.
The ultimate gains goblin I guess.
Am samefriending btw, just dropped last sentence, because fever.
Just ignorle me, am just pissed that the protein powder feels like sandpaper, and tomato salad feels like cum, because sore throat and knocked-out tastebuds.
Imagine burning literally your entire youth to pay more taxes
What’s the best macro ratio in 2024? 40% 40% 20%? Protein carb fat
100% 0% 0% ftw
Way too many carbs. I go
>60% 20% 20%
Protein, carbon, fat
> read the sticky 10 years ago
> diet on and off
> keep exercising consistent
> manage to lose 15kg
> ff to now
> hang at the beach
> dont even think about it, take shirt off
> free spirit
Thanks /fit/
Its fat-loss general, should be mentioned it leads to mental relief too
Never give up, anons
Calories? 60/40 split between protein/fat and carbs. Veggies included in carbs.
If you're cutting hard probably 80/20.
How bad is watermelon? Instead of chips and occasionally candy I've had half a watermelon sometimes that I eat with a spoon.

Also. Does anyone have any good resources for low carb? I understand the basics, but I need to do more research on based foods to eat.
At 9am and I already had 1200cals.
I'm at home with a sick kid and I'm getting sick myself. Bad day fellas. Try again tomorrow
It's fine. Look, as long as it's not processed it's probably pretty good
You will gain weight, it is over anon. Welcome back to fatty Town.
watermelon is mostly water so it's fine. like pickles
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>they're getting younger
I hate being fat, god I disgust myself.
0% 0% 0%
2 weeks
Make sure you are eating enough fat
Welcome back. I never left bby
Whats a good 3 meal plus a snack daily meal plan look like for fatloss? Around 1800-2000cals?
For the first time in my life I had a 120g protein meal last night in the form of a beef curry. Ended up feeling super sleepy but also kind of high. My body isn't used to this much protein so maybe it is just my body reacting wierdly, didn't know eating so much protein gets you high, would have done sooner.
can body even absorb that much at once without lifting beforehand?
Not really a fat loss question but when i start lifting i end up thinking then then getting to "overthinking" i cant really focus and i end up just giving up
The only solution i found was to never take breaks till im done and superset like 3/4 exercises but it only works for like a week
Also when i finish exercising i feel a little dizzy and my head feels cloudy, kinda like i just woke up from a shitty nap
>take shirt off
M-maybe next year...
After 4 days of being exactly 178.2, the number has started going down again and I'm 176.4. What's my secret, you ask? No fucking clue, I'm still eating 1600cal and 150g of protein a day and have changed nothing.
Eating protein doesn't get you high. You have diabetes.
stop worrying about day by day changes retard. water changes make that level of granularity meaningless. eventually your weight will go up for a few days for no apparent reason and you're gonna want to kill yourself even though it's perfectly normal
if you must weight yourself every day at least do a 3 or 5 day running average over it and worry about that
New all-time low of 133.6lbs (14lbs down since 6/5/24) this morning and I feel NOTHING... I will feel nothing until my BF% is objectively at 12% which I have yet to check with my gym. I think I will check in at either 130lbs or 125lbs
I also forgot that my weight in high school was in the 120s and not 130s
No thanks keto hairloss merchant
ate ice cream this morning, but then only had meat for lunch.
im not counting, so fingers crossed it all evens out
Fatty Contest
It's fine ! Just try dont blow it out of proportion
>some exercise
>very VERY occasional fastfood, otherwise healthy diet
Im a lazy slob so it took ages, yet here i am.
Its just consistency
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Finished my 7 day fast. On my last day, I took no electrolytes at all because I didn't feel like it. I had no symptoms. I even masturbated and didn't get a headache. I think it's quite possible that the standard ratios for electrolytes are way off and I'll have to experiment more with them if I extended fast again. Had a delightful refeed just now. I felt full a little earlier than I'm used to, which means my stomach must have shrunk somewhat. The plan is to take this day as a break, then go back to rolling 48s. Being able to eat once every two days is a luxury in hindsight.

Final stats.
SW: 101.5kg
EW: 95.4kg

Total weight loss: 6.1kg in seven days, or 871g a day, or 36g an hour.
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It wont really :(
Depending on the amount of icecream obv, I think its too much sugar and fat for a day.
OR MAYBE if thats the only time in the week youve done this, its sorta fine. Just make sure youre exercising a bit the same day (1h walk, regular planks/pushups/chinups stuff for 15min)...might as well use that delicious sugar :^)
Is it possible to fuck up and go from being fat (6' 215) to skinny fat (160) despite lifting for over year+ while being in a deficit because that feels like my current situation. What do I do?
My pants kept falling off. I was not prepared to lose this much weight this quickly.
When I went to purchase some food, the girls that served me kept smiling shyly and maintaining eye contact. I'm still fat, but face gains are obvious.
Please do a long fast without electrolytes so you can die and stop making these cringe brainlet posts.
Hell yeah. Me too. Stuck at same weight for 5 days, then last night I lost 2.4 lbs lol.

With me I know that this was partly retaining water due to higher sodium intake for a few days. I made Japanese food and those sauces are just too salty for me to tolerate I guess. I was just enjoying something different (but within my calorie limits) to reward myself for hitting a milestone
How do fastards deal with muscle mass loss
they just lose it and pretend that they're just losing fat despite it being impossible, especially when you're not severely obese
good job anon, been trying out fasting recently and it's incredibly easy, always thought it would be much harder.
I've done 48h a couple of times and even managed to do a 72 hour one without any hunger and problems at all, and that's with 1h of cardio and heavy physical labor during all 3 days. I'll be doing rolling 48h every once in a while, not interested in doing the much longer ones. Also take your fucking electrolytes don't be a dumbass
How many pushup can you do (in a row you idiot)?
If it's less than 100, get the fuck out.
Thats not really a fuckup, it looks like quick weightloss with "not enough" lifting + missing the protein to support it

Just adapt your training sessions (more reps ? More intensity ?) and get a bit more protein AND : the most important - be patient.
>lifting for over a year
It does take time...keep at it and watch yourself in the mirror in 5 years. Youll look great
Haven't lost a gram of muscle while fasting.
You just think your fat is muscle.
>stress eating because of my boss after months of clean eating
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Another hot one today boys
You have lost muscle, fastard
thank god I'm a neet and my parents make good money and I can afford to live inside with the a/c permanently on
Yeah, fasting really is the missing ingredient to changing habits. Just makes everything easier when your hunger is never a problem.

