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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is this actually unpopular?
>what kind of tattoo do you want?
>just let everyone around me know that I'm a gay bottom
>ok gotcha
>I want a tattoo but my agent says it has to be small so it's easy to photoshop out.
and whats wrong with being gay bottom exactly?
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Can someone explain to me why you would shave your chest but leave a treasure trail and hair around your nipples
Homosexuality is a sin
Ahhh...so it makes sense why he hides his face.
he’s gay so it’s not like that’s your competition
His name is C.P. Whiteman wtf
>Homosexuality is a sin
those are some judgmental words coming from a guy meticulously looking at other guys chest and naval
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Is reading /fit/ approved?
No I don't approve of peacocking unless you're a real big funnyman like Big Lenny or Dick Piano
Quote from the beginning of the book from the author “Through much of my life I’ve suffered terribly from sexual dysfunction, and I know all too well the humiliation, anxiety, and despair of not being able to satisfy a woman. If anything, this book was written in the sincere hope that other men might develop effective “sexual habits”—ones that will enable them, along with their partners, to suffer less than I have, or perhaps not at all.”
>twink in username
Who cares what faggots think
>page one
Fake readers are so annoying
literally just do cardio dude
most men ITT with prem. ejaculation or can't get it up are just men with zero cardiovascular endurance who gas out holding a plank position for 1 min. Just do more cardio retards. You want to be a guy who fucks for an hour but you don't even consider it takes being the guy that could jog or ride a bike for an hour. You're all a bunch of brain dead idiots, must be the lack of blood flow to the brain.
Who ordered the yappuccino
stay out of shape, unsatisfying and unsatisfactory then retard. I guess lifting weight is all you're good for. You're like those bodybuilders in physical 100 who get dropped in the first few events bc they have to hold something as simple as a deadhang for more than 30s or run 500m in small back and forths.

You have sexual problems but you will literally do anything but fix your cardio endurance and work on holding any type of position or effort for more than a 1 minute set. KEK you're playing yourself.
You created an imaginary guy to get mad at
Nah you're him clearly. You post a quote and don't even want to converse on the matter. Either the quote resonated or you wanted to make fun of it. I oblige and continue on the subject, but you clam up instantly.
So how many minutes of cardio do you do a week? And how long can you actually hold during sexual intercourse? Or did you just post that and have really nothing to say about the quote ? Make up your mind retard.
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I want a tattoo of a butt; with a butt tattooed on it. And I want it on my butt.
ah so you're one of those fat Nicokado fags I see. I don't suck cock. Forgive me I forgot that this was the fat faggot general seeing as you're all discussing your dream bodies being that of a skinny twink. A lapse of judgment on my part. You're probably the fat bottom so you're used to starfishing and not doing any type of exercise. Good luck on your journey I don't think you will make it.
Implying the page matters. Anyone holding a physical copy is a fake reader. I go through 900 pages a week, you think I can afford physical copies? Normies just want to collect bookshelf ornaments to show off to other normies, they don’t learn anything. Possible exceptions for library books.

What's right with it? Ass-parasite-having faggot.
I forgive you for being gay. No one is perfect
Nice job reading romantic novels and faggot stories loser.
Who the fuck even reads paperback books anymore? I download a shit ton of books and read on my tablet.
real iPad baby
You’re agreeing with @revivedtwink
Consider this for a moment
4chan pages are not real pages
Most men born after 1995 are bisexual
No u
I barely touch fiction, I read economics and philosophy. I have worked through some of the /lit/ 100. Honestly I am just shit posting, I don’t even really consider reading a hobby of mine in of itself, my hobby is hating communists and that lends itself to a lot of reading. I still consider physical copies to be a vicious joke though.
I never said all I said most, why do you feel targeted?
>4chan pages are not real pages
my wife says this
900 pages a week of that? Yeah whatever
Shut it faggot
All the volumes of the gulag archipelago is like 3500 pages
And you read that shit every week just to hate communists? Cringe.
This. Sex is basically just cardio plus dick size. Obviously there’s nothing you can do about your dick size (at least without risking breaking your manhood) so the ability to move quickly for hours is mastered.
Only from hardcover books and inside a library.
No, it's a reddit reference
they've got a subreddit where people state their "unpopular opinions", but they're actually popular opinions and they just want people to agree
Me reading Robert E. Howards Conan stories in a beach surrounded by females
>900 pages of philosophy and economic theory a week
name the last 5 philosophy books youve read
That's the only hair the permaboy grows and he isn't tasteful enough to realize how gross it looks and shave it. That build looks like a fucking FTM troon. I feel bad for anyone who think that looks fit.
You have failed to be a man, you need to kill yourself
You are actually correct, thanks for the reality reminder since I've been neglecting that part of being fit for years.

Do not listen to the other crabs
imaginary crabs you made up in your head
Why would you look at this photo and think he shaved his chest? He has hair between his pecs. Could it be that it's just where he naturally grows hair? Did you ever think of that?
Do not listen to the other *retards on 4chan who don't know fuck about shit*.
She will enjoy it 100x more if theres actual foreplay even if your dick works
The difference is huge
I find it a lot harder to read on an electronic page, whenever I can i buy the physical copy. If its something I want to re read or be able to quickly reference, I definitely want the physical. Also, it may have been a gift from his gf, and when youre gifting a book you gift an actual book.
“unpopular opinion” is “i know body stuff is touchy subject for twittards, but…”
Women do not orgasm without either direct or indirect clitoral stimulation, hammering with endurance really doesnt do much
If she gets tired before you're done, good chance they overplay how good it is so you finish
What does improving your cardiovasc have to do with premature ejaculation? serious question.

