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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Calorie Cravers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74739899
Got a poke bowl because I rack discripline. Still well below my calories for the day but let's see on the scale tomorrow
Just make your own poke bowl, it'll be tastier, fresher, and less caloric than ordering out
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Don't forget to get your daily supplementation of nuns.
Plus you can actually control the calories, as resturants ALWAYS give you WAY TOO MUCH food
ive been insanely bloated wtfff i look 6 weeks pregnant did i not puke enough!!!?!!!!!!!!!!! KMS
W-what are they raising those ducks for?
For their milk.
>someone else made a /fat/ thread(without the resources)
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
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What did you eat for dinner, /fat/?

For me, turkey burgs on keto bread with oven potatoes in a bit of oil and a "sante fe" salad mix, ~750 calories

Now to digest for an hour then go walk for an hour
panfried salmon filets with tomato over rice
two filets 200 cals each
olive oil 200 cal
a cup of rice 200 cal
2 tomatoes ( I didn't count these)
some spices and seasonings 0 cals
about 800 cals
I think it's just an unfortunate use of /fat/ in a post that has clearly no aspiration at being a /fat/ general.
I always find the thread by searching for "loss" instead, too many threads with 'fat' in the op
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Day 21 of eating nothing, final stretch now

R8 my weekly diet plan for when Im done
>fast (sunday)
>low carb
>medium carb
>eat whatever the fuck I want

captcha: 8gay
Two raviolis without sauce.
Snarf and barf is pathetic have some self respect
I rate it as unsustainable thus easier to slip into bad old habits eventually and regain weight

Although probably not an issue if you were only like 180 trying to get down to 160 quick, more of an issue if you're fat fat
However godspeed, multiple weeks of fasting is crazy willpower so I'm probably talking shit anyway
Why even do keto?
You know it does nothing, right?
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>no nuns
>yes ducks
blessed thread
I have a feeling that WAGMI
Just do low carb every day. Having a cheat day will just make you hate keto more, and keto by itself lacks variety
Fatty Contest
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Another 72h fast done. Meaning I have one more of these to go before I slip back into maintenance and graduate from /fat/.
Current BMI 23 and BF% of 16-18%.
See you in two weeks /fat/ for the final cut.
I come to these threads to see nuns. This thread has 1 nun related picture another anon posted. I am sad. Today when I go to the gym I will think about the nuns.
you can see them on twitter like the normie you are, nunfucker
Hopefully I'll see you soon, bro about to make it
>keto by itself lacks variety
is this what grainbrains actually believe?
>all meats imaginable
>90% of veggies
>most diary in moderation
are you telling me you can't live without your precious fruit?
or are you talking about the huge variety that comes when all your plates alternate between a side of potatoes, a side of pasta, or a side or rice?
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Same energy
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Been doing beatsaber as cardio. recently, swinging my arms like a retard hasn't been enough, so I'm trying to learn how to shuffle while I play.
>tfw no petite qt anime gf who loves pegging me with a monster cock
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Fatty Contest

Took a massive shit this morning and lost a kilo.
imagine you die tomorrow and you never had a chance of not being fat
wouldn't that be funny
Fatty Contest

i may have weighted myself at a different time than last week, but still; a small win that i'll gladly take.
you need to stop these copes and start eating less brother, it's the only way

captcha WGYAM
we're gonna you am
Looks good man, im just tearing into a rotisserie chicken. Maybe a bit of slaw on the side.
Pasta with midnight sauce and a can of sardines.
I've been luring on fit since 2020, likewise on this thread. I was 320 lbs then. Now I'm 265 lbs. Thank you for the information, advice, and just general community. I still got 50 more lbs to go. WAGMI
>Anon, the normal weight for a 5'10 male is 160-185 lbs, why would you ever want to go lower
Conversation I had yesterday with family. I'm at 175 now, but I aim to drop to 128 or 10% body fat, whichever is sooner.
>who is
>128lbs at 5ft10
Thank you Mr skelly
128 would be very low unless you're completely stick dyel
~140 seems more reasonable and you'll likely be sitting at ~12% BF
Off work for a couple weeks and all my fatty brains wants to do is eat. Work really is a good distraction from eating.
That's a phrase, not a conversation.
coping crabs
I'm with you bro, aim for the stars

everyone should aim for the lowest weight possible and decide whether bulk up or stop earlier, people aiming for the high end of BMI will have a hard realization when they still look like fat pieces of shit, and are probably NGMI

don't ever discuss your goals with your family, they let you go fat in the first place, they don't know jack shit about nutrition or dieting or aesthetics or your potential
Grow up crab schizo
Well there was a lot more, they were sitting around me and ragging on me for like 5 minutes.

