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>muh metabolism
Is this just an excuse or is there some science to it?
where's the plapjak psyop guy?
this one is too dark
this is getting weird man
Fat girl I dated shortly with huge tits was the best sex ever she loved sucking my dick every time we met up 2-3 times and even after sex she'd spend 20 minutes sucking the soul out of me.
I want to suicide.
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It is true that some people burn less calories than others from just existing, and it's also true that some individuals experience significantly more intense hunger than others. But those are not excuses. Anyone can get fit. You can eat high volume foods to kill your hunger, and you can build muscle and live more actively to increase your base metabolic rate.
>It is true that some people burn less calories than others from just existing
This is not true other than very minor differences or extremely rare conditions
> it's also true that some individuals experience significantly more intense hunger than others.
This is true, just like some people are genetically predisposed towards alcoholism or gambling addiction. This should not be an excuse for your behavior though.
Cuck shit
Man, I have had some truly epic sex, which has included some incredible blow jobs as finishers, but I have never in 25 years of sexual activity had a start-to-finish blowjob. I'm talking just sitting there flaccid all the way through to esophageal insemination. Lifts for this feel?
Metabolism is a big factor, not just in the ability to burn calories but in general energy levels throughout the day/mood. However it's never so low as to be insurmountable and the healthier you get the more it will boost. So yeah, it's harder for some people, and more difficult once you've already dug yourself into a hole. But that's no excuse.
differences in metabolism are a thing but the people who use it as an excuse assume they have no control over it which is false
It's basically insulin resistance. If someone has either fucked theirs up with a high-sugar diet for too long or if they have shit like PCOS, the body will switch into what is essentially fat storage mode, and excess glucose will store as fat. This doesn't really need a calorie surplus to happen, either, so it is genuinely fucked. Same shit with diabeetus.

Closest thing to a solution is a low-sugar diet, but considering how much food has way more sugar than you'd think, it does kind of suck.
The only "science" here is just simple thermodynamics
Your metabolism will be high if you are larger than average or burn more calories than average
A 6'3 205lbs guy who lifts 4-6x a week is gonna have a way higher "metabolism" in terms of calories than let's say a 5'6 150lbs woman who doesn't train. It's just common sense that these two individuals eating the same amount of calories would have different results in terms of weight and body composition
I want more of these images. We're so dehumanised in this society of endless social consumption that an organic and real romance is basically impossible
Pictures like this should sting if you're fucking scum taking advantage of women with your looks or charisma
This is so fucking funny dude
>faggots still pushing this april meme
>OP doesn't understand what a metabolism is
The average /fit/izen doesn't understand, either, so don't feel too stupid, now. You're probably smack dab on the 100 IQ mark, if not only a few points lower.
Please stop posting this one. It makes me genuinely sad.
Had the same thing except my chick was slim with b cup tits and we dated for two years. Frankly ruined sex for me, everything after has been disappointing.
She was hungry
That's the point.
>This is not true other than very minor differences
What do you think a Basal Metabolic Rate is?
Metabolism won't have you gorge enough food to get obese. If you know your metabolism is shit nothing is stopping you from eating just a little bit less every day.
Take deep controlled breaths and experience the physical sensations in your body
They’re called “feelings” because they’re touch sensations
If you feel sad ruminate on that and use it as energy
Are these the two that started out as skinny stoner chicks?
>extremely rare conditions
Like mine?
Damn, that was the first sexual thing I ever did. From a fat girl too no less. And she was good
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I think plapjak is funny
It's already over, bro.
How do I not cum as fast? My ex used to finish me off in 5 mins blowjob only.
Yeah, never blown from a BJ. Wish I could
Seeing this meme get its own extended universe has been pretty interesting
> finds these funny
I’d physically hurt you irl
>we just harvested everybodys genetic data when we pulled the coronahoax
I trully hate them
same but she had the most amazing body i've ever seen. would be obsessed with gulping my dick, sometimes keep it in her mouth forever just for fun. also did everything and i mean everything. i don't watch porn anymore so i try to train my current gf, but she just doesn't get the satisfaction from it.
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I would use science to protect him
objectively seems like bullshit, but come to think of it, my mum has been eating literally 4 times as much as my dad as long as I remember, i.e.since their mid thirties till their mid sixties now, and she always maintained around 100lbs at 5'3'' and my dad has always been fat, weighing 200+lbs at around 5'5'', despite barely eating anything. he was in hospital once around 20 years ago and came back like 40lbs lighter, but he jumped back to his old weight in what literally seemed like days
If he got slim in the hospital it's likely that he eats more when you're not looking, he might get a cheeky burger or three just after work and before dinner
Or maybe your mom is secretly feeding him extra calories, like Hal does to Lois in Malcom in the middle
no, there's a difference between being weeks under I.V. and just eating less. he got back to his old weight eating some light food and even less than normally
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what made you split?
i lost my verginicy to a girl im with rn and she seems for all intents and purposes obsessed with me, in a soul mate-y way. is this just honeymoon period stuff? yet to meet her parents, but spent some time with her as was. i like her a lot, but the love feels more strong coming from her side, paying for meals and trying to impress. i worry i dont know how good what ive got is
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Its getting weirder
>This is not true other than very minor differences or extremely rare conditions

