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Am I doing it right? Finally hit 2 plate, is that good?
Impressive lift, but doing it behind the head is retarded. Fuck it up and you snap your neck like a twig.
no very safe
mirin but I wouldn’t do it behind the head m8
still, impressive and no belt is great
Could be safe if you’re doing working sets with a comfortable weight. Definitely unsafe if you’re trying to hit a ORM
Fucking sick. Fuck the haters saying it's not safe.
that's not 2plate man, the bar doesn't count so you need to add two 22lbs plates to make up for the bar's weight since it's not counted
>bent the knees
0 reps sorry mate (jk, great job)
2plate is just 2 plates, I could have 2 5lb plates each side and therefore be lifting 2 plates, retard nigger
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>your future
I've done this twice doing btn push press. Escaped unscathed both times and still kept doing btn push press.
You sound very strong what should I be doing instead? Didn't want to drop 2plate next to my daughter.

It's 2 plate and also 2 plates, your example was 2 plates but not 2 plate.
He's shaking you fucking tard.
>add two 22lbs
this nigga uses fake pl8s
Shit senpai, that's really cool. Any general tips for reaching big OHP numbers?
why shaking is bad? with deadlifts too?
Dubs of truth
>that slight drift backwards around :13
impressive still but made me sweat, thought I was about to see another >>74755100
>not an injury vid
I can't fap to this
That is definitely for the best.
How long did it take you from 135?
solid grinder king
It's heavy prakesh
Depends on when you start counting I almost never do these to be honest and when I do it's just after bench. I can't tell you the last time I maxed out since I really only do it for pump work after bench

Not really, I hardly do regular OHP I just bench and do this stuff for shits and grins
Impressive if that's you (it's not), but you're gonna kill yourself doing that
its boardshorts he's been lifting and posting for attention on this board for years, since i was like 16 years old, in 2015. So he's been lifting for ten years and is like 40 years old now and still comes on here to post a 2 plate overhead press at 240 bw
>240 bw
anon I...
I put 1pl8 on my bench in a year and half of it was last 3-4 months on no sleep I'm thinking once I fix my sleep I can put 1pl8 on my ohp 1rm in a yr.

I was getting like half gains lifting like a retard.
>4 months no weights either
I have to fill my frame in but I'd still look kind of gay if I cut cucked.
Didn't hit full extension. Doesn't count.
It's like you don't really see many people above 3 unless it's a faux incline bench. Seems like it hits debts better anyways.
So then why you don't you recomp and stop making excuses why you're not working out
I'm literally curling a 35lb DB rn
The cake was quakin, but the gains was bacon, and behind the head
Good job nigga, bunch of jealous faggots in this bitch
I look like you doing 135 but idgaf, still mogs all the jeets for at least the next 5 years
yeah youve gotten fatter than ever before and you also managed to get an ass back, theres no ass only a back that splits in two after the waist
Please smack your boyfriend for recording like this
you're right, I'm working on that
my daughter filmed it and she said "go dad!" it was very cute and I'm not going to smack her
I was unable to lift for 4 months and put 100 on bench with shit sleep
Based btn bro
>Beginner recomp
>Haven't plateaued yet
Oh anon, you're so back but you have no idea how bad things really are
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My all time PR
Fuckin WEW lad
behind the neck is not only safe but actually fixes your shoulders and gives you massive side delts, nigga.
Based and checked.
looks like hybrid between push press and OHP to me since you used your legs a little

still, very impressive and mogs me
that's rough, but it ain't bad. Good job, anon.
I maintained for a solid month because I wasn't tracking weight and was eating probably 3000+ shitload of beer and didn't think it was possible. Then again I was lifting heavy like 5x a week and hitting accessory lifts after a few hour rest.
