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I started carnivore as of today and I saw a thread in desuarchives that you need to eat leafy greens for a month until your body can adapt to no carbs. Is this true?
Also did I fell for a psy-op? Everything that I read about the diet seems right.

I don’t have any major health issues. I have mild asthma and I’m getting tired during the day easily. I also need to cut down a little and thought it would be a good idea. My body composition is not bad either. Any tips welcomed
Yooo imagine living on sausage and chicken drumsticks

>leafy greens… Is this true?

>is this a psyop

If you’re doing it for weight loss though keto works just as well. That’s the weight loss portion of carnivore. Carnivore skews the fat percentage of your macros lower in favor of more protein but it’s still a high fat low carb approach. Keto is lower protein higher fat in comparison but obviously low carb. this means carnivore is good for more active people and keto better for less active people - though that’s a massive simplification.

But to be clear you do not need fiber, if you’re constipated in the beginning up your fat intake but also know that unless you feel bloated only pooping once every few days is fine and “regularity” (pooping once or twice a day) is nonsense.

All this said despite viewing any sort of carb as cancer-causing the nutrients and vitamins in fruits are much more bio-available than the mostly in accessible ones in leafy greens. Eat them like you would candy or junk food on an otherwise carnivore and you’ll have a solid diet for energy and weight-loss.

Cold cuts and sausages and other processed meats are not ideal though. focus on beef in least processed forms, eggs and some (minimal) fish and chicken.
carnivore is 80 % or more animal food by definition
so yes, I'm carnivore
if you're talking about the new age elimination diet of eating only meat, then lol, lmao even

Here is the thread I was talking about in the above link
>First things first, you've undertaken a radical dietary change without slowly weaning out plant matter and carbs, so I don't know why you're surprised at your radical change in bowel movements, as well as your energy levels all over the place with your metabolism adapting. You've clearly not researched this.

Check that your ratios macros wise fall between 70-80% fat, and the rest protein. The carb cravings go away in time. Don't worry about fiber supplements - I'd suggest dropping them; Stool consistency will fix itself within a week as long as you keep your ratios to what i mentioned. Too much protein will make your shits watery at the beginning, as well as too much fat. Keeping protein higher than those ratios will not let you adapt effectively into ketosis.

>metabolism is going hard, i get hungry after every meal
it's not a pro, it's just a consequence of your body screaming after carbs. After you become fat adapted, you'll be very easily able to eat once a day no problem.

aside from healing from a chronic disease, I gained the following benefits:
-zero brain fog
-zero teeth plaque, haven't used toothpaste in months (yes i have a gf)
-zero scalp itchiness
-90% acne gone
-zero stomach gas
-no more "i'm tired" moments throughout the day, a thing of the past
-zen like emotional stability

Before anyone asks, no, my ulcerative colitis didn't start healing until I took out literally everything but meat. Got to a severe state at 17 rounds of pure blood a day.

That’s where I got the leafy green advice from. Also someone recommended electrolytes aswell
You want to ease into the diet so your gut microbiome can adapt to the change but the carnivore diet is amazing. I feel so fantastic, high energy, and strong since I made the change.
>Keeping protein higher than those ratios will not let you adapt effectively into ketosis.
The point of carnivore is not ketosis, it’s merely a side effect
>-zero brain fog
>-zero teeth plaque, haven't used toothpaste in months (yes i have a gf)
>-zero scalp itchiness
>-90% acne gone
>-zero stomach gas
>-no more "i'm tired" moments throughout the day, a thing of the past
>-zen like emotional stability
Same shit. I'd say, though, that in my case it's 100% of acne gone, silky smooth hair and skin (instead of oily as fuck), and zero dandruff as well. The thing about stomach gas is incredible; I never fart anymore.
Ketosis is a very powerful state and accounts for most of the benefits people list.
why do carnitard posts always look so inorganic?
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What do you all eat in a day? Really curious, back when I did carnivore I mostly just had a ribeye or two
me btw (by the way)
>you need to eat leafy greens for a month until your body can adapt to no carbs. Is this true?
No, that's fucking retarded. It will ease you into it if you eat a keto diet before doing it, but it's entirely unnecessary. Just keep going with carnivore. No reason to do anything else
I had electrolyte imbalances when I tried it and also my skin was greasy. I never make it longer than a couple weeks max
As I said tommorow it’s my first day so it’s gonna be eggs and bacon in the morning then some steak and more eggs and some yogurt maybe at night. The only thing that worries me is that lifting is gonna be shut without carbs

2 Days in and I’m dizzy as fuck. What is happening?
I'm doing research before hopping on seems like a lot of nutrients are lost when cooking anything.mostly water soluble vitamins. I'm having trouble finding decent meat too. Can't find a good farm to buy from
If y’all aren’t eating liver, heart, skirt steak and tripe you aren’t going to make it.
Take electrolytes you dumb fucks. I just put a mineral salt with natrium, magnesium and potassium in seltzer water and drink it down. If I feel weak I just drink that and immediately feel better.
I've been going for 2 weeks. No carb weaning or some bullshit like that. Shits were okay pretty much right away. I've always eaten a lot of meat though. Weight shows 2kg down but that's probably mostly water. Not so worried about the weight but the mirror. Feeling great, anxiety is pretty much gone.
Bacon, eggs, ground beef mostly. Steak if I can find it on sale. Beef is expensive as fuck these days and they mostly sell lean cuts because everyone's been brainwashed into fearing fat. Everything is trimmed down to bare muscle, imagine the waste.
You have to eat everything rare or even raw.
Of course not, you stupid nigger.
Be ready for a few days of diareah though, an inability to trust farts etc.
>Also did I fell for a psy-op?
You did.
>Everything that I read about the diet seems right.
You're a big brainlet. Absolutely every claim that supports that diet is wrong. One example would be that high serum cholesterol doesn't increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis.
>red oily skin
carnivore is ok for people who don't exercise at all, otherwise you'll notice a major performance hit if you don't eat carbs
Post meal plan
>One example would be that high serum cholesterol doesn't increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis.
no proof
The proof is huge. Mendelian randomization studies on people with hyperlipedemia leave no space for cope.
i still eat 30-50g of carbs under carnivore. I'm more chill about it and less hardcore. Better to eat quality meat than processed trash. 5-7 eggs in the morning. Don't forget to eat liver, youtube carnifags are right, it is a superfood. . 2x a week is good.
The proof is huge that there is no link between saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular diseases as a whole.
There are dozens of meta-analyses that confirm this. Only association studies (worthless) done in the US show otherwise because people get their SAFA from fast food full of sugars and oxidized vegetable oils.
You're a brainlet.
>there is no link between saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular diseases as a whole.
>There are dozens of meta-analyses that confirm this.
Yes, that's because different people have different responses to sat fat and different baseline cholesterol levels. It's complex; saturated fat from cheese doesn't have the potential to raise cholesterol, for instance.
>Only association studies (worthless)
Funny you dismiss them because you think they're worthless and yet ignore the MR studies that are above regular RCTs in the pyramid of evidence.
>done in the US
*several countries.
>SAFA from fast food full of sugars
Not necessarily bad.
what was your diet before though
I eat when I'm hungry.
> Not necessarily bad.
Diabeties is caused by high sugar consumption, and it’s a risk factor for both hyperlipedemia and cardiovascular diseases. Fast foods have made the united states one of the most diabetic countries on earth.
> saturated fat from cheese doesn't have the potential to raise cholesterol
It’s an association study, and it’s fucking useless. The study itself specifies why would that be: they aren’t tracking what the subjects are eating with the meat, only if they consumed meat or diary that day.
> It's complex
It’s not, you are just a fucking retard. Your body is a giant mass of cholesterol, if it needs cholesterol in the blood it will put it in there regardless, if you eat it your body will store it. Pretty fucking simple.
People with hyperlipedemia have other problems as well with cholesterol because they are genetically defective. This doesn’t represent the general population at all.