I chose it because it's the lowest I can go before having an underweight BMI for someone my age and height. I don't mind being a bit of a skellington and working my way up from there. I'm an endomorph so it's easy for me to gain weight anyway. While I know that it's not "optimal" to go that low and build all the way back up, I want to be able to say that at just one point in my life that I was almost underweight. My younger brother who's around 5'6 is around 130 lbs, and he's always been thin and had a small frame except for his beer belly that's been building. Wouldn't it be nice to say that I weigh less than everyone in my family?
I'm at 28 BMI and my family thinks I should stop dieting here and that I'm skinny enough. It's weird.
>I'm an endomorph
ok maybe you're ngmi either if you still hold these retarded pseudoscience beliefs
I'm having a hard time with bloating. I'll wake up somewhat "lean" compared to the rest of the day, where i'll get a beer belly by the end of the day. I've tried eliminating certain foods from my diet one by one. But it seems like any food does it in general. Any tips? Should i do laxatives on a regular basis?
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What is the goal here? Scale number go down? Because if health or attraction is the goal, then just being at a healthy BMI and lifting while eating at maintenance is going to be obviously better in both accounts.
18.5 and 25 BMI are the exact same health wise, they are both normal

just because you're an easily influentiable faggot that psyoped himself into adopting the "weight lifter" persona and spends all his day looking at semi-naked pictures of beefy dudes all day on the internet doesn't mean everyone else has the same delusions

sure bro, let us know how that goes.
But 18 BMI isn't just thin, it's lacking muscle thin. For someone who is terminally skinny-fat, I'd understand wanting to cut the weight, but if you have any muscle at all you should never drop so low or you'll lose the muscle.
It's self-sabotage.
Hips are wide even without the fat. It's the height thing being associated with the body types that I don't think is set in stone. My grandfather, uncle, and cousin on my mom's side were/are all bean poles. My brother is short though, but super thin. His metabolism is nuts, he's done nothing but eat and drink garbage his whole life without gaining a pound. I've always been bigger than him in both frame/height and in the ease at which I gain fat.

The short of it is that I have some time on my hands, and that ultimately I don't want to have huge muscles. Ottermode at most, which will take time to reach, but a lot of it is tone. If I had a final goal of a bodytype of around 180, I'd stop around 150 and just work my way up in lifts.
You're spouting a lot of cope and confabulating. Looks like a hit a nerve, from the way your mind went full on defensive I have to guess you want to look like a twink but haven't come to terms that you're a faggot so you have to protect your ego by talking about me "looking at semi-naked pictures of beefy dudes"?
>I have to guess you want to look like a twink but haven't come to terms that you're a faggot
lol no, i'm a fat fully blown bisexual
youre just a walking meme endlessly spouting 4chan talking points, you'll probably call me a nigger or schizo next

you have no idea what that other guy will look at 18 BMI
you have no idea if he'll decide to stop when he's at 22BMI when he likes what he sees in the mirror
you are just spouting crab memes and pretending it's "reasonable advice" just because you've interalized the /fit/ meta
and yes, crabs do trigger me
18.5 is looks fine with 12% bodyfat. It just doesn't have huge quads. If you're into general athletics like running climbing and what not you're probably not going to want to go over 20 to begin with. Most of those dudes hover around 19.
Sprinters are well above 20.
You're talking about athletes who either do long distance running, or pole-jumping. That's literally all the athletes that are near 20 BMI and even many of those arent' below 20 BMI.
Basically, you're talking out of your ass.
Gotcha, so you're just a fat tranny wanting to groom some random retard into your fetish because you can't lose the weight yourself. Next you will not try to explain why telling someone to be at a healthy BMI and to lift is unreasonable advice and "/fit/ meta" and actually what a male should really look like is someone with zero visible male hormone sexual dimorphic characteristics.
Ngl whenever I go on a cutting streak I get kind of brainfoggy/apathetic and weak. I've made a 3000cal deficit past 2 days and now all I wanna do besides cardio is watch Star Trek. I've totally lose interest in all the productive shit I usually do. Is this normal?
Cut less then
Yes. Not sure if it's just how some people react to a heavy cut but I know I'm fucked when I fast.
there's the codewords, like clockwork

>actually what a male should really look like
what a man should look like is his decision, simple as, this is all I'm saying

if anon has a goal and you're trying to push him toward what you consider to be normal, then you are a crab, pushing him back into the comfort of the bucket, if you think about it you are the groomer

i've been browsing /fat/ for a while, if I was a groomer I'd be spouting this same advice at all points and recommend everyone to go for a low BMI, but I've never seen anyone post stuff like this, that's because I have my own goals and diet and let people have their own goals. even if I was a secret groomer trying to breed twinks, why the fuck would I do it in a thread full of fat people? use your fucking brain for even one second please

