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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Dastard Dietarians who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74734020
I'm corpulent
to the nigga who said "why dont you go for a walk for 30-60 min and eat normal tomorrow"

i cant be bothered, also its freezing cold here
Why trully do I feel guilty after eating pizza?
I shouldn't, I just eat 2 slices.
i diet on frozen california pizza kitchen lol. its ulillillia tier but ill degrease them and eat them everyday.
I've noticed sometimes I feel guilty just for enjoying food when it's perfectly healthy and within my deficit
Have to be mindful to nip that in the bud
Lingering shame about old fatass behaviors even if they don't apply anymore
I had two slices last night when visiting parents and had a stomach ache afterwards. No good eh
I will have bread today
I know I shouldn't
I will just fast tomorrow
Pizza tastes good but since I've started tracking protein I can't enjoy pizza since it's mostly just bread and always want more than I allow myself
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Im back, Back up a few pounds since my last check in but this is fine. Lost good weight last time eating super clean but fucked up my asshole by shitting out rocks for 6mths. The only way I found to fix it was go back to eating slop for a little while. So it begs the question, what will I do different this time round. I was an all or nothing kinda guy, eat slop every day and put on 150bs to eating chicken potato and veg until I lost 100lbs. Does /fat/ have any solid diet theories. I will probably do either
>Eat clean for 6 days a week and plan a decent cheat meal one night a week to help keep things moving
>Eater clean but leave in bread and orange juice and eat fattier meats like chicken thigh and fattier ground beef, full cream milk
>Add in a fiber supplement daily to help keep things moving.
Ill still use MFP and track my cals as it helps me stay on mission.
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get some keto bread. few carbs, a bunch of protein, some fat, but not saturated.
I'm using Carbonaut Plant-Based Seeded Bread nowadays, it's good for sandwich, salmon toasts, or to dip into a partially cooked egg, or just into some olive oil.
So it's a lot like bread. Just less guilty.
Good option
I hope I can find it
I like to stay strict for 4 weeks and then do a cheat meal. I take 2-4 weeks off at maintenence every 10 weeks. Big tip is if youre going nuts with hunger, go 200 calories over your limit using filling healthy foods like fruits or turkey sandwiches. Try to keep that to a minimim, but dont feel bad when it happens. It will stave off the urge to binge.
Is coffee good for you? No, I really mean it. I drank a large cup of black coffee after waking up for two days in a row and achieved absurd results that I have major doubts over and which continued into tonight. I couldn't even sleep last night, it took until after 5 AM, my mind was on high alert and I don't even have any major stressors in my life.
Some people are just really sensitive to caffeine
It's not bad for you as long as you don't overdo it (they say 400ml max give or take), but it is known to cause anxiety if you're not used to it or have it and then try to relax instead of channeling it into high focus or energy
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Tell me straight, how much more to go for visible abs?
> went to the gym tonight
> they closed early
Why does the universe keep stealing my gains?
They're already showing somewhat but the paunch is still there. Unfortunate fat distribution. It can be fixed though.
why cant you be bothered? Whose been stealing your mental gains?
Coffee is an amazing nootropic, but you need to work your way up to dangerously awesome levels.
Start with small amounts in the morning, and make sure you can sleep easily at night before bumping it up.
I drink 16oz of black coffee every morning ( ~= 200mg of caffeine), it's probably near the optimal range for most people, plus or minus 8oz, but you should start with less than half of that.
Yeah im starting to not trust the caffeine bros. Been taking 200mg worth of caffeine in the form of these for a few weeks before workouts and I end up waking up with a fast heart rate and ive been fatigued as fuck. I can drink 400mg of caffeine in coffee with no adverse effects.
I used to drink soft drinks daily, but have almost entirely given them up in the past 5 weeks, with a handful of exceptions for special occasions. I never had issues with coffee in the past even though I would notice its effects compared to something like Pepsi. But even so, I wouldn't expect to see such a radical difference in output. I feel like I can't trust my calorie counter while exercising anymore because the leaps are far too large. I can't just go from struggling to average 11.5 calories a minute for an hour to averaging 14.6 calories a minute for two hours without anywhere near as much difficulty. My improvement before this was far more gradual.
>fucked up my asshole by shitting out rocks for 6mths
Lol I'm starting to get hemorrhoids now too
Need to go but fiber pills, thought I was getting enough from vegetables but the butthole doesn't lie
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In the form of *these
go buy*
Bros.. changing my diet and working out has made me extremely horny and I want a girlfriend so bad, and there's no prostitutes where I live either, at least not that I know of and I don't drink so I can't go to bars ahhhhh
I'm not really familiar with preworkout rituals, but I guess you could just drink a cup of joe before your workouts, if you think you need the caffeine. Or is that too boring?
Make bulletproof coffee by adding butter or MCT oils.
Black coffee is 0 calories, 0 sugar, and can accelerate your metabolism and digestion. Not eating before working out will cause your body to prioritize existing fat for energy rather than the food you've been digesting. If you drink black coffee about an hour before working out, you can burn your fat with an accelerated metabolism and without the drawbacks of eating shortly before a workout like cramps.
Remember to get on Ozempic if you are serious about losing weight.
fuck off with your pharma slop
If I ate one of these would I fuck myself over tremendously
Go to church and find Jesus.
I never understood the appeal.
My coffee has 20g of collagen peptides, 5g of creatine and 10g of cocoa powder, just as God intended.
I should come up with a cool name for this brew.

Boil a cup of water, open the ramen packaging, throw away the filthy pasta, and pour the salt flavorings in the cup of water. There. All the flavor, none of the sins.
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Fatty Contest
110.3 kg
178 cm

