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Post and discuss opinions that go against the normie mob or the /fit/ one. I want to see if I'm missing out on something. I'll start with some I have, from "sanest" to "insanest".

> Regular shoes deform the feet, negatively alter posture and hurt the knees.
> The fed state is as, if not more important than the fasted.
> High serum cholesterol levels are the biggest atherosclerosis risk factor.
> Carbohydrate, including sugar, doesn't cause type II diabetes.
> The condition of the galea aponeurotica likely is at the root of male-pattern baldness.
> Sunlight does not necessarily produce permanent photodamage.
> A diet should be as diverse as possible.
You don’t need sunlight or sleep it’s just pseudointellectualism by natty crabs
>A diet should be as diverse as possible
How is that even controversial?
All you need is chicken, rice, and broccoli chud.
Plapjacks are a psyop to get people to be content with Fucking fatties and raise hoeflation to insane levels thus = more content men. More easier to sell courses and false solutions too
People will cry and call me a scjizo but a shocking amount of people say they relate to the memes or it’s based etc
Don’t care to reply to retards saying it’s not real but yeah
I’ve discussed this a lot

Basically tl dr
Plappy memes are a psyop to get men more complacent enough to fuck obeasts
*submissive not content
The meme has also breached the mainstream now and the spread seems anything but organic. Idk
Probably the least organic meme we’ve seen in years on the chans, and the lengths people go to defend it is very sus
Just my 0.02
>tries to make it interesting
>in 2 lines it turns in to an establishmentarianism diet shill post.
This is the zenith of your creativity and it lasted 2 lines. Sad. Anyway, sage this shit.
Cope moxyte
Read that again you fucking retard
Borax is a cheap and extremely important supplement that allows for nutrient absorption and for both animal and plant life to grow and flourish. It only costs 3-4 USD for a single 4 pound box, containing only 100% sodium borate. It can also be used to kill insects, mold and problematic pests.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz was right.
Disgusting kikes deliberately poison the food supply, and denature natural foods like Milk into some sort of cooked, useless crap unfit for consumption.
Graphene Oxide and other kinds of nanoparticles are being put into branded foods to mark and track GMO vaxx cattle, through an Internet of Bodies system.
Eating said branded food brands You as a slave, fit for harvest and perpetual enslavement. As an example, beer crests and other symbols are used to mark amd create certain ‘blends’ of GMO vaxx cattle untermensch designed for certain tasks. As an example: that which drinks Anheuser-Busch tranny hormone harming beer and eats Nabisco seed oil slop is used as blue-collar slave staff for construction sites. The cattle that eats JustEgg powder and Silk liquid is used as a scapegoat/subterfuge staff in white-collar labor.
Lose weight Moxyte you fat Fuck
Thx for the bump
Wojaks have completely lost their punch due to every community under the sun using them. You can literally join a pedophile Discord server and see wojaks depicting the "non pedos". Whenever you want to debate the "other side", just draw a wojak and say it's them. It's a dead meme.
>> High serum cholesterol levels are the biggest atherosclerosis risk factor.
bullshit. diabetes/metabolic syndrome is the biggest risk factor. serum cholesterol barely registers as a real association
Yeah, I saw one of my online friends who lives on reddit use one the other day and had to do a double take, it was some shit about “the chad single mum vs the normie career minded woman” or something fucking gay like that was bizarre
>seed oil fumes are driving lung cancer in non smokers
you forgot this one
Well, you're right in a sense. It depends on what you mean by "need". You certainly won't die OF sleep deprivation and as far as I know, the same can be said about sunlight.

The prevailing or loud opinion here seems to be that plant foods are bad, particularly seed oils (not whole seeds) and grains (they're right about the former generally speaking); the prevailing opinion in the normie world is that animal foods are unhealthy, particularly fatty animal products, egg yolks and especially red meat. Also this >>74752384, haha.

Seems possible.
>*submissive not content
Content makes more sense in this context.
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Shoes are gains goblins
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Jews push anti-sun propaganda, vampires are based off this fact. You need MORE sunlight and lack of sunlight leads to worse health, lower testosterone, and cancer. Sun gives life to EVERYTHING and you would be dead without it yet you actually got psyoped to thinking its bad
>establishmentarianism diet
I made it clear the /fit/ mob was included.
I genuinely believe every point I made.

Why not get boron from diet instead?
>denature natural foods like Milk into some sort of cooked, useless crap unfit for consumption.
Pasteurized milk is subpar but it's not so bad you have to avoid it.
>Graphene Oxide and other kinds of nanoparticles are being put into branded foods to mark and track GMO vaxx cattle, through an Internet of Bodies system.
This one's hard to believe.

I see your point but some sóyjaks are still funny to me.

What causes atherosclerosis?; oxidized LDL. What's the biggest reason LDL oxidizes?; blood stagnancy. High cholesterol reflects impaired clearance.

That's interesting.
Interesting. Grounding is indeed real.

>Sun gives life to EVERYTHING
The glaringly obvious proof this isn't the case is marine life in the abyss and trenches.
Tobacco is actually good for you

Big if true. I know nicotine is good but I doubt tobacco itself is. Saved for a future read. Thanks for sharing.
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>check the link
>muh 6 gorrillion deaths per year
I'm noticing.
>at least 2 people agreeing with the psyop schizo
What the fuck has this board come to
anything even slightly promoted by anyone getting even a single penny on it is bad for you, because promotion is a jewish concept and a place to promote is entirely owned by jews
My sanest take backed by science and Nestle quarterly reports:
protein obsession is silly and driven by marketing of protein-added products such as protein puddings which serve as both health wash marketing of unhealthy product and increased profit margins.

