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previous: >>74742311
americans are sick
my God if I had a child like this I would fucking cry.
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Absolutely horrifying child abuse.
Genuine question.

Is it really that difficult to walk up a single step?? I really just can't understand how she can't just lift her leg and walk up. Surely she is putting on a show trying to make it seem difficult so she doesn't have to do it or something. I will never believe it's this hard for fat people
>you have to eat ALL the eggs
jokes aside this is grim and humanity is degenerating hard
I would too because it would mean I myself am a dumb, lazy sheboon and I have an ugly child
I don't understand why this gets posted in every thread. is it supposed to be somebody recognizable? what does goblinx mean?
No you wouldn't, cause you'd be the one that made them that way. Children don't just magically end up like this. This is fucking abuse. Her parents belong in jail or better, in a ditch with bullets in their skull.
Why not ban both?
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The difficulty isn't mostly in putting the leg up, although that is still difficult. The difficulty is bringing the rest of the heaving mass up too.
>Is it really that difficult to walk up a single step??
Yes for fats, never mind young fats with no development.
I see the struggle to walk all the time in bigger folk, especially the sideways waddle.
>Surely she is putting on a show
Nah dude. Horrible diet combined with an extremely sedentary life. This is probably the first time shes been to a park in months. Guarantee her muscles are atrophied.
what the hell is that coming out the bottom of her dress
she's only 6, though. she could be suffering from prader-willi syndrome. i find it very hard to believe that a 6 year old is that morbidly obese without a severe genetic disorder at play. some kids like that also sneak food like crazy.
His balls.
wait, that's goblina?
how about you don't ban anything? so normal people shouldn't have access to junk food just because some people can't raise their children properly? i'm so sick of this weak ass mentality
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I really don't know. I suspect it's the fupa, most likely.
>prader-willi syndrome
Dude, just google it. Even the worst cases arent this big. There's no way she got like this without enabling.
I expected to see a slide, there was no slide. Why would you bait me like that OP?
so sick of seeing this horrible image
it's some spic girl who posted here
these are america’s gods, they give them trillions of dollars and base their entire culture around them
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My theory is that it is being raised by a grandparent because its parents are in jail for drugs. Grandma, a big lady herself, feels guilty for the poor child having no parents and overfeeds it heavy southern food at mealtimes because food is love, and the child overeats it because it feels like its parents never loved it so it's trying to fill that hole. Grandma allows the child to do whatever it wants out because it has been through so much, so...a sedentary lifestyle full of additional goyslop snacks.
Blacks steal everything, even her childhood.
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>Women encourage fat girls to stay fat to "reduce competition"
This...thus isn't real right? You wouldn't sacrifice your friends health and happiness like that so cruelly?
I bet you're right
Women are perfectly happy to be waist deep in shit as long as the one next to her is up to her neck.
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That is just child abuse. There is absolutely no excuse for that. This kid is likely diabetic already.
If you don't have any updates then give it up. You are coming off as a stalker.
We need to do what mexico does, and put warning labels on crappy foods showing people how bad it is for them. Also we need to stop subsidizing high frutose corn syrup
My sister do this to each other. Always trying to one up each other in cruel ways mostly physiological warefare. Yes it's 100% real.
More like 6 years left.
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is your sis hot
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Black, fat and queer is no way to go through life.
Fat people can't bear reality.
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Horrible reality. May nuclear fire ignite all calories and form a firestorm to wipe Earth clean.
What's wrong with gays? more women for us.
Also super population is a big issue.
More gays = less newborns
hoh yeah I bet I'd shoot myself if I had to be black, fat and queer, without the queer thing I bet I could still make it work, could be like that funny fat black guy everyone likes
They spread diseases
Ask Mexico how fun it is to live somewhere where guns are illegal. They have the cartel who see peeling faces off as a fine Sunday afternoon activity. Ask England about how many more elderly and young women are targeted by criminals. Ask them also about the amount of acid attacks and knife attacks. The only anti gun people are dense motherfuckers who are the embodiment of the ignorant American who knows nothing about what's happening in other countries.
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Sweet Latina princess general.
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Explain the waddle in webm related. She's not even that big at all, and she is already doing that waddle.
>believing jew infested psychology/anthropology
just like hetero people
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no muscle
obligatory black guy harassing fat white (much younger than him) chicks
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why not?
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>no muscle
Which muscle groups do you work to avoid waddling like this? Is it the abs? Is it the core? Or are there other muscle groups involved a such as glutes and quads?
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Where can I find her?
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That’s just horrific child abuse
She'll find you
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Yes. It is. All the time.
On tiktok
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… But we aren’t overpopulated. India is, not anywhere else. Jeets are SO bad at population management they ingest everywhere they can and then still breed like they expect 9 out of 10 to die in infancy
holy fuck
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I don’t care for gay people, I think there were definitely some benefits to women having a lot less rights, but it is beyond disrespectful to frankly anyone who ever faced adversity to say that fat people are discriminated against and deserve more rights.
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Hip muscles, core muscles
Dios mío
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fat plebbiter is dating their ai chatbot
LMAO pure muscle with that fat face and overhang gut. Uh huh. She’s too old (and fat) to give you healthy children, and delusional too.
its # for me
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Do you have a huge negro woman full body by chance? I’m wanting to do that comparison thinspo thing you mentioned in the past
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Yeah, she was gaining weight there for a while. Very common among latinx
Neither can their knees
Nobody needs junk food. If you think you do, it should especially be banned for you
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Sad. Many such cases.
London literally has lowers crimes per capita than berlin and paris, and any of the USA big cities.
>London literally has lowers crimes per capita than berlin and paris
we're working to import more of the reason berlin and paris have such high crime rates
It's ridiculous. That image (in OP) is perfectly acceptable parenting in the US, but it's child abuse to not hack off your 6 year old's dick when he wakes up and thinks it'd be fun to wear a skirt. In some states, they can literally seize your child and them off to pedophiles if you refuse to pump them full of puberty blockers based on their childish whims.
why do they want to be seen as an oppressed minority so desperately? is it just for online clout? it it because it's the only way to justify not doing anything to fix it?
I came here to laugh not to cry
That webm was soul crushing
She doesn't look like she's faking, but I don't understand it either. 20 years ago I weighed 430 pounds and wouldn't have trouble climbing those steps. I'd be winded at the top of a staircase that was 12 stairs or so, but I could still do it without struggling. A lot of this shit with fatties on motorized carts I simply don't understand. I could walk around the grocery store fine. I remember sweating sometimes, but I didn't need a fucking clowncar to ride around the store on.
the last one
Holy 7mo pregnant gut
The way my dad explained it to me is that being stupid is like being high or drunk all the time. You can't focus, think things through, have empathy, make plans, or predict consequences of your actions. You just sort of run on instinct. He told me that when I was about 8 years old. And the more I observe stupid people, the more I'm sure he was spot on. And that's why parents let their kids get fat. You never see smart people with fat kids under their roof. It's always morons.
>But we aren’t overpopulated
yes, we are
india, china, and those places are just worse
Men can't conceive of the cruelty produced by the minds of women
Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc etc were not as bad as these people think. There were gay pride parades. There was entire subcultures spending every weekend watching Rocky Horror Picture Show in movie theatres or holding drag shows. Women were treated with more respect and protected by men instead of the government. If you beat a woman, we'd round up some guys and kick the shit out of you. The only difference is there's no LGBT-worship or DEI shit warping leading to a crisis of competence in the world around us. Not being worshipped doesn't mean you're treated badly.

