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Repent hambeast edition

/fast/ing general
What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

Snake juice:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-xjsR89XI [Embed] [Embed]

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9idhb2aAfns [Embed] [Embed]


>any more info?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfR6bAXr-c [Embed] [Embed]

>Doesn't salt make you explode?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amJ-ev8Ial8 [Embed] [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dan8qtgQRi8 [Embed] [Embed]


>Fung talks and lectures:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuj-oMN-Fk [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/PSR82vmZ5lk [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/v9Aw0P7GjHE [Embed] [Embed]


Previous thread:
I'm gonna do a fast this august during my time off. Is it better to do a few days of keto before fasting? I hear it helps since your sugar is already depleted.
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36.5 hours in and I'm more bored than hungry. in japanese they have a term for this, it's called 口寂しい roughly translated means " the mouth is lonely" aka you want something to whet your palette. fucking worst part of fasting, but I guess if I could have all the flavor without any of the calories, I wouldn't be a fat bastard to begin with.
it's not necessary because your body will deplete its stores of glycogen and you'll enter ketosis anyway. it's better to do keto after the fast, honestly, that way you stay in ketosis between fasts.
>, that way you stay in ketosis between fasts.
I've done keto before, but as a lifestyle i don't like it since carbs are gonna happen. I already lost 20kg in the past 11 months just by implementing lifestyle changes and it was effortless. But I just want to get over cutting the last 5-10kg and get to bulking and gain muscle. I'm tired of hardly making any gains in the gym. recomping sucks.
>but as a lifestyle i don't like it since carbs are gonna happen
yeah man, do whatever works for you. I don't think it's strictly necessary, but some people seem to think that it's more optimal than the standard western diet (and it probably is). how long are you going to fast in august?
time off lasts 2 weeks, I'll try to do the whole duration. Or longer if I feel great on it.
High blood pressure anon here:
67 hours and 51 minutes now. 4 hours and 9 minutes to go.
Unlike last time, I am absolutely fine.
My blood sugar is at 76 mg/dL. My blood pressure is at 116/63 mmHg average between two takes. I have not taken my blood pressure meds yet.
This shit just works. Depending on how I feel in four hours I'm going to try to extend the fast to 96 hours.
hey man that's pretty good. keep it up.
if you're new to fasting you should try smaller windows of duration, say 24 - 36 hours before trying to commit to longer fasts. if not, well good luck. personally I always struggle psychologically if I do longer than 72 hours, I just need to experience flavor again, the satisfaction of tasting a good home cooked meal. whatever is most sustainable for you.
I've done shorter fasts before. I always terrible brain fog and muscle soreness the second day in. Doing shorter fasts seem like the worst option since you're getting all the problems that come with the transition period, yet 48 hours isn't enough to make a significant dent into your fat stores.
That's why I want to do it during my time off, so I can just take walks during the worst period.
Nice job anon. My mom is starting to have some blood pressure problems and i was thinking about getting her into fasting and eating better. Can you tell me how fasting helped with high BP?
My theory (Totally stolen from Jason Fung) is that insulin acts as a vasoconstrictor. Since with fasting you can reduce insulin and improves sensitivity to it, you blood pressure drops. I also think autophagy plays a role in replace damaged cells with damaged receptors. But that's just hypothesis. Otherwise, fasting is a very effective intervention to reduce blood pressure in patients whose hypertension is not primary (aka: caused by being fat)
If you're doing a long fast and "fail" at day 4 or 5 or whatever, eat what you have to and just continue fasting once you've done so. Within 24 hours you'll be fully back to a fasted state and feel fine.
Don't let mistakes spiral you out of control like some drama queen.
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Fast and keto and get inmune to cancer you fucking idiots
Only for a specific few types of cancers that only eat glucose. Had to learn that one the hard way...
The only way to get immune to cancer is edit the human genome and put us lots of copies of anti tumoral genes. Basically, become elephants/naked mole rats.
Thanks, so it definitely helps out. I also suspect her high blood pressure is caused by an electrolyte imbalance where her sodium is too high compared to potassium, which makes her have arrhythmia, muscle spasms, tingling and numbness, etc. all the symptoms basically.
Bros its been a while since I properly fasted. just realized once again that I had failed to properly implement good life habits. but now I need to as I just learned Im going to be a dad in 8 months. pray for me anons. im going to be a good role model.
That's also a good possibility. Sadly, it's a bit tricky to track potassium.
It's official: My 72 hours fast has become a 96 hours one.
Maybe if you already have cancer but if you don't, you'll be more likely to get it because you'll decrease glutathione levels, among other things.
Does drinking sugar free psyllium husk break a fast?
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>mfw that solid black day two poo hits
>Only for a specific few types of cancers that only eat glucose. Had to learn that one the hard way...
Cancer cells are fuelled by glucose AND glutamine. You can reduce glucose to almost 0 by keto and fasting, but you can't get rid of glutamine (in a natural way) in your body since it's the most abundant aminoacid. What you can do is first, eliminate all glucose from your body, then chemically inhibit the use of glutamine in cancer cells using drugs (DON or 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine) which decimates all cancer cells since they don't have any available fuel.

