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/fit/ - Fitness

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If op is a female i want to marry you
Why give up on free discipline points in the form of maintaining a strict diet?
Why do people use indoor plumbing to bathe? Why give up free discipline points in the form of fetching water from a well, heating it on the stove, and then pouring it into a large tub?
>Why give up free discipline points in the form of fetching water from a well, heating it on the stove, and then pouring it into a large tub?
That takes a shitload of time. Eating less doesn't.
They just want an excuse.
>lol wouldnt it be funny to trick people into using this unnecessary pharma product
Wow, epic troll bro. Real ecks dee. fr fr no caps.
You can order it from China or India for relatively cheap retard. It’s only expensive for retards who go through the (((medical))) system
>u cant make fun of me or ill say ur mad
Wow. Next level. Yep. I can see it. This is the stuff. The good stuff. Well trolled.
losing weight naturally also takes a shitload of time. meanwhile people on ozempic are dropping 50 lbs or more in 6 months. there's nothing wrong with using human inventions to make your life easier. you do it every single day of your life. sorry you had to find out this way
No one here is going to take the poison, pharma shill. Deal with it (seethe quietly).
I'm taking it :^)
Using a drug doesnt make the weight loss faster in this scenario
U a ho or bitch?
Yeah like I'd trust anything coming out of either of those shitholes lmao.
honestly if you're gonna take a drug with side effects to decrease your appetite why not just do meth
it probably costs less, is more fun, and you'll actually get extra benefits from it like having meth-fueled creative episodes
the only downside is it's not good for you but so is the pharmaslop so they're equal on that regard, maybe not even equal, meth makes you a cool schizo tweaker but the fatty drug makes you poop out oil and shit which is FAR less cool
take the methpill anons
I've said it in the last ozempic thread. It's so funny people going out of their way and paying up just to look like what I, and many others (no fats), look like naturally. Kek it doesn't even cross our mind what being fat is like yet there are fats that will literally take mystery pharma just to look like us
I'm both (^:
pls , I beg you , make a thread with results on this shit.... keep us updates and all...we want that first point of view if you know what I mean....
like we need /ouranon/ on this topic you know....
And now anyone can look like you and you have nothing left to feel superior about. Be mad!
Are fatties really this delusional? I guess no one's ever wanted to look like you so you can't see the humor in it.
I'm not American, it's cheap as shit here.
Still won't inject myself to not get hungry since, again, I'm not American, I have self control, I can wait two weeks for my hunger pangs to go away on a calorie restriction.
By the way, it's 103 euros without a prescription for a month's supply or 33 euros with a prescription which I could get easily since I know lot of diabetics.
Still won't touch that shit, just wanted to make you fatties jealous.
Yes it does
>in this scenario
Which scenario , the one where you have a fatty who has never been able to lose weight their entire adult life vs the same fatty who decides to get on ozempic and drops 100 lbs?
If you are comparing someone on a strict diet to someone on ozempic then the only fair conparison is they are using the ozempic for hunger control. If you are a fitness minded person you are regulating and counting your macros and calories, which would be irrelevant of you were just eating ad libitum on ozempic.
Individuals who possess the discipline to adhere to a strict diet are fundamentally different from those who have struggled with obesity since childhood. The issue of obesity is profound, and simply advising someone to "just be disciplined" is demonstrably ineffective, even if they acknowledge the validity of the advice. They could struggle for years to "discipline" themselves and in the end they might still die fat after living a miserable life. Food addiction is a genuine condition. Just like there's medications to aid people in overcoming alcoholism and drug addiction—conditions that also could, in theory, be conquered through sheer willpower—there is merit in providing alternative options to help people overcome their food addiction. Offering proven alternatives to those struggling with obesity demonstrates compassion for your fellow human beings, something I am well aware is a completely foreign concept to the sociopaths of /fit/.
I'll fuck your mom in my off white t shirt
You are injecting a premise that wasnt in the original argument, I didnt read past the first sentence, because clearly your point is irrelevant
What I find funny is how pathetic this post makes you sound. On a fitness and health board, obsessed with your own body, likely driven by intense insecurity. You interpret others' efforts to seek help for their health issues as validation, trying to convince yourself that you're not as profoundly worthless as you fear deep down.
The original argument was "why not just be disciplined and maintain a strict diet", please try to keep up
Can you show me where in those words are "obese since childhood"
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More like Ozempig!
We're talking about a drug thats prescribed to treat obesity, in case you're not aware
Correct, its not there, because again, its a premise you added. Have a good one I'm not going to respond further.
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What are you gonna get when you trade in your discipline points?
This: "If you are a fitness minded person" is a premise that YOU added. Obviously, a fitness minded person is not the kind of person who gets prescribed one of these drugs, Einstein. You display a remarkable talent for misunderstanding even the simplest concepts, at this point you make a rock look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Only poor people pay for something you can get for free.
Reddit sois hate discipline and love big pharma, thoughever.
lol what the fuck are you talking about, the question is whether fat people should take ozempic or not, so the only fair comparison is a fatty who tries “muh discipline”, vs an equal fatty who shoots up ozempic
Please dipshit try to keep in mind people get fat in the first place because they have problems disciplining themselves

