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Post lard elementals trying and failing to reproduce.

Previous >74733079
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More like this pleaAasee
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I gotchu
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>Infertility rate up higher than ever
>first time parents having kid later and later
>obesity at an all time high and rising
Many women on hormonal birth control for half their lives or longer
Oh noooo how come they can’t get pregnant???
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best vacuum pose I've ever seen
I'm staying on track for a couple of weeks.
/fph/ helps a lot with it
Oh, but don't worry, anons. When these heifers miraculously fall pregnant, they'll eat so much they either nearly kill their babies or set them up for a life of misery and obesity. Sterilize all >people
Oh, and here's a response by another delusional future "heartbroken" mother of a dead 20-year-old by "unnamed causes"

It's bad enough when they subject their partners to their morbid obesity. It's a whole 'nother level when they ruin the lives of innocent children. Makes me sick
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My vegan sister is pregnant. She’s having a girl so if she produces a small child I meant at least it won’t be a manlet..
Jesus christ only 6 years for murdering a child that's not even yours?? Fucking unbelievable

Only possible in a country with those levels of obesity. I bet the judge was morbidly obese too

What a fucking joke. That woman should be just thrown into a river. She could swim her way out, but nature would delete her like the weak kid murdering blob she is. The worst thing about fat fucks is how incredibly retarded they are. Fuck
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What an evil woman. She’s starving your niece knowingly.
Women don't hesitate to chop up their unborn children and suck them out of their wombs with a vacuum hose, of course they see nothing wrong with subjecting them to severely unbalanced diets. Another thing I have seen spreading on preddit recently is denial of fetal alcohol syndrome and insistence that it's fine to drink "moderately" while pregnant. All women are evil.
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Don’t forget the Pregnancy and postpartum weight gain that was totally not their fault because they did everything right, but somehow still went up two or three clothes sizes and now they can’t get rid of the fat
You’re joking. You must be. That was just a joke wasn’t it? Right? The big joke that the fetus has rights because it’s child abuse to drink alcohol while you’re pregnant… My body, my choice, but it’s wrong to drink while pregnant because you’re harming the baby, right? Don’t tell me they actually double down and said “you know that’s a good point, I think I will continue drinking while pregnant because it is my body actually.”
>I've always eaten pretty decently
>but my genetics walloped me over the head by forcing me to gorge on muffins against my will
Someone draw up charges against this woman's genes!
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Your friends influence your size
I respect that she leans into it
look at that perfectly normal, healthy 16 year old
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>I don't have the option to lose weight
The reason covid hit America and Europe so hard and barely touched Africa is the difference in obesity rates.
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children in america are so healthy it's unreal
If you're breastfeeding and eating decent food, which you WOULD BE if you cared about your child, you should drop weight like crazy. My kids were ravenous eaters and I looked better than before within a few months because now I also had the exercise of caring for babby, hefting babby around, etc.
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This one was just murder I think, his mommy decided she wanted to party and ride the cock carousel again so she found a legal way to get rid of her kid.
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goblinx general
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and don't worry, you can get fat coaching for your fat kid!
This ham bothers me a lot

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if you don't mind shopping around you can even find doctors telling you children should be fat
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Does this hideously obese babby grow up into the ugly little hambeast in a child's size 24 dress?! They both have the same retarded fat face, but lardasses often do.
That just makes it more pathetic.
I honestly hope this thing dies. She is offensive, fraudulent, attention-seeking, and demonic in her glorification of morbid obesity and purposely - abusively - raising her innocent child to be fat & proud. That smug fucking face needs to go night-night forever.
God I wish that were me
Does FlurryWorld not recognized that the operator was disgusted with the fact that their parents fattened their children and not the child himself?
Who am I kidding? Of course any criticism that's even remotely about weight is the hardest hitting nail in the coffin.
Still, 250 lbs at 11 is brutal. Poor kid
>t. highest fat point at 5'9 was 244 lbs and I felt horrible
she is CUTE
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It does depend a bit on how much help you have. I was so sleep deprived (4 hours of interrupted sleep per night because my baby was a colicky little nightmare). No help because my husband works far away and we have no family nearby. I had such a rough time with PPD and sleep deprivation so I stuffed my face. It took 9 months to get back to a healthy weight again.