>The only way to get immune to cancer is edit the human genome and put us lots of copies of anti tumoral genes. Basically, become elephants/naked mole rats.
That statement is based on the basis that cancer is a genetic disease, which has been proved wrong, and was already known by Otto Warburg before WWII. Cancer is a metabolic disease, the damage in the DNA is a result of damage to cell mitochondria. The only reason the medical industry still treats it like a genetic disease, it's because there's a shitton of money to be made by treating each cancer as a different illnes, thus, making a bunch of different specific drugs (poisons) to individually treat them. There is no money in discovering all cancers are the same and can be treated the same way, by restricting the fuel they need, which can easily be done by not eating carbs, fasting and using a drug called DON which is non patentable. More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEE-oU8_NSU

>Maybe if you already have cancer but if you don't, you'll be more likely to get it because you'll decrease glutathione levels, among other things.
What a stupid shit to say
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Day 16 no calories. This is my second longest fast so far.
>What a stupid shit to say
No, you know shit abour cancer, which is why you think it's a good idea to put yourself in states that perpetually do what I said.
How much are you down so far?
20 pounds but I'm guessing 5-7 of those are just water
Retarded idea probably, but could I just get these and use the seasoning packet broth for electrolytes? Save the noodle bricks for when I'm done fasting and make my own broth, or put them in a stir fry, or just say fuck it and use them as a spaghetti substitute.
It's a new day anons.
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>Started @ 284lbs
>Day 7 @ 260lbs
>Haven't done anything but suffer in my hot room this entire week

What means any of this
Make sure you're doing some light exercise, don't want to lose muscle
You sound retarded
hello guys, I usually do 24h fasts every once in a while, and I've noticed that around 10h I start feeling like complete garbage and need to sleep it off
is there another way to go through this?
>fast for 3 days
>have explosive diarrhea
I didn't realize I have so much excess stomach bacteria that needs to wither and die. No wonder I needed to eat constantly.
Did you get the diarrhea after you ate or during the fast? I sometimes get diarrhea after a fast due to electrolyte imbalance from the stuff I just ate
After I ate a couple potatoes with salt. It was probably from all the water and coffee I was drinking during the fast.
No, that has to do with electrolyte imbalance and carbs after fasting. Drink some bone/chicken/meat broth after a fast and wait a couple of hours before eating soemthing solid. Also, don't eat any carbs after a fast, or if you do, slowly introduce them.
i'm slightly overweight (by like 15 lbs) and want to lose like 20. i've been doing rolling 24s and am currently 29 into a 36 hr fast. how long would it take to lose it if I kept going the way i am? (rolling 24s, 36s sometimes)
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4th day into waterfast, no hunger at all but I'm scared of doing extended ones, I'll probably just eat a regular healthy meal and then go for a few days again and repeat, I've already lost 12 pounds and this is my 2nd fast, my previous was 3 days, I do take electrolyted and multivitamins but going for a week+ seems too dangerous for me, rolling seems better
do I need to know/do something to do a 48h fast or can I just jump straight in
You can just jump straight in
I failed: My 96 hour fast ended being just a 80 hours one thanks to insomnia.
How do I avoid insomnia while fasting?
This is genuinely good advice. You haven't failed for messing up one day, you just adjusted your starting point. Things are rarely as fucked as they seem.
You'll have to calculate your deficit and figure it out from there. We don't know what you're refeeding basically every day.
Had horrible BP due to drinking A LOT for years, and being fat. Started fasting and the results have been pretty damn good so far; both the fasting and the fat loss from fasting seem to add to a reduction in my BP. It was hypertension, then pre-hypertension during fasting, and after 6 months mostly normal-high range. Crazy shit.
Apparently lifting also reduces BP on it's own, and I started that once I managed to get off the bottle, we'll see where it goes.
As soon as I get the thumbs up from my cardiologist I am going to lift again.
We are gonna to make it, lad.
People keep saying 24h this 24h that, does your body just not burn any fat before 24h or something? So if you do 48h you'll only lose a bit of weight for 24h? This seems stupid
you still lose weight with 24h and below fasts, through calorie deficit
>lose weight
lose fat*
the body first burns carbohydrates before it relies on free fatty acids. the rate at which either dietary fat or fat from lipid stores is burned changes according to whether or not you're in ketosis. essentially, the point of fasting is to deplete glucose stores completely and give your body a period of time to break down lipid stores and use them as the primary source of fuel. this is what it means to be in ketosis, it's a state in which your body breaks down fat and uses ketones for fuel. ketosis happens sometime between 16 and 24 hours, but it probably varies for people based on a a variety of factors. all you need to know is that you should fast for as long as possible after this point in time if you want to maximize fat loss. this is not to say that your body doesn't burn fat while you are also ingesting food, but it has to draw energy from what you eat first, thus digestion must occur, then tap into energy stores if you're not providing the body with adequate food to meet its energy requirements.

if you go on a deficit, your body will eventually adjust its energy expenditure to match the amount of energy its receiving from your diet. however, if you skip the deficit and fast instead, you're effectively forcing the body to make the transition from burning glucose to burning ketones, and getting all its energy requirements from your lipid stores. if you go a whole day without eating, you're getting 70cals per kilogram of fat on your body, so do the math to figure out how much that is. you say
>only lose a bit of fat for 24hs on a 48hr fast
well, no. to keep it simple, let's just say that ketosis starts after 16 hours. so that's 32 straight hours, about a day and a half of directly tapping into lipid stores. according to some study, you burn about 70cals per every kilo of fat on your body. if you have 50kg of fat on your body, you burn about 3500 cals a day, so add another 1750 to that. it comes out to 5,250 cals. that's pretty substantial.
You store between 500g and 1000g of glycogen in the muscles. 500g * 4 = 2000kcal your body has stored, it takes about a day to burn that, so yes, you are not losing fat for 24h. Just eat keto inbetween fasts so you are not filling your glycogen and you can start burning fat straight away
Should be a minimum of 36 hours then?
if you read the book the complete guide to fasting by jason fung, he recommends an alternate day 40 hour fasting period. so you'd do one day of eating normally but you skip breakfast, i.e. 2 meals a day, then 40 hours of fasting in between. you could do that, you could also do rolling 48s, or OMAD + rolling 36s, whatever the fuck you want. I do rolling 40s, so every day and a half I have a meal which is followed by a brief four hour eating window I allow myself to have a meal and maybe a snack, then get back to fasting.
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Done a few 48s, they became easy now, lost a little weight and I feel good, I shouldn't go past rolling 60-72s right? I want to do it as safe as possible, I take electrolytes every other day and a vitamin pill
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I'm on day three of a fast and I just accidentally had dextrose, because it was in an isotonic drink and I thought I needed eloctrolytes and shit. Fuck. I'm not gonna let it put me back though.

