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Does she count as fat?
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goblinx general
Do fat fucks get THAT jealous?
Fat fucks are the first ones to don the feminism banner, so yes
That whole goofy family fraud everything
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god tier distribution genetics but still a fatty
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would for her and her friend
what do you think her shit smells like
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Relationship goals
This is why Americans get a bad rep
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Every time
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I think she's fine for a night but you should never marry a woman like this. Look at her lazy walking and posture. She will explode, have mobility problems, then explode some more.
youth helps her a lot but that body will look like crap by the time she's 30
Luv to tongue her back hole and find out :3
Br*ts eating right next to the trashcan. I guess all of *ngland is technically a trashcan.
i want to eat cute girl shit and smell cute girl rancid unwashed morning breath
Her pussy is blown out
I love that he looks exhausted by the end lmao.
Never underestimate how much muscle it takes to move that kind of bulk around. Fat people are strong.
i watch this video for motivation when i find myself cheating
the head nods fill be with such disgust
>calculate TDEE
>measure food
>count calories
>lose weight

Stop making excuses, fatties. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. She's probably a powershitter.
hey I have been away from /fit/ for the last 25 years what does that mean?
That's a lot of words when you could have just typed "she's a latina" and we all would instinctually know what her appearance will be in 5 years.
She's a fine as hell tripfag whom /fit/ bullies and now she doesn't post pics anymore.
This thread smells like losers afternoon, the worst perfume in history lol
foh fgt
im workin on it!
But it's my birth month and I gotta get crunk
Except now they're transgenders
Those arm tattoos are so cool though! I wanna look like every other dude too! Heck yeah!
Rent free
She's just pushing him over. It's not like that dude is legit furious yet.
Found the tranny.

You'll never be a real woman lmao.
Thank you for your service
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I am almost jealous of his appetite.
bro look at the way she's leaning over the sink and the size of her feet. she's probably like 6'1"
I want to eat her shit...
Why is he recording his bro talking to a girl anyways?
Hello losers and cunts, how are you going with you pathetic life’s today?
cope nigger. Learn 2 conservation of momentum
Lol bro are you drunk?
When I feel bad about myself I come here… seeing how some people can’t mature at all and can only dedicate their time to troll away make me feel wonders, at least I am far away from this level lol
2 pairs of titties is wild
>When I feel bad about myself
which is always, because you're fat
I'm actually malding at this one. I usually laugh and pity these fat fucks but this one genuinely makes me rage.
why do bongs eat EVERYTHING with fries?
why do the head nods trigger me so hard?
First, you don’t know me, second people can lose weight easily but you need to be reborn twice and a dozen plastic surgeries to fix that face lol
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So then why don’t they lose weight?
Why do you keep showing your face when you know you are ugly? Why not use a mask? Nobody knows
>you don’t know me
Ok, redditor
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am I really resigned to a fat girl?
She reefed him to the ground pretty good
No. You have the choice to hold out for a woman with value. would you eat garbage, smoke half a cigarette you found on the pavement, or steal drinks at the bar with a few drops of ice-water alcohol?
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I am a woman, and can provide the receipt from my top surgery.
no refunds on damaged goods
… what?
Her face is filtered to hell and back, the contrast between her completely sandblasted face and the absolute mass below it is funny to me.
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I just meant I can’t see what the post is so I wasn’t sure what that was in reference to
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Thank you for your service
I am clearly under emotional turmoil if I am in the shithouse local poison trough to digest nerve toxin alcohol
Thank you for removing her from my sight
May tonight be restful
>retard does the most autistic approach ever
>hands on phone like wtf???
>most beta body language
>DYEL physique
>Jacket done all the way up indoors