Of course once I started sleeping more than 4 hours per night and tracked my calories, the weight absolutely melted off. The women who refuse to eat less after giving birth are usually the ones whose moms and partners are around to help so it pisses me off to no end. My SIL gained 70lbs with her youngest and had on-demand free babysitting from my in-laws and still had the audacity to complain to me about "not having time" to take care of herself.
>janny character select screen
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Not the same child. I would say that child is no older than six or eight months, which is why it’s so disgusting that she’s so obese. All she supposed to be having at that time is milk and maybe small, soft, cut up fruits, or soft cheese, or scrambled eggs. What most likely happened here was a case of gestational diabetes when we say that there is a serious issue with obese babies, we mean, child obesity, and also the fact that a lot more mothers are diabetic/overweight during their pregnancy these days. all that extra sugar, all those extra calories going straight to the fetus result in the baby being way too big, packing on way too much fat. A fat baby, is generally a healthy baby. But a child is supposed to start leaning out around the age of two or three, by four they should just be a little person. the extra large babies are born with health problems because they were never meant to be so big up upon birth, they tend to have learning disabilities later in life, and they’re way more pre-exposed to diabetes and obesity in life. Go figure.
We don't have empathy for anorexics, we see that their mental health issues are so great that they need intervention in order to learn, change, and survive. If we could stick these dangerously unhealthy fats into rehabs like anorexics, we would, but it doesn't exist. Only the quick fix of bariatric surgery, which often fails because the hogs have learned nothing about their own delusions and how to manage them in order to eat healthfully and at least exercise by walking daily.
Everything is genetics and everybody else's fault none of these creatures are ever willing to look inside their "bigger body" and see how fucked up they are in their own heads. Just poor me and gimme.
They wish people had more empathy, self-awareness, compassion, and respect, but they obviously have none of these things for themselves and enjoy being obese, attention-seeking victims.
This child needs to be taken away from her abusive parents.
Kids who were made fat by their fat parents can develop a special hatred for them later in life.
I don't respect people who respect fatties.
I love this show. The skinny ones seem to have a harder time changing their diet than the fatties.
Didn't I read here that this non-binary tranny gay quack doctor got defrocked? Or was it that it died?
whats it called?
Christ almighty my daughter is this kids age, what kind of fucking degenerate animals do this to their children
Supersize vs Superskinny
There's a lot of it on Youtube last time I checked.
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Supersize vs Super Skinny. It's a British show, and you can find full episodes on YouTube. Secret Eaters is also great
Apparently not and she's only still in trouble for posting something about Palestine lmao.
>Lie to your patients about diabetes and obesity?
>No problem!
>Offend the Jews?
>We will destroy you.
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I think some women are just genuinely sabotaged also. There’s a level of dissonance when it comes to being a woman, like saying, you just don’t have time to take care of yourself when you would actually have more time if you just eat less food, and similarly, I actually do come from one of those families where I was constantly told growing up that we were just fat. Everyone in our family was fat except for one of my half siblings and he wasn’t fat because he wasn’t a full blood sibling. At school, the healthy weight/skinny females always told me that I was clearly just genetically predisposed to be fat, but they felt sorry for me, but there was nothing to be done about it because their mom said the same thing that I was just meant to be fat. Looking back, it probably didn’t help that a lot of them would just feed me extra food so that I couldn’t possibly be competition. I took my own initiative and lost a decent bit of weight, got married and had children, the same stereotype came right back from my mom and my mother-in-law that you just gain a lot of weight after you have babies and you just don’t really lose it. Even though my sister-in-law never gained any weight at all, no exaggeration. For some reason, it was just still easy to believe that they were right, it was just hormonal weight, and there was nothing I could do about it. Until blah blah, blah blah revelations, blah blah blah blah I refuse to live like this blah blah blah, blah blah blah improve or die. Now, instead, my entire family regards me with high concern and says that I’m clearly anorexic and unhealthy, because we’re supposed to be plump and I no longer am. In laws at first were concerned for some reason and accused me of anorexia, now just congratulate me on holidays. How it goes I guess.
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Did you know that lipodema doesn’t actually have to progress at all? It only progresses if you continue to gain weight, but if you don’t gain weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can stay in stage one or two without any medical intervention. But until recent years, most women were told they were doomed to just give up.
I'm swedish/american. whenever I go back to the states I am astounded by the levels of obesity on display everywhere. there is nothing - NOTHING - that even approaches that in sweden
Which makes all the earlier posts about 300 pounders boohooing about their infertility or yippeeing about their pregnancies even more gross. But it does all makes total sense that a morbidly obese mother with multiple health/medical problems will grow a baby with those same issues sooner or later. I know nobody's perfect as a parent, but this seems so selfish. Part and parcel.
Ham bossy beef
Just saw a weight loss discussion on another board in which someone said, "You need a cheat meal once a week to keep yourself from going into starvation mode."
Color me shocked. Actually saw somebody on advice one time say that nobody on fit actually enjoys exercising or they would just do sport ball, they’re all just shallow guys that do it for pussy.
I would grant this beast one (1) point of charity, which is that calculating effective energetic expenditure gets a whole lot more complicated when there's another human literally sucking calories out of your body at its own time-varying rate, but she's not even trying to do even rough CICO (just noting weight going up/down and adjusting diet even without counting calories) or anything except stuff her face so I have no sympathy.
this is true, this is why cavemen starved out.
And how did you come across this cave man lore? Did you read their cave paintings?
kek every time
they left a voice memo
Funny thing is that this nonbinary/tranny/gay flag virtue signaling golem is a product of the jews very own agenda, as are all degenerate woke leftists...and now they are all Pali flag wavers who have turned on their le evil "white" coloniser masters.
Modern society (and internet) produces retarded and selfish people.
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SW- starting weight. 280lbs.
So is this really anorexia? Or is it just a diet? Even if she is fasting a lot more, even if she is consuming under 1000 cal a day long-term, is it really yet?
There is no such thing as a 280lb anorexic.
The only eating disorder any of these morbidly obese retards actually have is binge eating disorder.
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Not anorexia ughhhhh. I'm so sick of fat fucks larping as anorexics. I think a normal or even slightly overweight person could have a restrictive eating disorder (but not anorexia nervosa) but definitely no one over 200lb!
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Her fursona is a hippo. I hate that I know that fact. I hate that I know what a fursona is.
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How do you guys even get into her insta? She's got it on private.
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>if she is consuming under 1000 cal a day long-term, is it really yet?
I consume between 600-900 calories daily and feel well. My mind remains sharp, and I experience no aches or pains. I ensure to take my multivitamin and D3 each day. Given that I spend 18 hours a day seated due to my legs being non-functional, my caloric needs are not high. This has been my routine for approximately three years. My weight is stable at around 135 pounds, with no fluctuations.

