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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Tasty Tardigrades who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74719695
First. WAGMI
Remember to get on Ozempic if you are serious about losing weight.
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I skipped a couple of gym days but I dragged myself in today. It feels so good to lift some heavy rocks and put them back down for 45 minutes, bros. Even masturbating to cute anime girls doesn't make me feel this good, and that feels really good too.
Try combining the two
Feels great with sore legs
>get on ozempic
>lose weight
>get off of it
>gain it all back because you relied on a fucking drug
Fark my poops are so much better when I have a bread roll or two. I need to lose weight, but my body starts to hate me for eating too clean for too long. I need to restructure my eating plan.
Just advised my mom and a coworker against it just to hurt your profits. Good job shillnigger.
What sort of things should I be eating to help lose weight. Or is it just a matter of simply eating less?
Protein. Takes long to digest, makes you feel sated for longer. Other than that, just avoid empty calories that you can eat without feeling full, like sugar, candies and chocolates and you'll be fine.
>lose weight
>girls no longer ignore your existence
it was that simple, huh?
men won't ignore your existence either, get ready for that
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that's all
Having a scale with a tracking app really does wonders for motivation. Losing weight really is like playing an idler.
do you mean like gay guys?
yeah, something like that
I'm ready for that
>get off of it
Fatty Contest
214.2 lbs
Cardio record tonight. 745 calories in 1 hour on a stationary bike. My peak 2 years ago was 724 in an hour. I was working my way back up and hit massive improvements recently, my previous highest was the night before at 690, so this leap felt incredible.

But I've always wondered, has anyone ever burned 1000 calories in an hour on a stationary bike? That was my biggest goal a couple years ago.
>he thinks that number is even remotely accurate
Doesn't really matter as long as you're not going "I can eat 500 more calories today"
Really just a way to keep track of exercises
The higher I push it, the more I burn, that's good enough for me. Do it twice a day, drenched with sweat each time, all the while only eating 1000 calories a day.
>only down .6lb this week
Returned to the gym today after an extended illness. My half assed session felt great, more to come.
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I think I have reverse body dysmorphia. I've lost 22 lbs in a month and a half, I'm still obese (37 BMI ~44%bodyfat) but I think I look much less fat than before, slim/muscular even. I feel like a living god and that Making It™ is inevitable, and only a matter of time.
You don't look good at all.
u jelly?
could be accurate depending how large he is
You are 44%. How could anyone ever be jelly? Your jiggling man tits are the closest thing to jelly here.
cope and seethe
>Lost 31kg
>Have a massive amount of loose fat under my arms making me look like a flying squirrel
How do I get rid of it? I really don't want to do surgery.
Been doing Keto for a month and two weeks now.
I started at 390 and am now at 350 (when I last weighed myself a few days ago).
Have started to go walk/jog daily and moved up to 2 miles.
Things are going great now, though I’m honestly tired of how restrictive the diet is. Should I just drop keto, start counting calories, and keep working out instead?
I’m really debating it since I might drop it in a few weeks. Results are great but I’ve been craving pasta like crazy.
What's the point of doing keto if you're so active.

I don't think carb count matters that much unless you're sitting around all day.
Keto makes you go bald. Become a CICO Chad.
Great progress so far
I've never done keto and I started a bit higher than you at 410, down to 322 in less than 5 months
My weight loss rate isn't quite as fast as what you've done so far but it's close to 20 lbs a month at around 1700C daily, not specifically aiming for macro levels but it usually works out to arouns 30 40 30 - carbs, fat, protein

Exercise for me is walking too, started at 20 min daily and am over an hour now ~3.5mi

Pasta cravings are huge for me too, that was one of the biggest things I binged on. I kept it in the diet but reduced at first, but I was still eating too much of it so I just took it out. If you have better self control than me you can try putting it in, just make sure you count everything. I wasn't counting the first month, then when I did it was harder to convince myself to put in more than pretty small portions of carbs, which is a good thing

Restricting carbs definitely matters for blood sugar, I had to work myself down from prediabetes
Might not be as much of an issue for people at lower weights
I saw a nightmare that
>my thin version was a femboy
>who was put into a big discount bin for slaves
>for ugly fat bastards to buy while they shop for alcohol
I should start lifting.
Kinky bastard
>scale doesn't go down
>want to cry
I was thinking the same. Maybe I should try out a week.

If this is true, then I’m dropping it. My hair is all I have going for me.

You’re doing great too. I think mine went down a lot since I basically starved myself a couple of weeks after feeling sick and nauseous. I would have one meal a day.
Google keto hairless and see the fear

Did you lose all that weight without lifting a single weight in the gym?

Go put on some muscle, arms 3 times per week
for me the carb cravings subsided. I cheat once in a while, but then I make my own pasta ( try it, much better and healthier) or pizza
If my lifts are going up does that mean I'm maintaining muscle or increasing it?

depends how noob u are, if you just started lifting ur lifts will go up by virtue of technique, strength, cns adaptation, and some muscle growth due to noob gains
>spend 5+hours (!) rolling around in bed trying unsuccessfully to sleep
fuck, MY GAINS