I’m happy, brothers. I am lifting heavy weights with a PPLx program, doing cardio for 30-35 mins after lifting, tracking my calories and macros. I think this is it. I’m in the most disciplined period of my life to lose weight. I’ll go down to two-digits in this leg, let’s fucking go!!
Ozempic was created by an Aryan pharmaceutical company to save humanity from the Jewish slop industry. Begone Schlomo, your corn syrup has no power here.
Yes, and I think you would also fuck yourself over tremendously by not going to the nearest pharmacy and buying Ozempic pens.
Don't give him (You)s
Fatty Contest
Irrevocably denounce the Talmud of your own volition immediately.
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i love this nootropic preworkout. works great with an espresso. maybe its placebo, but it definitely improves my mood when i take it.
From my understanding, the appeal is to keep you full and energized by keeping you in a ketogenic state. Mostly used for intermittent fasters, which I assume most of /fat/ is doing.
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Denounce china as an illegitimate state, chink
Congrats man. For me i'm doing the opposite, running 30 minutes then doing SS for 45-60minutes.
I haven't been tracking my calories, I really should be, but I had to 'reset' my metabolism so I can get past this plateau which required me to eat more than what I was originally cutting at 1300kcal.
OK, I denounce China utterly and declare that it is an illegitimate state. Now you go.
Filthy nazi. Hate has no place here
Hate for Jews has a place everywhere men are free.
Im going to try this wizard brew bro, looks like everything I need in a beverage.
Fatty Contest
Thanks brother. If I do cardio first it affects my lifts. 1300 kcal seems too low what’s your TDEE?
That’s a witch potion brother, don’t let her fool you.
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also, the world would be a better place if he had gotten them all
It says here
>The estimated TDEE or body weight maintenance energy requirement is 3,621 Calories per day.
And for extreme weight loss it's
>2,621 kcal daily
Maybe I should recount my calories, because today I definitely ate bigger than normal since I picked up a roast chicken. But when I was counting my calories last week it was around 1300kcal, and that included small stuff like cooking methods + additional fats like olive oil and butter if I used it.
Man, I ate 600 calories of snacks yesterday. I could've had an extra 500-600 kcal deficit if I didn't. Now my deficit was only about 500 kcal.
Imagine your deficit if you didn't eat anything.
>I could've had an extra 500-600 kcal deficit if I didn't.
but you would have been hungrier and maybe snapped and eaten a non-controlled meal

just plan ahead, if your plan involves snacks and it's working for you that's fine, but if these are unplanned snacks you're being a retard
Yeah I’d bump it to at least 1800 kcal.
1800kcal? Shit. That's gonna be tough. I guess I can look into drinking my calories.
>day 8 of taking weight loss seriously again (lost like 15kg last year over 3 months, then stopped worrying, gained 5kg back)
>lost 3.5kg already
i know it's mostly water weight at this point but feels good anyway
>Have one single binge day last night for the first time in 3 weeks
>Scale goes up 4lbs
Surely not?
fatty contest
78.6 kg
17% bf, 12% is in sight
I rarely feel hungry. I do notice decreased performance sometimes when I don't eat though.
I usually eat out of habit, because it's available or because it feels good to eat. If delicious snacks are around then I eventually gravitate towards eating them. And these days I'm around snack bowls all day.
I would lose muscle mass faster.
Wonder why evolution was retarded enough to make us store fat if it's not going to use it in periods of famine and instead it's going to handicap us from getting our next meal by making us lose muscle instead. Oh wait, evolution isn't retarded, it's you who are. We don't lose muscle any quicker on a fast than we do on a caloric restriction, retard.
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So what's the deal with polyunsaturated fats. I see people going feral arguing about this shit. I ask because I've been doing keto and fasting to lose weight and have been eating almost exclusively saturated fat and monounsaturated fat (meat and olive oil) and I don't want to put myself at higher risk of heart disease.
Like virtually anything else it doesn't really matter unless you eat excessive amounts of it
>I do notice decreased performance sometimes when I don't eat though.
fatty cope, ngmi
Just eat healthily motherfucker.
What is healthy eating? Please my parents taught me nothing and I sent trust the government
How come people don't end up ripped after their fasts then?
You can ignore him. It's some reddit troll that comes here to sabotage people.
Fatty Contest
Butterbrot is expensive.
>Black bread (38g): 90.7 kcal
>Butter (6g): 43 kcal
>Ham (13g): 16.3 kcal
>2 slices of cheese (34g): 116.3 kcal
Total: 266.3 kcal

You eat two of them and it's 532.6 kcal. At least they have 27.3g of protein.
Scale didn't go down. Me go sad.........
Mine went up. Yesterday 95.6 kg. Today 96.3 kg.
Me sad.
People do.
Go for fresh foods, including vegetables. Moderate amount of meat. Fish if it's not too expensive. And good bread (made by a baker or home-made).
Add dairy and eggs.
Drink mostly water.
Cook in butter or olive oil.
There you go. Healthy living.
Probably it does indeed work, but I bet it's overpriced with all these fancy extra ingredients being an excuse.
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle
Fatty contest
190.4 lbs
>happy on the days i get to work on my arms and shoulders
>so uninterested and bored by squats, rows, situps, etc that i end up skipping those days sometimes
how do u guys get over this shit?


watch vids like this for motivation
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>watching ghetto trash is supposed to be motivational
>Never lifted in my life before
>4 weeks of lifting so far
>Felt my chest activating for the first time
Impressive progress brother. You make it look easy.
ok so i am probably retarded but hear me out

my biggest issue with calorie counting (that stims from lack discipline) is that i eat when im board. so im thinking about buy tictac's as something that basically tricks my brain into "see you ate while bored" without adding too many calories
>Not too many calories
>2cal per tic tac
>Pure sugar
I do this but with diet soda
>Weight stalled all week long
Will i whoosh soon?
Fatty Contest
Thanks boss
Honestly I've not had much difficulty with it, it's just been weaponised autism, a 1000 kcal deficit, CICO, occasional gym and high protein the whole time, but the loose skin situation could be better
My arms were loose at first but they've firmed out now, loose skin around the legs and chest isn't amazing but I just wear my jeans higher on my body
i keep a few jars of pickles for this purpose
>Stop drinking and start eating better
>Back inflamation goes away
I feel like a new man
Who makes these?
i literally started with im probably retarded, also do you have an alternative cause if not this doesnt help
trying to quit soda
i dont think ive had pickles in years ill have to try some
>also do you have an alternative cause if not this doesnt help
A bag of lettuce
A bag of carrots
Literally anything that isn't pure sugar slop
being an extremist doesn't help
it's just tic tacs. unless you're eating like 3 boxes a day it's unlikely to hurt
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holy shit there's nun lore i wasn't aware of
>Eating carrots is being an 'extremist'
You have peak fatty brain
Fatties, I have a goal of eating 1800 cal. a day, but some days fall short and don't feel hungry or want to eat more.

Sometimes I think this is great, less calories in; sometimes I think it is bad, and it might be causing some sort of adverse effect. More conventional dieting wisdom seems to favour this view, too.

Any insights? Is less calories better, or should I aim for my calorie reduction target?

