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Yet another Dasha thread

No sarms
No source talk
Read le hecking based epic chugus 100 wiku
Wasn't paying attention and accidentally pinned with an 18g drawing needle, suprisingly painless but it was a bleeder
brunette dasha > blonde dasha
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putting this used up whore in your threads really undermines them and makes me not wanna participate in them.
>Wasn't paying attention and accidentally pinned with an 18g drawing needle
you might wanna back off from the roids for a while, the mental fog is upon ye.
or atleast ask a bro with less mental fog for help with the pinning.
Then don't no one will miss you Dasha board newfag
>gyno flare up finally over

That was very annoying, remember to take your tamoxifen gynobros.
This wasn't my question, but this was the last post in the last thread, so no one could answer and I found it interesting:

Can someone explain to a retard why you'd ever take oral steroids outside of a legitimate bodybuilding contest or to break through a plateau as a power lifter?

I've been reading tons of bodybuilding forums about literally every oral, and they all come back to "it just fills you with water and it all goes away after". The consensus after reading tons of steroid forums is

Tbol: uhh boats you and not much gains bro
Dbol: mega bloats you and you lose it all after bro
Superdrol: can only run it for 2 weeks so literally no time at all to build muscle (literally why would anyone take this except 2 weeks out from a show?)
Anadrol: all the gains go away after you quit bro
Anavar: you don't really build much on it bro, it's for cutting
Winstrol: makes your hair fall out and fucks up your joints

The common theme I've found even on the pro bodybuilder forums is they leave you with almost no keep able legitimate gains, unless it's something like anavar or Tbol to which people say it's not worth running for relatively little amounts of lean mass and to just inject instead. Literally what's the point of oral steroids?
Still on my first blast and testing out where I like my E2 and I'm pretty sure dropping my arimidex all together for a month now has made me insanely tired all the time. I am also wildly horny 24/7. I felt better when I crashed the living shit out of my E2.
>no sarms
fuck you nigga I have a sarm related question. is there any reason why a man on trt shouldn’t occasionally do a sarm cycle? obviously they’d be less effective than traditional orals but many of them like s4, ostarine, and lgd are seemingly much safer on the hair than something like var or winnie. I don’t intend to do this at this point as i’m a nattycuck, but I am considering doing trt when I get older and my natty test drops. any opinions?
Despite being DHT derived, Anavar is the least androgenic steroid, and is exactly why women pretty much exclusively use Anavar over anything else. Anavar is very hair safe.
kek did that with a 21g. Was like that felt weird going in, looked down, oh
>waaaah everyone knows about my (wtf really) 30 year old whore wannabe
top kek
this, kek
nothing makes this thread look more faggy then simping over ugly whores, at least pick hot ones
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I've asked this before, got an answer regarding GH but I only pin test for 5months
Why are my hands/finders going numb and tingling when at my computer desk? On and off but enough to be concerned. Have to take them off the desk and shake them for a sec.
MPMD may be full of shit then, I watched a video of his on hair safe roids and he ranked anavar as high risk
Check your blood sugar, that’s a diabetic symptom
Dasha's pure sex you fag
Was watching some old roid guys talk, and they got on about looking for anything to gain a couple of pounds back in the day, and how difficult it was to find info/sources/different compounds. They also talked about how fast crazy rumors spread, and how they still persist. One i recall was the origin of deca dick -- some dudes only had deca, so that's all they used, and they fucked their shit up.
MPMD just reads wikis and public studies.
Regardless anavar is a shit compound for men.
Dbol is super fun as a PWO and you’ll keep some of your gains

Sdrol rapes your liver but is strong and it has the side effect of increasing the amount of glycogen in your muscles making you look fuller

Var works and has very few side effects, so why not

Adrol does make you bloat but its kinder on your liver and you will keep some of your gains

Never done tbol

Generally though, injectables are superior to orals in every way. Orals are nice when it means there is one less thing to inject.

Not sure about the rest, but var and winstrol give you noticeable strength gains without increasing mass. Winny is waaaaay stronger but is hella liver toxic.

I've run them both but didn't gain a lot outside of strength (and feeling like dogshit). From what more dialed in people tell me, it's like a chisel if you are already hovering near single digit BF %. So the average roider has no need for them.

Was thinking about trying turnibol. A shit load of athletes take it. Supposedly it gives some performance boost without tanking cardio. Anecdotally it's one of the most popped for PEDs in boxing and mma.
guys are still running 7 grams plus of gear with GH and insulin and niggas on here be scared of going a gram of just anabolics lmao.
DBOL is great, mixed with Winstrol is actually insane.

In the golden age there was no such thing as test base or pct. You just sucked it up. Those guys were savages.
Arnold talked about how he gave terrible advice to fellow competitors on purpose just to fuck with them. You think they didn't have a test base and didn't blast grams of shit? Lmao, retard.

No, I don't think they did because they all fucking said it. They would run primo and dbol and work out for 3 hours and do everything that would make gatekeepers cry.

kek'd hard
lol, go ahead and run shit without a test base retard lol. Report back in a couple months.
Dbol acts as a test base in that cycle retard. Crashed test doesn’t really matter, crashed estrogen as a result of crashed test is what fucks you up. Dbol aromatizes so it can act as a test base.
you're not doing that, golden age bodybuilders didn't do that. Post your vials and caps retard larper.
I mean it's so genetic related anyway that you should just run the "hair safe" shit and if your hair starts falling out, then just drop the compound immediately.
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>you pinned yesterday
>Dasha asks you to give her butthole some oral attention
hello cardiac arrest
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>No strength gains 4th week 500mg test
Is it junk?
basically everything you wrote is wrong but gj on your "research" I guess
can someone just tell me what their test levels were like on 500mg testosterone enanthate/week
t. 1783 ng/dl

That's low. Did you just start in the last few weeks? I would expect 2500. You might be a low responder, gear might be underdosed, or are you taking proviron or something that would clear it faster?
Last time i've checked i was at 1998ng running only 150mg/w.
I doubt that your gear is underdosed because it's dirt cheap anyway.
You're most likely a shit responder and this is exactly why faggots are told to run 500mg for their first try, not fucking 300mg.
If it's real gear you'll put on water weight fast and before anything else. If it's just oil or severely underdosed nothing will happen. That will happen even if you're stupid and don't train or eat right.
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if anybody is paranoid about hairloss, they shouldn't touch gear. It's endless pit of seething and coping.
>can't use 99% of the meat and potatoes besides basic bitch test
>spend loads of money on Fin, RU, topical creams etc etc
that's gotta be underdosed, which happens from batch to batch.
test is shit for strength either way, tren and orals will blow your strength up.
Some people just don't respond the same to test and you'll get outliers at either end. Some respond differently to different injection sites or esters too. I don't know why people keep assuming everyone must be the same when it comes to responses when genetics makes a world of difference even with normal mainstream medicines or over the counter stuff.

500mg has been a standard dose for a long time and it's a pretty good rule of thumb. The new era of playing down doses and pretending no one is taking anything more than 5mg ladyvar tabs once a week is hilarious when I have seen the forum posts from years back from people who are now pros or making money as influencers who were taking grams a week of gear and all the shit they could grab on top.

I especially enjoyed seeing all the YT grifters revise their "public" opinions and tell people to waste their time on TRT doses and pretend that is what got them and their buddies where they are, even pulling down old videos where they suggested very different doses before the YT shekels poured in.

Test isn't usually underdosed for cost savings. It gets underdosed because the brewer is just some jerk off making it in his kitchen or he got real busy and had his gym bro who doesn't know shit come help him.
I had this problem, about 1700 ng/dl on 500mg test, was 6 weeks in. I just switched providers and got different test E. I haven't got a blood test yet since but that's the best advice I can give. We may be poor responders or it's watered down test, but I can tell you I've made good gains regardless if it fixed it or not.

t. on week 14 of 500mg test, my first cycle
>YT TRT grifters
my favorite is the line of "oh yea i'm running 175mg of test", while their skin is dry asf from masteron, and other dry compounds. It's like nigger common, I wasn't born yesterday.
Depends on your goals, I guess. If you want to hit a meet PR (and there's no testing) why not go for some oral "preworkout"? I'm not sold on orals for most people who aren't powerlifters needing temporary boosts or somehow need every scrap or trick they can get for a stage placement and for some reason can't get it from the wide array of injectables. I prefer injectables as less to worry about and less risk to the liver or kidney.

Tren has a magic reputation but there's plenty other things that work great too and guys with the size to show it even if you don't get on well with it. I mean there's a half dozen things you can probably easily get and mix and match and there's people out there who can probably swear by each and have good results.