This is not true. Also, hormones matter a lot(not just testosterone).
the premise of getting dominated by a girl with opposite political views seems weirdly arousing, but luckily the fat blob and gay shit like pegging, on top of literal shit, completely ruins it

I’ve smashed fat women before
...as far as you know
I feel so sad for her
I have, once, and my advice is find a girl with a pierced tongue
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Hopefully blew his brains out.
kek this is what architects are into
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summoning the plapjak schizo
The virgin doomer coomer is somehow a chad in disguise in that pic unironically.
Science says the opposite.
Fatties have faster metabolisms because they eat more food and have more food to process. Fasting slows your metabolism down.

I wouldn't expect a hamplanet to have correct justifications.
You have full control over your metabolism.
because she is fat and knew the only reason you'd stay around is sex. so she did all she could to try and make you stay.
Plapping is unironically the cause of hoflation. Women base their value on men wanting to fuck them. Men who fuck disgusting women ruin society.
Thank you
Biggest cope I’ve ever seen, glad some one disagrees >>74748397
that will happen when your country becomes a superpower, Rafiki. Aka never. Maybe speed it up yourself? Also, thanks for remembering me
You cockroaches still clinging to this april meme is amusing, two already died this past week and I rarely have to post

aily reminder these “plapjacks” are psyops spread by them / blackpillers / chubby chasers / Indians / demoralisers in order to normalise fucking obeasts and make it look “based” and acceptable
This has been going all week.
Do not faulted. Do not fall
Stay strong
Bonus: I will not be reading cope skizo responses, just here to warn the real ones

>you’re schizo
>you’re a retard!
>you’re projecting you want to fuck them!
>autism ( this is the main one)
That should about cover your insults

Enjoy your dying meme Boyos, come October no one will even remember it!
>it’s just a meme bro don’t take it seriously
>multiple retards ITT admitting to fucking fatties
Oh I’d absolutely love for some giga brain retard to explain to me how this one doesn’t portray it in a positive light
Anyone care to amuse me?
>n-nooo it’s just ironic!
Seriously this one’s not even trying to be conspicuous
Cya in the next faggots
Jeet hands posted this
Remember the Somme.
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If you're so concerned about being psyoped by memes, how come you're seemingly impervious to being psyoped into a Chad?