180kg/171cm (KareemSaid3000 on fattycontest)
If you don't want to eat then don't eat
>worrying about eating too little at 180kg
>one chance at life
>not born as a lesbian nun
Worry about not eating when you arn't the size of a house
>sometimes I think it is bad, and it might be causing some sort of adverse effect.
this is your fatty brain asking for more fat
>More conventional dieting wisdom seems to favour this view, too.
most conventional wisdom has to also be aimed at moms in their 50s, it's more dangerous to continue being a fucking pig even for one second
You might feel tired, but it shouldn't hurt you. Going under 1800 sometimes is perfectly fine, as long as you're eating something.
have never tried either of those, my neighbor had a bridge go out and they game me like a months worth of pre-made chicken salads and i havent tried them because i didnt like lettuce the last time i tried them (20 years ago)
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>i didnt like lettuce the last time i tried them (20 years ago)
mirin power level
It makes sense why you're a fat shit

I love you guys. Thank you.
Trying a 48 hour fast today. Fear is that once I stop fasting I'll gain it all back.
>Fear is that once I stop fasting I'll gain it all back.
You will
you won't gain it all back but you'll "lose slower" with your regular diet the following few days/week
Fug, maybe I should just stick to diet + one day fast, that's been working so far.
>1800 can
That seems rather high, consider reducing it even more.
My meals have been 6oz of protein + a 90 calorie cup of yogurt. I have this 1-3 times a day, sometimes just once a day, sometimes 2, rarely 3. And that's it for meals. No snacks, but a fiber supplement so I can actually shit.

So far I've been able to subsist on that, but should I take a multivitamin? I don't imagine just meat and yogurt is enough for nutrition.
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why not just eat a varied healthy diet
learn to cook, i guarantee it's a massive increase in quality of life
You strike me as someone who fantasizes about being kidnapped and kept in a basemant. Am I wrong?
I can more easily control my calorie intake. A few slices of turkey, a cup of yogurt. I always assume I'm eating more calories than I think I'm eating, even if I weigh the turkey and the calories are right there on the back of the yogurt cup.
you should have more calorie-burning sexo
ur riiiigghhhhthttttttt but so does literally every girl so thats not really clever
good idea more esex and coffee
>more esex
huuuh are you accepting applications at this time?
Fatty contest
Wish this fever was over. Hate eating on maintenance, when I can't even taste shit.
Think I might accidentally be on keto. Will piss on the strips when they get here to confirm.
I mean do you eat carbs or not? The answer is simple
Eat about 21 carbs a day, which is lower than the 50 they say keto is.
>keto is when literally zero carbs
people really shit on keto and have zero clue of how it actually works
Any super low cal high protein diet will automatically be close to keto, high protein stuff (chicken, fish) are low on carbs.
If you want an high carb and protein food I suggest lentils, just 50g are very filling for me.
the 50 grams thing assumes a 2000kcal diet, you really only have to be on less than 10% calories from carbs
that means you can not be on keto with 21 grams, or you can be on keto eating 100g of carbs a day, depends on the other stuff that you eat and how much of it you're using vs. storing as fat
Huh, maybe I'm not on keto then. Guess we'll see.
>Will piss on the strips when they get here to confirm.
pretty sure those are for diabetics and to know whether you're actually in ketosis you need a blood test to check for ketones in your blood rather than in your piss
ok genius so why do diabetics piss on KETO STRIPS for? what are they testing, if not ketones?
They checking for niggeritous, you clearly have it.
how i wish i had a bbc brother
Slice a cucumber and put a ton of herbs and spices on it like shichimi
god forgive me for linking a reddit comment but here:
noouuuu its with my bf i heart his guts
>lose 25kgs, finally get into normal range (ate clean, gym, no ozempic)
>the very thought of fast food or drinks other than water makes me want to vomit

I love this habit I built
>Things that impact readings that AREN'T what you ate include your level of hydration (i.e. the better hydrated you are the lighter the reading)
so it's still a useful measure considering you take hydration into account, and can easily be accounted for peeing on one (or twenty times) on a non-keto high carb meal day for control purposes
>and how well your body is adapted to burning ketones (i.e. when you're fat-adapted your body burns all the ketones you make and you don't pee them out at all).
so if you're not peeing them the keto strips don't change color, so you have false negatives, but has absolutely no way to give false positives, which implies that if you pee on a keto strip and it goes to high keto colour, you're definitely on keto (assuming you're well hydrated)

obviously blood is the best method we're talking about some basic shit you can test at home