Caloric needs vary from person to person. However, the commonly recommended 2000 calories per day may not align with modern sedentary lifestyles where screen time predominates. Many individuals may require fewer than 1400 calories daily.
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I've read her entire KF thread. It died several months ago but someone discovered her new tumblr account and the past week has been really active. It's grim, she seems like she may be dying.
People might very well be genetically predisposed to obesity, but whether you become obese is still determined by your (food) environment.
do these fucking retards really believe their infertility is unexplained?

you got fat. your hormones are fucked. you now take ozempic and get back to acceptable weight then you conceive your retarded child.

where was I wrong?
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could you link it? I want to study this lardopotimus in real time before she croaks.
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A loaf of bread a day I’m dead. I remember watching one episode of the show and I just didn’t like it because the skinny woman clearly had severe postpartum depression. She existed off of black coffee and toast, and she had a toddler that she took exceptionally good care of that had very nutritious, well-rounded meals, Mom insisted that she just didn’t have time to take care of herself because her child was always her number one priority. She didn’t really have an eating disorder, she just had postpartum depression. Yet they still villainized her and told her she was just as bad as the super fatty.
anorexia is mostly a symptom, you can get anorexia because you have digestive problem so eating is painftull and you rather not eat than having nightmarish cramps, you can get anorexia when you are under certain medication that makes you nauseous and it's '' better'' to not eat than throwing up everything

But anorexia nervosa is a mental illness, not everyone wanting to loose a few pounds can turn into a genuine anachan like Eugenia, you need a certain chemistry in your brain and just the right amount of past trauma to be able to run on an empty engine ( but in reality the human body is incredibly ressourcefull and will find way to make you survive, making your periods stops, your hair fall off, your body heat to decrease and the most weird side effect is making you grow back lanugo )

