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/fit/ is dying. its summer, and the zoomers don't bother posting shitposting on /fit/ :(

where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting? on discord? they left /fit/ and moved on with life?

here's my routine, 3 days weekly, ultra minimalist...

A) Bench, rows + arms
B) Squat, pull ups + arms
C) Deadlifts, OHP + arms

I guess you can call it a torso + limbs routine.
i’m on that good kush and alcohol
Basically everywhere besides instagram, tiktok, and youtube is dead
how's drinking and lifting working out for you
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I'm just chilling dude
I think its time to accept that 4chins is dying ... much like IM messenager of the 90s, IRC, yahoo chat room etc...
its not that dead
deader than your limp dick
> where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting? on discord?
No one who was online in 2010 could possibly handle the unreal faggotry of fucking discord
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This is true, I've never seen so many stuck up prickly nerds in one place.
this is literally a copy paste post
yeah, it's dead and it's never coming back
>"/fit/ is dying"
Quite the opposite ky friend
>Randy left last year
>pearanon (OG) fucked off in ‘23 and his imposters rarely post now
>goby seldom posts and when she does she stays in its containment thread
>Gynoanon only shows up in summer so it’s more peaceful
>progress-anon the biggest fucking spammer of ‘23 fucked off
>giddy is 5’3

Nothing but high hopes on the horizon. Yeah we still deal with Kam but his fatass is mostly harmless and delegated to shitting up cbt, the namefags are gone, the lookism tourists leave around summers end; the namefags fucked off
The future of fit is BRIGHT!
you use the word literally, stfu
It’s funny because this is my first time here in quite some time. Haven’t seriously lurked since late 2019 early 2020. I sort of see what you mean OP, /fit/ feels a little different. Definitely doesn’t feel as active or fresh as before though I suppose that comes with change and being older. I won’t go as far as saying it’s dead or dying, different for sure.
That seems to be the trend unfortunately
not that anon but fine. drink post gym shake till midnight and fast till gym 4pm next day
drinking before gym feels like shit but that's why schedules exist
os (+ arms) a joke that all those exercises work your arms indirectly? I never do arms because they're small muscles compared to back/chest and just build naturally working those
on topic, yeah. mostly just the west. all intellectual and non-validating participations in discussions without updoots
also why doesn't this image acknowledge any back muscles? i do deadlifts for my back not arms and legs
>Haven’t seriously lurked since late 2019 early 2020.

I have been posting on /fit/ on and off since 2011 ... took breaks a few years in between ought
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>os (+ arms) a joke that all those exercises work your arms indirectly? I never do arms because they're small muscles compared to back/chest and just build naturally working those

I did no arms for years, thinking it would grow ... but the arms lagged behind. if you want big arms, gotta do direct work.
discord is literally just actual fags shitting up every fucking discussion with femboy-this femboy-that, it's fucking dogshit
same since 2011, Scooby taught me how to train pull ups back then
now i'm just here for the rooning generals
>bench/ohp heavy+back, arms later to hit harder
>bench/ohp volume light back heavy arms
>heavier volume bench/ohp back arms
Terrible form, wide grip deadlifts?
X twitter is the new 4chan
And pol is still alive
discord is ONLY tolerable if you talk to people you've already known for years and hopped from other voip clients to it. but it's still dogshit that everything on the internet is being locked behind sekrit klub discords now. it's too big and it's eating communities alive. don't like something? make a sub group of a splintered sub group so you and your faggot fuck buddies can goon to furry diaper futa instead of anthro scat traps
Finished my ban for posting a pushup thread.
This. I will post body before the end tho, I will make it. Also, I owe an anon a marathon, so kinda in a roon debt.
>posted a thread of anons suggesting workouts for the poster above
>first reply was doing a marathon
I'll do it, I promise.
I’m an oldfag but I get on here and read a few threads and leave. Maybe post once a week.

