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About to go to prison for 8 months. I'm mainly concerned about the nutrition. Is it possible to get enough protein there if you don't have a lot of money?
your country matters a lot with this question.
Mainly you want to Focus on kegel exercises.
Otherwise Google your residence in advance and plan accordingly. Maybe try to get a doctor to certify you Special dietary needs.

Last resort is to become a gains goblin and suck it straight out the hose
Did you report a migrant attack or something?
so you are a turk
I literally just jokingly asked out a 12yo girl but she took it seriously and told her parents. They went crazy and called the cops
No lol. However im not German either
How long do you have until you go in? What did you do? No. In 8 months though, you won't atrophy that much. What security level are you going to? Just workout.
in American prisons guys get super fucking jacked even though the food is dogshit because the hyper competitive environment jacks up your testosterone so much. don't worry about nutrition too much, just eat as much as you can. find someone to give you money for extra commissary food while you're inside. 8 months is nothing, don't worry about it anon.
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>12yo girl
You can buy whey in the JVA. It's cheap, like 8.80€ for 500g and they have several flavors. They have mass gainers, creatine, and pump boosters, too.
Constant stress and anxiety are bad for your testosterone. It's far more likely former drug addicts/dealers continue their drug habit in prison
> 12yo
The best way to get gainz in your situation is to kys
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I was thinking about this the other day and came to the conclusion that buff and big inmates is just another Hollywood myth. You don't get nearly enough food to get big.
High chances are that you are not a native german. I guess you either Arab or Turk. Lots of your type on 4chan because of the racism and anti-semitism. Go back to pol and don't drop the soap, pedo.
They exist, they just find ways to get extra rations and they buy some cheap protein rich foods they mix together with the other prison slop. They share actual recipes for that shit.
this is true but there really isn't anything to do in prison except work out and read. it's a lot easier to get shredded when your only options are doing nothing or calisthenics.
>I literally just jokingly asked out a 12yo girl
let me second guess, you are Syrian or Moroccan?
it's very easy to get gear in American prison along with all other kinds of contraband like drugs and cell phones
Not op but i might be going prison for 12 weeks next year. I’ve been under investigation for harassing a girl for almost 2 years. Got a trial june 2025 and a good defence. Shit happens more often than you think. Fear women
it was just a joke guys, when i fail at trying to fuck kids, just a joke guys.

no one gets prison time for asking out a girl who is 12, you are lying, there is evidence against you that you are guilty of criminal activity towards that 12 year old girl. good for her parents, putting trash you like you where you belong. hope you get beaten up in prison and raped, then murdered with your balls stuffed in your mouth, like all pedos deserve. eat shit and die.
10 years ago i had these 2 12 yo sluts dressed in full slut clothes and make up ask me to buy them vodka. they said they would do aaaanything. i didnt do it. I still think about that double loli blowjob to this day. I have my morals tho.
You don't go to prison for 8 months just for "jokingly" asking out a 12 year old. DrDisrespect did something similar and never went to jail. What are you omitting? You actually touched her, right? In any case, you need to KYS asap.

My buddy has been locked up for the past few years and lost a ton of weight because of the reduced caloric intake. Getting buff in jail is a meme. Getting ripped, though, is a different story
It suddenly makes sense all the shithead contrarians trying to act like 4chan has always been cool with pedo shit are all brown turd worlder ESL tourists.
>About to go to prison for 8 months.
Based, what did you do?
if you’re brown you can just say you didn’t know it was illegal and a jewish judge will dismiss it
>I literally just jokingly asked out a 12yo girl but she took it seriously and told her parents.
Im literally Aryan (Polish)>>74748683
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>its just a prank girl
come on trickle truth what really happend

you can buy stuff in prison and the price "should" be on average a maximum of 20% more than a normal shops. but its still gonna be expensive since the reference price is not Aldi or Lidl
based? imagine thinking it's cool to go prison and ruin your life and relationships...also read the damn fucking replies you fucking moron
>haha I'd like to go out with you twelve year old girl jk... unless?
Don't know what the attitude is in Germany but in America you'd best pray no one found out you tried to fug a twelve year old girl, that shit'll get you stabbed