so in a nutshell, hamplanet can have anorexia as a symptom ( that the main point of ozempic) but they can't be ''anorexic''
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Sometimes you can just open an incognito tab in your browser and search the username, it’ll still show recent posts before it demands you log in.
I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say I don’t think she believes she’s an anorexic, but that’s one of the few sites these these days where she can just scream into the void about weight loss stuff, but because she’s doing a harder restriction, if she doesn’t tag everything with eating disorder and anorexia, she might get a shit ton of negative attention saying that this is clearly disordered eating that she’s pushing on others claiming it to be normal. Her post is just describing self-control, if anything shame on her roommate for knowing that she’s very overweight and she’s trying to feed her junk food. she’s also very overweight, or she thinks that OP is very pretty under all the fat and feels threatened by her losing weight.
If this was posted to our/plus size, without the tags, they would all lose their minds and say that this was anorexia being described. They would say it was extremely rude of her to not use tags, warning people.
Do they pay people or offer them any significant benefits for appearing on these shows, or do they just look for stupid people who want celebrity? I can't imagine appearing in my underwear on TV and watching my food piled into a tube unless I was in dire financial straits and was offered a lot of money.
We’ve had this discussion in the past on this thread, 2000 cal is required for a man that works out moderately and is taller than 5’9, 2000 cal is acceptable for a sedentary man that is very tall with a wide frame. Most women need no more than 1,500 a day, 1,700 if very active. For a sedentary short woman? 1,200 is totally fine and acceptable. But that’s considered a serious restriction by medical professionals
I hate that more and more companies are using fat people in their ads as if they're normal people.
God this is so depressing. This sort of thing really needs to be taught in school though, most people don't know any of this.
This. It's glorifying obesity. I can understand getting away from the Size 0 girls, but now it's gone completely the wrong way and normalising fat
When your diet is predominantly trash and little protein, you will start to literally get "the shakes", strong anxiety, stomach cramps, and headaches after not eating for 2 or 3 hours. This is probably where this whole myth comes from. It's not any kind of starvation. It's a side effect of your body being hammered with carbs and the simple fix is not sustaining your being off captain crunch.
Is there any correlation with birth control? Or do you infer that birth control causes the obesity?
the trend went down this year, apparently. skinny is trending back in the ad world
I always wonder how surgeons do it. They have to cut through so much fat just to get to the actual body. Imagine you have to cut a whole as deep as your hands can go before you reach muscle tissue.
They're glorifying consumption, basically. Consuming more = good, consuming less = bad. Big Food is waking up to the fact that GLP1 agonists are about to crater their companies and these propaganda campaigns are a desperate attempt to keep stock prices up.
Is that a halo top ad? I actually really did like halo top for weaning off my ice cream addiction, I’d tell myself only one container in a week, I could either eat it all at once or split it up. It be snd habit to eat no more than half, and the whole thing was only 310cal so it wouldn’t fuck my calorie count anyway. Now I rarely have ice cream of any kind.
>on birth control
>extra synthetic hormones that tell your body you can’t get pregnant/you already are pregnant
>be using these hormones constantly for around 10 years
>difficulty conceiving later
Average age a woman has her first child in the US is 27
Average age a woman starts birth control in the US is 16
>Rockstar games logo
Ahh the good ol' Jannie selection screen
Wall-E was prophetic
>not knowing what an x-ray marker is
I'm disappointed with the society enabling and promoting this kind of mental illness
that's correct I never had one, I obviously assumed it means right but I don't think you understood that this was a joke
I grew up in the American South. Fat bitches STINK especially in tank tops or short sleeves.
This is good video, it's not bullying, we should help these people and not enable and support their self destructive behavior because it's profitable to sell sugarry and processed food and drinks and destructive drugs for weight loss.
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Hmmm I’m not sure or well I can fatten the fat and wrists but I could try
>women being held responsible for anything
I'm reading r/plussize while waiting for my flight and it's hilarious, every 2nd post is a gem.
Blondie's cute!
What's that on her legs? I don't think it's supposed to be hair?
Most trends like this always die down eventually. Everyone makes a big stink about championing the cause and after a few years it isn't shiny and new anymore and they either lose steam or move on to the next new thing to scream about.
That's still not answering the question. Women have first child later for a variety of reasons. And birth control helps them have career.

But are you implying it causes the obesity? Or are you just expecting women to have kids and dutifully wife you?
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Does anyone have the one weight loss where this fat guy is getting put in a cage that he can only leave if he loses enough weight and it's only water that they can consume?
I needed it for something
Is this just a meme or is there some actual pictures of before and after of whoever this is?
What a dreamy world that that would be seen as obese.
Careful what you wish for. We'll end up with fat men as marketing too.

