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Is starting strength still the best routine for beginner lifters? I heard it doesn’t give enough focus to your upper-body.
Silence chuds, it's her turn.
Wait. did that ugly guy really become an attractive girl?
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looking like the new Indiana Jones Jurassic Park crossover gonna be fire
>Has science gone too far?
Yeah, SS is still the golden standard.
As always, it's not so much better than any other n00b routine, but it guides you during the first day and evolving the routine as needed, that's pretty useful.
Other beginners'routines just give you the 'main' phase.
And since it's for novices, building as much metabolically active tissue is the goal, and it's just natural that the lower body grows faster than what aesthetics would want, but balance can be left for later.
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oye ese no es mujer.
es hombre vestido como mujer.
es marica como OP.
qrd on this abomination?
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They're the one making all the sperg threads raging about le powershitters
She’s homely cute.
Just do an LP on the big 4 with some rows. Until that stops going anywhere quick then start adding accessories. Don't really need a program.
you truly only need compounds but at least one vertical and one horizontal movement
so add pull ups and rows and starting strength is pretty good
hay noooo
>looking lovingly at his bf in the first
>looking away from his "gf" and at the camera in the second
It's over.
The real reason Terry Pratchett got alzheimers
i saw this thread on reddit

the old guy was 56 and the young guy 22 when they met and now they are married and he convinced him to transition

most of the redditors were celebrating and supporting them and moderators were deleting any negative comments. meanwhile if a 24 year old man was dating a 22 year old woman they would be labelled as a predator by everyone on the site lol
I thought that was father/son. What a clown world
I saw the thread everyone was calling the couple weird. I thought to myself I have to stop going to that weird leftist shithole, at least on 4chan there’s only retards and I won’t have to see these things but then you fuck it up
You can't "convince" someone to be transgender.
Either do
1) Phrak's Grey Skull LP but with as many sets of DL as squats instead of just 1 and have squats & DL alternating like other lifts in the routine, or
2) Alpha novice
They are as good as beginner routines get - balanced between all big 6 lifts (instead of just the 3 powerlifts), between upper body and lower body.
Sorry people disagree with your (incorrect) opinion
Why wouldn't you be able to?
You can convince people of anything. Especially children, and the most grotesque cases are crazy moms encouraging their sons to be girls with pavlovian shit like approving when they do feminine things and being cold or disapproving when they do masculine things.
Scary stuff
isn't that a dad with his kids? I feel like we are being bamboozled
So many words when what you just said is it'll teach you lifts and give you t-rex mode.
Newsflash, all routines teach you how to lift, it's called Google
Too many buzz words, shit bait
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holy shit that old degenerate won life big time

imagine you're married to an ugly fat redditor and you successfully psyop him into trooning, I bet he's exceptionally well trained, his head game fantasic and his anus self-lubricates while washing daddy's dishes and doing his laundry
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>did that ugly guy really become an attractive girl?

I did Starting Strength and I really do think it puts too much focus on Squats, too little on Deadlifts and Power Cleans are not as necessary as Rip makes them out to be.
My general opinion on Rippetoe is that he's spot-on in certain aspects like form, but dead-wrong in others like nutrition. And he's kind of a dick who'd never admit if he's wrong.

r/Fitness's Basic Beginner Routine is similar to SS but more balanced and with AMRAP sets which are nifty imo. I'd recommend that over SS these days.

Workout A

3×5+ Barbell Rows
3×5+ Bench Press
3×5+ Squats

Workout B

3×5+ Chinups (or equivalent)
3×5+ Overhead Press
3×5+ Deadlifts

americans have such perplexing tastes
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>attractive girl?
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The creator is quite strong and looks amazing but the more you listen to him the crazier he sounds. His routine should work but any should work as intensity is all that matters.
I'm 41 and sure have noticed a lot more youths transitioning. In my primary school we had no trans gender kids and in my high school I suspecting one dude of being gay due to his lisp and sissy ways but once again zero trans kids. Fast forward to today and countless workmatea kids are transgender. My niece wants to be known as Rick or Rix. Poor bitch has a butter face and was never shown how to bimbo maxx so she does this.
I didnt give any opinion you fucking retard
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king shit yeah
pretty sure a 22 year old dating a 56 year old is very vulnerable to being groomed
it's really common in schools now. one kid transitions and becomes the centre of attention and then all of a sudden 10 other kids come out as transgender
>when u a sick fuck but u done wit that gay shit
that's not Rip. this is a real picture of young rippletits.
is this true
GSLP is the best for a novice
Nah I know what you’re saying and I think it’s an angle thing. There’s no way he turns from that into a passable girl, no way
The face passes which is the most important part.
that's an old 22
Checked, it's kind of crazy how low I'd go in the T girl barrel, as long as they're HST I'm there with my dick
Rip really should have shut up about COVID, he sounded so stupid.
Kys you slack jawed window licker

