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Natural lifting does nothing.
>here’s that 25 year old lifter I was telling you about bro
>this thread is allowed but indian lifting general gets deleted
It's 2024 everyone is on roids there is literally no social shame in using them and there hasn't been for a while now the only people that care are gym newbies and literally noone else
If you wanna do steroids just do them, noone cares and it won't make you get a girlfriend.
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I do it because of health
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Mogs you
Based grandma
I'm just a sick person
Get better soon
You cannot get better when you suffer from a chronic condition
I lift natty because I have 3 kids and I’m just kinda bored and it helps me get my anger out and a break from the kiddos

What’s weird is a noticed I get hit on more and it makes my wife super territorial and horny
I am long time natty lifter, i thought about using steroids in past but realized that i am better off being decent natural lifter than being lower end steroid user.. as there is steroid user and steroid user, latter being “big doses, all kinds of compounds and with questionable health impact” user. One day in future when i am old i will consider TRT.
People irl often think i am on steroids and i look better than some steroid users.
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I'm going to continue lifting and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Sounds like your ego is tied to being natural which is unsurprising but a very low IQ reason to stay natural
Lifting is bad for your health
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>Natural lifting does nothing
Meanwhile I have bitches on my ass calling me a roider for the past 2 years
You are right that my ego is tied to being natural but i dont think its very low iq reason, and its one of many reasons. If you arent professional athlete doing steroids isnt rational at all, and my lifts have already gotten me so many joints injuries, combining steroids and tendency to lift a lot of weights result in even more injuries, and thats not counting other possible health complications and annoyances that come with using AAS. If you dont agree with this you are subjective.
I wish you a swift recovery is all.
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>17% bodyfat
I've had people think I was on roids and I have to explain to them I'd be way bigger and more cut if I was. Any person with a well developed chest is a roider to most people.
Damn, you must be a fun person to be around :/
Post body
I'm the genie guy
Doesn't look roided at all
That belt makes the waist look slimmer than it actually is
Larp, Gutsanon is 5’10 not 6’3 bitch
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I think you might have gotten the posts confused
I did
I’ll now run away in Shame :(
I’m on gear and this guy mogs me kek
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You know what you must do
wrong. lifting heavy and taking steroids are bad your health. lifting in bodybuilding ranges (8-30 reps or even higher) is very healthy. if you keep the rest between sets short it even doubles as cardio. and not the bad kind of cardio like running a marathon or running every day.
You should've gotten your noob gains before roiding. Eventually you will outperform him
Roid tranny weak twink cope. Seething genetic loser.
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>Roid tranny weak twink cope. Seething genetic loser.
Understandable, oblivion awaits thee
Post your roidcel physique, I’m sure it’s very impressive and well worth raping your organs and castrating yourself for.
did his tits move further apart?
Anon, I...
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> Makes you aesthethic
> Cant become too bulky
> Women dont like a roider physique, they see abs and think you're jacked
> Non gym goers see you and think you're olympia level cause they have no body standards
> Makes you live longer
> Feel awesome every day
> Continuing a millenary tradition of naturally building your body as the greeks did

Are there really people who lower their life expectancy and sacrifice their health instead?
Angle frauding manlet. You look like you weigh 60kg. Post a pic from a distance
After you post a body picture. Ball's in your court.
Heh, "balls"
gives me the ick
post body
You're defending a pajeet manlet victim weight
He's defending a pajeet, you cant even defend yourself
Sure i can, that guy is angle frauding and looks tiny. I'd dwarf him irl. You think he can even bench 2 plates?
left has built a great base to build on with bulking
right just looks great
social media rotted your brain
heil hitler and heil biden
>Sure i can, that guy is angle frauding and looks tiny. I'd dwarf him irl. You think he can even bench 2 plates?
if you looked good, youd post body
>if you looked good, youd post body
Then post body.
will you post body if i do?
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heres mine and what i looked like when i started. fwiw the people in op and the dude hes saying he mogs look great. if you disagree, social media has warped your mind. these are my results and im proud of them. theyre just the beginning. lets see if the shit talker shows himself too.
Miring the that progress. How long did this take?
The funniest part is that even if you don't roid, waste 10 years making the same amount of progress as a newbie roider does in 3 months, carefully manage your diet instead of eating whatever you want, everyone will still think you are using steroids so WTF is the point kek
3.5 years. i took a year off in the middle to get my career sorted.
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>so WTF is the point
The point is that muscle and strength outside of peaking more or less stays with you forever with minimal effort, and you didn't shave 20-30 years off your lifespan from going through puberty again every other week
not gonna post body?
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You're like this guy pic rel tacking your old subhuman self to make your current physique look more impressive than it actually is. You have gyno and scrotum skin but you do mog the other dyels i'll give you this.
Post body then
so you arent gonna post body? got it.
I'm almost done ramping back up the weight I'll let yall know how long it takes me to ohp 135-185 for reps hoping 3 months.
Wanna see my penis gayboi?
i honestly hope things get better for you man. god bless you and good luck.
I'm not even gay
Im not indian and Im 180cm 85kg