at least i didn't eat anything
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Weird, this pops up next to a Wikipedia article about Jewish pedophilia.
be on guard if you're sick or have an injury, had both shoulder tendons and cocyx injury at the same time so my between not being able to do any exercise, bad sleep because of the pain and the fear of a caloric deficit because my PT told me it will slow down the healing(which took 2 and a half fucking years) made me regain 16 kg out of 70 kg lost.
Heard a lot of similar stories where people regain some or all after injury so be careful
kill yourself
>make my usual 1 pot stew slop
>started using myfitnesspal casually recently so try entering it in and seeing how many cals it is
>it's only 1200cal for a bigass 3L pot
damn veggies really aren't dense
Add some potatos and meat
how do you lads deal with stress?
i'm completely stressed out from work and my usual go to would be booze, but i stopped that a bit ago cause of significant weight gain from it making me even more stressed and feeling like shit in general and desu now i just want to stress eat some garbage, but that's not an option either, so i'm really left just feeling no relief during the entire day and i don't know how to cope. I usually just finish work and am so drained that i just watch some youtube videos and go straight to bed, but it's depressing living like this
just dont get stressed and be yourself :]
Just don't get stressed, yes it literally is that easy. Being stressed is an option.
Masturbate. Sleep.
I've never understood people who bring work stress home. Fair enough being stressed in work but once you leave you have to let that shit go. Sounds like you just have people living rent free in your head 24/7
kill yourself
share reciple pls
the world's laziest serial killer
not even the same person, just sharing the sentiment
>how do you lads deal with stress?
I walk
how do you guys feel about calorie free soft drinks?
"recipe"? there's really nothing to it, it barely counts as cooking
a caveman could come up with this one
1. melt a teaspoon of butter in a big pot
2. put a handful of whatever meat you like in there. i use 400g (1 store package) of cheap pork
3. wait until it looks reasonably cooked then dump however many chopped veggies in there until the pot is full. this time around i used leek, cabbage, potato, carrot, onion but anything goes really. cabbage is good filler
4. in a separate smaller pot heat some water, a few of tablespoons of wheat for thickening and a bullion cube. this is just so it all mixes together properly
5. add your stew slurry to the big pot. then add as much water as you like until it's where you want in the stew-soup axis. add salt, wine, vinegar, whatever else you like
6. bring to a boil and simmer for like 30 minutes or something

my palate isn't demanding so i basically wing it with whatever I have at hand every time but this is the outline
GOAT for weight loss.
This but use a slow cooker for god tier results.
why aren't you guys on ozempic/mounjaro? why are you struggling needlessly
Imagine spending your summer vacation spamming ozempic on a /fit/ general. What a sad life.
goyslop for normies who are too afraid to go without calories for more than a day and need the security blanket of flavor to keep them comfortable.
nah I am a different anon, but whats wrong with that, calorie counting and exercise have a high failure rate. just get the injections loser. some of the fat folx here if they channeled their motivation and desperation to lose weight into ozempic could lose insane amounts
you're gonna get the same answer every time, because it's true: you don't learn moderation, so you will gain your weight back once you stop using it, or you'll use it forever. Ozempic is the easy way, but it's not sustainable
Am going on vacation, I hope I don't gain too much. I will be walking a lot, so maybe that offsets the calories from food. Thanks for reading my blogpost
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>Get rejected by girl
>Fine, ill show you all my true potential
>Lost all the weight
>Girl still rejects me.

What was it all for friends?
>lose wright to try and get the same girl
>What was it all for friends?
For yourself, friend :)
Literally 12 yo kids from a wojak forum.
> you're gonna get the same answer every time, because it's true: you don't learn moderation
you are still a fucking moron who thinks obesity comes down to moderation and not to how fat people are just wired different to skinny people

> moderation
look the best diet is a diet based around starches, with vegetables, fruit, low fat diary and low meat intake. it's the best. you don't 200 gram of protein a day, protein is not super satiating. that's it. there's no moderation. eat three meals a day. but this is hard for fat people because they have issues with their brain
Me hungy.
Me go to sleep
Me wake up less fat
Sister's family wants me to join them on a four day trip to DC. I'm supposed to head down to their place today and go together but I really don't want to go for several reasons. There's work I can catch up on in these four days, it's going to mess up my diet, I'm going to fall behind on my gym's competition, I don't have the budget to spend in DC right now, I've been to DC twice already, plus my car is currently waiting to get a tire replaced so the logistics of getting there are a bit more complicated than it already is. Every time I called trying to cancel they've just guilted me into going, including my niece. What should I do /fat/
>up seven pounds yesterday
>down nine today
fake an illness, since they most likely know you've been losing weight and going to the gym say a new recipe, supplement or whey fucked up your digestion and now you have nausea and constant liquid shits. Believable(happened to me multiple times during my weightloss journey) and it means you can't drive, just don't post anything on social media during those 4 days
Slow cookers are fine for convenience, but they don't brown things which means you're always getting less flavor than a stovetop
I managed to call my brother in law's parents who were going to be my ride down there and let them know I couldn't make it. They were really understanding and it feels great to prioritize myself
Only 39 minutes to go until I've finished my 24 hour fast. I'm used to the feeling of being hungry now. Nothing can stop me.
should have befriended her first dumbass
do not listen to this guy, in most cases girls want you to be clear about your interest from the get go or they'll see you as a friend forever and only chads can escape the friendzone if even them
I think this is just caused by home weight scales being dogshit. I just walk to the pharmacy and use their scale for accurate measurements
so youre not white, got it
Allow me to interject, but I think the best way to approach this is to communicate a level of interest while not crossing the line. Think of it as a balancing act that keeps the girl guessing whether or not you're into her or just a really friendly guy
Fatty contest
starting today im only eating dates, bananas, and ground beef wish me luck
Nice ED
I made it. 24 hours without eating. That wasn't so bad at all. I doubt anyone cares about my observations from that so I won't bother posting.
>I doubt anyone cares about my observations from that so I won't bother posting.
based antiblogposter
name 10 nutrients i would be deficient in
I always dreaded fasting and thought that it would be pretty hard to do but during the last month and a half after trying out 24h,36h,48h and then finally 72h I'm surprised that I didn't feel any hunger, exhaustion or brain fog at all and that it's pretty easy. The 72h was especially surprising because on all three days I did my usual cardio, core workout and hard manual labor for a couple of hours each day while helping out my family.
Lost 11 kg, know that a lot of that was water weight but still the last time I went from 100kg to 89kg it took ages
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Today's meals:
morning: half cup of coffee(but double strength)
noon: half caffeine pill + half a pickle
dinner: vanilla coke zero 33cl + half caffeine pill
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Today's meal:
5 tall cups of coffee with milk and a spoon of sugar
1 cucumber
Having things to do definitely makes it easier. I was at home all day with no video games to play (there's just no good games anymore) so the hardest part was finding things to do to keep myself from getting bored. When I get bored I eat to cope. Also it's winter here, so I eat to feel warmer too. Had to tell myself a few times that eating wouldn't really warm me up.
I feel the same way after doing 2 9 day fasts in May and 3 6 day fasts in June it gets easy to go days without eating and not pay attention to food
especially the first few days I feel no hunger at all
>drinking coffee
plebs. Tea is where it's at
>usual day
>eat between 1k and 1.5k calories
>always hungry as fuck
>only drink 1 protein shake + coffee in the morning and on lunch break
>absolutely 0 hunger
How the fuck does this work
Nutrient deficiency is not the only indicator of an eating disorder. Just learn to eat like a normal human being. You're not resolving the unhealthy relationship with food that you already have
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Bros... What's the replacement for Jalapeno Cheetos ? Jalapeno Powder + Popcorn ?
Literally me, fucking devastating
Oh yeah I have one cup of black tea before having my many coffees.
Kill yourself
Walk swim sunlight, childish fun shit, try being a person sometimes and not a robot
>2 months on keto
>first time in my life I actually feel satiated after meals
170cm (5ft7)
target weight 70kg
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So close bros, I don’t think I’ve been sub 200 since I was a child
You're not actually hungry, you're just reminded of food when you keep eating
gonna try to post in these to keep myself accountable.