if I wanted to be in an echo chamber where people just endlessly repeat "reasonable advice" i'd just go to reddit, maybe you should try it, since you're so good at being a conformist that can easily pick up the lingo of your community you'd have a ton of karma by now. personally I come to 4chan for fringe opinions and the occasional laugh
>lifting and keeping a healthy weight is the comfort of the bucket
again, 18.5 IS HEALTHY, there is no arguing about this
18.4 is unhealthy, 18.5 isn't
you are objectively in the wrong
>The crabtard is also a tranny groomer
Not surprised kek
everyone here is at least 18 so its not grooming
Do you guys reckon I should go 2500cal for a couple days? After all ive been doing some light resistance too.
oh btw im not fasting just burning 1000-1500cals doing cardio activities and eating normally.
I'd say it's normal. I do alternate day fasting and am basically at zombie state after 6pm on fasting days.
Just wanted to make the point that many fasting anons on /fit/ wont tell you. If you're on an extreme cut, or even a sustained cut in general. You WILL feel like shit. Or somewhat fatigued and brain foggy and directionless. It's the sacrifice you make but when the weight comes off it's worth it. If you want more energy I'd recommend eating more and lifting instead.
>be fastard
>weight never changes
I second this, fasting works if you're a neet, if you have a job where you need to use your brain it's just not viable on workdays
Yeah I got fired because I stopped giving a fuck about my last job. Thought it was depression but was also eating like 1500cals a day on top of training. Going into survival starvation mode really fucks your mind up.
>1500 cals
>survival starvation
lmao fatty can't function without his giant servings of slop
I'd like to see you do an hour of heavy resistance and cardio on 1500cals a day. Oh and also my sex drive was totally dead.
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Chicken + marinated veggies on couscous
Sex drive doesn't really matter since you've never had sex.
>an hour
holy shit you're even more pathetic that I though

I was giving you some slack because I thought by training you meant heavy lifting plus 4 hour bike rides or some shit, I can't imagine being proud of a 1 hour workout
fuck man, if Paul Blart was able to drop 60 pounds, i can do it too.
He cheated with ozempic
don't care, it will build my will-power for doing it without it.
Sundays shall be fasting days
t. retards
Fatty Contest
>tfw 80lbs down and the only person who compliments your weight loss so far is your gyms buddy

This should make me sad but in reality it just means I was/am still a fatty of hamplanet proportions. End goal is around 200lbs before seeing how much more I need to lose or whether I can just start a proper recomp from there and just cut to get lean for the mating season (summer).
Initial goal of 200lbs means I'm slightly over halfway there, if I can really dial it in I might make it there by spring next year.
What's everyone's goal weight?
For me it's 180lbs.
160 5'11"
i'm doing under 1600 with 3 days a week lifting near failure plus low intensity cardio on 2 off days and it's not so bad
i don't consciously notice any mental or lack of energy effects. my lifts don't go up of course but you can't expect that
aiming for 80kg but I'm not convinced that'll be enough. i'll see how i feel when I get there
ok thats a pretty good one desu
I've been on 1500 since March and more active than you. If anything, my sex drive has been increasing as my weight goes down
off by one
I said it every time I logged a fast into /fit/. I guess some people might be ok with it, but that hasn't been my experience at all.
OMAD though, is completely feasible. You will only feel a lack of energy in the evening if you do one meal at lunch.
maybe my sex drive is dead because of depression or something idk. I'm 26 theres no way my sex drive is so low.
I do rolling 48s and masturbate twice a day. Skill issue.
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Any advice on how to start back?Been a bit lost after 4 years off training
t. mallet
Have you considered reading the OP?
start eating less
thats it
If your sex drive is lower than you want it to be, you should go talk to a doctor. Otherwise it's fine. I've had dead-panda tier phases in my life and it always eventually went back to normal.
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On topic, my refeed.
Horse steak with shallots and a red wine and garlic sauce. Served with a mixed feta salad.
Looks good anon, hope you enjoyed.
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Thank you, I very much did. I sort of miss cooking being on a diet.
I think it could be depression because I dont feel much emotion other than anger. I'm not sure what I can really do about it except keep hustling and working out. The future for everyone just looks shit.
>Horse steaks
>but let's see on the scale tomorrow
Drop this mentality. This is not how gaining weight works
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It's fucking sunday again, I get bored and end up "eating like a normal person, at least once a week"