There was a guy who did OMAW for half a year until he actually blacked out and woke up in a hospital. A day without electrolytes is not significant unless you're in a desert drinking pure water and peeing everything away.
I want fewer fastards and more cute bulimic girls who post body pics and yt videos of themselves tbqhwy bros
No. In fact, I've gained muscle.
enjoy it while it lasts. last time i was able to NEET it up was 6 years ago
Show me... ;)
i-i mean...
>post body
Sometimes I miss being a NEET, but having spending money and being forced to have a fixed routine if I want to do everything I want to in a day is helpful and much better
why do the retards here hate fasting? I don't get it. it's as close to a silver bullet for weight loss as you're going to get (that doesn't involve taking a drug). do you irrationally hate ozempic too? at least, in that case, you can say something like
>well it's just recently hit the market so we don't know what sort of negative side effects it may have, plus there's the idea that you have to take it for life, which is expensive
what can you say in opposition of fasting that actually makes sense?
33lbs down, which means in 2 weeks I should be at the halfway mark of 40lbs. Gotta say this board full of you faggots has been really helpful as nobody in my life gives a fuck about this so it’s nice having a bunch of people who are also all gonna make it.
and it happened. drank half of the beefeater (35cl) and ordered big king xxl with large fries. didn't eat anything else today btw so it's not that bad.
CICO is the end-all be-all of weight loss in my opinion. Successfully losing weight on CICO trains one's willpower on top of teaching oneself about nutrition and healthy eating habits. Since you have to be mindful on CICO, your habits are likely to carry over when you're ready to maintain or begin your bulk phase
when I was obese, fasting was an option. As you get closer to normal weight, it will no longer be beneficial. The maximum amount of energy transfer from body fat is limited. If I fasted today, at BMI 24, I would still only use ca. 800-900 kcal from body fat.... now guess where the rest comes from. So anything "quicker" than a 800 deficit makes absolutely no sense for me now, going 500 to be "safe". Furthermore, fasting is not the much needed lifestyle change to maintain weight in the long term (much like ozempic), you go from one unhealthy relationship with food to the other. A small deficit is more sustainable
what's the most weight you've lost in a month, anons? healthy or unhealthy amount

>years ago in high school
>over one summer
>lose about 20 pounds
Down to 195 from 225 in December. 170 is the goal to be truly lean. So far I've just been making 1 change at a time till I hit a plateau for 2 weeks then make another change.
so what do you think about the idea that the body adjusts its energy expenditure to the amount of calories that you've set as your reduction? (i.e. if you have a 500 calorie deficit, you might be eating 500 less, but your body will now lower its metabolism so that less overall calories are burned). also, I just want to disagree with the notion that you don't have to be disciplined and mindful while fasting. fasting is only one part of the puzzle; the other half is addressing your bad habits, the ones that led you to obesity in the first place. you won't make progress if you end every fasting session with a huge binge, you need to regulate what you eat and how much you eat, which requires an understanding of nutrition and portion control.
>As you get closer to normal weight, it will no longer be beneficial. The maximum amount of energy transfer from body fat is limited.
you have any scientific sources to back that up? legitimately, I want to read about this. doesn't it make more sense that once you're fat adapted the body will take your TDEE's worth of energy directly from fat? in terms of calories, if your TDEE is 2000 a day, you'll get that from your fat stores. why wouldn't that be the case?
I've lost 15 lbs so far the past 3 months, now I'm within 10lbs of my goal weight, I'm struggling figuring out my TDEE,
I have a very physical job where im lifting stuff all day (stacking cases of soda etc in a warehouse) while also doing around 15k steps a day.
I also lift 3x per week. doing zero cardio.
Should i just do my BMR+step calories for my TDEE? the calculators are so vague with the activity levels. If i put the calc on sedentary it tells me to eat like 1300 calories a day which seems way too little.
1) RCTs show that fasting, when equated for calories, does not make you lose weight faster than a regular deficit. it does not improve health marker more than a regular deficit either. this is where a lot of the pro-fasting hype comes from and it's all false.

2) people go to fasting because they want a "quick and easy fix" for something that took them decades to do. they go on extreme, unsustainable deficits, lose the weight then immediately yo-yo back up because they didn't learn any good habits. you're not gonna keep fasting at your goal weight.

3) it is completely counterproductive to any kind of body recomposition/muscle building.

there are very specific use cases for extreme cuts and they don't apply to obese people trying to get back to, and stay at a, normal weight.
Lost 15 lbs last November. Surprising because that wasn't even the start of my cut, it was the last 15 lbs to escape. Being overweight. Hardcore exercise everyday and averaging 800-1000 calories everyday.
Unironically don't know, will have check/try later

Protein intake has honestly been relatively easy (goal of 140g minimum), obviously not a perfect streak, but pretty consistent. Training started as a PPL, but I found myself growing bored and plateauing with strength gains so I've been slowly trying to mixup/restructure what I'm doing over the past few months. Obviously it takes time and from when I started I can definitely see improvements, I'm just worried that I'm doing something wrong, to low of deficit, poor post workout recovery, etc...
as per your first point, all I have to say is that I think more studies need to be done, we don't have any definitive data on the subject. we have the famous case of Angus Barbieri, a man who fasted for an entire year and loss 276 lbs with no adverse health effects. that's just one data point though. despite this, we do know what happens to the body in the post absorbative phase, it's well documented. the problem is that there isn't enough reliable scientific evidence to specifically test the efficacy of fasting against most calorie restricted diets; a lot of studies have shown that subjects are allowed to consume a small amount of calories during fasts, which is counterproductive, for example.
I agree that "quick and easy fixes" don't exist, and people who want to use fasting like it's a magic solution to their problems will most likely fail if they're not also addressing the underlying issues that made them fat in the first place, but for people who DO address those issues, fasting is a powerful approach to weight loss. like any practice, it has to be done correctly in order to see meaningful benefits.
I don't know what you mean by this, how can it be counterproductive if it's a very effective method of specifically losing body fat? not just subcutaneous fat, mind you, but also life threatening visceral fat that clogs up your internal organs and such. it may not necessarily allow you to build more muscle, but fat loss is an aspect of recomposition, no?
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>so what do you think about the idea that the body adjusts its energy expenditure to the amount of calories that you've set as your reduction?
I think it's bullshit and a lot of people's beliefs on metabolism are nothing more than bro science
People (especially fat people) blame metabolism as to why someone can eat a lot or why someone can't seem to lose weight. The truth of the matter is, for thin people, gaining weight is actually harder than losing it. It only seems like a thin person might be able to eat a lot when they go out with others because most likely the portions they're eating regularly aren't what they're served at a restaurant. They also are more likely to be active
I saw this recently with a competitive eater, where people blamed his metabolism for being able to stay in shape while performing food challenges, but he revealed that he does high intensity exercise for three hours every day
I for one have been consistently eating at a 1,000+ calorie deficit for over a month and a half now and have maintained a steady loss of 2lbs+ a week, despite my activity levels staying pretty much the same. I also exercise every day
Why is there a baby with the nuns?
Wish I wasn't obese from childhood so I could experience the journey of going from skinnyfat teen to swole
Lifting while on a caloric surplus feels fucking amazing, it's like an endorphin cheat code

