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How much Sun is too much Sun?
Do the benefits of vit D outweigh the aging radiation effects?
more than 30min of sun a day and youre gonna age like SHIT
Ageing is down to diet. Unless you think humans are literally only adapted to 30 mins of sun exposure a day lol. Vegans have terrible skin, age quickly and always burn in the sun. Learn from them.
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The infantile generation
Black people.
>tell me you're an asian female without telling me you're asian female
Sunscum look like niggers and have leather skin. White people avoid the sun as much as possible
>Unless you think humans are literally only adapted to 30 mins of sun exposure a day lol.

... without looking like shit, yes. You can usually survive into old age getting baked and you'll also look like an old leather bag.
>Do the benefits of vit D outweigh the aging radiation effects?

*Pops 20,000 IU of vitamin D to guarantee biologically optimal vitamin D year round in his native Nordic latitudes*

Dang, what radiation?
while I'm not an outdoorsy guy I'm not a shut in either, I go out in the sun quite often and literally never wear sun block. never burn barely tan. I look at least 5-7 years younger than most people my age
It's more than just diet, stop lying to people. Telling white women to tan is just gonna ruin their skin faster.
i want her to milk me in that outfit
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Depends. If you are a huwhite man you should wear sunscreen every day and pop vitamin D pills.
If you are any other race, well just do whatever you want no one cares anyway
>Do the benefits of vit D outweigh the aging radiation effects?
the summer evening sun is great. its the summer midday sun that fucks you up in 20 minutes
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>Do the benefits of vit D outweigh the aging radiation effects?
Yes you tard
There's so many 24 years old men that look weird and completely busted nowadays, the switch guy could perfectly be that age.

>worried about sun
>buys cuck tesla with glass roof

azn bitches love teslas
The roof has 99.9% blocking
that's some epic citation there pal!
I recently came to a realization about all these morons that claim people think they're younger than they are.
It has almost nothing to do with looking "young". Guys between 20 and 35 generally look the same depending on genes.
Really, they are only thought of as young because they act young.
how about she buys a car that doesn't have a FUCKING GLASS rooftop
I think she meant "tell me you're asian without telling me"
Kek, this x1000
I would ask her to examine the skin on my
Teslas block 99% of UV rays
>guys if you are huwite apply sunscreen everyday
>it’s not carcinogenic I swear
There is more sunscreen options than titanium dioxide goyscreen
The only thing that helped with my aging issues (hair softening/thinning, skin thinning/wrinkling) was getting some sun. It made my hair and skin thicker just to lay out for like 10-15 mins a day.
So she will look 5 years younger except her breastplate which will get leathery, by her own logic
The best part is that she was sitting in the car (prbbly spent a whole hour driving it), with a glass roof and windows transparent to uva, while getting none of beneficial uvb and infra red.
She is legitimately retarded.
At least one poster with a functioning brain.
For some reason people fall into dual dichotomy and think it's either avoid the sunlight completely, or sunbath for 4 hours every day somewhere in california.
She gon suck me whether she like it or not. That’s what the molly for.
all uv is bad
I would rather look like I had fun in the sun while using sunscreen all my life by having fun in the sun while using sunscreen all my life. If I look like and behave like I'm a vampire who is obsessed with my skin being pristine, I wouldn't want to hang out with myself.
>be 38 Celtic-Anglo
>redish hair but not full ginger
>work outside in sun belt state
>very outdoorsy
>relax outside with no shirt for 30+ after work most days
>never wear sunscreen or use bug spray
>never sunburn
>six mosquito bites since I was 19
>eat real food with plenty of fish and grass fed beef
>rarely eat goyslop
>moisturize with coconut oil and occasionally use aloe
>smoked a pack a day for almost 20 years, vaping since 2020
>only a few drinks a month for last few years
>faint wrinkles near eyes
>some lines of forehead
>everyone guesses I’m 28 to 32

