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Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Intense gaze edition!

>What is the Lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.

>What is /LEAN/ for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.

>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.

>Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
Regarding women the key it's not the muscles. it's being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.

- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.. Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. Only one life anon. Do you want to live it without knowing what life is on an easier difficulty?

As always,

Previous thread: >>74688797
That's not leanpill
Anybody under 15% and esp 12% with semi decent musculature is leanpill
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Oh no no no leanbros
Why do these threads always have the most homosexual picture, is that from your personal collecion OP?
It's probably the same guy who schizo posts in plg
Funny part is that since that Midwestern faggot with the Nile river for abs posted the OP one time and got roasted he has since switched to homosexual pictures of other men, but I know it's still him gooning to other pictures of men
What you describe as homosexual, girls 18(for legal reasons)-22 describe as daddy
Women should have a thigh gap so their tits get bigger
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This is the faggot anon who keeps making these threads btw
And this his disciplined , army of true warriors who made it
Leanchads unite!
>Nile river for abs
I like this guy but making these threads almost daily and describing yourself as a lean chad is just unnecessary verbal masturbating
Might as well fuck your own booty at that point
OP here, I can personally guarantee I'm not the nile abs guy, there's multiple leanchads here
>Those abs
oh nonononono
It’s ok Midwest just own it
Just an FYI for everyone here, being lean isnt everything. You have to socialmaxx. Being lean helps A LOT. But you can still sperg out and get rejected regardless.
>t. permalean virgin, just got ghosted 2 days ago
When I go to the gym today I will take a pic and post here for proof
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>Nile river for abs
I'm 24, 5'10" 180 lbs. If I get lean, will there be loose skin on my face, cheeks specifically? Do I just have do it super slowly or ...?
We get it,. Not everyone in this thread is 10% bf with muscle.
You're so funny/clever
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So you mean to tell me, that there are people, who are not lean or muscular, who come to a thread about becoming lean and muscular, because they want advice so that they can become lean and muscular?
Do you recommend any supps to help with the fat burning or dealing with fatigue?
Is boxing a /lean/ approved form of cardio?
wouldn't practically all cardio be good
Enjoy it while you can. Past 30, visceral fat makes it impossible
Will becoming lean give me a better jawline?
If you have good bone structure, it will. The face gains are one of the biggest appeals of the lean pill.
So what's the point of this general?
You don't share any lifts and it's not particularly hard to get lean, you eat less.
How is it any different than posting in >>>/hm/ ?
>f you have good bone structure,
Welp, that's it for me. I'm fucking DONE FOR, lads
Do you even know what your bone structure looks like? Don’t give up before you try.
I want to go from 6’2” 290lbs to whatever 15 % bf is for me in 12 months. Probably very small for my height, I would guess around 160-180. Please tell me what to do and I will do it. How many calories to eat, what to do for exercise how often.
>what to do for exercise
Everything. At least everything you don’t want to lose.
Train just like you’re building muscle, so hit every muscle group twice a week or so.
>how many calories
First you need to find your maintenance calories by tracking what you eat and what you weigh over time. Every 500 calories below that per day will lose you 1 pound of fat per week.
There’s an upper limit to how much fat you can lose in a day without burning lean mass, about 31 calories per pound of body fat per day. So if you have 80 pounds of body fat, you don’t need to eat a thing as long as you keep your electrolytes up, but the leaner you get, the slower you’ll have to take it. If you don’t mind the wait, a 500 deficit is the least risky.
However big your deficit, remember to eat your protein. About 1 gram per pound of your goal weight, so around 170.

Tl;dr: fewer calories, more protein, exercise all the muscles.
I just want my love handles gone already anons. I have made progress but i wish it was faster
I would much rather look like this

I've been stuck at my current weight for a while. Few months so doesnt seem lile a plaeteu. How do you tell if you're not eating enough and stalling your metabolism? Currently on 1800 because I calced my sedentary at 2300. I was told not to take into account exercise or the energy I burn at my job is that wrong?
current bf? either way, the answer you're looking for is ephedrine and caffeine. if you're already quite lean after hard cutting, switch to a slow cut of maybe -500 calories.
You're at a good weight for your height unless it's literally all fat
No you will not have loose skin unless again, you're all fat
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does the leanpill work for manlets or should i just bulk. lean for me would be like 145-150lbs
Anon they have much more muscle, and they would look better if they got leaner. I'm not calling you low IQ, in fact your comment is so low IQ that I am certain it is bait. A false equivalence if you will.
That's fine, but know that that kinda fizeek only gets you 30+ year old cat (or worse, human) moms
You'll have to work harder in the dating world, you might have to learn guitar or something, and you'll still have a hard time. But better leanmax than dwarfmax
What are you, 5'6?
I'd say, in the real world (not on the internet), the manlet cutoff is 5'8, most women will still be receptive if you're taller than that, esp if you do something they like write poetry or play guitar
This is just body dysmorphia in order to cope with his fleeting youth
how about some lean-mire stories