Fat bitch was entirely correct here
How many calories is this? 5000?
>the head nods fill be with such disgust
im so glad someone said it because it started to piss me the fuck off.
It's not just this guy. I've noticed all kinds of people doing that. It must be a tik tok "I like this" mindvirus that's leaking into real life.
I checked out a Torrid storefront at the mall the other day out of boredom and the fat ftm tranny running the till wouldn't stop staring at me and giving me the death glare despite doing nothing to cause an issue. I wonder if this is how law abiding black people feel when they enter a store.
how do people eat this much? i eat 1 bánh mì sandwich and a spring roll and im good till dinner.
bulking is a struggle for me.
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Are all fat women bad?
Why does that guy dress himself like a wannabe British gangster? The fat girl isn't even completely in thje wrong on this one.
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This chick has been posting for years anout being in “recovery” for binge eating. It’s an absolute trainwreck. She just keeps getting fatter, posting about what she eats, and refusing to listen to people trying to tell her that she’s dying
She has a weird potato body and frog neck
This was actually me and my ex im so happy i escaped that mode and dumped her
Shes clearly over 6 feet tall so no
My ex looked like this when we met. Both of us ballooned up pretty badly by the 10 year mark but she was a good woman who deserved better than the man I was then.
being fat innately filters out a lot of positive qualities you'd want in a partner like:
>self discipline
>positive self-perception
>self care
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so boogie's doing great
The tattoos always ruin it.

So many beautiful women I've seen that started with a tattoo or 2, and kept going since that's their whole personality after a while. Commenting on it is ofcourse a nono. I told a coworker it wasn't my thing, and she went on a tirade about how she got a rose tattooed because her father died. (she never explain wtf a rose even had to do with her father)

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Could be more to be honest, a big fry up can easily be 1500 and the chicken thing he had after was drowned in sauce. Good chance he was over 3000 calories by 2pm
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Sorry, I can't stand overweight girls. I could never date them, because I want an active life.
I go hiking, jogging and swimming with my gf and my dog. I like nature more than some shitty club, where obese women think they are a 11/10
you don't have to do any if that shit, literally just eat less and don't eat goyslop at all
that guy is a dysgenic DYEL so in this case the fat pig is based for protecting her friend
an equivalence so bad that I assume you're female or Indian
Lmao dude. The whole purpose of getting /fit/ is to manhandle 200 lb six foot+ amazons
You can eat as much goyslop as you want if you count calories.
>you don't have to
Sure, but it's the simplest and most effective way. Everything else is just an indirect and imprecise way of achieving the same.
>child replacement
good goy
>I will bear children
delusional, I dont want your dying ovums to create small literal retards
most people outside of america never counted calories and are slim and healthy because they don't eat processed sugar sludge all day. sure you can eat less sugar sludge but if you had a brain you'd just eat real food.
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>eat real food.
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This is an image board, post images.
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I had zero idea who boogie was before the controversy last year or so.
Having been lightly keeping track of him since, I really dislike him.
All he needs to do to make content, eat less, and bang the underrage looking 20 year old that worships his cock.
Instead he whines, does nothing, and eats 3-4k calories a day.
Drives me nuts.
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First part of that video.
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>you're so fat you rip your new jeans
>after only two months of wear
>blame the company making them
>don't self reflect on why they ripped
>complain online to other tubsters
Do Americans really?
>>do americans really?

german tv show
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I swear, say what you want about 4chan. But y'all have your ways with words. This is a totally accurate description of the situation.
Fucking kek
She weighs 60lbs more than me wtf
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You forgot
>take semaglutide

Now you’ve got it
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Doll has arrived, to bless us with these grotesque buttergolems!
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fat girl was correct here
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Do you even lift, anon?
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>fine for a night
Why just one? Fuck her all the time until one or both of you graduate and go your separate ways.
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>push a guy who’s not fighting back and barely resisting
That doesn’t take any strength. She’s a fat woman, bro, she has zero muscle
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>no sugar
>no seed oils
>better results
And it’s a hell of a lot easier than measuring everything you eat
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None of them will fuck you anyway, though. You faggots wonder why you're sexless and, apart from being short, fat, bald, and ugly, it's also thinking you're entitled to any opinions at all about shit that's nothing to do with you.

