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Boogs finally mentions gear after 5 years of silence
Literally who

>t. pencil dick
Ah so this is the guy making all the pencilneck threads about exercising your neck? Interesting.
It must be the dysmorphia from his head looking so shrunk compared to his roided out upper body. I guess he must think building a neck will save him.
His head looks comically smaller than his body but the solution is not more ''neck'' but less ''roids'' so his limbs and trunk are proportionate again.
His name is in picrel. Or did you want strangers on the internet to think you’re cool for not knowing?
Literally who is OP and why do I need to care about him or why he hasn't bought an ad
Dunno what you’re on about honestly
For anyone who doesn't get it, Eric is admitting to doing steroids here.

He is implying that his advice is still useful even though he uses steroids, because a doctor named Mike uses steroids and gives doctor level advice.
take the L faggot
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>Ah so this is the guy making all the pencilneck threads about exercising your neck? Interesting.
>It must be the dysmorphia from his head looking so shrunk compared to his roided out upper body. I guess he must think building a neck will save him.
>His head looks comically smaller than his body but the solution is not more ''neck'' but less ''roids'' so his limbs and trunk are proportionate again.
and… why do I care again about some youtube celebrity?
We get it, you soooo don’t care. Just had to post three times about it
This doesn't exactly inspire me to go seek your channel out
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Is this an in-joke from the same e-celeb
>Dr Mike
Is he referring to Kike Israel?
It is. The same eceleb you’ve posted about several times about despite “not caring about him”
Buy and ad, shave off that moustache and start cutting you fatass.
Lol >>74747106
t. Eric Bugenhagen, frequent 4chan poster
dude never draw a dime
>Ah so this is the guy making all the pencilneck threads about exercising your neck?
No that's an anon from... central Europe I think. He's pretty cool. Has some neck training videos on youtube.
who is Alex?
what a waste of a get
>he thinks this numbers have any worth
Eric is cool idk why people hate him? He’s pretty entertaining if you ask me, I don’t really care that everyone hates, just why though?
i don't really enjoy this era of boogs
playing someone else's video just to interject with a funny comment every 20 seconds is shitty reaction video content
>why people hate him
Do you know what site you're on? The reclusive incels on here hate everything and everyone.
Newfag faggots. Rick is ourguy
He blew his quad out almost as bad as Nash too.
No, there's a Youtuber called Dr. Mike
WWE Legend Boogs
this board's love for mandrama is insane
why do you all care about youtubers so much. every other thread is about one
has he admitted to roiding yet, or is he still claiming natty
yeah I just wanna watch him lift heavy shit and scream like a retard. he said he gets more views off the reaction videos though.
I think he's in the stage where he just doesn't talk about it at all. Hard to claim natty when you gain 100lbs while simultaneously recovering from an exploded knee
gayest board on 4chan is gonna have fags starting drama and spilling the tea sis
I saw the post, I checked them, I was there
Alex who? Leonidas?

What did he say about him?
You should only watch this guy for entertainment.

he's right tho. Probably the most annoying thing about natty cuck faggots is that they think putting a needle in your butt 2x a week makes you look like a god. It fucking doesn't. 30% of gym users use gear. How many look good? 0.1%?

using steroids is just playing fucking membership on runescape. More features, more options, more content. You still have to know what the fuck you're doing to look good. I know dudes who blast tren half the year and look like DOGSHIT.
4chan, as any social media, has an over representation of low iq posters. Smarter people tend to post less. Dumber people tend to focus on simpler things, like personal drama.
Yeah the combined amount of time of 10 seconds responding to (You)s from 4chan X's threadwatcher wow I really care about Jason Blaha Vegan Pains paul joseph watson now
Years ago he had a video with a friend where he said that he will ever make a video with alex and then both just laughed their asses off.
I'm natty and I like lifting "heavy and fast". Am I missing out on gains?
Information about gear is so out in the open today and people still act like it’s this huge surprising gotcha.
Agreed, I had to unsub. When he actually had a job he made videos for fun. Now videos are his job. So he has to pander to the dramafag crowd.
roid tranny cope
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>Ah so this is the guy making all the pencilneck threads about exercising your neck? Interesting.
>It must be the dysmorphia from his head looking so shrunk compared to his roided out upper body. I guess he must think building a neck will save him.
>His head looks comically smaller than his body but the solution is not more ''neck'' but less ''roids'' so his limbs and trunk are proportionate again.
He accused Alex Leonidas (alphadestiny) of using fake weights. Then Alex proved they weren't fake. And to make the situation worse, Bugenhagen accused Alex of using fake weights after Alex had been giving him time on his channel when Alex's channel was much bigger than his. So basically Bugenhagen an ungrateful backstabbing prick.
Yeah I never subbed to him but that was the end of Derek moreplatesmoredstesdotcom for me
this is clearly how to maximize profit, considering all e-celebs go this direction

reaction videos + e-celeb drama and infighting.

ironic that this type of content does not appeal to people with healthy brains that actually fucking lift, eh?
Alex deez nuts
Checked. Alex as in Alexander "Alphadestiny" Leonidas.
unaffordable mortgage and then losing your job changes a man
His gear is extracted directly from horsecock and synthesized by his mindset.
not a good look for him to be posting creepshots of people at the gym reacting to his lift. It doesn't have the effect you think it has...
Every notice the guy doing CGBP across from him gets up at exactly the same time? There's nothing better than synchronizing Tricep Training with your bros.
just watch a video of him for the first time in years

holy shit he is rambling a lot more, seems to have less mental focus, and keeps on mentioning horsecock. jesus christ. the biggest change is actually not his puffy physique.
Israetel should be bullied
Shut up mike israeltell
who is the alex mentioned in op pic? did eric get outed as a bully from years back or something?
come on dude couldn't you tell by the fact dude wears backward snapback caps as a middle aged man...he reeks of rancid old frat bro vibes
lol digits
No idea how people can take this guy seriously, it's clear as day he's a tryhard jackass and not even in a funny way like Eric.
Scatterbrained as he is, Good Friend Rick The Stick is kinda right about about the "cucked by science" RP-tards.
Quick QRD is that Alexander "Alphadestiny" Leonidas promoted Bugenhagen, which basically started his YouTube career as we know it. Bugez shit on Alex publicly multiple times and even got caught on the wrong end of a controversy against me. Eric would constantly seethe after that and even collabed with a kid (now completely forgotten) who attempted to publicly humiliate Alex during a livestream. This was before Eric's WWE era when he was desperate for views. He even pathetically attacked Omar Isuf for having what he deemed a sub-par natty physique.
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why don't bodybuilders blur out other people in their gym videos?
i think it is a moral requirement. by definition you're inviting comparison with beginners since you choose to work out in a space that is beginner friendly.
that's why i like sam sulek videos, he rarely shows people who aren't intermediates coz he always goes when beginners don't go ie at non peak times - eric clearly chooses to go at peak times to invite comparison.
Half of the images Insee posted here are this image
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my mom said spill the tea the other day
He looks like such a bloatlord now, he used to look like literal typical jock chad. Full American sports guy. Now he looks like a balloon. He needs to fuckin cut
At least Mike is not a fake natty
Some YouTube personality who has 300k subscribers (just checked, i was very close) was a big deal in 2007, but means absolutely nothing now.

Sorry nobody knows who your little roider Internet friend is
no he isn't. he's a washed up old gen x'er who still thinks he's 20 years old and thinks it's funny to scream all the time and act like a retard, even juji grew out of this phase already. Eric is pathetic and needs to go home and be a family man and get a real job

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