My unrelated schizo take backed by voices in my head:
teflon pans and plastic cooking utensils are the cause of global rise in autism, allergies and infertility.
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It’s the opposite you retard
Running with a weighted vest burns more calories and works hidden muscles you can’t isolate with normal lifts
Your body adapts to what you eat and learns how to distribute nutrients more efficiently if you eat the same things every day. You still need to make sure you are getting the correct nutrients but it conserves energy which arguably helps you stay healthier and age better.
But there's one big issue. Only people who are on the spectrum can endure it
Not my problem.
Neither mine, but normalfags get legit depressed when they have to eat the same stuff 3 consecutive days
>marine life in the abyss and trenches.
I'm not enough of a marine biologist to dispute this (dubious) claim, but regardless, all continental and surface ocean life is clearly 100% dependent on the sun for energy. Plants photosynthesize sunlight into energy, animals eat the plants to absorb that energy, and then other animals eat those animals. Not to mention all the direct benefits of sunlight:
>vitamin d
>nitric oxide production
>melatonin and subsequent circadian rhythm regulation
And who knows what else. Anti-sun rhetoric is an obvious psy-op as this anon stated >>74752548
>Why not get boron from diet instead?
Most people are boron deficient. I believe it has to do with soil nutrient depletion. Read The Borax Conspiracy.
I supplement borax and I can feel yhe difference. It's also really cheap and easy to supplement.
>various mythical creatures such as dragons and gnomes are historically written about from nations completely independent of eachother
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Try to do a parasite cleanse, parasites cause a lot of diseases like cancer and AIDS
Did you forget what thread you entered?

Your first take is good but unsurprising; the second seems plausible.

>Your body adapts to what you eat
It partly does. For example, you'll never adapt to oxalate intake, you'll always have to consume enough calcium to minimize the risk of kidney stones if you eat a high oxalate meal. One reason diversity in the diet is best is because you decrease the chances of getting too much of a problematic (like acrylamide) or potentially problematic (goitrogens) component all foods have.
>and learns how to distribute nutrients more efficiently if you eat the same things every day.
Doesn't make sense to me.
>it conserves energy which arguably helps you stay healthier and age better.
Good point.

>I'm not enough of a marine biologist to dispute this (dubious) claim
You don't need specialized knowledge to know it's true. There's life there and yet sunlight is non-esxistent; look it up.
>>vitamin d
>>nitric oxide production
>>melatonin and subsequent circadian rhythm regulation
Ahhh, man, maybe you didn't read the posts the guy you mentioned at the end replied to, but one of them, mine, just said you probably don't need sunlight in a certain sense. You can't die OF lack of sunlight, you can die FROM a lack of it.

I see. Will keep it in mind.

I've heard of that. What makes you think they didn't imagine similar things? I mean, there are people who come up with an exact same complex idea someone already had without even awareness of the other's existence.
Okay /fit/, here's one for all my people with anxiety, depression, or any sort of "mental health" problem. I'm about to give you a technique that will fix you, and then I will explain how it works.

Your goal is to shorten your (short term) memory, and reduce your thinking. Your inner monologue will no longer occur at all, except in response to events in the outside world. You will not dwell on any thought, you will not daydream, you will never think "What if?", and especially, you will not think about yourself. You are attempting to mimic the mind of an infant, who identifies with the world itself and does not conceive of himself as a separate entity. Let your 5 senses have almost all importance in your perception, and let your thoughts fade into the background. Do not strive to be constantly entertained or stimulated. If you cannot stay focused on your senses, take several deep breaths or hum a song to drown out your inner monologue.

If you do this regularly, your ego (and mental problems) will begin to gently unwind. You will go from experiencing reality through a heavy filter, to seeing the world as it actually is. Everything will be fascinating to you again and filled with mystery, like it is for a child. The only catch is that you must stay in this state from now on. You must forget entirely about yourself. This is backed by psychoactive substances, Buddhism, and neuroscience. When you drop LSD, you are actually just peeling away the layers of ego, which is why the climax of acid is ego death. To enjoy life again, you must dismantle your ego and keep it that way.
Great advice and your screenshot is interesting.
>Ahhh, man, maybe you didn't read the posts the guy you mentioned at the end replied to, but one of them, mine, just said you probably don't need sunlight in a certain sense. You can't die OF lack of sunlight, you can die FROM a lack of it.
I'm not a deep-sea fish and I doubt you are, either. I don't see how this is in any way relevant to whether humans need sunlight.

Humans absolutely need direct sunlight for optimal health. If your only goal is survival, then sure - live in a cave and eat beans. You'll turn into Gollum from LotR, but you'll be alive.
Sane takes:
>>74753451 however you post on this board
>>74756368 good intro to meditation, but it does worsen symptoms for some people apparently
Insane takes:
>>74752734 nicotine is good though
>>74753804 define "normal lifts"

throwing my own hat in the ring:
>microdosing stims benefits the majority of people with zero side effects
>constantly starving yourself is good for you (maybe not for your gains)
Do you know who you’re talking to?
>I'm not a deep-sea fish and I doubt you are, either. I don't see how this is in any way relevant to whether humans need sunlight.
You should up your reading comprehension skills; I made that comment just to disprove the claim that "EVERYTHING" alive is so because of sunlight.
>Humans absolutely need direct sunlight for optimal health.
I know. I'm OP and I even think sunlight (early morining/late afternoon) can rejuvenate the skin and it (noon) doesn't necessarily lead to long-lasting damage.
>If your only goal is survival, then sure - live in a cave and eat beans. You'll turn into Gollum from LotR, but you'll be alive.