I'd rather we just have a massive anti-obesity health drive.
She's lying
do they realize all these medical conditions are caused by their obesity?
you need a cheat meal once a week to stop you from going into fatty 'starvation mode'
they need to eat like a pig on sunday and neutralize like 3 days of deficit so they can feel regular aka not literally withering away in their minds
i hate them
mentally it helps to have something to look forward to but make it still fit in your calories
t. lost like 70kg and would eat a burger or chicken sandwich on sundays but still count the calories
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Why do their bodies look like this? Genuinely doesn't look human
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Looks more concerned about becoming dinner
>anime avatar
every time
I couldn't imagine living with myself if I murdered a child and I was fat
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Knew a girl who, when she found out that she's pregnant, gave me all of her cigarettes and any alcohol she had at home
Didn't really talk to her while she was pregnant, but got to meet her and the kid when he was 3 years old
Kid was autistic, didn't talk, and all she and her mother did, was turn on 3 TV's in their home with cartoons playing non-stop, so if kid wanted to do something, he could watch cartoons
Turns out after she gave me all her cigarettes and alcohol, she lasted about 3 hours and ran to the shop for more. Said that she just couldn't handle it. Then went on to blame doctors because they supposedly fucked the kid up, not her with her life choices pre and post-birth
Today on r /PlusSize/
Does the Philippines have an obesity problem or do they just not say anything because they used to be ruled over by amerilards
Please say sike
architects would fuck this kek
>but muh heckin fertility godesses!!
Women can always live with themselves, it’s their special talent
>incel response
try going outside
Fork put-downs to failure fatty
Be a cool uncle and take her for a steak now and then
Implying I am wrong, women don’t understand the concept of regretting having done something to others
It's true. I know a guy who's lost a lot of weight recently, but he slips up sometimes because his room mates buy takeout basically every day. Not only does he have to resist the urge to order junk food in the first place, but it'll be available even if he does.
I recently took my first trip over to Europe and was fucking astounded at the lack of fats. They're just sort of always around in America, but when you're somewhere without them, it's extremely noticeable.
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this has to be satire
Looks like he would oink, actually.
People would go onto shows like Jerry Springer for basically free. Your average midwit/retard just wants to feel important in a world where being seen is god status. It's pathetic and disgusting.
it's funny how both skinny and fatty are eating the same average british diet made of crisps, chips, baked beans and toast, but the skinny just eats the portion of a 4 year old
The US does have a lot of fat people. However this article is from the UK. Manchester, mum, takeaway aren't words we use.
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Pacific islanders have obesity problems maybe some live in the philippines
to put the fork down you need to pick it up musclehead
kek, good face for internal struggle
can we just shit these disgusting things to a deserted island or africa or something?
what is it about the girls face that makes me want to fuck her mouth until i cum deep inside her throat
Failed meme
It's the gym locker PEDs you're injecting into your glutes, not anything about her face.
The weird scaley texture/ blown capillaries
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Birth control contributes to obesity, known side effect. Obesity contributes to infertility. Again, it doesn’t exactly help even women in shape to be on birth control over a decade.
>but I wanted to have my cake and eat it too!
You can have a career and kids, but you can’t wait forever. You can always go to work later, you can always come back to work. You can’t always carry a healthy pregnancy.
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Another fat American realizes the way she is abnormal and rightfully gets fatshamed.
Dear God.
Elephant in red
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the absolute madman
Every episode they show a fatty how much of [food they love] they eat in a week or a year, they put it all in front of them, and they have to sit there and pretend it's a wake up call or something lol
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Why can’t God our Father hear me screaming. Your children are screaming. Clean this world and take us home.
i was a pretty big child and my doctor always told my parents to not worry abt it and when i hit puberty i slimmed down pretty well and was able to maintain it i think the amount of fat matters tho cos i wasnt morbidly obese i was just fat
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I genuinely need to get out of the midwest. Looking for a single, not fat women is a fucking CHORE
good luck chuck its the same everywhere
What? I thought that models were from the Midwest because tall big titty cornfed whatnot
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This girl would be considered overweight. Today she is really skinny.

Women have it so easy. They can easily leapfrog 80% of other women just by not being a fatass.
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> I am a plus sized men

They're become aware
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Thank you for your service
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I just feel disgust
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Anon, that's not really skinny. That's average.
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I’m really not sure how I feel about this. It’s good they’re losing weight and all, but even if it’s in an extreme way I don’t think you can call it anorexia. Is this just because they fear the fatties calling them anorexic anyway?
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Overton window.
>Heavenly bodies in orbit
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Former fatty here. For the first time since high school I am at a normal BMI.
it was these threads and /roon/ that helped.
I now have a solid hate of fatties. Their lack of discipline reminds me too much of the old me. Anyone can change.
The only ones I respect are the ones who admit it's killing them but that they "would rather live fast" or some shit. The ones who "can't lose the weight" or are "otherwise healthy" are scum
Maybe they're just better at hiding it. Some cultures are just more open about fat shaming than others
I use these threads to stay motivated, but I will admit the motivation comes with a small amount of resentment, the objective fact that until I lose it, I am considered subhuman

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Unpopular opinion but veganism, when done correctly, can get you all the protein and shit you need. This isn't 1950, our grocery stores have all kinds of animals free stuff that has expensive almost equivalents. It's not for me, but I can respect it.
Why doesn't she have the option to lose weight?
My boss is a land whale and I know she's just trying to be nice but she always brings sweets and shit to the office.
I guarantee this dude is counting calories wrong.
I disagree with this pic. Food can be good and there is nothing wrong with an occasional treat. A nice steak, eggs cooked well, etc. If you can't cook healthy and tasty that's on you.
I don't want fat guys in my ass either.
I am in love with the skinny woman
This is clearly satire but not so clearly satire at the same time
The definition of anorexic is that you have trouble eating. You can be fat and bulimic, as the binge could be larger than the purge thus leading to excess weight, but you cannot be fat and long term anorexic.
[Teenage wasteland]
Yep that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got myself into this mess!
Rebecca Adlington interview: ‘I was a size 10 and now I’m a 16. I have struggled with my weight’ - The Olympic swimmer won two gold medals at just 19 years old. Now 35, she describes why there are more important things in life than fitness

Words cannot convey how sad this makes me. Six years maximum for killing a little boy? I imagine she'll even get a plea deal and be out in less. There is no justice in these courts.
She was just your typical fat worthless tripfag involved in discord drama or some other gay shit thus that failed attempt at a forced meme.
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>The ones who "can't lose the weight" or are "otherwise healthy" are scum
i work in an emergency room and this is always the most infuriating shit. people will call 911, come in with a complaint that is directly related to their weight, then argue that they're "healthy" and this all just suddenly happened. their chart will be full of repeated visits for years, but they'll look you in the eye and say they've never been to the hospital before. then they'll start lying to you that every day they run 5 minute miles, exercise for 3 hours, and only eat 500kcal but magically pots or their thyroid or whatever makes it so they're forced to be 400lbs.
>they’re all just shallow guys that do it for pussy.
Shows what they know
Right? Nah I’m doing this for ME. Really. I feel better than I have have lifting weights and reducing my intake. Lifting weights is (really) fun. I love seeing a better and better reflection in the mirror.
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That ends one of two ways: either he gains it all back, or he makes it with the added bonus of godlike willpower.
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reminds me of this
>And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

>Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

>The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

>I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

>And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

>I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
This is someone who should not be allowed in public.
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>The death of a popular YouTuber from El Salvador
>The plus-size food blogger was famous for his online food reviews
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Theres a manchester in new hampshire
No I meant we're gay. We're doing it for dick.
That subreddit seems to be for people who explicitly reject HAES and are desperately trying to lose weight. Very sad stuff, actually.
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honest question, why are americans like this?
Honest answer, it's the Jews.
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Cities and states too large to effectively walk/bike for a daily life, relative decadence allowing us to not have annual famines, and food that is high in calories but not very filling. Another is that some people are just never taught how to make a good diet due to lack of the parents themselves knowing/caring to teach their kids
Just in case any fatties are in here struggling. I have one easy tip for you:
>Always eat salad/greens before a meal
This fixes your blood sugar and drastically reduces your cravings
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Don’t forget boomer, saying “back in my day we didn’t have to count calories or track what we ate, if you wanted cake you just had cake!” As if their generation hasn’t become disgustingly obese towards the end of their lifetimes when Gisla became widely available, and as if they didn’t walk everywhere and do hard labor all the time. They also just had smaller appetite back then, average weight for a man in World War II Was 144 pounds. Yet these days, under 200 is victim weight.
But how can you not know.l what your body needs? It's been drilled into us our whole lived. Lean meat, dietary fibre, leafy greens, 5+ a day, minimise sugar, minimise fat, minimise goyslop... I knew all that shit by the time I was 6.
There's no fucking way anyone can possibly be that retarded and still feed themselves. It's willful ignorance.
It’s not taught in all states or even all schools in a given state.
Disgusting Nordic Ape
rakesh you have coostomer to scam on line 2 ax her to buy gif carr
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Why do they write like bots?
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>yeah nah i want a fuckin burger kang slop burger
Thanks for the reminder, scripture bro, I'll try to be less judgemental. I just get so angry. Things could be so much better if we just taught and reinforced calorie counting
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Not exactly. That passage of scripture isn’t saying don’t be judgmental, or being judgmental will send you to hell. It’s just saying not to be self-righteous and say that you’re perfect and everyone else is dog shit. The man who can admit his faults and still beg God for mercy, he is worthy of mercy. The Pharisee on the other hand thinks that he’s perfect.
Yeah but
>And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
>and despised others
That's the operating part, and what can we say hate is but depising?
No, theres no sport in making a fat girl fatter
high sw anas are my fav bc, if they actually commit long-term, they make the best transformations.
I wonder what she considers a "snack"
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>including a wiring diagram
Very nice touch
Lol retard
Wtf is debt tall?
>black pipo don teech dey childrun to swayum
>nor to stand up in 3'3" water
Ive never had a cheat meal on purpose
Seems like you are only cheating yourself
Lmao the guy from king of queens went 41 days on a fast
You arent anorexic because you missed 2nd breakfast once
This is the fat person hate thread, not the fat milker appreciation thread.
I need a shower, cold.
God damn.
0:00-0:02. I could watch it on repeat forever.
>the fat women in the pic died in her low 20s and left behind a young daughter

its crazy to ask this questions on fit. here we talk about the side effects of steroids almost daily.
but if the exogenous hormone pill you take is the stupid birth control pill for stupid fucking women, suddenly the skepticism turns on.

man why is it so fucking hard to talk about anything related to women?
why is it so fucking hard to think even for a second that maybe women are largely doing something stupid and damaging their bodies?

when people roid you don't even question it, of course they're hurting their own health.
it's the same. women could just use a condom but no, they need birth control to become cum dumpsters.
"muh career" go fuck yourself you stupid retard.
use a condom.
birth control pills are exclusively needed to become cum dumpsters, nothing else.
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It looks like the body was still moving from shock. No way it survived.
What would happen if a pregnant ham planet went keto and fasted? The baby would be feeding completely off of the fat stores. Has that ever happened before? a 300lb woman doing 1 week fasts the whole time.
Id much rather fuck a girl using birth control than a condom. Condoms fucking suck ass
No he died, it was in the news a few years back
Sex exists to get women pregnant, not to fulfill your coomer desires.
Thailand more like Basedland