lifting while on a deficit on the other hand is fucking miserable. that's gonna be my life for the next few years. fuck me
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Fat friends, what can I do about low blood pressure?

I've always had low blood pressure, even when I was very obese, now that I lost most of my extra weight that hasn't changed. What has changed is that now I'm trying to exercise to improve my physique, and low blood pressure makes it 10x harder, especially lower body exercises are impossible if I don't take 15-20 minutes of rest afterwards... first couple of times at the gym I tried to do them anyway, and I almost fainted both times, quite embarassing...

picrel is my current blood pressure...
Broke through a 3 week stall this morning, WAGMI
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How the fuck do I lose this?
always keep your tongue stuck to the top of your mouth when you're not talking
to be clear, I'm not saying fasting is WORSE for you in terms of health markers, I'm saying the claims that it's better for you (like people misunderstanding autophagy for example) are all false and not backed by any kind of scientific evidence. do we need more studies on fasting? probably, but there's no reason to think fasting is better for you than just a regular LCD.

it's very hard to address those issues when you're not actively working on addressing those issues and instead ignore them by going to an extreme like fasting.

you're not wrong, but "body recomposition" has a very specific meaning in the exercise science/weightlifting/etc. world, it's not just losing bodyfat, it's losing bodyfat while gaining muscle, that's what I meant here. it's very hard to train while doing multiple day fasting and muscle protein synthesis is greatly impaired by not consuming an adequate amount of protein regularly.
269 lbs

what's a good way to lose 60 pounds? I've been hitting the gym every Monday and Friday for an hour and my weight mostly stays the same
is going from working out 0 times a week to mo-th gym and 3 days off? at first maybe a treadmill to get the body used to exercise and myself to actually going to the gym and people making fun of me?
It's possible to learn things while fasting, it's also possible to learn things after fasting. Your argument relies there being something magical about your slow calorie cutting period where learning is somehow enhanced or something like that. This just a weird narrative you have cooked in your head.

>actively working on addressing those issues
This is just word salad. Tell me what is it I cannot learn because I did fasting.

I think fasting is better because you end up spending less time being fat.
less time being fat is better than long time being fat
I've lost 13lbs in the last two weeks according to my scale, should break 20lbs for this month.
cut to very very very low bf%, I'm talking single digits, if you still have it then surgery is the only option
around 23 pounds my first month, water weight was surely a big part of it
>it's very hard to address those issues when you're not actively working on addressing those issues and instead ignore them by going to an extreme like fasting.
I just want to point out that the same logic you outlined (i.e. if you don't address the underlying issues that made you obese, you won't see any success in weight loss) would apply to any approach, CICO included. as for your other point about building muscle while losing weight, the techniques that you use to achieve those (namely, weight training, protein supplements, creatine, etc) can be combined with fasting to achieve better results. obviously, if weight training is difficult for you while fasting, then you'd shit your training days to be on your refeed days. also, consider that, for the fattie DYELs here, these things won't even be a concern. they just want an effective method of weight loss.
I see a fastard has wondered into the thread. They really are like a cult.
Go to a Dr you idiot
>rather than have a discussion about it
>anon wants to sling shit
calling it a cult, that's a low blow, bro.
It's true that I aim more about getting lean and skinny than getting buffed, but not because I'm a twink, but because I'm a shortstack(166cm) that has big lovehandles that make me look like I have 30% BF even though my weight and waist measurement says otherwise.
I live in dorm and they forbid cooking, so I eat outside and its really hard to get healthy food choice
I've never seen someone skinny say they got there by fasting.
>I'm a shortstack(166cm)
You're an average-sized woman
Dont be in a deficit for years straight dude, take maintenance breaks
>You're an average-sized woman
Lmao I wish
I mean, it's low sure, but I don't think it's so low as to require a real medical intervention right?
You may need to lose more weight than you need. If you look as big as you say you do, you have large breasts because well, you have more weight than other women your height
Can you please call it manboobs instead, yes I get teased by my roomates a lot by it
Let them suck on your tiddies
Btw if anyone is curious my weight is 62kg currently
interestingly, kurzgesagt just released a video about why training for losing weight is worthless
you train for health
you eat less for weight loss