I made poor health choices for years but embraced the sun and moisturizing. Literally all you have to do is go outside everyday, have a decent diet that doesn’t cause inflammation, not cover your skin with a bunch of toxic solvents that dry it out like sunscreen/cheap lotions. We evolved to be out in the sun everyday.
>t. used leather bag skin
Define "age like shit".
A 20 year old looks like a newbord infant compared to a 35 year old. You're just like 19 yourself. When you grow up you'll realize it.
My skin is terrible in winter, blotchy and itchy. Supps for this? Vit D?
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>bro i totally look 18 bro
>looks older than a tanned guy
You're blind. He looks 20 at most.
>Supps for this
Get a tan
This guy is 20?? I thought he was a teenager
idk but i feel like shit after spending all week in the sun when i usually don't
was worth it though
There must be something wrong with your constitution. I feel utter euphoria and vigour having spent enough time enveloped by the Sun.
post tanned 40 year old for reference, especially one we don't believe lived in a hut for 39 years before a recent beach trip
Anon people sunbathe because it feels GOOD.
>get 15-30 minutes of sun a day
>drink mostly water
>eat mostly veggies/fruit/meat/healthy carbs
>avoid caffeine/dairy/alcohol
>hydrate skin 2x a day, use vaseline if dry
>sleep 8 hours a night
>modify routine if you have skin issues
That's all you have to do, its not hard
>post tanned 40 year old for reference
Guy on the left, Tucker
Is there a new batch of grifters hawking some snake oil alternative to sunscreen?
Why am I seeing a marked increase in retarded misinformation like >>74755906
Is this just an extension of the perineum sunning meme?
These people are so afraid of getting a healthy tan that they would rather dress like Hannibal Lecter became a bee keeper?
This the perfect Asian gf for an Aryan man who sunbathes daily.

Just got 20min/side at UV index 10.2. hope 11 comes back but I guess the solstice was a month ago. I'm playing catchup this summer
holy based...new fetish acquired
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He looks good. Smooth skin and complexion are the most important things in the end
nice strawman
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If youre white but dont live in northern europe youre going to have problems
this is misleading because uv rays penetrate clouds anyway
skin cancer is significantly more prevalent in scandinavia and the uk than it is in spain and italy despite the hours of sunshine and it's because, given the colder overcast climate, people are more inclined to go out in the sun there
northern europeans are also much more fragile under the sun
i don't really see the relevance of that
the point is that even on overcast days you should take measures to reduce your sun exposure because the active radiation is still present
certainly the further from the equator you are the less hours of daylight and direct daylight you will be exposed to and the intensity does still matter but even during winter you can get a tan
If I feel great in the sun, I stay in the sun. There comes a point after hours of bathing where it doesnt feel good anymore and thats when you should look for shade. Listen to your body. Eat animal fat. Avoid sunscreen and sneedoils.
>after hours
that would cook me in midday sun where I live. 15-20m/side at peak bronzes my white ass up
>Listen to your body. Eat animal fat. Avoid sunscreen and sneedoils.
Based. Citation: it was revealed to me in a dream.
Yes I was generally referring to people who live in their 'ancestral lands'. If you are whitey living in NA you might need homemade sunscreen when spending a lot of time in the sun.
Nice non-argument
Being too pale is worse and pale skin kills more than too much tanning
yea I wont argue about something I never said, you retard
I've watched Tucker for so long I still see him as a youthful news host. He's so handsome. I'd imagine the heavy ciggie usage does a lot of damage to the skin.
What are you talking about
>Tell me you're a derm
That's just every gook woman terrified of looking like the brownoid SEA monkey she is
How have you guys still not realized that the amount of sun your body can tolerate depends on your skin tone? Every week there is a thread with people arguing about whether sun is bad.

I can be outside for hours with my shirt off and while I also have friends who burn even under a shirt.