>>constantly starving yourself is good for you
I assume you mean fasting by this. Constantly is too much; some fasting (depending on the individual) is almost always good. You'll get cancer if you don't feed well, for example.
Idk I saw it happen in real time. Really feel like you are stretching. Went from a single meme in a /fit/ thread to four, then multiples and ended up on all boards. Then spread to reddit and now its relatively known. Didn't happen overnight or anything. Also it stems from regret, hard to say the guy in the photo is happy. But if you interpret it as that it may say more about you?
I don't think it's a deliberate psyop, rather lonely men and porn addicts overcompensating trying to turn their fetishes into fads.

"Misery loves company"
Ms. Zuri loves cum pumping
The default view on just about every topic is the result of marketing, fake studies, psyops and lobbying etc and bears little to no resemblance to what is true about the subject. Medicine and health are good examples of this.
Who cares what you find sane/insane?
Surprised by how much I didn't know despite not believing the anti-tobacco propaganda
>little to no resemblance to what is true about the subject.
I used to think that as well but now I think there usually is a surprising amount of truth in the prevalent view. For example, LDL doesn't cause atherosclerosis but oxidized LDL does.
Grow up, not everything you don't like on the Internet is a paid CIA psyop. People do make memes organically and without second intentions, just because they think it's funny.
The humiliation of only being able to have sex with fatties (especially after having spent so long self-improving) is a relatable situation for many men. That's why someone decided to make a meme about it.

That's all there is to it. The Deep State doesn't give a fuck if you fuck fatties or not, as long as you don't produce White children from it.
If anything, they'd rather have you be masturbating at home, 0% chance of offspring from that. Which is why many anti-porn memes are heavily c€nsøred here.

The idea that every meme that becomes popular is a psyop somehow is typical of people who never produce content or memes.
If you had ever produced memes that went viral and are reposted for years (I have) you'd understand memes do happen organically most of the time.

You're just a complainer that doesn't contribute worthwhile content or funny memes.
>defending plapjacks
>short novella paragraph about it
>the only one so far to disagree
My brother I don’t even need to insult you. Good luck in this life kek
>unironically proud of “creating memes”
Jfl I’m not even going to think of a creative insult, everything you laid out rihht here perfectly explains the people who love this meme
Thank u sar
Guy you’re replying to is a retard for sure but saying you “produce original memes and have for years” is not the dunk you think it is my reddit friend
Ok, but you still can't prove that plapjak posting is a paid government psyop.

Your opinion on how and why memes form is based in your inexperience creating any interesting content that others want to repost.
What if I eat skirt steak, chicken, and berries picked from kike run farms? What's my horoscope then senpai?
terminally online incel that can be pressured into performing political hits
>>Post and discuss opinions that go against the normie mob or the /fit/ one.

Raw meat is the natural human diet.
Our digestive system does not have the ability to digest plant matter, and plant fiber is extremely damaging to our intestines.
Cooking destroys vitamins, minerals and the enzymes that would allow for proper digestion.
No animal in nature eats cooked meat. And no animal forced to eat cooked meat instead of raw becomes healthier. We are no different.

Contagious diseases do not exist.
Epidemics and pandemics are all fake or a cover up for the real causes of disease.
Bacteria, viruses, "parasites", fungi and etc. do not cause disease. They're merely a symptom.

Cancer is not a disease either. It's a natural mechanism of your body trying to heal you.
The job of the cancer cells is to collect dead cells that are too toxic to dissolve and pile them into tumors to dissolve them later.
The difference between a "benign" tumor and a "malignant" one is whether cancer cells have started to dissolve these toxic dead cells
Wanting to "kill cancer" is like wanting to kill red blood cells, or neurons. Cancer cells are beneficial and should be allowed to do their job.
If you do not want to have cancer, then do not create the situation of extreme toxicity that makes it necessary for it to appear, and eat large amounts of raw animal fat so your body can deal with the toxicity better.

AIDS is not a transmissible disease. AIDS is caused by extreme alcoholism, hard drug abuse, hunger and malnutrition, industrial waste and medical poisoning, etc.
The idea that it's a contagious disease caused by "HIV" is a hoax to cover up the real causes of disease.
The diagnostic methods for "HIV" are a hoax. They use the fake diagnostic to terrorize you into taking the drugs that'll slowly kill you, then claim it was AIDS.
If you have a positive test for HIV, just test again and again until you test negative. Then ignore whatever the doctors tell you to do. (I just saved your life).
I can support the other anon. There are some tube worms that subsist on the thermal energy from volcanic vents or something, which is the basic proof that life does not need sunlight to exist.
Do you hecking love science?
If you just look at the ratios of calories to protein on shit labeled protein you can see right through the bullshit marketing. Anything in the neighborhood of 1 gram per 10 calories is absolutely going to make you fat. Even worse if it has less than a gram of protein per 10 calories. Fucking bacon is probably more anabolic
Fuck. I never should have gone through that interview process with the DoD
Letting cooked meat sit out in the pot for a few days as you eat it is good for your digestive system and makes it stronger. Do it all the time with chili, veggies, stir fries, curries, etc.
Unless you're on gear, going to the gym 3-4 days a week is the ideal amount
I wouldn't be suprised if HGH use and blood doping is rampant across professional sports. It leaves the body extremely quickly, doesn't show up in urine tests, and doesn't make TOO much of a difference in performance for it to be obvious.
Contrarily, I don't think steroid use is as common in pro sports as people think.
>its this retard again
we all know you fucked a hamplanet and get triggered every time you see the meme
should not have admitted it in that thread
Most of these can be answered very trivially via first principles, and some contradict each other. This seems like you're just trying to be contrarian without having any ability to think for yourself.