>Eating 20g net carbs or less daily is the only way to get into ketosis
literal ketoschizo cultspeak, <50g is more than enough in 99% of cases, this boomer is just making shit up
Why is the goyslop all around us? It's like our nation wants us to get fat
Same thing happened to me
goyslop is all around because people buy it, simple as, there's no conspiracy about it
post belly
getting most people addicted to industrial junk is very profitable
never have never will
>there’s no conspiracy about it
>It’s literally called goyslop
everything that people blame on the jews are the faults of capitalism, which is not a conspiracy
everything that people claim to be the fault of capitalism, is just the fault of human nature. Supply/demand mechanics are just subject to the mob rule. If people stopped eating goyslop, it would be gone. Regardless of the economic system we find ourselves in.
Kill yourself
ok well i was just about to post belly guess not i hate you
Ok let's put it this way: either post belly or kill yourself
doesnt ozempic make you shit yourself if you eat fatty foods while on it? didnt we discover that the shart in mart phenomenon was early ozempic users?
>everything says 700g of pork ribs is like 2500cal
i'm counting it as that to be safe, but is that right? this shit is like half bone, and then another 200g of pure fat melts off and gets poured away while I cook it. seems like an insane amount of calories for very little actual substance
No sounds like bullshit.
Fatty Contest
Seems like you hit a plateau
How did capitalism kill our lord and saviour Jesus Christ?
hello bros, if I'm around 180lbs overweight as of now is it a feasible goal to run the nyc marathon in 2025 do you think? I want some doable but hard goal to look forward to as I diet and train
Height and age are pretty important to this, do you have any background in running? If you went for a roon today how far could you get and at what pace?
not looking to be keto, but im generally trying to reduce my carb intake to limit caloric intake + be more statiated
i was under the impression that carbs were great preworkout because it's easy to access energy, but then i read that having higher insulin levels afterr exercise is better.
so should i eat my carbs, like a spoonful of raw honey, before or after i lift?
I'm 6ft and 30yo, never consistenly ran per se but I was fit and did a lot of cardio and lifting until a few years ago, right now I don't really consider myself human or capable to run much but I just started training and dieting again and I'd like to get into running, of course if 2025's marathon is a crazy impossible goal 2026's would be nice to achieve too
Weight? Goal weight?
currently around 365lbs, goal weight is a little less than 190 as last time I was around that weight I was in the single digit of body fat (granted I went to the gym 4 times a week for a couple years to get there and I always ate very clean), so I think that given a good level of fitness that's a decent weight for my frame
>single digit of body fat
No you wern't. You're not losing 180lbs in a year, not unless you just don't eat for 12 months.
>No you wern't.
it wasn't self-assessed data, I saw a doctor every month who used calipers, a tape, and a machine to check my body composition
>Years ago, used to go to the YMCA on my lunch break at work because it was across the street
>Recently look to renew my membership and start going again
>Literally the only time they're closed is during my lunch break
The universe can be a bitch sometimes.
You were not single digit bf, i don't care what larp you make up.
why does that information offend you so and make you seethe so much? just curious as I'm not even saying I have low body fat now so you couldn't even have a reason to be jealous or something
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ok only need to lose about 1kg to be comfortably in the 16 bmis
It doesn't offend me, i'm just calling out your bullshit.
mommy and daddy won't love you more if you end up in the hospital
theyll luv me more
When I'm Human
As I plan to be
I'll have a nice meal once a month
No regards for the calories
Bro just being here proves you're human
I'm not human
Not until I'm 180
Now excuse me while I go and
Eat this celery
Fatty Contest
Kenlo Borther
Yet another fantastic week, not so much on the weightloss side but my mile times are coming down a lot and I feel great
yeah? thats why im here retard, cause im fat
something something "if it aint broke"
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Whoa, you've definitely taken the winding road to get here. What made you slingshot and do you think your current loss will be more sustainable?
Weekly weigh in tomorrow, new meal plan starts today, and I found out I might get an extra $15k in 2025 let’s have ourselves a fuckin Saturday boys WAGMI
Fatty Contest
Gained all my weight at the ward. Food was the only respite from the programs. Why are so many nurses so fat?
I love this little guy more than you'd believe
Are you the bulimia girl?
Nah just a regular schizo. Anti-psychotics make you bloat like fuck
So this graph starts after I had been on keto for 6 months, it was the lightest ive ever been up until two weeks ago.
Shot up to 300 playing WoW classic during covid, lost a bunch basically as soon as I got a CPAP machine (I was having 30 attacks an hour) the most recent weight loss came from following a low fat, low salt diet. The low fat part I do not recommend but cutting down salt helped me taste my food better and its been smooth sailing just eating whole foods not really having cravings.
Well I have to congratulate you on your persistence. I guess weight loss doesn't have to be linear
Not /fat/, just here to say when I met my wife she was 39 kg with 152 cm and it looked pretty hot. Unfortunately she didn't maintain that after she moved to Europe to stay with me
Threaten to send her back if she doesnt lose the weight
Getting closer to my target weight each day
We advance each and every day through the fruit of our labor
How do I lose fat on my face? I have never been more than a little chubby but now even after losing 13 kg and being pretty fit and fairly low bf%, my face still looks chubby. Is there some kind of exercise I can do or is that retarded to even ask?
you can only lose your overall body fat

body fat gains are not linear, even if you lost 13kg maybe the next 5kg you lose will make all the difference

but judging by your language my guess is that you're fatter than you want to admit, just keep losing
Face crunches
honestly i find that my face looks better when im heavier
Face squats
Most folks losing weight wish they could have kept the fat in their face, some going as far as injecting some back in there to de-age themselves a bit.
Ultimately, your body gets to choose the order in which it burns its fat, and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
If you still want to lose more weight, try that and see what happens.
But if you're already at your ideal weight and body comp, then it'd become a question for your neighborhood dermatologist and potentially plastic surgeon. But maybe get some second opinions first.. it can be weird how much the mirror lies to you even as your body changes significantly.
ozempic, apparently
Face pulls
Fairly sure I've seen this exact container with the exact same labels but a different brand name when I had a track day in France some months ago. I'll try it out
Went for a walk and convinced my mother to come with me, good times
Having a woman that's so light seems like a dream. You can try doing all kinds of things with her without needing superhuman strength.
fucking laughable that a schizo pretending to be a bulimic girl in a fat loss general can't get more than two (You)s, I'm actually proud of /fat/

ps: body + timestamp
I read that spot fat loss is possible, but to do it you have to "activate the fat" by increasing the blood flow to the area. And then you have to exercise to lose calories. This will bias the place where the body pulls fat from to the area that you increased blood flow to.
For example you first do a bunch of abs exercises like crunches, leg raises etc and then go for a run.
In the study they found that people who did that lost more fat in the area they "activated the fat" on than controls.

The problem with doing this is that it's hard to lose meaningful amounts of weight through exercise. But maybe this works with diet too?
I'm actually lmaoing at this, it's the most retarded shit I've read in my life.
Kill yourself and never give fitness advice in what remains of your life.
What you're describing is known as "spot reduction" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spot_reduction, a made up concept that has no basis in reality, but it happens to be exactly what people want to believe and so it continues to be promoted in engagement bait content and misleading ads for useless beauty products.
Sorry, the internet lied to you again.
>the study
Is the study in the room with us right now?
theres not really much to reply to my post idgi i wasnt expecting anyone to reply desu. timestamp isnt needed, everyone knows its actually me.
cute oh my god its my goal to be 39kg!!! did she have an eating disorder or was she naturally so thin?
thats a really good point. makes you think about all the ripped people of the past and how none of them counted calories or cared what they ate, they just ate and worked.
You think just because they lived in the past they didn't have the intuition that eating more makes you fat?
lost 30 pounds this year, dropped 5.5% bodyfat
Is that why some women want to be super light? So that they can be handled easily and tossed around in bed
didnt say that. dont put words in my mouth
>local Mexican restaurant put a thank you card in with my food (or more likely the Uber driver)
>eaten there 6 times the past month and a half
Fucking grim. I'm coping by saying I'm bulking
I'll put whatever I want in your mouth
I was just making sure.
Ran 5K in under 30 minutes for the first time today (29:20). Going to OMAD and have 4 pieces of KFC and maybe try to polish off the rest of these Japanese seltzers in celebration
oh absolutely!
I see
Which protein bars do you guys eat?
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
320 lbs

>Slop bars
She's just Japanese and flat. She's still pretty light, probably 42-43 now, but at 39 she was a dream
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
520 lbs

Shit again
godddddddddd im extremely jealous. i wish i was her height so i could be 39kg at bmi 16.9 but ill be 41.3kg at that bmi -_- she sounds gorgeous. im JEALOUS. i wanna be japanese and flat and short and skinny.
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Is it normal to overthink about eating anything? I'm not talking about specifically fast foods I mean stuff like home-cooked meals, fruits, or drinks that aren't water. For the past 5 days I've only just consumed water and vitamins, did small 20 minute workouts before work, and then average 10k - 13k steps at work. The last thing I actually at was a banana
I switched to yogurt to hit my protein goals. So far I'm liking it more than powder or bars.
That isn't healthy. Please eat a proper meal.
>celebrating with calories
you need to stop doing this
I’m not white, but I am on Ozempic. I am actually diabetic, though.
It's fine if it's under my usual daily caloric intake no? This meal is actually just under 1,200 calories
>i dont think ive had pickles in years ill have to try some

Bro I just made pickled red onions and they're a killer snack, you can basically eat as many as you want and they're sour, sweet, and crunchy.
They're so fucking easy to make too.