Incidentally, racism was not as bad either. People tended to stay on their side of the line, and the ones that did cross over tended to be respectful about it leading to more harmonious relations over-all. Now they're forced 24/7 in a way where neither side is happy about it. Race-relations will never be better than they were around the late 80s.
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I like how the girl on the left likes she just climbed out of bed on laundry day. Hair's a mess. Oversized sweatshirt and jeans. No brand names. No attempt at fashion. No tattoos, hair dye, or weird piercings. No attention whoring. Effortless beauty by just not being fat that manages to keep all eyes on her. It really drives the point home.
The United States has a low birth rate with high immigration. We just expand in building new structures instead of rebuilding old decrepit buildings. Dumbass.
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>dipshit puts purple text on black background
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>First generation that won't live longer than their parents
Pretty fucking grim, desu
And yet it is becoming more and more common
Book of Enoch mentions something about parents leading their children to the slaughter
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She didnt get that way herself, anon
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Can anyone explain what causes the fat balls phenomenon? Can't wrap my head around this
You can be encouraged to eat but no one is forcing her fat friends to eat
In the end it's their own choice to remain friends with an enabler.
lipo-lymphedema and weird individual fat storage
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I don't care much for the dead kike on a stick cult, but the current state of the world is getting errily close to the depictions in that shitty ass text
it's belly