5'6, 196.4 from 230ish in Jan.

Trying to walk more, but this southern heat is fucking crazy.
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>gonna try
>makes excuses
worthless fat cunt
doing a 48h fast and it's fucking my shit up
at least i'll lose weight this week i guess
Thank gs Migu, my greatest ally
It's frustrating reaching a target weight thinking that you'd be okay with stopping at, but it's still not enough
Started at 147lbs, reached 140lbs, then 135lbs, and now 133lbs. I don't think 125lbs is going to be enough either
Anything you intended to do to lose weight can be done while/after taking ozempic.
Maintaining is easier than losing
Why is ozempic being shilled so hard? Not just here but I've been seeing it in comments sections on YouTube too
numbers on the scale are meaningless, just keep going until you think it's enough by looking at the mirror or any other real world metric you fancy (number of compliments, clothes size, etc.)
because a lot of fatties are desperate and will pay if it means they can lose weight without doing any work

thanks bro, gonna go walk
>gonna go walk
Checked. Based walker.
these taste great and only 440 calories for the big bag
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Today Im facing my fear of wearing shorts and being shirtless by tanning on my balcony. Its hard lads..
ngl to you bros it's hard to stay committed to eating clean and perfect all the time when every time I walk into the kitchen to cook my meat and veggies my mom's there stuffing her face with ice cream or snacks or jam sandwiches or whatever
I quit eating seed oils and I’ve got no cravings at all for any junk that contains it
Maybe I managed to psy op myself whatever it works for me
I usually just eat fruit, bread from the bakery, meat, eggs etc even made my own ice cream
I just threw half my apple pie in the bin
good luck anon
are there a lot of people that could see you?
Busy intersection, hundreds. But(t) fuck them
Sunkist Zero has been a lifesaver for me.
Do I need to worry about my macros besides protein when reaching 12% i.e. do I need to eat low fat
I'm trying to control the ingredients to not have sneed oils, and also able to make at home on a whim.
I want to learn how to make things at home from almost scratch because it seems fun !
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The sun is the enemy. Why would you knowingly expose yourself to its deadly arrows?
Oh cool, more ultra-processed slop.
But it's non-GMO, so it's healthy and shit.
Proud of you, next time trash 3/4ths of it. My clinic told me that if I ever caved and got a burger to only eat half
>eat at 500 kcal deficit for 2 weeks
>still havent lost any weight
post more body pics or at least yt vids
Plateaus can last up to three weeks, but be sure you're precise with your measurements. Also drink a gallon of water a day to flush out water weight
either you're not actually on a deficit (could be because you're not counting right or because your tdee is lower than whatever online calculator you used told you, which is MOST often the case btw) or you're prediabetic and need something like keto or a much higher deficit
im 5'9 69kg and eating 1100 kcal a day, strict as fuck, measuring everything with a scale
I mean ideally you'd see a doctor and get a blood test, otherwise give it some more time as it could be a plateau or water weight, especially if you eat a lot of sodium
idk.. maybe try walking more? it might help convince your body to let go.
I get my best daily weight readings by going on a walk soon after waking up, showering and then stepping on the Cursed Scale of Uncomfortable Truths.
As a fatty, I'm sure our enemy objective measurement will one day become our fren
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>I eat become I'm unhappy
>And I'm unhappy because I eat
Break the cycle /fat/bros. Find a different coping mechanism.
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im making a youtube video right now hehe no more body pics
>im making a youtube video right now
>no more body pics
/fat/ bros, thoughts on this? is there some merit of truth in it or is it all just slop?
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Got a couple more handfuls to go until I think I will switch to maintenance, hopefully only like 2 months because I am in the same position as >>74729734 eating between 1k-1400 cals a day and stuck at a plateau
Grain of truth in that diet causes weight loss more than exercise, but exercise still burns calories, and someone who diets and exercises will lose more weight than someone who just diets. More to the point, exercise is crucial towards general health, even if it's not as strongly associated with weight loss as diet is.
>just picked up a two four of beer from the beer store
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I used to be a swimmer back in my youth, so I have massive underarms full of fat.
Honestly, even flyingsquirrelmaxxing is miles better than staying a lard elemental.
best way to lose weight is arguably high protein low calorie diet + lifting, as maintaining the more muscle and lean mass you can while you lose fat equals a consistently higher tdee (so more weight lost just by existing) and a much better body when you reach your target goal, the meme that fat people should just do cardio is bullshit yeah but doing cardio still burns some extra calories so it's better than sitting on your ass if that's the alternative, that video seems to be for retards who think that they can just keep eating 10k calories a day and jog a little and lose weight because they're "working out"
I lift 5x a week, and do an hour on the treadmill every day and eat the diet you described
It’s worked tremendously for me
how the fuck do I eat 1000 calories a day and still meet my macros jesus christ. i have a gut and man titties still so I thought I would at least have 1500 calories to work with daily but I'm gonna kms. what should I be eating to keep my energy up?
Men shouldn't go below 1500, and women 1200.