And the meme portrays me on the left, they’re. Trying to make the plapper a positive thing clearly
what's dark about it? Lazy roastie got fat so why the fuck do I care.
Her parents abused her and let her get fat. She never learned discipline to lose weight because all her catty friends told her she was beautiful the way she is. Desperate for validation that she wasn't getting, she turned to tattoos, drugs, and getting plapped by stinky hippies.
Yes she could have prevented this herself, but you still can't help but feel sorry for her.
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>I hate fat girls
Fucking kek
Post body.
t. chubby chaser
Fat women can not be ridiculed enough.
Metabolism is based on activity level. There are some who can't process simple sugars properly. For example beaners had never domesticated animals, then the Spanish brought cheese over and they liked it so they put it on everything. They can't digest lactose properly so they're all fatfucks. I'm willing to bet some Europeans struggle with fructose digestion similarly and all the corn syrup in everything is wrecking their systems.

Still the solution is just avoiding the 3 simple sugars. They're eating way too much of things they shouldn't really eat to begin with because they're tasty food addicts.
A good fat girl is a fucking amazing experience, but the best sex I've had was this small and flat latina woman who had this incredible tight pussy that literally made pop sounds whenever I pulled it out. She was light enough to carry and try whatever I wanted and would ride me like a fucking blender. I had to stop every 2 minutes.
>Oh I’d absolutely love for some giga brain retard to explain to me how this one doesn’t portray it in a positive light
Chad is the positive side.
Plapjak isn't positive.
That's the joke.
You're autistic.
don't humanize them like that
>very minor differences
Your body weight in freedom units is 1 pound for every X net Calories you consume (rolling six month average). X is considered inside normal healthy parameters for any value between 8 and 12, with 8 being a slow metabolism, and 12 being a fast metabolism. So a 2000 calorie daily intake gets you a final body weight between 170 and 250 pounds at the extremes of the healthy range. And while those are extremes, and the number of people in those extremes is probably pretty small, the difference between being 190 and 210 is also visibly obvious, and that's probably the metabolic gap between about half of all people.
Food moves through your intestines at a fixed rate, when a person with a slow digestive process eats too much instead of getting fat they get diarrhea.
I'd say you're mostly good. Maybe she doesn't actually love you more: make sure you remain a part of her otherwise fulfilling life and not the center of it.
>doesnt care what anyone thinks
His face says otherwise
It's true and forcing chicks to eat barely 1200 calories will just do more harm than good in the long run
what people contribute to "metabolism" is actually just how hungry people feel at certain bf%
Unironically how many men have the same experience.

> Be with woman who actually makes effort during sex.
> Forever remember as unique exceptional experience that will probably never happen again.
>that one girl who was extremely eagar to please, and pretty cute.
>best sex of my life, hands down.
>my dumbass was put off by how enthusiastic she was, break it off quick.
>find out she lost a bunch of weight, powerlifts, even hotter somehow.
I'm not Chad but my best sex partner by far was a pear shaped pancake tit Filipina. Not a great blowjobber but she would suck my balls which as a mutilated (circumcised) guy is a huge W.

Anyway she was in love with me and liked getting fucked balls deep. The best part was putting her legs on my shoulders and crushing her until she cummed 2 or 3x times. Always raw, always came inside, always ~1,000 kisses. I should have married her. Instead I'm an incel.

The End
It's both. My genes cause 10% greater calorie burn but also reduce appetite.
>Is this just an excuse or is there some science to it?
Both. Some people have really fucked metabolisms. 2 people of the same exact stats can have a difference of like 2000 calories per day as their baseline metabolism. It can (probably) be fixed to get to where they should be based on the calculations, as that is controlled by hormones, so someone that has a really low metabolism almost certainly has completely fucked up hormones. Same for the person with the super high metabolism, but they get and stay lean from it, so people tend not to care, but they're both representative of equally fucked levels of hormones
>A 6'3 205lbs guy who lifts 4-6x a week is gonna have a way higher "metabolism" in terms of calories than let's say a 5'6 150lbs woman who doesn't train.
Not true, that dude can have the exact same bmr compared to the woman if his hormones are fucked, not including the exercise requirements for energy expenditure
No lol
Virgins usually lack awareness
Hence the virginity
>Science says the opposite.
>Fatties have faster metabolisms because they eat more food and have more food to process. Fasting slows your metabolism down.
this is literally dead-ass opposite to the truth. Fatties eat roughly the same as other people, but they burn jack shit. Fasting increases your metabolism by like 14% at the day 4 mark. Shut your stupid fucking mouth if you have no fucking clue what you're talking about
>Fatties eat roughly the same as other people
Seething virgins lol