Whether or not the sun ages you mostly depends on genetics. Diet may affect this however
People did generally prefer the shade, or wearing wide brimmed hats if they were out in the field.
I think it's best to limit your exposure a bit if you can. 10-30 min a day till you build up a decent tan to avoid getting burned, I think the real issue to soon health lies in getting burned more than just exposure
>If youre white but dont live in northern europe youre going to have problems
>whites have no problems in the Mediterranean area
>In fact, they live longer and are healthier than Nordics
You Americans are funny. Hint: You age badly because your diet and ancestry is literal shit.
you need better reading comprehension
honestly really depends on sun exposure and if you moisturize for your face. I knew plenty of guys with baby faces at my old job because they shaved but never went out in the sun, all 30+.
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>doesn't drink his vitamin (double)D fortified mommy milkers every day
you live a sad life son
Even homo carlson looks younger than him lol
In short, after reading this thread, I still don't know if sun exposure will make my face look older (I'm talking 30 minutes of sun exposure a day)
sunbathing (30 minutes) does not age you
Just never let the sun touch your face and always wear face sunscreen even on cloudy days while getting sun everywhere it doesn’t matter, simple
why do people say sunscreen gives you cancer?
The absolute state of this gook lmaoooooooo
That depends on the sunscreen.
Sun won’t age you unless you expose yourself excessively. No sun would age you as well.
Diet overall is more important.
Because companies don’t care if the ingredients are harmful.
>Because companies don’t care if the ingredients are harmful.
stop being a commie retard, there are good companies and bad companies and they both exist to please a different kind of customer
They all exist to maximize profits
This is just your average Chinese woman in the sun. Opinion discarded
A few weeks ago I sat in the sun for like 2 hours and the tanline on my arm was absolutely disgusting. The tanline always existed cause I really enjoyed playing sports in the sun as a kid but seeing it happen in the span of a couple hours really woke me up. I am now the derm in that pic
also people don't want to guess your actual age or accidentally go too high because it's rude. but autists can't navigate the social nicety and thinks it's sincere lol
well how do you explain twins who were one looks 10 years younger and the older looking one just happens to be the one who has spent more time outdoors?
holy shit my supervisor is exactly like this lmao
>subservient to a switch soíboy
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>tfw live in a dark blue zone
Adaptations have nothing to do with what is optimal, get it through your thick skull.

To be fair, given your description, you are probably very tanned, which also provides some protection against the sun. I believe the worst thing you can do for your skin is getting burned. Slowly tanning isn't as dangerous, I think.
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>live in orange zone
Delicious sun bless your favorite children with your rays and warmth and thank you for punishing the barbarians
White people didn't get whiter than meds until about 8000 years ago when the ice age ended and the thaw turned northern Europe in the most overcast and foggy place. It's an adaption to conditions that don't exist most places we live so it's better to err on the side of controlled exposure.
If the sun is so bad then why does it come out every day?
>tfw you live in the orange zone
>tfw the electric bill skyrockets because of the AC
Ironic you say that
>mediterranean area
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yes pale skins are inferior to meds, the sun makes you better in every way
so long as you acknowledge it
As long you acknowledge you are inferior
wow, thats a big word for a dropout! are you sure you know what it means?
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My skin has gone to shit in the past year despite sleeping lots, doing plenty of skincare, and hardly going outside. I'm cutting dairy, sugar, and all processed foods out of my diet because the other stuff isnt enough apparently
When will you idiots learn that it's all because of carbs?
>hardly going outside
There's your problem, fix that first.
Who's that chain wearing 17 years old and why is he talking to Tucker? Did he get cancelled at school?
Are you ever going to make a argument or is "nice strawman" is the best you can do
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Is suggin on deez (or similar) high test?
Exactly it’s the UV that gets ya
T. Orange Irish man under the northern lights getting a moon burn
Tucker is 55 years old. He was 40 years old in 2009 lol.
Aren't they around the same age? tucker looks better than the meme man
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filipina queens stay winning
can't wait to go there next year and bang some ladyboys
Tucker is older but looks younger
>One shot at life
>Eczema riddled body for no reason
it's not fair bros
dear god sauce please
People who do drugs and people spend a lot of time under the sun look almost the same. Ive met a lot of old people in florida who looked like they did a lot of drugs but all they did was just spend a lot of time on the beach.
This is why I married an Italian woman. I may be Nordic but my children are at least half med.
You're American
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You need to be sunmaxxing and tanning your balls.