It doesn't matter what you think, ever, about anything. Once you grasp that, you might - might - come one step closer to losing your virginity before 35.
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kek. good point
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think of the gains...
Your eating faggot chink shit that's why you need to get some proper scran like that lad.
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It's mostly a women thing. I remember seeing german news years ago talking about how women seek uglier girlfriends to look better in comparison. And they literally interviewed them in public, unashamedly asking the ugly one how it feels to be ugly, right next to the "friend". No wonder she'd try to pay her back.
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Fatties always do this and have been doing it for a long time. It’s because they are eating their drug of choice and the dopamine kick they’re getting is better to fatties than cooming. They nod because they are saying yes, maybe also verbally, to themselves like “yes, I knew this food was going to be good, that’s why I wanted it”. And it doesn’t even need to be good food. It could be some cheap horrid slop, but the fatty just gets off on stuffing its face, good tasting food in ancillary. Pic related obeast has been nodding when it eats long before tiktok was invented.
Lying bastard said he quit the show. I’ve always hated this fat lying faggot. It’s always been obvious that he’s a piece of shit, don’t know why people couldn’t see it and thought he was such a good guy.
Damn not even the phone trick could throw off the fatchick, He's still learning how to dodge fatties, needs to really sell it
A tattoo here or there I can ignore, what I can never understand is why women cover themselves in a myriad tiny little shitty doodles or get tattoos on their tits. Those always look so fucking terrible.
>someone doesn’t like a thing that you like
>spaz out and make shit up about them so that you can insult them based on what you made up about them
You “argue” like a bitch. What can I expect though, tattoos are indicative of a low IQ. Smarter people get tattoos too of course, but the vast majority of them don’t.
Would in a heartbeat! I wouldn't care how bad she hurt me.
My mom had three kids after 35 and none of us are retarded
And denim was literally created to be a tough fabric for making work clothes out of.
I just fuxking hate fat bitches cockblocking. A couple weeks ago I saw a girl and we just stared at each other slowly approaching and when we got close the fucking cow sized bitch pulled her arm and took her away
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>Headed toward that girl you see,
>Blocks your path
The cross is also a dildo
Unironically, yes. Although when we’re talking about black individuals, statistics are not on the side of the law abiding few statistically a black female in a cosmetic shop will steel. Alone blackmail, honestly honestly, even worse, if it’s a large group of black males, our statistically likely to steal.
You are what is now called “straight sized” male, statistically, you look down on them, but you are not likely to openly mock belittle or cause a scene. But they don’t believe that. They believe the Leddit statistics that tell them you will go out of your way to push them over and watch them roll down the mall escalator.
Is that the YouTube lady with the red heeled famous for having fit dogs? I find your channel to be extremely refreshing, she openly says she does not believe that any dog should be fat or obese, and that that’s abuse, but funny enough often talks about how when people see what her heeler looks like, they insist that healers are supposed to be fat and stubby And hers is clearly forced into anorexia to be like her
the other girl didn't even look at him lmao, this clip's still funny just for the visuals of the fat girl blocking but he was done for anyways.
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I just can’t look away
I'll cut for maybe a week just so I can bulk more
What are the censored parts supposed to be?
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I figured that it was just talking about females with an hourglass or legitimate pear shape, where they waste is smaller than their hips, but I’d really never heard the term used before so I made a terrible mistake of searching it online. Who was going to tell me that it’s about gay men?
Was this Ann Frank?
is this a tranny?
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I have literally never seen a feedee that wasn’t a faggot
Peter griffin?
Salad dressing packet is cool ngl
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why not? women make up the majority of feedees. there is a larger market there since males are the audience
Cool, pregnancy after 35 is medically considered a geriatric pregnancy. As in she’s too old for any of it to be considered normal, and even if the kid isn’t retarded, it is considered dangerous.
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this is just sad
/pol/ is that way.
This is /fit/.
She'll be dead soon and I'm glad.
the dance why always the fucking dance
what makes me angry is seeing these american ogres who get to live in a nice big house with access to as many luxuries as they want while i suffer in my european shithole living in a soviet shoebox where i need to wear a jacket indoors
To be fair, they're probably going cheap with production quality.
Not all but most. It shows a lack of discipline, and the fatter they are the more impulsive and less self control they have.
Talk to most fat chicks, they are sluttier than thin girls.
Some are nice people who have some issues but those are exceptions
I hate how she waddles like a 600 lb slob
This is exactly why she is fat. Easily 3000cal while sitting in an office all day before eating dinner.
their collective BMI is perfect
imagine how gross it is if they thought it should be censored
damn she needs to have a show I want to see her fight more men!
Yeah it's her after the forcefeeding experiments by Mengele, truly horrifying
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why did they crucify santa?
cool story bro.
This mad me very sad, like for all of humanity.
That's a fucking dude
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Don't forget the after dinner snack. Also she probably picked up a coffee flavored milkshake from starbucks on the way there.
Walk into any tabletop gaming store and it's 90% dudes who look just like this.
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Anything's a dildo if you go slowly but firmly
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Why are they all so old
Why do so many have children
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I don't know a single chad who's had this happen to them.