Posting from the toilet
Doing another 48 hours. We are gonna make it lads!
nice dude, I recently started as well, do you ever go beyond 48s? also what do you eat on refeed days? i like to eat a stir fry of chicken en veggies and maybe a salad and fruit after
Why aren't there more people like him, why isn't this a common story?
There are so many more fats today, the ought to also be more people who do fasts like this.
Still very dangerous no matter what, people should stick with rolling fasts
Fasting is generally pretty safe, a lot safer than your average doctor would admit. If you have more than ten pounds to lose, you can do a week long fast with no issues. You don't need to bother with electrolytes for 72 hours or less and they aren't strictly necessary for longer fasts, just helpful.
But then after every week or 10 days you'd have to do the whole refeed process again for around 2 days minimum
Thing is, obesity has multiplied. More serious versions of obesity have multiplied even more. Just going by basic statistical reasoning, there should have been at least a few of likes of him by now, but they are missing. What is the reason?
Now that I think of it, there is an obvious answer. They get put under surgery now.
>Day 2
>aka you want something to whet your palette. fucking worst part of fasting, but I guess if I could have all the flavor without any of the calories, I wouldn't be a fat bastard to begin with.
sekrit tek: eat a little hot sauce. nothing with any calories in it, obviously, but something like tabasco which is just spicy vinegar + salt. tastes heavenly on a fast
Approaching the end of day 3. I feel great and could fast for longer, but this is around the time I start needing electrolytes, and I'm reluctant to drink snake juice for fear of shitting my pants at work. How do you guys avoid this.
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I avoid it by just doing rolling 72s and 48s, fuck going further there's no need to speedrun a weightloss.
i shit my pants at home
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bump, im going through that "feeling garbage" phase right now
Fasted for seven days and sharted the bed whole sleeping

Never again
Kek no wonder it's fucking unhealthy for you no matter how many supplements you take, just do some rolling ones buddy
skill issue
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That's amazing anon. I'm sorry for you though.
>Wanting to optimize something that detoxifies carcinogens is retarded.
Mouthbreathers apparently think you're one of them if they don't understand what you say.
Congrats anon!
And a substantial amount is muscle, wtf why would you fast 2 weeks in a row
It's eating disorders that many anons here get, they fuck up their heart and other organs this way
This is just salt and MSG. Skip the MSG and just do salt.
>And a substantial amount is muscle
Not if he exercised but fasting for weight loss is still stupid.
>y'all niggas fell for the fasting meme
Enjoy starvation mode and looking like a pot belly freak HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
totally organic ozempig demoralization bots
Day 11. Woke up to the unmistakable taste of my own lard being processed. Promptly put a handful of altoids in my mouth and rinsed.
How bad is the cortisol spike after 48 hours?
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It's better to lose weight through a caloric restriction one feels comfortable with because that way you're not disregarding as much processes that occur when you feed properly, like mTOR spikes or enhancing antioxidant protection.
Day 25. I'm going to end it by drinking bone broth tomorrow, and hopefully, by next Wednesday, I can eat normal food.
You'll definitely be able to, just reintroduce food a few times per day as you feel comfortable. Stay next to a toilet.
Congrats king. I'll probably stop around 35.
Heart problems in 5-10 years, you've fucked your body
Noooooo, not my heckin' liferino!
Last attempt at fasting was 80 hours. I have a very important party this week, where I can't reject any kind of food, so I am doing a short 48 before hand.
I take my magnesium in pills.
Unless he's already in normal weight/underweight, he barely will lose muscle.
/fit/ people have other methods to get their fat loss.
It's a new day anons.
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going good so far. gonna end it this evening. what are some good things to eat to break my fast?
dick n penis lol
>gonna end it this evening
no, anon! don't do it! you have so much to live for!
Nice one.
A video on the benefits of Fasting:

I think this is some asmr porn or something cause I'm getting a boner just by listening to this. I get it now. I get why you post this. it's to stave off one type of hunger while stoking another. god bless, anon.
so say if I drink coffee WITH cream in the morning, don’t eat breakfast or lunch and then eat like 3 watermelon slices does that count? is that effective or should I just be essentially snake juicing it?
bro. it's a simple concept to grasp. don't have any calories. you can have coffee without cream. don't eat the watermelon, not only does it have calories, it's a pretty high-glycemic food that will spike blood sugar. you want to keep blood sugar low, the way to do that is to not consume calories. no food. zero calories. I know some food items say they have zero calories. that's a lie. they can have a negligible amount of calories and still label it as "no calories". it's best to avoid calories. it's that simple.

some people will talk about how it's not a huge deal to have a small amount as long as it bolsters your resolve and gets you to keep going or whatever. they're on some easy mode shit, and at that point it's not technically fast, but instead a highly calorie restrictive diet.
what are some of the mental benefits (You) have noticed while fasting?
>hot sauce
sounds like a good idea, I might try that.
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I'm doing a few things at once, so I can't really pinpoint it to fasting:
- Sensible / Emotional, more empathy overall; This comes with anger too, but it's easier to hold it back
- Easily content. Mainly in a joyful state, depression or any negative feeling are fleeting. My brain will still play tricks on me though.
- Increased willpower and discipline for majority of things - if you can control your gut and pp, you can withstand anything
- Bigger emphasis on being humble. I keep seeing posts full of pride (not the gays) and it turns me off from reading the rest of it
- Valuing peace and silence more than noise; though this is another byproduct of what I'm doing, fasting just amplifies it
- Ambitious for the mundane
You don't need to be careful about breaking a fast less than 5 days long
Shill disinfo agent spotted.