2 red onions
3/4 cup white vinegar (or 1 cup apple cider vinegar, or 1 cup rice wine vinegar)
2 1/4 cup water
1.5 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
==Optional flavorings==
Scoop of oregano
Scoop red pepper flakes
Basically you can put whatever you want that you think is tasty, like dill, peppercorns, pork chop seasoning, whatever is around and sounds like it would nice. I have some jalapenos that are almost ripe I'll probably put them in the next batch for some heat.

Slice the onions and put them in a glass jar

Put all the other ingredients into a saucepan, bring to a boil
Pour over onions until they're fully submerged
Once the glass has cooled off, stick it in the fridge overnight
Enjoy the next day

20 cals
3.3g carbs
.4g protein
.1g fat
Why would you do this
Is there any you can reccommend? Preferably one without a bunch of steps to prepare
I went from 400lbs to 300lbs and from "literally never run in my life" to "Ran a 5k" in 10 months.
Its definitely possible.
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Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
320 lbs

not that guy, but you didn't need to delete your first post, any new post you make will overwrite the last one

we've been operating under the assumption that no one would stoop low enough to actively sabotage another anon's fatty contest entry, and miraculously it has worked so far
oh yeah sure go ahead friend
if no one's told you yet, well done anon, that's quite an achievement since most people can't run a 5k
Shouldn't have eaten that half avocado yesterday bros....
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Based fasting chad. I shall join you soon, brother.
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beautiful dinner gonna puke
OMG hii will u pls do fatty contest 4 me bc idgi
i like barebells creamy crisp and banana caramel bars as well as metrx's big 100 apple crisp bar. i used them to great effect last cut. also take a look at legendary cinnamon rolls.

>inb4 ultra-processed
true, but theyre good tools to trick your brain into not thinking its dieting. i cut back on artificial sweeteners when i bulk.
I think that's a great goal and you should pace yourself first by starting with smaller goals, like running a 5K first. I started running a month ago and ran a sub 30 min 5K just today, which I would call a decent pace (i.e. above average amongst non-runners). I'd also like to try for the 2025 NYC Marathon, but I'm aiming to take down 5K, 10K, and half marathon races (at "decent" paces) first within the next year.
try making that with konjac noodles. theyre almost calorie free
Good. You need a goal scary enough to motivate you into taking it seriously. Do your best and if you dont get it in 2025, you'll have learned so much and made so much progress youll crush 2026.
Honestly as far as fast food goes instant noodles probably aren't bad for you in the ways other food is. Poor urban asians basically live on this stuff and they look like walking skeletons. They just lack any form of real nutrition and will make you hungry again real soon.

Still, it's best to learn how to make you own broth.
>Binged again
Fatty Contest
spent the day at my friend's place, we slaughtered and prepped two lambs. Came home with a big tub of sheep fat and a nice large piece of lamb liver. My uncle told me sheep fat is top notch to treat leather. Currently eating the liver
oooh ill have to try it, thanks for the recommend anon
To all you fatties who ate something you shouldn't have recently, why did you do it? What was going through your mind at the time?
theyre banned in my house because i ate too much of them and nothing else and my mom brought me to a therapist because she thought i was anorexic
Weird. The format looks like it's correct but it's not picked up by the script..

Fatty Contest
There's like a delay between posting and it updating i think
im cringing so hard at that number ughh i need 41kg again need to stop binge purging
"I really, really, really, really want a burger."
The Loss Gods took mercy on me and still had the scale go down the next day, but it was just that, a strong simple craving
The website says that the last post read is >>74743469
I guess there is a delay for new entries?
"this many calories is still fine"
I had a 30 calorie monster instead of the 10 calorie one because the store didn't have it and I didn't want to get a sugar free red bull
It's over
>why did you do it?
Felt like having an extra snack while watching a movie.

>What was going through your mind at the time?
"I'm still under maintenance"
>even if I drink these three beers, I'll still be 400cal below my goal and I only do this once every two weeks
been on stronglifts, on week 5 now
just failed my first exercise, it's so over bros

I had to do 75 lb overhead presses but failed on the last set, only did 4 reps
75 lbs (34kg) is not even that much I dunno why but overhead presses started getting hard around 65-70
what am I gonna do if I'm plateauing this early?
OHP is always the first one to fail, it's normal.
Also you just started, you aren't plateauing you are just finding out your limits.
Am sick and was throwing up so much I Iost count of the calories, and just ate whatever managed to stay down in my belly.
Failure is a part of the progress.
I lift much more than you, and I failed so many sets/reps it's ridiculous. Stop freaking out at your first failure.

You're gonna make it, brah.

>what am I gonna do if I'm plateauing this early?
Unless you're fucking eighty years old AND castrated, you're not truly plateauing.
My dad's gonna teach me how to lift next ween
Haven't tried weights since I was like 15
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>next ween
omg thats my birthday
I always tend to eat shit I shouldn't when I visit other people. My home is a safe place with no junk food. But, everytime I go out, people start eating and ordering food and asking if I want anything. Last time I had a roast beef & cheese sub. 12 inches. I checked the calories first, and told them no mayo. It was about 1,000 calories so nothing too extreme. I shouldn't have, though. I've been getting a lot better about not shoving my face with calorie-rich foods while going out, at least.
thanks bros I'll try 75lb again on monday and see how it goes
>just failed my first exercise, it's so over bros
its only just getting started. real text message i sent a friend the other day.