how do I suppress these thoughts, I want to eat as little as I do during the week
Just don't eat more, it is that simple
>wanted to go on an epic jog
>a dog bites me in 1/4 way
lol fat fuck
go cry and throw up like the fat pig you are
Why did you make that dog bite you?
Fatty Contest
If i drink 1-2 nights a week, if I switched to spirits instead of beer will I keep losing weight?
will probably be me in less than 2 hours ughhhhhhh
I was being nice and tried just pretending it wasn't there and kept jogging.
Fucker took advantage of that.
I don't expect rabies or anything like that, but I got scared for a moment. Should have kicked the bastard.
After 50kg you'll be 60kg and then 70kg.
You have rabies anon
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seriously stop saying it bc now i have to go look at peoples scales reading under 40kg to cleanse my karma
Then 80kg and 90kg and one day, you'll break 100kg
Alcohol is very caloric. Personally, I have one day in the week where I am allowed a drink. But I wouldn't recommend it if you're prone to getting addicted to it.
Take the soberpill bros. Your mind will finally be able to heal.
please go to therapy and stop listening to people here. You have anorexia.
I don't know if you're all memeing in good humour here, but I'll take the risk of seeming silly
You will NEVER be like that
You will ALWAYS be a fat piggy
"she" is attentionwhoring anon
"she" has been doing it for months now
also is underaged
absolutely not underaged.
no i have BULIMIA
kys im only 2kg away from that
shut up Kat
go do your school homework or some shit irish retard
oink oink fat piggy with fat thighs and a moon face
its summer
who is kat
what is a moon face @_@
look in the mirror
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Shouldn't you be improving yourself instead of play-bullying a girl with an eating disorder?
You're right. I'm down this morning but digestion doesn't happen overnight
bullying some attentionwhore that has been plaguing the thread for months and keeps derailing it is improving myself
>Horse steak
Nope. Nope, nope nope! You wouldn't eat a cat or a dog, right? Horses are in the same category.
180 lbs so I can fit in a nice suit I have, then 160 lbs to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
>You wouldn't eat a cat or a dog, right?
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you stupid fat cunt, literally all i talk about is food and weight loss in here. OTHER PEOPLE derail it by being morons. i am here to post my weight and talk about food because i am obsessed with it because i have an eating disorder
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I would eat a cat or a dog, but dog reportedly tastes bad. Although I've heard that cat tastes like rabbit, so I wouldn't mind.
We don't want you here you retarded slut.
can confirm cat tastes like rabbit. the texture and consistency is much less pleasant though
holy shit I actually read the first link in the op
this shit is cringe as fuck reddit teenager tier garbage, I much prefer the regular /fit/ sticky
No you also talk about purging which is extremely unhealthy behavior our fatties should not be listening to. Sorry for giving them a (You) thread maker, bait was too strong
do u think i care at all
u fat loosers i'm so mad rn i'm never posting in here again!
oh no am i going to encourage 30 year old fatties to purge?? just dont be a fucking retard and copy shit you see an idiot teenage girl do for lazy weight loss?! are you going to give shit to everyone whos fasting for days on end when that isnt healthy at all either?
You obviously care because you're still here you stupid mongoloid ugly slut
!? that doesnt even make sense!!!!!
if i cared that would mean that i wouldnt be here.. what. what is a mongoloid xd
>fasting for days on end
>not healthy
omg i hate u
maybe if you fasted for days on end, too, you wouldn't be that fat
think about it
well duh im too fat to fast i love food 2 much
ur trip is sooooo cute
dont ever post in this thread again please
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>You wouldn't eat a cat or a dog, right?
literally nobody wants you here, can you fuck off?
k fine
Can you guys keep it down I’m trying to watch the Sakura Miko live
>pooped like 5 times today
Big weight whoosh incoming
Off work for a couple of weeks. How should I plan my temporary neet life? Daily morning walks is my current plan.
do whatever you want to do bro, I wake up at 5am, weight myself, then start shitposting in here right away until it's bedtime
I lose weight so I don't let my fat loss clinic down :3
Craving Waffle House but know eating there is slop and prevents me from eating the rest of the day.

i wish i was brought up on good foods because these cravings are ass
Going on vacation to the beach and one of my pleasures was waking up early and getting waffles and sweet tea from Waffle House early in the morning, seeing the blue collar laborers and schizos eat and banter with the staff. Nevermore...
damn, i really want a fucking waffle
Haha, sorry, no smothered covered hash for you. It's a good thing really, Waffle House is cheap but it's cheap for a reason, it's basically cattle feed
Fatty Contest
gay progress
post body
i was replying to myself, upset at myself for cheating my diet
only 0.4 kgs lost
All me by the way
I want you here
what's the point of samefagging if you admit to it right away?
Thoughts on bulking by +1000 cals than ttde on top of doing alternate day fasting?
I would consider bulking excessively as in +1000 cals a day an eating disorder. You don't need it, and especially not to build muscle.
It's cope.
You can get the same results on roughly maintenance.
How do you into cooking?
My greatest weakness is I cannot cook and when I do cook I fucking HATE it.
Well you could be a LAZY FUCK like me and just get cold cuts, fruit, cottage cheese and veggies. Otherwise, look into stir fry recipes they're quite easy.
Get a classic cookbook made for mid-century housewives. It will explain everything from making stock, to poaching eggs, to braising meat. Read it through, and apply it. Better yet if it's written by someone inspired by the French gastronomic revolution.
Modern cookbooks are shit. They don't teach the basics of cooking a meal and basic preparation.
Almost in the 250s, which is still REALLY FUCKING FAT but 35 pounds lighter than I began at. My ultimate goal is 180 but at 230 I should see my blood pressure improve significantly. Can't believe the key to weight loss was just using a fucking kitchen scale
Yes it does. You missed the point entirely
Good luck. You can do it.
>Sunday weigh in!
I started at 261, today I’m 222, and the goal is ~180. If I had lost an extra pound and a half today would be my exact halfway mark which would be pretty sweet, but I had a cheeky fish and chips at my friends going away party on Friday cause I’m gay and my dick is small. Oh well
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Haven't eaten like a pig in 2 days and didn't drink alcohol but went out with frens anyway