You are just coping with your sugar addiction and trying to justify why you are killing yourself.
You have broad, flat fingernails and your mouth is full of molars. You're not a carnivore.
Humans aren't herbivores either. Just look at the length of the human digestive system.
Hands that make knives, bows and spears you dumb nigger. What now?
I'm not a carnivore because I'm a human being but I am a meat enthusiast and I think we should be grateful to animals for their sacrifice.
What kind of vegetables and seeds would you eat in nature? Show me.
I am.4 years. Wasn't really sure there was s thing called "carnivore lifestyle" or anything, I just cut out carbs for cutting which people have done for longer than any of us have been alive, hate green shit food, so just ate meat cooked in butter or lard, liked the results and did not want to be a bloated water bag sonever brought back the other shit. I don't know about eating greens, I never did, I jumped straight and was fine. You get 2 weeks worth of water shits because your body starts releasing a lot of your puffiness but that is it. Once again a known effect of dropping water. If you like leafy greens just eat them, I'm sure they will not hurt you any, I just hate them so I don't eat them.
Stop giving him (You)s retard
You are not a hind gut fermenter. You never will be. You also sound ,ike the type bitter at humanity. You should try to get in touch with your humanity, we are pretty great beings.
>Diabeties is caused by high sugar consumption
No, it is not, but I know it's a controversial claim.
>risk factor for both hyperlipedemia
You don't know what nuance is. That is true in people who are already insulin resistant. You give sugar, or cabohydrate in general, to an insulin sensitve person and cholesterol goes down.
>cardiovascular diseases.
Suddenly now a fan of epidemiological evidence?
Respond with what you want to those points, but that's it from my part because they're tangents.
>It’s an association study, and it’s fucking useless.
>A randomised crossover trial

>The study itself specifies why would that be: they aren’t tracking what the subjects are eating with the meat, only if they consumed meat or diary that day.
It's dairy and I said cheese, imbecile.
>A total of 40 g dairy fat eaten daily for 4 weeks as butter, but not as cheese, raised total and LDL cholesterol significantly

You talk about things you know shit about and blatantly lie. You're no longer entertaining. Seethe and die from a heart attack.
> You are not a hind gut fermenter
We technically are, we just have to eat our own fermented diarrhea every time we eat a ton of fiber.
>4 weeks
>15 men and 4 women
What a weak ass study nigger and completely unrelated with bad methodology as well. I was referring to another study linked by a meta analysis talking about the subjects of saturated fats and CHD specifically.
>now a fan of epidemiological evidence
The evidence is evidence retard. There are millions otherwise healthy individuals suffering from these exact problems all together that it’s very clear.
>i-if you don't think that humans are carnivores then you must be a vegan!!!!
Embarrassing cope. You can do better than this.

Tool use doesn't change your biology, anon. Your digestive system went through millions of years of evolution and learning to use a spear doesn't change the structure of your teeth or digestive tract. There's nothing wrong with eating meat but you are not designed to eat nothing but meat, simple as.

Humans did not spring into existence with knowledge of very recent technological developments like the bow and arrow. Imagine you are a naked human in the wild. You don't have modern knowledge of tool creation; no one has invented a spear or a bow and arrow or even figured out how to throw a rock.

If you dropped a tiger in the jungle, there would be no question about how it would get food. Do you have claws? Teeth? You're hopelessly weak; a chimpanzee could literally rip your arms off. How are you, naked human "carnivore", going to get your food?

Should I be lumping you in with the
>omg u must be vegan
crew above? In nature you would eat fruit, nuts, tubers, etc.
>You also sound ,ike the type bitter at humanity. You should try to get in touch with your humanity, we are pretty great beings.
That's an insane amount of projection based on nothing but
>humans aren't carnivores
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Star away from highly processed meats, stay away from feedlot meat. If you have to buy feedlot meat then stick to beef.
>Tool use doesn't change your biology
You seem to have completely missed my point, or just not understand very well how humans developed.

First of all, just so you stop repeating this shit endlessly; your teeth are the way they are because you eat COOKED food. Do you understand what cooked food is? Its basically pre-digested food. You've taken meat over a fire and broken it down so its easier to eat. Less need for big jaws or teeth. Your digestive tract is short compared to herbivores or omnivores. Your stomach ph is very very low. Your body absorbs meat so quickly it doesn't even make it to the colon.
>There's nothing wrong with eating meat but you are not designed to eat nothing but meat
Completely and utterly false statement with nothing to back it up, neat.
>bla bla bla humans are not born with weapons bla bla bla animals can survive in nature perfectly bla bla bla
Your argument is fucking retarded and I'll tell you why, its not hard to understand. If you release an animal raised in captivity into the wild its most likely going to die. Animals in the wild are still taught by their mothers how to hunt and survive. Humans are no different. Even looking past that, you don't need much to make a weapon. Sharp rocks, resin, binding materials, wood. If you want to make it even more simple, you use your hands to grab any rock or branch nearby to defend yourself with.
>Do you have claws? Teeth?
Yes, they're called knives and spears.
>a chimpanzee could literally rip your arms off
We've been over this a million times, you will pull up an example of an obese american woman feeding her pet chimp drugs and having her face mauled while she's lying on the ground crying. The idea that they could pull your arms off is nonsensical, they are barely stronger than us pound for pound and if you factor in total weight then we are stronger.
>fruit, nuts, tubers, etc
Wild plants are not like supermarket products. You would go insane and die of starvation.
> In nature you would eat fruit, nuts, tubers, etc.
Not only they are seasonal but they are extremely small. A wild carrot would be smaller than your palm. As a child I used to pluck wild potatoes, they were smaller than my fingers.
Fruits are just sugars, just like fruitarians you would die of starvation. Wild fruits are also incredibly small as well.
Most “vegetables” didn’t exist before the discovery of the americas and they were already domesticated by the aztecs.
>Wild plants are not like supermarket products.
I swear all the people that think humans ate what birds usually eat are fucking insane and have never been in a forest.
>Not only they are seasonal
Humans spent the vast majority of their evolutionary history in tropical areas where fruit is always in season.

>they are extremely small
And this is why primates who eat a lot of fruit spend most of their day foraging. This is the case for most animals - the majority of the day is spent gathering food.

>Fruits are just sugars, just like fruitarians
And this is just stupid. If you're not going to be serious then I'm not going to reply to you. Did you see me recommending some retarded meme diet? I literally said
>There's nothing wrong with eating meat

I realize that you're desperate to lose weight and this desperation has led you to increasingly extreme fad diets but there's a reason why there has never at any point in all of recorded human history been a human population that ate nothing but meat.
>your teeth are the way they are because you eat COOKED food.
Your teeth looked exactly the way they do now long, long before humans ever discovered fire or ate anything cooked. It's always so awkward trying to have these discussions with people who clearly don't know anything about human evolutionary history. It's fine to base your diet on what ancient humans ate but in order to do that properly, you need to actually understand what that was.

>nothing to back it up
My first post provided more than enough
and if that's not enough, a simple, honest comparison of the human body to that of any carnivore should be sufficient. Do you have teeth? Do you have claws? Can you efficiently kill a deer with your bare hands?

>Yes, they're called knives and spears.
Hominids existed for literally millions of years before developing tools. How do you imagine they obtained their food?

>they are barely stronger than us pound for pound
Imagine being this ignorant. I'm embarrassed for you, truly.
>Their muscles are 50% stronger per weight than those of humans due to higher content of fast twitch muscle fibres
The grip strength of the average human male is around 80lbs. The grip strength of the average captive orangutan, which we can reasonably assume to be lower than that of wild orangutans, has been reported as between 440-730 lbs. I understand that math may not be your strong suit, so to put it more simply, the grip strength of an orangutan can be as much as nine times stronger than that of a human. The world record for human grip strength is 330lbs, over 100lbs below the weakest chimpanzee.

Chimpanzees are omnivorous frugivores, by the way.
>You would go insane and die of starvation.

>In work in press in Current Anthropology, Harvard anthropologist Richard Wrangham and his colleagues announce that tubers--and the ability to cook them--prompted the evolution of large brains, smaller teeth, modern limb proportions, and even male-female bonding.
> recorded human history been a human population that ate nothing but meat
Recorded history began way after the agricultural revolution. As far as prehistory goes, we can’t actually be sure with records.
But we know that the ice age happened and that for thousands of years we could only eat meat and we drove many animals to extinction while we drew cave paintings of hunts.
>primates who eat lot of fruit
You mean chimpanzees that are actually carnivores? Many primates went to a process similar to pandas, for example gorillas (altho they fully adapted unlike pandas). We aren’t like other primates simple as that, we split up from them around 8-13 million of years ago.
Pandas are a proof that bears aren’t obligated carnivores but also that plants are the least nutritious food for bears, that is why bears basically only eat meat.

>fruits are always in season
And this is how you know that you are a fucking city dweller retard. Also again real fruits are small, you’d be lucky to forage for 100 calories in a day. Better spend that time hunting lol.
Baseless claim. This is why no one agrees with him.
After the agricultural revolution we have seen a reduction in brain size. This says a lot.
>we know that the ice age happened and that for thousands of years we could only eat meat
And you have a citation for this claim that we "could only eat meat" for an extended period, yes? I'd be very interested in seeing it.

>You mean chimpanzees that are actually carnivores?
Is this what happens when you get all your info from fitness bloggers?
>The chimpanzee is an omnivorous frugivore. It prefers fruit above all other food, but it also eats leaves, leaf buds, seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark, and resin.
>Despite the fact that chimpanzees are known to hunt and to collect both insects and other invertebrates, such food actually makes up a very small portion of their diet, from as little as 2% yearly to as much as 65 grams of animal flesh per day for each adult chimpanzee in peak hunting seasons. This also varies from troop to troop and year to year. However, in all cases, the majority of their diet consists of fruits, leaves, roots, and other plant matter.