>reach 12%, vascularity, jaw, neck, arm, similar to OP's pic but wearing anime shirt (lol)
>at gym
>packed at 20pm
>zoomers, boomers, thots and like 2-3 gym bros
>all look absolutely shit, dyel and 20-30% bf
>suddenly some female personal trainer arrives
>good height, long soft hair, kindle smile, brunette but white european features, small waist, good hips, she laughs with other thots she is training and talks with some fatass who she is probably training as well, not flirty but clearly she wants to make an impression there, like most of us
>*neuron activation*
>can't stop looking at her
>eye of eye connection for 3 seconds
>she looks confused, probably annoyed or even scared
>pass by her a couple of times, notice she's checking my face like waiting to what I'm gonna say
>ignore her, check her only by sideways
>start doing heavy curls, notice she is staring at me
>doing some light work with legs, suddenly turn my head to the right
>staring again
>packing my stuff, wear helly hansen comfty polar (sign of money in the 3rd world shithole where I live)
>staring again

I have the power of leaness, money, own place and car but no social networks because cocoon mode and I'm in another city. barely know 5 people here.

I'm going to approach and make my point clear. wish me luck, leanbros.
with footage like that one available, I don't get why people permabulk or roid

they look fucking disgusting
Good luck son
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“If a man does not have sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can get lost in the sauce.”
― Gucci Mane
Yea more like faggot general. What a shitty thread homosexuals really do ruin everything they touch
Yeah I'm homosexual for your mother
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He looks worse roided.

The lean pill is real
You’re most likely miscounting your calories if you’ve been stalled that long. How often do you eat out? And how many liquid calories do you drink?
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>Yea more like faggot general. What a shitty thread homosexuals really do ruin everything they touch
>another phonepost image spammed by the riodtranny bloatlord
Isn't there /fph/ thread you should be seething in?
how do you even get diastasis recti as a male this bad? Must have happened in the womb or childhood right to be this fucking stretched apart.
I can't conceive of a type of body injury accident that causes diastasis recti like that in a male who looks ''neverfat'' and young.

Pregnant women get that after blowing up their stomachs bearing twins and shit. How do you get that as a young man?
I track everything in a diet app so I'm maintaining the deficit as far as I can tell. Some days I might go over by 100 or something because I measured something wrong while making my lunch I guess.

I don't eat out. The only calories I drink is a cup of milk at most a day.

I go to the gym 5 days a week as well so I'm really just lost entirely here.
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>admits to being a phonefaggot
Either newnigger zoomer who doesn't know how to post or another riodtranny seething. Keep us updated faggot :)
>u-ur seething
>spams pnone images in threads that live rent free in his head
Post body weight fatty.
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>consistently keeps thread bumped
Good to see the thread lives rent free in your head riodtranny
>still hasn't posted body weight
More like intense gays lol
>riodtranny rage
>too fat to fit in his chair
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>the average bloatlord
R-I-O-D tranny seethes
>phonenigger thinks any effort should be expended for his tranny rage
>still screeching in his huttt
SNEEDIN in sweden
bros I overdid it on the workout yesterday and had to skip today's run... it's over...
and these men who are not lean or muscular get told to cut because life starts at 12% bf, then realize they are now just skinny because they have no muscle mass, but they are too afraid to bulk because le 12% fear is instilled into them. so they stay forever small because they're too afraid of getting fat. then they post here insulting bulkers even though they're 120lbs soaking wet and could be raped by the average man with no recourse. it's fucking sad.
All of them look fine. All more aesthetic than powersharts
I've leaned out from mid 20 percent bf to around high to mid teens the last few weeks on a combination of HGH, Clen, Anavar, and a 2000-2500 kcal limit per day, plus lifting and/or bjj 6 days a week. It's lovely.
how do you get gelatasis rectum?
>I'm really just lost entirely here.
eat less or more cardio or both. sucks but there really isn't anything else to say
Am I sub 12% yet?
>thread devolves into nothing but off topic seething within first 5 posts
God I hate nu-fit so much, bring back the funny faggots like Shelby and RedditRandy
>man I hate newfags! Bring back acruslly funnt trolls like those two retards who came out in 2022!
Imagine doing a 360 reverse this bad, absolute retard , both of those faggots WERE nufit
he looks good, who is the guy in the back btw?
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>Left i a 9. Right is a 4

Dude, 30 pounds is the difference between Beta IncelCreep and chad neverDoesAnythingWrong.

Both Black and white pilled.
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Based lean bro baker.

He aint gonna give you dick. Stop saving pics of him.
you just proved his point dyel
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Why they seethe so much about us lean bros?
<lean af
>still puffy cheeks

Learn to greentext durkesh
>at the stage where one blow out weekend hides my abs and cum gutters for a whole week
i feel disgusting. christ i cant wait to get home from this wagie hellhole and do some weights
How old are you bro
This happened to me day I turned 26 kek
Thought I could stretch out the metabolism
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What can I do to get leaner?
Been stuck like this for the last year.
>cut more
I start losing muscles
>increase calorie and workout harder
I start bulking/ getting bigger.
Fuck off progress man
I'm a bit skinny fat, should I just cut right away?

