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>Women don't like roidtrannies!
Meanwhile this is what your future wife's friends will buy for her bachelorette party
Bachelorette parties are just an imitation of bachelor parties. The women don’t actually enjoy it they pretend to.
Women prefer dad bod strippers actually
>dude just roid and put your health at risk so you can get felt up by chubby middle aged women
are those the women you want?!
True, women are not whores. They just want the penis of one honest hardworking man of averagr height, face, and income.
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*Fucks your wife*
dudes I've fallen so low I would love to be lusted after by a public school administrator with the beginning of tricep wings
Meanwhile she’s banging the 16 year old Chad she teaches
Do the future husbands of those women not care that they go to these parties?
Strip clubs are basically something that do not exist for heterosexual women. It is not something they are naturally interested in. But for some reason people think they like these dumb bachelorette parties. Women are not interested in men who dance around and barely make any money. Fact of the matter is is that women in general are interested in men with some social status. Just read some female romance novels to actually understand what they actually are interested in. They aren’t exactly like men.
this is a weird fetish you have going
These guys are very obviously gay.
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Women literally pay top dollar to lick roider abs and get grinded on. When did a woman ever treat you like this?
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>Just read some female romance novels to actually understand what they actually are interested in
I've read this advice countless times and I think I'm actually going to listen to it. I once knew a black guy (I worked a loser job) who got tons of pussy and he said he always kept up with Beyonce and similar to know where them bitches heads be at. Also wore gloves so as not to roughen his hands.
Come on... He's got the nikocado phenotype. How do you keep finding these pictures of the faggiest looking roiders alive? Are you fucking with us?
Okay. These ones ar least look bisexual. But I'd still be more worried they'd try to get her to take them home so they could rape me.
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I doubt your future wife would complain much
Looks natural.
My wife went to one when we were already married. They said the woman were drunk and reckless and bullied the stripper because he was short. She said he was 5”4 tops lol
Well then you know nothing about women.
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The women pick the stripper from a catalog retard. More likely your wife sucked cream off his atrophied balls and lied about it than her picking a 5'4" stripper kek
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Don't listen to what they say pay attention to what they do.
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fr women get it all then they see what a man has and they want it too. Then they don't actually want it they just wanted to know they could have it. Then they are forced to keep up the facade because of cognitive dissonance
>I can and will do everything a man can do
>I want to sit at home and be looked after
no woman actually wants to work or do man stuff. They just want to know they're as good as men which they measurably aren't. I wish women would just accept that it's ok to be a woman and there are lots of things women are good at that I'd never fuckin want to do. But nonetheless some women form their entire lives and identities around the facade; so is it truly a facade at that point or just another inevitable failure stemming from a world too far advanced for its inhabitants. Many will suffer
Well my wife didn't have a bachelorette party at the faghaus or develop that horror movie face and try to cover it with 2lbs of makeup.
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I don't blame you for you elaborate cope. Your world view would collapse
>embarces the roided nigger cold shoulder to the natty looking stripper
These kinds of parties are about voyeurism, not sexual attraction.
How much do male strippers make? The bowtie looks kinda cool ngl.
>all that effort put into their physique
>all so fat women can grope them
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>licks whipped cream off nigger dick in your path
Nothing personal, husband sama
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Its no cope just an observation. Anybody who's spent any decent amount of time around women will understand this. In fact the more you do the more apparent it will become. But you don't want to talk on a forum you just want to post homoerotic images
I'm not going on a cut op I don't know why I'd want to spend 5 months getting lean and making no lifting progress while losing muscle, lifespan, and testosterone.
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You mean a fraction of the effort for 10x the gains natty trannies make?
>they aren't on roids and dont even go to the gym! they just play sports once a week!
>he saved all these picture on his device