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Is this a valid way to meet my macros?
I don't think you know what macros are
Don't worry about macros. I've been on the most brutal cut of my life and haven't lost any noticeable muscle. On the contrary, some parts of me are incredibly more muscular.
Just get some protein every day and forget about the rest. Get a multivitamin if you're getting paranoid.
I’m doing OMAD today because I wanted to try the new McDonald’s burger. When I took that first bite, I recalled something I saw on My 600lb Life or some similar show where a fat said something along the lines of, “when I eat for the first time of the day, then I know things are about to get better” I felt that
The combination of eating for the first time of the day as well as being comfort food (burger and nuggets) oh it was heavenly bros
Don't eat mackers you daft cunt
My gym has a kids’ summer camp program and it was the first time I actually caught glimpse of it. I heard one of the kids say “you’re not sigma” to another kid and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They couldn’t be older than like, 6th graders. Makes me worry how these kids are going to develop and what the generation after them will be like
good idea, ill do that. i lose motivation to walk because its winter atm and cold as fuck
I ate a kashi bar it's over
You sound like a crackhead who's had his first taste after being clean for 20 years.
It really did feel like that
Maybe 27 is just too young to get this problem still but not nothing this myself... I only do arms twice a week and have gone from 176kg to 148kg over the last 6 months, and barely notice any hanging flesh there.. mostly it's the reduced belly fat hanging, and in-between my thighs but in the last month or two I've noticed even that dissapear
nigger you get the same sensation times 1000 when the first bite is a nutritious homecooked meal, just open a pack of chicken legs salt them and throw them in the oven fat retard or you're NGMI
If they can fit it in their cals and macros then it is fine. For instance pic rel is
1750 cals
70g fat
153g carbs
96g protein
>pushed past intense desire to eat from 9am to 11am, told myself Id get to eat 12
>hunger faded and actually made it to 1 pm
>massive plate of 6 scrambled eggs with pan cooked vegetables
>only 600 calories
>feel full and happy

The day is starting out strong anons
Enjoy it while it lasts, seriously. When you get a burst of lost weight you can see the improvement really obviously, and physically feel lighter/slimmer. Eventually though your perception will catch back up, the specialness and newness of it fades, and you catch yourself in the mirror and somehow look fatter than ever before. This is good too, it'll motivate you to keep going and realize you havent actually made it...yet
Try other girls
>fasted yesterday
>wanna fast today too
>have to cook my dog's food tonight
>only 380kcal in a McD's borger
no fucking way.
vegs feel like a cheatcode. Throw them in a pan with a smidge of butter + olive oil, salt, herbs, garlic and you've got yourself a fucking winning side to go with your metric ton of eggs or meat.
His bike doesn’t have a power meter that can covert watts to kcals.
did you up your salt lately? could be holding onto more water
1 in 8 people have taken ozempic
it's an open secret by now and if you arent on the train you'll be left behind
Yup, I actually hear kids interact a lot and theyre all memeing at each other irl exactly like you come across online. All these young kids spend a ton of time socializing online with people their own age all the way up to 30 or so imbibing largely similar content.
I first started coming here when I was around 10, over a decade ago. Even then, little 10 yo me was making posts. You really never know who's saying what
I didn’t take the vax and I’m not taking fucking ozempic
I feel in a strange way that I am in a direct competition with ozempic. Can I do it? Can I beat it? Is my will stronger than ozempic, is my hunger to succeed more powerful than the drug?
Now that it exists, losing weight myself is nearly equivalent to saving extra thousands of dollars not even counting the money saved by eating less
>New burger
what app is this?
I switched off myfitnesspal when they hid barcode scanning behind a paywall and I've been searching for a good tracker since
Currently using chronometer but I hate the full screen pop up ads
Just focus on getting enough protein the rest doesn't matter
I did not say it was 100% equivalent, just showing you can eat mcdonald's still you just need to make healthy choices. They could easily sub the $5 deal for the burger, a large diet coke and save 155 cals (changes macros too). Also it is what I ate the other day so it was handy.

>>only 380kcal in a McD's borger
>no fucking way.
It is a small mcdouble but it does look like loseit was wrong and it is actually 400 cals. I typically get rid of the pickles, mustard and onions though so hopefully it is closer to 380.

Loseit in the OP, does have barcode scanning but they paywall it too and I am not sure they are completely accurate
>Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass
I was here 5 years ago (i'm back, gained it all back) and the advice used to be 1g per pound of goal
why did it change?
was there some study that showed health concerns at high protein intake? or were there just too many people complaining that it was hard to eat that much protein
No concerns, just that 1g per pound of fat was easier to track. You don’t actually need 1g per pound though
>(i'm back, gained it all back)
I went from 250 lbs to 180 lbs 5 years ago
240lbs right now
What happened
It calculates average watts
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Because it works and unlike other weight loss drugs (adderall/stimulants, DNP) it's actually safe. My life sucks too much to be disciplined with my eating so having a drug to do the work for me is convenient. I'm about to restart it so I can be a normal weight by the new year, just ordered the starter dose.