It's perma online virgins thinking they're better than the sex havers
You're not, fat girls wouldn't even give you a chance and you know it so you seethe instead of bettering yourselves
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>just assume she's a cum dumpster rather than just into you
>break it off with zero supporting evidence rather than sticking it out for a bit and seeing if it is true or not
You're so fucking retarded dude. I don't even feel sorry for you.
I can tell you're short because 205 lbs is not what anyone who lifts weights at 6'3" would weigh.
post tiddies, hog
A lot of them do dumbass. I didn't say ALL of them. Some day people have fucked hormones for various reasons. I've heard stories of fat people that literally just start taking iodine as the only change that was recommended by their doctor and lose 20 lbs in a month without doing anything else
No, a lot of them door dash thousands of calories worth of slop and are completely sedentary. A very small portion of fatties have an underlying medical condition that made them that way.adrkh
I've only nut once from a blowjob, and it was when I was bordering on blackout, my girl just started sucking my dick, and then my subconscious decided to use her throat as a fleshlight. I've also only ever came once from getting ridden, too. It was then I realized the only real reason I ever cum, is because I enjoy the act of domming more than getting my dick wet.
NTA but looking back I've done this a dozen times. If I could revisit my 23 year old self I would implore him to stop kicking hot bitches to the curb. He didn't know what he had
this picture is so goddamn sad
i want to save her
she doesnt have to do all that
she can just be herself and i will love her and help her lose weight
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we all start out with bright eyes and big dreams
I know i'm probably ruining sex with the girl i'm currently seeing but i can't help it
>looks good & nice body, skinny with a generous amount of ass
>free use kink, literally almost always down to get dicked
>knows what she's doing, right amount of effort on her end and she'll ride like it's her last day on earth
>0 chance of a future with this woman, poly with a husband

Eventually i'll have to get it together and find someone i can actually be in a relationship with but god damn
every fatty in my family that I tried to help lose fat cheated non-stop. I'd find them in restaurants, drinking, skipping gym because BS excuses
This. Fit is a comedy board not a depression board
yeah medical conditions barred, I'm speaking in general terms
of course there's always exceptions
it's funny cause those are almost my exact stats
I am that tall and I weigh between 200 and 205lbs, but my bf% is like 17 or 18
If you're not a fat fuck you should look pretty big at that weight, it's over 26BMI which is overweight
You're probably just obese and look like dogshit, and you sound like an ignorant plebe
don't try to help them anon. if they want to be fat pigs, let them. if they genuienly want to lose weight and be healthier then help them. until someone realises on their own that being obese is hindering their life in every way, there is nothing you can do to help them.
>t.former fat guy
>I weigh between 200 and 205lbs, but my bf% is like 17 or 18
Anon, you should start working out.
Please delete this, it makes me depressed.
I'm neither fat, or a woman, and this reminded me of my neglectful upbringing and it makes me both unsensibly angry and also nostalgiacly depresso
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
I think that's what makes it sad for me. My own experience of wanting a happy, successful life and healthy family. Instead I took a left turn, went down into degeneracy, and had to look back at myself to see where/how I went wrong.
is this bait? how tf would anybody think it's based it's clearly making fun of people fucking fattys
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>we eat the same
>muh thyroid
>muh hormones
I don't get it
Your body burns roughly the same amount of calories daily no matter what you do
Metabolism is "real" but it's not really the reason people are overweight
People are overweight because of thousands of years of evolution that made the human body work the way it does and modern diets being completely wrong in terms of nutrients
What the fuck is real anymore
It's all a fuckin psyop
Hunger, metabolism and food preferences are all extremely individual
It's still no one else's responsibility to deal with the consequences of that besides your own.