Now which one do you think will lose 50 lbs faster

that's why rich people live in homeless shelters instead of buying three houses
Homeless shelters aren't free they're paid for by taxpayers. Checkmate paypiggy.
Sometimes I just want to jump through the computer screen and fuck your brains out show you what a real man feels like
my european socialized health insurance isn't free it's paid for by taxpayers
checkmake chuddy
This might be the most reddit post I've seen all day

>rich enough to afford all the food
>too poor for a drug to combat the results of excess food

21st century America is a strange place.
buy an ad, not buying Ephedra 2 Heartattack Boogaloo
Every person with a working brain can tell when you lost the thread of this particular discussion. Retard.
you're the one who replied to my post about fatties with some retarded unrelated point about fit people, moron
Just use the fatties as biofuel
The ones who refuse help maybe
the ones who get on Ozempic and stop being fat are fine
Here are two scenarios.
Fatty 1
>stops pigging out 24/7
>starts eating healthy whole foods full of nutrients his body needs
>starts lifting, gains lean mass which means his metabolism rises
>looks good after losing a lot of weight unless excessively loose skin
>is healthier in every regard

Fatty 2
>injects ozempig
>arbitrarily stops eating, diet is still slop
>loses a bunch of muscle mass, BMR gets nuked
>possible serious side effects
>ends up skinny fat at the end of it all and still unhealthy
>balloons the fuck back up without ozemPIG
Yesss ozempix good. Only rots your gut and makes the majority of users lose a high amount of muscle.
This. If your diet is shit and you get on Ozempic, your diet will still be shit, you will just eat less of it. So if your shit diet had 60 grams of protein a day and now you eat half what you used to, now your diet will have 30 grams of protein. Any semblance of muscle will disappear. This crap is a recipe for people looking like shit.
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>Average weight
>Wanna be kpop skinny
>Gonna starve myself anyway
>STICC queen
>No discipline required lol
Person 1
>becomes a millionaire
>goes to a casino, bets it all on red, wins
>repeats until billionaire
>is richer and healthier
If your "plan" predisposes success as step 0 and doesn't account for possibility of failure anywhere in it, it's not a plan, it's a wish list. Are you retarded or something? You think you're the first one to come up with "eat less and exercise"? Maybe someone should tell fatties that Mr.Sherlock over here finally cracked the code.
Shouldn't you have learned by now to shut your fucking mouth when above average IQs are talking?
NTA, but you seem to be pretty retarded yourself. Go inject your pharma juice, you're always going to look like shit.
NTA but you're definitely the retarded one here
The entirety of medicine isn't a conspiracy to kill you, fucktard. it's okay to get help from doctors rather than relying on natural voo doo remedies from 4chana
That's a nice fairy tale you wrote there. Anyway here's the reality

Fatty 1
>Stops pigging out 24/7
>Starts eating healthy whole foods full of nutrients his body needs
>Gives up after a month like fat people always do WHICH IS WHY THEY'RE FAT
>is still unhealthy in every regard
>tries and fails this cycle over and over and over again
>4chuds mock them

Fatty 2
>Gives up on this cycle and admits they're a flawed human being who needs help
>Injects ozempic
>Loses more weight than they've ever been able to lose by themselves
>Suffers some side effects
>Still way healthier in almost every way than they would have been if they didn't get medical intervention
>4chuds mocks them anyway

Seems like the lesson here is to just ignore the fuck out of you people
>The entirety of medicine isn't a conspiracy to kill you
Did I say that, inbred?
Strawmen, strawmen everywhere.
Do you understand that Fatty 1 could do it right if he actually wanted to?
Only barbie I want is one I can cook on

Oh my bad, here's a revised version of Fatty 1

>4chud tells fatty "just do it right lolz"
>Fatty gives up after a month like fat people always do WHICH IS WHY THEY'RE FAT
>is still unhealthy in every regard
>tries and fails this cycle over and over and over again
>4chuds mock them