it's that simple
If you're asking a bunch if people on the internet you'd be better served asking an actual dr
I want to say yes and no. I think when you're someone my size and weight, daily exercise is a necessity to continue to eat 1,200 calories a day. I don't think anyone should be eating below that daily
Not him but what's the longest duration you can be in a deficit, and what's the shortest amount of break I can take from it?
>so I eat outside and its really hard to get healthy food choice
There are some healthier fast food options. There's this local barbeque fast food place that has a few locations open in my city that I often visit. It's faster than most fast food places, and it's way healthier, but still not perfect. Very little fat, and if you use very little to no sauce, then very little carbs, and the sides are mostly healthy, but you should still supplement these meals with some nice carbs, like fruits, and you should also supplement those fruits with some milk.
I was 275 pounds, slightly taller, lost almost 100 pounds in 1 year and change mostly just counting calories (never went below 1500), a few short fasts here and there, and very little exercise
I will on 9 August as promised.
Women in my country averages below 160, I knew some below 150 even
>I was 275 pounds
for comparison, I'm 5'5" and started at 147 down to 133 in 1.5 months aiming for 127 or less by 2 month mark
Can I make it?
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guys please help what am i doing wrong?
>start day
>go do cardio
>walk 1 mile
>try to push myself and jog the entire way back
>basically just power walking
>soaked in sweat
>get home
>fall asleep
bros this happens every time i jog or push myself, how can i stop myself from big sleepy?
Just gotta keep doing it man
You better or you will die. You can lose easily half your body weight this year if you try (which is eating fucking low calorie that's it)
will i stop falling asleep eventually? i want to really push myself but then i just want to take a nap
>is tired
You're just a healthy man, do you prefer having insomnia instead? But you can try coffee
Yes. Your body isn't used to exerting itself so it's getting tired and wants to rest. As it gets used to physical activity you will be able to go for longer times and distances
when you eat a normal sized, nutritious meal
I've been doing great for these past weeks, finally losing weight consistently, but I'm going to barely miss an ambitious arbitrary goal I set for myself next week, should I kill myself? (please say yes)
not a fuck up at all. theres a lot of right answers. you cant really become lean without muscle mass, but you can bulk into abs once youre skinnyfat. its time to bulk. i recommend a 16-20 week bulk trying to gain about 2-4 pounds per month. youre allowed 2 weeks of mini-cuts every 8 weeks. expect your metabolism to be slow now, but improve massively by the end of the year. try bald omnimans raider program, stronglifts 5x5, or a revival fitness novice program for about 6 months then change it up. dont be scared to bulk, you wont become obese and now you have the tools to cut the reasonable amounts of fat youll gain.
honestly IF is a great beginner method of calorie restriction, but imo theres better ways of losing the weight. might be slower, but i think theyll have higher rates of success. a moderate calorie deficit backed by walking and filling tasty foods can really drive diet adherence. i fucking hate the guy, but doucchetts cookbook is a good template for what that kind of eating can look like.
Can I lose 30lbs in 30 days?
>so what do you think about the idea that the body adjusts its energy expenditure to the amount of calories that you've set as your reduction
this is true, but it takes a while to happen. this is why you dont start at suicide cut levels of cardio and calorie restriction and take maintenence phases. imo a diet and maybe your cardio should ramp up in intensity slowly over 8-12 weeks, then be brought to maintenence for 2-4 weeks to give your mind and body time to recover and recalibrate. part of doing your best is knowing when to recover for a bit so that your ambition doesnt get in the way of achieving your long term goals.
>walk to nearest wallmart
>buy food
>walk back home
>eat clean
>do it x3 a day
>repeat daily routine for 1.5 years
>lost 330lbs (149.685kg)
That's what happens if you're a dyer. In 6 months you'll be running 3k barely breaking a sweat.
mayhaps if you're obese, ok with a huge chunk of it being water and lean mass, and ready to fast or do keto for 30 days
>this success story brought to you by walmart
>walmart: save money, live better™
That nigger david goggins lost somethinf like 100lbs in 60 days so yeah it's possible.
At what cost though? That's what you have to assess. Work out everyday for several hours a day and eat basically nothing.
I pretty much did that in 2 months, and my cut was gruelling.
>american newscasts have services on people losing weight
I'm 235lbs, 6'0, about 22%bf (can see outline of top 4 abs under perfect down lighting and flexing).
Fully willing to go on a keto diet of lean meats and green veggies only, have done it before and found success with it.
Until you feel obviously weak, can barely think, and are just generally exhausted in mind body and soul
Until you feel refreshed and normal again
>keto diet of lean meats and green veggies only
that's protein-sparing modified fasting and it's a great crash diet but I'm not sure it's advisable to go on such a cut that'd let you lose 30lbs in a month at your bf, you'd probably lose muscle and fuck your body up some
Am I supposed to be less sore from working out after a few months of working out? Yesterday was in my opinion the most intense weight lifting session I've ever done and today I feel only a slight soreness in my muscles.

I'm worried that I'm not working hard enough even though I was close to absolute exhaustion.
should I start smoking again
Protein powder (/collagen peptides/creatine/...) goes really well in a nice warm drink, where instead of being some sad raspy shit that just wants to clump at the bottom of your glass, it dissolves beautifully into your beverage, and you can't even tell it's there.
Also, warm beverages are nice on sore throats.
Yes. DOMS is supposed to reduce after a month of training or so.
I usually end up around 60% 15% 25%.
I don't know if it's "the best ratio", but it translates into ~150g of protein, which is about 0.77g of protein per pound for me, and keeps my net carbs below 40g. Those are really the two targets I pay attention to.
45% 10% 45%
god i'm so jealous I wish I could sleep
Had an unusually light lunch and breakfast and now I don’t know how to fill up 570 calories
>4:30 AM: Wake Up
>4:30 AM: Eat a banana
>5:00-6:00 AM: Ride-on exercise bike
>6:00-7:00 AM: Study for the ASVAB
>8:00-10:00 AM: Swim for 2 miles
>11:00 AM-2:00 PM: Full body workout (Multiple sets of 100-200 reps per movement)
>3:00-5:00 PM: Exercise bike and more studying
>5:30 PM: Run between 2-6 miles
>7:30 PM: Dinner
>8:00-10:00 PM: Back on the exercise bike
>10:30 PM: Sleep
that was his routine, the dinner consisted largely of protein like chicken breast or lean pork, salads and some rice. Together with a banana he didn't eat over 800 cal a day
I don't intentionally track anything beyond total calories, but looking back it usually ends up around 35 25 40
Interesting, didn't realize I'm eating a high fat diet, doesn't seem that way. Guess I'd have to cut out daily eggs cooked with a bit of butter if I wanted to change that
Seems fine though
Every day as I wake up, I have to make a go/no-go decision on whether to go walk the dog in the Texas heat.
I try to get up early enough so it's still below 85 (which feels like 95 because the sun is a fuck), but I'm a lazy bastard so I don't always make it and if I go when it's any higher, I produce ridiculous amounts of sweat that wash the sunscreen into my mouth and my eyes, and it's a generally miserable experience.
I'm going to get better at it though. Part of this whole fitness bullshit is having good sleep hygiene, or so I'm told.
I'd take all of your fat to lose on top of mine if that meant living in texas
Such bullshit, i don't believe Goggins at all
Are you getting enough sleep at night? Doing exercise without adequate rest is not great.
Grab one of those wearable thingies that track your heart rate, and try to calibrate your effort to zone 2 cardio, which almost certainly means you're not going to be jogging, nor power walking for the time being.
Enjoy the feeling of being outside and walking somewhat leisurely for now. As you get used to it, you'll naturally become able to increase your pace while still mostly staying in zone 2.
I've started using a whoop band last week, and it's being useful to track things like that, but the rings, fitbit gizmos or anything else should be able to do that too.
His racism stories growing up are the most hilarious.
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I'm also in Texas. I now get up around 530-6 right as the sun rises to get my cardio in. Its usually 75-80 and the wind is cooler. Once the sun is up for an hour or so its not worth it, I just go to the gym and get on the treadmill.
I find the lower BF% you have the more comfortable it is to run in high heat
new script dropped boys, exercise now useless for losing weight
I don't consume slop
Reminder that Kurzgesagt is very leftist. I remember them pushing leftist migrant propaganda back when I was in high school in 2015 when their channel only had a few videos on it.
>doesn't it make more sense that once you're fat adapted the body will take your TDEE's worth of energy directly from fat