Celebrate your victories lads
I’m giving up against my will. I need to focus on nofap and noporn and hope curing my fap/porn addiction will heal my brain to help me eventually lose weight.
You've got it backwards. Your brain will heal if you stick it out and continue to both nofap and lose weight, but if you keep on dopamine coping you'll just end up relapsing on both ends. It's not either/or
>was visiting family for the last 3 weeks
>wasn't able to track calories or weight
>get home last night, track my weight this morning
>194 -> 186
granted I didn't eat much last yesterday due to flying so I'll probably go up a pound or two but I'm pretty proud that I was able to lose weight like that. WAGMI
I can’t do both at once, I’m literally not strong enough. I have to start with baby steps
>I;m not strong enough to not stuff my face with slop and masturbate to the naked jew
You do you but I'd rather be healthy than celibate from my hand.
post smol pp
since I've hit some monetary hardship I'm down to eat 1000kcal of pasta and butter for now.
Is the acid reflux I feel and gas over production normal?
Hopefully the fat I've to burn will carry me over for now.
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I've lost 17kg (~37.5lbs) since I started working out, yet I don't think I've made much progress in loosing my belly fat.
Nofap is so much harder than losing weight.
You'll get there eventually. Are you taking photos of yourself every 10 lbs or so?
two things about that. first of all the brain is weird, I thought I didn't look different at all, until I randomly found a beach photo of myself two years ago. Secondly, belly fat is among the last things to go
Keep measuring the waist with a tape. It's good for bodyfat% tracking too.
>failed this week
how does one get back on track, i feel like all my willpower has been depleted
You lose it last. Very last.
a week of eating maintenance has helped me
No. I thought I'd just relapse back to my bad habits again, so never really bothered with it early on.

Yes, I've heard. It's how I'm coping right now, but I've also heard in some cases genetics might also play a role there.
Start taking finasteride, I'm on 1mg a day and I stopped fapping multiple times a day. No, my dick isn't dead, I still do it about once a week when I'm bored and would otherwise be snacking. It's supposed to help with hair loss as well I think? Maybe the whole thing is a coincidence as I was trying to get my shit together anyway.
So you failed one week out of how many?
One out of two: you hadn't even started nigger
One out of eight: you're still golden, zoom out
One out of twenty: literally irrelevant

what kind of diet are you on that you need so much willpower anyway?
Sibling told me that failing is natural, but if you stick to even eighty percent of the plan you'll still lose weight.
Had a sibling tell me the something similar. He said, It's less of a sprint to reach one target weight but a marathon to maintain a lifestyle. Think he's right, I mean how often do you see people put on all the weight they had just lost quickly?
I'm just so fucking mad at allowing it to get to this point, and so fucking seething of how easy it was to prevent. Our schools teach nutrition but they never really hammer it out with a kitchen scale, it's all lecture, no learned experience. Guess I have experience now.
>Scale doesn't go down
Whats even the point, i give up.
Most people regain 85 percent of the weight they lost after 5 years. Still, I think this time will be different, cause this time I'm keeping the fucking kitchen scale
What part of "Plateaus can last up to three weeks don't you get?"

Anyways lower your calorie count and see what happens
He days he fasts
No he didn't
We all fall man. I gained about 100lbs in around a year due to a medication change and bad eating habits. Luckily since then I've lost it all. Your right that schools dont really keep up with nutrition and that's a shame, but you got this, the first step is getting to the point where you are unsatisfied with how things are and decide to make a change. Good luck bro
Stop making up arbitrary lengths of time for biological processes, its not helpful to people
i ate slightly over maintenance
1/5 so far
i dont have a specific diet i just try to eat very little
fair point
It is fact plateaus can last up to 4 weeks
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Thanks. Did you have any trouble with loose skin after your loss? It's far in the future but it's something I'm concerned about because I'm a vain fucktard
I'm just saying facts, plateaus can last up to 5 weeks.
how much do you think you'd gain if you went a year eating as much as you wanted with no limitation?
i did that and gained 5kg which wasn't so bad. wondering if i'm lucky
No problem man, I Didnt have loose skin, but I do still have stretch marks on the area right below my hips sort of area.
ok, I found the cheat code, it was boiled eggs all along

Eating 5 of them makes me want to heave, yet it's only 350 calories or so. And I stay full until evening basically.
>Eating something untill you want to be sick is the solution
That's why I only eat 4.

I wonder what is it about eggs that is so filling.
Hey man, if it works it works
i did that for years and only gained like 5kg
then i got put on meds and gained over 30kg
I did that + heavy drinking for 2 years and gained 27kg
After 8 weeks of super strict deficits and meticulous eating my willpower is waning. I could be at my goal by Thanksgiving. I have to keep it together.

I am not even craving junk food or eating out. I'm just craving something other than the 1k+ deficits I've been on. But I know that if I let myself eat at maintenance for a day it'll all be over.