Fatties don't cockblock guys because they're envious of their friend getting attention. They do it because they know their friend doesn't want to get approached by awkward ugly dudes. Anyone who complains about getting blocked by a whale exposes themselves as a subhuman.
what the fuck are you talking about, the more attractive a guy is, the more often this happens because fatties are envious
>1/4 bag of hot fries
What happened to the other 3/4? Why'd you switch snacks and open a new bag later?
This has not been my experience.
i theorize it's a bell curve, ugly guys the won't bother stopping and will instead just partake in making fun of him when he is rejected.
really attractive guys she will be happy for her friend/live vicariously through her. but mid guys she thinks shouldn't be going for the hot friend because she is "way out of his league". this is because she knows (despite claiming she is a 10) that she isn't attractive, and beleives that the guys from this teir should aim only as high as her (still believing she is out of their league but only 1-2 levels above)

basically: they are attempting to stop men from having a similar phenomenon as hoeflation. trying to keep the perceived "4-6"s in their lane (even though she is a 4 on a good day)
This is correct. You will always be worthless.
Calories you forget about don't count
POV is so misused now that I have no clue if this is pro or anti fat
Its fucking insane how many people I see who are as fat as this guy or fatter after watching this. Like holy shit just one of his 3 meals would put me away for nearly the whole day. And every time i go grocery shopping I see several people this fat meaning theyre eating this much daily.
>muh genetics
They have nearly identical fat distribution. Shed have the same shape as her sister if she just lost weight. Sad.
Her logic: "this small bag is 1/4 the size of a family-sized bag, so I can call it a 1/4 bag"
Have you ever asked women why they do that? They always say that they're protecting their friend from creeps, and "creep" is just a code word for "too ugly"
Destinycuck has a gun on his wall? I'd think he hates guns
Hate to admit this, but would. After 5+ beers. She's got a nice face
After watching the documentary, I found out he lives decently close to me. I hope to spot the booger out in the wild one of these days
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It’s been so slow lately and worse I’m feeling down and wanting my nice distracting entertainment. Fuck.
i am enlightened
>Les enfants terribles! You're fine! You got all the old man's dominant genes. I got all the flawed, recessive genes. Everything was done so that you would be the greatest of his children. The only reason I exist is so they could create you!
They're both fat fucks.
God they're disgusting creatures.
Dont feel bad. She's not ugly, and considering some of the hamplanets they have shown, shes not even that uch of a slob. Its her obviously un hinged mental state that we need to run from.
Obesity is a mental disorder, not just a BMI or a medical condition.
I've only ever met one fat women that I thought was actually attractive. She didn't even have the best face but a really nice personallity and carried herself in a cute way if thats the best way to put it. Anyways, she was pretty insecure about her apperance but she ended up getting married in her early 20s while all her friends are now in their 30s and single. But every other fat women I have met has been terrible.
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You Are Worthy x 0 is still 0 fatass.
The fat friend is drunk, and drunk on the power of being allowed to "screen" guys for her hot, drunk friend.
It's the closest she's ever been or will ever be to having guys give HER attention like that.
She's living vicariously through the hottie, but also using it as an opportunity to get catharsis by taking out her frustration and anger on the guys.
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My brother and his gf had 2 kids when they were over 35 and now I have two autistic retards for a nephew and niece. I hate it.
Well, you are on a basque mountain hut enthusiast forum, you might be a lil retarded.
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Not one single fruit. Not one single vegetable. Just ultra processed foods.
She ate more than I do all day. I eat zero between 8-5. I also WFH. How hard is it to not eat when you sit in a chair all day?
Europistan is basically an American colony.
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something tells me that fatty would choose to have a slim attractive body over their own fat body in an instant
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Girl #1 is absolute perfection. Would wife.
I hate this woman SO FUCKING MUCH
And they aren’t even married?
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Mid life crisis. I've seen it in some of my own friends. They grow up doing what they're told is conventionally correct then need some way to rebel against.... something they can't quite define to feel special again. People turn gay for some reason or 'finally' come out.