I bench 130kg yes

Notice how the only person in the thread who wont post body is the most negative guy
Post body
Insane transformation, is it natty?
Really doubt that. Your belly button is below the door frame.
I did 3 cycles but I'm natty now
>Post body
i did >>74757142
That's not you
That's where you are wrong. OP should be beaten to within an inch of his life. That is the only thing they understand.
yes it is
So on that pic on the right you werent natty? Still a good physique
You claim I angle fraud but you can judge my height based on said picture with fraudy angles?

And yes I am 180cm
This post isn't me >>74757466 I appreciate the compliment though

This one is me >>74757517
>You claim I angle fraud but you can judge my height based on said picture with fraudy angles?
a bit pathetic to false flag as me dude. honestly man i really do hope things get better for you. do your best and deal with the hard times now so that you can reach your dreams someday
Ohh, so someone else answered the cycles stuff, so are you natty or ?
yeah im guessing its the guy who keeps complaining in the thread. im not on roids. finally starting to get back the size i had as a obese powerlifter. i lost a ton of muscle on the way down to 160lb. just finished up my first bulk over the past 5 months. about to hit the elliptical now.
You look like shit and no wonder you support the dyels seething at roids. You're in no position to be patronizing or condescending
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You still havent posted body your words are meaningless

Probably him, good luck my man WAGMI

This is my transformation
>using child pic for a transformation
Angle frauding again. Put the camera further away, i've done the same thing can't fool me
Using child pic cause I started lifting as a kid so its the only way to get a pic from before I lifted

I already told you I can upload a pic of myself from further away once you post body
Nice mental gymnastics, maybe on ig someone might be impressed by your progress from age 10 to age 16 angle frauding
So you cant do a before and after picture if you started lifting at 14?
fuck yeah. cant wait to look like that again after this cut. it feels nice huh. the best part is all the cool sports and activities you can do when youve gotten fitter. whatre you doing now? cutting, bulking, maingaining or maintenence?

you make me sad man
Im reaching the end of a bulk now, and yea the difference is wild even in just 10-15kg you completely different when doing sports and way stronger in calisthenics. Good thing about the bulk body is moving more weight at the gym
absolutely. im looking forward to having the muscles add to my tdee, so i can stay leaner with less trouble. my metabolism was super crashed from losing all the weight. i didnt realize how bad it was until i started bulking and 4 months in 4k calories wasnt gaining me any weight anymore lmao. good luck brother. dont forget to use what youve learned to help someone out at some point.
lmfao they have the same level of chest development
Lol at the tactical belt accessory
you don't look roided because no veins popping out where they shouldn't
so show me his body
dodging lol
OP is a brown discord tranny. Only one of those can repeatedly get BTFO'd by several different people simultaneously and act like this. Words are useless on them as they lack the cognitive facilities necessary for self reflection.
post body or shut the fuck up you blithering faggot
i wasnt condescending. he seems like hes in a lot of pain. i hope things improve for them.
>steroids make you live longer