>Also again real fruits are small, you’d be lucky to forage for 100 calories in a day
How many calories would you estimate are visible in this picture of a "real" fig tree? Would you say it's less than 100 calories or...?

The tree in the pic is fictus sur
>The figs are fairly sweet and produced at any time of year

You do realize that tropical jungles have different seasonal growth patterns than your midwest flyover shithole, right?
>no you don't understand, i'm much smarter and better educated than tenured Harvard anthropologists
>those idiots just don't understand that humans have always been carnivores
>where did i learn this? youtube videos from highschool drop outs, of course
>This says a lot.
Yeah, it says that grains are poison, not that you should stop eating fruit.
Retarded fad diet, enjoy your irreversible health damages.
Boy the carnivore diet surely makes the vegan zombies rile up
Are these vegans in the thread with you now?
Vegans are insane just like you.
Case in point
>can't handle criticism without instantly resorting to strawmen
This is how you identify someone who isn't as confident in their beliefs as they pretend to be.
I don't waste my time arguing with retards on the internet
>he said while arguing with retards on the internet
Could be worse, try posting on /tg/ if you want to deal with some real pieces of work.
12 quarter pounder patties will be my meal tomorrow throughout the day.
3lbs of 93/7 honestly
Ground beef is the only food I can eat and feel good, like I feel endorphins when I eat it.
>fwi ive hade ground beef as 95% of my diet for the last 20 months
I love it, I can't get sick of it
The only thing more retarded than the carnivore diet is doing it like this guy and eating nothing but muscle meat.
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Hate all you want bitch but It's working for me
It's "working" for you because it takes time to develop micronutrient deficiencies. If you're going to follow this retarded fad diet then at the very least you need to add organ meats and bone marrow or broths. On a diet of nothing but ground beef, you are getting little to no
>vitamin B9
>vitamin A
>vitamin C
>vitamin E
>vitamin D
>vitamin K
You are getting maybe a third of your B1 needs and around half of your magnesium needs. I hope you're taking a bunch of supplements because otherwise your bones are gonna be fucked.
> You do realize that tropical jungles have different seasonal growth patterns than your midwest flyover shithole

I live in the Mediterranean dumb fuck, it’s a tropic. Last time I checked any tree, there’s no fruit in winter and early spring time. Some berries if you are lucky during the latter.

> we "could only eat meat" for an extended period
Just look at the inuits diet.
I eat fruit. Altho it’s not what we eat regularly or rely upon for survival. That is meat, fish and eggs all year around.
All roots are poisonous as well on the long run, bite into one raw and you risk to die.
That’s so overcooked it smells of cancer.
Have any other carnivores stopped chewing their food? I used to hate eating but since I started carnivore it have been way easier and it seems the next logical step. No carnivores in the animal world chew their food so why should I?
I chew it so it’s easier to swallow, but you don’t have to chew. There are no benefits to chewing meat.
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>All this said despite viewing any sort of carb as cancer-causing
Do carniggers really?
>Humans spent the vast majority of their evolutionary history in tropical areas where fruit is always in season.
Enjoy your teeth eroding bigly after only a few years on frugivore diet.
If you wanna appeal to nature we are all descended from some odd 2000 humans that survived the ice age on a carnivore diet
Fruit solves this problem, refills glycogen stores, has electrolytes and also insulin helps signal to store electrolytes. Fruits will be the cleanest source of carbs for all the above, but ketolards have sullied the entire macro in these spaces so they'll sperg out with rat studies and
>muh candy
Ketolards and strict carnivores also just brush over the fact thag milk has sugar (lactose) in it as well. There's a reason for that. Breast milk never gave an infant beetus.
Its almost like we are uh omnivorous or something
>93/7 ground beef
Wtf? Are you hemorrhoid maxxing or some shit?
Dogs are omnivorous by the same metric. We are about as carnivorous as canines, maybe slightly less so.
We are more or less as carnivorous as canines and bears but less than cats. Big cats are obligate carnivores and will vomit any plant. Our stomach is so acidic we are also similar to scavengers, not only we can eat raw meat but it doesn’t have to be fresh neither.
just feel going meat only is high risk low reward. maybe im a midwit, but i can't see any benefits in a diet that will tank your testosterone levels, fuck up your shits and make you perform less in the gym (this is most important to me im here to make gains)

Before this thread gets archived can someone link me a good webiste that explains this diet better?
It’s not just lean meat.
It’s fish, animal fat and organs (often raw) as well. Most include dairy products, fruits, honey into their diet.
If you eat enough fats your shits will be well. Everything is highly digestible. Testosterone levels will go back to normal because there is literally nothing disrupting your hormones.

Most carnivores don’t call this a diet, they just say this is how naturally humans ate before the agricultural revolution and I honestly agree with them.
Eat high quality raw meat. The more you heat it the less worth it has.
Also try to eat at least tomatoes to make you less acidic. In the long run the body will develop stones if you only eat animal foods and do not add some green juices.
>you will get kidney stones if you don’t eat oxalates
>oxalates cause kidney stones
If you eat meat you can’t get stones
>Also try to eat at least tomatoes to make you less acidic.
A normal pH range in tomatoes is 4.0- 4.5.
What are the risks and why would eating meat lower your testosterone level?
>Any carnivores here?
Yes I'm diabetic and it has greatly benefitted me. I also mixed in some 3 day fasting and I feel so much more energetic and I can actually think clearly and feel somewhat smarter and less foggy in the head. Just do it nigga
>I saw a thread in desuarchives that you need to eat leafy greens for a month until your body can adapt to no carbs. Is this true?
No just do it nigga!!! you got this!!
The only plants you need to wean yourself off of are high-oxalate foods like spinach. If you've been consuming a lot of oxalates, your body has been accumulating them, but it hasn't been able to get rid of them because of the constant intake. If you "quit" oxalates cold turkey, your body will dump them from its tissues rapidly and that can cause severe pain in your muscles. So I would slowoy wean yourself off of high-oxalate foods like spinach. You don't need to wean yourself off of other veggies.

As far as adapting to ketosis:
Cutting out all carbs quickly can lead to "keto flu" which is essentially electrolyte loss/imbalance. You can combat this by either slowly reducing your carb intake (greens are not carbs, btw - they're basically just fiber, minerals, and antinutrients) or consuming a lot of salt and bone broth to replace your electrolytes. More generally, you want to make sure your fat intake is relatively high on a carnivore diet. Eat fattier cuts of meat and/or add raw butter/tallow/ghee to your meal. Your body either runs on carbs or fats; it can't rely on protein for fuel. Eating only low-fat protein leads to something called rabbit starvation where your body starts wasting away because it doesn't have any fat (rabbits are too low in fat to be a reliable source of food, hence the name).

>did I fell for a psyo-op?
No. Ask yourself, what tastes good? What do you crave? Do you crave vegetables. Do you crave salad? The answer is no. Humans crave fat, salt, and sugar. Rabbits and cows crave greens, and they love the taste. To us, greens are bitter and unappetizing. But a nice juicy steak with butter on top is mouth-watering. Let nature guide you. Your taste buds know what is good for you and what isn't - with the obvious exception of fake processed foods like cookies and seed oils.
>Ask yourself, what tastes good? What do you crave? Do you crave vegetables. Do you crave salad?
I really love cheesecake, peanut butter cups, ice cream.
>cheesecake, peanut butter cups, ice cream
All fake processed foods you won't find in nature. The only (sort of) exception is ice cream IF you make it yourself with real ingredients: egg yolks, raw cream, and raw milk. We all know that processed goyslop tricks your taste buds; this is not news.
Mangoes are as sweet as candy though and plenty of other fruits
If you’re trying to lose weight keto is close, but not ideal. Just lower your carbs as much as possible. You want to eat high protein, because your body needs it, but lower fat because your body doesn’t have trouble when switching between using body fat and ingested fat so whatever fat you eat is just body fat that you won’t burn. Fat people trying to eat keto make fat bombs and shit to get like 80% of their diet to be fat which is just slowing their progress because they will just be burning the butter they just ate and not their body fat. The goal is to have your insulin low, when your insulin is low your body can actually access your stored body fat. If you eat glucose then your body halts metabolizing fat, burns all of the glucose you ate, and then switches back to burning fat. When your body switches back to burning fat it feels like you’re hitting a wall though so that’s likely when people will stop exercising. That’s why fat people doing cardio to lose weight but drinking juice, smoothies, or eating those retarded glucose gel packs while doing so are going to make zero progress. The only calories they are going to burn are the sugars they just ate because once they run out of that sugar they’re going to stop because they feel exhausted and will also be starving because when your glucose gets low your body signals you that it’s hungry. That’s why low carb is also good for endurance sports, because there is no wall to hit mid race when you run out of glucose.
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Fiber is literally indigestible. You do not need fiber because your body can’t do anything with it and your GI tract will actually function better without it. Fiber causes bloating and promotes the growth of gut bacteria which digest fiber, which doesn’t help you because you’re not a ruminant animal, and displaces gut bacteria which will actually help you digest foods that you get nutrients from. And the nutrients in plants are often the wrong form which your body can’t use, sucks at converting to a useable form, or they are locked away in the indigestible fiber where you can’t access it because you’re not a cow.
Most cancers have a fucked up metabolic pathway where the cancer cells cannot metabolize ketones and can only digest glucose. If you have one of these cancers and don’t eat glucose the cancer cells will literally starve and die. We know cancer cells do this because we exploit this to find tumors by fasting a person, having them eat a small amount of radioactive glucose, and doing a PET scan. The tumors soak up most of the glucose because they are starving while the rest of the body switched to burning ketones, so you look for concentrations of that radioactive glucose in the scan and there are the tumors.
I’m not fat but I want to lean out more. My current diet was oats and eggs in the morning, 2 chicken wraps for lunch and afternoon, and fish at night. I would eat tons of watermelon and grapes as snack and drink some milk in between. I also want to feel peak performance and more alive. I feel sluggish during the day and foggy as hell. Btw pic rel is 2 days ago without a pump.
Fats cause cancer retard
And mangoes are good for you. They're especially good for hydration.
Pure carnivore works for some people, but I don't see a problem with incorporating fresh raw fruit and honey if you crave sugar. The main thing, in order of importance, is to eliminate seed oils, seeds, and then vegetables.
How fucking fat are you?
No, but keep fruit in your diet to avoid a horrible transition. Gradually switch to lower sugar fruit like peppers and zucchini
Also, most people wpuld probably benefit from a short-term, strict carnivore diet as an elimination diet to treat their chronic pain, diabetes, eczema, or whatever chronic disease they might have. Then they can always incorporate fruit and honey later on for carbs and electrolytes.
This fat
>Last time I checked any tree, there’s no fruit in winter and early spring time.
Maybe you should have checked the link I posted about tropical fruit growth patterns.