Once its cheap and widely available everyone will be using it, most of the hysteria comes from people who can't even access it due to costs or not having a prescriber/source.
I maintained up until the quarantine then I sat around all day with no exercise
it wasn't bad at first but it snowballed and got out of hand
at first it was 5 lbs up and I was like it's no big deal then it was 10 then 15 and so on
When I'm human
As I hope to be
I'll stop the weight from coming back
By counting calories
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i cut u guys a slice of my cake do u love it
You the kinda guy to go to an NA meeting to find customers
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eek thank u!
Not being mean but you clearly need to get more sleep.
Why exercise and eat better to lose weight when you can get liposuction and drugs?
Why work out to get muscles when you can use steroids?
Why learn a new language when you can use Google Lens?
Why have any positive development as a human being like commitment, effort, stamina, self-improvement, etc. when you can fake it all? You can get all of the superficial benefits and still be garbage at everything you do, like a book with a great cover but shitty content. And all you have to do is keep paying the companies to keep up your facade, so you can continue being a fraud.

It's like going to school. Cheat to make all your tests look perfect, why bother studying? If I pay $30k to go to school, it's because I want people to think I'm educated, not because I want that education or the skills and experience provided by it. Look at all the fools who wasted their time learning so they could do the same thing I did by paying off the teacher's aide. I spent my time getting wasted and slamming burgers at McDonald's (won't matter because I have Ozempic) while they practiced to "apply their knowledge" and "worked out". I am part of something known as the zeitgeist, I MATTER. I will be able to tell people that I WAS HERE for the greatest part of human history, my history. If you want a society where the people who look good on the outside are also good on the inside, you should get a reality check. I don't need to improve, everyone will praise me on appearance alone. That lack of critical thinking, that society where people can get away with anything as long as they have the money, that's my society. That's the Ozempic Society™.
Do you take vitamins and mineral supplements? You're probably badly deficent since you are trying to starve yourself to death
damn, my car weighs a good amount but still is like 300 watts a mile, you are 120x more efficient than a tesla
SW: 227 CW: 197 GW: 185
Last 2 weeks only lost 3 lbs while still on 1200 calorie diet. Lifting and low impact cardio multiple days per week.
Scale (picrel) and Navy calculator disagree. With my height/weight calculator says my 33'' waist and 15'' neck are at 15% body fat and scale says 22.9%.

Should I just split the difference? Also, should I go maintenence for a week then cut again or just stay in cut? It's been about 2.5 months. I feel fine, I just want to maximize my gains (loss).
>15% bf at 200lbs
like did u even watch the vid, i ate a trusty vitamin gummy!
This is a rempho scale isn't it?
All parameters besides maybe weight are fake, don't pay attention to them.
Body fat in particular is just a function of weight, I've done heavy recomp in the past few months while mostly maintaining my weight and scale says I'm still over 20% bodyfat (I even have a six pack now, no way I'm over 15).
Right right. Anon, are you made of solid beefcake? If so, the 15% bf might hold. Otherwise, the 23% number seems more plausible.
Your Renpho scale is giving you a whole lot of fun details, I'm kinda jealous. All my Aria 2 scale throws at me is a body fat percentage.
Still, if it's anything like mine, you may see a lot of variability over time and staring at a derived lean mass chart which filters out the weight bias, only very long term trends can be spotted with any reliability.
Fuck, you just reminded me of Middle School.
>have class with girl
>we talk and laugh together all the time
>one day I had to stay after school
>go out to wait for parents to pick me up
>see girl I liked
>approach her
>try to talk to her but she interrupts me by saying "You're fat."
>I awkwardly look at her before leaving
Whoever does this artwork is really great. Is it someone from this thread?
>discord notifications
Of course
I’m gonna need to buy new underwear soon because my waistband is starting to loosen on a couple of them
It's from https://divacreates.com/little-nuns/
All I'm saying is that all this shilling seems a bit fishy and like it's trying to take advantage of desperate and weak-willed fats
very cute girl and very cute cat
Never stopped wearing the old stuff, I have boxers that predate trumps 1st term (not in the best shape)
the dieting industry is a multi billion dollar industry, there's a lot of shilling around the drug yeah, but a lot of it is word of mouth because it's one of the first thing we've gotten that actually fucking works. people have been looking for the dieting "magic pill" for decades now and this is the closest we've ever been.

if you think anyone in a niche general on a niche board on a niche website is being paid to shill it, you probably believe a lot of retarded conspiracy theories.
It's just weird how dedicated some people seem to be about talking about it. This thread especially it seems like someone takes the opportunity to mention it whenever there's a chance
I wouldn't count it out that there is an active campaign to get the drug as widespread as possible by any means possible
it'd be really funny if in some 10 to 15 years celebrities started dying like flies from some long-term side effect of ozempic, it's so silly how dozens of them are magically losing weight lately and people have to pretend it's just happenstance or it's rude
I'm on a diet though.
Thanks. I'm aware it's not very accurate and only use it bc it's free and available. Just paying attention to trends. So far the trends correlate to changes in body which is the goal of all this. The confusion is from the sticky link saying a much lower bf% but really neither here nor there ultimately.
So should I maintain my cut or go maintenance for a week and then back to cut? Like I said I am fine to continue cut but don't know if over 2.5 months in a row means my body will benefit from a break or if maintenance weeks are just a meme by people who don't artistically measure all their meals.
Are you satisfied with how you look? Do you have a six pack? => Yes, stop / No continue
I will never be satisfied with how I look, fatso. Thanks for your help with my actual question.
Crazy how thin and sexy I felt when I first began losing weight compared to how fat I feel now that I’m almost 15 pounds lighter is this body dysmorphia bros
>is this body dysmorphia bros
yes, sadly, and if you don't deal with it it might be your worst enemy in maintaining/losing more
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im so close to my goal, ive lost 25kg so far and im only like 5kg off, but man, i feel so bad right now, i feel like i cant shed a single kg, ive lost all momentum and im snacking again, im struggling so hard bros
Should have fasted
Just make it through the plateau bro, keep working out and stick to your diet and hold out and it'll start shedding off at the end. You're in the final sprint, you've come this far, don't let it all go to waste, you're almost there.
>I maintained up until the quarantine then I sat around all day with no exercise