Totally not mentally ill
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Uh huh
even with the cheat code, that still took effort.
and then look at the arm of the one on the left.
you couldn't pay me enough to strip for a whale like that and let her touch me
>doesn't know about 4chanx copy paste
The cope levels are truly astronomical ITT
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No one would ever want to pay you anyway
>My wife went to one when we were already married. They said the woman were drunk and reckless and bullied the stripper because he was short. She said he was 5”4 tops lol
Greg Douchette?
None of them are even that big if not for how lean and vascular they are I'd think they were natural.
preferable over roiding just to be touched by middle aged fat women
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Uh huh
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Uh huh
The biggest dude posted has like a 3pl8 bench that's doable in under 2 years.
Women like whatever they think they're supposed to like / whatever they think is considered the most attractive.
How would you know? Zyzz only benche 2.5plates yet he looks distinctly roided. You cannot look like this natty
I'd rather never have abs because it'd make me look gay as hell
Yeah women + alcohol is a recipe for following "conventions". When she sucks whipped cream off atrophied nigger balls it's because of peer pressure
Found the cuck
Bet she tells you your dick is the biggest she’s ever sucked too
Im at nearly 315 after 1yr granted I started at like 175 for 2-3
Who cares what women want?
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those phisiques are achievable natty. You don't even lift dude.
>incel blackpill thread
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Fixing women's houses in exchange for sex>Dancing half naked for 99 homos and 1 woman.
They really aren't. And even if they were achieved natty it doesn't mean you have the guy's genetics. This is how 99% of you look >>74756041. Whether some phenom has Jay Cutler genetics doesn't make your situation better
A smart negroid for once. I might pick up some of those books. Gotta do some Intel gathering
>Fixing women's houses in exchange for sex
how do i do this. i like physical activity.
I've only trained for 1.5 years. I have only done free weight bench press like 8 times in that entire period. I hit 225 last week for a single. I could totally get to 315 in another 8 months to a year. Why don't you just fucking lift? Stop making these incel threads and just pick up some weight, you enormous cockgobbling faggot
That's the dream. I got into one of those gigs and for every 1 time I got some chubby MILFs there were 10x gay boomers who didn't follow the rules
I ohp your bench and i don't look remotely close to these guys. You dyel retards think you'll look like Zyzz when you hit some arbitrary PR. It doesn't work like than.
Nattytranny larp
>I got into one of those gigs
You should have no problem posting body with timestamp. Surely someone who is used to selling his body would have no issue posting body. You're not a seething dyel larping are you?
Girl at my job married German first bf her highschool sweetheart and tells me she wants experience a tall stripper so badly
Married her first bf*
My friend told me she went to a stripper show and after the show they could go behind a curtain and take turns in sucking the dude off, srs.
There's amateur pornos of this if you search for it. Literally a roided out nigger walking around tables putting whip cream on his dick and women sucking it off. The women paid for this please
Fpbp, women are barely sentient creature, most of their actions are in imitation of men or the consequences of peer pressure. It must be horrifying to be one of the few women who actually can think for themselves.
you mean
>it's too big to suck, anon
>Women would never suck cream of roided nigger dick
>But if they do they don't even like it anyway
Fragile world view
You are fetishist fishing for reactions
samefag, the strippers do sex shows, the women aren't party attendees, they're paid to suck their dicks and that's their only purpose there.
Stop coping boyo
The women in these videos are pornstars...
It's amateur shit shot phones. You can cope all day. You know nobody is paying your natty tranny ass to lick abs. You have no halo. That is why you resent roiders.
>women don't like roidtranny
give me a break dyel
Reminds me of that pic of Scott Herman working at a gay party and he’s posing with some older gay guys
Total cope
Women even want to get into strip club for men.
In germany all women are banned from entering strip clubs and brothels because these hoes don't even pay for anything, they just want to watch.
>>74755995 is right, 90% of women are into voyeurism.
cuckolding is /fit/'s go-to and predominant fetish. Everyone in here loves seething because they get off on it.
No they definitely enjoy it. Very common to see "one penis for the rest of your life" banners and women getting handsy with strippers. The bride to be is usually less of a whore unless she isnt
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>Meanwhile this is what your future wife's friends will buy for her bachelorette party
Not me.