I've been losing weight doing OMAD and fasting for 32h sometimes, dry fasting as well less often.

Cope more. Yes you DO lose fat in 24h, in fact you start losing fat even 12h in.
I also saw some doctors online say that your body can already start burning fat 12-16h into not eating, but I guess it just all depends on what you ate and we all have different bodies, do you exercise as well? Maybe that speeds it up too?
When I'm on a fast, am I allowed a couple scoops of pure protein powder or will that fuck ketosis? It's 220 calories for 50g of protein and 4 grams of carbs (2 sugar, 2 fiber).
Forgive me for wanting something more than saltwater on a 5+ day fast. Sub-50 amount of calories from energy drinks is not going to end ketosis.
If you do this it is no longer a fast. That seems pretty fucking obvious. This is non negotiable.
What you are proposing is more of a weird cleanse diet popular among women's circles, r/1200isplenty comes to mind.
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Why and how do so many people gain back all the weight they lose during long fasts? Have any of you anons experienced this too? Do they just go back to eating junk food and huge portions of food every day again?
>finish fast
>go back to eating
>start returning to bad habits, at least I think so
>"fuck I bet I gained it all back I ate like a pig"
>scale didn't actually move at all
This happened twice. I guess my new standard for "eating poorly" still pales in comparison to what I used to eat
I have a couple questions:

How long do I have to fast to get into autophagy?

How severely do I have to fast? Can I still do a few hundred calories a day of protein and fat?

Will I lose my muscle? Have people stayed athletic looking while doing this? Will I be able to do my manual labor job while fasting?

Can I just forget about the long term fasting thing and do IF, and get the same autophagy results?
No you cannot eat or it's not a fast. No, you will not lose any significant muscle mass unless you're extremely low bf%. You will not get the same autophagy results intermittent fasting.

Read up on the subject before asking again.
48hrs complete. 246 to 238 so far, going to fast for 2 more days then eat one meal and repeat. is there a certain weight where I should move to rolling 72s? 6ft btw
But I tried reading and it's hard and full of boring stuff. Is there a "bible" on the subject?
Not really, it's largely a personal preference. A lot of people end up finding it hard to do longer fasts as they get to healthier weights. Depending on your build, you could probably stand to do 96s until you're sub 200 at least.
Im male, 174cm, 62kg, can I still do multi day fasts safely or this becomes anorexia territory?
I'd avoid it, you're victim weight and likely going to cross into some bad things.
make america skinny again
I'm ready to run a government mandated starvation camp any time they're willing to fund it.
How do I justify eating a few bad foods after fasting and resetting my gut ? Jalapeno Cheetos, and Ramen are calling my name. Surely having them every now and then won't be an issue right ? Everything else I eat and make are basic and simple whole foods...

>3+ days of no calories
>That's not fasting
>Do light exercises, for manual labour make sure you keep up with your salts

You don't sound ready, and you're setting yourself up for failure. I'd recommend doing a month or two of 16:8 or OMAD.
I got back into fasting two months ago, I first started off with a 7 day fast against my will, then it escalated to 20:4. Then did another 7 day fast at the end, and again the next month. This month I switched to 21:3, and currently in the midst of a 21 day fast whilst doing nothing though.
You need to build up your mental for fasting.
What will you eat to break your 21 day fast? Also what did you eat after 7 days? And how long until you eat regular food after 7 or 21 days
>What will you eat to break your 21 day fast?
I haven't thought that far yet. I still need to get through my days. Right now the idea is kefir, chicken broth, eggs for the first few days, then hopefully eat normal. But I have to watch the vidyas on how to break it properly because this is my first time.
>Also what did you eat after 7 days?
Whatever the heck I wanted. My first 7 day fast I broke it with half a pizza and a whole bunch of trash. Surprisingly wasn't running to the bathroom at all, and had solid stools. My second one I must have broken it really wrong because I was ravenous, and gained the weight back, but I wasn't doing OMAD immediately after breaking it either so that doesn't help.
Breaking a weeklong fast with whatever is for the foolish and brave. Refeed boogeyman is rare.
I just took a piss 4 times within 2 hours, what the fuck?
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>exhausted after 4 hour days of volunteer physical labor
>beginning full time as paid worker next week
>will be 3 weeks into water fast at that point
>break room full of free food to stare at
Gonna need a lotta 'lectrolytes
You're destroying your heart and other organs by doing extended fasts
Same, I'm waiting for the day of fat concentration camps. Being fat is a violation of the non aggression principle on my eyes.
What the fuck are you talking about??
I wish I had your discipline.
But do you feel like shit?
bro you can do whatever you want. I don't fucking care. you don't need to ask for permission, but I'm just pointing out that technically speaking if you have calories then it's not a fast. do with that what you will.
You are actually retarded. I never said you need 24h to start losing fat. I said you store about 2000kcal glycogen in your body when you are max filled on carbs. You can either burn them by exercise or waiting about a day without eating. If you follow a low carb, calorie restricted diet, your glycogen storage doesn't fill and you enter in ketosis straight away and start losing fat fast
It's a new day anons.
Have you not eaten anything since 20 May?
I've been fasting since Tuesday lunch. Only water and coffee and tea.
I think I'm going to do this every week until I look human again. I will break the fast only on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe only on Saturday just so that my work will be less affected.

Once I get to a state where I can do certain activities like bicycling again, I'll return to my normal intermittent fasting.