If you can't get muscular looking on a gram of whatever combination of gear, including straight test, then you're probably a research candidate for being that unusual (if unfortunate) cursed ultra low responder. Aside from a freak that has genetics that doom them to skelly mode forever, If someone's running half to a gram of even just test I refuse to believe they can't get big and strong eventually, even if we're not talking about stage or competition ready. Just straight up muscular and strong though? Dramatic transformations in suspiciously short times? Absolutely. Some people also respond really well to just high test alone, for whatever reason. Whatever works for the individual though. It'd be dumb for me to force anyone's hand or choices when they find something they like.
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No, started April 4. My natty baseline was 425 ng/dl.
My injections are 250mg 2x a week. Last injection was almost exactly 3 days prior to taking blood.
Other compounds:
>hcg 250IU EOD
>Aromasin as needed (took 12.5mg two days before bloodwork)
>anavar 20mg daily
>zinc occasionally or if I nutted in the past 24hrs
>krill oil
>vit D if I haven't seen the sun all day
I'm torn between me just being a poor responder, the gear being underdosed, and the timing of the blood draw. I've read anecdotes online of dudes claiming 3000+ ng/dl on 500mg but without mentioning test timings or any specifics. chatgpt suggests I could just be on the low end of the range but that's fucking chatgpt lmao
my source has a pretty good reputation for dosing, they post janoshik results all the time but did have some controversy regarding shilling on alt accounts. The anavar is absolutely real, I had to lower dosing from 40mg to 20mg because the pump and blood pressure spike got insane.
I've still put on about 20lbs while training and eating like shit so it's def not totally bunk.
I'll redeem my bloodwork credit with this source, buy a few extra compounds to extend this cycle and then switch sources on the next go-around I think
>my favorite is the line of "oh yea i'm running 175mg of test", while their skin is dry asf from masteron, and other dry compounds. It's like nigger common, I wasn't born yesterday.
Yeah, it either annoys me or makes me laugh. I guess until you take a dive into the deep end you aren't aware of the reality of gear and don't associate with other people who are involved in it for years. This is why every time they roll their eyes at these YT newbie gear advisors. They aren't much better than fake natties.

I get they're probably trying to play the algorithm and ban-evasion game or want to pretend it's about "harm avoidance" but I doubt that big fibs are really going to work out in the long term because people find out the truth eventually and then rebel and get super jaded and swing the opposite way or they'll get ultra blackpilled when they can't work out why 150mg test didn't make them blow up or feel like a "sharp minded confident predator". Reminds me of the old anti recreational drug efforts where they pretended that all of them didn't make you feel good at all and people taking them felt only bad and were just crazy. Better to tell people the truth of the ups and the downs and there's plenty there to put people off of it if they'll listen to it that way.

I guess that's why Rich Piana still gets so much love. He straight up said he's taking everything he can get and it's killing him but he had chosen his path and it was his life to do it with.
>my source has a pretty good reputation for dosing, they post janoshik results

While jano tests are accurate, it's not hard for a single vial to not reflect a batch. Like I said underdosing is usually not sue to a skim, it's because they fucked up the brew. It's obviously not bunk because you are well over natutal levels, but it might be underdosed.

Blind bloodwork results are a much better indicator.

Median multiplier is 5x. Lower doses run 8-10 for but 500 I would expect 4-6. And 3 days after pin is the standard pin test time.
Sometimes, for whatever reason, some people when taking test injections seem to need quite a lot to get up to a level that beats their natural levels. I've heard of this even with legit TRT and pharma grade adminstered by doctors or nurses. I'm sure there's a medical explanation with how the body processes it or it's mopped up and broken down or absorbed and how that can differer. So it's possible it could just be a weird thing with you and your bloodwork. If you're putting on size and strength then I'd just ride it out and not worry about what your bloodwork says your free T levels are. Maybe your body is using up all that T and there's not much free...never know. A specialist doctor probably would though!
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checked, you can be "big" on just test from the water weight, but you're not going to have the "jacked" look 99% of guys want from just Test.

your blood pressure spikes are from your e2 peaking. Highest amount of water weight, especially since you're running HCG, I guarantee your e2 is on the higher end. Gotta keep it in check with aromasin frequently.
>var pumps
if you're getting painful pumps from var, it's 100% your sodium intake is dogshit. I can run 100mg of var and while the pumps are great, they are nowhere near painful if I get 3-5g of sodium in me per day.

Either way, I wouldn't be too worried. It's just Test, you have so many other things to try. I'd be more worried about your HCG purity honestly.
Dasha fans are unironically gay. you are gay.
>checked, you can be "big" on just test from the water weight, but you're not going to have the "jacked" look 99% of guys want from just Test.
That's fair, depending on your goals and mental image of where you want to be. Most guys working out though aren't looking at ultra cut and dry IFBB pros, even the physique categories, as goals. Test would do almost everyone a dramatic transformation they could only dream of and they can drop down to cruise after they get size to maintain.

If you want to have paper skin and ultra lean and so on for competition or even year round then I guess you are forced to get more complicated as test isn't going to do all of that. Do most guys really want that look though? It tends to be just celebrated by others inside the community who have the eye for things most people wouldn't even be aware of or appreciate or understand (as in what goes into it to get to that point and why we'd be impressed).

>I'd be more worried about your HCG purity honestly.
Almost always underdosed unless you get a really good source. Almost always the same handful of bad india "pharma grade". Even worse if you try to get HMG which I see constantly known proven fake brands still being sold at "good" vendors. At least if HCG underdosed you can make up for it. Once your balls start growing you know its doing something and you've got the right dose. lol
>gyno flare up finally over
>That was very annoying, remember to take your tamoxifen gynobros.
I found Raloxifene to be best for it and it's super specific to that need and doesn't have bad interactions to worry about. Extremesane is awesome too for this issue, just be careful about overdosing on it or you'll feel shitty and want to jump out a window but if you start low and work your way along it's a potential lifesaver for gyno risks if you're prone to it.
>actually you're wrong bro, dbol doesn't out on water weight, also I run sdrol for a year just fine bro
Guarantee you've taken none of those
Anavar was so strong a hair rapist for me I barely had the chance to experience it before I had to quit it. Never again. It was great before a workout but not worth it. Didn't have that with anything else, oddly.
>my source has a pretty good reputation for dosing, they post janoshik results all the time but did have some controversy regarding shilling on alt accounts. The anavar is absolutely real, I had to lower dosing from 40mg to 20mg because the pump and blood pressure spike got insane.
>I've still put on about 20lbs while training and eating like shit so it's def not totally bunk.
>I'll redeem my bloodwork credit with this source, buy a few extra compounds to extend this cycle and then switch sources on the next go-around I think

WTF are you me? My source posted shit and they got removed from SST for shilling. I also was taking 40mg of the var and it was insane pumps, but I dropped it due to high BP. Same issue with my bloods at 1700ng/dl. Was it from 808???
Any reason why you can't just increase your test to a blast and then drop back down to your TRT rather than sarms or orals?

I don't think anyone gets better results from s4, ostarine or lgd than even 500mg of test and going up to that from TRT shouldn't that difficult and almost no worries about fakes, weird reactions, etc.
>My source posted shit
I meant my source posted janoshik and had a good rep too but again removed because of shilling.
Shilling, sock accounts and sending people freebies to then shill for them are all the big red flags. Good gear at good prices with good service will almost sell itself and usually you'll end up with so much demand the limiting factor is how big do you want to go. You've got to question why someone can be run off their feet non stop for orders while someone else needs to bribe people to say nice things. Dishonesty in one area makes me worry about it in other areas.
Fuck you faggot

Where do I get some cialis online (liquid form)?
>not worry about what your bloodwork says your free T levels are. Maybe your body is using up all that T and there's not much free
my only regret is not being able to find affordable bloodwork that measures free test etc instead of just total test. but whatever, I still have usable information
>your blood pressure spikes are from your e2 peaking.
I absolutely believe I have slightly higher e2 from the hcg, ironically that's the only result that hasn't come in yet. I intentionally let my e2 run a little high for the bloodwork because I want to confirm I know what my high e2 symptoms feels like
but as for the blood pressure, I don't think it 's from the e2 because I only noticed it when I added the anavar into the cycle. dropping the anavar fixed it almost overnight. I also started taking L-citrulline.
The thing with var is that there is so much variation in the anecdotes online. Some dudes say they take 100+mg fine, others get debilitated at 20mg. I suspect it also has to do with how often it was faked at some point.
But anyway, by dogshit sodium intake, do you mean not enough sodium, or too much?
lmfao yes literally them. their main brand has a thread on mesorx if you didn't know, otherwise they're banished to a promuscle thread. is it your first cycle?
yeah NTA but for me the controversy really only came to light after I already ordered. Before then it just seemed like they were a little aggressive with their marketing and definitely autistic. It made me paranoid and second-guess a ton but since then they've been doing a ton of damage control on one of their threads. With the results I've made I do think the gear is legit if not underdosed, but I'm probably not gonna order from them again
>lmfao yes literally them. their main brand has a thread on mesorx if you didn't know, otherwise they're banished to a promuscle thread. is it your first cycle?

No fucking way dude. Well good news, I was pinning the exact same amount as you, and was highly disappointed at my bloods when my total test was literally 1700ng/dl, exact same as yours at week 6. I switched sources and now have high e2 sides so I'm thinking the new shit works. Cannot be a fucking coincidence at this point lmao, so unlikely to be super shit responders. Yes, this is my first cycle, so really sucked dick to deal with this on my first go considering I had everything so dialed in otherwise.
haha it's my first cycle as well. what are the odds. but this is a great coincidence, it literally does not get better than having data from another user on the same source. Are you going to get bloods on your new source's testosterone anytime soon?
I decided to add a little oral on top of test and I'm getting absolutely crazy bicep pumps just doing any normal housework, cooking, etc. Please tell me this is a temporary thing or something I can solve by upping my water intake.