You silly atheists have such weird traditions.
>stating facts you disagree with is now coping
You're coping hard.
are you new here? is this your first day? All you faggots do is post girls in shape wear and talk about how other men have sex with them
Youre not legally allowed to touch them retard
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These guys are all hot as hell
You're a faggot cuckold. Stop pretending you have company.
But I look better than those twigs. Also my fiancé always jokes about how she should get me to dance for her single friends parties.
I'll have company with your dad's ass when I fuck him to death tonight, you fucking queer.
there just aint no help for this dude lmao
>blah blah blah
You are and always will be a faggot cuckold.
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Uh huh
Only a naive retard under 30 really believes that bullshit.
You can't suppress nature.
That's like telling sexist men they have to behave all girly and treat everybody nice and kind because we have feminism and women are equal to men.
The hoe phase is a biologically fact for 90% of women because they instinctively know they have to settle for 1 boring dick they have to suck for the rest of their life.
The most degenerate sluts are the younger women who still attend church now. Any woman aged 18 to 50 who regularly goes to church will enthusiastically lick your ass while jerking you off. They are few and far between though, the average age of church going women is like 70 years old.
In my sport I see loud & proud Jesus people every weekend and it took me a while to realize they all listen to rap and use Tinder like anyone else
>I ohp your bench
post video with timestamps or fuck off, doomer
Let me just load 95% of my all time 1rm at midnight and timestamp it to prove to this DYEL some point or other. No i don't think i will. You're a dumbass all the same
Yeah man, Christianity for example is basically just weekly socializing and some community involvement. Many of them simply believe that attending church and mentally accepting Jesus will reward them in the afterlife. They all cherry pick which commandments to follow and which ones to ignore. Same with many other religious groups. I personally believe that you either go "all in" on your religion or don't bother at all. As if God/Allah, Jesus, Thor, Mohammad, Buddha, etc.... are in the afterlife keeping score of your sin to saint ratio.
Then I'm not marrying her if that's the case.
You would likely never even know it happened
>marrying a non virgin
lmao even
Marriage cucks have no choice now
Jew whores with black man what a surprise
Same can be said about any adulterous act your partner commits.
What's your point?
>fake blond Jew whore with a >>74756025
ugly body suit nigger and beaner
Kys Mexican cuck
You should see what women consider dad bods.
Hey nigger cuck kys and stop destroying threads with your gay fetish >>74756105
Gay kys fagget Jew boy with your fake pics
>What's your point?
My point is that you'd not know so you'd still end up marrying a hoe, it's not hard to grasp at all
>le all women are whooooorrreeeesss!!!! xD
never heard that before
That's not a jewish phenotype kek
I never implied it's riveting it's a direct reply to the anon below who thought he might have a chance at a virgin wife. Are you ok?
Dyel cope
are you ok?
>marriage cucks have no choice now
directly implies that all women are whores and that virgins don't exist you dolt.
figures an anti marriage porn cuck like you would be a dishonest faggot too.
find God.
My point is that you shouldn't be marrying a woman that thinks hiring a male stripper for her bachelorette is ok in any capacity and your argument of "you'll never know" is stupid.
>/fit/ - bicurious cuckolding
you guys are fucking gaylords lmao
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Virgins exist but not until marrying age.
>find God
No thanks christcuck
just as a woman shouldn't be marrying a man that thinks browsing 4ch is a good use of his time.
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t. kike apologist
Any woman is a swipe away from 100 Chad dicks and they routinely take advantage of that. How many do you think recall every hook up they had to their husbands?
i had a stripper friend and she had sex with more women then men but when she did fuck guys they were always roided for sure
Then we're in agreement.
Glad we had this exchange.
>women are able to cheat so....
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>t. kike apologist
You don't know your own religion history.
Yes. Unironically.
Marriage is built on trust. If you can't trust your woman to remain faithful to you, then you don't marry her.
If you can't trust women at all, then don't ever get married. Simple as.
Plenty of marriages exist where both partners remain faithful.
Keep the twitter anecdotes to yourself.
christcucks are the biggest israel supporters fuck em all nuke the whole middle east from tel aviv to beijing
Nietzsche talks about this too. Christianity is the greatest revenge against the goyim
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>ackshually christianity is some jewish psyop
you got filtered by The Word of our Lord.
not interested in arguing this any further with you as you have no interest in truth yourself
abrahamic religions are the biggest threats to whites globally kikes mudslimes and christcucks all would rather have a religiously monogamous society rather than an all white society take that as you will
>t.not white
t. austrian/hunagrian catholic
stop replying to me
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Passage from the Genealogy of morals
the rise in atheism directly correlates with the decline in white birth rates, and the so called "diversification" of europe.
you are so far gone in your jewish delusion it's unreal
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>yay I'm about to get married
>better whore it up one last time ;)