For example "a diet should be as diverse as possible" why? For every species it's optimal diet is eating that to which it is adapted, and nothing else. There is no benefit to eating diverse foods that are either bio unavailable or toxic. This is a good example of the sort of banal nonsense that gets tossed around. You don't need any scientific literature to debunk it.

Similarly, sun damage occurs most readily to people who don't eat animal foods, it's most obvious in vegans, they always burn in the sun and age really badly. We know that we need animal nutrients for tissue health and that includes cholesterol. We know people who eat higher amount of animal foods live longer because of Traditional wisdom, science just happens to corroborate these facts. This idea that it causes heart disease doesn't stand up to Traditional knowledge nor the scientific data, which shows low cholesterol as being the highest risk factor. Cholesterol is part of a crucial energy transport system, if you're lean and eat a diet low in carbs you will necessarily have high total cholesterol, science is only just catching up to Tradition on matters like this, with the lipid-energy model and lean-mass-hyper-responders.
>the image that destroyed /fit/
I like this post.
holly what a take. ngl im still a few more years of hyperborean crack away from this one
Food opiates cause mental illness and addictive maladaptions from infancy onwards. Grains and milk cause mental illness.
The reason some people can "fall asleep" after a coffee is because they are physiologically addicted to the milk and fat content.
Most infants are physiologically incapable of sleeping without access to a milk bottle because of addiction issues.
The only reason civilization was able to develop is that food opiates (via grains) were able to increase our tolerance for miserable living conditions. Whenever there has been a grain shortage in history, the populations have gone mental from from withdrawal, and woken up to the conditions they were in. The aztecs wiped themselves out despite having adequate food due to a societal schism caused by a grain shortage.
If you stop eating, you will lose weight. Do it long enough, and you might even die.
>n-no you” doesn’t work as a concession I’m afraid, shitskin. Update the AI :)
>For example "a diet should be as diverse as possible" why? For every species it's optimal diet is eating that to which it is adapted, and nothing else. There is no benefit to eating diverse foods that are either bio unavailable or toxic. This is a good example of the sort of banal nonsense that gets tossed around. You don't need any scientific literature to debunk it.
Yes, and when refering to humans, "food" means those things that we can break down and get energy and nutrients from. It's true, if you start grazing grass, it would not be bioavailable to you. If you tried it as a diet, you would just get puke it out and starve. That's because we're not cows. We should also not eat random bird berries we find out in the woods, that's toxic. Very insightful anon.
I disagree with you, but you’re a respectful and reasonable person compared to the majority of retards who screech at me
I’m not a troll btw, I believe this entirely
post hand, jamal
you wont
Well to be fair there is a plapjak with the coomerjack face instead of the emblematic feelsjak face so who knows what version of the plapjak meme these guys are talking about
Delicious bait. Thank you, well done.
The worst one I see is every DYEL on this board and plebbit trying to do shitty squat variations like zerchers when they can't even back squat 225. Same with bench. Retards do contrarian and over complicated bench variants and can't bench 225 on that either
powerlifting and bodybuilding is a yiddish obsession to distract young men and drain their lives. I say this as I know several 40 something year old men who basically spent all of their 20s and 30s obsessing over weights and now have nothing, no career, no money (spent all their money on roids/food), no wife or kids (because it turns out women arnt into bloated roidfreaks) etc and just look around going "what happened"? In some cases their bodies themselves are destroyed and infertile from the roids
Yes, old roiders are usually pathetic specimens. This says nothing about natural bodybuilding, though. Practicing it is one of the most life-affirming things you could possibly do, and it certainly doesn't distract you life's other duties, rather it prepares you for them.
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>few inches of your facial bone structure decides your life
>Sunlight does not necessarily produce permanent photodamage.
Sunlight has actually been shown to be extremely good for you.
It does cause skin cancer. The crazy thing is that even thoughtit definitely causes skin cancer, you are better off increasing the risk of skin cancer by getting sun than not. This is because sunlight makes you much less likely to get basically every other disease (including much more deadly cancers)
i think you just have very poor media literacy. the plapjacks depict a depressing scenario and make it look unpleasant to have sex with a fat chick. as other anons have pointed out, they're doing the exact opposite of what you're saying. both wojaks in the comics have depressed / disgusted facial expressions and their sex looks shameful as fuck.

Wow... you fit in this general quite nicely.

>Do you hecking love science?

>For every species it's optimal diet is eating that to which it is adapted, and nothing else.
Yes; you just didn't understand what I meant. Variety can even mean you sometimes eat pork instead of beef, or corn instead of wheat. Of course you shouldn't eat things you can't tolerate or are net harmful; goes without saying, autist.
>We know that we need animal nutrients for tissue health and that includes cholesterol.
You don't "need" DIETARY cholesterol; only a tiny minority of people do beacause of defective cholesterol synthesis.
>low cholesterol as being the highest risk factor.
Absolutely not; once cholesterol gets low enough, you're completely immune to atherosclerosis.
>if you're lean and eat a diet low in carbs you will necessarily have high total cholesterol
No, that's just the way some people respond to that regimen and if it were true, that'd be the equivalent of saying "my favorite diet invariably leads to excessive ammonia levels, but that's actually a good thing!"
>This seems like you're just trying to be contrarian without having any ability to think for yourself.
Insanely ironic now that I read your schizophrenic takes.
Melanoma risk is inversely correlated with sun exposure. Stop spreading jewish lies.
Jews dont want you getting sunlight retard
>Very insightful anon.