It's uncomfortable having this all day in just one spot. Makes my arms feel like they'e been worked but I doubt an artificial pump like that actually causes growth, right?
Hnnnng boner alert
I was 7900ng on 1g
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The average guy/gal is looking at the cut asf Instagram influencers who have size. You can't be big and lean and have that "jacked" look on just test. Nobody actually gives a fuck about bodybuilders, it wasn't massively popular before. And still isn't with social media.
Your sodium intake is low, I guarantee you cook for yourself and keep your salt intake low because of preference. 4-5gs of salt is optimal
if Dasha keeps blastmanlet away i' happy with it
my favorite part was him giving girl advice when he was admitted faggot.
>Your sodium intake is low, I guarantee you cook for yourself and keep your salt intake low because of preference. 4-5gs of salt is optimal
You may be right, thanks. I do indeed tend to cook everything myself for all my meals. It'd be worth experimenting and trying some extra salt to see if that makes a difference. Thank you also for the blessing of fat freckled thighs.
planning on doing two 8 week cycles over the winter, with an 8 week cool off in between
was thinking about stacking ostarine and ibutamoren, not really into needles
going to get my bloodwork done before, during the break and after, anything apart from test that I should get checked?
also, if I crash my shit, I want to have some PCT on hand, would clomid be suitable, or do you have any other recommendations?
Gonna place my order for my first cycle. This look okay?

>> 300mg test-c twice a week for twelve weeks
>> 400 iu hcg eod (total three times a week)
>> 200mg/day p5p
>> 0.3mg/day bpc-157 (i'm about 100kg) for my pateller tendonitis
>> 12.5mg aromasin eod if (when) i get high e2 symptoms
>> after test cycle, continue with hcg while waiting for test to burn off (month?)
>> 40mg/day nolvadex for first month, then 20mg/day for next month
>> 0.25mg cabergoline twice a week if i get titties (high prolactin)

i'll keep an eye on my bloods throughout as well
if you're going to get blood and pct just do test pussy. Pin subcutaneous and you can't fuck it up. If you're aware ibuta will make you hungry as fuck it's ok to stack it.
thanks for the suggestion, but I actually am a massive pussy about shit like this and I know I'd freak out.
I wanna bulk up anyway, so being hungry is a plus I guess?
Retarded idea but go for it
>300mg test-c twice a week
this better be for a total of 600 and not 300 spread over 2 injections
>twelve weeks
>p5p and caber for test
What's causing the prolactin
I'd go for smaller doses spread out if needed to give you better control by splitting the pills.
Also have something good for preventing and controlling gyno like raloxefine.
any low hanging fruit to make it less retarded?
I'm not an expert on sarms but 8 weeks feels too short you get more bang for your buck the longer you go, sarms shit you down so you're gonna need a test base just honestly pin 500mg test you will get way better results
kek what a retard
thanks a lot, will consider this
oh shit i was looking at the same source, about to order for my first cycle as well!

should i avoid them then? did you order from another source from meso/sst?
I've gained 5lbs but i can0't tell if it's water. I'm not fatter I think
Some will be water for sure with all cycles. Normal and nothing to worry about. You can usually tell by the mirror if it's fat or not.
I am on week 16 (just checked) so I'm gonna do bloods at 18 or so and see, yes. Because I plan to cruise after and need to make sure my dosing makes sense assuming I'm not a piss poor responder.

I just found another one desu and it seemed fine. Like the other anon, 808 seemed legit in every way until I had low total test and then checked the forums and saw they were banned. Sucks too because turns out they were literally 20 mins away, so 1 day shipping lol.
>> this better be for a total of 600 and not 300 spread over 2 injections
yes. two injections of 300mg a week, for a total of 600mg a week.
>> why
i thought the usual cycle was 12-16 weeks. figured i'd go for 12 since it's my first one. should i bump it to 16?
p5p on cycle to keep prolactin down, and caber during pct for the same.

i'm planning my cycle. haven't started yet. Right now I'm trying to think of what could go wrong, so I can order everything now and have it on hand if something comes up.

the source i was looking at sells aromasin in capsules unfortunately, so maybe no splitting them.
is raloxefine preferred over aromasin?

thanks, everyone!
Ralox is good because it is hyper specific for the chest and stopping gyno so can be used on its own or in conjunction with AI. It's good as a preventitive and also at higher doses (and probably with the AI) as a way to reverse gyno before it sets in hard. It's also not prone to bad interactions that some other things can. I know it works well with extremesane so it's a powerful anti gyno combination.
taking p5p for test makes absolutely no sense and if you get titties, it's not gonna be from prolactin so your caber is also gonna be useless.
oh what?! no way! i wasn't looking at 808... i was looking at axle! are they the same dude?!
gotcha i'll have to check it out then. thank you!

so drop p5p, forget caber for that, and stick with aromasin (or raloxefine, apparently) while on cycle, and nolvadex for pct?
I haven't ordered again but yes I would avoid them. All their other products (asin, hcg, ralox for the time I had a gyno flare-up) are seemingly working fine but I have no way of testing them aside from sending them to jano, which is a pain and something I'm not going to do.
Their main brand on mesorx (I'm sure you can figure it out which with some searches) has had users in their thread submitting blind jano tests after a guaiacol scandal, which are all checking out thus far. So that counts for something, but keep in mind they can still be using the 808 label to offload shit batches since no one is holding that name accountable afaik.
When you do bloods, do you mind dropping me the test results? that would be the silver bullet to diagnosing my problems
lol yeah you've already figured it out. gj

Wrong ancillaries.

Get adex instead of asin in case you fuck up. You shouldn't need AI on 600mg of test unless you are fat. Be honest.

You need ralox and extra nolva. You don't need caber or p5p. You won't get high prolactin from running 600mg test. If you do get spicy nipples take 20mg of nolva a day for a week. It works fast.

On pct, take HCG for the 1st 4 weeks. Then take 40mg nolva for 2 weeks and 20mg nolva for 2 weeks after that. Nolva has side effects too so you don't want to over do it. You'll bounce back pretty quickly from 600mg test only.
Ah shit. Well, thanks for the warning. Was about to drop $600 on them. Good looking out. Thanks!
Am fat. Last time i did a dexa scan i was at 15%, but I've got a gut again, so I'm probably back over 20.

I had gone with asin since my ldl is shit, and i had read adex isn't great if you have high cholesterol.

I wrote 2-4 weeks at 40, another 2-4 at 20, for nolva pct in my notes. Other things i had read seemed to go more on the longer side, but i hadn't made the connection of test only not needing a longer recovery. Thank you!
>you'll lose ALL your gains and strength immediately bro
>you won't lose most of the gains bro
Who is telling the truth? It's impossible to get a straight answer about orals
I've done oral only cycles back in the 90s when nobody knew what they were doing and you took whatever you could get from your local guy.
They were a waste of time, money, and health.
But you're afraid of needles so whatever.
I'm in the third month of my cycle lmao
I've ran 20mg per day for 4 weeks
>no strength increase
>no visual effect
>lethargy so bad i was falling asleep in my car on the way to the gym

If you're asking about "keeping the gains" from orals it's fucking obvious you won't. That's the entire point of orals - to get acute boost in strength or looks.
What did you expect? Why do you think everyone is against oral only cycles?
because they crash your test and you need a test base? your reasoning is not why people shit on oral only cycles lol
>because they crash your test
What in the fuck you're even talking about? Do you realize that any exogenous testosterone will stop your natural production?
possible they gave you winny labeled var
AFAIK it's one of the few super effective orals but it's so hard on the liver people tend to avoid it. Assuming you recover sensibly or are cruising I don't see why you'd keep gains as other than the proportionally very hard toll on thebody it's all much of the same deal as others. There's a cap on what you can get with it if you consider that time limit for safety compared to long cruises you can do on other stuff.
yes and the exogenous testosterone will make up for it while the oral alone won't.
A superdrol only cycle would be really retarded in this day and age. Although desu I don't know if there's even much of a point to it now. In the past people went for prohormones because they were legal when other options weren't. With it having the same or worse legal status than the alternatives I don't know if it has a place now.
This is the problem sometimes with straying away from test. Everything else can be tainted or faked. Same problem with sarms users who all too often end up getting superdrol or something like that instead and it is really obvious they were duped when you hear the reports of how they react to the "sarm".
newfag here, redpill me on Dasha
Sorry, not anabolic enough for me now as she doesn't fit in a needle.
brands herself as a based right-winger while actually just shilling for normal, lukewarm Republican policies. payed off by homosexual billionaire Peter Thiel as part of his campaign to try to make the GOP cool for young people because he stands to lose a lot of money if aggressive tax reforms ever manage to pass.
Does anyone have any resources for learning about the hormonal/endocrinological/genetic aspect of this stuff? (That isn't Derek)
Does Anavar give you more cramps?
No take 200mg
If if it is for your own academic research and not practical application then you would be best searching papers yourself with relevant tags and titles. Everything you'll get from the bodybuilding communities tends to be very much skewed to just whatever may or may not help with results so you won't get a lot of that background or high level stuff that's more esoteric and less relevant for just juicing and is more aimed at R&D of new treatments.