Same brother, same. Covid was pretty comfy but it absolutely fucked with my routine and it took me until now to get back on track.
Looks like it turned out well.

>t. eating cottage cheese and strawberries atm
See it’s hard to tell if this is actually 1lb of fat. I need an objective source with a visualization of fat at different quantities
Yo why are your pupils so dilated girl
sunlight, you need to go touch grass, even then they will be there just a lot less noticeable
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Hit 40lbs lost today since starting in February. Got a little over 10 pounds to go until healthy bmi. Unfortunately will probably not hit it during summer unless I get some crazy whoosh but I'm getting closer. Feels good to see that it's in sight at least.
i dont believe youre her but jesus christ get a personality
I started stealth tanning in the bed of my truck nobody sees me and i don't feel self conscious, plus I'm getting extra use out of the truck
Also what did you mean by “I got permission to eat this” is someone else telling you what you can and can’t eat?
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Fatty Contest
82.1 kg

Funny story, I was all depressed this morning for an hour because I thought I had gained weight, until I checked my weight tracking app and realized I had only lost more weight. My memory is shit lol

Very happy with my current progress, and I am nearing my first 80kg objective. I start online classes next monday and I am hoping those don't kill my current great progress. I find it much harder to keep up with exercise and a good diet with an actual working schedule. I will do my best.
yeah holding the camera close to your face and pretending to be stupid is not a personality
youre a fucking piece of shit and you should grow up
I have to say I’m a little concerned for you anon
>>t. eating cottage cheese and strawberries atm
I ate that this morning. Funny coincidence huh
Agreed, that shit is so annoying
I’ve totally replaced cottage cheese with mixed fruit. I get enough protein for my macros anyway but maybe I’ll get back on cottage cheese for the bulk
Was cottage cheese used in the recipe? I missed that part, was just joining in on the cottage cheese conversation
>Like carrots
>Assume I'll like carrot juice
I was so so wrong
For those that went from obese to overweight, does it feel like the flab on your legs feels heavier? My legs used to feel balanced but now they feel even more like there's fat hanging off them, even though it should be the opposite
Yes, in time it can get tighter as you recomp but there will still be some bit of looseness
Oh I think I see what happened, you meant to reply to the post above mine
I think once I hit 12% I’m going to record a mukbang. I’ve always wanted to do that. Won’t be posting it here though
I had the same with tomatoes and tomato juice
Lmao opposite here. I've had zero days above goal from March until two weeks ago. Then holiday began and I've been eating like a pig. Fortunately, no significant increase in weight though
Turkey burgers are great, make like 5 patties out of one package of ground turkey with 1 egg and some spices and you got a solid protein source for several meals, should've incorporated this earlier
I feel like it should just be a texture thing but other fruit juices are okay with me
Kinda cute for a tranny
Good job anon. Keep it up
How to lose weight when you're short?
>4'5"/155 lbs F
current TDEE is less than 1500, but when I loos weight, my already low TDEE get even lower.
Eventually I need to eat 1000 cal, which is very hard to maintain.
Don't know if it's placeabo but I'm down 20 lbs and my gut feels lighter, sort of like swiss cheese with some loose spots here or there instead of a monolithic blanket of lard
Why would it be placebo, that's a lot of fat
It's good that you can actually feel it, lots of people get stuck in their head and cant feel the progress
Going to shill eatthismuch.com again, I would recommend 2 meals a day but you need to learn how to cook so you can sub stuff out and use sneed oils like 0 cal "EVOO" cooking sprays or artificial sweeteners.
I wish I were good looking enough to make a front on video of my face. Sadly my face is really shit for that though
I agree, something about a drug that makes you lose weight being discussed in a general about losing weight seems extremely suspicious.
First line in the OP
>Who is /fat/ for?
>For Tasty Tardigrades who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
>through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
Yeah, I tried that.
But psychologically it's very hard, I need to keep eating 1000 cal permanently.
and in this day, everything is minimum 500 cal while being half as fulling.
Also shitty work environment that encourage snacking
See, these complicated dishes are too much work. I try to keep my prep as simple as possible. Some boiled veg, fresh fruit, and a protein seasoned and cooked on the stove or oven
My tongue and your asshole would be a match made in heaven
god fuck off back to wherever you came from
You guys know if the bulimia anon ever did buzz off that you'd miss them. They are one of the few that actually produces some original content in our little community here
I don't like her because she reminds me of the bpd bulimic girl who tore my life apart when I was 18
>Also shitty work environment that encourage snacking
Yeah rough, maybe make some protein pancakes and snack on them during the day with 0 sugar syrup and a small amount of fresh fruit then protein and veg for dinner.
I agree but it allows you to take breaks from mundane meals so you can feel like you are still being normal, like a fake cheat day
You need to forgive her and move on anon. It's neither your fault nor hers you guys were just kids
True true. I guess what I just do is take OMAD days and have something indulgent lol
I know many of my fellow anons here have a bad sweet tooth, and giving in to it often means going wildly off diet and having a ton of pure junk.