>Squat, lunges
>Bench, farmers carry
>OHP, sled pull and push
you are LITERALLY replying to a bot right now.
id argue /fit/ sort of faded once the misc went.
4chan is dying partially because of mods and this fucking retarded captcha.
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It's not bot posting. I saved the original thread so I don't have to re-type it out. There is no automation.

desu, misc and /fit/ was 99% white. once browns and changs came online, whites kinda moved on ... 2008 iphone got introduced, then blacks, changs, browns came online ...
I remember "joining" /fit/ in 2011 and being instantly obsessed. I was an edgy 17 year old kid so this place was perfect for me. And surprisingly, unlike the rest of 4chan, there was very little misinformation/schizo nonsense here. Might sound funny but I really enjoyed my late teens and early adulthood nolifing /fit/. Sure, the style of talking was edgy/autistic/toxic, but the SUBSTANCE of what was being said was amazing (legit lifting advice, squat form, deadlift progression, programing routines, etc.). This was a time when forums were still a thing, reddit wasn't the main place for discussing various topics and forming communities over them. I probably stopped visiting around the mid 2010s (2015?) mostly because the internet started changing (forums dying), life got in the way, I was barely working out, studying a lot, traveling a lot.

And now? I turned 30 a few weeks ago, I live a simple life but I wouldn't say I'm happy. There's not much to look forward in the future. Every day is the same, and for some reason I'm feeling less connected to the people who are close to me.
who was progress-anon? i mustve missed him
thats the thing people tend to forget, and the thing people who werent around then will never understand. the energy these OG communities put out there was just something else. they were actual communities with actual comradery, if someone was a douche or a retard they actually got ostracized to the point that they fucking realized they werent welcome and left. unlike the dogshit you get now with people posting shit threads on here day and night, the reddit circle jerking and virtue signalling faggotry, the social media clout PC horseshit in general
I only come here to shitpost between sets. There's like 1-2 threads that are funny each week so it's still better than 99% of the internet.
To be fair I clearly recall meeting up with people I "met" on local forums, you could do it and not get hyperswatted and/or having some retard troon send your whole post history to your workplace. Can't trust anyone these days unfortunately.
i almost did, i had a dude literally offer to come help me renovate a new house i moved into for free. i could absolutely see going to a steakhouse or something and just chillin with some bros from back then, it was a totally different time. the fucked up part is it wasnt even that long ago it seems like shit has gone downhill so god damned fast
We've not seen the full scale of this turd worlder internet infestation yet since everyday there are hundreds of jeets, changs and the co getting online for the first time, that's a fact. I really don't want to be a doomer faggot but it's only going to get worse. We all can witness this development in real time and it's not pretty. Old majority white internet is dead and the online white flight to some strongly gatekept communities is on-going. Everything they touch turns to flaming garbage and strict online segregation was always the only way.
I miss anal bro and that guy who larped as Bugez and wrote a story about fucking OPs Mom in the ass.
Deep down I think forums are gonna come back big time. I know it's a cope but people will soon realize is the best way to create a real community with no bigger platform interfering (unless you host weird stuff like Kiwifarms or go full politisperg). Also, I like how the Internet brought people from different cultures together but this latest wave of third worlders is too much, forums will be our only way out.
>Old majority white internet is dead and the online white flight to some strongly gatekept communities is on-going.

Take for example, language learning app. Nowadays language learning app and dating apps is full of Chinese / Nigerian scammers doing pig butchering scams. White man built technology, browns, blacks and Changs use it for crime.
Just like in every single facet of civilization. They can't create anything meaningful. It's brutal but it's the truth.
R8 mine

>squat 2x5
>deadlift 1x5
>leg kicks 1x5
>leg curls 1x5
>calf raise 2x5
>weighted pullups 2x5

>bench 2x5
>OHP 2x5
>dip 1x5
>tri pulldown 1x5
>weighted situp 2x5
>weighted leg lift 1x5
>plank 1 til failure

>back extension 2x5
>DB row 2x5
>shrug 2x5
>curl 2x5
>wrist curl 1x5
>reverse wrist curl 1x5