It isn't really of use to me to know how a lot of these things can operate and vary beyond knowing what is actually available for me to buy and what I can use and how much. Different goals or needs, if you see what I mean.
Yeah I definitely get the distinction but regardless that's good advice cheers bro
Superdrol makes you absolutely blow up, it makes your muscles huge, but also doesn’t make you puffy and bloated, you remain dry. It makes your strength go up very fast as well, it’s basically how normies think steroids work. but yea you lose all or most of it when you come off it. Most people only last 2-4 weeks on superdrol because it’s harsh and it makes you very lethargic.

You’re more likely to keep gains from other orals though because you can run them longer.
Bros I'm on 500mg test and dropped my AI about a month ago because I crashed the shit out of it (showed via blood test), but I've been chronically fatigued for a few weeks now. Now I'm on week 16, took my AI last night, and it's literally all gone. Is fatigue and lethargy a symptom of high E2? I legit feel amazing again.
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I think steroids, in general are memed into a oblivion how dangerous they are. Simply because of the necessity of using a needle. People associate it with heroin subconsciously.

The top three worst sides: acid reflux, slightly worse sleep, and hunger. That's usually just if you run tren and orals.
Fake shit is so hard to get these days because of how competitive the market is. You're also a paranoid fuck, just saying.
you can run anavar and winny at 100mg each and it still isn't as toxic as superdrol lmao. I still love it once and while.
What do you faggots prefer? Blonde Dasha or Brunette Dasha?
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>proceeds to learn nothing
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See, I go to these forums dedicated to bodybuilding and steroids and they tell me the complete opposite. You can see they're jacked from their profile pictures so surely they aren't that stupid. But they all agree that you can keep most of your superdrol gains. But on /fraud/ I'm told you'll lose all of it.

This is why it's impossible to gauge orals, seemingly everyone says something different. Why would they all decide to lie about the gains they got from sdrol? Or is it /fraud/ telling the truth?

Most of /fraud/ is fan fiction. If you really want to know how good something works bite the bullet and try it.

Know this though, all orals are liver toxic to some degree, no exceptions. People on meso and other boards wicked downplay that.
>inhale fluticasone propionat 30min before training
>get mental clarity, more power and resilience
>ask AI aka TheScienceTM about it
>uhm no sweety that can't be akshually, because inhale fluticasone decreases cortisol and ACTH. antiinflamation must be the reason
>doesnt even realize the connection with glucose
fuck niggers. fuck all science niggers. only thing I found is this https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42389910_Inhaled_Fluticasone_and_the_Hormonal_and_Inflammatory_Response_to_Brief_Exercise
but they got it totally wrong as well. my GH goes through the roof when I combine fluticasone with excersise, and I believe one neurotransmitter or hormone as well (adrenalin or nordrenalin/dopamine)
yea, I can't believe people take 250mg of test as a cycle. Sounds like fanfiction.
If TRT is 200mg and under and a blast is 500mg and up, then what do you call the faggot doses of 201-499mg (when not running anything else)?

Unfortunately it wasn't. The guy posted pictures. It looked like what you would expect.

Most of the people talking about low dose cycles are actually saying they take it. They are just endlessly asking if it will do something. They don't actually follow through because they are cowards.
>The top three worst sides: acid reflux, slightly worse sleep, and hunger.
blood pressure? lipids going to shit? you know it's always heart failure that gets the hardest steroid users
>Simply because of the necessity of using a needle.
but God damn this is true as shit. I'll never forget the time my parents decided to snoop around my room as a young man and found my used and unused needles. I even managed to convince them it was just B12 injections and they still acted like I was a heroin junkie for a short time. thankfully they're esl and my vague descriptions of injectable health supplements convinced them. never tell normies you're frauding bros. ironic especially because of the multiple operations my dad had to have due to smoking for 40 years.
got my $100 vendor credit bros. I've been on cycle since April 4 and just ran out of test, I'm thinking I extend the cycle a month (would be about 20 weeks then) with another vial of test but that's only $22.50. Any recommendations on how to spend the other $80? been doing 500mg test e/ week with some anavar thrown in. I'll probably buy some cialis for fun. 25 weeks for a first cycle would be crazy right?
No cardio, being fat and on roids. Yea that'd suck, will it kill you? Lmao no, BP is only a problem if you're running tren.
The tankiest organ in your body is your liver. If you think orals are anywhere near as bad as what boozers do to themselves everyday lmao.

I have never met or heard of anyone getting liver failure from oral steroids.
>Heart Failure
That's from guys running growth hormone (10iu to 16iu) and insulin. Who typically are anywhere from 240 on season to 280-300 off season. Obese, but with muscle.

And usually, almost 99% of the time. They overdose from recreational drugs like coke etc.
The real gatekeeper for roids is not 19 nors, but Growth and slin. That's big boy tier stuff.
fair enough. personally I've never been too concerned about lipids either, but watching and feeling my blood pressure spike was eye-opening. I'm not fat either, but I do neglect cardio.
>BP is only a problem if you're running tren.
yet another reason not to run tren lmao
I'm the anon above your post and had half a mind to buy a vial of tren for shits and giggles. as soon as I read about the sides tho that urge to tren goes away

Every roider has a "congenital heart defect". Obviously I'm in the same boat but I don't sugar coat it and I maximize health outside of cycling.

One of the big things no one takes.into account is AI. Adex fucks your ldl, asin fucks your hdl. Primo and Mast also trash LDL, EQ fucks your BP so no free lunch.

On cruise you should be running nonstop and eating like a health nut. I'm in my 40s and still bounce back pretty well between cycles, but at some point I'll probably have to hang it up due to LDL.
Too high or too low can mess people up either way. It seems everyone is sensitive to it differently so it's possible.
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I'm starting to get back into running, there are loads of cardio bunnies in running groups and you'll be the only jacked dude there with pumpkin shoulders. Food for thought desu.
I'm half tempted to post my 160 something vials of tren ace, it's great. I love it, but the first run of tren makes or breaks you. If your e2 management is not on point, you will have the worst insomnia of your life and you probably won't run it again. Otherwise, it's a great compound, great strength, makes you look insane when you eat a shit load of carbs.
>I maximize health outside of cycling.
this is the way, try to drink as little as possible and eat clean, dirty it up a bit of course on a bulk but still.
There will be a lot of really disappointed people out there wondering why they aren't growing when they could end up taking enough test to end up back at square one or still within natty range. It'd be idiotic to spend that money and time just to end up the same or get some 1% boost.

It's that initial fear barrier. Anyone who has done it quickly takes it as a routine like washing their clothes or brushing their teeth. I don't think I'm particularly brave though as once you do it it's no big deal. Apart from the times I've hit a vein and had the blood fountain spray due to the oil pressure forcing it (I guess?) and had to clean it up so the other half doesn't freak out LMAO.

>If TRT is 200mg and under and a blast is 500mg and up, then what do you call the faggot doses of 201-499mg (when not running anything else)?
A cruise dose.

I find that forum to not be so reliable and they push certain vendors and slander others in a way I find suspicious. Also really old posts sometimes can be out of date online with current knowledge, even the broscience consensus. There were sites that were once pretty famous online years ago that are now pretty much considered full of bonkers info. Sometimes it's okay place but I am wary of really old posts though. Nothing they said there about SD was outrageous though to be fair or differing much from what people said here. It works, but it's tough on the body and short term only.
Buy more test and cruise
Yeah but literally 0 strength gains? I was stronger on fucking LGD
Test is a base, everything is better than test.
really damn tempting but I promised myself I'd at least PCT off for the first cycle. In the future perhaps.
for now this is my $100:
>250mg test E vial
>60 caps of cialis 10mg
>30caps of anavar 20mg
a nice little end-of-cycle bonus. was thinking about trying tbol but the anecdotes I've perused in the past hour just complain about high BP and headaches and shit. or even a sarm but the only one my source has is yk-11
>Considering sarms
annnnnd you're retarded.
lol crab in a bucket
From all I've heard Y-11 is a waste of time as it's at best of dubious bioavailability according to the people who developed it and it's also potentially not so good for humans.
go ahead and pct, you'll realize it's trash. We don't spout "blast and cruise" on these threads for no reason.
yeah that's what I've read as well. from what I recall lgd and rad-140 are the only sarms worth considering but I haven't done any research in a long time.
Now I'm just considering swapping out the anavar to try tbol or anadrol or something
good for you that you went the BnC route. it's not for me at this time and maybe you wouldn't lash out at this benign statement on 4chan if you had your e2 in check
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enjoy losing gains and acne nub.
Rad is harder on the liver and bloodwork than test and still is notorious for causing hairloss and shutting people down, I suspect even worse than LGD. I think LGD is less of a problem for some but it's still not the ideal core to it. Not a lot has happened in the world of sarms for years really. I think because it ended up something of a disappointment. People were promised all the good with none of the sides and ended up with something that is generally less effective, didn't hit the market as expected and still needs to be managed but with less options to do so.

The other question is why sarms when there are oral steroids that are tested and trialled medically? Now it's well known that the promise of sarms having no sides is utter nonsense their place becomes questionable in comparison to those.

The extra risk with sarms is if you get shut down while on them or after you can end up suicidally run down and depressed due to crashed e2 as well as all the other problems that can go with that (dry joints, etc.). With test as a first option it's easier to manage as it's a natural hormone that gives the normal derivatives that you can balance.
Add on to that the price of sarms. Good sourced is easily more than tried and true steroid orals; Cardarine is the only thing worth considering in that side of the market.
>muh cardarine not a sarm
every raw dealer sells labeled as a sarm kek
I agree. I can easily get all kinds of oral steroids and be sure I'm getting something that is effective and cheap. I don't think there are many places that sell test and not do anavar. With sarms to get a good source I have to pay relatively top dollar from the usual suspects and it's still not got the potential that an oral steroid can have as you get diminishing returns pretty fast as you up the dose. I was shocked at the price of legit sarms after being told how cheap they are. They don't seem all that effective, bang for buck, compared to other options.