The hardest thing one can do is be at peace with one's self. You don't need attention when you don't feel empty inside.
Doll always has the best content
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Okay, these aren't funny anymore bros
Also, trickery with long-tailed distributions and averages instead of medians. Probably 90% is under the average.
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ty anon, it means a lot <3
How long until the CCP makes being fat illegal?
Having dealt with mega fatties my entire life and being in multiple fights with them, it's not strength it's weight and momentum. A lard ass can bump into you and it'll feel like you're being tackled. If one of them is moving fast and puts force on you, you are going down or at least stumbling backwards.

Source: I have three broken ribs from a fat ass shoving me and then sitting on my chest to win a fight. It took three people to get them off me and if they weren't there I would have probably died from being crushed. Unironically.

I absolutely hate fatties.
literally me
>none of us are retarded
>on a Bangladeshi Kite testing forum
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>I'd think he hates guns
why? he's a lib but that doesn't mean he hates guns
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thank u senpai
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> le epic phone format
> horrid landwhale at which noone would look twice parading around
> stupid teleporting effects
> there's probably some faggot music in the original

image this SHITE taking up storage space on some server, smartphones were a mistake

i hate this social media shit so goddamn much

instagram, tiktok and youtube are a fucking breeding pool for narcisists
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> think she's trying to diet
> that sugary tea business isn't probably a great idea but whatever
> "20$ PLZ"
My bad, she's not trying to get better, just poor.
ngl that is some great dancing but holy shit would that look better if she wasn't that obese
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These threads make me so goddamn angry.
What’s her @ ?
Hahaha Pride of Baghdad was a pretty cool book when it came out.
Jesus Christ. 30 dumps a day??
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no one can stop a chad when he's on the hunt.
Please nerf her diet.
@marietemara on IG, she makes absolutly braindead content tho
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I just saw a fat bitch I work with dump about 15 sugar packets on a salad. Can we not have a sanctuary city away from these people?
This was actually one of the few people on the show where I was not hoping that they got better. Most of them I at least held out a little bit of hope that they could solve the legitimate amount of their problems through just losing weight, and not be so fucking insufferable. Except this one. I genuinely wanted her to just drop dead.
yeah they dont talk about how much they shit enough on my 600lb life
need this
also dude looks like he lifted the leg
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All right, fellas, before I post what she looks like, take a guess. No cheating! But keep in mind that she is childless past the age of 30, she has cats, she is a revert to Catholicism, and covered in tattoos. How fat is she?
>is catholic
>stands for everything the church fight against

She must be >180kg since fat already damaged her brain
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my guess: 240+lbs, white, short brown hair, glasses, massive gut stuffed in jeans.
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I forgot to mention that she’s diagnosed with Asperger‘s
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my guess remains the same
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Alright alright
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Heres another angle/lighting/outfit.
More proof that just cause you have weird cow utters, that does not mean any man wants you.
She could look good if she just lost some weight. Pretty good fat distribution tbqh
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No ass
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This is her. She can't figure out why no one wants to date a fat liberal 34 year old who doesn't go anywhere.