Focus more on surviving than losing weight
>read the damn fucking replies you fucking moron
I read them, it's not based at all, I fucking regret for this post >>74748691 OP is a huge faggot.
I hate pedos so much it's unreal
same attitude...pedos are shunned worldwide, except in elite circles of course. anyway, here in germany they put pedos in special confinement prisons/cells to protect them...sometimes a warden "forgets" to lock the doors though...and shit happens by accident
next time read the replies before you post anything...i hate idiots like you who go into a thread, don't read anything and post questions that have been answered already...low iq retards everywhere...LURK MOAR
Shut the fuck up you cunt! I already apologized! Either start respecting me or this conversation is over!
i don't respect idiots
>I literally just jokingly asked out a 12yo girl but she took it seriously and told her parents. They went crazy and called the cops

Your main concern about prison stay should be survival, not nutrition.
Learn to give head, stretch your ass and maybe you won't be killed for being a pedo
i believe it
>rape her
>throw away your passport and other papers that document who you are
>say you're syrian
Had you done this, you'd be celebrated as hero of diversity now.
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Enough! Take him away!
were you harassing her?
just because ur passport says you are doesnt make it so mutt
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Semen is high in protein, free, and abundant in prison
Go back to your shit hole country Muhammad
> people this fucking braindead exist
LE SUPER """""""""""COMPETITIVE""""""""""""""" ENVIRONMENT gives you anxiety and drops test.
>pedo bad because rape bad (normalfags projecting how much they want to rape children)
How come they think prison rape good? Isn't that hypocrisy? Nothing even happened in this case.
If that's true Germany is even worse than I thought
>I literally just jokingly asked out a 12yo girl but she took it seriously and told her parents. They went crazy and called the cops
Let's assume you did it as a joke. What kind of person are you that they were so outraged? Why were you not given probation? What other circumstances led to the decision?
And did you have an attorney?
Post your face.
What was the charge? It cant be rape or even asking for sex (you did not mention it) from an underage so what was it? Theres more to this story, right, OP.

My guess you are a deadbeat who may already have had some weird conflicts with law in the past. You asked this 12 yo because you are a predator for the weak (i am still giving you the credit of doubt for not beeing a full blown pedo). You annoyed the parents then the police and the judge. They charged you with grooming and moleatation and given previous sentences or behavioural problems, decided it is best you serve your time in jail.
You are also poor and very mistakenly think that fitness will get you out of poverty. Hence you couldnt hire any legal help and now will end up in prison.
Youll come out without having learned a single thing, just minus 1 year of life.
You, sir, are a loser.
Get better.
Wagmi. In your case youll need extra effort
I don’t think so. Neither does my lawyer. Previous professor and independent psychiatrist also gave evidence unlikely i harassed.

But there’s still a serious criminal investigation and police case. I honestly think she twisted/manipulated truth cause she disliked me. But i would say that.
I'm not in favor of it but fuckin cmon bro lol

tbf talking about loli was a different vibe when we were all like, 16
>8 months
Lol most aren't jacked. They're lean yes but they're not big. The big guys in there are getting steroids but 99% of them are just lean and gave to do bodyweight movements. It depends on the facility sometimes, but most free weights have been taken out of the prison system because they can be used as weapons. It's all machines and bodyweight equipment if anything
>What kind of person are you that they were so outraged?
Retarded question. As somebody who did game for years, some bitches are fucking crazy and WILL ABSOLUTELY cause you trouble and make shit up over nothing.
So I can imagine her making shit up and if it's a shitty country with no due process I can imagine him going to jail.
Because I suspect if he actually did anything he would do MUCH MORE TIME than 8 months.
But who knows what it's like in Germany
You are gonna get raped constantly
Jokingly grabbed her ass and asked
>ey bby u want sum fuk?
bruh, definitely come up with some fake charge or something. though it may not do any good, I'm not familiar with how prisons work so I don't know if inmates have any real way to find out what you're actually in for but if they can... we'll I'd probably just kms right now because you ain't coming out of that prison.
Did you question the holocaust?
>Is it possible to get enough protein there if you don't have a lot of money?
Even if you dont you'll just take longer to recover and therefore grow muscle, no big deal, keep training
find a way to go into solitary confinement or else you're gonna get thrown off the mezzanine
Many American prisons hold powerlifting meets
Are you already strong and know how to fight? Some gay junkie might try to shank you or something but how did you get sentenced for hearsay?

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