If you want to be thin then become thin, if you want to gorge yourself then that is your right
>i'm a weak faggot whp women can sense but thats fatty fetishists fault
i hate dyel fatty fetishists as much as the normal(normal means normal not what clown world deems normal)guy but hoeflation is an excuse by weak faggots who would have died in childhood before modern medicine
Hey where'd you find that pic of a Reddit mod
its what architects do when they aren't spamming this site
Christ, I feel bad for her husband. This guy probably thought she was loyal at first, turns out his wife will accept any dick anywhere
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As someone who has a history of dating fat chicks it is kinda sad, because some are really lovely they just lack self discipline

I will plap them anyway
Eh husbands kind of a sperg/turbo nerd. Probably had to accept it was either that or nothing.
If woman in question wasn't such a shut in herself i wouldn't have touched her for fear of disease. Only reason i knew her was through an ex
don't care what dyels like you think kek
Unless you're married, you must remain a virgin.
this is like some denpa shit except with american problems
Lol. I used to weigh 135lbs (6'3). I've put on like 50-60lbs of muscle. Post body immediately - you sound like a fat kunt that copes by saying you're "heavy set" when in reality you've never seen your six pack and can barely do three pullups
If someone has been eating/fed a diet high in sugar/processed carbs starting in childhood and into adulthood, especially without any fiber/protein/fats to pre-bind them, they have almost permanently damaged their insulin response to remove sugars from their blood, and will naturally find it much harder to not store what they eat as fat/in their liver. Let alone to get back to a healthy natural state
idk man reads like copypasta to me
or a impostor
does not give me ovoseer vibes
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I'm a manlet and I would kill to be a fatty instead. Knowing that I could actually do something about my predicament I would be over the moon since my troubles will be gone shortly. I have no sympathy for plaps.
I had a great metabolism till I was 36 and started on anti psychs. Now I have a belly instead of a 6 pack and it's proving hard to shift.
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why are these so funny kek
>Is this just an excuse
>is there some science to it?
The science is that they are too sedentary so they have a deficiency in muscle mass. The deficiency in muscle mass results in a low metabolism. If they got off their asses, started doing squats, their metabolism would go up due to increases in muscle mass.
It's almost like premarital sex was the mistake.
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It reflects reality
it is true to an extent, but only to an extent, maximum variation between healthy individuals is about 30% at the extreme, then there is thyroid dysfunction.