There is no debate about whether I'll do this or not. I'm doing it. But I want to do it safely.
I'm pulling an Angus Barbieri, slightly modified.
Why did insomnia make you stuff your piehole?
The human body burns fat constantly, even during eating.
I do eat.
I alternate between rolling 72s and rolling 48s.
Honest question but why would it damage your heart?
Don't ask questions, just repeat shit you heard somewhere else and put others down constantly
I plan to break 7 day fast with a Salmon bento box and spicy crab maki rolls tomorrow again. I have done this for 4 weeks now.
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The electrolyte collection. I can say with certainty that I will be happy to never consume another gatorade in my life.
Is rolling 48s supposed to be
>fast for almost all of 48 hours, but with a large meal during (like a 47:1 fast or whatever)
>fast completely for 2 days and eat on the third, then reset
>Refeed day
>Runny shits force me to the toilet half a dozen times
every fucking time
first one, like OMAD but with an extra day
but don't eat a big meal like you would doing omad, just eat a normal sized meal
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I have stomach acid so often and sometimes it's so bad it wakes me up, is it okay to take meds for it during a fast?
Those meds are implicated in Alzheimer's. Also stomach is supposed to be acidic. More likely there is too little acid which causes the flap to open and you start feeling the acid in your mouth. I think the root cause for all this is that since you are not eating the stomach acids sort of just stay there, bile accumulates which starts to cause problems.
Apple cider vinegar is suggested, lemon juice not sure if they actually do anything or is it just placebo. I think movement helps like going for walks.
since fasting in the morning i feel just fine but im a lot more tired at night. Only been drinking water and snakejuice
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OMAD gang!
Where we at?
Coffee for lunch and chicken for dinner, thats where its at
I measure out electrolytes on a scale and put it into a gallon pitcher with a sugar free lemonade pack. Tastes better and gives you a serious amount of electrolytes on an extended fast. YMMV
Any recommendation of electrolytes?
In particular, I would like one that has no flavorings and no sweeteners of ANY kind.
Yeah, ol reliable.
Red pill me about gallstones and general gallbladder health. Coworker just had their gallbladder removed and I am shitting bricks after reading about it. Apparently losing weight and OMAD can cause it, I was doing both. How do I avoid having my gallbladder removed and thus not being able to digest fat for the rest of my life?
Any bad interactions with fasting and Zepbound?
Alright, I'm gonna give this a shot. 48 hour fast, and what, one day of normal eating inbetween?

Jesus, mad respect. Starting and current weight?
Damn, Snake Juice ain't coming until the 24th and I can't scrounge up the materials to make my own. Any decent substitutes for Snake Juice?
Himalayan salt is pink because of the potassium chloride. Easier to just use regular salt if you're buying potassium chloride separately anyway.
>I can't scrounge up the materials to make my own.

Literally all at the grocery store
Table Salt
"No Sodium Salt" potassium salt
Epsom Salt
Baking Soda
Also to break down how this works chemically.


The bicarbonate in the baking soda neutralizes your stomach acid, powerfully. That should help you be less hungry. The stomach isn't allowed to go into "feed me" mode. Everything else dissolves in water, which releases Na+,K+ and Mg+ ions 3 of your 4 main salts.

I feel like this would be more complete if you used chalk/antacid/limestone instead of baking soda. So with CaCO3 you release calcium Ca2+ too. It's just not as reactive as the bicarbonate so you'd have to add more.
Sounds convincing, I'll run over to the store and start today. It doesn't matter if the fast begins in the evening, does it?
It should start whenever you want to break it, since it's on full day sets of hours.
I'm gonna break my 100+ hour fast with a small Hi-C Fruit Punch :-)

Calm down, fatass
I broke my week long fast today with a bento box of Salmon and spicy crab maki rolls. Delicious stuff. Now for another week long fast making it the 5th week in a row. See you next week!
What's your weight loss looking with carb refeed?
Can I drink coffee? Green tea?
Yes, no milk or sugar tho
>you should never eat more than 1 meal a day even if you've hit your goal weight
As long as I just don't eat lots of sugar cereal for breakfast, and that kind of high calorie shit through the day you'll be fine, just make healthy choices you can easily eat 2-3 meals per day once you're healthy lol
>Day 11/21

Stomach ? What's that ? I member when I used to eat daily.
Longer fasts are kind of comfy, might do this again before the year ends.
will fasting get rid of my acne
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Man fuck man this stomach acid is killing me, I have no hunger nothing only this fucking stomach acid

You look cute though, keep it up and you'll go from fat to chubby pretty soon
So fasting means NO CALORIES, not even the neglible calories in foodstuffs marked as "0 Calories", right? No pickles, no Gatorade Zero, no diet energy drinks, nada but snake juice, right?
Stop fucking eating fatty.
That's the plan, chico man.
So, I've decided to do this for my fast.
No food, only salt and water during the work week, M-F, and then highly limited once a day meal of beef liver and onions (for vitamins and minerals, beef liver is basically a meat multivitamin) on both Saturday and Sunday.

I just got done fasting since Tuesday. Made the mistake of breaking my fast with something heavier yesterday, but I was feeling ill for other reasons so I needed to get food in me.

I will do this every week until I look human again.
I'm also going to take the stairs at work whenever I can instead of the elevator.
Oh, and only coffee or tea with nothing added, too.
Bold move to fast during the work week, but also smart, that's when the most bullshit comes along
dad's cooking, smells so good
fuck me
>Bold move to fast during the work week
Well, I need to be bold to fix this shit.
>but also smart, that's when the most bullshit comes along
Thanks, yes. It's also smart because there are a lot of free snacks and meals at work.
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on 48th hour of fasting with just snake juice. Having no issues and not close to hungry no headaches but snake juice is making me thirsty.

Is there any reason not to drink some normal water on the side?

The salt concentration seems higher than my normal ratio of electrolytes to water when not fasting.
On day 14 right now. The idea of eating isn't even in my mind, seems like a non starter I guess?