>Am I doing it right?
there is no doing it right bot and u know it damn well >>74757966
looks like pin press from about eyes height

do pin presses if u really want to train that lol, no u don't anyways u're just retarded
fucking beasts
my pr was 85kg for 3 100kg by the end of this year hopefully
>fixes your shoulders
More like grinds them to inevitably snapping. Shoulders are not designed to move in the vertical plane behind your head
>Shoulders are not designed to move in the vertical plane behind your head
If they can move in the vertical plane behind your head then they definitely disgned for it
Doesn't work like this. Basic anatomy disproves you. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea. You an snap your arm doing an arm wrestler press very easily even though it's doable. Or just because some freak is double jointed doesn't mean it's a good idea to hyper extend your knees. I shouldn't have to explain this it's self evident
>You an snap your arm doing an arm wrestler press very easily even though it's doable.
It's a sport with an opponent, in every such sport you can snap your shit no matter what you do. Your example proves nothing.
>Or just because some freak is double jointed doesn't mean it's a good idea to hyper extend your knees
Knee hyper extensions is a health condition, we are talking about healthy people. You also shouldn't exercise with 39 celsius degree body temperature when you ill. Your second example proves nothing.
Nta, but >>74755100 wouldn't have happened with the bar in front.
Strong argument, except carrying weight in this way is not natural, either. You wouldn't carry a large boulder or deer carcass behind your head.
One one hand I'm inclined to agree to your sentiment, since we evolved a long time. However, the other guy is also correct that the position certainly has higher risk of injury. As for the OP specifically, I declare potentially unsafe. Impressive lift but no full control of the motion.
Wow anon nice job. Started doing these recently, just 1pl8 for reps. Cant imagine doing 2.
someone sounds bitter kek
>bent knees
>behind the neck
not OHP
>t.strict repper who can't push 135
>Shoulders are not designed to move in the vertical plane behind your head
They literally were
t. shoulder designer
yep. i also don't count kipping pull ups as pull ups. if one claims to do something, they should do it. if they do a variant of that thing, they should add the caveat. otherwise they're just lying / doing clickbait. if i see 2 plate OHP in the title and click it and then don't see an actual OHP, it's bullshit.
Lol I recognise OP. Dude is a fucking huge ex football player who makes fun of BJJ nerds with an insta page of like 200k followers.

In case this is really you dude, you're an inspiration and your family is cute. Keep dabbing on nerds
This is impressive for the weight but also impressive in the same way as people juggling with knives or dangling on a rope between two buildings.
Yeah I believe in you, it'll be a grind but it's achievable. Higher bodyweight makes a big difference for OHP in my experience, if you're willing to bulk up and put on some weight it would help a tonne.
Because it means you're pretty much at the very fucking edge of your abilities. Congrats for being able to exert lots of effort but if you look like this when lifting you are c-hair away from fucking your shit up. Tendonitis or straight up torn tendons. Shaking like that is a sign you're moments away from your muscles giving out too. If you're shaking like that during DLs eventually you're going to snap your spine.
There's a difference between heavy and basically asking to get shit snapped.
My point is extremely simple: Just because some people can get away with it doesn't mean it will "bulletproof your X". But now i see you're too stupid to know when you're proven wrong
>If you're shaking like that during DLs eventually you're going to snap your spine.
Nonsense. Your spine is as safe as your brace is strong.
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>argumentum ad nature
Picrel is one of the most unnatural things to do. Doesn't mean it's unsafe or something
i don't care about your dyel faggot copes
You are really retarded because I never said anything about bulletproofing anything. Did your mother hit your head on something when you was a child?
>Just because some people can get away with it doesn't mean it will "bulletproof your X"
This is not what you wrote, you wrote this
>because some people with health conditions can't get away with it means healthy people also can't get away with it
How many deer carcasses or heavy boulders do you typically carry around in a week?
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haters say the boy be beating his own box
The bar was pressed above his head
It’s an overhead press
You’re gay and don’t lift
fucking your mom is unsafe lol
Booty blasted DYEL faggot never replied lmao
So why don't you have sex, for fear of making another DYEL?
Healthy men snap their arms in presses. You have no real argument here
what are you 12?