It certainly can make life much more harder or easier.

>It does cause skin cancer.
Excessive sun exposure is positively associated with a type of skin cancer but negatively associated with malignant melanoma. Not you, but some brainlets can't discern between too little, just right and too much when it comes to sunlight.
Cacao has near mystical properties that should be used for strength gains as much as possible
I unironically do what I autustically call potions which bssically are drinks with active herbs/spices that have some sort of property, and nothing is as good as a cacao based potion. I buy cacao nibs and blend them into a paste (which then hardens) and I use that as a base for any cacao concoction. Best results for cacao based potion:
Milk warmed with jalapeño seeds (can also use dried spices but I like using fresh seeds because they don't have any flavor and add capsaicin)
Cinnamon (optional)
Cacao paste
A pinch of salt
1 tsp honey
I use a hand blender to form a foam.
I can post other potions if someone is interested, this one has the most noticable results though
it's probably the caffeine and flavonoids working together
This just sounds like that Aztec hot chocolate. You're telling me if I just drink that, I'm basically on roids?
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I'm so schizoid I don't want to do anything with my life. I want to stay home and watch movies and sometimes lift. I even want to go monkmode (NoFap celibate). I'm so DONE
You clearly misread what I wrote. I said sun cancer risk goes down the more sunlight you get.
>The prevailing or loud opinion here seems to be that plant foods are bad, particularly seed oils (not whole seeds) and grains (they're right about the former generally speaking)
This is just from a couple annoying schizos
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But then how do you plan for the future and long term goals? Delayed gratification and all that
I made a whole post about exactly this
Psyops gonna psyop
/b/ is completely eroded, the flamboyantly coy are here too
You didn't hear it from me, but world milities are currently experimenting with dispersible munitions, and within the next three or four years we're going to see most of america wiped out by dispersible atomics.
Before then we're going to have smart-dust poisoning attacks assassinating lots of political and industrial figures, and a general deterioration of trust amongst all strata of society because of the inherent anonymity of these attacks.
I mean uhh, carbs cause disease and eggs cure cancer. haha.
nukes don't exist anon
>You don't need specialized knowledge to know it's true. There's life there and yet sunlight is non-esxistent; look it up.
Well those animals live on particulates shed by animals that live up i the sunlight e.g. whalefall
>>various mythical creatures such as dragons and gnomes are historically written about from nations completely independent of eachother
I studied Anglo-Saxon at university and I found something really interesting.
Historical records pre-1066 are few and between but what we DO have is something called the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, which is a compilation of annals from around the UK. Essentially monks would keep records- very brief ones- of significant events that happened each year. A lot of them obviously corroborate each other, and put together we have hundreds of years of recorded chronological events and the years in which they took place.
Now, in 793 we have multiple monasteries across the North of England (Northumbria) noting down that a dragon flew across the sky. Again, this is multiple testimonies from different monasteries in the same geographical area.
>"In this year terrible portents appeared in Northumbria, and miserably afflicted the inhabitants: these were exceptional flashes of lightning and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air."
Now retard academics have handwaved this away with various bullshit copes because "obviously dragons aren't real". One excuse I've seen is that it was a comet. Except there are comets all the fucking time, and no other time in hundreds of years of recorded history did they mistake a comet for a dragon. Something happened that made various different people look at it, and go "yep, that's a dragon".
One of the most well-respected academic takes on it, put forth by Oxford University, is that they poetically used dragons as a metaphor for the people's anxieties about the turn of the millennium. Except this occurred over 200 years before the millennium, and nothing was mentioned about dragons at all in the 1000 AD entries. Let alone how much of a reach it is to decide it's a way of poetically capturing an inner emotional state. That's laughable. But that is genuinely the "best" explanation we have for it.
>Again, this is multiple testimonies from different monasteries in the same geographical area.
Dragons might have existed but eye-witness testimony is quite unreliable. The case of the Russians in England exemplifies this:

That's all I'll comment on because dragons are of course off-topic.
>You need MORE sunlight and lack of sunlight leads to worse health, lower testosterone, and cancer. Sun gives life to EVERYTHING and you would be dead without it yet you actually got psyoped to thinking its bad
Sunlight is good for grass that the cows eat and I eat the cows. If I could cut-out the middlemen and just survive on sunlight I would, but the human body has a digestive tract for a reason.

We only need the visible and IR part of the light spectrum from the sun. UV does nothing but damage it.
>You can literally join a pedophile Discord server and see wojaks depicting the "non pedos".
I'm gonna forward this. goodbye anon.
Plapjak turned me off fatties because it made me realize half the girls I've fucked are plap pigs. Now I self reflect while doing it and can't get off, I just see the pathetic plapjak meme and my body doesn't want to nut. It's further devalued fatties if anything.
Pale people die of skin cancer, tanned people dont. Really that simple
>LARPing as a pedo is Le funny !
Yes, it can be, but I'm not the Discord guy nor I thought he was funny. I simply chuckled at
>I'm gonna forward this. goodbye anon.
same. stay based brother
Post body and totals if you actually got anything out of "potions"
UV is literally what makes vit D retard
Most likely. But caffeine makes me feel energetic and jittery and a bit stressed, this (which obviously has less caffeine) just makes me feel stronger, like I can squeeze out an extra rep or two

It's basically xocolatl yes. Only warriors and nobles were allowed to drink it, to them it was the equivalent of melting down gold and drinking it. Think about it. Also a lot of records stating soldiers could march for days after consuming it.