Also what are some tasty cutting meals and meal preps you guys like?
>doesn’t live 48 hours a day
24 hour sisters, it’s over!
>0 progress man
Fixed that for you
Yeah its homo-y no doubt, but a great reminder of the lean aesthetic. I don't care what you fat fucks say, chicks love this shit.
Carbs are fine and you’re retarded
I've heard of parting the red sea but never seen a parting of abs irl
He would look better with more body fat because those abs are atrocious
Guys I've stopped trying to be lean, introduced carbs and caloric surplus back into my diet, got to 20% bodyfat, I'm way more energetic and I feel like I'm getting stronger every time I go to the gym now.

I liked my 4pack but I like seeing a bigger frame in the mirror more. I was too small.
Bargain bin Brad Pitt in the Bollywood remake of Fight Club, maybe.
It's a fat illusion.
>Guys I've stopped trying to be healthy, introduced carbs and caloric surplus back into my diet, got to 20% bodyfat, I'm way more unhealthy and I feel like I'm getting fatter every time I go to the gym now.
>I liked my 4pack but I like seeing a bigger belly in the mirror more. I was too much of a bitch to keep going.

Fixed it for you
these threads make powershittesr and fatties seethe so much just by existing i love them
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And the more they seethe, the more they bump the thread, the longer it lasts, and the more they have to see the lean pill as they scroll through.
Did you gain muscle while on that stack and cut?
What are you niggers eating, Just chicken everyday? What’s cheap and easier than milk and eggs. Cholesterol is just a meme right?
idk what other anons eat but I'm dyel trying to cut to escape skinnyfat and right now I've started adding 3 scoops of prot powder, also started eating canned tuna, easy 30g right there for only 140 cals, then my dinner is whatever my wife is cooking which I told her to have at least some kind of meat in it, primarily chicken
If you're actually skinnyfat then you should recomp.
Lose weight until you no longer have a pot belly but make sure you're actually lifting weights along the way.
I thought it didn't really work unless you are fat or very newbish. I'm I still don't lift heavy, but I am starting to platue so I don't know if that means I missed the window.

Also what would be the optimal calorie and macro spread? From roughly calculating, my TDEE is about 2150
fatty lamb and beef, eggs, dairy
i do not fear fat, no reason to, and need it since i don't eat much carbs.
>eat basically the same calories every day from the main meals (since I only rotate through a bunch of recipes with exact amounts and roughly the same calories)
>but also eat a lot of sweets
>put on a bit of fat over the last years, maybe 5kg or so
>decide I have to get rid of them
>keep eating the same, but eliminate all sweets down to 0
>do the same kind of cardio as before
>weight remained completely stable for the last 3 months
I am getting clowned on by my own body.
The solution is obvious, eat even less or work out more, I would have expected this to already be enough.
I am 6'5
I will never look remotely like them without drugs.
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I want to fight at heavyweight but it's extremely hard to bulk past 235. I already ate all my chips and ice cream. I guess I have like eight cookies left.

Anyway, I think I want to abstain from junk food and eat comfortable amounts of nutrient dense stuff. You know the Japanese thing where you stop eating at 80% full. I want to do that. Tired of stretching my stomach with Little Caesar's.

burger patty or small steak
2 eggs
russet potato
pint of whole milk

That's dinner, man. No mas!
Never cut from skinnyfat. Get muscles first.
Nah he's right. You're giving them terrible advice. Starting from skinnyfat is like the one place where recomp isn't a meme. You just raise your general fitness and reduce calories.
simple as
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To add it doesn't even need to be anything extreme. Calorie deficit on high protein diet until the skinnyfatties lose the love handles and visceral fat belly until they no longer look like Homer Simpson with sticks for arms. Muscle building is an absolute and because they're so weak, training on a diet will still net them muscle growth anyways.
>I thought it didn't really work unless you are fat or very newbish.
If you're actually skinnyfat you ARE fat and newbish. Most fat males unironically have more muscle than you.
i ate carbs again...
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I’m, ohhh I’m, I’m going to boomp!
How am I doing?
Mental illness
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5'10" 157 lbs
I've always been lean. Feel good man.
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does full fat milk count as lowcarb
It's around 50 grams of carbs per liter, so not really. Whole fat milk is a very even mix of fat, carbs, and protein.
This absolute fucking hottie I've been talking to just dropped that she has a boyfriend. I'd always assumed that the dude who she posts on her IG was her brother given they're never touching and he looks special needs but it turns out they're fucking. How do I approach this?

Her last text where she dropped this bombshell said, "My go to weekend with my bf if getting lunch on Sunday and going for a walk. Then going to the movies on Monday while it’s dead and then shopping."

I still want to get her out on a date and send her home to her boyfriend with my cum leaking out of her. How can I proceed??
Fuck, I love milk so much...
Those locs are boss af. Fuck mirin hard. How did you start those? Also good build.
Just keep flirting with her bro. If you're truly better than her bf, she could very well monkey branch to you. Women do shit like that pretty often
I feel fucking retarded, mate. I guess I am just not used to this kind of treatment, y'know? Last time I was single I was 22, had abs, and was conventionally attractive. If a girl had a boyfriend, she'd call them whilst we fucked, and we'd laugh at him. Now I'm a fat fuck who just got out of a decade long relationship and I don't know how to ruin women anymore.

Which of these is a better response?


That's okay, I'm not the jealous type. We should exploit our student cards before they lapse and hit up the museum this week. I'll line a work-from-home day up and ghost the office.