There is a better way

Make a sweet sauce and slather a ton of chicken breast in it. The other day I made a sauce from a couple tablespoons of maple syurp and couple spoons of BBQ (you can get no sugar BBQ so its not doubling up) mixed together. Pan cooked the chicken, seasoning it with salt pepper garlic, cinnamon, and allspice. Once the chicken bites were perfect I tossed them in the BBQ maple sauce, and it was absolutely divine. Added calories from the sauce were only 200 total, and it did 100% hit the spot and satisfied the sweet tooth totally. No need to break your whole diet on donuts, icecream, or whatever - you can get full sweet tooth satisfaction with chicken breast.
Im 4'11
The only solution seems to be increasing activity. No one was ever meant to be as sedentary as modern people are, but it hits us especially hard. We NEED the increased calorie expenditure that would come from a more active life. 15-20k steps a day seems like a good thing to establish.
>captcha k0xmk
>15-20k steps a day
That's my normal day.
>t. nurse
But the stress and work life, make all that difficult.
Fat Contest
I think if thats your normal day then you can probably easily do 1300 cals at your goal weight and maintain, just try to focus on high volume foods. For breakfast today I had a ton of vegetables mixed in with my eggs and it was satisfying

The hardest thing for you is being able to eat decently at work, I cant organize myself well enough to meal prep but maybe you could?
Are 50lbs dumbells too heavy for a beginner? I can do 20-30 proper push-ups but I believe that's not a deciding factor.
>maybe you could?
My day
>wake at 5 am
>at work by 6 am
>breakfast is latte+donuts ~600 cal
>walk around 7000 step achieved by noon
>brunch sandwich from the vending machine (eggwich ~350 cal)
>lunch time, step count +10000, lunch is takeout mostly fast food ~500 cal
>7 pm time to get home, step count ~20000
>to tired to stand barely do the house work and just end up eating pizza or other frozen food ~500 cal
>11 pm time to sleep
>rinse and repeat
I'm eating ~2000 cal each day while I should be eating half this.
I tried, I really tried.
But this lifestyle really messing up anything I can do to lose weight.
I tried fasting by I fainted several times.
Just do meal prep.
Probably, dumbbells are generally harder but it's hard to say unless you actually try it for a workout
>breakfast is latte+donuts
youre not even trying anon
thanks anon, ill keep grinding
Just cut down on your meals and make changes to what you do eat. I worked in a grocery store surrounded by food, but I was also beside a gym. Rather than torture myself waiting an hour everyday for lunch starving in front of food, I just walked next door and spent it on a bike. I was too lazy to wake up and make breakfast, and I usually waited a couple hours to eat anyway. So all that was left was getting through my breaks without buying any food. 6 hours into being awake, I go to the gym on my lunch, and I'm done work and starving by 6 PM. I ate one really filling meal worth up to 1000 calories, satisfied for the night, and repeat the next day. Lost 30 kg in half a year.

My current life is different to before, but I find that hunger isn't even that bad. Yeah, I want food, but it's truly all the flavors I'm missing. But you can't be a bitch about it. You need willpower and consistency, you need to be determined. Stop making exceptions, the OP even says "Cheat days only cheat yourself". Stop breaking your own rules, stop undermining your will, stop letting others try to undermine it. You want to lose weight and not a single goddamn person on this planet is going to lose your weight for you but you. You're not a loser just for gaining weight, but you will be for never having the mental fortitude and commitment to lose it. Weight loss isn't even that hard when you consider that you're preparing and buying food far less often. Eating less is less time and effort. And exercise is as little as sitting on a stationary bike for an hour absent-mindedly pumping your legs while watching shit on your phone. Water becomes incredibly quenching when you're hot and sweaty. Snack on almonds and grapes if you're hungry, they'll fill you. It's summer, chilled fruit should be refreshing. And force yourself to get used to flavored sparkling waters when you have cravings for soft drinks. Just stop being half-hearted about this until you lose all the weight.
I second meal prep anon.
If you can't do that, then get an instant pot and do chicken and rice in it, and get frozen veggie steamer bags.
Basically the lowest effort healthy meal there is and the chicken and rice is good for the next day as well.
Hmmm I'd say so. Just try starting with 5lbs and work up from there. You could probably start with 10lbs instead too if you're that confident
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Fatty Contest

Back from a week's vacation where I drank a lot of beer, stopped fasting and gained 4kg despite walking over 20k steps a day. It's just water weight and it'll fall straight off r-right?
Are you stalling on the scale? 2k is too high, that is probably maintenance or worse. Cut out the donuts, brunch and eat something healthy for dinner.
in my ・゚*:・゚~constipation era~・゚*:・゚
Forgot pic rel, my simple protein powder pancake recipe, you can add or change things around like using fruity pebble flavored protein powder. Add fruit, swap to almond milk, use almond butter instead of sugar free syrup, etc.
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I went for a walk downtown without a pregnant belly and it felt great, feeling like I almost made it. Cutting through August. OMAD.
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I accidentally dropped half of my pasta when I was draining it and now I have to order takeout. Also, I ate the half that wasn't fucked and it tasted way too salty, so my palate is screwed. I was looking forward to this meal, too.
I don't get it, is your sink dirty or something
just pick up the pasta and put it into the strainer
You must stop drinking, beer bro.
I'm not risking shit, I don't live alone and I've seen one of the cats pee in the sink.
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Fatty Contest