What I've read is that its a max of 70 calories per kg of fat per day. Your body can only convert so much in a day, and if you have more mass then there's more "surface area" for the body to work on.

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holy based
I actually do. He seems to be almost crying constantly.
good let lefties rot. theyll even justify it with their big brajns! science says to give up, consume slop and medicate! fuck that. train. eat right. live like a fucking maniac.
gay WEF propaganda shill
post body
Yes, so leftist that they take bill gates money to whitewash the great reset
That's a really low bf% for those numbers. Most folks would be around around 30%.
That hints that you've got some good muscle definition under your blubber, and you should try to keep as much of that as you can.
I'm with >>74716636 on this, a high-protein diet is what you want, but use a mild calorie deficit to lose the weight more slowly while working out regularly.
Exercise -> health
Food intake -> weight loss

I will be doing both thank you very much.
What micronutrients would I be missing from this daily intake?
>200g chicken breast
>200g round eye steak
>175g 0% plain Greek yogurt
>250mL coconut milk
>1 scooooop optimum whey
>1 cup baby spinach
>2 cups mixed veggies (carrots and broccoli)
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btw if youre a lefty i still hope u make it bro
Just take a multi vitamin and multi mineral
For crying out loud, this is not a "new script," it's established science.
We've been telling folks to use a sedentary TDEE in here for a long time, precisely because "exercise calories" tend to be counter-balanced by your body adaptation.
Don't start believing the opposite now simply because a filthy breadtuber told you the same thing.
And yes, exercise is good for you for plenty of other reasons.
Now go forth and knee-jerk no more.
it's a BASTARD
is 10kg in 3 months feasible?
trying to hit goal weight by my birthday

lost about 25kg in the last year
yes, quite comfy actually
aim towards losing 13kg at least, to account for water weight
Cardio reverses a lot of the negative effects of obesity.
ephedrine, caffeine, better quality sleep
Why do people overthink weight loss so much? Just eat at a deficit and do some occasional cardio, that is literally all it takes.
> I now get up around 530-6 right as the sun rises
One day, this will be me, and it will be glorious. I shall laugh belly heartedly at the dawn as I trample the ground under the weight of my hefty willpower.
based, I needed the confidence boost
I checked a calculator and it seem like I can do it at 1k cal deficit a day with no change in exercise

we're gonna make it
Why wait, start now
Thanks for the tip Anon.
It is crazy how fast your body can adapt, i've been skipping lunch at work and at first i was starving. But after just 2 weeks i'm not even hungry anymore.
Even that is overthinking, all you need to do is eat less.
>ridiculous amounts of sweat that wash the sunscreen into my mouth and my eyes
Have you tried sun sticks? They're made of wax that should stay put better, but they need to be warmed in hand before application, and must be smeared no less than 3 layers (one blogger tested it w/ UV cam that showed that it's more like 8 layers). In my opinion, Korean sunsticks are the best.
>you have any scientific sources to back that up?
there's also a calculator that cites it as a source: https://www.fatcalc.com/mfl
>Says i should only eat 1500cals a day
I live a mile from Walmart as well. Just need to not work so I can spend 3 hours walking to and from Walmart every day.
>25 minutes each way
>3 times per day
>We include glycogen and protein into the FFM along with many other inactive components such as bone mineral and extra cellular water (ECW).
>The word, inactive, in the preceding sentence is meant to refer to any body constituent which is not directly involved in oxygen consumption.
>The fact that glycogen and protein are both included in the FFM means that we will not be able to separate the energy properties of these two energy stores.
>The main reason for including glycogen and protein into a single entity, the FFM, results from the ability of densitometric experiments only to distinguish and measure the FM and the FFM.
so they define lean body mass as glycogen, protein, water in the system, and even bone density.
>The FM consists of glyceryl esters and fatty acids and should not be confused with adipose tissue of which it is a major component.
>In the sense used in the model, the FM is considered to be an external load only physiologically active in the transfer of energy to the FFM. It is the FFM which interacts with oxygen.
and they define fat mass as fatty acids, which can be sourced form body fat, but imply that they mean dietary fat.
>minnesota experiment
>24 weeks of semi-starvation
>3500 cals a day, increased to 3700 cals, with physical activity
>then reduced to a famine euro diet of an average of 1570 cals, 50g protein, 30g fat
>food increased or reduced to maintain weight loss schedule
>constant activity prescribed
>they felt like absolute shit because of the reduction in calories
so... keys' study suggests that caloric reduction results in reduced calorie expenditure in order to conserve available energy, then alpert uses this data to conclude that only a certain amount of energy expenditure from dietary fat is consumed while on a severe cut. you can't use this as an equivalent for fasting, in which the body takes all its energy from available lipid stores while in a ketogenic state.
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great rebuttal.
Today I hit 200lb, which marks 100lb of loss from my starting point.
My BMI is now less than one point away from normal weight.
200th reply kek
>different studies on some aspect of fitness are contradictory
who would have thought lmao
everyone knows this
it's summed up as "you can't outrun a bad diet"
just dropped below 30 bmi, feels ok
who knows? it's probably the same reason people fixate on retarded ideas like exclusively 1 food group or 1 food or 1 macronutrient or 1 ethnicity being responsible for ALL THE GOOD/BAD that happens in the world. humans are fucking stupid
nice job man. keep going
look man I'm just saying that the initial claim of
>you only burn 70cals of fat a day
as backed by the cited study refers mostly to dietary fat expended while on a reduced calorie diet, which says nothing about the rate of adipose tissue catabolism during a fasted ketogenic state.
>you need to regulate what you eat and how much you eat, which requires an understanding of nutrition and portion control.
You keep claiming fasting causes one to be unable to learn this which is false. You don't need to do the -500 calorie day for months potty training to learn it.
It is possible to just go and learn things.
You'll feel the real difference when you leave overweight range. You'll pretty much become a different person.
My sleep tracking device will be mad at me if I just shorten my sleep to get up this early, so I gotta go to bed earlier too, but I can't just plop in bed a few hours earlier and hope I'll just fall asleep, so I need to shift my bed time progressively until I can fall asleep around 10:30pm.
But that's complicated by the evening walks I do after sunset, which happens around 8:30pm. I prefer to wait another hour to let the air cool down a little bit, but there'd be no time left for that with this change.
The walks take 40 minutes, then I take 20 minutes to wind down as I sip on a warm bone broth, then 45 minutes for shower and bed time routine, so if I do everything back to back, it should maybe fit? At least on paper, it does.
Oh, and also, my wife is a night owl too and she's going to hate all of this.
Typical fastard
no, I had never heard of those.. so like a deodorant stick, but you rub it all over your face and it's sunscreen?
I gotta wrap my heard around the concept.
is meat and vegetables really all you need? I just ate minced lamb and peas and I do feel full it feels weird without rice or naan
>Make claim
>Potential rebuttal with an experiment that nevertheless is not an direct and exact refutation of the exact claim in question but is nevertheless a decent try in good faith
>lmao that's not good enough for me I will wait for you to privately fund an experiment that fits my criteria exactly and even afterwards I will reserve the right to move the goalposts in bad faith again