Papa Nurgle bless
It came to him in a dream
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fridge raider
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I do it for pussy but I actually enjoy lifting
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Pathogenic viruses do not exist, idiot.
>but the experts said
They also said being fat is healthy, boys can become women, masculinity is toxic, fags can marry, and there is no God.
then marry the girl
do you really need to rub genitals with randoms?
if they do it with you, they do it with others
cum dumpsters are revolting
Well, yeah it's true i guess
>3h fligh
>Isle seat with 250lb women to my side and another one on the window
>Both buy some cake package and cappuccino
>The one in the middle can barely move and starts saying she needs to lose weight
>The one on the window that was young but already fat starts saying het being fat isn't the problem but the company needs larger seats
>Keep stuffing their mouths with cake.
What kind of birth control are you taking, anon?
He did? I've never seen him thin. When was this?
Please make a gif before this thread dies
I'd be interested how Catholic is split up when seperating Hispanic Catholics from the rest. I think Catholics of European descent would fare better alone. Indigenous admixture surely correlates with higher obesity.
Dude, that chart's source is "trust me bro"
would without hesitation
already seen it here in Sweden with fat men
LIpedema balls lmao
Kid looks like a fag
She did the world a favour
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Life exists to be enjoyed incel
Guess what I eat food I like too
You know how I know you’re a virgin?
I live in Japan. Here the medical world uses the same BMI used everywhere else and I don't think her BMI is =>30, so no, Japan does not consider her obese.
it's cope from their side. the "they can't criticize me for something I did on purpose!" shit. same reason people make söyfaces to dodge the risk of unintentionally looking stupid in a photo
if anything, I am surprised she even got those 6 years
both of them have their own target audience. the male models are all slim and fit because that is what men want to be.
the female models are fat, because that's what women want. or rather, they might not specifically want to be fat, but they also don't want to put any effort into being slim, so they'd much prefer it if their obese asses were simply seen as attractive.

a man looks at the world and decides what part of it he wants to pick as role model to try and emulate, a woman looks at herself and decides she should be the role model for the world.
>I like being fat
Mad cope

It's fine to be fat, but no one likes it
Everything is a trauma to them.
Someone made that chart of out spite in their mom's basement
what is an "underbody"
>I am so fat my health is at risk and I may die a horrible and painful death
>This is making me rethink my choices
>Please, quickly, someone give me validation and tell me that funnelling slop down my throat is heckin valid and not contributing to my severe diabetes
You cant make this up. If there wasnt evidence you would think it was satire.

Those milkers, goddamn. I come to this thread to kill my horny, not increase it.
"straight sized" is that really what they call us?
My buddy and his petite spinners Asian wife have 2 kids. She gained maybe 10lbs max each pregnancy and had a flat tight stomach within 3 months of giving birth. She still excersized while pregnant and ate like healthy Asian women do.
My sister just had her first son. She was 125lbs at 5'5" before. She got up to 150lbs. Now 2 months later she is back down to 130lbs. Again, ate normally and excersized.

Women using pregnancy as an excuse to give up on their health is disgusting. It would make me seriously consider divorce.
Was reading too fast and read it as
"Edgar Landinfluencer" lmaooo
>The 2 mental illnesses and the greedy grabblers are fattest
This creature really revels in it's repulsiveness, doesn't it?
Shotgun to the apron guy should be the sentence. Fuck that thing
And it's the world's fault instead of this fat who chooses to stay fat. It can always drop the trauma-causing skinnies and get only fat friends so it can live in it's fat echochamber of victimhood with other fat victims. Then die of diabetes, hypertention, and cardiac disease.
so being fat is an illness and they need accomodation, but at the same time, they are healthy at every size
so, being fat is great, but skinny people are somehow triggering

what kind of mental gymnastic is this ? why can they do actuall gymnastic instead ?

>Pagans/Neo-Pagans are the fattest

Not really a shocker. I've encountered so many self-proclaimed pagans that clearly strayed away from mainstream faiths because there was an expectation of sacrifice for one's well-being. Instead they chose a route of false hope and gluttony, which will be its own punishment in a short while

Spotted the fat pagan
But at what point does it become anorexic behavior? At what point are the guys on this Mongolian basket weaving for him anorexic because they do rolling 48 fast? At what point is a female female anorexic if she does fasting every other day? Shit, I’m pretty sure if you told some of those girls that regular ass guys/gym rats Regularly just eat every other day and don’t experience severe binging. They would lose their minds and start playing the pain game like never before trying to outdo them.
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has anybody told him?
congratz, i hope you will keep off the weight. Wish my SIL would too. She is the only fat one rn. Her mom is railthin. So no excuse it's in the family... she is the typical example of lost the weight and gained it all back + some more. The child seems healthy though. Maybe she will get her shit together after she is healed up.