3 weeks on, then 1 week of running 2x a week. Not sure if I wanna post a gay pic but the physique and numbers I have from this routine are insane.
remember when /fit/ had the "do this pose", and the collage was full of white anons, it was 99% white. i think white people have quiet quit posting on /fit/. /fit/ is now filled with r9k doom posters, pajeets, changs, blacks.
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Vol insanely low. maybe you can try 3x5 for volume?
Let me guess, this is some formerly white country? Canada maybe?
Used to post every cbt and pretend he had stalkers and show up on his own hate threads “defending” himself
Yeah it’s pretty sad, in the weekend nothing was bumping and I was rotting in my room at 32 years old. Breaking up with my bpd ex was a mistake
They all got herniated discs from ego lifting and died blowing their hearts up with tren and test
You will have everything taken from you.
Not happening sorry bub please feel free to keep on posting more lookism shit before you inevitably kill yourself.
Daily reminder that all jeet shitposters end up necking themselves, if it's not that they die walking on train tracks for their WhatsApp status
that looks more like a row
I did 3x5 for years and get the same results with 1-2x5. My maxes are higher due to doing away with the "warm up" sets aka fatigue you sets.
You may take my protein powder but you will never take my gainz, Jew!
the real issue is that in the eyes of most normal people 4chan is just pol i.e. chud nazi incels or whatever they say about 4chan on socials and tv
I mean we are talking about the same website that has a fucking lego and origami board, normies are used to flashy apps with rounded corner icons on their phones, 4chan aesthetically doesn't fit there but I prefer they keep it like this
>t. actual zoomoid
ashes to ashes, brother. No one lives forever.
can't wait for the rate to go up to 50% or more
we (as in the entire rest of the world) really need to get fucking rid of indians, one nation fucking dragging the rest of the planet down
poojeets may have contributed quite a bit to math, medicine and other sciences in prehistoric times but their usefullness to humanity has long since expired and went into negative values
same for fucking pakistan too
none of those literally whos were around in 2010
Middle easterners have done more for math, pajeetz only sell generic meds from their country because of whites
Yeet all jeetz
dude i spent like 10 years lifting and it never did ANYTHING for me except for the INSANE amount of time, money, and effort sunk.

absolute meme (it was sometimes fun)
Good, this board is a complete waste of time after you read the sticky.

Godspeed zoomers, I'm proud of you for escaping.
I'm glad /fit/ is dying. This board sucks I'm just a hopeless addict and can't quit. Rate my routine:

A) 6-count burpees, 20 minutes AMRAP
B) Squat, Bench, Rows, Curls
C) Squat, OHP, Chinups, Delt lateral raises

AB Rest AC Rest Rest

I just like burpees. Considering adding some kettlebell swings instead of squats on day C. What do you think?
Working out is cringe and boomer now, zoomers are all on the goatis pill and know raw meat alone will get you a good physique
>verify you are human
>wait 60 secs before posting
>whoops wrong captcha
>whoops error posting try again

i usually lose interest in posting before i'm able to.
so like /fit/?
this is an extremely canadian image