So a clean and jerk is also an over head press? After all, the bar is pressed over one's head. So he did a clean and jerk then. If a 400 lb person squats down to pick something up, does that mean they squatted 400 lb? After all, they squatted and they weigh 400 lbs. If you wrote your comment on a bench, you did a bench press because you were pressed while sitting on a bench. Let's just eliminate the English language and any terms that describe anything. That way we'd never have to meet any standards and we could all pretend we're super man :) after all, nothing means anything and we can all make up definitions as we please
It's cope to call it an OHP. Do an OHP with 200lbs and then you don't have to clickbait
>he needs push-press to do 135
>participating in parasocial relationships
that's not him. you have facial blindness.
>help! i cant stop thinking about fucking my mom!
Healthy men snap their legs while running. So?
That does look risky to me.
They don't... Just take the L dyel
>They don't... b-because I said so!!!!111
It's not something that conceivably happens. Take the L and move on
>It's not something that conceivably happens... b-because I said so!!!!111
Retard, it happens all the time, running forums are filled with questions from noobs about how they started running and their knees or shins hurt.
You flat contradict yourself in same sentence. snapped leg =/= knee hurting. Just take the L and move on retard
He was hobbling before he broke his leg... Of course if you're injured you can snap your shit just standing. Again it is not something that conceivably happens. Just take the L retard
Breaking your leg from a behind-the-neck OHP is not something that conceivably happens.
>He was hobbling before he broke his leg...
So... just stop hobbling, just like in behind the neck ohp
He's in a race why would he stop?
>just like in behind the neck ohp
Not at all. Sprining is something you naturally do. Your shoulders are not meant to press in the plane behind your head
Doesn't work like this. You need to stop running. Basic anatomy disproves you. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea. Just because some freak is double jointed doesn't mean it's a good idea to hyper extend your knees. I shouldn't have to explain this it's self evident
>argumentum ad nature again
sorry little bro, already answered this >>74763597
It's more an argument from biology than nature. A snatch doesn't press behind the neck the weight comes from the front and settles overhead.
>Doesn't work like this.
Dumbass, he was already hobbling before snapping it's literally in the video.
oh so you're one of those people
>It's more an argument from biology than nature
Doesn't matter how you call it. You never lift anything in the way you do it in the snatch. You never do iron crosses or planches from gymnastics also. It's all unnatural
>A snatch doesn't press behind the neck
Press behind the neck is still common accessory for snatch
>he was already hobbling
Compeletly irrelevant to discussion. He also wasn't hobbling at the start
thats a behind the neck press but if you can do that then you can probably do overhead press too
It's not unnatural if it uses your body it the way it's biologically designed to move. Take the L and move on retard
>Compeletly irrelevant to discussion
It is the only relevant thing at all about the clip. Again if you're already injured jsut standing up can snap your shit up. You have no argument here why do you persist just take the L and move on
>Again if you're already injured jsut standing up can snap your shit up
LMAO retard you literally mocking yourself here because it is you who used knee hyper extension (a health condition) as example. Yes, if you pre injured lot of moves are dangerous. And yes, this argument (the argument you made first) is completely irrelevant to discussion of behind the neck press.
>It's not unnatural if it uses your body it the way it's biologically designed to move
LMAO yeah BIOLOGY first made our shoulders able to move behind neck (which is proven by the existence of such a sport as olympic weightlifting) and then whispered in your ear that it didn't designed shoulders to move that way.
>LMAO retard you literally mocking yourself here because it is you who used knee hyper extension (a health condition) as example.
A double joint is not necessarily an injury therefore it is not analogous to an injurious condition.
>this argument (the argument you made first) is completely irrelevant to discussion of behind the neck press.
It's not, it perfectly showcases the idea. Some men can do arm wrestler presses and be fine but to say it is safe is retarded and ignorant of basic anatomy.
>BIOLOGY first made our shoulders able to move behind neck
It didn't. Behind the neck is where usually is the end of mobility of the shoulder.