I would have lost the game "pregnant or fat"
>But at what point does it become anorexic behavior?
when you feel good about it despite the hunger, when you feel incredibly proud of it, when people start to notice your change of behavior and worry about you ( or praise you for your discipline because '' oh i could never, i get fat just by looking at bread lol '' ) when the real '' starvation mode '' starts and being an hungry skelly turn you into an hyperactive tornado on steroids for some reasons.

when '' nothing taste as good as skinny feel'', it's not about the food, never was, it's all about being in control
Some doctors claim that hormone birth control fixes certain health conditions related to hormonal imbalances, not that this ever really made sense because it’s just throwing more hormones at a severe hormone imbalance, hoping that eventually it’ll fix itself. Especially when a lot of those women are just fat, the big fix for them is lose weight, or they’re entirely sedentary and they just need to increase their activity, or they’re somehow not fat but they eat actual garbage and are nutrient deficient, or wait! Let’s not forget that most young women in their early 20s are alcoholics. For those that are actually doing everything right and they still have absolutely fucked up bodies, it becomes the same problem of TRT where maybe it is doing some help in a short term but it’s not actually fixing anything. And it certainly won’t make you reproductive system actually function. If you can believe it, I actually have known women where they are essentially rendered infertile by hormonal imbalance, and their doctor says that they just need to go on birth control for a few years and then stop and then they should be able to have babies. As if that makes any sense.
Do you know something else? That’s really funny? It’s pretty common knowledge that women that start birth control balloon up very quickly. It’s just common knowledge that for a vast majority of women birth control does make them fat. The actual side effects list for the drugs. Try to say they don’t cause weight gain and that’s just a myth. It just so happens that from the beginning of hormonal birth control being rolled out to present day, a vast majority of women gain immediate weight. It also just so happens that for some reason, lipodema is on the rise when it genuinely used to be a rare condition.
But I’m also an asshole and I believe that if you are infertile it’s for a reason. Don’t pass it on.
SIL is obese, they tried and tried and it didn't happen. Brother even went to the doc to check his sperm. But the idea that SIL is too fat didn't cross their minds... infuriating
There would be a question of kidney function, but as long as she was supplementing all of her prenatal vitamins, taking a fish oil pill so that the fat soluble vitamins could actually be used, and still getting at least some decent activity, it shouldn’t be a problem at all. it used to be a very, very bad thing if you lost weight while pregnant, but we know now that’s really not the case. As long as the baby is developing healthy, a fat mom should entirely be able to lose weight while pregnant. In fact, it’s better for the baby because it decreases complications at birth
>inb4 sauce
Google it retard
She said she went to a shopping mall, and there is nothing in her size because it was all too small, and they told her that she was too fat to fit in any of their clothes they sold.
There was a woman in Utah that was found guilty of torturing two of her six children. The youngest two she was subjecting to actual torture, she would water board them, starve them, force them to work in such labor outside that they were covered in second-degree blister burns, she’d forced them to drink dirty water if they wanted anything at all to drink, she shaved a little girls head, and she even created an isolation chamber for them. But the state of Utah won’t allow her to serve longer than 30 years. The father knew and got zero time because at least he didn’t contribute to the abuse.
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A lot of active Fatties really hate recovered Fatties for this shit. It completely destroys their narrative that they can’t lose weight and it’s not their fault, so they try coming up with other shit like it was just an eating disorder, they gain all the weight back anyway, That they just have good genetics that allow them to lose weight at all, or they don’t listen to the whole story. When recovering Fatties and recovered Fatties say it’s easy to lose weight, they mean the formula is extremely simple. Eat less. They mean that it was way easier than they thought it was going to be, and they regret not starting sooner. They still struggled with the urges to eat constantly and eat junk , it’s breaking a food addiction. It’s not without struggle. But a lot of these Fatties insist that any amount of struggle must be bad for you because if it feels bad, it is bad.
Jennifer Marie Wilson, 40, was ordered to serve six days in jail, as well as 12 months probation

that's it? Brutal.
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As pointed out earlier in the thread, it was on video too. They caught her on video, crushing the child to death, and not letting go, despite his cries, getting quieter and quieter. If this was a man, they’d have been digging a hole under the jail For him the day that they caught him.
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Apparently eating right is racist.
new thread
I'm ordained you absolute ding dong lol
Go outside and meet real people, please
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You WILL eat the slop, CHUD!
>You WILL eat the slop

> For Valhalla!
what ep is that?
i'm not, you stupid retard, i know what im talking about
it's crazy you actually think fucking sluts gives you bragging rights
everyone who actually lifts and isnt an autist can fuck sluts, its fucking easy

the day actually find a woman thats worthwhile i'll be first to congratulate you

meanwhile youre a stupid retard gay faggot nigger for wasting time over cum dumpster hoes
have fun fucking somebody else's cum out of her
yap those doctors are retards. someone wrote some guidelines where it says its right to over prescribe birth control, and they blindly follow.
honestly i've found some mom accounts on instagram that understand periods and fertility better than doctors. women who work out and try to eat organic ecc figured it out more than blind believers of pharma financed research

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