I've been avoiding cardarine just because of the cancer fears although I hear it's just a rat thing not a human thing. For me though it's not an issue as I don't compete in a cardio based sport so I admit I don't have that desire or pressure to use it anyway.
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You should consider it, it's basically what I hoped TBOL would be.
>improves your lipids
>vastly improves your endurance
>more sets, more gains
>mild fat burner
The rat study on it was hilariously bad,
the rats were predisposed for cancer then given an dose roughly 20x what a human would need to take.
interesting. I mean I still see good results from sarm goblins, plenty even better than me after a few months on test and some anavar. I assume the best physiques are also on test anyway. I keep an open mind to them as another tool to use on a test base but I'm not convinced they're worth choosing over an oral aas
>The rat study on it was hilariously bad,
>the rats were predisposed for cancer then given an dose roughly 20x what a human would need to take.
Reminds me of what they did with fin and the rats to scaremonger. I think they were given something ridiculous like a thousand times what a human would take for BW and the drug effects them much stronger than a human to start with so it was a to the moon overdose.

I'll consider the cardarine though, it sounds like it's got some other good benefits then and could be another no brainer.
I've read pretty much the same... wouldn't that make Cardarine a better cutting tool than pretty much everything else out there?
did 100 rounds straight on the heavy bag without fatigue after 2 days of cardarine. was crazy
I think there's so much of a problem with reporting as it naturally gets filtered to the most amazing results as people who just look skinnyfat at the start and finish tend to feel ashamed and hide it and aren't excited to share. You'll get hyper responders and cursed no-gainers with natty and anything you try, no doubt but we've got to judge things on a more even and average basis. The more amatuer and younger nature of the users of it means the reporting is worse and has less to compare to (such as previous cycles of other things, etc.).

There's also the problem of way less regulation and checks on sarms. Sometimes people are getting prohormoes for certain with massive gains, painful back pumps and other signs that say "prohormone", at least in part. Others are probably getting bunk gear. The scene just isn't as well checked.

The other thing that gets overlooked is muscle memory. I've seen quite a few amazing transformations and when you dig into it you find that they trained a lot in the past. Being trained in the past is a gamechanger for a later transformation, totally different from being untrained.

The last issue is the shills. Sarms were undoubtedly shilled extremely hard online to drum up sales. Lots of freebies and bribes given out and affiliate links and so on. This was dishonest and caused a lot of distortion of what was possible or expected. The people running various forums or subs were the same people profiting from it, another red flag.

If sarms were all they were cracked up to be no one would use anything else. Everyone in the scene either tried it or knows someone who did and then they shrugged and moved on when the magic never appeared.
Seeing as cardarine was mentioned, anyone tried any other additions and find they make a difference? I've heard cialis can have benefits for anabolism. Some people also claim ibutamoren works for them too. Anyone on test find they were of benefit at all for this?

If the rat (and in vitro) studies were trash, why did GlaxoSmithKline bail on a drug that would have made them $300B+?
It's hard to tell, sometimes things go on the back burner or don't get the marketing they should do or they are put off by something which may not actually be conclusive. They have many irons in the fire at any one time. Why is verteporfin not being marketed, produced and tested on larger scale on more things seeing as it seems to have huge potential and already had approval for one medical application, so it should be easier to do? Yet it still seems people are dragging their feet on it despite it having that potential as another future "wonder drug". Sometimes these things don't make sense.
>>zinc occasionally or if I nutted in the past 24hrs
>>krill oil
>>vit D if I haven't seen the sun all day
I need to start taking similar supplements man. I work from home, have been on 600 test/300eq and the last week I've got my e2 figured out but I've been having to drink so much water I'm 100% sure I'd benefit from it
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it's effective, but requires a bit more effort in combination with cardio. Anavar, Tren are all amazing on cuts as well. Mast and Winstrol are like the final touch on top to draw out the last of the water.
Cialis is mandatory I feel if you're on gear. Helps with BP, better pumps etc.
ECA stack is more effective and alot cheaper.
It's such a good drug, I 100% believe every endurance athlete is taking it.
God I just want to BERRY my face in those cheeks
>>250mg test E vial
>>60 caps of cialis 10mg
>>30caps of anavar 20mg
If the anavar has been working good for you, doing what you want, then this is fine
Try something different next blast, depending on goals at the time
It's a damn good pic

One of the separators of cardarine vs other drugs is how well cardarine worked on ldl and hdl. It would have been bigger than lipitor which made Pfizer $250B.

GSK isn't a scrupulous company. If they could have spun the cancer trials they would have. Instead they seem content to let the patent expire on what should be a blockbuster. That's why I personally don't touch cardarine.
But what if the tumors grew in the right spots to bulge and make you look more aesthetic? Like natural oil. Checkmate, aethist.
Sup guys. starting to use test and I’m realizing it’s gonna be pretty hard to tell if I start getting gyno sides since I already have puffy nips and pubertal gyno. Could I have thought about this beforehand? yeah probably.

Anyways, any reason not to run a ralox blast protocol like 80-120mg ed for a few weeks to see if I can shrink it down a bit? I know it’s supposed to be more selective for the titties than other serms but if anybody has experience with this any other sides to expect? Will it skew bloodwork?
You mean ralox solo? Start off with 30-60 ED if you want and see if that makes a difference and then scale up if it isn't. Pharma doses are often around 60mg from what I've seen. If it is pubertal gyno then know that it often has had so long to set in and harden it's difficult to reverse unlike the temporary or fresher gyno you may get on cycle. Obviously having previous gyno can mean it could flare up worse or be an indicator you are prone to it so worth having plenty ralox on standby.

The upside about any gyno issues it is is one of the cheapest and easiest cosmetic surgeries to get to permanently solve it if it is bothering you.

Puffy nips normally while lifetime natty could just be the natural shape. What you're worried about with gyno is a lump behind or to the side of the nipple forming which will start off softish and then harden up over time and grow.

A lot of people seem to confuse chest fat with gyno though. If you have no pecs and fat on the chest it just gives you bitch tits but that's not gyno at all and goes away with diet and exercise.
1) They're doing a clinical trial of ostarine 3 or 6 mg + semaglutide so we'll see if they get androgenic sides like hairloss since it wasn't something they look at last time iirc.
I don't think we fully know yet if ostarine does. One advantage of ostarine is that it seems less suppressive than anavar (at 3mg) for 12 week cycles without any serm or hcg but you said you wanted to do trt so you don't care about that.
Just take anavar bro if so.

2) Nicholas downey made a video comparing anavar and ostarine side by side if you're interested as well as combining T and SARMs.

3) If you care about hair get on dutasteride 0.5mg now.
There are trials on chink meds that tag the androgen receptor in the hair follicle for deletion, which will essentially cure MBP. ( Even making trenbolone or whatever hairsafe)
Yeah I did mean ralox solo. It’s definitely gyno not just fat unfortunately, I can feel pretty decent sized lumps under the nip. It’s not that bad yet but it’s at the point where If i make it much worse with gear it’s gonna be a problem aesthetically.

I’ve heard some people have been able to shrink (but not completely remove) longstanding gyno with ralox so I thought maybe that would give me more wiggle room for future cycles. Sounds like I’ll start lower 30-60mg and titrate up as needed.

Is ralox known to fuck with your joints? That’s probably my main concern other than it skewing bloods or being a clotting risk.
Uh oh this picture make me have boner make my pp hard hahahaha clean up on isle my pants! XD
LGD-4033 can lower your SHBG but it also has a higher binding affinity for the androgen receptors, while having very little androgenic activity compared to its anabolic activity. so you will actually get weaker on LGD. it can maintain muscle mass but sadly it seems to have a maximum effective dosage for even that, there is point where you get more side effects than results and that threshold is not very high at all.

most sarms just kinda suck honestly, save for RAD-140 and YK-11
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I'm on week 7 of 500mcg Semaglutide per week.

Once I get to week 9, I am supposed to raise by 1mg/wk. if tolerated.

I feel my hunger has come back though, likely because I've been dosing 2IU HGH every morning and am on test.

Should I raise my dose sooner?
This is why these drugs are prescription only. Too many retards not knowing what they're doing and fucking it up for the rest of us.
Bitch, I am following the proper protocol.
No you're not. You're just looking at a dosing schedule without understanding what you're doing or why.
You want me to explain the mechanism for you?
literally just adjust as needed. if it's not working as well as it used to, increase the dose. you don't have to follow any kind of strict schedule, you just play with the dose so it works for you.
>This is why these drugs are prescription only.
Are you underage or sometingh? You are as retarded as a fucking nigger.
Doctors get paid for prescribing specific drugs just like mobile phone providers get paid for selling specific brand. None of them knows much about the shit they are selling you.
Do i even have to mention that people react to drugs differently? Just because one dose will work on someone else it doesn't mean it will do the same for you.
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what do you think his cycle is?
Why? I'm not the one who cant figure out my dose based on the effects its giving me.
>Doctors get paid for prescribing specific drugs just like mobile phone providers get paid for selling specific brand. None of them knows much about the shit they are selling you.
You're just ranting about /pol/-tier shit.
>Do i even have to mention that people react to drugs differently?
That's literally my point about needing to know what you're doing instead of just autistically following some written dosing schedule you found on the internet.
Sorry you're too stupid to understand that.
Nigger, he literally does what he's supposed to do. His current dose doesn't work so he upped it and you're here crying for no reason.
I'd follow the standard protocol for adjustments in case you get used to and rebalance with the HGH. Raised growth hormone for me initially gave me a spike in hunger and the expected sides but it settled down. I've no doubt if I upped it it'd start again and probably settle again too.