I can't believe these women write this stuff. It's like if I lived with my parents and was unemployed and was wondering why women didn't want to date me.
That’s what I Originally posted try reading
>I will bear children
One of the key phrases women can use to pump gallons of blood into any man's dick.
>sure to destroy nations
And this is to go even further beyond.
>You don't need attention when you don't feel empty inside.
QFT 100%
the median yearly income in the US is $45K. where the fuck do these fatasses get the money to eat like this? is it all just being a massive parasite on friends and family?
>fishnets and whore boots
>with a romper
What is wrong with these fat bitches? Why would you think fishnets and whore boots would go with a romper? You never see thin attractive girls pairing rompers with retarded nonsense like that.
Looked at her profile just now.
So an obese 34 year old child free shut in leftist with assburgers.
lmao a legit femcel.
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The blurred part on the bottom is clearly an onlyfans watermark, and I think the one in the middle is probably their @.
>iPhone pro max
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By what?
Shit like this is why we have leap seconds.
I was wondering the same thing as she is clearly not working...my uneducated guess would be credit cards.
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Isn't that the barbershop where they ask for consent every time they touch you?
She'd be so fine if you tied her up for a few months
>implies she starts eating at 9:00 AM
>assumes that you'll read 1/4 of a bag as one fourth, when she means, one of four
She went back and dug the other hotdog out of the trash
>final snack
Not telling you about the dozen other snacks that she "forgot" to film
Also not telling you that she's been drinking that instead of water all day.
kek, my wife wanted to pick up a particular game the other day, and when we went into the game store, there were five people already in there, and every one of them was a tranny
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there's no way this picture is real. I refuse to believe it. My animal instincts are telling me this is not physically possible, and just looking at that sack between his legs, my brain is sending me signals saying "this is fake"
no, 30 pisses. She's probably on Lasix (Furosemide AKA water pills) for edema; an extremely common condition among fatties. They are so massive and unhealthy that their lymphatic system gets clogged with excess crap and cannot evacuate enough fluid, causing it to build up.
Lasix is given to help squeeze the excess fluid out of your body. A side effect is that you piss like crazy.

This comment section to fat guy dying is a goldmine
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A quick collage.
You're small probably 5'4. I can eat like that pommy but have to force myself not to.
This poor guy just trying to get away because he knows if he does the slightest thing in self defense all the white knights will dogpile him. Then she'll eat them. All of them.
This actually works btw.
What happened to Adam friedland
Why do fatties always wiggle dance like that?
>most people outside of america never counted calories and are slim and healthy
This is blatant horse shit. Pretty much the entire 1st world is a bunch of fatties now, and the 3rd world is catching up fast.
Look at how clean and shiny his/her feet are. It's a testament to her/him never using them.
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This guy's afraid of counting
A constant upward trend does not count as fluctuating
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That's just most women
I need her to rape me, steal my seed and birth me strong sons
There's a difference between Fat women and feedees and Thick and actually fat.
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Yes every medical textbook ever
new thread
>none of us are retarded
>while posting in a Moldovan yarn-spinning forum
Shoko Ashahara is looking pretty good for being 69 years old and also dead
I'm following this, damn that's confusing fatties are fucked up
>pure muscle
She's just fat and saggy, also this pic is fake fuck you
You can't smile your fatness away you fat fuck
Are you expecting me to feel bad for this bitch?
Fuck her for becoming that fat
When you're actually focused on working you forget to eat or you don't have time for it so you just eat a sandwich and sip your coffee
These people don't really do any actual work and get bored at their job that's why they eat a lot to stimulate themselves
What racial horror is this
Cursed thing
> clothing brand for fat people is called “Good American”
This is honestly just sad, we’re watching the demise of the US in real time
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