HOWEVER this does not mean calorie restriction doesn't work. And fatties that claim this, are still ultimately responsible for being fat, because they are still eating too much.
Based. The meme unironically reveals their delusions lol
This year I started considering fucking a slam pig to lose my v-card and get over this but ever since these plapjacks appear I've reconsider lmao. Thanks to whoever is making these. You might have saved my life.
It's called a slumpbuster n00b, get it done and get back on track
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It's your own damn fault
That you're so damn fat
Shame, Shame, Shame
> Obesity is a symptom of food poisoning
We banned cigarette advertisements.
We need to ban junk food and fast food advertisements.
> Obesity is a symptom of food poisoning.
Stop advertising poison. If people want to buy it that's on them. But brainwashing people into ruining their lives has to stop.
Not my problem.
Okay I’m fucking confused can someone throw he a bone here?
Some people say these memes are glorifying fucking fatties, and dabbing on incels who say shit like “rather be a virgin than ever do that”
One other half says it’s making fun of architects / fattyfuckers and dabbing on people who resort to that, as well as the occasional dude who relates to the desperation
Who the fuck do I believe ?
Don't get denpa in this, denpa is actually good
Shut up, nerd. No amount of sermons will ever prevent hormone-addled young people from pursuing sex and it's naive to believe so. This site is filled with christlarpers who use religion as a cope to explain away their virginity, but they're just ugly spergs.
>fat kid
fat kid is always 100% the cause of bad parenting - unless you want to argue that the kid is buying and preparing his own food
>bbut I knew 16yos who ate out every day on their own
this is already too late, op pic is max 10yo, we're talking about kids, not teens
Are you saying it was over for her no matter what because of having shitty parents?
>Pictures like this should sting if you're fucking scum taking advantage of women with your looks or charisma
It stings much less when you spent your late adolescence and college years totally alone while all the average women around you had infinite affection and access to sex
this really got me
over? no - you can overcome anything if you try
fuck off, the orca here is getting blasted at least unlike your fat ass
The most haunting thing about these images is that somewhere at some point this actually happened
Ray Peat seemed to think metabolism was the single most important aspect of health
>candle sticks on her tits
/biz/ are you ok?
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I was in the same position as you. Do not do it.
Take a look at wojak's facial expressions, anon. If you're not a full-fledged autistic retard, you should be able to figure it out.
This meme feels like a psyop it’s blown up out of nowhere
It’s on Twitter dtc
Wtf is happening
No I’m not the schizo but idk
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>best friend is turbo virgin
>he has crush on a gril
>she's married
>she opens the relationship with husband
>best friend dicks her down real good
>she leaves her husband
>best friend marries her
>closed relationship
>they now have a kid

just fuck her so good that she can't live without you
I'm probably just dumb but I've been staring at the OP pic for like 5 minutes and I don't get it. So it's just showing a girl dreaming about romance and she grows up to get plapped? Is that it?
>Her parents abused
Why do you guys think that?
>The most haunting thing about these images is that somewhere at some point this is actually happening right now

Having children get fat by overfeeding/feeding them unhealthy food, and not having them play sports is child abuse.
Oh, that kind of abuse.
Thought that comic had sexual abuse references I couldnt spot
CSA triggers HUGE growth issues including fat gaining spurt. Lot of young fatties became like this because they were actually raped and no one cared about it (or just made up some excuse like metabolism, puberty hormone unbalance, etc...)
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>I don't understand it! It's a psy-op! No! It's supposed to be bad! It's normalizing sex with fat girls!!!!
It's a psyop by the US Government which is hoping to increase America's birth rate at all costs for the next World Wars
Don't trust anyone here shilling it, it's a US Government operation, through and through
Never trust them. Don't trust the Shills. Stay in your room, stay away from other people, who are out for blood, at all times. STAY SAFE!
Its not really "muh metabolism", but apetite and tdee is partly genetic. That being said, its a factor to work around, not a reason to give up
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Hoeflation got so bad that skinny guys are chasing hogs. I Don't care if the fatties want even more and get depressed because they don't have it.
Hey asshole!
I'm a nazi, don't lump me with that schizo.
>modern feminism
as opposed to feminism at all?
letting women vote was a grain brained kike lover move
>Men have testosterone, so expecting them to not be violent, angry individuals is ridiculous! Just an excuse for the weak to survive! Fawkin onions boiz!!
I actually agree with you. But, it's actually a test for who in the world is a fucking moron. Not being Christian at this point is just a filter. I don't feel bad for single mothers. Because they have this same way of thinking. No consequences for your actions? Yes, yes, good goyium. It's the world's fault you suck, not your choices.
Allowing the government to enslave our women into the workforce is sickening. Why should they even give a fuck about how things run? Having babies and keeping things (including themselves) pretty and well kept. Is what they are designed for.
It's more of a "I descend from a lineage of degenerating humans that ate a diet that turned me into genetic trash and will doom the human race to extinction" kind of thing.
Post body, you sound fat
Prime Connor Murphy was 6'2 200 lbs fyi, and David Laid is 6'2" 190
>n-nooo you just can’t call out my psyop!
You just can’t Aok!!!
Memes dying btw. Barely any traffic on x

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