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I felt to confident and in good shape after a long cycling workout. Then I took my shirt off and look at that fucking balloon belly. It's been like this for 3 years now. I'm trying very hard to excercise but it seems to be getting worse. Is this just fat that is stored near my gut and oversized abs + bellyfat? Should I just quit doing compound excercise to further train my abs and do some cardio instead? I hate this physique.
u eat too much
Yeah probably... Still dont see balloon like this on some guys with same fat percentage. But I guess my mealsize is also too big and makes my stomach grow even more. Yeah well I guess I will clean my diet some more and keep going.
your problem is not about exercise it's about diet, exercise is still good for you, but most of your focus at this point should be on getting yourself into better eating habits
>oversized abs
holy shit the cope is unreal. just eat less fatty
no such thing as "oversized abs." you eat in a caloric surplus. if you drink every single night as well, you'll store fat and fluid builds around your abdomen. get rid of all the junk food and snacks in your house, limit your take out, and the pounds will ~magically~ pour off. there is some definition in your arm, so you probably have some tone hiding underneath everything.
>oversized abs
No such thing, you are just fat.
youre a skinny twink, eat more
>I felt to
Stopped reading right there.
prolly water weight start fasting tubby
You're fat. Here's what you need to do.
Quit drinking alcohol and soda.
Decrease carbs consumed.
1.5 hr cycling 3 days a week.
Barbell training 3-4 days a week at moderate to high intensity.
Jump rope 10-20 min before every workout.
Every fucking time
>oversized abs
>has zero fucking abs
You are fat
How often do we have to repeat it? You cannot outrun a shitty diet. It's 100% diet related.
I dont want my ass to be bigger than my chest so any alternative to cycling?
What does that mean, could this have something to do with creatine?
You have bitchtits too anon

Time to eat at a deficit and lift harder. You'll sort that in no time if you commit
Okay thanks guys, I'm fine with it if I'm just fat. I was just scared that I will have this frog physique for the rest of my life once I was carved into it by years of random training
Someone post the skinnyfat guide
How can one be skinny fat? That’s an oxymoron, haha! Can you be short tall, as well?
>he doesn't know
I have those tits but without the belly. It's ogre.
no way you are cycling for this. I have been training inconsistently during one month and I've the same shit physique
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>if you drink every single night as well, you'll store fat
Do you mean drinking alcohol or drinking anything like water? Like is drinking a lot of water bad at night?
shut the fuck up and eat less. stop asking stupid ass questions and quit stuffing your face retard. you got your answer now delete this thread.
Stop doing cardio. It kills your gains, fucks up your joints, fucks up your hormones etc. Walking is fine, but it takes a lot of time to burn calories that way. Just do sprints desu
Nice tits, fag. Go on diet.
post body
Eat cleaner you fat fuckin pig
Don't make some burger flipper subsidize your leg amputations because you couldn't control your eating
Yes you can. Walk hills for 1.5h everyday. 700+ calories
How about you make me shut up? I can lay you on your back then I hit you with the pound game. Pin you down so you can't run, in and out game. Spit all in-between both cheeks, now I spread 'em. Stuffing you with dick while my finger in your booty z
Do you bike from bar to bar ingesting 300cal for every 50 you lose?
>3 years
This is 3 months for me. Your ancestors should've worked the fields like mine.
Nice tits, kang
you are REALLY under-estimating just how much food goes down your neck every day.
eat more meat, do sprints
You should get your fat ass in some fields
Tha kz
If you start with 10lb dumbbells now, by October you can get up to 15lbs
>stop doing cardio
>do sprints
literally just do carnivore and it will fix you
literally just eat less fatass
Based baffled carb enjoyer
Bro you literally need to cut calories. You're CLEARLY fat for not cutting and also carbs need limits. How the fuck are you cycling and fat? Do you have a wide hipped ass too faggot? Just stop birching and complaining and either cut, eat less and track your colored or give up cycling and get fatter and let yourself go faggot.
I drink ice tea at night with my hard boiled eggs, I know that shit is bad but I fixking love it
For some reason, when im rested im tight and ripped as fuck but after a workout im dilated and bloated as if i was in a fat suit. I fucking hate it. I was promised to be permapumped
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You could eat less
Along with all the cut calories advice, which is valid, you really need to be lifting weights 3x per week. Read the sticky. Biking isn't going to cut it unless you are riding it to the gym.
stop being delusional, you are fat
keep track of your calories better
you're likely eating more than you think
>same fat percentage
how do you know what your bf% is?
are you guessing based on appearance or is there some professional taking a measurement?
Your guts look chronically inflamed
>oversized abs don't exist and can't hurt you
chuck wasn't some faggot doing ab workouts daily getting 'oversized abs' dumbass
it's a beer gut from american hillbilly lifestyle
You have autism belly, caused by parasites and bacteria. Take a tablespoon of baking soda in water everyday, and search up "parasite pill pdf", you need to cleanse yourself of parasites.

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