Haha, I rate that. My weekends look much the same. My girlfriend and I have been doing the merri-creek walk lately. It is really beautiful. I also feel you on the cheap tickets! I always line my work-from-home days up for a Monday or Tuesday and hit up Kino or the Astor for cheap tickets. Do you still have a student card? Given you're not a fan of high octane activities we could exploit the museum or NGV being free. Or, if you're keen, the merri-creek could be a fun walk to go on together. Why don't you drink alcohol btw?
Both of these sound extremely forced and awkward and I'm seriously happy I never interact with normalfags. In fact all of this sounds like mental illness.
I got lean in 2014 went from no pussy to fuckboy.
It's attractive to girls.
I myself liked the flat tummy where abs show.

That said, I don't even like my face much when I'm lean.
You get that climber or bike sport look, folded skin in your face. You're lean and go on fit and see men can also have big delts and a big chest and look good in a t-shirt because of it. You eventually bulk again.
Now I'm not at all saying don't get lean, it's a passthrough to a more athletic thing.
But LEAN doesn't actually seem to be the optimal stage to end up in - if you're not a 19yo 6'2 guy with blonde wavy hair or whatever.
Lean is necessary, but you'll not like it yourself for long. At least I don't. I like my face now more than I would if I lose 7kg
And yet you didn't post body at all. You must not like yourself still
I have to say, after doing a gigantic 20kg cut, and being close to lean, I look the best I've ever looked and women are actively chasing me whereas they didn't bat an eye before, and I am not even real "lean". I can only wonder what will happen once I reach leanness... I believe this is the correct pill for aesthetics.
Gotta start somewhere.
Cheers, boss.

I was a mong and already responded with, "Hey, that sounds great, Jade! Weekends for me usually involve exploring places like the many markets Melbourne has to offer and lately the Merri Creek—it's stunning this time of year. I'm also a fan of catching cheap films on Mondays or Tuesdays at Kino and The Astor when I work from home.

By the way, no worries about mentioning your boyfriend—I'm not the jealous type. How about we take advantage of our student cards before they lapse and visit the museum this week? I'll sort out a work-from-home day so we can enjoy it without rushing."

Then the slut said, "It seemed like you were assuming I wasn’t in a relationship"

Would it be fine to say, "Naaahhh, every hot girl is in a relationship. Aren't you hot?"?
>It seemed like you were assuming I wasn’t in a relationship

not that anon but my bet is that doors closed budeeh. Cut your losses, u got frndzoned
cut your losses

Pic related isn't her but she has one just like this on her feed, and the guy in the picture is a different skin colour / race to her boyfriend. So I assumed she was just a slut.
bitch probably just likes orbitals around her. If you were hot looking you could still get it but in your situation probably not (i feel u). If you dont really care about keeping a platonic relation with her, just say some shit like, "well I take what I want, taken or not.", It may work, may backfire. Keep me updated.
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i'm still cutting, ive fell for the "abs are made in the kitchen" meme and now i have barely any abs
or maybe i need to cut more ?
No one cares about your butch drama blognigger stfu this is the Leanpill not drama club. Thx
Fuck me, I love that line. I am going for it. Hopefully she responds tonight. Otherwise I'll make a thread tomorrow with her response lol.
It's a bit of both. But looking good
Damn, you're a real peace of shit
nice physique man, what's your height/weight/lifts?
Your abs are equally as under developed as the rest of your body. You need to lift more weights to put more muscle under your skin, there is no point of cutting more when your muscle mass is barely existent. Your whole body looks soft, just baby muscles produced recently. Recomposition is your only option. modify your split or workouts and diet to stay the same weight, but build muscle, do cardio, you look weak.
I cut too hard.

DEXA showed severe osteoporosis. T scores of -3.30 in the hip and -3.17 in the spine for anyone medicallly inclined.

Stay nutritionally covered during a suicide cut. (Is that an oxymoron?)
Ive got stronger after 2 months, my stats are 0.375/0.625/1.75/2. I want to lean bulk but fighting the cravings is imposible. Im weak, i try, I fail
I eat a lot when im anxious, I feel hungry all the time, but there is no food that I know that help me feel full. Please Please Please help me. Please. I just beed food or something that would make me feel full, i kmow i can win if I found this key food. Please.
Thank you very much!
I've had them for 7 years now.
I started it when my hair was just 1cm or so, because it's easier to do when it's short. You can get a "dreadlock sponge". They have them on ebay and amazon. Basically you just brush it against your hair in a circular motion, and it'll make the hair coil up into little sections.
You could also do the same thing with a towel when you dry your hair. Just move it in a circular motion to make little spirals in your hair.
After that, just don't brush it, and if your hair is naturally curly it'll "matte" or lock up and form into dreadlocks.

Once it gets an inch or so, you won't have to do anything to it.
I use the "freeform" method, where you just let it grow on its own, and it stays locked up all the time.
Basically to make dreadlocks, you just have to let your hair get so nappy that it stays permanently nappy and locks together.
The first part is just to get it into sections, so it doesn't all become one giant dreadlock.