>which is proven by the existence of such a sport as olympic weightlifting
I disproved this. Snatch and jerks occur in the front.
>it didn't designed shoulders to move that way.
I will make it very simple. Pressing at what is your end range of mobility where the shoulder is most compromised is stupid the same way arm wrestler presses or hyper extensions are. It doesn't mean it's impossible it's just very stupid to do as our bodies in general are antomically ill equipped to handle heavy loads in these compromised positions and therefore very fragile. Just take the L and move on dumbass
what a retarded way to do it. You dont unrack it like a squat then lift it behind your head. You are going to mess your shoulders up. Also, your cheating bent knees half assed push press isnt an ohp. you cant ohp 225. You might be able to do 200, maybe. Either way you are a faggot
Do show us how it's done.
>Pressing at what is your end range of mobility where the shoulder is most compromised is stupid the same way arm wrestler presses or hyper extensions are.
>our bodies in general are antomically ill equipped to handle heavy loads in these compromised positions and therefore very fragile
>A double joint is not necessarily an injury therefore it is not analogous to an injurious condition.
Not relevant because it's also a case when movemnet can be dangerous like in case with injury.
>Behind the neck is where usually is the end of mobility of the shoulder.
So what? Straightened arm is where ends mobility of elbow joint. We do presses with full strightening all the time.
>I disproved this.
You did not. You are extremely hypocryte because somehow to you biology didn't intendened shoulders moving behind neck in press but it did intend your shoulders holding big weight behind your back in bottom of snatch. Also I disprove you by putting the fact that olympic weightlifters train behind neck presses all the time.
>ill equipped to handle heavy loads in these compromised positions and therefore very fragile
Don't handle heavy loads then, problem solved
>Just take the L and move on dumbass
>help! I cant stop thinking about putting L-shaped things in my anus!!!!
>in case with injury
Not relevant to the discussion.
>Straightened arm is where ends mobility of elbow joint
Elbow joint is mechanically different than shoulder joint
>biology didn't intendened shoulders moving behind neck in press but it did intend your shoulders holding big weight behind your back in bottom of snatch
Both are bad but there's no actual pressing than grinds the shoulder socket.
>olympic weightlifters train behind neck presses all the time
Some do doesn't mean it's safe for you to. Again i disproved this already - arm wrestlers do presses that'd snap your arm
>Don't handle heavy loads then, problem solved
If you don't push to failure it's useless. You either grind your shoulders and snap your shit or you make no gains. Let it go
>Not relevant to the discussion.
It is as not relevant as your example with knee hyper extension.
>Elbow joint is mechanically different than shoulder joint
Also knee joint is mechanically different than shoulder joint. Why did you use such shitty example then?
>Both are bad but there's no actual pressing than grinds the shoulder socket.
>because I said so!!!!
Olympic weightlifting is one of the safest sports.
>Some do doesn't mean it's safe for you to.
"Some people not snapping legs while sprinting doesn't mean sprinting is safe for you" - same shit.
>Again i disproved this already - arm wrestlers do presses that'd snap your arm
Again I disproved this already because arm wrestling is "combat" sport - you do it not against piece of metal where you can plan your load but against an opponent of approximately equal strength as you.
>If you don't push to failure it's useless.
Use loads you are ready to use, that's it.
You are shaking a lot bro, if don't think you can't do at least 5 don't even try, you can get seriously injured.
1 rep maxes (ego-lifting) is especially dangerous.
>It is as not relevant as your example with knee hyper extension.
I have explained how both my examples showcase the issue so it's literally the only relevant thing. Injury was never relevant to begin with.
>Also knee joint is mechanically different than shoulder joint. Why did you use such shitty example then?
It's an analogy. The point being not the anatomy of the joint rather the idea of safe training
>Olympic weightlifting is one of the safest sports.
It takes years of expert coaching to not snap your shit up. It is not safe at all, much less the safest.
>"Some people not snapping legs while sprinting doesn't mean sprinting is safe for you" - same shit.