>Just look at the inuits diet.
Ah yes, the classic
>I don't know shit about this topic but let me lecture you
Let's talk about the Inuit, shall we? First, I think it's telling that the only example you people can ever give of a natural population of "carnivores" is a group that was literally forced into such a diet due to living in a climate so extreme that agriculture was impossible. They followed their traditional diet out of necessity, not choice.

Second, rather than being happy "carnivores", they went out of their way to gather any and all plant foods they could find:
>While it is not possible to cultivate native plants for food in the Arctic, Inuit have traditionally gathered those that are naturally available, including:
>Berries including crowberry and cloudberry
>Herbaceous plants such as grasses and fireweed
>Tubers and stems including mousefood, roots of various tundra plants which are cached by voles in burrows.
>Roots such as tuberous spring beauty and sweet vetch
These are the best "carnivores" you can find?

Do you see me recommending a frugivore diet?
>And you have a citation for this claim that we "could only eat meat" for an extended period, yes? I'd be very interested in seeing it.
Is your lack of a response to this because you don't have any evidence for the claim that humans were "carnivores during the ice age" or because the evidence just doesn't exist? I realize that you're basing this theory on cartoons you watched as a kid with humans hunting woolly mammoths in snowy wastelands but during the most recent ice age, global temperatures were only around 3-6 degrees cooler than today. That's enough to make a difference on a global scale but if you think that's enough to kill off all the plants then you're even dumber than you seem.

There is no evidence that humans were carnivores during the ice age and whoever told you they were was lying to you to push their fad diet.
If I'm wrong then show us some evidence and prove it.
nta but what fruits are you going to eat anywhere outside of certain tropical islands? You think people in america, europe or asia lived on fruits in animal-dense wilderness? Lets say you have that much fruit. You're going to gorge yourself on a massive amount of fibrous wild fruit in the hope that it can somehow cover even your daily energy expenditure? The more you analyze the proposition here it just sounds more and more retarded.

If you want to use historical groups as examples of carnivores then the best would be mongolians, who created one of the largest empires to ever exist. Germanic tribes also lived on mainly meat and dairy, and they also conquered vast amounts of land. Using anyone closer to modern time is easier for you to dismiss since even african hunter gatherer tribes in the middle of fucking nowhere will get introduced to coca cola and corn paste from globalization. Modern mongols buy candy to put on the dinner table and predictably get fat. But the further back you go in history the less common agriculture and industry is.
>They followed their traditional diet out of necessity
Thats the same for any human group before agriculture, so literally the vast majority of our time on earth. If you are so stupid you refuse to kill an animal and keep chewing leaves with no nutrition then you die, simple.
Read The Fat of the Land by Vilhjalmer Stefansson. He literally spent years living with the Inuits. They ate almost entirely animal foods and they prized the fat. They didn't care about plants, which was fortuitous since there weren't any for most of the year.

Maybe you should trust primary sources more than Wiki-fucking-pedia, dipshit.
I'm three months in, but the diarrhea doesn't go away. It's usually dark, slightly greenish, and frothy. I read of stuff like bile acid malabsorption or otherwise excessive bile production, and I suspect something like that may be going on. Some say to persevere and that the body will adjust. Anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

I'm very happy with it in all other aspects so I want to be able to sustain it.
Good thing zero people said they were
Try consuming tripe and fermented foods like kefir and yogurt
>They didn't care about plants
Is that why there are entire cookbooks filled with traditional plant recipes, idiot? We have reports they highly prized them; one of them being that they'd risk a lot to get just a few tiny berries to store them for the winter.
>We have reports
Wikipedia is not a legitimate source
Vilhjalmer is
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Not keto or carnivore, but I've just started experimenting with lower-carb to try and sort my acne out.

Can anyone confirm that this works? I've started by limiting myself to 140g of carbs a day, because I'm also still trying to bulk.
... so far the only benefit I've seen is consistent energy all day.

No more dips or sleepyness or anything, even in the gym.
I'm not the guy who gave Wikipedia as a source and the articles always have references. I know it tends to be a garbage source for controversial claims but it's a legitimate source nonetheless. We have cookbooks so the account of that guy is dubious. Maybe some Inuit tribes didn't eat plat foods, but as a whole it's undeniable they did and really liked them for some reason.
I have BAM or something resembling it very strongly. If you notice that your poops are sometimes burning your asshole thats a good indicator along with the green yellowish color. Do you have any other symptoms? Its a pretty difficult condition to deal with. I've read that some people apparently have success with artichoke extract which is supposed to help regulate the biliary system so I will be trying that. Fiber or calcium can potentially soak up excess bile but its not a perfect solution and brings its own problems in my experience. I'm only a little further into the diet than you so idk if it fixes itself, I haven't seen anyone write about it.
The whale fat they ate was remarkably high in carbs (enough kick them out of ketosis)
Furthermore seal fat, being from a monogastric animal, is high in PUFA/MUFA.
I took another approach to eliminate acne, but I know reducing your glycemic load helps. However, it just helps with the symptoms, it doesn't deal with the root cause. One of the things I'm doing is limiting my fat intake, but that's until I can tolerate it more and so should restricting the glycemic load be.
>you'll notice a major performance hit if you don't eat carbs
you're so full of shit lmao
I did carnivore a few years ago and I went the exact same route. Got fucking sick of ground beef bullshit having to scoop 50 times to eat little meat pebbles and eventually just did whole cuts of meat so I could bite out a big chunk and swallow it all. Made way more sense to eat like that. Very satisfying. Your body can handle it. No reason not to do it except for if you can't get whole cuts for a decent price and have to get ground
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These threads always devolve into stupid fucking arguments about
>humans are not le carnivores
>you got sources for your claims?
>enjoy your [disease/condition]
It's so fucking stupid. Stop feeding the trolls
What approach did you take in the end? I want to try everything before I submit to acutane.

And when you say you're cutting fats with carbs, does that mean you're doing carnivore?
The power of autism. I wish we could just have a nice carnivore thread without this retardation.
>What approach did you take in the end?
>10 g of vitamin B5.
Some people might want to work their way up to 10 g instead of suddenly taking that amount.
>10 mg of vitamin B5 from diet.
It comes in forms not available in supplements which might be superior.
>600 mcg of vitamin B7 and 100 mg of R-lipoic acid.
High dose vitamin B5 likely interferes with absorption of those nutrients. I need ~200 mcg of B7 but that's the lowest dose I could find from a brand I think is legit.
>Limit fat intake.
That's temporary; once acne is completely under control, I should be able to consume more without issue.

That's it, but one could also add to this:
>75% dexpanthenol serum (liquid vitamin B5 basically) diluted until you reach a concentration of 5-20%.
I would just say 20% but it's not clear whether one study used a cream consisting of 20% dexpanthenol or 20% pantothenic acid. The former is better absorbed, and thus, 20% might be too much.
>Reducing the glycemic load of your diet.
Temporary, like fat restriction.
>Optimizing vitamin A and D levels.