Ladies and gentlemen: the fasting brain
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I wish harzer cheese tasted good...
You got nothing I see.
I put on 5-7 lbs in the last week but I'm making it up with a little bit of a cut,working out more and I'm cooking my own food instead of getting takeout after work
you got this anon, put in those hours and you'll get results. WAGMI
bro chill all I'm saying is modern science can do better than this, and better studies can be done. you don't have to personally fund anything, and I'm not moving any goalposts. but, let's say the data in that study is accurate, and it's 70 cals per pound of weight. if you're a 300+ lbs motherfucker, you're going to be losing a lot of weight a day just by not eating.
>dailyFatLoss = 70cals * lbsOfFat
>70 x 300;
>dailyFatLoss = 21,000 cals/a day (doesn't seem right but let's just go with it because it's what the study says, no?)
why would you ever want to interrupt this by throwing an external source of calories into the mix?
Its not 70 cal/pound d, its 70 cal/kg d
Any of you eliminated added sugar? What changes did you notice?
I made the switch about 4 weeks ago while continuing my regular CICO stuff, lost 10lbs since then, and I feel like I've lost a lot of fat compared to other times I've lost 10lbs while still eating sugar.
>f you're a 300+ lbs motherfucker, you're going to be losing a lot of weight a day just by not eating

I agree with fasting being good for very obese people - its when you get closer to a healthy weight that full on fasting + exercise will fuck you up by eating up your muscles.
>old crush posts her new boyfriend
>completely average balding guy in his 20s
>used to blackpill me to hell and back seeing shit like that
>now just makes me more determined than ever to escape this fat prison and find myself some mid to late 20s chick who's into recovered fat fucks with a full head of hair and 0 debt.

Also I've gone from barely being able to bench 25kg for reps to hitting 40kg 10x5, getting harder and harder for me to cup my man tits too.
>Any of you eliminated added sugar? What changes did you notice?
Sugar made me want to binge eat and caused cravings. Quitting it helped because I only ate when I needed to.
ok, fine. for some better math, you'd have to specify body fat percentage and TDEE to get a more accurate amount of FM being consumed, like so:
>300lb man (136kg) @ 40% bf with a TDEE of 2500 cals
>120 lbs (55kg) of fat
>dailyFatLoss = 70 * 55;
>3850 cals /a day
still a huge amount of fat loss per day, not mired by having to actually process dietary calories. I imagine the addition of external calories would only mitigate this process.
that's a reasonable point of view.
keto > fasting btw, and body recomposition > becoming a dyel stick in a huge piece of empty flabby skin
Come to think of it I haven't had a binge since I cut it out either. I was thinking that I had somehow cured my ED through sheer force of will but maybe it was just the sugar.
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Is there a bf% where my gf who dumped me last weekend will undump me?
my primary motivator to have a good physique is bitches, but ngl, I wouldn't want a long-term thing with one that would leave me if I reached a certain bf%. You probably dodged a bullet
Any suggestions for a good multivitamin? I have no clue about what’s good vs what’s snake
You've heard about Ozempic face, right? If you want to lose fat from your face, take Ozempic.
When you're 300+ you can eat a reasonable amount daily, not be miserable, and still lose 20 lbs a month
I'm doing it with 1700 calories, fasting is miserable for me
Really don't need to lose weight faster than this
I'm sitting here peeling my eggs and I'm getting those intrusive thoughts again fellas
tell me why I shouldn't eat the egg shell
chickens do it all the time to reabsorb the calcium
why shouldn't I absorb that calcium too
Because the eggshells marinate in chickenshit before they're yoinked
It had nothing to do with my weight. She doesn't like me for a bunch of other reasons, intelligence, maturity, confidence, responsibility, etc. I'm just in maximum copium mode, pretending like I can improooove and somehow she'll magically want to text me again out of the blue despite not knowing or seeing what I'm up to. She is the one who dodged a bullet. But hey, at least exercise and diet are incidentally healthy things to copemaxx with
was feeling bad, went to gym, now feel better
reach 6 or 7% body fat, post pics on some social where she follows you and she might message you
Had to almost force myself to binge last night and only made it through half my typical feast. Ozempic works bros.
Maybe he's actually bipolar and on a very long manic streak, and is actively killing himself
I'm 5'11 and 211 lbs as of last week's weigh-in. How do you guys deal with sugar cravings? I've been running 3 days a week, switched to a keto bread, only eat breakfast and dinner, and I've been managing to lose at least 1 to 2.5 lbs a week depending on if my diet falls off or not (its always been small things like a little too much ice cream or cake or a couple beers or sugary drinks.) but I feel like my sugar cravings are holding me back. Is there a natural remedy or something that can help with the cravings? I've heard that just drinking water or lemon water can help but I haven't had any luck with it yet.
Eh, you'll get over her and realize she isn't all that great and there are better women out there.
>Had to almost force myself to binge last night
...but why?
you're an addict man
if you can't control yourself you gotta cut it all until you can