The sprinting example i already disproved as he was hobbling before snapping. We've been through this already
>Again I disproved this already because arm wrestling is "combat" sport
You didn't and training a press solo is just as dangerous so it's not relevant whether it is combat or not.
>you do it not against piece of metal where you can plan your load
Yes you do in training.
>Use loads you are ready to use, that's it.
You would be using empty bar for life which is ridiculous. The moment you have to actually train the muscle properly you risk snapping your shit up. It's retarded. Just take the L and move on buddy. I effortlessly dismattle all your mental gymnastics because you fail at basic anatomy and biology
>I have explained how both my examples showcase the issue so it's literally the only relevant thing. Injury was never relevant to begin with.
That's just mean "My examples are relevant because I use them, your examples irrelevant because they are not my examples". You put example with knee hyper extension, I put example with knee injury, it's either both of them relevant or both of them irrelevant.
>It's an analogy.
Analogy is not an argument.
>It takes years of expert coaching
to do snatch clean and jerk, not to press behind neck which is much simpler than snatch or clean or jerk.
>The sprinting example i already disproved as he was hobbling before snapping.
And before he start hobbling he was not hobbling.
>Yes you do in training.
And it still dangerous? Than it's not really that dangerous, it is not more dangerous than sprinting if arm wrestlers do this in training regularly.
>You would be using empty bar
Yeah, somehow 20 kg behind the neck is safe, but 22.5 kg "le grinds your shoulders like pepper".
>I effortlessly dismattle all your mental gymnastics because you fail at basic anatomy and biology
No, you effortlessly thinking about putting L-shaped things in your anus again
>So a clean and jerk is also an over head press?
Technically yes, after you clean the bar you have to press the bar over your head
>If a 400 lb person squats down to pick something up, does that mean they squatted 400 lb?
Technically again, yes, it’s a 400lb bodyweight squat
>you did a bench press because you were pressed while sitting on a bench.
Not pressed, simply pointing out that a behind the neck press is an overhead press, just from behind the neck and you’re being gay
>nothing means anything and we can all make up definitions as we please
I don’t think 4chan is for you, maybe Twitter is up to your speed
>You put example with knee hyper extension, I put example with knee injury, it's either both of them relevant or both of them irrelevant.
Wrong. Hyperextention is not an injury. Some people are able to do it, in general it's not good.
>Analogy is not an argument.
It is. It perfectly showcased the idea
>to do snatch clean and jerk, not to press behind neck which is much simpler than snatch or clean or jerk.
Never said otherwise. It also doesn't take coaching to do a press. Doesn't mean it's safe
>And before he start hobbling he was not hobbling.
Yes and it's not relevant as it wasn't the running that snapped his knee
>And it still dangerous? Than it's not really that dangerous, it is not more dangerous than sprinting if arm wrestlers do this in training regularly
You're ignorant, of course it is dangerous.
>Yeah, somehow 20 kg behind the neck is safe, but 22.5 kg "le grinds your shoulders like pepper".
So you should be pressing 500kg if 2.5 is nothing right? Dumbass, neither 20 nor 22.5 will give you gains. I have explained this already. Any meaningful weight will grind your shoukders to dust. Just take the L this is ridiculous
>behind the neck overhead presses give you massive side delts
the fucking state of /fit/
don't ever reply to people again please, you're embarrassing
Kill yourself faggot.
Crisp lift. Personally I do my ohp from the front, because I've dislocated my shoulder a few times.
nah mate i need to reproduce more so my high value genes will improve the average gene pool, have to make up for complete drooling retards such as yourself
enjoy building huge side delts on OHP
>Hyperextention is not an injury. Some people are able to do it, in general it's not good.
"Sprinting does not cause an injury. Some people are able to do it, in general it's not good"
>It is. It perfectly showcased the idea
Then I perfectly showcased the idea by using analogy with elbow joint.