Once there are no signs of acne, one should occasionally attempt to slowly reduce the supplemental 10 g; ideally until one only needs the 10 mg from diet or whatever it can realistically provide. Some people with subpar genetics will always require doses only supplements can provide.
>I want to try everything before I submit to acutane.
And maybe you should, isotretinoin is an anti-vitamin A (contrary to what people would assume) toxin.
>And when you say you're cutting fats with carbs, does that mean you're doing carnivore?
No and I didn't restrict carbs, I meant that if you restrict them it should be temporary. If I were to try insane diets like vegan or carnivore, I'd do it short-term and with the aid of carefully selected supplements. You don't want to try to solve one problem only to replace it with several others.
No burning sensation at all. No other noticable symptoms either. One thing that's weird is that the watery stool often seems to be loaded with tiny light colored particles like sawdust, but not always.

I'm thinking of experimenting with laying off the eggs (I eat 10 a day), but I can't stomach the amount of steak that would take up those calories.
A guy who literally went and spent years with the Inuits and clearly has no bias is a primary source. Do you have any primary sources debunking Vilhjalmer? Also, Wikipedia is completely captured and there is a clear mainstream agenda against meat and dairy consumption. So Wikipedia - which is certainly not a primary source, has a very relevant bias.
>The fat was high in carbs
Dubious but irrelevant. We weren't even discussing keto vs carbs; we were discussing whether Inuits ate plants or not. You're completely off-topic.
Cheers. I'll look out for those supplements.

Started the low-carb thing now so I'll give it another 3 weeks, but after that I'll try low fat.
I did carnivore for a month, had to take care of parents for last few days, ended up cheating and eating carbs (peanut butter, apple, and then fast food burger and fries).
At first I felt good because of the sugar but the next two days (including today) I am depressed as shit. This is legit. Diet is solved.
Brain fog removal is the main benefit I have noticed so far. Also sleep quality, body composition, no need to brush teeth/shower (if white-collar, not working in the dirt), no digestive issues. I can go on a run right after eating a meal and I don't feel anything in my stomach.
Look into Chris Masterjohn if you want to make it easier to verify what I said. Hope it helps.
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>you need to eat leafy greens for a month until your body can adapt to no carbs.
Absolute bullshit. Leafy greens are extremely toxic and should NEVER be consumed. It's almost better to go hungry for a long while than to eat that.
They have anti-nutrients and defense chemicals that literally cause kidney stones and rob your bones of calcium, along a million other side effects.

Our digestive system isn't made to deal with plant matter. Anything with fiber is extremely damaging to your digestive system.
We are not ruminants, and we do not have the enzymes, the special bacteria or multiple stomachs required to deal with plant matter.
You seems borderline retard. Instead of eating healthy you're doing this... Enjoy atherosclerosis faggot
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Sv3rige, despite how edgy he is, was right on about 80% of everything he's ever said.

He single-handedly destroyed the online vegan and plantbrains are still seething about him years after his channel got removed.
He won. You lost. Seethe harder and shove a carrot up your ass.
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Will it fix the folliculitis all around my mouth and nose? I’m getting desperate
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Shawn Baker is literally 56 years old. You're comparing him to some plant-based søybean juice drinking numales in their 20s.
He also exercises every single day, which tanks your T-levels.

Show me a vegan with high T that isn't on steroids.
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Yet another 20-something compared to a literal 56 year old.
I guess this is the best plantbrains can do.
>They have anti-nutrients and defense chemicals that literally cause kidney stones and rob your bones of calcium, along a million other side effects.
so that's actually not a carnivore disinfo but a real thing?
i am not a full carnivore, just paleo, eating mostly eggs+meat plus salad with a bunch of olive oil. am i gonna make it anon?
nope sorry im half carnivore half herbivore
>omnivore chads evolve
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>Is that why there are entire cookbooks filled with traditional plant recipes, idiot?
Post one Inuit cookbook full of traditional plant recipes. Just one.
no carbs is retarded and the most unnatural diet possible. every carnivore person inevitably adds carbs, usually fruit, back into their diet.
>b-but there's no carbs in nature
when you live out in nature, you hunt and eat freshly killed animals, which will have glycogen still stored in the fat. your body will convert this to glucose. and if not, it will convert protein into glucose. it's pretty obvious your body's preferred source of fuel is glucose, and you're retarded if you think otherwise. ketosis is only a survival mechanism, and your body is under constant stress during it, and it's incredibly easy to knock yourself out of ketosis
>glycogen in fat is just like carbs from bread
lmao, carb addicts are dumb niggers
Yeah I'm a carnivore
>he's STILL pretending that I ever said that people should only eat fruit
So basically, your position is so tenuous that you're incapable of honest debate? You can't handle criticism without pretending that I'm some vegan strawman? It's a bad look bro.

>If you want to use historical groups as examples of carnivores then the best would be mongolians
Not carnivores. Again, at no point in recorded human history has any population chosen to eat nothing but meat. Many, many populations have had that option. None of them have chosen it.

>The diet of the Mongols was greatly influenced by their nomadic way of life with dairy products and meat from their herds of sheep, goats, oxen, camels, and yaks dominating. Fruit, vegetables, herbs, and wild game were added thanks to foraging and hunting.
>Nomads are also gatherers, and the Mongols collected useful dietary supplements such as wild vegetables, roots, tubers, mushrooms, grains, berries, and other fruit they came across in nature or via trade. As the empire spread so the Mongol people added bread, noodles, and grain-based foods to their diet, as well as exotic spices.

>my one source is better than your multiple sources because it agrees with my biases
Fuck off with this midwit garbage, truly. The Inuit are genetically adapted to their diets with, among other things, massive livers compared to other people. If you don't have an Inuit-sized liver then you're not equipped to eat their diet which you're not fucking doing anyway by eating a bunch of hamburgers every day you fucking moron. How frequently do you eat whale and seal meat?

If any of you retarded faggots want to reply to me again please note that I have never advocated for any sort of vegan diet. Meat is healthy. Meat is good for you. Meat is not the only thing you should be eating.
So much goodness in one table
Do you know what a search engine is? I'm not going to look it up for you to "win" a trivial Internet discussion.
Fuck off vegan cuck
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You don't even understand how to process information critically. You're unironically arguing that truth is democratic, that if enough people repeat a lie, it becomes true. For the 12th time, fucking Wikipedia doesn't trump a primary source, you fucking mongoloid. How can you possibly be an adult and not understand this? I understood this when I was 6 fucking years old.
>Inuit-sized liver
Another retarded argument with no basis in reality. No evidence for it, Inuits are not the only people who depended exclusively on meat to survive, and we clearly ate meat for hundreds of thousands of years as hunter-gatherers prior to the Agricultural Revolution. Stop parroting obvious lies just because they're convenient for your worldview, you sub-80 IQ troglodyte.
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you fell for rightwing Veganism.
It's unironically ogre, you and every vegan/carnifag are NPCs

pic is literally you
Crazy thing about our bodies: we can eat both flora and fauna. Meat gives us all of our nutritional needs, in very small portions comparitive to the equivalent of vegetables. Eat what you like, but one is clearly superior.
80% by weight or by calorie?
>Meat gives us all of our nutritional needs in very small portions comparitive to the equivalent of vegetables.
No, you moron. It doesn't provide you of every nutrient you need, lutein being one of those.
>in very small portions
Generally true but the glaringly obvious exception is vitamin C. Adrenal glands aren't a way to get enough because of adrenaline. Glucose competition is a stupid cope, by the way.
Can you post meal plan? You seem knowledgeable
>n-no, wikipedia isn't real, fake news, fake news! my source is the only truth, other sources don't count!
How embarrassing. I notice you completely avoided the fact that the mongols weren't carnivores either. Was that because you couldn't whine about wikipedia for that one?

The wikipedia article I linked regarding the Inuit's non-animal food sources referenced nine different sources and you can pretend that it's invalid if you want because you once read a book by a guy who said that the Inuit never gathered berries but you're just being willfully ignorant at that point.

>we clearly ate meat for hundreds of thousands of years as hunter-gatherers prior to the Agricultural Revolution.
I'm still waiting for you to provide literally any evidence for this. Repeating it will not make it any less of a lie. We have studied many populations of hunter-gatherers and not a single one of them eats only meat. Even the Inuit, forced into a very meat-heavy diet due to living in an extreme climate, still went out of their way to gather things like berries and seaweed. Yes, this is still a fact and seething about it will not make it any less true.

As one of many examples, akutaq
is a traditional, thousands of years old Inuit travel food. It is made with a blend of meat, fat, and berries. Pay special attention to that last part. Do you honestly think that the Inuit just ignored wild berries?