Oooo ooo "style" huh? Style? All five fat bitches wearing blue jeans, white shirt, whore lipstick. How incredible, what style, you stupid fat herd of cows. Nice gut rolls, size up you retards.
I'm pretty sure that girl has some sort of hip bone defects or some sort of condition, in addition to morbid obesity. Fat kids can still run, that girl is like handicapped.
Its incredible how all fat people end up looking like boogy
The way my dad explained it to me is that being stupid is like being high or drunk all the time.
That is an absolutely fascinating way to look at it, and it makes perfect sense, very astute insight.
fat distribution is up to random genetic disposition, you can totally have a huge fupa hanging to the floor and not butt at all, or being an hamplanet with a decent face

that's part of why fashion industry have hard tome cathering for fat people, skinny people are cookie cutter, fat people are random balls of butter with all shapes and size, one size fits no one
I truly don't know how fat fucks do it. When I reached my peak of 105kg (230lb) I was constantly feeling like shit, I'd feel weak at random every other day, I'd get random palpitations, I'd get extremely fatigued after eating (Probably due to pre-beetus), I couldn't do the same things my friends did when we went out and it was all around miserable. This was in my late teens, early 20s. Somehow the people you see posted ITT are significantly shorter than I am, in their 30s and weigh 300lb minimum and they continue to gain or defend the lifestyle. Do they just not feel any of the issues that come with being a fat fuck? Maybe I was cursed with being hypersensitive to any changes in my body. Or maybe it's a blessing, I don't know.
God damn
Not nearly at the same rate due to the KIND of sex hetero people have.
Medical fact. You're as deluded as the fatsos
Imagine having to move like 75lbs of gunt with one leg every step
She's right
I swear this general is turning into a beat-off fest for guys that like women a little chubby. I wish you faggots would knock that shit off. There's just a bunch of pictures of girls that are 20 pounds overweight.
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>There's just a bunch of pictures of girls that are 20 pounds overweight.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave
guns from mexico come from the US
it is easier to hop the boarder, buy a gun, and smuggle it back to mexico than it is to buy a gun in mexico.
which is to say that if the US had any form of gun control, gun violence wouldnt be as bad of a problem in mexico
She's telling him to fuck off because she's incapable of running away.
Lets just start with regulating the shit food half as much as we regulate firearms
How does that happen? Like how is this even physically possible? Even soda and fried chicken every day wouldn this right? Fascinating to be honest.
fun fact is that most fat activist would think thoses are ""straight sized fake fat girls'' looking for attention because they can fit into store brought jeans and wear heels
You'd be surprised, so easy to drink your calories if you never touch water
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Looks like another "perfectly healthy" 6 year old soon to die of "mysterious causes"
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UK here, banning guns only prevents the innocent from owning them and massively increases the violent gun crime count per capita.
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>I've been selling my soul, working to death
>Overtime hours for bullshit pay
>For a company that pretends to care
>So I can sit out here and waste my life away
>Drag back home and shitpost my troubles away

>It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
>For people like me, dealin with fatfucks like you
>Wish I could just wake up tomorrow, not have to deal with you
>Oh, it's a shame.

>Lord, we got folks on the streets
>Zombifyin out
>While the landwhales be eatin my taxed earnings

>You're five foot three
>and over four hundred
>Burdening our lives
>My taxes ought not to pay for your burger

>Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's turned into
Bullfuckingshit. The only weapons going straight from US to criminals in Mexico are literally being given to them by kikes in the US government trying to disarm us. The rest are being stolen and sold from Mexican military and Police. Fuck off with your jewish lies.
I think a lot of it just comes from people who took the logical extreme out of the current culture. I think that the majority of overweight Americans don't want to be overweight, they just lack the discipline to get on the right track. There's the ideological movement of anti-body shaming, which in its earliest roots was reasonable. Don't treat people like shit for things that's out of their control like skin color, deformities, bone structure, scarring from accidents, etc. And being an asshole to someone who isn't fit just for being that way still makes you the only asshole in the room. But this movement went too far, where some people utilized it as their personal shield from criticism and their sword to try and shape the world to their preference. And part of that rides upon the identity politics wave, where "THIS is who I am, so I am a protected class who needs to be respected and normalized" became their standard. But it's definitely the vocal minority championing it.