Alright time to quit complaining and hit the gym.
>But I know that if I let myself eat at maintenance for a day it'll all be over
NTA but some people snowball. I know after that pokebowl I shouldn't have had I had to urge to order even more takeout
How are people ITT losing weight so fucking fast?
mainly by eating less
I am 4 months from my goal weight i can't believe it. I'm feeling more motivated than ever
When I'm human
As I hope to be
I'll be able to see my dick
Whenever I go pee
Massive deficit
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>Fall below 95kg
>Weight loss really slowing down now
>feel a little demotivated
>Still keep going
>People act like I am increasing my weight loss while it's slowing down.
Oh god, am I there? Did I enter Paper Towel mode?
Like, when I was super fat people anly really started noticing after the first 20kg orso, and the more I kept losing the more people would comment on it between shorter intervals.
Now that the weight loss is basically slowed to +/- 0.5kg a week people act like I am losing 2kg a week.
Only 17.5kg to go at 92.5kg now.
Honestly, a picture a friend made of my with my arms popping+people's comments are motivating me more than ever, just when I was feeling in a slump because of the weight loss slowdown.
Also, ligt weights. It helps massively with looking better when you lose weight.
I'm doing carnivore
>Already eaten 1400cals today
>Want to order a big sloppy fat takeaway
foie gras
two out of three meals a day are protein shakes
I'll let go a bit next week, it's driving me a little crazy
you have 3 meals a day
I have 3 meals a week
we are not the same
take the fasting pill
will iced coffee with oat milk and sweetener make me lose 4kg in a week yes or no
No you slop eating fat shit
aren't you way past that point by now?
>if i want to lose 3lbs a week i can only consume 1200cals a day
I've done that for about 12 years and went from 75 to 106 kg
... and then back to 78 in 6 months so I guess it wasn't that much of a big deal
Just burn more calories.
How the fuck are you suppose to know how many calories you burn from exercise? I know don't count it or whatever but i wanna know
The songs are for every fattie, xtra large or large
in the last 21 days I ate an average of 830 calories a day while on keto and I lost almost 11kg, but I'm morbidly obese
How's the muscle loss?
I haven't eaten anything besides protein slop and I've been craving Indian food. It doesn't help that we had a guest priest today at church from India. Problem is I know that I'm going out to eat later anyway. Should I just have a maintenance day? Haven't had one since starting over six weeks ago and I'm down 14.5lbs
>I've been craving Indian food
Damn you must be down badly
Part of the reason is that I've been intrigued as to why Indian people eat with their hand and I've been wanting to try it out myself to see why they think it's "comfy"
I've done more research into this topic than most normal people would so that I can be prepared to do it properly
Don't overthink this stuff. Just burn more calories later to make it up.
>3 mile morning walk - 7am
>30 minute exercise bike cardio - 1pm
>30 minute exercise bike cardio - 8pm
Repeat daily for the next 3 weeks
Smart watch

I did burn a crazy amount of calories yesterday so maybe it's fine. Unfortunately as a result my ankle is slightly sprained so I can't run until tomorrow at least and I already went to the gym with no time to go again before it closes
iphone, fitness app, fitness ring
youll get burnt out at the end of the week and will stop for 2 weeks
> Start taking finasteride, I'm on 1mg a day and I stopped fapping multiple times a day.
Man.. this is exactly why I haven't started my prescription even though I have a 6 months supply now, and a Asian barber that goes "oooh, look at your hair. thin. very thin. going bald" every time I see him.
So instead, I'm furiously rubbing minox foam over my head twice a day, hoping that'll be enough to repel the norwood reaper.

> i dont have a specific diet i just try to eat very little
Why are you doing this on hard mode?
Your daily goal shouldn't be "eat very little", it should be a number of calories computed from your sedentary TDEE - 500 or so.
How do you know if you're meeting your goal? Because you're tracking everything you eat in a food tracking app.
But wait, there's more! A high-protein, low-carb diet will help curb your hunger tremendously, by choosing carefully what you put in your body, you can greatly increase your odds of success.
Don't delay, start today!
minoxidil is to stimulate growth. it doesnt work without fin because fin stops dht which accelerates hair loss. fin + min + ketoconazole shampoo, good luck
no. maybe if he doubled it.
>but I'm morbidly obese
Not for long :)
I do 1 hour of cardio and walk daily and have been doing it for years
is the link above really the best way to calculate bf? shit keeps giving me 6 percent for some reason
If you get loose skin surgery, can you make leather out of your own skin?
Thought I could get away with ordering a small popcorn at a movie theatre but looking at the nutrition page even a small is 800 calories lmao
I never realized how hungry I was, until I went to mom's place for a week, and the only veggies she had was lettuce and banana.
Lettuce has nothing of value in it, and banana has plenty of fat and sugar.
The rest was fast food-tier boomer food and sugary treats.
Veggies are real nice to have, because I can eat them until I'm full.
>is the link above really the best
no far from it, but it's the next best thing to just plain eyeballing it