do Americans really? Who started this garbage "cultural" tradition anyways? Unbelievably cucked.
You're simply ignorant of religion history see >>74757201
Nietzsche explains how Jews weaponize christcuck slave morality against the goyim
alright so you're a lying faggot. Dismissed
ok ranjeesh kek
Gand mara debjit
Atheism as a movement has fundamentally inherited the slave morality of christian society. Instead of loving your neighbor it's globalized. This is all direct consequence of post christian morality
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>do americans really
europoors always seethe no matter what kek
Nice LARP homo, I said you're dismissed. That means you can fuck off now
You'd think out of all the things to be doing at a party celebrating your marriage it wouldn't be hiring hookers.
It's always weird looking people doing this shit like they're repressed who even buys a hooker or tries to have a lame ass fuck fest
You would be surprised. Lots of girls would like to date a handsome type guy who doesn't make that much money. I've seen a lot of women's fantasies and they often involve ripped men who work day to day jobs. Like the plumber coming in and hooking up with them.

I see what you mean tho. Women do like rich men with status, but you shouldn't count out a male stripper as someone who can get women easily.
You're so much weaker than me you can't even conceive of my strength being possible. You flatter me but that's enough for you
there it is the porn addicted freak admits it
You probably watched porn today or within the week. Don't be a hypocrite
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havent watched porn in 7 (seven) years get a grip and get some pussy fagtard
So we're just going to pretend these men aren't all gay, right?
True, because women are serial monogamists only ever interested in one man at a time, however they will always get bored of that man and want something new no matter how good he is. Women don’t want bachelorette parties, they want divorces. You can even overhear zoomer girls who have never been married talking about their hopes for their “first” marriage.
Uh huh
So true a woman has never cheated in the history of mankind
Whatever helps you cope really
>make excuses
>still no video posted
All you got to do is lift weights dude, you don't have to lie about your one rep max
Yes and no, they're no it naturally into the context of bachelorette parties but they're still like touching lean guys with big muscles
Goal body
I'm sure Stacy would rather have some skinnyfat beard instead
I'm gay myself, so I'm not coping at all. Shit like >>74756090 make it obvious these guys are at least mostly if not all gay. Andrew Christian is literally gay underwear marketed to men and the gay porn industry.
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>erotic male underwear is marketed towards men
>Just read some female romance novels to actually understand what they actually are interested in
The guys in those don't have only status, they are always described as being tall, muscular and incredibly good looking
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Gay men.
Straight men usually don't buy it, straight men in general don't buy fetish wear. But strippers are the big exception. I don't own any shit like this but if were a stripper i'd have to
>Become handy
idk watch a bunch of YouTube videos on changing ceiling fans and hanging drywall or smth
>Acquire pickup truck
>Advertise your handyman services on said truck
>Perform an above-average job so the homeowner recommends you to friends, neighbors, and family
>Never have sex on the job because life isn't a porno and all those women have a check that their husband wrote to pay you with
Hope this helps.
lol I don't doubt that the chicks find those dudes hot, but seriously what kind of an absolute retard would marry a woman like this?
And women in porn are usually sweet ladies (unless it's a dom fetish) but that's not what the guys are logging into pornhub for.