I'm not going to say that being fat is a good thing, even fat people want to be thin. But the people in these threads are ignorant, obstinant, lazy motherfuckers who demand respect but won't give it. They became like they did through their own poor choices but refuse to do anything about yet still demand the same benefits that people who who put effort into themselves get.
>korean pop star clearly in a full face of makeup and professionally styled hair
she’s clearly cute but you’re retarded if you think this is effortless and natural
That's Gorlock. Doubly disgusting as it is a tranny.
>reee she's wearing makeup
Go away, bitter roastie.
2 men combined earn more than a man and a woman? I'm fucking shocked.
The way it moves looks AI generated. Gross.
But that is from the UK, where guns are banned and there is a sugar tax.
Because guns are cool and obesity isn't.
I get what you mean, but I'm not talking about the psychological effects of being fat and how they feel about it. I'm talking about the tangible, physical effects of it. My anecdotal example was that being fat sucked not only due to the mental issues but also due to the physical issues. Mental anguish can be softened and ignored through therapy, drugs or echo chambers. Physical pain, weakness and illness are much harder to ignore. My question was how the fuck they do it, because either they don't have the same issues I did or somehow they have the fortitude to ignore physical pain while at the same time not having the willpower to do something about it.
you can hate transfats and not be delusional, Nigger Knight.
How did that fat fuck sing about hating fat fucks with no sense of irony though? He's probably either obese or on the verge of obesity himself.
I kind of hate that lazy, plodding shuffle of a walk. Not as much as I hate the hamplanet waddle, but still.
industry plant
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You WILL eat the slop, CHUD!
its because the thigh are touching and chub rub on bare skin is inconfortable
>le poor people eat processed food
Idk about you but a bag of rice and chicken thighs are way cheaper than the garbage around me
And the poors always somehow have money for bud light or whatever
I've always wondered the validity of the whole "I'm fat because I'm poor" shtick. As a third worlder, fresh produce is much cheaper than processed food by a wide margin. Poor people cook for themselves, rich people eat takeout. Sure the cost of living in the US is higher but I'm sure you guys have the space to farm fruits and vegetables for internal consumption.
Implying that people should cook their own simple meals is le ableism
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Choose your fighter! I weigh 600lb and can't cook because:
>I'm not ablebodied!
>I'm too poor to afford it!
>I don't have the time!
It'd be nonsense even if processed food was more expensive, because eating less of it is always cheaper than eating more.
That's more air than I would have expected from such a creature.
Childhood obesity is child abuse, full stop.
>the way y'all fear [a debilitating disease that ultimately gives you a slow and excruciating death but not before having your extremities literally die and rot] is weird
It still comes across that way though, that just effortless, casual femininity, versus whatever the hell that other creature is.
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Still would. All of them.
Maybe they don't know any other way, maybe they haven't realized that what they feel isn't normal, or maybe they've trivialized it. A person who walks around covered in weights for months to years eventually stops thinking about those weights and the aches that come from them, it's just part of life.
This makes me want to cry. Parents should be in jail. Absolute fucking americans
That's fucked up, how is this not abuse.
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Thats child cruelty

Thank you for your service
How in the fuck
Those height gains though, she is mogging all the other 6yearoldlets

How do we tap into this power without the negative side effect of being fat
Thank you guys, these threads keep me going
Thats a shame
Obligatory white gay anonymously defending unknown whore on the Internet
Anglemaxxing to its logical conclusion.
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Genetics and camera angles.
The genetics make the face clear of fat distribution.
The camera angle does the rest.
Also, the jacket does a lot of work to conceal shit with the close-up.
This nigga doesn't know that the police suppressed the reports of rape because they were afraid of being called racist.
The statistic isn't tracked if they don't enter it into the system.
That doesn't mean the rape never happened; it only means they never reported it properly.
This appears to be australia
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goddamn i hate tiktok and social media in general so goddamn much
You are correct.
Are they .. together?
At least until they try anything and he dies from blunt trauma, multiple fractures or asphyxiation.
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yes, they also have an onlyfans and a baby
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This monstrous beast is/was a 22-year old Kentucky girl who did feeder streams, i.e. slurped and slorped down goyslop on-camera for masturbating fetishists. One of the articles I found stated she weighed "400 pounds at under 5 feet tall. She has a BMI of 80 (the healthy range is 18-25) and a dress size of 24. She eats upwards of 10,000 calories in one sitting with the most fattening foods she can get her hands on."