You're smol for this very reason
Learning to properly brace for squats and training lowbar makes it unnecessary to train deadlifts more
My deadlift always tracks upwards with my squat
To be fair, that old faggot looks like he'd stick his dick in LITERALLY anything that breathes.
>washing daddy's dishes and doing his laundry
Bro, internet fantasy =/= real life. Trans people are notoriously lazy af. If you met any IRL you would know this. Unless they're video taping their asshole getting gaped, their rooms look like a battlefield. Mold on 2+ week old dishes, the whole 9 yards. Then they justify it with the depression / mental health excuse, manipulating their partner to take care of them. Trust me I live in SF I've known many. The whole "trans woman that acts like a trad house wife" fantasy is 100% internet LARP.

The only queers i've seen who keep their houses / apartments intact are the clean-cut professionals in tech or business or whatever.
Yes, especially among FtM
Truth. Elite male gays with the gym memberships and the wax jobs are carrying the LGBT community's rep. They are generally gross and dirty and low status like people with too many pets (huge overlap)
can confirm. I’m a landlord and mostly rent to college students. rented to a group of three guys and one tranny starting their sophomore year.
by senior year 3 out of 4 were trannies and the house was a fucking dump inside. worse than frat bros.
our leading institutions are devoted to making mental illness contagious

it's wild
based HSTS enjoyer
he's 28 in the top photo but they met when he was 22
old man has been scheming for a long time haha
I respect the effort. A gay guy is just a gay guy but if you're gonna dress up like a girl, do your hair and makeup, call yourself a girl name, I'm like bro I gotchu
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lol, lmao even
isn't it more likely to be his son?
Phrak's is a great beginner routine but not a great one for absolute beginners.. Amrap sets are not a good idea while you are still learning the lifts.

Idk what the other one is.
No, he became an incel dressed like a girl
t. groomer

Gays don't reproduce, they recruit
to be fair I did say
>I bet he's exceptionally well trained
but yeah, I've never been to the house of a tranny, could be some truth to it
I mean did you expect anything else from a mentally unwell incel? Why would you expect somebody who doesn't even have introspection to clean their room?
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>mentally unwell incel
faggots aren't incels though, they're notorious for fucking and getting fucked by anything and everything
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>but not a great one for absolute beginners
Absolute beginners should learn those movements with safeties, or spotter, or easier alternatives, desu.
>Idk what the other one is.
Just punch it into Google, anon.
I saw the reddit thread. Every redditor was more upset at the age gap than the fact that he trooned out. Is trannynism really that acepted in this day and age or redditors are just plain retarded?
I actually did see the thread and every redditor was more unconfortable with the age gap saying that the younger guy got groomed than the fact he turned into a tranny, failing to see the irony in all of that.
The old faggot apparently wasn't okay at first but then he got into it.
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"Beginner routines" are fucking pointless. Just start doing PPL, bro split or whatever you ultimately want to do from day 1.
>trannynism really that acepted in this day
It's reddit, if you say anything against the narrative you'll get downvoted to invisibility and probably banned. Most people are like "really?" with the promotion of trannyism and how many there are, but they can't say it in public. The same people who were fine with it when it was RARE, as in people who weren't doing it for popularity, fun, politics, or because they're crazy.
>Every redditor was more upset at the age gap
lol, let me guess, "he groomed that 30 year old minor"
That was exactly it lmao.
I disagree with reddit shit but I wouldn't discard grooming when it comes to faggots and other vile individuals, I would believe it if he groomed that faggot retard who's also mentally ill and turned him into a tranny
the Cathedral must be uninstalled
I support middle aged men fucking tight teen pussy