>He needs evidence
The obesity epidemic is basically a congenital environmental disaster similar to the autism epidemic, caused by plastics etc in/around the mother before and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and generally legit isn’t the fat person’s fault at all.
Being radically pro glp-1 agonists
I'm not buying real cacao for good vibes and dead warrior hearsay, that shit is expensive.
Here's another potion I like to brew in summer, gives you a nice little boost (it's basically a lemon smoothie… or a thick denser lemonade)
I do it directly in the hand blender cup because I don't own a blender, I blend an entire lemon (peel and remove seeds first if any), add some fresh mint leaves (i have a plant, i dont think it can be substituted), maybe 3-4 tspns of grated ginger (powdered works too but doesnt have that "electric" zingy spice grated fresh ginger has), about 2 tsp of turmeric (I've never tried fresh)… you blend it all and add about a Tspoon of sugar and water until its pleasant to drink and then right at the end add a tsp of baking soda (not baking powder), it will fizz up and complete the flavor. It's an electrolyte drink that doesn't taste like ass
You can get a pound for like 20 bucks wtf
>see wojaks depicting the "non pedos"
This sounds hilarious and I would like to see it without visiting those servers or Discord in general
>microdosing stims
How would you define a microdose? Assuming one has a 30mg Adderal instant release pill. I rarely take them because only 1/4th of one gets me all semi-paranoind as I come down and I don't like being in that state around my wife
>30mg Adderal instant release
that is not a microdose
i took 5mg of adderall and it was effective to treat my adhd symptoms, so i'm talking about something like 1-2mg
That sounds like pro-nigger propaganda to me.

Vitamin D is made on the skin by UVB converting the cholesterol into Vitamin D3, which then needs to be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and converted into calcitriol in the liver. If you so much as take a shower, you're wipe off enough D3 that you would only get an adequate amount of calcitriol from sunlight if you were butt naked all day, every day and never bathed. White people evolved to produce less melanin for a reason, and you can get all the vitamins you need from food. All the same sites that tell you sunlight is the best source of it also call you a stupid conspiracy theorist for not wanting the covid jab.

When UVB hits your skin it damages your DNA, causing it to break apart and one of the chemicals from it thymidine, gets into the part of the skin cell called the melanocyte, which stimulates it into creating more melanin in your skin. It is literally impossible to get a "healthy" tan from sunlight, because all tanning involves damaging the DNA in your skin.
Gotcha, we're on the same page. I could never take a full 30mg, if I could find a way to split the quarter/7.5mg in half (and then maybe another half?) I'd be set but they just crumble apart at that point. Could powder it up and get a sensitive scale I guess
>Could powder it up and get a sensitive scale I guess
this is a good idea, milligram scales are not expensive
barring that you could probably even water dose
>All the same sites that tell you sunlight is the best source of it also call you a stupid conspiracy theorist for not wanting the covid jab.
No they don't, they tell you sun is bad sunscreen good therefore sunscreen is bad and sun is good. You can die of melanoma but i wouldn't
Ngl, every living being is addicted to food and water. How do we break this cycle?
>How do we break this cycle?
You should know exactly what to do.
It’s definitely a psyop.
Based Aztecmaxxxer.
>gay new age buddhigayism babble

yawn, what's next? we should all love each other? KEK
Get your booster
my booster from drinking shitskin kids blood? thanks for reminding me bro
“Lazy” people don’t exist. Not even the fattest lardass on the planet is lazy.
No, “laziness” is a product of our society which requires unnatural behaviors and removes natural socialization. There are no “lazy” hunter gathers.
Thanks, I will always do the opposite of what roidtroons say to do.
As a white person living outside of the arctic circle you need max 5 minutes of sunlight to synthesize all the vitamin D you need. You can calculate how much you need exactly using the UV index for your area.
Absolutely wrong, I am skin type 1, red blonde hair and green-blue eyes. I am white as milk.

This emans that I should fall comfortably in the "5 min per day" rule of thumb when ti comes to sunlight. HOWEVER, I explicitly tried this out one year and developed a huge Vit D deficiency.

So, fwiw, that 5 minute thing doesn't work for Vit D.
>Pale people die of skin cancer, tanned people dont. Really that simple
Also completely wrong. Look at Australia.
>I studied Anglo-Saxon at university and I found something really interesting.
Okay, to make this go back to topic: What was fitness training and exercise in the Dark Ages like? Did people just spar or do drills? Did they do what Vegetius recommended? As I understand it, the only sports people did until the late 1800s was basically warfare exercise. Pleas eenlighten me.
Look at native Australians, not reject anglos
>moving the goal posts
Plapjak clowns on architects and makes them look pathetic tho
The very same year some dragonhead boats came and robbed a monastery in that area for the first, but not the last time. Curious.
I don't think they meant literal schizo posts
How is that moving the goalpost if its still the same, now again pale skin die of skin cancer
>There are no “lazy” hunter gathers.
That's what you assume. The shamans certainly can have the luxury to be lazy.
If you believe in evolution and pangea it's entirely possible these beliefs stemmed from hella long ago. Also dinosaur bones would make me believe in dragons, and evil people you can't see or notice isn't a wildly out of place concept to explain mishaps or cover up lies.
How does falling asleep after drinking coffee have anything to do with milk you artard
Depends on how much skin you expose, if you're standing up or lying down, etc.
Working out in a bald eagle fursuit unironically increases your test and make you more American. Do it at your local PF.
Like I said, you can't get enough of it from sunlight. And the amount you need to expose yourself is not worth the DNA damage you're subjecting yourself to. And your body converts cholesterol into Vitamin D, it doesn't just materialize out of thin air, so you either need to consume cholesterol or whatever your body needs to produce it, and while you're at it you might as well just consume enough Vitamin D directly.