Fucking disgusting. Surely she's dead by now.

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Surely a society this sick is bound to crash and burn at some point, this shit is unsustainable.
Gave me a sensible chuckle
Absolutely revolting.
Can you imagine losing so much control over your life your loved ones (if applicable) have to purchase 3XL diapers so your morbidly obese defecations don't flood your den? I guess HAES also covers the size of your turds because these human calorie bombs must grunt absolute Bradley tank-sized mounds of tarry gunk
Welcome to the modern era, this society is currently on life support and we keep finding more and more ways to extend it for some reason.
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this makes money somehow
ask how I know you've literally never purchased a firearm lmao
kill yourself
>glance in some abuelitas grocery cart
>veggies and fruit
>whole cuts of meat
>milk, cheese, eggs
Yeah no, being poor doesn't mean eating slop. It's an American thing, all the 1st generation immigrants I see are eating incredibly well.
Nobody cares, stop trying to force this shit.
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Goddamn, and remember: this is just obesity, not even overweight. I still find this shit hard to believe.
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This png is scratch n'sniff
My state is low on the list but I still see plenty of heffers. Can't imagine living in a place like MS.
Visited Mississippi recently, I get why everyone there is fat.
Extremely poor overall
Fried food and BBQ *everywhere* and its cheap and delicious
Nothing really going on
>1 states with obesity less than 40%
>multiple <40% listed along the eastern seaboard
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Lost it at the onion ring.
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Can't even imagine the noxious braps unleashed by that jiggly hellmaw of a butthole
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Evidently the landwhales' shibboleth for one such as this is SSBBW, or "Super Sized Big Beautiful Woman." I bet her veins are so full of buttery gunk you could fuck one of them like a Fleshlight packed with Velveeta
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this is the first "what the fuck" I have said out loud in years
Went from looking like your scuzzy waitress at a low-end chain restaurant to shitting her pajama pants at Carl's Jr
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Men born in 1987 should live to 80 on average.
Men born in 1997 will live to 72 on average.
The trendline is continuing down.

Yes, it's that grim
The numbers are ranks you retard. All of the ranks 49 and higher are at least 40% obesity.
Because we aren't faggots who need jackbooted government thugs to take care of them.
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goblinx general
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making stuff up is fun
anon, for your sake and sanity, go outside
Let me ask you this anon, would it be difficult for you to lift your leg up these steps with a 45 pound plate attached to it? Then your other leg?
What reason is there to make yourself defenseless and disarm yourself against violent criminals who are armed? What's worse, should you be put in that situation and you broke the law by firing back, it would be you ending up in prison for possession of a firearm. Leaving you with the options of dying, prison for life, or living as a fugitive all because somebody else decided to rob you and rape your wife
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Don't usually contribute but I haven't seen this gem posted since I originally downloaded it
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Ah, yes. Another classic. I shall reciprocate.
>Two men working ambitiously with no children
>one man supporting a family and a woman with a pretend job helping out
Interesting. Comfy chic was invented by Koreans and their fashion and beauty industries are surpassing the rest of the world.
Her mother is skinny proving weight can balloon for unknown reasons.
Unknown reasons? Nigger, you don't just fucking BREATHE IN fat. You eat that shit.
With no kids
Like how? I'm not really in shape, like at all but next to these animals I'm practically a Chad. I tend to over eat because I do OMAD. not on purpose I just don't feel like eating in the morning and work through lunch and I smoke so the munchies get bad, but even then I'd highly doubt I've consumed even 5k calories in a day ever. maybe not even 3500.
that file name is correct. bwaaah!
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Meanwhile blueberries are over $100 a kilo. I want steak not fucking chicken thighs and you know how expensive that is.
yes anon, listen to these posters and go outside to touch some grass, we'll take care of your children for you don't worry
And yet I have to work labor. Demoralizing.
Her genetics
OK, but I’d really like to see extra statistics in this, Florida is the beach state where everyone goes for vacation, and I know that young women are supposed to stay in good shape because they’re expected to be at the beach all the time. Like Callie girls. so this must just be talking about the old fuckers that go there to retire right? Also, what is Georgia suddenly doing right? I thought they had just fat roly-poly niggers in Atlanta.
Dont be poor then?
Or get good at cooking cheap steaks, personally I cook most stuff in the slow cooker these days. You can make anything taste good in a few hours time
Yeah, I get that, I see plenty of comments about people that are still sane and say that fat body is disgusting and revolting, so who’s purchasing all of her pornography? Is it just a few big fish that have a ridiculous amount of money to spend? Is it just morbid curiosity?
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Grow the motherfuckers then. Blueberries bushes are stupidly easy to grow and you will have berries within the next year if you do it right which is just watering the damn things twice a day.