>what am I gonna do if I'm plateauing this early?
Take a deload week. Deloads are taken every 4-8 weeks typically so youre right on schedule. Do 5x3 at half weight for the week. Then get progress back up to your current weight over the next few weeks. This is how SL 5x5 recommends doing deloads. Read more of the SL materials or feel free to ask me questions.
Thanks man, and yeah I think this time its going to be a lot more sustainable. As it turns out extreme dieting can get you extreme results but dieting is more about consistency than intensity
Nah they fuck you up man. I speak from experience.
Great stuff anon, that's about when I started and I'm only down 28lbs, so your pace is awesome.
theyre right. its not all you eat. its filler to add volume to your meal. so instead of just chicken, you make chicken stir fry with them. the only way you can keep the weight off and be happy is to fight instincts like that.
Fatty Contest
74 kg

either 40kg is too low to register or fatty jr. put a word filter in the script, or he's the one pretending to be a girl
Fatty Contest
42.3 kg

that one registered, 42.3 kg is apparently too low kek
Fatty Contest
423 kg

sorry to spam, last attempt, maybe this will be too high
damn how did you get that big man
there is no person pretending to be me, its just me!!
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Been plateauing at 135 lb bench and 95 lb for like a month and a half. It's so over. I've been lifting for 6months too and at these stats kek
I have at least close to doubled my starting bench and Ohp so there is improvement.
Can relate to that. What stopped me from going to my local McDonald's was one of the employees there starting to recognise and chat with me everything I went there.
This happened to me in high school at this one good place I'd go to with friends. One day I went there when I was walking home alone and wanted to get something for when I get home and the lady saw me and just went "the usual?"
*food place [spoiler]although it IS good[/spoiler]
I remember when my favorite ice cream shop gave me a whole free tub as a thank you because of how often I had ordered there in the last months, that's when I realized that things had to change kek
So I've calculated it, and I'm eating 500 calories a day. The idea that eating too little calories will slow your metabolism is a meme, right?
Cardio time anons, don't skip it.
it may not slow your metabolism but it will probably shorten your life span drastically if you're just randomly eating like an anorexic with no medical supervision or proper plan
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There's a local store that has started talking to me a few months ago like that and it throws me off every time. It's a store I get my breakfast sandwiches or yoghurts from sometimes though so not really telling of unhealthy eating thankfully.

I stopped going for other reasons though. My workplace started getting food people coming to us so I get soup from there instead. A lot more filling, I find.
>it will probably shorten your life span drastically
Thanks, definitely doing that then.
Anime has taught me things that shorten your life spawn are the coolest shit ever
2oz of turkey meat(70 calories) 3x a day = 210 calories

3 cups of yogurt(90 calories) = 270 calories

Plus a vitamin B shot weekly. What am I neglecting that might put me in the grave before my time?
I like when you have regular chats with employees, it means you're a slightly less agonizing part of their wagie hell
Dozens of vitamins and minerals.
I lost about 15lbs of what I'm guessing is water weight since it went off so quick. Been stuck here for a month now. I'm so tired of being hungry and not seeing any results.
you can eat literally nothing for literal months
don't listen to the fatty cope here
join us at >>74717776
if you can eat 500 cals a day you can drop it to 0 cals a day
How does weight loss even work physically
Does the mass exit in shit? Am I sharting off the pounds?
Preferred smartwatch?

I want to track my blood pressure and guilt myself into tracking my health more for weight loss

There are so many I have no fucking idea
I think you breathe it out
Anon, why does shit become shit?
It leaves your body like energy leaving a super saiyan
literally yes, if you did long fasts, you'd notice you still need to shit even though you haven't eating in days
Primarily breathing and sweat/urine are the main ways your body ejects the waste product of burnt fat.

So you breathe and piss it out basically.
Don't spend money to lose weight, losing weight is literally free
Generally you don't want to dip below 1000 calories a day to avoid malnutrition, and even 1000 calories is pretty low. Plus unless those foods have way more protein than I think you are probably going to be losing a good amount of muscle mass. But if you take a multivitamin to try to cover nutrition deficiencies and don't ignore signs your body is saying its not getting enough electrolytes you probably aren't going to harm yourself too much, other than maybe gallstones.
Not needed
Only useful for fibers and micronutrients, both of which can be addressed with integrators.

>Generally you don't want to dip below 1000 calories a day
It depends entirely on what anon's basal is.
Low calorie is harder than just fasting. If you just did rolling 48s you could eat 1500 calories every 3rd day and see more benefits overall.
From personal experience, this is true.
Somehow I'm getting less hungry (not hungry at all acrually) during a fast than during a 500-1000 cal day.
Imo as someone that has done both 1000-1200 calories daily is way easier mentally than 1500 calories every third day
Turns out the app I was using in conjunction with my stationary bike updated a few days ago and completely ruined whatever calculation they were using to measure calorie expenditure. Now it inflates the number by up to 50% (and growing), I can't trust any of the readings or stats anymore, I can't target anything or measure my output or know if I improved. This completely fucks over my whole 5 month plan since I can't confirm anything beyond my BMR. And even if they fix the app, the botched statistics are always going to hang over me. They already ruined what was measuring distance, they kept treated miles and km as interchangeable for a while.

This is more demotivating than anything else. Continuing feels like walking blindly forward without a map.
Can't you just track average speed and number of minutes?
You would need to also know resistance and how to factor that in, but the app broke the resistance indicator.
Fatty Contest
257.2 lbs
Any tips for someone who only finds comfort in drinking 6+ cans of voodoo ranger regularly? I don’t eat much but I do drink pretty heavily on a regular basis (or at least whenever I can get away with it).

Trying to lose 30 pounds by mid October. Don’t think I can handle being sober for the duration of this time frame.
talk to a doctor
I'm not kidding
you can actually die
Gj nigga
From what? I’m not remotely close to being physically dependent on alcohol. When I do drink (which is maybe 3-4 times a week) I drink anywhere from 4-8 beers depending on what I’ve eaten and how drunk I get.

If I’m eating something protein dense and drinking at the same time I can drink pretty much indefinitely from what I’ve experienced, but I cap out at 8 beers because by then I end up getting too tired to keep going.
Go sober, as someone who just got sober recently myself. It is better than drinking.
How do you cope with anxiety? I’m thinking about talking to my psychiatrist about getting put back on celexa. I was taking it for a few years but stopped a couple of years ago because I didn’t think it was helping much anymore. Might be time to give it another shot.
here you go, I googled it for you
Your problem is alcoholism with weight loss as a secondary thing, you need to combat that first

I used to drink two 40s and a tallboy every other night without adjusting my eating habits and ballooned up fast over a year, had a problem with anxiety and depression too and doing that helped me just be able to vibe and relax on lonely nights instead of stewing in it
Honestly I don't know what advice to give you because for me I just got a hangover so bad one time that I never wanted to binge drink again and stopped immediately, but that's not gonna drive most alcoholics
AA seems to be the route for most people
Anon, I’ve already told you that I’m not physically dependent on it. I’m well aware of what happens during alcohol withdrawals. I drink mostly to either get high or deal with extremely stressful work. I’m not at the point where I have to drink in order to prevent myself from having a seizure.