Go ahead and drink your water kang.
Yeah, I'm considering making my planned fast to be every other weekend refeed instead of every weekend. I need to see how my current plan goes, though. I think what I currently have planned will be good enough.
Of course you can drink normal water on the side.
You're expected to do that.
I don't see any problems with the plan shift other than a couple days may not be enough for a full refeed after 14 days. I've had some issues with it in the past but sounds doable and sustainable.
The HEY FATTY screaming guy said only drink snake juice don't drink water. (or drink ur piss lmao)

ty both for reply
So if I'm reading this macro right it's 48 hour fast -> refeed -> 72 hour fast -> refeed -> fast as long as you can -> refeed -> fast as long as you can until yiy hit target weight.

Are "refeeds" one day of eating or are they longer?
One day of eating, ideally a single meal OMAD style. Try not to pig out.
humans or livestock?
Gotcha, thanks.
If that's the plan then why are you asking what you can eat on a fast?
I drink zero calorie energy drinks and was wondering if they broke the fast or not. I know you can drink coffee and tea on a fast, so I was curious about other "zero calorie" options.
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What do I do on refeeds on 14+ days fasts? And how long? Feel like its such a hassle and much better to just keep rolling and then do OMAD on the day I eat
I don't know if they break the fast or not, but I do know that you should absolutely avoid artificial sweeteners on a fast.
Does swallowing snot break fast?
Does swallowing cum break fast?
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Is it a good idea to go on a 24 hour fast when my objective is gaining muscle and losing body fat? I just want a flat tummy by the end of the fast
I'm pretty sure people still do some workouts on 48h and 72h fasts, don't go beyond that though, and have good refeed days but I'm not sure what exactly people eat on refeed days to gain muscle, but people definitely do it, going beyond 72 or 96 you have risk of losing some muscle as well, albeit small you still lose out
First 24h fast done. Will try another 12h
Feel like shit though
First one is always the hardest, it gets way easier after the 2nd or 3rd fast
>3 days after my last fast
>my appetite is still diminished and I feel full faster
Should be happy o should be worried? Apart of that, I feel fine.
It's a good thing because your stomach is small right now.
It depends on how long you fasted, and how you're trying to break the fast determines how your stomach will react for a while.
I broke a long fast with half a pizza, and a bunch of other trash which made me ravenous until I reigned it back in a week later.
Your stomach can't and won't just shrink like this dude, it has to do with a hormone called ghreline
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Is 4 of these tablets a day good enough to stay functional? I certainly like them more than snake juice and energy drinks.
No, not even remotely. If you're going to fuck around and do shit like water fast, look up what your requirements are and seriously compare.
What requirements? People fast 30 days without any electrolytes.
During the holodomor, maybe
TrueNorth health center has been running people trough 5-40 day fasts for decades now.

I like to bring them up every time somebody gets autism fit or gets too distracted by the electrolyte numbers. Doctors putting people on 0 salt only water for entire month. It's a strong counter point.
>1st ingredient is glucose
Top kek, imagine not eating anything only for you to waste your time by turning off your body's ability to burn fat while you do so.
>Stomach hurts

What means this ? All I can think of is my stomach acid is upset.
I just started a 7 day fast. Any tips? When do I know to end the fast, ie when does it become dangerous?

I plan to take a multivitamin and drink bouillon. Waking twice a day for an hour when energy allows
Only real danger is falling because of lightheadedness. You know the moment when you after getting up from sofa or resting position you sometimes feel lightheaded and vision blurs, it hits harder when fasted.
>You know the moment when you after getting up from sofa or resting position you sometimes feel lightheaded and vision blurs, it hits harder when fasted.
I have never in my life experienced orthostatic hypotension.
Fasted for 36 hours then caved. Have all the ingredients for snake juice now so maybe the next one will go better. Anyways I'm down on the scale so mission failed succesfully I guess
This is really hard, I realize now how much time (and money) we spend just buying preparing and eating food

Im not sure how longer I can last through videogames
Find a productive outlet, don't waste it on video games. I know it's easier said than done.
I think I'm lean enough already but I want to fast regularly as a lifestyle, how often and long can I do it? Just do an alternate day fasting? But I'm not sure if I should double my maintainance consumption intake to make up the day I fasted
Why would you do any of that if you're at a healthy weight
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>was planning to break fast at a hotel breakfast
>3 stars usually have something nice
>no eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, just some bread and bagels in plastic bags, yogurt, and cereal
What a scam. Guess I'll make this 96 a 120
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Oh my fuck, I'm such a FUCKING idiot. I was so laser focused on the sodium and potassium content I completely skimmed over "glucose." My fast is already over but I'm not getting calories, no wonder I feel like shit this morning. This was supposed to be my longest yet.

Well, shit. I'll just empty out all the meat in my freezer and do carnivore/low carb/OMAD for a couple weeks and do another long fast in September. I still have 5 months to hit my target weight so I guess there is no rush.
What an idiot. Weight loss is the worst use case for fasting.
bumping this question
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That same guy is also currently doing a 2 gallons of water/day fast. He just says if you drink a bunch of water it will flush some salt out so drink more snake juice. You can definitely drink as much water as you need, unless you're doing a dry fast of course.
is it true I'll lose a lot of muscle mass by fasting alot? like monday eat 1800 cals, tuesday fast, wednesday eat, thursday fast, etc.
Whatever you say dude, have fun losing all that muscle lol
>have fun losing all that muscle lol
That's why you don't overdo it and make sure your body fat reserves are high enough.
I am 189lbs, how long do i have to fast to reach 160lbs to not be a fatty anymore? 48s or 72s while on keto?
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Every online guide about how to break an extended 14+ day fast
>be extremely cautious, your body forgot how to digest food, your refeed should take half the length of your fast before you get back to normal meals! start by licking some tea leaves, and the next day, try 200mL of bone broth. Once you have done that, you are ready for a tiny salad, but with NO hard to digest components. Next, you should...
>fuck it, cheesy omelette
>Every online guide
Not every guide and it's counterproductive to break one without inducing a high anabolic response or as high as tolerable. The quote you gave is terrible advice; recipe for refeeding syndrome and malnutrition.
breaking a fast is always so fucking weird since my mind is like "Devour that Entire Buffet" but then if I try to take more than three bites I feel like I wanna puke
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My friend and I are going to do a fast off, betting to see how long either of us can go without eating. Hes done more than a week and Ive done close to 6 days so it will be interesting to see who can endure the longest.
How to break fast is different for everyone. Some can break it with eggs immediately, some go a week with bone broth for whatever reason, some bone broth for a day or so with eggs, I seen one woman break a 30 day fast with eating a strawberry every hour...
I'm still wondering and planning on how I'm breaking my current fast.