Yeah it was a very cool time. The way people talked was more unhinged, since we called eachother faggots, retards, nibbers, but the underlying substance and closeness was there behind it all. I honestly believe the internet and its forum communities were A LOT safer. How often would you hear about weird grooming stories? Seems like nowadays that's 99% of discord communities. Back in the 00s and early 10s, when I was a teenager, people of all ages went to forums. But there wasn't any weird shit going on in those communities (Ok, there probably was, but it didn't happen as often). And those were gaming communities, deviantart, fan-art, indie game fans...Basically breeding grounds for groomers/stalkers now.
It should really be one or the other; wait 60 seconds or fill out a captcha. Not to mention, these captchas are fucking retarded and just waste time. Go back to clicking on images with fire hydrants.
ya i agree. i met up with at least a dozen anons in real life and worked out with them and had a genuinely good time. would get recognized by anons in the gym and just banter then move on. never felt any sense of danger from them, just a bro/sisterhood. people were much more postive in general, making it wasn't a pipe dream. couple of cute girls i banged from .fit as well, just from meetups to help with form and stuff. those days are over. stopped posting around 2020, when anons were becoming crazy af. trying to find my apartment, dox me, death threats, etc. too crazy for me. the best time on this forum was when you could make a friend, trust them enough to exchange addresses discreetly, and send them a package, something cool, like a pair of rugby shorts and see them post in a cbt wearing the same shorts you sent them.
I remember the days of Scooby, OP. Still love that old guy. The memes and atmosphere back then was incredible. It was exciting and fun with a lot of creativity and less of the mechanistic mindless troll wars and outside agendas you get now.

Getting old enough now that I have to be careful how I work out as it starts becoming about maintaining and watching joints and avoiding injury, which thankfully Scoob has always been into too.

It was doomed when all the tourists flooded in from reddit, tumbler, other social media, etc. When it was a weird little insular autistic clubhouse it was perfect. Nowadays you've got corporations and governments that literally monitor and post on the site 24 hours a day all year round for their own agendas, which would have sounded insane for a weird hobby and anime board about twenty years ago.

It's constantly used as some kind of demented "battleground" by various sides and honestly the best thing that could happen is if the site died (but it will be kept alive as a containment site and is easier to monitor just the one place) so that many more boards would be opened up and each would have their own character and fresh energy like back in the good old days once again. Even years ago various groups openly talked about bot and now AI posting non stop for their own purposes. Outsiders, people whoi have no connection to the old culture and creepy old people included. And people wonder why the place went to shit?
The problem is more and more normies infected the internet and even this place. The farther back you go with the internet, the more open and free you could be. Early on you could post your home address, phone numbers, email, work life, etc. and have zero problems. As the bar for entry got lower and every mouth breathing loon could get on with their phone it finally ruined everything and it became an endless war of retards who shouldn't even be allowed online at all.

I played this MMORPG years ago that was basically divided into two guilds but more to the point, it was discord guild versus non-discord guild. The non-discord guild was nerds that were really good at the game and kicked the shit out the discord guild. The discord guild was no joke made up of fags & trannies that wanted to play female characters and pretend to be girls in real life to players who didn't know any better. They also wanted to "beat" the non-discord guild but were no where near good enough at the game to do that so instead they would talk shit 24/7 until some Friday night a non-discord guild member would be playing drunk and finally say "fuck off faggot" and get permanently banned from the game for hate speech. They basically did that until they got several of the core members banned and the rest said fuck this game.

So modern day internet in a nutshell. I'm sure those same nerds are still hanging out somewhere, playing some game together but they sure as shit aint telling and I can't blame them.
4chan can partially be divided in pre-2016 v post-2016. It's changed since 2016, but that watershed moment truly changed the demographics of the site.

At a certain point we have to abandon every board but /fit/ and gatekeep super hard. Must keep out and destroy all LGBT, Egalitarians, etc.

The majority of old RWers have either graduated to real life or have found themselves on anonymous Twitter
Trump first election brought too many tourists from redd*t and Facebook into 4chins ... the old /fit/ bros from 2010s simply abandoned this foresaken shithole
>Must keep out and destroy all LGBT, Egalitarians, etc.

I think we must gatekeep both extreme sides - the /pol/ schizos who blame the jews for their failures, and the leftard retards who blame white people and rich people for their insane mental states. We must make /fit/ great again, where people talk about fitness, athleticism, and diet.
most of the unreal faggy discord is precisely 35 year old trannies "oldfags"
nta but I got pretty jacked by doing nothing but lifting, eating proteins and drinking bourbon all day, fatty
Things haven't been the same since Stacy left us
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>on discord?
pretty much yes, and is fun
It seems like the internet is going the way of having two options of communication

>leaving comments on "content creator" videos
>having a discord server you get invited to where you talk to a select group of people that also got invited

every other avenue of just open, general communication where you can start a topic and have other people come and talk about it is dwindling away (even reddit, there are basically no fitness subreddits anymore, at least not any that people actively use)
do chat rooms count?
zoomers don't use 4chan, 4chan is a 30+ millennial boomer website
My deadlift would be higher if my grip strength was better. I hate being a wristlet.