I had a naked chick dancing on my lap shortly before getting married too. It's only fair.
Masturbation is just an imitation of forearm cardio. The men don't actually enjoy it they pretend to.
I worked noghtclub security for 5 years and guarded for male stripper events. The women there of all ages, including very attractive young 30 year old were absolutely feral after from horniness. If you couldn't pull a chick after that you were a complete fuck up

They are attracted to us just the same as we are attracted to them. They just have immense social pressure from themselves and others to be more coy about it, although that is changing with the times.
*very attractive 20 year olds
Astronomical cope levels ITT
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>Never have sex on the job because life isn't a porno and all those women have a check that their husband wrote to pay you with
OP those men are gay...
nta, but believe it or not, not everyone likes to watch porn, like not everone likes to smoke crack
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hope this is bait otherwise is pretty sad somebody is this stupid
They always are. The bigger, the gayer
>>Acquire pickup truck
i bought a convertible c8 instead lol
My mum's friends were funny and got the most hick bogan looking motherfucker as the stripper who rode on a tractor naked with vb beer jiggling with fat instead of the usual shit.
It was my dad that fucked up with his bachelor stripper though according to my uncle.
He looks natty tho
If a woman is cheating the relationship is already over and the boyfriend is effectively just there for benefits he provides
Roid trannies only get trannies and whores. Nothing of value is lost.
Bisexuality doesn't exist, tranny.

It's just basic alpha fucks, beta bucks, anon. They fuck gay chad in the strip club because they think with their cunts, but then marry Steve the software engineer, who never gets his dick wet, but makes good money.
All these male strippers look straight out of a gay porn. This could be you /fit/.
Can someone explain why gay men are so muscular and why there is a huge age gap between gay couples?
Women fumbled the bag badly, spending your days relaxing at home, taking care of the kids, making food, gossiping with your friends and spending the money your husband makes by working 60 hours a week is a comfy life.

And they traded it for the ability to make PowerPoint slides for $50k a year instead
I wouldn't care if a dike designed all the clothes I tried to have sex with but if it was a gay guy it'd be weird and I'd expect it to be more of what a guy might like in a dude. It'd have to be a straight guy making clothes for other straight guys so they can have six with other women because he doesn't care about that(has a wife) or has a bigger dick than me and better looks.
In straight and my male stripper friend has done less gay shit than me
I think women just don't like to settle for beta males with money.
Too bad their dicks don’t work
Yes that's the whole point of cheating dumbass
Never stop coping
So they... become betas? lol
they're there because they don't have husbands
homosexuality is associated with femininity, boomer or boomer-mentality dad and his rants about "all the faggots in this country" will make a closeted son go muscle mode
Absent dad or supportive parents and you get twink mode
Age gap is usually a daddy issue thing too, just like with women
I do not know enough about absent mothers and the affect it has on women and men, gay or straight. If anyone has insight I would like to know.
So they became the betas instead

Making just enough to get by with a boring childless life. It's not a coincidence that happiness levels among women have been on a decline for decades despite the entire societal and political discourse being geated towards education/workplace being more women friendly
Women like to explore and push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable, especially when it comes to their sexuality. That doesn't automatically mean they are looking for sex, but they get excitement and enjoyment out of living out their sexuality more openly when it is considered acceptable. When the group dynamic is right they would get excited over almost every male body as soon as the shirt goes off, not because of physical attraction, but because that repressed behavior is acceptable.
To some extent this.
Based retard
Haha yeah exactly

Reminder that women think muscled, hairless guys are gay douches and actually prefer dadbods

It's all about personality, bros. Just gotta make her laugh!!

If you get swole the only attention you get is from males, six gorillion webcomics say so hahah
Women will be married to a billionaire and fuck the ottermode Latinx pool boy. They want validation. Getting rich guys validates them. Getting handsome guys validates them. Getting younger guys validates them.
you're both gay
>nobody would ever break the law
>it's literally ILLEGAL! You can't DO that!
Hey, keep the Italians out of this
What is the point of these threads? What does this have to do with fitness? Nothing in this thread has to do with fitness, lifting, health, or even actually talking about gear.