Outside of polar climates, like all humans, hunter-gatherers across the globe highly value high carb foods like fruit and honey. Some of the oldest cave paintings that exist show humans gathering honey. You can have a meme fad diet if you want, and I hope it helps you lose the weight, but pretending that it has any natural or historic basis is retarded.
Most types of cancers are insulin dependent. In the absence of insulin, they do not grow. What causes insulin spikes? Certainly not dietary fat.
>Even the Inuit
Hahahaha, even in the Ice Age people ate plants. We know because plant matter has been found in tartar. I genuinely hope carnivores die or get fucked up in an irreversible way because it's people like them that make this world a worse place.
>mfw retards try to understand biochemistry
You could never eat another carb for the rest of your life and you would still have more than enough blood glucose to feed any cancer. In the absence of dietary carbohydrates, your body converts protein to glucose. This is called gluconeogenesis and it can be as much as 80% efficient, meaning that 100g of protein can be converted to as much as 80g of glucose.

The anon you were replying to is right, by the way. Fats cause cancer and if I were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, the first thing I would do is stop eating any kind of fat.
>he thinks the body will use protein before fats
Opinion disregarded have a good night
>I genuinely hope carnivores die or get fucked up in an irreversible way
They absolutely will because they follow their meme diet in absolutely retarded ways like

If I wanted to then I could come up with a "carnivore" meal plan that would cover as many nutritional bases as possible but it would rely heavily on organ meats and highly specific bivalves (the only way you're getting significant amounts of vitamin E without eating raw salmon is by eating conch, for example, or a few specific clam species for vitamin C) but these retards literally just eat a plate of hamburgers and if you say anything they just go
>uhhhhh have you HEARD about the Inuit?
They'll weed themselves out via nutrient deficiencies in a few more years. Right now it's just guys who have never tried not eating grains and seed oils confusing the effects of cutting those out of their diet.
I don't really have a meal plan for you since I don't know your situation, but I can tell you what I eat in a day:
Appetizer: A bite-sized amount of raw beef liver and raw veal brain
Breakfast: Generously salted ground beef (~ 1/2 to 2/3 lb) cooked bloody rare and topped with raw honey and raw butter, a pint of raw milk, a bite of raw cheese, and a small amount of fruit
Lunch: A pint of raw milk with some honey and 1-2 raw corn-and-onions-free egg yolks, a bite of raw sushi-grade tuna, and a few sips of homemade kefir (helps with digestion)
Dinner: Same as breakfast with a few ounces of cooked beef heart (rare) added

I also eat homemade ice cream made with raw egg yolks, raw cream, raw milk, and raw honey in between meals for hydration. Raw milk is generally better than water for hydration if you tolerate it, but I had to drink tons of kefir for like a year before my gut healed enough to handle raw milk. Ymmv
I occasionally grill a steak
Basically, I eat a carnivore diet with fruit and honey. I cook my meat as little as possible because cooking destroys nutrients. But I'm currently relying on supermarket grass-fed ground beef, so it's not the best quality.
I also take some dessicated organ supplements, collagen, iodine, borax, and krill oil
> Fats cause cancer and if I were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, the first thing I would do is stop eating any kind of fat.

Pufas can cause cancer yeah, saturated animal fats? Never
>he thinks the body will use protein before fats
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Do you understand anything of what I posted? That's a rhetorical question; I know you didn't.
>the guy raging about how the inuit never ate anything except meat posts his meal plan
>it's full of fruit and honey
interesting, very interesting
I've eaten around 250 grams of protein today and haven't farted. Checkmate atheists.
Did he say he is Inuit himself you fucktard lmao
I also eat wild-caught sockeye salmon once a week.
Try going out into the wilderness and gathering berries for sustenance. You won't last more than a month. Wild fruit is generally extremely high in fiber, has tons of seeds in it, and is low in calories. It's impossible to survive on wild fruit alone, not to mention that you won't be getting over a dozen nutrients like creatine, cholesterol (yes, it's a nutrient - it's the building block of all your hormones and it exists in every cell of your body), vitamin k2, etc. You'll also become deficient in other nutrients like iron and zinc since they either don't exist in appreciable amounts in plants or they aren't bioavailable. You'll start consuming your own fat and muscle to survive, then you'll waste away and die. It is literally impossible to survive long-term solely on store-bought, cultivated fruit, let alone wild fruit.
>Provide some evidence
>The best available evidence of hominid activities between 2 and 1.5 Myr ago is the archaeological record from two East African localities, Olduvai Gorge5, Tanzania, and Koobi Fora6, Kenya, which consists of scattered stone artefacts and fragmentary animal bones
>Comparative analyses of archaeological bone assemblages from Olduvai Gorge and Koobi Fora and of various modern bone assemblages with known taphonomic histories reveal direct evidence of early hominid butchering and marrow-processing activities.
>The appearance of agriculture some 10,000 years ago and the Industrial Revolution some 200 years ago introduced new dietary pressures for which no adaptation has been possible in such a short time span.

*enters thread*
fuck vegans and fuck carniwhores
I'm a grains maxer. 10% meat, 10% veggies/fruit, 80% past, bread or pizza. occasionally rice
>Contrary to views that humans evolved largely as a herbivorous animal in a ‘garden of Eden’ type of environment, historical evidence indicates a very different reality, at least in the last four to five million years of evolutionary adaptation.
>The C13/C12 isotope ratio in fossil remains is indicative of diet, and is a particularly good marker of the intake of broad-leaf plant material versus grasses. Basically, trees, bushes and shrubs use the C3 photosynthetic pathway, which discriminates against the heavier carbon isotope C13 during fixation of CO2 compared with the grasses, which use the C4 or Hatch-Slack photosynthetic pathway.6,7
>Examination of early hominid remains indicates that they ate large quantities of the C13-enriched foods.8 As hominids in general have shown no capacity for digestion of grasses or teeth microwear patterns indicative of grass mastication,9,10 these hominids were obviously consuming grazing animals existing on the C4 grasses.
>Similarly, the bone Sr/Ca ratio in mammals shows an inverse correlation with trophic level, with pure carnivores showing the lowest ratio. This pattern is paralleled in fossil remains of palaeolithic fauna, with early hominids showing a Sr/Ca ratio midway between contemporary carnivore and herbivore species.11,12 These results alone would indicate that even very early hominids consumed a considerable proportion of meat in their diet.13

I could keep going, but I doubt you'll even read any of this. This took me about 10 seconds on Google Scholar, btw.

>Right now it's just guys who have never tried not eating grains and seed oils confusing the effects of cutting those out of their diet.
>Cutting grains
Not a good idea generally speaking and ditching seed oils is just one of the several explanations why people feel good on this diet and solve or improve health problems. Losing weight because it's a very monotonous, protein rich and non-hyperpalatable (if it's meat only) diet is probably the biggest.
That diet is expensive
>Try going out into the wilderness and gathering berries for sustenance.
Try reading my posts and stop pretending that I've ever recommended eating nothing but fruit. The only thing I've ever said is that a meat only diet is retarded.

>and is low in calories
>How many calories would you estimate are visible in this picture of a fig tree?

This is evidence that we ate meat, not that we ate *only* meat. Once again, at no point have I ever suggested not eating meat.

>Early hominid fossil remains already show clear cranio-dental changes which indicate a move away from a specialised structure suited to coarse foliage mastication to a more generalised structure indicative of dependence on fruits and hard nuts but also incorporating changes that indicate meat consumption.
>The high energy/time spent in collection and preparation of such plant foods, particularly seed grains, is not well rewarded in terms of energy gain; hence these are not feasible as a primary energy source. This explains why HGs generally have high meat intake despite abundant plant food availability. However, it should not be forgotten that these plants were and are a major source of fibre and micronutrients.
This is your "evidence" for ancient humans as carnivores? Literally says "yeah they ate a lot of meat but plant foods were important for micronutrients". Son, please at least read the links before you post them.
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>for which no adaptation has been possible in such a short time span.
What an imbecile. Rapid evolution is possible and humans have experienced it. The several copies of salivary amylase genes human groups with a history of significant grain consumption, like certain Europeans, is a dietary example. Besides, just because something is novel doesn't necessarily imply we aren't indirectly adapted to it or is detrimental. I genuinely wish you death.
>This took me about 10 seconds on Google Scholar, btw.
Yeah, I can tell by the way you clearly didn't read them and the contradict what you've been saying and confirm what I've been saying. Hasty googling is not a substitute for actual knowledge. You're welcome to keep digging for evidence that ancient humans were carnivores - you know this means that they ate only meat, right? - but the only reason I keep asking you to provide this evidence is because I know it doesn't exist.

Sadly, rather than realizing this after your frantic googling, you instead showed up that you have very poor reading comprehension. See you in a couple years after you micronutrient deficiencies catch up!
>See you in a couple years after you micronutrient deficiencies catch up!
Eat a steak because you seem high estrogen, Unironically

>wish you death
Typical atheist vegantard, little does he know
Reminder that carnivore is fucking retarded and fiber/vegetables are extremely important to overall health.

>Higher intakes of fruit and vegetables were associated with lower mortality

>Fruit and vegetable intakes were associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and all-cause mortality.