Pic related is my routine.
>where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting?
Some of us are still here.

I've been here since late 2006. Used to lurk /b/, /x/, /v/, then /fit/ since 2012 and /vr/ since that opened. I left /fit/ for a few years because of the 2016 election tourists and Nazi larpers. Now it's self-proclaimed adult Catholic converts. I'm 35 now and live a pretty normalfag life.
How are you doing your rest days
This. Its cuz of tik tok like apps
>where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting?
I mostly just stopped shitposting once I made it. I only come here once every couple of weeks out of habit and because the rest of the internet is dying.
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>general communication where you can start a topic and have other people come and talk about it is dwindling away

Third worlders flooded the internet. Things have gone to shit.
I'm always curious about these routines. How long do you spend at the gym? Do you superset the isolation exercises? In almost two decades of lifting, does this routine feel the most optimal for you at your current level of activity?

I tend to lift 5 days a week and a mix of two to three compounds will take me 45 minutes. 15-30 minutes of cardio puts me over an hour in the gym, which I enjoy, but these long routines always look like they're stretching over the two hour mark to me which feels like a lot.
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>a pair of rugby shorts and see them post in a cbt wearing the same shorts you sent them
>creepy old people
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I don't blame them. Nor should where they went be posted, even if it is found. It is a sanctuary from evil.
Pol schizos are right in their Jewish diagnosis, but are usually wrong about how to go about fixing their lives. Fit is currently more in danger of Homosexuals, general Lewdery, and attention whores than they are from any RWers. Getting rid of softcore on this board would be beneficial. Ostracizing, shaming, and ignoring degenerates would help. Doesn't change the fact that degenerates shill and raid for their own perverse pleasure and multiple intelligence agencies literally try to steer every board in numerous directions at once.

The best thing for actual /fit/ minded people to do is to find OR create a forum that does not allow any lewd or softcore content that explicitly shames and bans those that would co-opt the site.
In all of my years of lifting off and on, this has been working for me the best. I rush so I take between 30 seconds to a minute per set.on a good day, where the gym equipment is available , and I shower, I spend around 75 minutes. Today, I got to the gym at 1pm and got out at 2:30 and I didn't even do cardio.

Get those compounds in.
Twitter isnt anonym
I love wide grip deadlift (kinda like olympic style snatch) and OHP so much bro.

Yesterday I did 4x4 deadlift, follow by 5x5 OHP. Get that yoke back.
When you say you didn't train arms, you mean you didn't train forearms?
You could probably get more volume in but the program itself isn't that bad. AB Rest ACA Rest at the very least.
>My deadlift would be higher if my grip strength was better. I hate being a wristlet.
Why don't you just use straps? If your deadlift isn't very high you could probably also use switch grip.
where do the based zoomers convene then? surely not tiktok
I haven't genuinely enjoyed a community on the internet in about ten years
>When you say you didn't train arms, you mean you didn't train forearms?

No, I mean like I didn't do bicep curls, tricep pull downs, delt rise etc
waaaat. What did you do then?
Mainly compound exercises. I was a barbell purist. I focused mostly on squatting and deadlifting heavy.
Yes. The majority of old /fit/ style content (though with new idols) is on TikTok and Instagram. We are antiquated-- its about videos now, not text and images.
Instead of playing online I've organized a neat gaming area at home were me and my frens can play games undisturbed. It's good to be able to call each other faggots and retards with no repercussion, as we used to do back in the day. It's part of the gaming experience. The only rule is no weed (makes you retarded and annoying to be around)

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