Why do you even make these? Legitimately what is there to gain and why the fuck do you care SO much about what anonymous people on 4Chan think of you?
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>When the group dynamic is right they would get excited over almost every male body as soon as the shirt goes off
Yeah, it's a bit weird when you think about it.
>but it's one last day of freedom :))))
What, so cheating is OK if you're "only" engaged?
Doubt you keep that same energy with the 5th daily "roidtranny" thread by seething crabs
For every thread talking about "roidtrannies" I see like 5 that are seething about natty lifting, are racebait, are weird blackpill shit, or a combination of the three. I really just wish all of you faggots would fuck off with these weird ass threads begging for attention
LOL you're a giant cuckold and you're in denial about it.
It's not cope, just look what happens at regular pool or beach parties
>For every thread talking about "roidtrannies" I see like 5 that are seething about natty lifting
No you don't faggot. 99% of this board are DYEL crabs. Don't squat deadlift or even lift weights, fuck off faggot
Uh huh
They're not. Most gay men are completely underwhelming to look at, but handsome/shaven/muscular is the gay paradigm and, being men, the body positive movement hasn't influenced them as much as the hetero mainstream.

Wen can get away with being fat because, well, who else are straight men going to fuck. But if 10% of fags are muscular and 90% are fat - that just means the top 10% get loads of sex and the ugly ones are ostracised.

It's pretty based really. Us heteros could do with bringing back fat shaming, everyone wins except those unwilling to put in effort.
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>honey, i'm home~!
>you know what it means, hehehe~
Prodding shitty pipes > prodding shitty pipes
He might be a roidtranny but he can be mistaken for a natty
Peak natty physique is what women like. When a woman thinks of roidtranny, she thinks of Coleman
Imagine having this many pictures of male strippers saved to your computer or phone. Frankly one is one too many.
Couldn't be me OP.
Just because women are delusional doesn't mean he's "natty looking". Nobody natty looks like this
>Doesn't know about 4chanx
Cope and seethe dyel
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>le roidtranny
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I wish women actually liked men.
You know Nietzsche loved Jews and hated Christians, right? He was a Freemason, bro.
There is always a first time for white knights.
How did it go for pagan germans?
Could be true....My date asked me last night if I "used steroids" (I do) and she did NOT have sex with me. We did makeout quite a bit tho. I have a different one tonight though, she just left her hubby and filed for divorce, she says. I'm pretty optimistic about my chances of a creampie 2nite.
>You know Nietzsche loved Jews and hated Christians, right?
Wrong, you cannot love one or hate the other. They are same. He only liked jews insofar as they are the masters of christian goyim. He talked about how dysgenic jews are in that very passage i posted. Aka "priestly people"
Tell me about it how did it go?
If a girl has friends who would do that, she's not my future wife. Vet your girl and her friends, Anons. Single women keep women single, I've seen it happen first hand
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>Be norduck, be the underachiever, rapefugee of Europe. No literature, no architecture, nothing of worth besides infighting and occasional victories against your inbreed neighbors.
>Become Christian, achieve your highest high ever. Music, architecture, philosophy, poetry, literature.
>Turn back to pagan cuckoldry, become the laughingstock of Europe again.
Enjoy Islam I guess.
He gets paid for it, dumbass
Why did you let your wife go to such an event that is for single women? If she respected you she would value your relationship over friendships
How would you know?
>Women are not interested in men who dance around and barely make any money.
women aren't interested in anal either. Until you shove it in there. Same for BJs. If a woman has to go to a bachelorette party, she will make a stink about it, but once there, primal urges take over. Women are dumb, and don't even know what they want, and if they do, it's not a strong enough conviction to withstand any whim than peaks their lust.
It had nothing to do with religion. Nordcucks are a dumb peoples in general. Their genes are suicidal
Both Islam and Christianity are wings/tools under the control of Jews. Christianity is the hippie liberal side that gets people to appeal to emotions, and Islam is the aggressor and violence psy ops wing, that creates division and destruction. They both are useful to the Jew. They both advance what the Jew wants, when they want it, how they want it. They are at the top of the food chain. The puppet masters making us dance in both directions when it suits them, and they will always come out on top, unfortunately. Trying to take them down, or stop them is a sin.
these Jew fellas sound pretty smart. Glad they're the ones in charge.
They frequently suck their dicks and let them fuck them as well. They’re usually very good about keeping this fact hidden.
Mommy issues turn the kids into complete violent psychos, I don’t know how but trust me bro

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