>Higher total fruit, vegetable, and legume intake was inversely associated with major cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular mortality, non-cardiovascular mortality, and total mortality

>This meta-analysis provides further evidence that a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality, particularly cardiovascular mortality.

> The overall analysis concluded that plant-based diets played a protective role in the risk of digestive system neoplasms. Subgroup analyses demonstrated that the plant-based diets reduced the risk of cancers, especially pancreatic

>Public health practitioners and those responsible for the development of evidence-based national guidelines must draw upon the combined findings of experimental and cohort studies to inform recommendations to increase vegetable intake for weight management. The apparent lack of harmful effects of vegetable consumption in the general population, as well as their independent role in preventing other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers
>Among generally healthy adults, contrasting Plant with Animal intake, while keeping all other dietary components similar, the Plant products improved several cardiovascular disease risk factor

> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24158434/
> Whole grain intake is associated with decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes and refined grains are NOT associated with increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes

> The evidence here reviewed indicates that diets with a higher intake of plant-based foods—limiting the consumption of refined cereals and starchy foods—are associated with a markedly lower cardiovascular risk in comparison with diets including predominantly animal foods.

> Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence to support beneficial effects of whole-grain intake on vascular disease prevention

>Data has been produced to support a hypothesis that high consumption of natural starchy carbohydrates, taken with their full complement of fiber, is protective against hyperlipidemia and IHD.

>Higher intakes of cereal fiber and whole-grain products are associated with less progression of coronary atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women with established CAD.

> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37724454/
> Vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancers compared with non-vegetarian diets. Specifically

> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37789346/
> Better adherence to plant-based dietary patterns, especially those emphasizing healthy plant-based foods, is beneficial for lowering the risks of major chronic conditions, including T2D, CVD, cancer, as well as premature deaths.
>This prospective study suggests that a higher cruciferous vegetables intake is associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality.

>Our findings support recommendations to increase consumption of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, and fruit to promote cardiovascular health and overall longevity.

>Consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cancers, and depression.

>Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence that high intake of CV was inversely associated with the risk of CRC and colon cancer in humans.

>After 4 weeks, consumption of 10 g/d BSP resulted in a significant decrease in serum insulin concentration and HOMA-IR (p = 0.05 for treatment effect)
>Consumption of specific vegetable types by overweight Latino youth is associated with positive metabolic outcomes, including reduced visceral and liver fat and risk factors for type 2 diabetes, even when consumed in small quantities.

And heart disease:





Enjoy your daily diarrhea
Bro is trying to cope after years of high blood pressure and insulin spikes corroding his arterial walls into irreversible heart disease
Bro is trying to cope after months of high blood cholesterol and mTOR spikes corroding his arterial walls into irreversible heart disease

We can play the same game, meathead.
Except cholesterol doesn’t cause arterial lesions.
This is a well known fact in medicine that healthy LDL isn’t the cause of any heart disease. In fact before we introduce the high sugar diet there was no cvd epidemic, today the consumption of dietary cholesterol is lower than ever but deaths from cardiovascular disease are the first cause of death in high sugar consumption countries such the west.
Eat your seeds and fat free yogurt, live and die like a slave lmao
You could just eat cheap cuts of beef from a butcher or cheap ground beef from your local grocery store. I spend a lot on my food because I care about my health more than literally anything in the world, and I won't sacrifice it for anything, period.

I'm not telling you how to eat. You can do what you want.
Except insulin doesn’t cause arterial lesions. This is a well known fact in medicine that insulin isn’t the cause of any heart disease. In fact before we introduce the high fat diet there was no cvd epidemic, today the consumption of table sugar is lower than ever but deaths from cardiovascular disease are the first cause of death in high fat consumption countries such the west. Eat your flesh and sugar free ice cream, live and die like a slave lmao

So you DO want to play this senseless game.
I don't sit by my computer 24/7 compiling research for retarded strangers because I have better things to do. I did a cursory search to answer your feminine demand for sources because you are clearly too lazy to investigate this subject for yourself. Anthropologists are in agreement that we ate a lot of meat for hundreds of thousands to millions of years before the agricultural revolution. We relied heavily upon fat, especially eating large game like woolly mammoths, which were extremely high in fat. We often lived in climates that had no vegetation for all or most of the year, thus requiring us to rely exclusively on animal foods.
So not only do you not understand human physiology; you also don't grasp the basics of how evolution works. It takes many, MANY generations to significantly alter something as complex as one's diet. You have to completely change the shape and size of your digestive system, the shape of your teeth, the enzymes in your stomach, and so on. Millions of years of evolution is going to trump 10,000 years of exposure to grains. All plants are in an evolutionary arms race against the animals that consume them. They develop thousands of defense chemicals to injure or kill predators; thus, any animal that wants to eat plants has to slowly develop ways to neutralizing the chemicals. They can't possibly neutralize all poisons in all plants, which is why herbivores specialize their diets: ruminants eat only grass, koalas eat only eucalyptus, pandas eat only bamboo, and so on. These changes took millions of years to develop, and yet somehow you think that humans has circumvented the laws of nature and evolved to thrive on grains in only 10,000 years. Do you understand the difference between 10,000 and 6 million years? I doubt it. You don't seem to be able to comprehend much, so these number scales are likely beyond your intellectual reach.
There's also the mountains of evidence that we got shorter and developed dental caries and osteoporosis as a result of nutrient deficiencies after the agricultural revolution, and our brains shrank as well.

And seriously, Moxyte, stop pretending that you aren't arguing for veganism. You keep changing your position every single post and shifting the goalposts. Everyone here knows you're arguing in favor of a grain-based vegan diet. First you argue that Inuits didn't eat mostly meat, then suddenly you're pro-meat, just not pro-carnivore diet. Then you're arguing in favor of grains. You are literally incoherent and everyone here can see it.
>table sugar
Top kek, then proceed to consume kilograms of grains, sodas and starbuck caramel bullshit on their way to work.
>sugar free ice cream
Nothing wrong with a little bit of carbs a day, the food industry tries to sell slaves malnutrition foods that contain no nutrients. Like fat free milk so they can sell you white water while they sell the fats for profit. Or juicier fruits and vegetables full of pesticides and anti nutrients, or seeds, literally bird feed, while they feed ruminants the rest of the plant. You eat this feed like a slave while the elite gorges on succulent bloody meat.
>Except insulin doesn’t cause arterial lesions
Insulin doesn’t, but high blood glucose oxidases LDL and that causes lesions, regardless of your LDL level. Once the lesion is there it gets inflamed and filled by white blood cells. This is why your body releases insulin to lower your glucose in the blood and transfer it to the liver so it can be converted in fats ahah. This is why diabetics have higher incidence of cvd, because their blood glucose doesn’t lower to normal levels. When your body creates sugars it does it in the normal range without killing itself. High sugar is literally fucking toxic, unmanageable by your body and addictive. You are literally killing yourself man.
You're trying too hard, it was really just a game. Why would I be serious with a midwit like you? There are some truths and half-truths about what you said, but your overall understanding of things is that of an imbecile. I'm not vegetarian nor vegan.
>no arguments
>Debate just for the sake of it.
>debating is for tryhards
>has a copy pasta for meat threads
Absolute midwit who can’t think for himself
Funny you mention this because what's the best fat to consume when you have cancer? surprise surprise it's not animal fats but coconut oil, 90% saturated and much more superior compared to animal fats
>>has a copy pasta for meat threads
I told you I'm not that guy, pal.
It's a tapering down and there is no need for leafy greens in particular, BUT, lowering your total carbohydrates down to 0 over 90 days is the easiest on your body, as you'll go through massive withdrawal otherwise. Start with under 100g total carbohydrates a day for a week, then cut it in half the next week, then half it again the third week (down to 25g total carbohydrates in a day), then gradually lower a few total carbs in a day at a time over the course of a month until you're at 10g total carbohydrates in a day. From there, knock off two grams of total carbohydrates every week until you're at 0g and sustain a plant-free lifestyle. You can do it faster or slower, but 90 days is roughly how long it takes to beat out the withdrawals, whatnot.
There only one research that says that lauric acid causes apoptosis in cancer cells. But nevertheless there are very few researches on coconut oil so I wouldn’t draw any conclusions since we don’t know other health effects regarding it.
>any other complete and utter morons here?
yes there are many, welcome to /fit/
Look up oxalates and anti-nutrients. All leafy greens have them. In fact, all plants have them. Plenty of people talking about this online.
If you want to go lowcarb, I'd suggest you do it gradually for comfort rather than cold turkey in a day.

Heard you only need to do Keto if you have epilepsy.
And that's only really around 50-65 million people world wide.
>Heard you only need to do Keto if you have epilepsy.
No, one type of epilepsy and you don't "need" to.
For the most part you sacrifice the pleasure of eating, but gain peak mental and physical health.
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It depends on your personal choice.