>recipe for refeeding syndrome

Refeed boogeyman is rare.
>Refeed boogeyman is rare.
Nice cope.
>The true incidence of refeeding syndrome is unknown—partly owing to the lack of a universally accepted definition. In a study of 10197 hospitalised patients the incidence of severe hypophosphataemia was 0.43%, with malnutrition being one of the strongest risk factors.7Studies report a 100% incidence of hypophosphataemia in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition solutions that do not contain phosphorus. When solutions containing phosphate are used, the incidence can decrease to 18%.8

>Several prospective and retrospective cohort studies of hyperalimentation in intensive care units have documented the occurrence of refeeding syndrome.69In a well designed prospective cohort study of a heterogeneous group of patients in intensive care units, 34% of patients experienced hypophosphataemia soon after feeding was started (mean (standard deviation) 1.9 (1.1) days).10Many case reports have highlighted the potentially fatal nature of the condition.1112However, it is often not recognised or maybe inappropriately treated, especially on general wards.16
Anyone heard of Dr. Frank O'Neill before? He's got a lot of fasting videos that seem decently well put together for someone that would be a doctor first and a youtuber second.

Video on sleep and fasting that should help someone
I'm new to fasting, wanted to do a weekend fast (eat friday, nothing yesterday, nothing today)
I haven't had anything to eat in a while and I thought I did all my shitting yesterday but just now my stomach rumbled and I shat out some kind of black sludge?? it smelled like death
wtf was that? is that normal?
Weird shit can happen when you suddenly change your diet. I wouldn't worry about it as long as it's a one time thing
It's just your body cleaning itself.
When I jump started my fasting routine with a 7 day fast, I was puking green and had diarrhea while on the toilet for a day or three ! Very fun !
>is that normal?
Probably not. Never happened to me; never heard of it.
Fasting is the time when the human body does house cleaning and throws out all the junk. If you've never fasted before, that was probably all the toxic chemicals of all the fast food you've ever eaten being dumped.
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Anyone do rucking while fasting?

I walk my dog every day, seems like if I put some bricks in a rucksack while doing that i could get some benefits.
Not gonna lie, this stuff tastes horrid.
I wonder if I can add anything to it to make it a bit more palatable.
Have any anons tried this?
Not everything you drink has to have sugar and taste good fatty
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Invest in a weighted vest. All backpack gonna do is screw up your posture, and your gait. Hip rotation, pelvic tilt, chin up, neck aligned, head NOT forward, swing arms, don't heel strike. In your picture everything is f**ked. You need to learn proper walking form. Practice it. And quit using that backpack. I would spend the rest of the year just getting down your walking form. Then maybe next year get a weighted vest. I walk a 5k every day for years. I know my shit. U need form work, not weights.
>and I shat out some kind of black sludge

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First 48hrs fast complete
SW 260lbs
I did a refeed today and ate socially this weekend and didn't weigh myself before it so CW shows 215 atm.
Goal is healthy BMI so around 170lbs since I'm 6ft.
I just do half the dosages from that image and it fixes the issue for me. I've seen other people mention Mio in the past but it seems the group consensus is to stay away from artificial sweeteners since it's unclear how much of an insulin response they give off.
Start about 9.5 hours before you go to sleep
I really enjoy cardio, can I do 72s? I am in Las Vegas and love running outdoors in the heat
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If you fast regularly, you can enter autophagy from OMAD.

>Twenty-five healthy young males were recruited and performed 17–19 h/day fasting for 30 days.
>Our study showed that prolonged IF affects the activities of autophagy, inflammasome, and senescence in a time-dependent manner.
Interesting. Are you still overweight?
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OMAD only works for maintaining In my case.