Shit, blackberry bushes are even easier and they grow even faster than blueberry bushes. You can harvest pounds of berries in a season.
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1.) samefag.
2.) pic
please replace the hand pic with this it's much less ugly
i hate her stupid nails and fat fingers
It’s already burning, and it’ll only get hotter.
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>3 articles
>all the same case
where is the rest of your evidence that proves this is common?
Blaire White really let herself go
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Go back.
I second this motion it shows things only getting worse
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i've got a few gorlok webms
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I have a hard time believing this. Everyone who moves there gets "the Alaska 15" because it's hard to want to leave the house most of the year.
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What are all those strange injuries on his arms? They look like big serious injuries that aren’t healing.
Is bro ok?
Jesus Christ, this is both profoundly grotesque and wildly alarming. Are their entire legs just becoming necrotic?
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i wondered the same
Nigger, blackberry is an invasive, parasitic, nearly immortal, and technically carnivorous plant which both produces seeds and cane-tip roots. You'd better live somewhere fucking inhospitable if you're gonna encourage that shit
truly an addiction
It's dangerous for her to even be there. If Obeesha falls over onto a smaller kid she'll kill them.
He probably has diabetes. Those with diabetes, especially if they're obese (which is common), have great difficulty in recovering from wounds. You can even get wounds that essentially last forever.
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>If you're genuinely concerned about saving the lives of children

It's a good thing I'm not.
Sister's "partner" is the true villain of this story. Either he's an unironic architect or he's purposefully trying to kill her to collect life insurance money.
Those legs can still support her weight
Dollars to donuts they can still be saved through dietary intervention + antiboitics.
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>sneaking her food when she's unable to swallow safely
dude really wants her dead. family loves to bring in "treats" and shit to patients who are aspiration risks and then get shocked when their loved one starts turning blue because they can't fucking swallow.
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It's because her feet are at different angles relevant to the ground. You can see her waddling to be flat on the inward portion of each foot. It's caused by the inward pronation of the ankles. She likely has some foot pain, and should purchase orthotics. Anon was correct, though; from a lifestyle of ignoring pertinent medical issues in favor of immediate pleasure do people become obese
There’s no ass to shake
Yeah but on the flip side they'll probably only go through about 40 years of life before the fat black and queer catches up with them. All 3 at once if possible, have a heart attack during a drive by shooting down at a glory hole
>note: this is not a meme
yeah, you got that right
Heh reminds me of a chase a coworker once had
>guy has a old mom in need of medical assistance
>decided to keep cost low and hire some hpusekeeper to help mom
>gets call from doctor
>housekeeper somehow almost killed the old woman while feeding her
>surgeons somehow got a whole fishstick out of her lungs
Mmm a fleshlight packed with Velveeta you say?
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Good food is cheaper for sure, but then you just progress to the second round of excuses
>muh food desert
>no time to cook
>muh genetics
I used to really believe in food deserts until I volunteered in an urban restoration project. Never did I feel as taken advantage of as when I realized all the hippy dippy bullshit I was spouting was wrong.
At least here in Chicago you can get whole foods anywhere. I mean shit, people would walk past a meat market to go to 7/11 and get junk food.
Not to mention how all the work we did was undone every 3 years. That was soul crushing.
Different anon but typically the only meat markets I see are the rundown tiny rural ones in bumfuck nowhere between towns at random crossroads that look like they can equally be hicks or mexicans. Exactly how good are such seedy looking markets?
the one that always sticks in my head is the very first one i dealt with
>older man had had a stroke 2 days prior
>motor function is still basically non existent
>family visits
>hear screaming and arguing coming from room
>patient is fucking purple
>mouth is overflowing with chunks of bread
>family was trying to feed him by tearing off pieces then shoving it in his mouth
>tells me he loved homemade bread
>died from infection from the bread in his lungs
>family sued the hospital because we didn't tell them not to shove bread in his throat
Well im talking about urban food deserts, we dont really care about rural populations
The meat markets in the city are limited but not bad if you wanted to pick up chicken, ground beef or some pigs feet or whatever. really reasonable pricing too certainly better than buying your calories from 7/11
I live in Jackson and its mainly fat blacks and illegal latinos, the only fat whites have black kids
i have lived rural my entire life. living within an hour of a major city doesnt count as rural.
some of those "rundown tiny rural ones" are really good ones to go to. typically no one is going to tell you shit about those places unless you are a local. those kinds are places are open instead of closed in a rural area for a reason
I refuse to buy blackberries for this very reason. After school I would always pick them on my walk home. Never seen a blue Berry bush growing in the wild however.
But they taste nice.