>It also doesn't take coaching to do a press
That depends
>Yes and it's not relevant as it wasn't the running that snapped his knee
Then it is not BTNOHP that injures shoulder
>You're ignorant, of course it is dangerous.
If something is dangerous no matter how prepared you are it can't be exercised. Simple as. So either you are lying about how they regularly train it without partner, or you are lying about how it is dangerous.
>So you should be pressing 500kg if 2.5 is nothing right?
So you should be deadlifting 500kg if 2.5 is nothing right?
>Dumbass, neither 20 nor 22.5 will give you gains.
Progressive overload, if you didn't understand what I mean you are retarded
>Just take the L
Pull it from your anus first
>Some people are able to do it, in general it's not good
Wrong, most are able to do it as it's anatomically designed for this function.
>Then I perfectly showcased the idea by using analogy with elbow joint.
You didn't as i explained it's a different joint mechanically
>Then it is not BTNOHP that injures shoulder
Yes, it is.The pressing actively grinds the socket
>either you are lying about how they regularly train it without partner, or you are lying about how it is dangerous.
This doesn't logically follow. It is dangerous.
>So you should be deadlifting 500kg if 2.5 is nothing right?
By your retarded logic yes. Dumbass
>Progressive overload, if you didn't understand what I mean you are retarded
It doesn't occur without proximity to failure. Do you even lift? You really should stop it's ridiculous. You're disproven on anatomical basis
Wtf? Can you raise your arms overhead?
>Wrong, most are able to do it as it's anatomically designed for this function.
Most are able to BTNOHP as shoulders anatomically designed to do it. See the sport of olympic weightlifting that do them regularly.
>You didn't as i explained it's a different joint mechanically
You also didn't because knee joint is also different joint mechanically
>The pressing actively grinds the socket
And the sprinting actively grinds knees
>This doesn't logically follow.
You said this exercise is dangerous when done with partner or with equipment, then you said arm wrestlers train it all the time with equipment (which also means it is not that dangerous if you are able to train something regularly). It means you are either lying about how dangerous it is or about how they train it regularly.
>By your retarded logic yes.
This is not me who pulled this example with 500 kg press, sorry, so yeah, you are this dumbass
>You're disproven on anatomical basis
The only thing you used from anatomy is some ramblings about hyper extended knees which happened to be some irrelevant analogy with the joint that is "different mechanically". You also repeat the word "socket" often. Is it your anatomical basis?
>most are able to do it as it's anatomically designed for this function
It's very easy to pull hamstring when you are a beginner sprinter
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Anons seething at this mad lad saying his form is shit lmao

Kys virgins
>It's very easy to pull hamstring when you are a beginner sprinter
Not at all
You've been going in circles struggling to grasp what i say to you no matter how simple i try to make it for you i just have to come to terms that you're simply too stupid to know when you're proven wrong.
>involuntary shaking doesnt compromise brace
Correct, assuming you're not a noobie
absurd statement
>struggling to grasp what i say
>BTNOHP is bad because something something hyper extended knee (analogy by the way and isn't related to discussion) and someting something """socket""" (the only anatomical term used in this ANATOMICAL BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE)
Not at all. My deadlift is 300kg and when i pulled it at my lightest i was shaking the bar stopped moving mid rep but i completed it just the same. No problem. If your brace is strong there's no reason why some extra jerk should undo it
Just take the L and move on boyo
>help! I can't stop thinking about putting L-shaped things in my anus!
Dad strength is paying off, boardie.
Are you gay or something?
You fucking retard if that bar tilts backwards even a little bit it will fucking dislocate your entire arm and do a 360 backwards.
OP is a faggot.
(You) are a faggot.
Notice how you are using modifiers to explain how one exercise is different from another modifier (yes it's a "bodyweight" squat, yes "after you clean the bar" it's a press). You've proven my point.
Any normal petaon should be able to safely do btn press. It's even easier and more intuitive than pressing from the front. If you can't do it, it's a personal problem that you should fix because something is wrong with your shoulders, upper back or t-spine.
big dog

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