as far as initial cravings before you break the addiction try some diet soda
Ozempic ends sugar cravings, and in fact will eliminate all "food noise" from your brain.
Thanks for the advice guys.
I've been trying to lose weight slowly, but I've remained stagnant for the last 2 months. In those 2 months, I only dropped something like 5-10lbs. Which is absurd.
I go on holiday at the end of august and I wanted to deflate as much as I could.
I'll have to just cope with being fluffy while on holiday I guess.
So basically, it is possible, but it's exercising every moment you have to yourself.
ozempic doesn't build self control which is what he wants
and it's so fucking expensive. it's cheaper than chronic diabetes but still
how much protein is in chickenshit?
He should go to therapy to deal with the underlying issues that cause him to overeat. In the meantime Ozempic will bring him down to a healthy weight, which should also make it easier to work on self-control just because his brain and endocrine system won't be fucked up by obesity anymore.
yeah that's fair
would you still absorb protein the same way if you just ate it by the spoonful instead of dissolving it in some liquid?
>Is there a bf% where my gf who dumped me last weekend will undump me
no but theres a bf% where youll have a bitch in your bed whenever you want. remember this lesson. your hard work will never win someone who hates you over, so you may as well torture them with your results.
>so you may as well torture them with your results
Losing weight has improved my clarity of mind some much that now I can actively sabotage people I hate.
You think? I don't drink soda, I do drink juice though.
The moment you wake up and look down at your shredded body after living as a fatman is fucking glorious. I hope everyone in this thread experiences this one day.
>won't be fucked up by obesity anymore.
Last time I check I'm no longer obese, I'm just overweight.
I remember just touching and feeling my muscular body while in bed and not being able to believe that it was actually mine, shame I got fat again
Weight loss feels pointless when you have stretch marks and excess skin
i personally hate it but ive heard it's worked for people
Cutting all sugar?
Coper ngmi mindset
Health and feeling good is infinitely more important, we fuck ourselves up this far and it's not about aesthetics anymore (although skinflaps are a better deal than staying giant blob)
diet soda
Get hairy and get a tan for stretch marks.
As far as excess skin goes mine went away. Give it some time maybe?
if you're fat enough to get loose skin, you probably look horrible right now.

thankfully I have no loose skin now that I'm no longer fat. I have some stretch marks. I don't really care about them. Going to the beach tomorrow and fairly sure nobody will even acknowledge me (1.82 m / 78 kg). Unlike a few years ago, where I would get some occasional disgusted look from women, or pityful ones from the fit guys.
>go from eating at 1000 calorie surplus every day for years to literally 0 calorie
>"hey I don't think this is good to teach you to eat in moderation at maintenance when you're done"
I can't wait to go back to eating at maintenance, sure my calorie count will be lower than when I was a big fat fuck but at least it'll be better than the 800 cal deficit I'm in right now so that I'm on 1900 a day.
When you are fasting there is plenty of time to prepare for the time when you are no longer fasting.
How the fuck are you guys eating 1500 kcal a day
What's the secret
>going to beach this weekend
>The thought of bringing a food scale so I can weigh boardwalk food to track calories is going through my mind
How do I turn this mentality off and just enjoy a nice beach day
OMAD and finding something that makes life pleasant outside of food.
High protein density. Lean meat, lean dairy, eggs and egg whites.
I'm eating about 1300 cals a day currently and have been for a couple months.
i eat 2 meals a day and drink lots of water, theres no secret
My energy levels are better so I don't regret that
How long does it take? I hit a normal BMI like 4 months ago
That's good. The loose skin isn't excessive and it's only below my stomach. The stretch marks don't bother me.
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how much did you lose tho?
>this is your brain on CICO
You signed off your soul to the calculator, now live with your decision, thermodynamicslet.
Just accept you'll go over but keep it reasonable, it's not gonna stall you much
60lbs from 260 to 200
It gets easier to do as you lose weight and adjust to your new budget
I lost 100+ and the only real loose skin I have currently is my lower abdomen. My arms and chest are sort of loose but will fill easily with muscle mass. If my abdomen doesn't shrink or fill in a year or two, I'll just throw down the $6k to $10k for skin removal.
high protein low calorie breakfast
chicken breasts for lunch
leaves about 7-800 calories for dinner
eating exercise optional
I've been eating like a pig. Fat people hate threads have not been offensive enough to curb my hunger.
That's because negative encouragement is not as effective as positive encouragement
do you guys have any tips on getting prescribed ozempic?
and then getting insurance to pay for it?
Depends on the goal
Positive encouragement is for achieving but I feel negative encouragement is most effective for not letting yourself go and that is my current goal. I already worked so hard to get to my current state I can't be encouraged anymore with being nice. FPH used to be very effective.
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Started again today, counted macros and calories. 290lbs i had 2000 calories + many errands today.
Hopefully this time i do it right
Well I don't drink soda so what else?
cut the sugar out completely cold turkey
fill up on protein or vegetables
That's gonna be hard, I guess I'll gulp down the rest of my protien powder before getting into it.
just sugar tho, man
carbs are still essential to life
Should I quit protein powder and switch to meat stew