You could ease into carnivore by slowly cutting the carbs or you could just do it and endure that first week.
Plenty of people talking about dragons. Doesnt mean it matters at all. Oxalates gave never once been an issue for anyone ever. Demonization of individual food constituents is what makes a fad diet a fad diet.
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Now I'm curious if carnivore fatasses still need to eat extra fat or can mostly eat just protein like anon and use energy from their own fat.
That's odd anon. The toilet problems usually go by the first month.

Did you added fasting to your day? Are you over drinking?
Carnivore gurus came up with "oxalate dumping" to scam their victims further. It's not real. All the symptoms of "oxalate dumping" are those of gout and high cholesterol, both caused by carnivore diet of high meat and saturated fat, but the scammers came up with a way to fool their retarded followers to believe all that is because of their previous diet! And the cognitively impaired followers believe it!
Death cult
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Meat is not a fad, it's literally the natural human diet. You're being as ridiculous as saying there's a "fad" in zoos of feeding lions raw meat.

99% of the vegetables and plant foods you find at the grocery store literally do not exist in nature. The fruits especially.
They're all abominations created through centuries of agriculture and have never existed in our evolutionary history.

If anything, all these artificial plant foods we eat today are the fad; and meat, eggs, and dairy are the only real food.
Womp womp. Looks like meat wins again
>Meat gives us all of our nutritional needs
Here's 2500 calories of beef. Where are all the nutrients?
> 99% of the vegetables and plant foods you find at the grocery store literally do not exist in nature. The fruits especially.
They're all abominations created through centuries of agriculture and have never existed in our evolutionary history.
We selectively bred them to make the edible parts bigger, that doesn't make them an abomination it literally just makes your life easier. Meat, eggs, dairy all come from selectively bred sources too, you dipshit.
I think its funny how you didnt address any of my point and just pivoted to some nonsensical rant none of which anyone even implied
Because your point is simply untrue.

>Oxalates gave never once been an issue for anyone ever.
Yeah, except for the people dying an extremely painful death from kidney stones. And the babies and toddlers whose deluded vegan parents feed them that poison (and often die from malnutrition).
And that's just one toxic anti-nutrient, not even speaking of the dozens of carcinogens naturally present in every single vegetable in the grocery store.

Hell, even HERBIVORES get kidney stones from some of the worst leafy greens like kale.

>Meat, eggs, dairy all come from selectively bred sources too, you dipshit.
Yes. Plants have been selectively bred to go from extremely poisonous, even deadly, to just toxic.
Animals have been bred to go from an amazing source of nutrition to an even bigger amazing source of nutrition.

In both cases an improvement.
You have zero sources detailing anyone who got kidney stones because of vegetables
You have zero sources proving that plants are food for humans.
Wait oxalate dumping isn't real?
Anon, just don't fall for this psyop. Once you realize that carbs are needed and you are deep in ketosis you will fuck your insulin resistance and get diabetes when you try to re-indroduce carbs.
1 lb wild salmon
4 eggs
1 lb broccoli
2-3 cups of blue berries

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I've read that low-carb is bad for testosterone, but it sounds like bullshit to me.
Depends on what you mean by "low-carb". Get too low and your test will go down.
But why?
You do realize gluconeogenesis happens whether or not we eat carbohydrates, right? And the body can make glucose from fats as well? And that it only produces as much as it needs from these processes, and fills in the rest with energy from other sources, either fat or carbohydrates? If all you eat is protein, yes, your body is going to turn much of that protein into energy to try and preserve itself. However, combining protein with either fats or carbs limits that process since the body doesn't need to try and burn the bricks you gave it to build itself, like those studies that show increased benefit of whole eggs vs egg whites alone. Gluconeogenesis is an argument against us needing dietary carbohydrates, not for it...
That's what happens on ketogenic diets.

At least part of the reason is poor insulin signaling.
We crave those things because at one point in the existence of humans those foods were valuable, relatively hard to find, and were energy-packed. By your logic some people should only eat candy.
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>And that it only produces as much as it needs from these processes
No, that's what you assume and it doesn't. It's similar to glycine synthesis; you make some to meet some demands but dietary intake is needed to meet ALL of them.
>Gluconeogenesis is an argument against us needing dietary carbohydrates, not for it...
Not really; it's actually an argument FOR consuming them when you look into the details. GNG is very energy inefficient, for instance. It's sort of like preferring to get DHA, AA, vitamin A, pyridoxine, creatine, etc. by conversion or synthesis instead of opting to do it directly.
GNG happens at nearly the same rate whether you eat carbs or not. you are just coping to justify a carb addiction
>GNG happens at nearly the same rate whether you eat carbs or not.
You're insane.
>you are just coping to justify a carb addiction
You're just coping to justify a fat addiction.
keep coping
>The LCHF cyclists had lower rates of total glucose production and hepatic glycogenolysis but similar rates of gluconeogenesis compared to those on the mixed diet.
During and after endurance exercise, you imbecile. That's why you don't meddle with things you don't understand.
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meddling would be eating carbohydrates you dont need
>Conversely, no difference was detected in rates of GNG between groups at rest or during exercise (Exercise: LCHF, 2.8 ± 0.4 mg kg−1 min−1, Mixed, 2.5 ± 0.3 mg kg−1 min−1, P = 0.15). We conclude that athletes on a LCHF diet do not compensate for reduced glucose availability via higher rates of glucose synthesis compared to athletes on a mixed diet. Instead, GNG remains relatively stable, whereas glucose oxidation and GLY are influenced by dietary factors.
same GNG at rest
where is the magical huge difference in GNG your dellusional eceleb told you should exist?
I am Brazilian. I have eaten meat EVERY DAY since I was born. Beef, chicken, fish....
You don't store oxalates in your body, so yes. Oxalates are not a problem unless you have a uric acid diet (aka eat a lot of meat) or have some kind of kidney disease. For some indian communities that get over 70% of their caloric intake from legumes there is some higher incidences of mineral deficiencies, however, this is also exacerbated by having a monodiet (similar to vit A , iron, folate deficiencies in rice heavy diets).

Overall, legumes are incredibly healthy for you. Due to their extremely high fibre content, you may need to build up your intake if you are on a SAD to avoid excess flautulence or bloating
>You don't store oxalates in your body
you are a liar or a dupe. your choice
>To elucidate the significance and nature of calcium oxalate crystals in the thyroid, we studied these crystals clinicopathologically and immunohistochemically in 182 normal thyroids from patients autopsied within 5 h of death. Under polarized light, calcium oxalate crystals showed brilliant birefringence and were invariably found within the colloid. The crystals were found in 73.1% of all cases but were more prevalent and denser in older individuals, with the highest prevalence (85.2%) being observed in those over 70 years of age.
That graph shows an increase, blindie.

>same GNG at rest
You realy are stupid; I said so when I said "after".

It's not "magical". The second study apparently contradicts basic biochemistry, which is interesting:
>Gluconeogenesis occurs after around 8 hours of fasting whenliver glycogen storesstart to deplete and an alternative source of glucose is required.

Now, there must be a factor we're disregarding because it doesn't make sense that the body would engage in GNG when glucose supply is plentiful.
no evidence just waffle. show any measurement with significant difference in GNG
Biochemistry 101 and logic are not "waffle"; your reply is because you're ignoring the glaring contradiction.
>show any measurement with significant difference in GNG
The second study you posted showed a significant but small difference. But, again, what's surprising is that apparently GNG was active in the carb group.

I think we've reached an impasse.
>thin hair
>fat with gyno
Carnivoresissies not like this!
The devil's in the details:
>after 11 days of high carbohydrate (85% carbohydrate), control (44% carbohydrate), and very low carbohydrate (2% carbohydrate) diets in six healthy men.
>11 days
At least during actual fasting, over the course of 2-5 days, ketone adaptation occurs; meaning the reliance on glucose of the keto group was significantly reduced.

>At 0645 h, after an overnight fast of 10 h, a catheter was inserted into an antecubital vein in each arm
>overnight fast of 10 h
That's when they BEGAN to take measurements.

>In contrast, dietary carbohydrate content affects the postabsorptive rate of gluconeogenesis minimally, as evidenced by only a slight increase in gluconeogenesis during severe carbohydrate restriction.
>POSTABSORPTIVE rate of gluconeogenesis.
So AFTER they injected glucose.

And there you go. No wonder GNG was active in the carb group. This study appeared to be contradictory because they measured GNG during irrelevant conditions; you just read "gluconeogenesis" and assumed it was relevant.

You're the perfect exemplification of confirmation bias. You're a midwit who wants an obviously garbage diet to be perfect, so you WILL do everything you can to delude and convince yourself of that.

I hope you disregard this and kill yourself from the stress you're putting your body under by half-mimicking the fasting state when you eat.
Tfw hunter gatherer ancestors fell for right wing veganism
Concession accepted
Wait so fresco is controlling the NPCs?

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