Thanks for the input, doc
You're using "chud" unironically. The absolute last thing anyone should ever do is listen to you about anything. You're extremely mentally ill.
>druggies coping this hard over being called out for being retarded
You are unironically a chud
I just don’t even see the point. It makes you less hungry? Ok. So what? I don’t even get hungry until like 5 pm anyway. All I have to do is not stuff my face between 5 pm and bedtime. Is that really so hard? No. So why do I need this stuff? I don’t see how there could be anyone for whom this isn’t true.
That's right everyone is exactly like you
all of your "pharma grade" meds are coming from the exact same factories that grey/black market stuff comes from.
>take pill
>not as hungry anymore
>eat less
>loose weight
It's literally that simple.
Loose pussy make my dick limper than a pasta noodle
>take a drug to lose weight
why dont you take a drug to get FUCKING HUGE and burn all them calories in effort of getting GAINS
do steroids pissbaby retard
I have a measured IQ of 132.

Stop stuffing your face and you won't be fat.
That'll be 500$ for the consultation.
Your analogy is flawed.
>becomes a millionaire
This is within your own control to some extent, but
>goes to a casino, bets it all on red, wins
This is outside of your control.

Food can't enter your mouth without your consent. Door dash slop doesn't ambush you and force itself down your throat. You have full control, and thus being a fatty is entirely a conscious choice.

If you don't agree with this, you are implying that fatties are not conscious and thus not the same species as I am. In which case we should swiftly allow hunting them like game.
Damn how come nobody thought of that before..
You heard it here first folks! The geniuses of /fit/ have finally cracked the code! The cure for obesity that affects half of the population has been found! Next year this time there will no longer be a single fatty around!
Kek he views it as a moral issue of willpower. I've seen these "beautiful people" talk behind what they thought were closed doors, and it's not interest in uplifting their fellow man that motivates them, it's a desire to feel superior. Mock the woman eating a block of cheese, take photos of poor folks at Walmart.

GLPs are changing the game. It'll be like the sneetches on the beaches, the sneeches with the stars be sweating.
Hunting fatties to extinction would eradicate obesity.
Imagine being a grown man who take Ozempic instead of just running gear lmao . Both with accomplish the same thing, except steroids will boost your test, help you build muscle, and turn you into a confident man.
This is why I support ozempic
These people are basically low class bottom of the social hierarchy peasants that have nothing going for them other than their appearance, and they rage at the thought that the only people they perceive as lower than them might have a chance to get on their level.
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Yes, being fat is a conscious choice.
Which is why I consciously choose to shoot up Ozempic
Us rich and lazy upper caste will have our trained dogs hunt you peasant pigs for sport
You can't lose money at a casino without your consent either
Do you have any evidence of that?
>a thing exists? but *I* don't need it, so why does it exist?
Imagine being this low IQ and self-absorbed.
>if you're too poor to afford it just say
That's like a damn car payment at that point lol
My mother has a friend who took this. It fucked up her insides so now she has to have fluid removed. It may be permanent.
What condition does she have?
Aw man, they're not gonna put her fluid back in?
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You could be rich if you actually wanted to
I got Ozempic for free and legally. Because I am poor. Thanks, Medicaid!
Hmm I did exactly that without ozempic. Skill issue
ohnonono, anon is about to become yet another weightloss statistic
This is the fitness board
>"If you are a fitness minded person" is a premise that YOU added.
Please read OP.
>if YOUR too poor to afford it.
YOU being a person on the "health and fitness board"
>why not just do meth
crazy sides, dangerous, still expensive, fucks with your circadian, stops you from being efficient
>oh and
you can still on that, if you are the type
Which app is this?
Graph looks great
this shit will be deemed a carcinogen in 20 years when the Lipozene style litigations rev up.
Who is this one insane redditor anon spamming "TAKE OZEMPIC!" every day? What drives him?
I’m /fit/ and using retatrutide and cagrilintide to get shredded, as an adjunct to make calorie counting easier.

If you eat sufficient protein and lift, you don’t lose more muscle mass than you usually do on a cut.

GLP-1s just make nattys seethe
Some pay pig that does their advertising for free.
I like the stock
Are you fucking stupid. It's basically an very closely similar chemically, artificial hormone that increases insulin sensitivity and decreases appetite. Diabetics have been injecting insulin, a hormone, for decades with little side effects. This isn't like injecting Estrogen or Testostoerone either.
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>these are similar so if some is benign the other one is
Terrible argument.
ozempic is produced in denmark nigger, chinese and indian pharma is shit compared to european standards
Methamphetamine is better than Ozempic

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