If it gets wildly out of control for hunger you can reconsider.
I swear that since I settled on pinning glutes my ass has been looking perkier. Coincidence or is spot pinning for real after all? It's such a good spot for pinning too.
bruh why post this
>pinned 750mg in one shot
ooh ouch ahh
I feel like I'm getting dumber and dumber daily
>already losing my hair
>already have gyno
>balls are not particularly big
>never roided in my life
So do I have a hormonal issue?
Am I just unlucky?
Is this due to living a sedentary neet lifestyle since dropping out of school at 10?
Should I roid now that I've just started exercising?
It doesn't feel like I have anything to lose.
I heard its better to avoid roiding till after you reach your natural peak to avoid injuries to tendons and shit though
if I'm getting good results and no serious sides on 600mg test + 400mg primo is there any good reason not to bump it up to 900/600?
Am I supposed to see my scalp if I shine a bright light on top of it or is my hair thinning...
>dropping out of school at 10
how retarded are you?
If you're getting good results I'd be tempted to just stay on that dose until it stops giving good results as you can always go up after.

If you're noticing the hairline has crept back or it's looking thinner compared to the past then it's probably a sign it's going.

Check your ldl. Primo can murder it. That would be the main reason I wouldn't go up.
Yeah, I've been pinning that upper quadrant far away from the sciatic, and I feel like it's gotten harder and bigger even though I barely work it out kek

Anyone else get oily as fuck skin on just test? Bacne is starting to get a little out of control on the 4th week of 500mg test E and my face/back are oily as fuck, is this just high e2?
Try something else, everything is stronger than Test/Primo/EQ/Mast
It's probably your DHT that has skyrocketed as T can change into e2 or DHT and the latter is absolutely known to impact skin as well as hair. Some people convert more than others. I use a high dose dutasteride on cycle to keep DHT low and it helps stop oily skin, hair and acne. It also stops me going all ape like with bodyhair. I can lower it once I'm on TRT levels.
>is this just high e2?
My ass has also blown up. Particularly my glute meds. But I am a tall leglet with bottom tier leg genetics. I think it's just the gear making my glutes actually respond to squats. But my legs and ass are still tiny.
It's crazy for me as I've spent years doing hard hikes and rucks on top of trying squats and had a hank hill ass no matter what. Pin gear and my ass starts getting pert. Crazy.

My traps are also growing and growing despite doing nothing deliberate for them now, while in the past it was a hard gainer zone when I worked them hard.

You've really got to rethink things once you try gear and see how you respond.
Any experiences with MENT? I never see /fraud/ talk about it much
nah I'm tryna keep it mild. I'm not cut out for hardcore fraudulence.
It's pretty sensible as an average joe to enjoy the ride and not try to rush things once you're on a decent cycle. It'd make more sense to push things to tolerence limits if you were aiming for pro card or some stage performance as then there's time limits to consider. Otherwise you sound like you're already getting good results and nothing to worry about. I'd stick with what you have as you're not getting bad sides and getting nice results. Sounds win-win.
Does one need a reason to cycle other than they want to? I want to inject but realistically it’ll just make me a more jacked office worker.
>Is this due to living a sedentary neet lifestyle since dropping out of school at 10?
Yes, which causes hormonal issues
>I've just started exercising
>Should I roid now
Make sure you are at least dedicated to your fitness, health, diet and lifestyle. If you're just going to give up after a couple months then there's no point. Everything doesn't have to be perfect, but know that no matter what you'll still be exercising and improving in 10 years
>It doesn't feel like I have anything to lose.
I've been there, absolute bottom and fuck that. Decided to do what I had to do to at least feel decent and live a mostly functional life. Things aren't perfect but they're a million times better than before. It's not just the drugs, it's mostly diet, exercise and the lifestyle. The steroids put it all together
I started much older than you are now and have been on for over ten years
I should have started at 25. I knew I was ready then
>Am I just unlucky?
Make your own luck
>Does one need a reason to cycle other than they want to?
Why do you need a reason other than that? Are you not allowed to have things you want?
>it’ll just make me a more jacked office worker.
Maybe you have a problem with being unremarkable in which case you should stop being an office worker and go after whatever it is you want.
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>muh you need to be pro to use 19 nors and orals
kek, retard. Pros are running 7+ grams of gear, several orals, at least 10iu of growth ed and fast and short acting insulin and you're telling me an oral, maybe a bit of tren or deca is just too hardcore.
Isn't she this bitch?
Why do you post this millennial hag every thread?
Since when does school make you smart? You're born with your IQ and that's it.
Do people need a special reason to smoke weed, drink alcohol or masturbate?
Less than you would think, but more than enough.
Thank you for the advice.
I guess I should at least see if I can keep my life sorted in a consistent fashion for some time. You're right about the luck thing too.
I'm out of syringes and can't wait on Amazon as I don't wanna fuck my cycle. What are some stores that sell syringes no questions asked?
you can administer rectally
No, DNP is the supreme fat burner. Cardarine doesn't burn anything, it "just" lets you get up and run 200km in a day.
Do you guys acknowledge other steroid users in your gym? I always feel like they want to talk to me or something.
If you're somewhere it is legal, sure why not. If it is potentially not legal then it is NONE of their business and they can shut the fuck up until you are actually friends with them. No one should just come up to you and start gear talk out of the blue. If they just want to be friendly though in a normal way then why not as you've at least got things in common.
Needle exchanges in your local area are the only place I can think of that you can just randomly get needles from without ordering online. You could get an online order express shipped. It's not going to be the end of the world if your administration is a day late even if you're doing it twice a week.
Idiotic teenagers ruined it for everyone as so many places stopped handling it once those stories of them ODing on it came out. Too much heat...ironically. It was already horrible chemical to store and process before so it was the last straw.

It's mechanism always made me nervous and sounded dangerous.

There's some dumb fucking niggers frauding. You should probably take that as a sign to stop before you fuck yourself up
>see if I can keep my life sorted in a consistent fashion for some time
Things happen, routine and life balance get thrown off and challenged. You have to determine how big of a priority exercise (and nutrition) is for you
The most important thing for me is going to the gym, it's where I feel good and I'm able to do everything in life because of it. If I don't go I deteriorate pretty fast. It's a lifestyle and everything else is secondary, friends, fun, women, family. I'm able to do those things and enjoy them because of how I live
Every regular I've ever talked to says they are at the gym for the mental benefits as much, or even more than the physical benefits
Your place might not be the gym, whether it's walking, hiking, running, cycling, martial arts, whatever. You need to like doing it, it should be mentally rewarding even if physically demanding
I want you to know that you are responsible for yourself. Doctors, therapists, family, whatever. You have to do what you have to do to be who you truly want to be. Do not rely on anyone else to do that for you or even help you - take their advice, recognize genuine help but only you can help yourself
If you're sedentary and feeling like shit now I can guarantee you that it's going to magnified 100 times in 15 years. Any nagging thing now, soreness, tiredness, fatigue, it's only going to get worse
Mind, Body, Spirit. Yeah it's spiritual bs, but I'll be fucked if it isn't true. Get it aligned and healed as best you can
This is for (You), me 25 years ago and all the lurkers who need to hear it
I mean DNP used to be primer for bullets so it's no wonder. It's relatively easy to synthesize and used in a bunch of industries so it'll never "go away" for someone who's dedicated to get it.
DNP is shit, just run a gram of tren and you’ll get gains while also somehow feeling less miserable
It's also apparently a really good pigment along with some other uses. It's why the UGLs hate handling it in the bulk they do. You've got to store it in a package inside a package as it just stains everything, hands and equipment and seems to creep and seep through everything. I've no doubt it's around to stay if people really want it, but it does seem less available than it used to be since the last round of media attention.

I'd feel more comfortable using a high dose of tren than DNP just because of the overdose risk with DNP and how it kills you and all you get when it works is feeling bad, hot and sweaty and weight loss that you could get safely with dieting. Tren is something that has a health risk but it's not the same level of acute risk. Plus, as you say you'll gain muscle running tren as it works for cattle. People can do low dose tren over a long peroid pretty safely too, DNP isn't something you're going to be doing long term.

I wonder too with the way DNP works how much is potentially muscle mass that you lose? It's kind of like inducing artificial starvation in a way. I also wonder with it poking holes in you at a microscopic level if that can lead to some fucked up disease eventually.
thoughts on women who roid?
They've got to be very careful to avoid ending up looking mannish and ruining their feminine appeal. They can't make the mistake of following the advice for men as the body chemistry and problems they can get are different.