There has to be a reason the body evolved to produce less melanin, likely because production of it isn't worth whatever nutrient your body uses up in order to do it. If there was no downside to it, we'd all have skin that's very dark all the time to keep UV damage to a bare minimum.
Are you that ape who thinks 1x1=2?
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sounding is the fastest way to boost your testosterone
So is bottoming
By "sounding" do you mean sticking a rod into your urethra?
until it hits your ears yes
>until it hits your ears
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>Until it hits your ears
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oh yes my ears are ring a ding ding a ling a linging
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do you make the fraud eagle sound or the biblically accurate one
You just shout "America" at the top of your lungs during your rep to keep count
>ie: 1 America! 2 America! Etc
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bitches know that I'm a freak like the elephant man
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best thread on /fit/ right now
who else is on a train #rightnow
>Take so much hallucinogenic you almost die on a monthly basis to contact the spirits
>"Dude what a lazy faggot, he should be carrying handfuls of berries like me"
adrenal response to food opiate intake after period of withdrawal
Hahahahah. That was truly funny.
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Dry fast is ultimate health pill. No wonder they pushed the "stay hydrated" meme for the cattle.
It makes some evolutionary sense.
Caveman anon didn't had shoes.
Bending your back is good. Twisting your spine is good. Doing these things under load is good. Deadlifting is good and doing it with a rounded back is good. People need to stop being afraid to move their own bodies.
Yeah you shouldn't slip into a rounded back deadlift if you have never trained spinal flexion because you might snapmaxx, but if you have trained in that position, building up little by little through graded exposure, there's nothing to be afraid of. There are fucking monsters out there doing 500lb+ deadlifts from multi-foot deficits or Jefferson curling 4pl8 for reps or hitting 2x BW side bends. Most people will never get there or need to but being able to move in those positions under load is a good thing which makes you healthier and more resilient to injury. Ancient studies performed on the spines of dead pigs don't change that.
Vet here
youre so incredibly smoothbrained it almost hurts
had you seen the difference fluid therapy makes, its astonishing, moreso if you see it while on surgery, its like seeing the tissue come back to life
Pretty much. Even Arnold trained like that before he hopped on the juice.
>shoes deform the feet
Legitimate schizo, if you have the appropriate width shoes do nothing to the feet.

The non schizo answer is shoes change the ankle/hip angles.
Wear the right shoes and it prevents the flare.
Wear the wrong shoes since development and it makes your hips wide as shit because it puts stress on them.
>The glaringly obvious proof this isn't the case is marine life in the abyss and trenches.

False, marine life/microbes in deep ocean and in crevices of the earth with no sunlight still require the sun to exist.
The sun fuels surface level reactions, which as fish ingest microbes ontop of the ocean. They poop out fuel sources that deep ocean creatures eat. Which disperses into the environment.
Same thing with deep cavern creatures, surface animals/plants decompose. Worms and such eat source, source now filters down to sub layer. Sub layer microbes do same thing.
Leaks into cavern systems, cavern sources grow and fuel ecosystem with no sunlight.

Without sunlight, life cannot survive on Earth.
Weighted vests are replacing the children we should be carrying
Unironically this
Yes, depression is often rooted in self obsession.
This is why monks who spent their whole lives battling themselves and making the struggles of man their focus ended up saying that pride is the root of even the self-hating disorders
Genes that influence personality are often linked to physical traits
I'm not the previous guy but there are some microbes that live on chemical energy from hydrothermal vents
Most based post in this thread
Can anyone really plan for the future in 2024?
I suspect if you actually gain discernment from that, making decisions moment to moment isn't all that bad.
Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world anon
Im not a horse
So you admit it does deform your feet retard
I'm also a wormpilled. The back bends. I don't do rounded back deadlift since that's only stretching the spinal erectors, I basically do weighted toe touches
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Interesting. Makes sense. You may be right, at least somewhat.

>Legitimate schizo, if you have the appropriate width shoes do nothing to the feet.
Legitimate dimiwit. The forefoot in healthy human feet, even narrow ones, is significantly wider than the heel of the foot and REGULAR footwear is not foot-shaped; the toebox is much narrower than the heel area and normal feet are widest at that point when standing up.

Even if regular footwear were foot-shaped, there's at least another part of the foot their features deforms.

>Without sunlight, life cannot survive on Earth.
Obviously. I think we were talking about direct sun exposure.
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>the children we should be carrying
The vast majority of people shouldn't reproduce.

This. Physiognomy is real and that should be obvious.
Absolutely true. Dry fasting is just superior in every single way. I was surprised how much easier is dry fasting compared to when you use water to cope.
Drinking water activates the digestive system and makes it harder for the body to adapt to endogenous nutrition.
It's also like 3x more effective in losing "fat" because a large % of "fat" weight is just water, which in a dry fast you actually tap into.

It's just retarded how people keep believing you need water at all.
>Genes that influence personality are often linked to physical traits
I've noticed how different hair colors are predictive of different personality traits.