I wash it few times a week, but it just takes more time because I have to let the water soak into it more, and then it takes a long time to dry, but overall I really love it.
>Stay nutritionally covered during a suicide cut.
What the fuck did you manage to do?
>(Is that an oxymoron?)
Not really, cutting is about limiting calories, as long as you don't limit snake juice ingredients for a shorter cut and essential non calorie dense nutrients for a longer one you should be fine
Sounds like a (you) problem. I have a robust enough face that looks better when lean than when fatty. Honnold is lean but he looks like a bug, it's a genetics thing
Least body dysmorphic /fit/tard
You look good king, some muscle mass can help, sure, but cutting is what you should do
How do I know if I'm just not eating enough or if I have a medical condition? I eat 2500-3000 calories per day, which is basically my physical disgust limit (could pump those numbers up by 1k easily with excessive soda/beer obviously but that's bad for you), and I've lost 20 lb in the last two years. I just run a few miles a few days per week and I am a skellington at ~155 lb 6'1". I have taken actions to add calories such as drinking whole milk instead of 2%, frying my daily eggs in bacon grease, etc. I just kept getting smaller and thinner until I leveled off around 150-155.
Should I go to the doctor or just enjoy my metabolism? I'm 35 so I always figured I would get fat by now with how much I eat. This is not a brag post. I was comfortable and attractive at ~175 and now I feel different.
>prime metabolism, probably top 1% genetics for bulking without gaining fat
>I just run a few miles a few days per week
I hate you
I'm not getting lean
how should I tailor my training and diet around striving to be lean? is 160g protein and lifting 3 days a week for someone looking to lose 100lbs? (currently 300lbs)
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Bulking is hard bros. Was closing in on a 2pl8 bench 1rm too but i couldn't keep up with eating 3800cal every single day. Just eating when hungry now and have lost 3kg. Can anyone give a BF% estimate? I'm guessing around 14/15%.

Im pretty much in the same boat as you, same height and weight. I started from like 58kg lmao and i think at this point the only way for me to grow is by nuking my metabolism and becoming ravenous by short intense cuts to make me want to eat like a fat ass to compensate, adding lean mass little by little. Either that or i stop all physical activity apart from work and lifting to lower TDEE, but that would just make me depressed sitting around for the majority of my free time.
ozempic mindbroke all the "lean is king" wankers since now every dude can be lean trivially.
>>put on a bit of fat over the last years
homeostasis gets worse the older you get. it gets harder and harder to maintain leanness.
by the time you hit 40 a carb meal will puff you out and make you retain water.
"moment on hips lifetime on hips"
>striving to be lean
you should strive to survive til your 40s goddamn, focus on dropping the weight to a normal amount for your height sustainably first THEN think about being lean
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Am I getting too lean? I've recently lost some bodyfat but was already 8-9%. I'm still eating basically the same, 3000-3500kcal a day
How do I escape this?
it's not quite "skinnyfat" since I obviously got some definition and my bf levels aren't too high, but I'm definitely not noticeably muscular either and I'm not ripped enough to be ottermode.
Pretty much my mode, too.
6'5 at 1/2/3/4 and apparently 15% bf, although no idea how accurate that measurement is.
Nothing I do really changes much about it, seems that I am stuck at this stage.
I also don't want to go much higher with my lifts since I already have sport injuries from the past and don't want to make things worse.
he does look like a bulgarian meatball, huh
If I cut down to Ethiopian mode my hips will stick out even worse, and if I dirty bulk all the fat will go to my hips making it worse.
did you fall for the recomp meme? commit to a real bulk and then a cut. Probably takes about 11 months total. Otherwise you'll get stuck in no man's land for years
Dude, you look like a road map! Mir’n.
bro turned into a manhunt villain
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Bro wtf is this you literally copied my chest insertions
Bro, you're even better than me.
At least you got better insertions than me and visible abs.
i maxed out the abdominal crunch machine for 12 reps :D
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Im 175cm with 88 kg and i eat around 500g of carba each day.

How much carbs should i eat if i wanna lose belly?

Im heavy lifting 6x per week plus doing 13km od bike 6x per week but the belly losing process is kinda slow.
Whats wrong with the guys insertions jesus christ.

Bro lookin kinda deformed..
Now post one fully clothed
Not him but I'm 5'11 but I still feel like a manlet because of my stocky torso, I think the torso has a larger growth window so I'm hoping I can get a lot taller. Being a leader of any kind will get you more pussy than any skill/talent.

its not carbs bub, it's literally as simple as calories in vs calories out. Reduce your calorie intake while trying not to reduce your protein intake and you will lose weight
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Low standards
>tfw used to be lean
>good bmi
>depression/sluggish zone
>don't even know bmi but its the second time I've been this far up
>again 100% due to living here
I wish to lose 15-20lbs by the winter, if possible.....
>pirate mode
very thick limbal rings. fertile
I put on nearly 5lbs in the last 3 days. what the fuck. this is grim
The other side of the glory hole
Disgusting hair hope that’s a wig or extensions
I read that all you need is 0.8g of protein / kg goal otherwise it hurts hour gains.
it's true, because your body assumes you're eating 0.8g of protein / kg of your goal weight, so if this makes you goal weight equal or higher than your current weight, it will make you stay the same or get heavier. simple math really
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Bros I think I just got a girlfriend, how do I loose fat really really fast?
This is what happens when you buy into the "no need to do ab isolations when you do compounds" myth btw
Starve and cardio?
500g carbs is alot even tho you're very active. I'm very lean and eat 300+ grams of carbs but I would lower your carbs and get them from oats, rice, potatoes, fruits as much as possible
Best abs excercices? I think planks are ok but crunches make my back hurt. As that guy up there I thought abs were made in the kitchen and they look funny.
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>live in midwest
>spend weekend with gf
>check /fit/ on Monday
>open /lean/
>see my selfie posted
>mfw finally made it enough to be spammed on /fit/
>Nile River of abs
>how wide abs
used to be bricks but somehow they split when i shredded
probably just need to add more mass to them
thanks for the rent free space bro
hypertrophy your abs and they will poke through
spamming body weight squats does not build quads
why would it build abs?
Solid foundation though
vascular core is ultimate sign of lean
cardio brobro
had to check if this was the same dude
stay with it bro
>lose fat for gf really fast
bike rides and no sugar