FYI it takes a tremendous amount of effort to reach that point. You have to be getting completely shitfaced off of huge amounts of liquor for months on end. I have no intention of letting it reach that point.
It sounds like you also don't have any intention to stop drinking in excess
Drinking causes anxiety. Unironically it goes away if you just stay sober for a few weeks.
I'm not your mom
do whatever you want
I warned you though so my conscious is clear
one more warning, you only get one life
You may be right, I’ve noticed that booze increases my anxiety ever so slightly after the effects wear off and it starts to build up.

Not particularly, seeing as how it’s the only thing that gives me any comfort these days. Used to be adderall but I made a point to quit taking it about 50 days ago, so hooch has been my go-to for coping. I’m thinking that trying to swap it with getting back into an exercise routine *MIGHT* help, since sobriety really is the only solution for me to keep my life in order. Coping with the regular feelings of anxiety is proving to be very difficult, though.
>have problem
>go see meme doctor to get meme drugs for it
Why are people like this? You can't just medicate all your problems away.
it's fatty cope
many such cases
Treating the symptoms instead of the problem is a general issue across all modern medicine
I did the benzos + ssri route years ago, at the insistence of my parents not knowing what to do about my neet misdirection in life. Just gave me terrible brain-zaps every time I missed a dose from insurance or pharmacy not being able to communicate with each other plus nuked orgasm pleasure to 25% and took an hour to get there

They are a crutch, what really needs to be done is fixing the shit parts of your life
I used to not have any faith in it until I decided to play ball with them and experienced firsthand how much it helped. Whether or not you have any faith in medicine doesn’t change the reality that it can most certainly provide solutions to complex problems.
I’m 5’8 and 175 lbs. I’m not some fat lardass, just need to get back into the habit of being fit so I can have the confidence I used to have when I was younger and in good shape.
It doesn't fix anything, it just masks the issue untill the drug loses effectiveness and then you need to double the dose or take 10 other meme drugs for the rest of your life.
Right, it’s a temporary solution that is intended to help get you to figure out a more effective way to solve it on your own. When you’re floored due to depression and anxiety, taking something that can help get you out and about WILL improve your quality of life. As long as you communicate well with the person prescribing you the meds, then dosages and strategies can be worked out accordingly.

The only bad thing about it is when shit like what >>74744644 describes happens (i.e. pharmacy fucks you due to miscommunication). Being dependent on something that can become unobtainable due to reasons that are beyond your control can be maddening.
post body
You should never trust anything other than your calorie deficit at sedentary. Exercise is generally not accurate how many calories you spend so its generally just bonus calories burnt on top of your plan.
Can’t, I’m at work. Even if I could post a pic (which I won’t) what would it prove? I’m skinny fat and have a bit of a gut from being a lazy bastard for the last 10 years. But I’m definitely not obese. My BMI is just teetering on the edge of being overweight.
you don't need to be obese to have fatty cope
cope harder, fatty
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Lol alright, thanks anon.
>Treating the symptoms instead of the problem is a general issue across all modern medicine
It's more than just a "general issue", it's literally the principle by which they work most of the time.
One of the many reasons I left healthcare.
>It doesn't fix anything, it just masks the issue untill the drug loses effectiveness and then you need to double the dose or take 10 other meme drugs for the rest of your life.
Wait until you learn about diabetes treatment with insulin and other drugs.
I think that kind of reveals the reason why they're so focused on treating symptoms, because patients refuse to do what is required to treat the actual problem so it's better to do harm reduction than nothing
Diabetics refuse to follow a doctor's diet and exercise plan so they just treat the blood sugar spikes that they cause in themselves
I like how you took "healthy at any size" and made it yours, anon.

> Fatty coping at any size.
Close, but doctors don't even give patients a chance to do the right thing for treatment, any more. Even if a patient would otherwise be willing, they still put them on destructive drugs that end up sabotaging any effort to naturally fix the problem anyway.
It's horrifying.

Most of the time, the plans outlined by doctors will severely impact the habits and lifestyle choices that caused them to get sick in the first place. Rerouting your entire lifestyle is not an easy thing to do and requires serious dedication and resolve. The average person lacks these qualities or does not fully understand the importance of following the doctor’s orders.
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fatty contest
131.3 kg
>doctors don't even give patients a chance to do the right thing for treatment
This is bullshit, anon. Most patients are functionally illiterate when it comes to anything related to medicine, and that makes it very difficult for doctors to get them to respect the regiments they prescribe. Treating symptoms is the best they can hope for when it comes to people who try to save face by pretending like they understand the issue instead of asking for clarification. Convincing people to quit harming themselves isn’t as easy as you make it sound.
So sick of hitting a hard wall every time I stop drinking. It's like my body just shuts down all attempts at losing weight, I guess if I powered through I'd get through it eventually but it lasts at least a week. I feel good after a few days off the beer but I hate knowing I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and be half a pound heavier and the same the next day when I'm deficiting
Saying it's difficult only matters if you at least TRY first.
I'm criticizing them for not even trying first.
Learn how to read, dumbass.
I have a couple drinks every night but I balance it out by jogging after work
Just weighed in at 185 pounds
I started out at 245 on May 8th and I'm pretty happy with the progress so far I should easily get under 180 pounds at the end of this month and 70 pounds lost by the 3 month mark
I've done a lot of fasting but I've taken it easier in July although I count calories and eat at a deficit every day and plan on continuing that habit after I hit the goal
Lots of things can be treated lots of different ways. That’s why getting a second opinion is often suggested when you don’t like the one that is being offered. Assuming that all doctors are just out to fuck you is exactly the type of ignorance that I was referring to.
>60 pounds in 2.5 months
Holy shit, anon. Isn’t that a pretty dangerous level of weight loss? I mean, grats on pulling it off but that doesn’t sound very healthy.