To the anons that don't understand why it's so hard: she's may have something like a SUFE/SCFE. Fucked hips mean its sore and difficult to move, resulting in an even more sedentary lifestyle. The knees look fucked too.

T. Medfag in 3rd world shithole with many obese kids
Bros... i love her
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It's got to be their genetics
overpopulation is a fucking hoax and only whites fall for it
Notice how the jews tell you that you're over populated and then in the same breath tell you that there's not enough people to replace the deaths, and the ONLY SOLUTION is MASS IMMIGRATION FROM INDIA/AFRICA/CHINA?
Have kids retard
Every fucking indian I see has 5 fucking kids even the ugliest mf who would never ever have kids if he was white
We are at war, infowar, race war, population war, and we're losing
What shocks me more about these posts is that it isn't a bot posting these, but rather someone who has gone to every one of these threads, often extremely early on, and shits these out onto the thread. The dedication scares me. Is this a legitimate candidate for the guinness world record for Most Obsessed Faggot?
please tell me that lawsuit didn't go anywhere; those fucking idiots murdered him.
>soda pop
>goy slop
it all makes sense
My grandpa, aunte, and uncle have this, there is no cure.
They can make it less severe, it will never go away.
Depending on how old you are, you may live long enough to need to have them cut off
My grandfather is old enough he won't have to cut them off
My aunte got vaccinated and suffered RAPID aging, she is younger than my uncle, but looks like she's going to die very soon
Uncle might live to need them removed
what did mississip
she sipped a minni-soda
you work labor because you're retarded. she made content that she knew she could market to some subhuman troglodytes and made a fortune. capitalism is that simple
I've dug up blackberry roots that were thicker than my arm and longer than my entire body
I should have taken pictures because there's nothing even close on google images, oh well
Did you know you can buy THORNLESS blackberry shrubs/seeds?
Also, you can plant them in pots to prevent spreading.
Honestly, I think we should just be spreading thornless blackberry seeds all around tilled land/construction, anything newly built because let's be real, blackberries are going to start growing anyways, may as well plant thornless ones ahead of time
>humans are perfectly cold logical machines
>yes I totally choose to smoke a pack a day because I made the objective assessment that it maximises my utility
its over before it even started, I really hope this kid finds a better life
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ironically people in southeast asia are generally super kind and friendly. i suppose you will miss out on a lot if you're a fatty.
They were genuinely paying her for every additional bite of food she forced into her mouth until it fucked up her GI tract and left her too fat to enjoy strenuous exercise.
Blueberry bushes grow naturally in like, 5% of the world, and if you don't have the right calcium/sodium/alkaline mix in the soil the bastards won't grow anywhere else.
t. volunteer with a horticulture extension, these fuckers are so bad we just advise people to not even try growing them.
I had no idea about the thornless cultivar, if we could replace one for the other there's a very clear upside, but that kind of thinking is how we got in this situation to begin with.
"Hey this stuff makes great hedges in Scotland, let's plant it in a subtropical volcanic zone, wcgw?"