as always,
WAGMI bros
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Pretty lean right now, feels like life has only just started. Once I put on 10-15 kg of muscle I’ll be unmoggable
You could paddle a canoe through those abs.
I ate too much AGAIN, fuck. I seriously need to start starvemaxxing again
Year apart. Late 20s
Think I’m around 72kg here at 182cm
Might maintain I’m happy with current Fizeek bros
Best general here. Wishing luck to all of you working towards your goals
Clearly natty.
I'm 182cm and 86kg. I just need to lose some god damn weight and I'll look peeled
Update, i think i lost about 8kg since my first pic which I'll post next. What bf am i? My watch says 15
Pic from 6ish weeks ago
Face on
Ffs, face on
What's your workout?
Honestly, mostly sex with men, I'm gay for pay an grinder and I'm fucking like 6x a day. I just do a bit of bodyweight at the weekend
>triggering the gay rightoids by putting a blue dot over your penis
Not fat but not lean either.
Definition of skinnyfat
How long do you fuck?
I mean I fuck for 2 minutes and I'm spend and wouldn't even want to think of sex.
As long as it takes, generally 30-45 minutes. These faggots really want their money's worth
How does this work?
Take cialis?
I just make it clear I'm only fucking for money. I meet, get paid, fuck, then off to the next one. I make a killing but have no energy, it takes a lot of willpower. Once a day would be ideal but i want more money
Idk if I should get lean enough for Muh abs. I think too much abs is ugly.
Gotta keep bumping it for more seething

Is this thread dead? Can i get a reply
Hey anons, regardless of the answer I'll continue to lose weight but can I still get a somewhat decent looking body if I lose all my weight but have been fat LITERALLY all 21 years of my life? If not oh well.
Only if you lift
its a nigger so you know its rubbed in shit
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bf percentage estimate?
I don't think I can pull off the leanpill look as a 5'8 manlet.
I'm not that guy but when I get that lean I have haggard hollow cheeks, that shit is grim.
How the fuck am I supposed to eat a gram of protein for pound? I'm cutting at around 1500 calories but I weight close to 180 lbs.

Any recipe ideas that isn't just protein powder?
chatgpt bots have infiltrated /fa/
Nice work bro, keep going
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6'1 and have only done bodyweight + cardio

What do? Feel like I'm stuck here and I've gained a little weight since this pick

I literally eat less than 1500 calories a day and run Mon-Fri

How do I gain without getting fat?

post pics, you sound like you have body dismorphia

there's no way you're at 1/2/3/4 and look like this >>74748378
if so, strength training is a fucking meme and it's stopping me from wasting money on a gym membership
You only really need .75g/lb, doesn't have to be strictly 1g/1lb
Chicken, turkey, eggs, ground beef, tuna, greek yoghurt, oats, nuts and seeds are your friends
There are many recipes with protein powder other than a shake, btw
Whey powder + cocoa + oats + flower + milk + egg + heat = protein brownie

Get creative, discovering and cooking food that's high in protein but also tastes good is a fun hobby
>Whey powder + cocoa + oats + flower + milk + egg + heat = protein brownie
substitute bananas for sugar and throw on some peanut butter and nuts like almonds on that mf and you have at least 60g of protein per portion plus high energy at low calories

literally the snack of the gods
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>/lean/ protein shake
pic related
coffee and sugar free protein powder
add some stevia and you're set
skinless chicken and lettuce fat boy
eat to your heart's content
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Me at my leanest, what would you say my BF% was ?
215 there
6'1 goalz
You look 13%
Whats your routine? How long did it take?
today's food so far
>breakfast: coffee with a tiny bit of cream
>lunch: strawberries, a couple slices of watermelon, a handful of roasted potato slices and carrots, a handful of smoked salon, 1/2 cup of 2% milk
how did I do so far? I think skipping dinner could be nice but even if I have dinner as long as I don't pig out I should be good
Thanks man
And no not natty- TRT, 200mg/wk test.
I am a BJJ athlete so its basic strength and conditioning work and a lot of cardio from jiu jitsu.
Nothing crazy.
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>And no not natty- TRT, 200mg/wk test.
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>start doing cardio from nothing
>just hit 5k for the first time last week
>abs are visible when they never have been before
>feel great, look incredible
I can't believe I listened to tubby powersharters on this board for so long
I am fat.
I want to get LEAN as FAST as possible.
What crazy ass diet can I do?
Optimally I would need to lose 100 pounds to be lean. Id love to be lean by Christmas.
roidin for that kek
Really roiding for athletic performance. Not looking to look like a bodybuilder.
It's how I make a living man
I'm below 200lbs for the first time in my adult life. What the fuck am I supposed to wear? I have like $500 I can spend on clothes but I don't even know where to start.