and if it means letting gay bros get some young T girl bussy

that's okay

I'm consistently pro-age gap

Roasties are invited to seethe
I appreciate you
I love cathedrals, they're the pinnacle of European arts and soul, how about we uninstall the Synagogue of Satan and its dark enlightenment sophistry instead?
>i heard
then go ask whoever you 'heard' from to explain shit to you, idiot.
I think you mean the temple
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hehehe good one sis
I hate Reddit
kek wtf did i just read
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>attractive girl
Well they turn to faggotry because they can't get a woman. It's just the final step in porn addiction
They're pretending, Anon. Reddit is one huge echo chamber where only correct opinions are allowed, so faggotry = ok, age gap = not ok
If you say anything against the norm you will get flagged and burned faster than you can say Delete Post. It's a system based on hyper-sensitive moral grandstanding
Gays usually start grooming much earlier, middle school if they can help it. This is why they are pushing LGBT propaganda on children in school and why you should save up to put your kids in a private school
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>Reddit is one huge echo chamber where only correct opinions are allowed, so faggotry = ok, age gap = not ok

Me getting a week ban for hate speech for saying that some trans people don't transition because of gender disphoria but because they are autogynephiles. I wasn't even trying to be edgy I sincerelly was just trying to educate some redditor that didn't get how some people would transition without being disphoric.
My fault for not having the correct opinion.
You've wasted a lot of your life worrying about such nonsense. You are actually worse than a reddit poster and probably even harder to rehabilitate.
It's funnny, there's an agp reddit and if you go there it's way less fetishistic and sexualized than the trans reddits despite the agps openly admitting it's literally a sexual fetish. Makes ya think.
Lol, imagine being so desperate, lonely, and brainfucked by modern society you end up getting geezer viagra cock jammed down your throat and up your ass on a daily basis
what is an agp
men that have a fetish for turning into a woman
happens to some mega-coomers



try one of these programs they look solid

calisthenkcs is also a good option

If you gotta summarise, at least do it right.
It will teach you lifts, HOW TO PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS, and give you t-rex mode.
All routines will do only 2 out of those 3, making SS the most efficient.
They're also the subpopulation that brings up the transexual rate of suicide, they're way less mentally healthy than one would imagine.
How long does it realistically take you to learn a lift, from what I remember it only took me a couple days max
I would have thought it was the failed males who rope the most, the guys whose lives are awful and they think "Maybe I was supposed to be female?", and it doesn't work so that's it.
Subpopulation? M8, like 99% of trannies are AGPs.
People really believe switching genders will fix their life

This looks like someone remade Jurassic Park with an all-Ashkenazi cast
Wow… there really is every kind of couple out there
No. It was never the best. SS is just a watered down version of Reg Park's beginner 5x5 routine.
Still has a better physique there than 99% of this board.
What the fuck is up with so many tranners these days who don't even shave?
It is the weirdest thing in history. "I feel so much like a woman I need to suppress my biology and take exogenous hormones daily, but fuck shaving my armpits."
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Anon, I...
That's Roger Estep you dummy.
I'd rather do Stronglifts 5x5. Simple program and there's a smartphone app that does all the thinking for you. Great results and plenty of success stories.

That is, I would if lifting wasn't a waste of time. Already did it and came to that conclusion so you don't have to.
I just saved you several years of your life you'd have wasted on the gym. No need to thank me.
>private school
Lol, thats where this gay stuff came from. It's a centuries old tradition at those places.
He is the poster boy of starting strength.
it happens at every school unfortunately. Every profession where men are in unsupervised contact attracts a lot of groomers. It's just that private schools are a little bit better than other areas
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There's even a worse one but this will surprise nobody
I thought it was just Ben and Jerry brainstorming for new flavors
Go fuck yourself faggot go suck a dick again
I'm saying that to keep the few male-attracted mtf transexuals out of it, they're mostly sane enough to cope.
And the ftm too, they usually get a kick in the balls when they realise what the male experience is like, and those that just went in for the extra power of being male are at risk, but usually they do fine.
I seriously just want to punch the ever living shit out of faggot troons
Why? I enjoy the fact they exist. I believe you may be one and that's okay.
the thing about being a tranny is that you would need to clean shave at least once a day to not have a stubble so you can larp as a woman
who the fuck wants to bother with that every single day man
I thought this was father and son
A part of me thought that maybe it was ok and to live and let live but now that I learn this I'm disgusted
What the fuck is wrong with the world?
This isnt true since laser hair removal is permanent hair reduction and electrolysis is permanent hair removal
That's expensive

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