Holy shit, what an inbred retard
Roiding before you natty lift and build a base would be really dumb. You may find you don't need to or want to as you can reach the goals you want without it.
Funny thing is, I’m the guy in the left in his photo
I made fun of Derek four fucking days ago and he’s still spamming this cute little meme he made nearly a week later kek
Brownoid behavior
you post on /lean/ right? i saw your picture there once. its time to bulk. no hate btw. youve gotten amazingly lean.
You most probably are a roider you asshole. I hate lying roiders more than anything in this world
Is life tough with an extra chromosome? Im listing things natty lifting does, you live longer than roiders cause of the side ffects of steroids, and you live longer than sedentary people cause of the benefits of exercise
ture, the best thing to do for your health is to sit all day and work a desk job
lmao u mad
Mental illness
What do you do for core?dw2w
I'm natural because God would be mad if I wasn't
After three years of lifting I now realize you have great genetics.
There's absolutely nothing inherently injurious about sets of reps under 8. Only if you perhaps max out in every single lift you do, every time you train, but even 1 RM isn't necessarily bad. Nothing wrong with running every day either. All that matters is what you're conditioned to do.
Post body
God gave us steroids. It's either all modern medicine or none of it. Christcucks love to cherrypick
Not even closly analogous. Cope harder.
Dumbass christcuck
roids lower your iq
how much gains can I realistically get with anavar + hcg and enclo? significantly better than from supplements and enough to bother? I'm high test, so I don't need TRT and something that completely shuts down your test production at the pituitary level and use something that has a 1:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio for the purpose of building muscle
Heavy OHP, front squats and leg raises on dip bars
But I never would have known that had I remained a skinnyfat dyel
is roidtranny really the tranny browncel insult?
ok pedro
Verification not required.
remember kikes have totally pacified christcucks. christcucks even defend kikes
That’s really not true, but I understand why people juice. There will be hell to pay in your 30s though bc it really ages you. There’s a lot of upside though.
i don't care what lookism faggots think
Biggest reason I stayed natty was fear of Left Ventricle hyper trophy, hair loss, acne, and accelerated aging. Those are all good reasons not to do it. IMO there are good reasons to do steroids and not do them, but if you do them you better be sure you can handle it. A lot of people get no results because they don’t know how to train and eat.
I roid because god wanted me to.
>oh no my boyfriend won't think i'm pretty anynore
nattycucks in a nutshell kek
Anybody seething over somebody using or not using steroids needs to get psychological help. Anyway, you sound like a retard.
at least i'm not a faggot (like you) kek
Anyone who thinks natural lifting is a waste of time just doesn't know how to make gains naturally so they take a shortcut. PERIOD. End of story. A good portion of those who hop on gear wouldn't have if they only knew how to maximize gains without it.

Unnecessary body mods are discouraged because we belong to God first.
More like Vlad, but I'm American actually.
I doubt that.
Well the orthodox church doesn't.
>Well the orthodox church doesn't.
russia is the biggest orthodox country its full of kikes and muzzies but yeah sure they aren't given the ol in an out by the kikes
Okay, feel free to share your secrets
a post like this should 100% have to post body i guarantee its a dyel pajeet whos like 20% bf
>it really ages you
Dumbass natty who doesn't understand hormones. Why does it age only open bodybuilders but Jeff Seid looks perpetually 20yo? I'll let you figure it out on your own this time
>fear of Left Ventricle hyper trophy, hair loss, acne, and accelerated aging
Everything except heart hypertrophy is solved and only an issue if you don't know what you're doing.
I think what's worse is an actual genetically gifted guy leading the blind DYELs into gains that will never come.
>oh you don't train right
Is the response every time. It's like a religion promising gains that never end up coming.
Reminder that OP does not lift, naturally or otherwise.
Why is the guy pushing you to make it at all costs not lift? It's quite the opposite the DYEL crabs would rather have you toil for decades even if you have shit genetics than actually make it while you're young and there's a point to it
he should start a grifting youtube channel
He's 32 bro give it a rest.
The steroid seether: OP pic
The steroid user: dies.
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> feel free to share your secrets
First off, they aren't secrets. The information is out there but people don't recognize the truth when they see it. The problem with bodybuilding is in order to perform trial and error(to see what works)a trail could take months or even YEARS to determine if it works or is an error. Most don't have the nerve to perform the trail nor the discipline to continue it and even it's application it flawed thereby producing inferior results.(application has to be damn-near perfect)

>a post like this should 100% have to post body i guarantee its a dyel pajeet whos like 20% bf

I'm NOT the biggest.
Nor am I the strongest.
But I am 100% NATURAL. Never hopped on gear. The meager shit I have accomplished is through many, many, years of learning the HARD way.
i don't listen to brown people

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