I looked at /fa/ but it's as opaque to me as /mlp/.
you a pro athlete brah?
100 by Christmas will be a pretty serious stretch. Shoot for 50 and take it seriously. Make a spreadsheet of the shit you eat in a week and see if you can eat at a 1000 calorie deficit.

I believe in you, homie.
I get less attention from girls now that I'm leaner kek
I look better shirtless but very flat in clothes
>look better shirtless
get shirts that fit
don't swim in your clothes
shoulder seams should fit the center of your delts
pants should fit your waist
H&m, grailed, ebay, thrift stores, you don't have to get used clothing but it can give you inspiration.
you have to change your wardrobe gradually or you risk getting shit you don't know how to style, getting plain old retarded shit, feeling uncomfortable in your clothes, and looking like a retardo. Given that you were obese I would start with just some jeans that fit your new size and some t-shirts. fuckin thrift them too, you'll save money and won't support the fast fashion jew, plus if you lose more weight you won't have wasted money.

Once you have a new (to you) wardrobe that actually fits your new body, then you can think about what sort of styles interest you. One piece at a time works best IMHO. Like say you have your plain jeans and shirts, you get a single item that moves in the direction you want to take your style, but that still works with your current outfits. A polo shirt or an oxford can replace a t shirt but can still work with jeans. A pair of GATs or something can replace regular autist sneakers if you wear those but can also work with something a little more fashion-forward. Over time you'll figure out what you like and by doing it gradually you give yourself time to figure out what you actually want
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bros I am 5'5" and 130lbs (pls no bully) and I'd estimate myself at maybe 15%bf or very slightly less. I can see my ribs and my abs are just starting to maybe have the slightest shape below the fat. How long would it take me to cut down to 10%bf or to achieve something close to picrel? I know it's probably dumb to compare with a sculpture but this as a manlet would basically be my ideal physique.

Where I live it's still warm into october so I'd have time to enjoy being lean and then when it actually gets cold I would probably do a lean bulk.

But how long would it take me to cut this far and what sort of stuff should I be doing? I'm currently trying to stay below 1200 calories a day plus lifting a few times a week and cardio most days. Some days I mess up but on my worst day recently I had 1900 calories. My TDEE is about 1700 calories if I'm sedentary, which I am not.

Any advice is appreciated
Thanks, boys.
so new day leanbros, qt personal trainer here we go. guess what happened

>packed gym
>lifting, minding my business
>leanpill plus cialis equals sick pump
>also jaw gains from leaness
>realize next to me the was some ugly bald roidnigger manlet
>paid no attention because lolmanlets
>they guy actually yelled, insulted and tried to assault me because I was lifting next to him (lol probably schizo)
>had to man up, put him in his place and defend myself because i'm not a little bitch
>some dyel gym staff arrived
>realize I wasn't gonna win this one but fuck, no ugly bald roidnigger manlet is gonna beat me
>use the "do you know who I am?" and "lol ur a broke ass loser" card
>noticed how both the manlet and the gym staff got butthurt. badly.
>realize I was getting framed so fuck it
>move my head
>the very same qt personal trainer next to us, watching the entire ordeal.
>just laugh at the situation meanwhile the other two dudes were seething
>keep lifting there because fuck him I win, throwing him some banter
>manlet went total silent and then dissappeared
>fast forward
>leaving gym
>the gym staff guy said "goodbye, anon"
>he actually said my name, the creepy fucker

the thing is: the chick kept staring me after the whole incident. it's like she didn't even cared. or worse, she actually liked it. still, I'm getting my money back from that shitty gym and no pussy is gonna stop me from not going back. I wish I was making this up.
no problem anon
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Just a daily reminder that WAGMI
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If you are serious then.. OMAD Carnivore. And don't drink anything on the fasting hours.

The fat will melt, your health will PEAk, but the first month will be hard.
she obviously thought you were an idiot, god this is why all of you are single.
Cardio is the cure?
You have some muscle but are still just skinny-mode. If you cut you'll just look like a total DYEL.