After years of doing it still a fat fuck.
I don't want it to have sugar, retard. I just want a flavor that isn't soap.
I'll consider this. Yeah, I would avoid artificial sweeteners as well.
I just had a thought. What if I were to make snake juice out of tea? That wouldn't hurt anything, would it?
Obviously I'll urinate a bit more, so I should drink some more regular water on the side.
maybe a retarded and over asked question but, is it actually doable to do a long fast without electrolytes?
Right now for life reasons I have to eat only a about a 1000kcal of pasta and fat and I feel like complete dog shit, maybe the fasting would actually feel better at this point.
I've about 15/16kgs of excess fat
Just do rolling 48h fasts, nigger. Then no electrolytes are required.
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Fuck me man I'm never gonna lose weight I'm such a fucking loser after ever 24-48h fast i just pig out eat like 5k calories fuck man goodbye /fast/
I'll try that cracka, last time I did a 48h fast it felt pretty much the same as I do now anyway
just count calories dawg, it's a good way to keep you accountable
How about you stop pigging out after fasting. You are in control of your own body, no? When you move your hand, is it you that is moving it or someone else? Meditate on these ideas.
i want to fast for a week instead of a cut because im not disciplined enough to do a calorie deficit for so long. would this be unwise and too aggressive? i am 150 lbs and i wanna get down to 130 lbs and keep all my muscle. i just cant imagine myself doing a regular cut, but maybe a week is too drastic for fat loss because of the muscle loss that comes with it?
But I reckon if we don't gain any weight it's a victory. Everybody is getting fatter. So breakeven is a success
Muscle loss isn't notable until around day 5. Just do keto + rolling 48s/72s to get max benefit from fasting without the negatives. One meal every two or three days until desired weight is achieved. Keto is to further reduce muscle wasting effects from fasting.
I'm pretty sure the participants were on negative calorie balance which means it's not something you can do for very long. Eventually you become skeleton.
Plenty of people fast for far longer without issue. Just supplement your salts so you're not dehydrating. I also struggle with willpower when it comes to calorie deficits and I can say I find fasting a LOT easier. If you're really worried do rolling 72s like the other anon said, and make sure you exercise, HGH is what will limit your muscle loss.
>broke last 48h fast with 90% of calories from fat and carbs
>getting hungry earlier than usual on this 48h fast
Now I want to browse r/foodporn or whatever for slop images. Fuck me.
You have to pair it with weight gain periods where you eat surplus. Most likely it's better to just maintain balance.
Oh, so you're retarded and don't understand what autophagy does.
what do you mean by this
Not your search engine.
What made you think I don't know what autophagy does?
Search autophagy and you'll learn what you fucking retard.
I think you are the one being retarded. At least point out where I'm wrong if you think so.
Do any of you exercise while fasting? How do you deal with hunger?
>Do any of you exercise while fasting?
I do since I don't want muscle loss to be significant.
>How do you deal with hunger?
I'm not hungry after exercise. I fast 5 days every month and after day 3 or 4 the hunger that comes and goes is trivial.
I'm fasting during the weekdays and refeeding on the weekend. I'm tempted to add a low-level weight lifting regiment in the middle of the week.

At the moment I plan to do my lifts on Friday evening, and have a protein shake to break my fast that night, then on Saturday and Sunday with my one meal for the day, dinner or lunch depending on the time, afterwards.

I'm fairly certain that current plan is safe to do, but I'm uncertain about adding a lifting regiment on Tuesday/Wednesday, even if it's light weight and low volume.
Days 1-3 suck, if you're fasting that length, you'll most likely always have problems until you train your body.
On longer fasts hunger is non-existent, but boredom to want to eat is there. Also keto mouth S U C K
I know this might come as a shock to you but have you ever considered eating less? I hear it's the miracle drug for losing weight. Somehow the pounds just melt right off.
Make a giant pitcher of cold tea.
Add the snake juice stuff to it.
What could go wrong?
Watch this video and take it to heart. Also plan your diet breaking meal ahead of time. Prep it and have it in the freezer, take it out the day before so it's ready exactly when you are ready to break your fast.
>Wake up on day 3, over 72 hours in
>Feel really fucking good like I just had the perfect daytime nap, woke up with that pleasurable glow that stayed with me all day
God why does fasting feel so fucking good? The first few days always feel like such shit but the minute you get over that hump its like your body rewards you. Same shit with long runs or any cardio, its like your body makes you prove you want it first. Went for a long walk, came home, still no hunger at all, just feeling good and cozy. We're gonna make it bros.
Only the first day is rough for me and only because I'm used to one meal a day intermittent fasting. So I expect that meal at the end. But once I get past that first day, which is relatively easy, it's smooth sailing. Hunger doesn't even exist as a concept any more.
i mean kevin james did it with tea and salt
Is a water and milk fast okay or should ai just stick to water? I want to slim down my arms and thighs a little. I'm around 122 lbs right now.
If you drink milk, you are no longer fasting.
Also, you do NOT want to be only consuming milk.
>I want to slim down my arms and thighs a little. I'm around 122 lbs right now.
Post tits or GTFO.
Bros I'm plateauing on a prolonged fast, explain.
you are becoming delusional
next time you get to weight yourself is week from now
Nah, I've legit stayed the same weight for the last ~3-4 days. Funnily enough I will break this fast on the 2nd though.
Probably just retaining some water for whatever reason. You're burning mass for calories, otherwise you'd be dead.
I’m literally addicted to food bros… what the fuck do i do
Stop eating so damn much.
Here's the thing. You're not "addicted" to food.
Food is essential as a human.
What you have is an unhealthy eating habit.
You have to eat food, at some point.
You don't have to stuff your fucking face and overdo it.
As most of us in this thread know, you can also go for periods without food.
You'll survive.
I am 58 hours into my planned 7 day fast, feeling breddy gud but worried that I may go off the rails soon or this evening.

Any ways to ensure that I can keep hunger down and my mind off food?
drink water and distract yourself
3 days. my goygut is getting jiggly. wtf is going on
jeez these threads should just be called /fats/
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If i'm planning on doing a protein-sparing modified fast would it be beneficial to "kickstart it" with a water fast for a few days first or should i just go straight to psmf?
just do a water fast the entire time faggot
If I had more muscle mass i might but I'm skinny fat (240lbs currently and my goal weight 180lbs) so if I let my muscles atrophy more I might be in an extremely unhealthy position.
Your muscles won't atrophy, you're obese and will keep your muscles literally just walking.
If you say so, though psmf was recommended to me in this general.
Read the studies instead of taking medical advice from people on reddit and 4chan.
Which studies? What's wrong with psmf?
I'm struggling bros and its only just started.
it only gets better with time, stay strong
It gets easier each day, and again with each round
I found out a way to motivate me to fast a long time is to stop buying food. If there isn't anything to eat in my house I wont eat it.
>Also, you do NOT want to be only consuming milk.
why not?

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