otherwise you need specialized equipment like a smart scale or going to a doctor to one of those body fat tanks
tits or gtfo you fucking piece of shit
I think it's safe to say anyone else in this thread would have bigger tits
>21 day fast
Impressive. How do you make your snake oil?
Also, what's the point of rolling keto weekly when it takes like 24 hours or whatever to hit ketosis if you eat carb at all 3 days of the week? Honestly curious, keto has always been curious to me.
not that guy, ketosis itself is a meme, but cutting out the carbs does the trick for me, it's dieting in easy mode
yeah.. I'll just have to organize a little get together to celebrate the funeral of my sex drive first.
I'll see if I can get some exes to come say a few words.
The event will culminate with me taking my first pill, to the soft sobbing of all in attendance.
Calculate it. Eat a certain amount of calories for a certain amount of time. Measure how much you lose under those circumstances. Then add in exercises and see how much you lose. If you walk quickly you burn more than if you walk slowly. If you lift heavier things you burn more than lifting lighter things. Giving a specific amount such as you burn 200 calories an hour while walking is not true and you need to measure it yourself. If you expect to be spoonfed without putting in minimal effort yourself then you need to fix your fat brain.
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please dont yell at me but i made you guys some strawberry cheesecake crumble bars ok
It's kind of a last ditch interest for me since it allegedly helped some people with chronic depression and I'm nearing a decade of people shoving me to docs who just try whatever pills they last heard of and none of it helped.
I don't remember how people enjoy things or do things.
how do I prevent ozempic face while on ozempic?
Ok i had a piggy weekend, tomorrow we get back on form and grind it out
Go away
I this some magical 20 cal per piece like the cookies?
Face pulls
Did that for 8 years
Went from 250 to 410
You don't
don't think it works that way unfortunately, I went full ketoschizo around january, bought keto cooking books, almond flour, coconut flour, made cauliflower mash, didn't really help

now months later I snapped out of depression and i'm doing great, doing low carb but not full ketoschizo mode, I wish I could tell you how I did it but it just comes and goes for me, I just let go of the things that were stressing me for a couple of months, mainly my job, which pissed of my boss quite a bit but fuck it
no its a bit extra.. 32cal.. i hope its still acceptable
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This will be you soon
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Going to start posting regularly and sharing progress. Here’s starting numbers. Goal is 210lb 20% body fat and beefy to start
I swear eating paper would probably have more calories
I'm gigantic so my maintenance calories are very high, eating 1700 calories daily and walking an hour most days is working out to 15-20 lbs a month
It'll slow down
what is ozempic face? is it like ana face?
shoo shoo gains goblin
I’m 5’8” and 29yo. Forgot to include that
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Welcome to Ozempic face
Read the OP and do the Fatty Contest
just looks like he lost weight and is under different lighting honestly, right looks way better
All you gotta do is join the fatty contest and things will be tracked automatically for you, read the OP.
he looks like he lost a hundred pounds and looks infinitely better on the right
what's the problem?
Natural weight loss does the same thing, no more fat filling out the face
Godspeed and thanks.
I've found that my best way to deal with food cravings is to watch food challenges of people eating copious amounts of food. Mukbangs are particularly good at killing my appetite.
What I do is watch My 600lb Life clips
Natural appetite suppressant
I've found that punching myself in the face untill i stop craving food works for me.
watch this to beat the cravings https://youtu.be/l7wFPCZKx8w?si=dCulmfCFQIAcHgGW
im down to 19 percent bodyfat and I notice people miring me more.

When I walk down the street I notice some girls double take looking at me. Today a girl looked at me and I turned around and saw her looking again at me in the reflection

Feels good to be unlocking a new level of attraction I lost for years. The downside is that im 30 and wasted my youth. Still, its a result nonetheless. cant wait to get to 12 percent bodyfat ill be a chad
I find people that have to watch food eating videos to deal with their food intake have eating disorders. not healthy man you need to get over it somehow rather than engaging with it
Bulimic girls smell weird theyre always chewing mint gum and drinking diet coke
>Why are you doing this on hard mode?
i'm not doing it intentionally it's just that i still live with my family and i'm not the one cooking (they won't let me cook for myself and eat alone), i have no way to count calories so i have to do this instead
true except coke zero instead
I'm still on a plateau. 3 weeks already. Or is it 4?
What the fuck is going on? I'm not eating any more than before.
Its likely more to do with water than fat
Just keep keeping on
I just had a 3 week plateau, then lost like 5 lbs in a week
Eat less then
>Why are you doing this on hard mode?
it's not so bad. depends a lot on your mentality but it's perfectly fine to lose weight without tracking calories
Some of it was water. I started exercising for a few days and ballooned up by 2 kg. But I haven't exercised in 10 days now. Surely the water weight should have left? I've been postponing exercising again to get through the plateau but it doesn't seem to work.
I don't really want to go below 1500 calories. I guess I could.
>I started exercising for a few days and ballooned up by 2 kg
Maybe you gained some muscles
I went from 114 kg to 104 kg like that. I didn't track anything, just tried to keep in mind that I was a fat fuck and should eat less.
In 5 exercise sessions? I have some doubts. I have been doing some extra walking recently but that shouldn't matter much.
I'm just frustrated because number isn't going down.
Eat less. Fast, even. Break that plateau
Put yourself in a box and calculate how much oxygen you consume and how much co2 you exhale.
Ended up not going for that Indian food afterall. Maybe tomorrow or next weekend
Do i want dried mango from trader joes
I ran in the park instead of my neighborhood and i saw so many fat goblins
Fatty Contest