>t. premature ejaculator
one could argue her sexual attraction towards you factors in more than whatever nonsense you read in a book
The guy parroting “homosexuality is a sin” doesn’t think much at all.
Perfect build. You don't need much more than that. Getting all giant n shit is retarded and a massive cope for manlets and lanklets with small dicks. Women don't even give a fuck about how much mass you have as long as you're triangular
She's not going to cum just looking at you no matter how attractive you are, yoiu being very attractive makes it easier because she will be more aroused
Absolutely nothing. The post is retarded.

Been boxing twice a week and swimming once a week for two years. Got very respectable conditioning. And yet

> t. premature ejaculator

At least for me, it's psychological. There's a paragraph about this in "Models" by Mark Manson (Okay-ish book) where he says that PE and ED are both caused by the very same thing: Not being used to sexuality. And I can certainly say that's the case for me.
That's why you use a vibrator on her clit while you fuck her. She will orgasm every time
>not getting brain gains as well

>I only read real books like How to win friends and Atomic Habits
Faggot nigger YWNR true readcels don’t care about your „high“ literature
He's on the very first page of a book about how to eat a chick out. "Brain gains" is very, very generous.
Uh oh, someone's pp doesn't go boing boing...perhaps have you tried prostate massages using a hunky hairy muscle chad's cock?
Ever got fucked in the ass and had a prostate "orgasm," where you feel like peeing/shitting? It's exactly what women experience when their orgasm. It's a great overwhelming feeling, pure bliss.
>gf gifts you a tutorial on how to please women

kek, don't think its that much of a gift
for a second I thought I was on /x/ and misread "dream build" as some sort of advanced esoteric ritual like "woah whats dream building"
I want to respect women but when they fall for these kinda pictures it's just so hard man
REading in public is the gayest and most pathetic "LOOK AT ME!" mommy didnt give me enough attention shit ever.
>b-but I like the fresh air
no you dont, you like being perceived by strangers as an "intellectual" and are too consumed with being seen to even read and retain anything from the book.
Any excuse to loiter in public without looking weird is good. More occasions to meet people.
Are you supposed to shave your body?
I doubt he shaves. Look at his little chest patch. Likely he can't grow body hair most zoomers
Cool, but my question still stands.
I'm pretty hairy and maybe it simply doesn't look too hygienic...
>angry faggot comic reader
>the last 5
Really depends on what you count as a philosophy book, but if you just want me to drop some big names, phenomenology of spirit, antichrist, thus spake zarathustra, fundamental principles of the metaphysics of morals, studies in pessimism are all hifalutin philosophy books I went through recently, if you count ayn rand and mises and hoppe or various libertarian political philosophers like bastiat and mill and spooner I have read some of those recently too. I am mostly interested in arguing with communists and that decides most of what I read so I have read some communist literature as well including capital volume 1, david graeber, richard wolff, which is why I went through phenomenology even though I didn’t get much out of it besides slappin metaphors. Marxists and marx himself break away from dialectics when it suits them anyway so it was probably a total waste of time. My interest is primarily ethics but I would like to get into wittgenstein at some point so I can feel like more of an expert on epistemology if I ever have to explain hoppes argumentation ethics.
You deserve the bullet, you utter cretin. Disgusting little creature.
I've never had sex with a woman but I can confirm this is sound advice for fellow quickshots. Whenever I fuck my sex doll I go at it for a minute or two and immediately cum then after regaining my erection I can go at it for 30-45 minutes until I cum again. The longest I've gone was 1 hour 40 minutes of standing doggy style without breaks
Noooo stop doing that you're uh uh insecure and uh attentionwhore!
Fucking butt is gay but not as pathetic as being fucked by a dick, the romans figured it out and they were massive fags
However awful I am as long as there are leftists around I will not be the worst
why do gay men always have long eyelashes
Does her mindset play a role during the intercourse? Because when I let her on top of me and start hammering really hard without a condom until I cum inside her always finishes, at least 90% of the time. Also at the beginning of the relationship she didn’t even want to give me blowjobs now she craves them and goes to do it first
>Not power bottom
im the anon u replied to
good job, keep at it if not larping
Anyone who lifts can easily hold a one minute plank
All that you nonlifters reveal is your cluelessness when you say stuff like this
If women don't care then there's no downside to getting bigger, right? So you can get bigger then mog the guy in intramale competition plus be generally stronger and more capable
>mog the guy in intramale competition
you'd only care about mogging, or competing in that sense if you're insecure about your own dick, so pass
>plus be generally stronger and more capable
you don't need to be huge to be strong and capable
Anons replying to this post like reading 900 pages a week is insane. When I got very into a certain fantasy series I read about 1000 pages in a day, granted it was by no means high lit and I was in 5th grade so I had plenty of free time
>what's wrong with being the epitome of degeneracy
Among incels, yes.
Checked, it's over for zoomers
Based actual reader anon
>not reading picture books, a compilation joke book or funny anecdotes.
Avoid faggotmaxxing
damn you must have lots of friends
>"speed reads" on a computer
you did not read
i like to trim personally. it makes my body look better than long chest hairs. it depends how your body hair looks and your weight. a thin body looks better shaved, but a bulkier body looks better hairy imo
I'm looking to become leaner and I guess I'm few kilograms to get abs, so I think I will trim. Thanks!
I only read physical books, the e-jew is not going to get me anytime soon.

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