And pots don't circumvent birds. It's evil shit. If we ever end up with triffids they'll evolve from blackberry.
Mother should be jailed
Do you know where you are? This website have been used to trick others into doing retarded shit for no reason at all for 20 years.
>Dude it's the processing not me shoveling endless food down my throat
How is that a problem unless you plan to have one of them sodomize you?
Even better. If you live in a non shithole country blueberries are literally free and abundant if you simply go outside.
Christ some people are fucking retarded
Fuck you, you gay fat commie retard.
My work has a quality control engineer who is so gargantuanally (is that a word?) fat that he rocks side to side as he walks, and has to brace himself against the wall to slowly shift his weight to each leg to climb up a single step to the elevated work area. Legit freaked me out when I saw that.
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Women can be fucking evil, anon. Why do you think so many men are afraid of them?
Make the 200kg edit
I love you doll!
I have respect for the destroyer. It said "if you can't handle the fat jokes, lose the weight "
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Because it's funny, not because of some weird pseudo competition idea. Viewing the world through the lens of everyone being at each others throats is fucked up.
Because the coppers throw away every report of a crime done by the poor oppressed brown people womp womp
There are also many places like in Sweden where the native police don't even dare enter, thus crime thrives unchecked
You absolute drooling retard
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y her dick so big tho
I was all about this chick until I saw her beach photos....

Seeing her naked would be an absolute boner slayer unless you're mentally ill
German here. There are 20 million illegal firearms in our country of 80 million people. Every single small time criminal can easily get a gun every time he wants to. Switzerland has gun laws almost as lax as the US and they still have lower crime rates than us. Crime is always a matter of culture and race, not the available tools.
You live in Jackson? How?
Like.. how do you live there and not want to burn the place to the ground?
I smoke a pack a day because it helps me manage hunger and it looks cool
What the fuck. Nobody deserves to live like this.
>gut + cunt = gunt
Besides crimes, what do American cities have more of than London.

Hint: it's the same thing that keeps increasing in london
Don't you have butcher shops as well inside your supermarkets in America? This seems so strange to me.
i always thought SSBBW stood for super sayian big beautiful woman
It perfectly externalizes the blame.
And compression. Even with major lifestyle changes this person will be in compression socks for the rest of their life.
Assuming there is skin underneath and not a shitload of ulcers.
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no clue what happened, i wrote a report and got interviewed by admin. that was the last i heard of it.
There's nothing wrong with being overweight when all you put is eat when you dinner the food
i believe it's diabetes sores, you know that fatass nigga can't avoid sugar even if it made him a more 'passable' troony, this is the endgame famalamadingdong
Probably due to the obesity. Jessica, I think that was her name, that extremely obese child from the early 2000s had splayed and curved leg bones from being so morbidly obese. That much weight on growing bones malforms them for life.
>/fit/izen can't read a fucking bar graph
This is the body of a girl you date in highschool that lets you finger her and will blow you, but will NOT have sex
how could you say you love your children and then do THIS to them?

Shaming deathfats only makes smallfats feel normal, complacent, and lazy. We need to shift the overton window back to stigmatizing being overweight. The threshold is lower than people think.
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Latinx is the word that YOUR PEOPLE came up with to describe themselves, Pedro. Own it! Deal with it.
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Some fat chink died livestreaming eating goyslop
I don't have the clip, only her riceball name, Pan Xaoting
I hope the communist party has a five year plan for stopping obesity, because otherwise the planet is doomed.
>Chinese Influencer, 24, Dies From Overeating During Live Broadcast: Report
>Pan Xiaoting was known for taking up such challenges that required her to eat for more than 10 hours at a stretch, the report mentioned.
i can't understand how a person would even be able to eat nonstop for 10 hours
based, but I'm sure that you can also appreciate that smoking is basically THE example of a behaviour which participants don't want to continue doing.

Humans aren't capable of detaching themselves fully from their impulses
I like her. Was I supposed to be disgusted?
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Yes. Yes you were. She's overweight already, on the way to being obese, and she's already waddling like she's obese after having popped out some kids even though she's too young for that.
You can clearly see here that she's overweight
Different female, point still stands. She’s on her way to super fat, her tits are ruined, she lives like an actual pig.
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So fucking grim
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Oh, it's the same female. She just has more makeup and tattoos
gorlock has more self awareness than all of these fatties put together and for that i greatly respect her. most of the cringey shit she does seems to be motivated by a degree of unseriousness and irony.
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>it's real
Apparently SCOTUS is refusing to hear the case.

Godless states don't recognize the God-intended roles of the mother and father, but rather usurp authority from the parents given to them by God. They'd completely destroy the Bill of Rights if they could, they'd love to persecute conservatives and Christians who oppose their sodomite agenda and they already do through private corporations and lies and slander.

Romans 1:18-32 explains it all, really.

I saw another article for another state when checking to see if that was real. Do your own homework, you reprobate fat tranny pedophile.

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