Even 15 a month is considered to be excessive.
losing 60 lbs in 2 and a half months is some good shit man
I'm always in here telling people about the cheat code that is fasting and you are the evidence it works
keep it up boss
I never said that all doctors were just out to fuck you.
What's actually happening is that doctors are either bought out by pharmaceuticals or weary of dealing with people who are retarded.
That doesn't mean they INTEND to fuck you, it's just the consequence of them no longer caring about acting properly any more.
this guy knows his stuff
if anyone has any doubts, look up the purdue company and how they gave kick backs to doctors to prescribe pain killers
try accessory lifts
There’s a gas station I go to after work to buy beer since everywhere else is closed, and I’m on somewhat friendly terms with the guy who works behind the counter there. He’s pretty nice to me and we shoot the shit once in a while.
>retards believed it when their doctor told them that the OPIATES were actually good for them
I would’ve reported any doctor that tried to feed me such egregious lies ASAP.
Give it to me bros, is there any hope to reach 10% bf as a Nat that never steps in a gym? It's been four months since I start cutting again and I managed to go down from over 20% to 15%, but I wonder if trying any further is a waste of energy
putting the fork down is less energy than shoveling slop
Fatty contest
>I’m not physically dependent on it
>it’s the only thing that gives me any comfort these days

Mate I'm not a doctor but you sound like an alcoholic.
This is the same sort of reasoning I used when I was a foodaholic. "I'm miserable and this McDonalds meal is the only thing thats keeping me from killing myself."
Gonna take a cold shower, I'll report back in if I didn't die from a heart attack.
to who, the government? lol
I am an alcoholic, but there are two different types of alcoholics:

1) the ones who drink to get drunk/high for emotional comfort
2) the ones who drink because if they don’t, their body will self-destruct (i.e. delirium tremens and having seizures)

Step one leads to step two, but step two is a very, very extreme point that only people who are truly careless manage to reach.
No, your state’s medical board. At least that’s how it works in the US. That’s the first step in the long road of discrediting a greedy quack.
Is there any sort of risk to using a sauna on a huge deficit? Dunno why there would be, but its worth asking. My hotel has one and I might as well pay for the services
Do you have any heart issues? Are you abusing DXM and steroids? Are you in Thailand fucking ladyboys? If not you'll probably be fine, but consult your doctor.
>abusing DXM
Do people really do this? Sounds awful.
>Give it to me bros, is there any hope to reach 10% bf as a Nat that never steps in a gym?
FUCK NO. You enter whats known as goblin mode. Rail thin upper body with a gut. 15% is great to hang around at, but if you wanna be lean, you need to put on a bit of muscle unless youre gifted.

I lived but I pussied out and only had the cold water neck down. I'll do better next time!
im at goblin mode rn, its the worst place to be. my only way out is to lift and keep cutting
I understand what you mean by goblin mode, but it's way better than back then when I was fat, even back when I was leaner(not this lean) my abs are barely visible, now now it stands out way more than before. I probably should pick up on calisthenics again if I don't want to go to the gym, but it's not easy when you work twelve hours a day
Roomate did it. One night he was crying his eyes out, sobbing, "why can't I be happy?"
Do you have very low / high pressure?
Did you ever feel like or actually faint in a sauna or an hot bath?
If no to all, then no
consider bulking. do it slowly while lifting and your physique will only improve. itll also help bring up your metabolism a bit, its probably low from dieting for an extended period.

goblin mode is definitely better than obese. glad youve made it this far. basic calisthenics are an amazing way to start out. a pull up bar, somewhere to do dips and an adjustable dumbell or two will make a big difference. watch scoobys videos on how to do your first pullup.
Here's the trick.
Stand under shower head with water off.
Open it
Congratz, if you didn't die you just took a cold shower.
I know they're not 100% accurate, but what I had used across three devices were all fairly close to one another, so I had a general sense of what I was burning in addition to my BMR. If my 5 month plan became a 6 month plan, so be it, I still planned to exercise after I reached my goal but right now I'm cutting hard on everything and trying to get that daily calorie deficit high enough that I can actually feasibly get it done in 5 months before moving to maintenance.

Without having any idea of how to gauge my effort, I can't even estimate when I'll reach my goal which is incredibly demoralizing. If it becomes a year of this, I don't even know. I'm not so far off from my goal that it'll take a year of hard cutting and no breaks, but having a path to follow at least reassures you and keeps you mentally strong.
i cant bro my goal for the past 5 years has just been to have a flat stomach, its all i want, i dont care about muscles, i just dont want to be overweight in any way anymore. once i get a flat stomach, no matter how light i am, then ill start working out. if im a skelly, so be it, but ill be fit as fuck. i want to be military fit, not body builder fit.
>i cant bro my goal for the past 5 years has just been to have a flat stomach
its not that simple. by having such low lean body mass your TDEE becomes insanely low requiring a level of food intake that is so small, you just wont get to that point. even if you did, youre gonna look horrible. you wont be a twink, youll look like a droopy wet tshirt someone threw on a coat hanger.

>i want to be military fit, not body builder fit.
you will NOT become bodybuilder fit. it just wont happen. you want to be military fit, you need to train. youre not gonna starve yourself into a lean physique. i know you wont listen to me, so keep cracking on, but if you havent reached your goals in a month or two, please remember my recommendations.
Can we get this bitch to 400?
what is this dish called, looks good
Dont we want LOWER numbers here?
kek, I think they meant the thread to 400, not the nun in op
What the fuck do you think they do in the military retard
You think all those fit guys naturally look good?
Fatty Contest
Fatties, what do we make of the latest Kurzgesagt video?

Diet is the key to weight loss, but exercise improves general health
I don't care enough to watch
dumb crap. diet is a prequisite for weight loss, exercise is the potentiator.

its hopeless goy
Assuming you're clean (no meds no preexisting issues) potentially youll have electrolyte imbalance.
Disingenuous to not mention that gaining muscle raises your TDEE and also helps with insulin sensitivity.

Jason Fung lite the video.
Rate my cheeseburger diet
>2400kcal sedentary tdee
>make two quarterpounds and fries
>1800 calories
>feel full all day, probably because of the fries
>cardio/lift for two hours
>eat 400kcal of ice cream because it's 90 degrees
>sleep 9 hours
the best diet is the one you'll stick to
I wouldn't be on that diet, but if that's what it takes for you, then that's what it takes
Ok, coffee and toast out of the way, now I walk. Will update next thread how many steps I managed. Will just walk until my feet fall off. hopefully at least 10000
yep, my bros in the army, i dont need your shit advice
I do. I do weighted dips every day. Program is phraks greyskull. I probably need more Lat and chest work though, just haven't decided what.
yes i am training and all is going well
i can do 20km in under 3 hours in heavy clothes boots carrying 30kg building up to more
just want a flat stomach so i can be confident when i take my shirt off
Every workout* I mean

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