Wow, you sound pretty retarded anon. Don’t drop the soap next time…
Yeah dont eat from the vending machine or get a donut or have fast food or eat slop for dinner... You could pretty easily have a couple boiled eggs for breakfast, and with meal prep have brought a packed lunch.
What exactly have you tried? I think cutting to 1000 is probably too low for you even at your height, youre used to consuming twice that AND you actually do have a labor intensive job. Try reducing to 1300-1500 at least to start. You and eggs are going to be each other's best friend. Swap the frozen pizza for frozen bags of veggies for stir fry, start pre cutting and maybe even pre cooking tons of chicken or other meat.
Got damn that sucks, if it’s any comfort at least you don’t get as hungry as taller people. For weight loss just extremely lean/low carb? Lettuce wraps, salads, brothy soups, fresh fruit… I mean just one piece of bread is 15-20% of your daily allowance. Once you’re at your goal, small portions? ADF could also help but you will have to deal with comments from your normie coworkers and it could be hard on your schedule as a nurse. Fasting is much easier once you’ve been eating clean for a while, but maybe you also don’t want your stomach to get used to a 3kcal day when your margins are razor thin.

Highly processed foods will not help the situation
I OMAD'd a bag of kettle chips. Is this as CICO god intended?
I think a lot of replies aren’t considering you’re a nurse. Though I assume you’re not working like this every day so meal prep is still a good option. That said
>latte and donuts
Coffee with cream instead
>brunch sandwich
Have this as your lunch instead
>frozen food
There are frozen foods that are reasonable on calories:nutrition ratio

Also pizza/fast food adds up fast so you could be eating much more than 500 cal of each. Keep in mind it’s much easier to restrict when you ease down off carbs. Blood sugar isn’t just a meme but neither is insulin resistance.
>not just taking dnp
40 pounds for a month and a half is great
Honestly, why not drop it for a few days, and then go back on it? Keep doing it like that to make it a bit easier
I'd say start with 25lbs and work your way up
Really want to OMAD on Indian food but it's impossible to tell how many calories would be in a thali platter
I was on keto in 2021 for most of the year. Looking back, about 33% of my weight loss was from muscle loss.
This time, I'm on a high-protein low-carb diet with daily cardio and some strength training, and it seems to be doing a much better job at maintaining my lean mass (hard to tell for sure with impedance-based composition scales over only 3 months, but it seems to be a wash overall so far.)
So based on my anecdata, I'd suggest you lean hard into the proteins, keep the carbs relatively low, and only worry about fats where it comes to picking good sources and avoiding excesses of saturated fat.
>have to wear tall tees because the gut droop remnant hangs below the waistline
>rest of the shirt drapes all the way over my ass making me look much bigger than I am
Guess it's time to switch to tucking the gut flap into the pants, damn it's not comfy
Maybe I will look into skin removal after all
Not even all the way there yet but the droop is already a factor
>Looking back, about 33% of my weight loss was from muscle loss.
Literally impossible. You're retarded.
I’ve never been this fat, hell I’ve never been obese, but sometimes I think it must be nice to just be fat and enjoy being fat
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In that time period, did you overeat ~31000 calories?
Its water weight, just keep that in mind when you blow past it but then stall out a bit.
Fatty Contest
I beat this about 7 hours ago, 751 in an hour.
I then beat that again about 15 minutes ago, but it's a massive 855. This seems impossible, but yesterday and today are the only days I've had coffee in a couple months, and I definitely feel more energy. I was paying attention to the calories I was burning, putting in more effort to constantly be a certain amount ahead, and I raised the resistance a bit too. Even though the resistance I set it to would normally cause my legs pain and for me to slow down, it didn't hurt and I was able to maintain a high speed the whole time. I read that the caffeine from coffee can numb pain and improve your cardio, but this seems like it's too much.
bump limit
new bread:

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>basal 2000kcal
>eating <1700kcal
>no weight loss for weeks

What the fuck is up with this bullshittery?
I've tried eating at maintenance for a week.
I've tried eating just meat for a week.

Do I have to drop to <1500kcal?
Do need to fast for a week?

Everything was working fine for like 6 months...
I'm starting to lose my shit..
your tdee changes as you lose weight, normally I would tell you you're eating too much but if you calculated 2000 6 months ago that value is probably a goner
Fatty Contest
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by 6 months u should have reached ur goal or close enough to 3 day fast reach it.
meaning u went too slow
the trick is not to lower the calories but to MOVE more and build muscle

unfortunately over those 6 moths you have probably dropped calorie consuming habbits like leg tapping or shit like that, and u sit slightly more, sleep slightly more, ur body lower its body temp by 1 degree etc

the result is that ur body save extra 400-800 calories every day than it used to

the trick is to lose fast, u want to lose 1% body weight per week and u want to have 1-2 hours workout everyday with progressive overload, i.e burning more calories daily through working out HARDER

this way, u reach ur goal fast with better results

you have indicators to know ur on track
for example if u feel like u have a lot of energy and u workout it's not big deal for the body
but if u feel extreme fatigue, know this that if u workout, every calorie u burn comes directly from fat that u are burning so it's the best time to go all in
>cutting to 1000 is probably too low for you
Well, I'm very short.
1000 cal should be my maintenance.
>don’t get as hungry as taller people
Yeah, when I'm on my off day, I just eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, and that keep me full to dinner, which I eat some steak with steamed veggies.
It's the constant activity that keep me hungry and worse, the lack of low calorie found around me when I need to.
I asked HR to talk to the administrators about this and provide healthier alternatives, the response was their is vegetarian options on the vending machine.
>I assume you’re not working like this every day
It is this way everyday.
I tried meal prep but I'm limited to things that doesn't need heating or refrigeration.
I tried bringing fruits as my lunch, didn't last much because after 3 hours I get hungry again.
My best meal prep was eating oat as breakfast with chia seed before I go out at 5 am, this kept me full way past 4 pm, but I noticed I actually gained weight.

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