All the bikini stage competitors are on something though and you can assume most the insta fitness models on top are too.
Check your state laws but most places you can just walk in to any pharmacy and buy them. If they ask just say it’s for your TRT prescription.
t. former junkie
Cut on tren? Retarded.
What are you talking about? Holes? And if you do literally any workout you won't lose anything. You're not supposed to stay on that longer than two weeks.
Anything more than minimum dose anavar will turn you into big mike obama. Roider shoulder on women is true unrapable tier.
There's no overdose risk for DNP unless you're "accidentally" running 10x the recommended dosages. The only deaths people ever cite are the same 2 or 3 articles, all of which weren't in the fitness world, literal scrawny teenagers who took over a gram a day and died. You don't need more than 250mg to get a pound dropped every day.

90% of shit you hear from people about DNP are from people who've never actually taken it. The same way as people who never do roids get fear mongered into thinking you'll die as soon as you pin.

Tren is unironcially more dangerous than DNP. I say this as someone who's taken both and has a supply of both on my bookshelf right onw.
Kek, DNP is worse retard
Tren works in a cut as it will work for cattle when you're driving them or feeding them suboptimally too to turn them into bovine mass monsters despite less than ideal conditions. The drug wasn't made with humans in mind eating and working out perfectly...
t. Never taken DNP
Anecdotally I also never work my ass and exclusively pin glutes and it also has gotten perkier
>a problem with reporting
somewhat related but damn the sarms discourse online really is years behind the roid discourse. going onto the sarms subreddit to try to learn more and all the posts I got were "yeh lgd felt good to me might stack with cardarine for ultimate cutting yfm" it's terrible
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update: the $100 discount still means I have to buy $100 worth of gear to hit the minimum in addition to that so unless my source gets back to me soon, I gotta buy $200 worth of gear for $100.
With that being said how retarded is it to bump up my dosage to 750mg test e/week for the last 5 weeks?
don't want to buy test for my next cycle because I want to try a new source then.
Yeah, and then we kill them in six months, retard. We don't care about the cow's longevity. DNP doesn't hurt you unless you overdose like a retard. If anything you get an artificial fasted state, which is obviously good for you.
I don't see any harm in it if you just want to use up the test and don't want to make the cycle longer.
Not Peaty
I want to do a 6 month blast after my cut but i'm not sure what to run. I thought about 1g of test solo. Not sure if i should drop it to 500mg, start with tren and based on how long i will tolerate the sides i will drop it and add it again later.
Seems like 500mg for 25 weeks should be more sustainable but the gains won't be as good.
Obvious question but you didn't mention - what have you done before?

I'm more of a fan of longer cycles assuming you're beyond the threshold to get results. I think it tends to stick around longer too as you're getting longer to build muscle and recover at a high rate and not just an initial bloat with diminishing returns.
Last blast was 500 test 250 eq for about 14 weeks and I absolutely loved it. Blood work somehow looks great aside from high rbc but I'm now donating regularly. My next blast I want to work up to 1 gram of test and 600 eq. But I'm not sure how to work up to it. Do I just start low and increase the dose every 6 weeks?
>what have you done before?
I've tried majority of injectables but the only memorable blast that gave me great results without suffering any sides (other than pip sometimes) was 800mg of test alone.

With tren, it's always same shit
>at the gym:
>I'm glad i decided to blast tren
>outside the gym:
>i regret starting tren
I want to try it out anyway this time because it should give me some results, especially since i will be coming off a harsh cut.

Other injectables didn't do anything for me and it seems like stacking shit for that long and figuring out potential side effects would be a headache. With test i only have to worry about E2.
Same, bro. 800-900mg test was were the magic happened for me. 200-300 was a waste of time. 500-600 was pretty good. 800-900 was noticeably good and steady results, getting what I wanted. Almost no pip despite injecting over 1ml. No problems doing it for weeks or months. I know some people don't like high test solo but I have heard from veterans with years and decades saying they or people they know just gel with that routine well so it must be a genetic lottery thing.
Whats /fit/ obsession with this mid whore?
Wondering the same
It unironically makes the thread seem low test
nobody cares what browncel zoomers think ya faggot browncel zoomer
>high test cycles
they're goat but acne will kill you first
I was trying to avoid accutane, but it's a must for roids
It may depend upon how senstive your skin is to it. I found dutasteride and being scrupulous with washing and clean fabric on the skin areas sensitive to it helped keep it at bay.
or you nut up and use some deca. High test cycles are junk.
I swear there is someone in every one of these threads who has a sexual fetish for high doses and stackmaxing. Every time someone is there trying to get people to double the dose and if they're already high dose then to add in this or that. It's got to be a kink at this point.
And you have the reverse of primocels who castrate themselves and restrict themselves to test and primo AND maybe anavar if they’re feeling very daring.

Test is the base, everything is better than test.
I personally sniff a bottle of LGD once a week along with eating a spoon of salt and instant coffee and I am getting great gains.
what do you guys recommend then if say you're on 500 test and wanna add in something for just better gains (outside of 19-nors)
DHB is pretty strong with basically no sides except minor pip. I’ve been running 500mg/week with 350mg test and it’s been great so far.
Damn I had to look this up because I feel like DHB is legit the only compound I've never seen discussed on here or Leddit
Didn't realize it was a DHT derivative either
I'd experiment with test up to a gram before considering adding in other compounds. You can add in a lot of common and "safe" options at that point too like the common orals.
I expect nothing less from a retarded sarm goblin.
Oh boy, basically EQ. Which also is a strong as test.
Try orals, Superdrol if you want a taste of what steroids actually are. DBOL and winstrol are also good.

You can mix them as well, Var/Winny, DBOL/Winstrol.
Man, I wanna go back on DNP, I had good experience with it mostly, it melts the fat away but it's scorching summer now. Cruse at low dosage and be dropping a kg of fat every few days...
and I would recommend the complete opposite. test fucking sucks. keep it low and add other compounds instead.
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Agree with this guy, use enough to keep your sex drive and well being going but keep that shit low.
I need high test so I can fuck fat chicks.They call me the plapmaster.
I appreciate the advice. I have messed with Anavar which I loved but it smacked my lipids and shot my BP up pretty high. Both went away shortly after dropping it.

This does contradict was these anons are saying but obviously it's subjective

dbol sounds great and I have some on hand but I am still dialing in my AI so I might wanna stay away from this for a bit or try on my 2nd blast
So many memes, anons told me tren would make me wanna fuck trannies and anything in sight. Instead it killed my milf/goth girl fetish and made only want jailbait or 20 year olds.

Thankfully country girl blondes like me.
how fat are you if var of all things is shooting up your BP? Mine only gets fucked if i'm running tren and two different orals, and that's to be expected.
I'm like 14% BF at the most lol
Does anyone here change their supplementation while on blast? I'm thinking more normal stuff like vitamins, zinc for nutrition or other herbal supplements to help with bloods, pressure, sides or whatever. If you're getting more growth and eating more it seems like it'd make sense to up your other supplements to match?
I hope anyone concerned about BP has one or more monitors at home. They are really cheap now and you can get a good one that will last for years and is a good sanity check. I've had mine checked at the doc comparing his to what mine said and they were roughly equal so it's good enough to stop me from doing anything stupid or giving me indicators when I'm doing something that is improving things.

The only thing that happened sexually when I went on cycle is suddenly I really wanted to pound femboys. Didn't make me want fatties though.
>t.otally not a nattycuck making other browncels think rouders want gay sex
Do you guys not have color coded needles? Or are you just rushing?
>acne will kill you first
Are you aware that shit is based on ones genetics? I had zero acne from gear and i've ran 1.5g of test at most.

I fell for deca meme once and it was horrible. I will never touch nandrolone again.
Not to mention that you have to worry about prolactin while using nandrolone and the amount you need to get something out of it will definitely fuck with your prolactin.

More test + orals. If you want to fuck around with other injectables i would advise to pick short esters and try them out first.
Also, never use tren enth. Always ace. Same with ment.

Testosterone doesn't do that. You need tren for that. It's a known fact that tren makes you like fatter women.
Personally i tought it was a meme but it turned out to be true. The change was permanent. I haven't been on tren in two years and i still prefer women with a belly sticking out. PP goes hard.
Not natty and I would marry a cute femboy.

Verification not required.
I've done the same where I injected using the drawing needle as I was getting nagged by the other half to hurry up and forgot to change the tip and weirdly it was utterly painless and a super clean injection. No bleeding. No pip.
>Do you guys not have color coded needles? Or are you just rushing?
I have slight color blindness and my drawing needle is light green and by injecting needles are light blue. RIP Thankfully if I pay attention the needle thicknesses look clearly different.

>Are you aware that shit is based on ones genetics? I had zero acne from gear and i've ran 1.5g of test at most.
The thing peopel should ask themselves is how much acne did they have as a kid? Some people have zero acne as a kid so will get almost nothing as an adult even on gear.
It’s extremely based
> stronger than primo and eq
>has AI effect but less than primo or eq so you can keep test low if you want
>no negative mental effects
>makes you hungry but not ravenous
>mild on bp and hct
>steady, dry gains when bulking, nice grainy look when cutting.
For me it’s not the absolute best at putting on mass or drying you out in a cut but it’s decent at both depending on your diet. Plus I just feel good on it ad opposed to some other compounds.
Damn nice. Why the hell don't I hear about this more? Seems like everyone just swears by primo or eq yet I've never seen much discussion on DHB. Guess this goes to the top of the list for my next blast.