This has developed into an involuntary maintenance break. Not gaining, but hardly losing.
My enjoyment of parks significantly increased since I started running. Used to hate them because they didn't provide the seclusion that I was looking for in nature
is fasting good to lose fat
If you can eat at a deficit and not pig out on your refeed days, yes it's quite good
thank you for the answer
Try zigzag diet to break it
Eat at maintenance two days of the week and then at a bigger deficit than your usual for the rest of the week aiming for the same amount of total calories by the end of the week
>took sort of break in the last few weeks
>stopped counting calories but eating more or less what I was eating before
>had barbecue, pizza, lasagna
>down 1kg
I think portion control is ingrained in my head now. Feels good. I'll still go back to counting now though I don't wanna fuck up.
It’s really effective to lose weight. You just need to be aware you’ll be losing both fat and muscle.
Is sugar immune to CICO?

So hypothetically if two days you eat 1,600 cals.

But one day you have 10g sugar and the other day 100g sugar.

Do you gain more weight for eating 100g sugar even though both days are 1,600 cals?
iirc calories are measured by burning shit and measuring energy input and output
so you can consider it an upper limit of maximum chemical energy your body can get out of a food
but i really don't know how it translates directly within digestion. it's probably really complicated and has to do with bioavailability and shit. but if i had to guess, you can expect the human body to get near max efficiency of everything you normally eat unless you're eating wood or something particularly hard to digest.
so yes probably they're close to equivalent
It will not make a difference in the total weight but it will likely increase your fat weight vs your muscle weight
Went for a run. I am slow as shit and couldn't finish 5k without walking. Feels bad.
What's heavier a 100lbs of feathers or 100lbs of bricks
Bricks obviously
Eating more sugar will trigger a stronger insulin response, flooding your system with an hormone that's going to tell your body you're hungry AF, resulting in having to roll a saving throw against binging.
This is how sugar breaks CICO.
went for a walk around the neighborhood for 26 minutes
sweated a lot, got pretty winded, thought it was a good workout
looked it up on google maps, I only walked about 1 mile
it's never been so over bros
Yeah same, took a break from counting on vacation at the start of the month, first time in my life that I felt satisfied by one piece of pizza and wasn't going to the fridge for leftovers constantly
The reset is real
I dinnae unnerstand

Find the easiest possible recipes that also taste good. I recommend an instant pot (pressure cooker), it makes things even easier. Once you get the hang of extremely easy meals and get tired of eating them, you naturally move on to other things.
Its fun. I made pickled red onions and its a shame I never did it before this point because they're stupid easy, low calories, and really good.

Once my tomatoes ripen I'm going to make fresh mozzarella for the first time. I already ordered my rennet and citric acid in preparation.
Going from nothing to that is already great progress, I started about the same
Keep it up and you can work up to an hour at a faster pace really quickly, when you're big it's good cardio
I went from about 210 to 410 (+/- 10 lbs) in about 5 years and plateaued there for about 4 more years until I got off SSRI's and took responsibility for my life again.

Starting out I could barely do 1 mile because my back hurt too much to keep going. As you walk more and lose weight it gets easier, don't give up. Pain and sweat is weakness leaving the body.

My friend/trainer had me pick up two 30lb dumbbells and walk around the gym to remind me how much weight I had lost. Its a good bit of perspective, once you get to that point.
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You may think fasting is a meme, but have you enjoyed eating your first solid meal after not having calories for 2 weeks? Every piece of lab-created fast food goyslop and frozen pizza and restaurant delicacy I have ever eaten in my life is NOTHING compared to good this egg omelette tastes. You can bite into the most simple meals and just sit there for minutes contemplating the taste and texture. Resetting your taste buds and helping you appreciate non-slop foods is an underappreciated benefit of fasting.
Hello 5.56 coasters anon.
I concur.
>pressure cooker
>1kg chicken breast
>1 onion
>0.5kg carrots
>1kg potatoes
>150g tomato paste
>black pepper
Lasts for days. I eat it with rice or toast. The simplest meals are sometimes the best.
Fatty Contest
How much water?
Just weighed myself. 201 lbs. I am fatigued from hunger.
Just enough to top off all ingredients. 15min on my cooker, thats just enough to soften the vegetables and thicken the sauce.
Sounds good, I have half a rabbit I don't know how to cook, will probably try that
Me, I'm pushing towards 195.
um hello new thread pls

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