I think part of my hunger may be because I'm missing that umami and probably some electrolytes and micronutrients too
What do you think is in most protein power mixes? Sugar.
I weighed myself for the first time in over a year and gained a shit ton.
It shocked me so much i started going to the gym again which is good.
If i can quit alcohol it will make hitting my "goal" a lot easier
Wish me luck fags
Yes. Itll be easier if you dont drink your calories. When I cut I swap shakes for quest chips and protein bars. Theyre less efficient calorie to protein wise, but they'll make you feel much fuller. Meat stew is similarly good.
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I went to the gym on sunday night for the first time and fast forward today im so fucking sore still. I cant even get out of my chair or sit in it without use of my arms. Should i still go to the gym tonight? I seriously doubt i could even do a bodyweight squat let alone with weights.
maintainence phases and graduating up cardio over time basically shit on this video
protein powder is a way to get more protein in your system without meeting too much opposition from your body, so it's more of a bulking tool than a cutting tool.
if you're cutting, eat lean proteins that happen to be tasty. chicken, salmon, crab, shrimp, etc.
if your diet is restrictive (and probably even if it's not), you want to get a solid daily multivitamin that'll close the gap on many micronutrients you might be lacking. if you're on a low-carb diet, consider adding a good fiber supplement too. And then throw in some D-3 and fish oil too.
im bulking and i cant wait to cut next week. i just ate 1.5 shwarmas and a full plate of rice and filet mignon. this much food is murdering me, I didnt eat this much when I was obese. im definitely gonna miss the lifting intensity, but itll be nice to reintegrate walking into my life. by the way, if you start lifting your TDEE will become very high over the years as you accrue tissue. my metabolism was crushed from 3.5 years of recomping, but it seems like its doubled over the last 5 months. i have to force feed to gain a few pounds a month now.
didn't everyone already know that, the majority of the calories that you burn are by just existing, unless you are an Olympic athlete the exercise you do wont impact your burned calories that much, you mainly do it for body health not weight loss, so yeah, exercise IS mostly useless for losing weight, diet is the main part
i disagree. diet is a necessity, but the exercise is a powerful potentiator. walking is fucking massive. its why professional bodybuilders generally spam walking getting their most shredded. by understanding hunger signaling (typically if you eat half the calories you just burned by walking on top of your typical diet, you wont get additional hunger from the walking) you can really use walking to great effect when cutting. if your step tracker says you burned 500 calories, eat an extra 250 on top of your limit and youll net lose calories with minimal suffering.
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Anyone else here has taken the supplement pill?

I started swimming a few weeks back and I kept getting cramps. A friend reccomended I take some magnesium and potassium and after doing it I haven't had them but more surprisingly I have more restful sleep. I never knew magnesium helped with that but I feel great.

The info online about suplements is very conflicting so I was wondering if anyone here has some advice about it. As of now I feel great with it but I don't know if there are some pitfalls I should be careful for.
>exercise is a powerful potentiator
sure, but im talking about the pure correlation between weight loss and exercise, it has minimal effect on burning calories and therefore weight, as for exercise and it's overall help with weight loss thats another topic

> if your step tracker says you burned 500 calories, eat an extra 250 on top of your limit and youll net lose calories with minimal suffering.
personally I wouldnt trust any burned calorie counters, they always tend to overexaggerate and currently there is no accurate way to track them due to a lot of factors, I'd just use it as a metric for the "intensity" of the workout but id never reward myself extra calories since "I burned some" (during weight loss, bulking and maintenance is another topic)
just consume like 4-5g worth of salt, it should help
helped me with situp cramps
its what worked for me to get most shredded. walking and a tight diet. when i couldnt tighten the diet anymore adding walking allowed me to continue to lose weight while readding calories. my samsung phones health app seemed to serve me well. its anecdotal sure, but it worked for me, everyone i recommend it to, and is the go to method for bodybuilders on show prep. i trust bodybuilders more than pointdexters on this topic desu.
magnesium, potassium, and taurine are all excellent for cramps. zinc and magnesium go together great for better sleep and some report better testosterone and sexual health. just keep in mind supplements are small potentiators for your training and exercise. id recommend a well rounded multivitamin, maybe a zinc+magnesium supplement, and maybe bananas for potassium if you can spare the calories. taurine is probably an unneeded expense. i personally love panda's pump preworkout though.
Still eating beef and butter until I'm satiated every day. Still losing bodyfat. Sticks of butter are tasting better and better every day.
Eat 3 banana. Monkey every day eat banana, no cramps.
so true
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what should I eat to get up to 2k while hitting my macros? At a weird middle ground where I need to eat something, but don't know what. And if I don't eat I'll be miserable all night
mix fiber powder, protein powder, a stick of butter, and a few spoonfuls of sugar together in water then chug it
That girl is a bastard too you know
Also take it easy you’re starting to sound a little obsessed dude
Enjoy your scurvy and heart disease I guess?
a turkey and cheese sandwich with your favorite fruit on the side
>whey is back to pre-covid prices
Burned 2000 calories doing cardio today. Trying to convince myself to go do some lifting too, but it's just so freaking boring.
dont count reps, just go to exhaustion while watching tv
>want to eat
>tell myself it's not worth the calories and go lift instead
>crave midnight snacks because weed munchies
>tell myself that it's not worth the calories and that my hunger will be tomorrow's problem if i just go to sleep
they werent lying about that frontal lobe shit. i leveled up. i have slight chicken flaps under my arms because of loose skin though. need to fill it out once im skinny. i will become skeleton. then i will eat lots again and use the calories and learned weightlifting to become hulk. WOOOOOOOOOOO
if weed doesnt make you want to kill yourself then youre an npc
why not?
not him, but weed will make things tougher. the best way to handle weed munchies is to walk to the store and buy a healthy snack like pickle bites
it's meant to be tough. it's about developing willpower! hyperbolic time chamber.
smokers ain't got no willpower to begin with
hell yea. just have some healthy low calorie snacks for when you get the munchies. open face turkey sandwiches with mustard and natures own keto bread will be like 100 calories total. fruit, especially frozen fruit, pickles.
ur a dork lol
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Maybe the dumbest question I've asked, but I don't know shit about this stuff.
I'm 5'8, 286 pounds, obese flabby fat fuck with no muscle other than my legs like all fat people. I started going to the gym, 3 times a week, mostly doing squats and deadlifts with some accessory stuff (working up to bench press cause my upper body is weak as fuck). At the same time I cut almost all junk food and I'm eating home cooked food every day.
5 weeks later I step on the scale, 285 pounds. I went to see my nutritionist who has a fancy scale with handles and shit and according to her I lost 2.6% bodyfat and gained 3.2 pounds of "skeletal muscle"
Is that even remotely possible? It's my first time going to the gym and in these 5 weeks I worked up to a very comfortable 5x5 90 pounds deadlift and squat, which according to my trainer is "quite good for a fat office worker"

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