Could I use this on a cruise? Or should I just go down to 200mg test only and call it a day
>Why the hell don't I hear about this more?
Because in 99% of cases dhb users drop it due to pip.
sure totally not a natty post body
Yeah some people get bad pip, especially over 100mg/ml concentration. I will say though that dropping it due to pip is mostly a reddit thing and I think they must be total fucking pussies because it’s only a little worse than test prop. I’m doing daily injections and I do get pip but it’s pretty minor. These guys act like it feels as if they’ve been shot or something.
I was once like you kid
Scoob was railing men while natty before you were even born lmao
I got no acne as a kid but I had full chest acne infested on gear, so yeah that doesn't matter
Is it even worth doing test C daily, should I just up my dose at 3x a week.

Gynobros can you chime in? Do you get less gyno on daily pins? Estiradol/T ratio is perfect but the nips remain spicy.
don't know which faggot is you but no body so yeah keep larping trannatty
I'm baffled by the idea someone thinks you can't be bi or gay and use drugs. Usually it's the opposite accusation people are making.
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it's basically the same as eq but more concentrated. You can run a gram of EQ and it'd be about the same as 500mg of DHB.
> stronger than primo and eq
that's not saying much kek
>tren makes you X, Y
Daily is better, less ai usage. Less acne.
Gonna add anavar to my 500mg blast since I've plateaued a bit. What should I expect?
Everyone seems to react a little different to it but it'll most likely break through that barrier.
Cowabunga, daily it is. Gonna start at 200 and up it gradually, already on a TRT dose so the receptors are saturated.
>yes i don't believe that someone would just lie on the internet
kek you are fucking retarded and brown
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Roiding is completely legal where I live so IDGAF.
update update: rate how retarded my 6 week cycle extension is
bumping up test to 750mg/week
I know fuck all about DHB but some positive anecdotes. Would dose at 200mg/week
I don't see anything wrong with it, assuming you already have the accessories you may need. Hope it goes well and you give us feedback on it and if you rate the DHB.
What dose of HCG are you going with per week and how many per week? You find it enough to maintain or fluff the balls up?

I've heard some suggest adding enclo on top of the HCG to help things further if you can't get good and reliable HMG (which is almost all faked and criminally underdosed until you get proper pharma and not indian pharma).
>500 test e
>that overpriced anavar and cialis
I jus got through doing a DNP cycle in the middle of texas heat. It's honestly not that bad, just don't go over 250mg ed and keep the AC on 24/7. Only time it's unbearable is when I'm directly in the sun so I just go shut in mode for two weeks except gym
Have you used 500mg/ml test before? That's really high concentration. Makes me wonder how they are getting that dissolved in solution and not crashing plus what will the PIP be like? Are they adding shitloads of solvents?

Most places will be 250 or 300 mg/ml max for Test E or Test C and that's using the usual MCT or GSO. I know you can get extra high concentration but most people avoid it unless they're doing multiple grams per week and their issue is just trying to reduce volume per day and week they inject.
Anyone have experience with TRT from Henry meds?
Is that a genuine clinic or just a TRT mill that will have people walk out with 500mg per week as "TRT" or giving people prescriptions for anavar and tren?
Almost all of the sources on use EO and mig. lol nobody seems to care
>500 test
>30 dbol

All you need to get jacked, everything else is irrelevant
>b-but muh gyno
Just don't get gyno, simple as
>b-but muh bloat
Just don't eat like a retard and keep sodium low, simple as
>Keep sodium low to avoid bloat
>Get painful perma pump cramps instead
It's like a 129 dollar a month subscription. Yes I know you can get UGL for drastically cheaper. But blood work and doctor visits are included in the price and you have a doctor monitoring you. 150mg/wk seems to be like the starting dose.I heard they try to keep you around 1000-1200 range and they even prescribe AI. No insurance. All legal.
If you can I'd suggest moving on eventually to other sources. For the long haul you're better avoiding mixes with high amounts of solvents and high concentrations of the steroid just to avoid systemic inflammaton and potential higher risk of scarring or irritation. I'd rather pin the same mg per week with multiple injections and higher volume. There's good reasons why pharma is never that high concentration and most UGLs don't do it like that as standard either. High concentration versions are usually novelty products for specialist reasons...or people falling into the "value" trap thinking to save money, I guess.

I've never ever had "flu" from any jab and barely anything as far as pip. I think the flu people are getting is from all the solvents needed for these high concentrations to stop them just crashing at room temperatures and generally badly brewed gear.
If the doctors are real then it's maybe a good way to get started and work out all the doses you need for test or if you need AI, etc.
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bros, don't fucking buy 29g needles on purpose. I got them instead of 27 on accident and it's torturous, my hands literally slipping from the most miniscule amount of palm sweat injecting only a ml of test and im getting pip from like digging around in my skin whilst injecting, please double check whatever needles you buy lmao they're fine for 3/4 ml and less but holy shit
yeah I still have like 50 caps of asin 12.5mg to tide me over. I considered buying more just in case of some weird estro emergency but I doubt it
HCG 250 IU EOD up until now. Has prevented ball atrophy yes, they are about the same size and I don't get that somewhat uncomfy feeling in them that I only briefly experienced, I assume the feeling of atrophy.
It should be noted that hcg degrades like a bitch even when properly stored but it's been working for me so take that as you will.
>suggest adding enclo
I actually do have enclo, saving it for PCT though. when I stop the cycle I'll stop the hcg too and then start taking the enclo to kickstart the balls basically. Just took it off the reddit wiki
I'm switching sources after this, I just wanted to use up my bloodwork credit
You're saying it's better to stay on 250mg/ml and just pin more oil? I can do that
thanks for the elaboration. yeh like I said I'm changing sources after this but they do have 250mg/ml vials that I've been using
when will the acne go away. People online say once you get on cruise dose, the acne gets even worse.

what do you guys use for acne? I have some E2's but I really don't want to use them unless I really have to
How's that happening to you? Is it the time it is taking you to inject through the small needle that is the problem and you're not keeping it steady at the time? You're basically using insulin needles at that point. I assume for subq?
benzoyl peroxide + asin to lower my e2 + time
Yeah, I'd suggest 250 or 300 mg/ml and using more of it to make up the same total. It always seems to go better for everyone and there's no reason to suffer problems you can avoid. Even guys using gear for many years will stick to comfortable concentrations.
>benzoyl peroxide
is the 5 percent benzol peroxide they sell on amazon good enough?
>? Is it the time it is taking you to inject through the small needle that is the problem and you're not keeping it steady at the time?
Yes, and the plunger is really long so it's awkward - and I have to press really hard to inject the oil even slowly, so my hand runs down the syringe.
No, IM in quads. Like I said, I got the wrong needles. 600 test e 2x/wk
be aware it bleaches fabrics so use a towel you don't care about after you shower with it
I see what you mean. Can't you just do two jabs so the plunger is half the distance and easier for you to hold then? You can use the needles up that way without wasting it.

IIRC you can get things to help grip insulin needles too. They make them for people with shaky hands and arthritis and stuff.
>Makes me wonder how they are getting that dissolved in solution and not crashing plus what will the PIP be like? Are they adding shitloads of solvents?
Depends, but if they're using MCT as a carrier oil then they most likely added guaiacol. I doubt they achieved it by just adding more BB, which would have been a possibility if they were using a different carrier oil.
For the faggot mod who pruned Tomboy Thursday, how do you explain this thread went to bump limit?
also kys son of a bitch
/fit/ mods are cock suckers
kys piece of shit mod
your father is a gay cuck nigger lover and your mother a crackwhore
You're not ready for the war that's coming, mark my words.
You can screenshot this.
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Nothing beats the cute butter smooth thighs and pretty cock of a femboy.
you gay nigger discord troon
I can't hear you as my mouth is full of cute femboy cock.
>check bp
I love dbol
Crazy fucking pumps and instant strength gains
You're gonna want to do like 4 weeks of it though to keep the gains. Strength doesn't generally stay though in my limited experience and is only when on it.
Don't think they can prescribe more than 200mg of test a week at any TRT clinic legally
It's crazy how just one cycle you can demolish natty gains. My 1rm on a good day that I slowly ground my way to over years ends up something I can do for 8-12. That's just nuts to me.
Checked and just early morning braindead moment, going through the motions, not paying attention
do you feel 'on'? i feel slightly 'on' with just test, pure placebo?
Never felt on or any difference for me with test but maybe it depends on where you start or where you blast to.
>do you feel 'on'?
Fuck yeah. Started a lol low dose Tren run this week and it's hitting
Great mental mode going, look coming in nicely
>pure placebo?
No. The test's got you going, feeling good
Tren is probably different but a gram of test made me feel no different than natty, even though the source is impeccable and the gains come easier.
400mg/week in the U.S. I was on 300 and even that the doc had to cut since my T was off the charts after a couple months on that dosage.
Pretty much same. Always been like that for me
Like 300 test as a base and have the other compounds do their thing. What's worked for me
Have a gymbro that responds super well to test. All about finding what works for you
Sounds sensible. For me test is letting me get growth in muscles I'm barely even working and I'm seeing the changes in the mirror and obviously also growth in the ones I am trying to grow so I'm going to ride that gravy train until it slows down or stops.

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