Commit to a real bulk for 9 months, then cut for 3-4 months and you should look great
So many men go from average to chad face just by dropping from 25 BF% to 12%

Face gains alone are worth it
>real bulk
I don't understand the reply. A little bit too thin to my taste, but would.
>The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected
How accurate and applicable is this?
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This is where I need to be.
/lean/ breakfast at work
If you're gonna eat fat or carbs, do it in the morning
Give your body a chance to burn the calories
No midnight snacks
>cafe bustelo
why is this slop espresso being pushed so hard? it tastes so bad.
just take a caffeine pill instead
Does this help in knowing what I can work on?
start eating food, starving yourself with 1500kcal while doing cardio 5x a week is not gonna work. I eat at least 3400kcal a day at 6´1 with 300+g carbs and I'm way leaner than you
>muh DYEL
go back to /cbt, not everyone is a bodybuilder/has body dysmorphia
Yes but light. Jog at like 5.5 mph on treadmill for as long as you can, no running
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I'm so happy I took the leanpill. I wasn't overweight at all but I went from 170 lbs to 150 (20% bf to pic related) and honestly it was night and day. The female attention I receive quadrupled. I notice people try to gain my approval (including dudes) and everyone is always nice to me. I know a lot of people don't like him but it was Greg Doucette (and Scooby too) who made me realize I didn't need to permabulk in order to get strenght. I was obsessed with getting bigger and that just made my face look much worse than it could. The worst part is I wasn't even fucking fat, I just went from average dude body fat to leaner, and I'm not even super lean.
This, running outside it is very hard to not go moderate pace, which is too stressful for ideal weight loss. Running slow on the treadmill feels much more natural.
I have those at 19% bf
I feel blessed
kek sure thanks for the laugh tho
Face and skin are top priority for women. If your body fat is too low and test too high your skin will lose the suppleness. Your face will look much older than you are like you are radiated. If you are naturally good at keeping fat then you might go lower with body fat and still retain youthful look.
Why no running?
Light cardio for a long time burns fat, running for short time burns carbs/sugars. Keep your heart rate low. That's not to say that running doesn't burn fat, but for most people that are working out casually and doing heavy weight training the ideal is light cardio. You should be able to carry a conversation during the first several minutes of your jog at least
High intensity cardio can impact your muscle recovery much more than low intensity. If you want to get better at running then go for it but most of us are bodybuilders that just want to burn fat
Extremely retarded question, but how do you eat more at a deficit without gaining fat after making a lot of progress?
I feel full even with this level of calories and when I force myself to eat more I just end up gaining more fat, that a symptom of crashed metabolism?
I see what you're saying, though. What kind of diet adjustments do you suggest?

>I eat at least 3400kcal a day at 6´1 with 300+g carbs and I'm way leaner than you
Metabolisms vary. I'm also focused more on cardio than resistance training. You must be lifting big to eat that much and stay lean, I'm also only reaching 4.5km run at this point, too. What's your routine and typical diet like?
Could help if you posted pics, brah
FYI I'm bodyweight training 3xweek

I start with 4 reps and build up to 12 after reaching new movement progression, reps until failure of last set

3x10 elevated push up
3x1m15s elevated plank
3x11 elevated pike push up
3x45s isometric hold in the elevated pike position

ordered a dip bench for dips and leg raises
thinking of adding pull ups

pic is 2.5 months progress from being skinny fat, wish I had pics so my shit doesn't seem entirely pointless
Near perfect physique
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Guys I’m fat. I want to be lean, I’ll do anything. Cooking up a bunch of chicken now and made a bunch of rice. Upped my steps to 10k+ a day this week going strong. At 285 now, 6’1, need to lose 85lbs. Can and have fasted in the past, did a 7-day feb 1st and was down to like 270 rehydrated. Been eating like crazy ever since. Need some motivation lads. If there’s anything else I can be happy about it’s that my life is nearly perfect aside from my current physical condition. Thank you bros and may good luck shine on you all
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>I want to be lean, I’ll do anything. Cooking up a bunch of chicken now and made a bunch of rice
>I want to be lean
>Cooking up a bunch of chicken now
>I want to be lean
>Lads i want to be lean so I'm cooking a fuck ton of food and going to do the bare minimum walking for a human

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>a lardassed firefighter
Many such cases.
You guys against meal prepping or? What should I cook you think?

Just a dispatcher
You should cook less for one and ditch the rice for broccoli, ketofags notwithstanding rice is high in empty calories.
Mealprepping is fine but your immediate response to losing weight is cooking food and that mentality is gonna keep you fat
Ok, I will start doing just chicken and broccoli and drop the rice, thank you. Also, I think it was just bad timing haha I decided 4 days ago to make a big change and I still have to cook for my family of 5 daily. That moment sitting at the grill was one of my few times I can read and post during the day!
Don't eat any carbs, you need to teach your body how to burn fat, also fat/protein is more filling.
We're the same height and weight. I plan on going for a cut to about 12-13% BF for 6 weeks to trim a bit of fat and get back some facial gains then go on a gaining phase.
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>lost 25kg since the start of the year
>finally have visible abs for the first time in my life
I'm not even gonna start gaining myself until the weather actually gets cold. Last year even in november it was in the 70s most days. It only gets colder in the new year and then I'll start mostly clean bulking with a few dirty days here and there.

6 weeks looks like it'll also be about how long I would need to drop down to 12%. It feels a bit longer than I would hope but the time will pass anyway, I better make sure I'm lean by then instead of still fat.
Went to see Deadpool (9/10) and managed to reject pizza, popcorn or soda with the boys.

This shit better be worth it.
I realized that it's way easier for me to eat in the evening and that once I eat in a day it's easier for me to eat more, so I kind of have to just skip breakfast and lunch by default
if I have even a small breakfast or lunch it activates my stomach or something and then I'm easily able to blow past my target by dinner
bump wtf
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you've never had sex
I browse this general to try and find a good workout/diet plan to follow
Mirin hard
ty fren

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