People with dark hair tend to be devious, distrusting, always assume the worst intentions in others. You have to be very specific and make it extra clear you didn't mean anything bad when you talk to them.
People with fair hair have a tendency to be naive, overly trusting, tend to assume good will in others.
People with red hair are overly emotional and sensitive. Also, the most likely to become addicted to substances. They are more sensitive to both pain and pleasure.
I read here in 4chan a ginger talking about how they need about twice the amount of opiates after a surgery to keep them from being in extreme pain.

This is also something that you can observe in cats. Heard a veterinarian talking about it, how orange cats are most likely to become obese and have the least self-control when it comes to food.
Black cats tend to be more silent, and climb to higher places more often than other cats to stalk their owners. etc. etc.

All anecdotal evidence, but just too much of it to ignore.
How can I do a parasite cleanse?
"Parasites" are mostly a hoax. These creatures (worms, etc.) do exist, but they're not parasites. They are symbiotes. They accomplish a beneficial role in the organism.
They only and exclusively eat dead tissues, and your body incubates their eggs intentionally when they are needed. "Parasites" are a SYMPTOM of disease, a healing mechanism, not the disease itself.
You will NEVER be able to get rid of all "parasites" because they and their eggs are a natural part of all animal tissues, including human, and you're only harming yourself trying to remove them.

So-called parasites like Trichinella have been used to cure disease, especially IBS and other related conditions.

My process:
>16+ hour fast
>first thing after fast I took this kind of supplement (blacknut, wormwood, clove) destorys parasites
>cut up garlic, let it oxidize for 5 minutes, then swallow with water(easier for me then eatting)
>drink lemon juice as this weakens the parasites
>eat a banana for potassium to help shit out parasites
>take 3 a day, first thing awake last thing before sleep
>also eat pumpkin seeds which kills parasites
>who else is on a train #rightnow
Be careful, plenty of actually schizophrenic advice here.
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Parasites are killed by fasting, Jesus and Budda both fasted for 40 days and reached enlightenment. Research shows parasites die if you fast for 40 days so....

Don't fall for these kind of propaganda posts that try to convince you that you need parasites, they dont want you to reach enlightenment
Fascinating image and interesting opinion on fasting.
>It's also like 3x more effective in losing "fat" because a large % of "fat" weight is just water, which in a dry fast you actually tap into.
This makes literally no sense. Fat cells store fat. They store almost NO water compared to any other cell, since it has almost zero intercellular space that isn't a pool of FAT.. Chemically, fat itself has no fucking water in it, you might have a clue why.
Overall you are about as retarded as the guy who thinks vitamin D is made on the outside surface of the skin
This is just retarded religious superstition. I'm all for extended fasting for intervals of 48-72 hours max, but doing it for 40 days is just stupid and incredibly damaging to your body.
I know we're in a "schizo" thread, and we're supposed to post unconventional views, but the picture you just posted is some next level mentally ill schizo rambling.
Dumbass. Picture related. Literally 15 seconds through Google.

>Chemically, fat itself has no fucking water in it,
The fat itself doesn't, but the human fat tissue that we store it in absolutely does.
So if you burn 4000 calories of fat in a day, 444 grams of fat, you'd release a whopping 66ml of water to your system.
WOW, INCREDIBLE. You're only missing another two liters of water! I assume you get it from the cum you drink, but how do you suggest a straight male who doesn't want to get brain shrinkage get it?
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The physiques that are achievable naturally are way way better than most lifters, especially online, think.

For example someone like David Laid, if you ask anyone on /fit/ and they'll write a 10 page doomer essay on why his physique is unachievable naturally. Even though he doesn't have that much muscle at all.

To highlight this, look at picrel. If you teleported this mf into 2024, gave him a pump and downlighting, and then claim he's natural, every redditor and fitizen will laugh at you.

Even though this photo was taken before steroids even existed + he wasn't even a lifter, he was a wrestler. Sure he might have lifted weights/did calisthenics but he sure as hell didn't achieve his full hypertrophy potential.

Give this man a hypertrophy training program, a modern day protein rich diet and he'll be laughed at as the fakest natty.
It's comforting to know I will never be this mad from being wrong.
There's no evidence that people need 2L of water every day. It's a propaganda hoax you and millions of other NPCs keep thoughtlessly parroting.
So they're like cancer in that sense? A symptom of an underlying problem. I can see that. But what if they decide to sperg out and start eating your healthy tissue? Or run out of dead tissue to eat when you fast for long times?
And by maintaining good health canI avoid having these niggas breeding and growing a chinese worm dynasty in body?
What are they a symptom of? Just terrible health in general?
NOOOO!!! I love my pet tapeworm Fluffy!
I am about to get on another train. Its a monorail. I am at Alton towers theme park
>High serum cholesterol levels are the biggest atherosclerosis risk factor
Despite billions spent on decades-long studies attempting to prove this finding the exact opposite to be true
Or just eat carnivore and get rid of your diet-caused anxiety without forcing yourself to be stupid
based thread. there should be regular shizo general, like with fph.
You are correct. Him being a wrestler and him looking like that reminds me of the overlap between wrestling and body building. Both anaerobic and both push muscles closer to failure. Wrestle and you'll feel like you did a workout the next day. My old bjj coach (yes it's not wrestling but it's grappling) was built like a brick shit house and I knew he never lifted.
what did he mean by this???
your body already produces about 40% of the water in it through an enzyme that turns fat into water and carbon dioxide. a fat person can not only go months without food, but also weeks without water.
not even that controversial but eating earwax and boogers helps your immune system
i moved to the east coast 4 years ago and i was having all sorts of allergy symptoms (never had an allergy back in the west coast) but when i started eating my earwax and boogers it all went away in a week
you get used to the taste surprisingly quickly

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