I've never seen a fat, unhealthy person that lived near a beach. People that are outdoors and get sun always have a nice glow to them, big smiles and exude energy.
I workoutside a lot in the summer and I am rather tan.
I feel better and my skin is more clear in the summer. Unfortunately I have 3 shades of skin now. Ranging from baked potato to milky white skin
I need source
kek zoomers don't like it they're aging like SHIT
Balding, greying and wrinkles can age a motherfucker. I went to school with an Italian kid who had a full beard by 13. He could have passed for 21 easy despite being 4'10.
nice, similar story here
I am 35 and people often guess early 20's even though I am bald, they just think I balded young
I have a babyface tho
best meme
If you're white, the less time you spend in the sun, the less sun you need. Otherwise if you're a swarthoid you belong out tilling the fields (biologically speaking, of course)
Nigga what
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>bro i get mistaken for 18 bro im going to be 40 and fuckin 18 year trust me bro, women love infantile men
So much this. The melanoma rates of white people in Australia is just fake news pushed by gay liberals.
How much omega 6 is in their diet?
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It's 100% an asian female thing to dress like that in the sun, not a quirky dermatologist thing.
Very popular in China. They do it to keep their skin as white as possible for beauty standards.
my dad made me sit in the sun with him for hours and now i'm olive again and i hate it i wont be nicely pale for a year
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>life on earth is impossible without UV light
>being in the sun makes your body produce vitamin D
>better cover myself in petroleum based goo and stay indoors as much as possible thank you science may I have another booster
somebody made the dyel lookism zoomie mad kek
also not fitness
I think he is 10 years old or something like that
One day I will be one of those sun baked old people that chill at the beach all day and I will be happy.
Here is a 30 year old that still talks like a 14 year old. this is a millennial, the generation that will never mature
But UVB is what makes your body produce vitamin d while uva does not.
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i will never mature but i'll still always have sex (you don't) i'll always be bigger than you(you don't lift) and i won't be as gay as you(you are brown)
it did feel good, very good in fact
and yea there probably is something wrong with my constitution, always been sensitive to the sun and heatstroke ever since i was little
>posts a tanned guy that is brown
tell me how he isn't white pajeet i'll wait also post body i know you won't tho cause you're dyel
I work with actual cancer causing amounts of radioactive material, and even actual lethal amounts of it every now and then, and the shit I see in that webm or other people pearl clutching about uv rays and skin cancer seems like hypochondriac pearl clutching to me
I didn't say he wasn't white but hes tanned and brown, now get a tan you patsy fuck
>I am a risk seeking retard working a hazardous job because i couldn't get higher education to work a safe one for more money
>smart, risk averse people with higher education are not only working higher paying, safe jobs, but also limiting risk factors in their day to day life
>this upsets me
People in my line of work retire and live well into their 90s. I also make more than any given software engineer and nurses. With overtime my salary is probably closer to a doctor's. I also have a masters degree. Please keep projecting. I'll keep enjoying the sun while you toil in your bugman den.
Not everyone can be a sœyboy working from home that has a job which contributes nothing to society while he plays overwatch and faps to tranny porn
i am tan tho shirtless summer is the way to go
t. haver of 16"+ biceps and sub 15% bf
>t.overwatch playing tranny
>no bottomless summer
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This lifestyle is impossible for any man doing any kind of physical work. We shouldn't even be thinking about such things. It's fine for women to have fair, pearly skin. Women just need to look pretty and get pregnant, it's men that need do all the work that requires maintaining civilization.

Would a scrawny 20 year old asian woman who never touched a hammer in her life do the work that's required to maintain her standard of living? No. Just today it was 40C and I had to work outside. I can't cover myself in a fucking burka otherwise I would pass out and die within ten minutes from the heat and humidity.
Do you think she'd let us apply sunscreen to her chest?

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