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What age is a man's physical prime? As in what age or age range he can reach his peak fitness potential?
Depends on sport/fitness goal, but most likely around 25-35
It's 23, you dumb late-"bloomers"
Don't worry about this unless you are actually trying to be an olympian or something.
Most people, even if they are athletic in their early 20s, are no where NEAR their potential peak. Meaning that they can even get more athletic in their 30s relative to their 20s because of how high their potential likely is and due to how far below their peak they likely were.
If you've ever played a pickup game with someone who is actually a professional athlete, you'd realize how far below peak you truly are. You don't realize how good the pros are until you play against one.
D1 athletes are closer to your average YMCA weekender than they are to true pros/olympians.
Like 35
The last age he was when he banged an 18 year old
"fitness potential" is way too fucking vague. just look up the ages of olympic gold medal winners for whatever sport ur thinking about.
I choose to believe 35

(I know it's like 25)
if you roid, yeah
samesies haha

Life as a man ends at 25. There is nothing worth living for after 25. Youth is the only reason to live life, and once your youth is gone you are just another ugly aging tax cattle whose sole purpose is to fund the lifestyles of the young and hot.
Do not waste your first 25 years on this earth, they’re all you’ll ever have.
It’s actually horrifying how short the window to live life is. You get two, maybe three decades of youth and life, and then 50+ years of a slow pathetic decline.
You’re getting older and uglier every single day and there is nothing you can do about it. Every day you spend on this website is another day of your life you will NEVER get back. College age women are repulsed by your advances and make fun of old balding men like yourself all the time.
You are getting older and uglier every single day and you are wasting your life
Yes you reading this even
lol someone clearly doesn't have kids
Whenever he decides to best himself, and continually thereafter.
You could be DYEL for 65 years, hit the gym and eat healthy for 3 years and you'd be in your prime health and fitness. That's technically correct, and we know all damn well that technically correct is the best correct.
Realistically somewhere between 22-35. But even if you start training at 40 there a significant health and quality of life benefits well into old age.
When you make it
If you fucked around, played video games and ate trash in your teens, it will hopefully be your 20's
About 1 year

Unless you started lifting at 6 months old, your are NEVER going to make it. Just give up
Define physical prime.

Cardiovascular strength diminishes, your peak cardiovascular is based around damage to the cardiovascular system vs amount of training.
It is always getting worst every day of your life.
No matter how much you train, some damages cannot be undone and therefore younger is better.

Peak strength is accumulative though, men are strongest in their mid thirties.
No matter your genetics, the years it takes to put in the eventual smallest amount of muscle will always result in you being older opposed to being younger.
We must always take in mobility, which also diminishes usually with age.
Finally we have sexual function, which flat out diminishes with age.
Whatever age you stop using this website
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Whatever age I am, which happens to be 34.
around 30
The average is 27 for people who are fit and active. You shouldn't look at averages and instead be the exceptions.
For men who don't take care of themselves their physical prime is going be like 16 and downhill from there. A very healthy and fit man may reach his peak in 30s. Heavy roiders like strongmen can reach their peak at 40.

You should be trying to reach your own peak in whatever your goals are. You will eventually reach a point where you get worse, when loss of muscle just happens, when you start losing strength, when your movements begin to slow down. It may be at the age of 25 or 40, but you push through it and try to make gains so you can push your physical prime a year or two further. Or just be a fraud and roid past your prime.
It's 26. I say this as a 32 year old. Most gold medals at the olympics are won by 26 year olds.
For most people? Like 18. But if you keep training and maintain a healthy diet like early to mid 30s.
Some blackpilled tranny wrote this and I can't imagine how much their life must suck
Nah it’s mostly true nta
UFC fighters usually peak in their early 30's and fall off after 35. If you are a powershitter it's mid to late 30's. For most sports it's mid to late 20's
Practically probably 20-25 but realistically you're not gonna see a MASSIVE drop off until you get into your 40s if you just eat right and train consistently. There are people in peak fitness into their 40s even easily, it's just that most guys aren't training until they hit their 20s so they miss out on the gains they'd get if they started in HS.

Of course the flip side is those HS athletes that used to lift hard in HS get complicit with how easy it was and get fat as they get older, kind of an interesting phenomenon.
Only if you're a complete fuck up in life.
>make fun of old balding men
good thing im not balding and never will be hahahahaha
didn’t deny being old though
Being old and growing out of your hedonist dumb young party phase is fine. Something troons and doomers who missed out on key social developmental milestones don't understand is that you're supposed to grow out of the hedonist phase of your life because it gets boring. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun to go out every now and then. But going out every weekend getting stupid high and drunk just gets repetitive after a while and once you find the right girl to settle down with you begin to get actual hobbies.
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Strength-wise you can maintain your peak while even in your 50s sometimes depending on luck. My father is at that age and his physical strength is very similar to mine. Despite our training approaches being quite different, our 1RM for bench is identical most of the time, sometimes there are temporary ups and downs but progressing further does not work. We both have trained for many years.

I have mixed opinions about recovery after hitting 30s, somehow I get injured less often and my tendons don't suffer as much. Could as well be my experience resulting in a better technique. But I think recovery (once some issue arises) is slower after all.

No idea about cardiovascular shape however, I am nowhere near my peak potential there, but I am better than I was in my 20s. I don't do intense cardio like running and I don't include jumping rope in my programs anymore, but I have been cycling very consistently for the past few years and bulgarian splits do wonders.

I think the takeaway here could be that you can sometimes force your body to compensate for extra years accumulated by leaving it no other choice if you push hard enough. I think for many people that is dangerous and may backfire though once you accidentally get over the edge.
Let's look at the career that requires an optimal mix of endurance, strength, coordination, flexibility and overall athleticism: football (soccer)
It's 25-32
A bit misleading, football players peak in performance and value in their late 20s because they are more experienced and develop better gamesense, not because they're at their physical peak, that's on their early 20s
For static strength 30-35. For speed, explosiveness, etc. early to mid 20s.
Im an old fag. Mid 50s.

I played sports as a kid and started lifting at age 14, Played HS football and basketball. Not a gifted athlete so played college rugby and mens league rugby thereafter until about age 29. I was "fit" but looked dyel. No abs. Few veins.

Age 29 got married, started gaining weight. Worked a job, had three kids became obese. 350 pounds. Age 41 started eating right and lifting. By age 42 I had lost 120 pounds and was back in shape or better thann I was at 29.

Kept lifting using the basic barbell lifts. People began telling me I looked like a bodybuilder, which I never heard when I was younger. Age 46 started TRT. Lifts went up, body size and shape kept improving.

Now Im mid 50s. Leaner, stronger, bigger than I ever was. Abs. Bicep vein. Quad veins. The whole thing. I can now OHP 2 plates and at my last PL competition a few years ago I benched 365, squatted over 485 plates and deadlifted almost 550 (two red lights for hitching) )

I dont know about "athletic" but in my mid 50s I am much, much stronger and my physique is much better looking than I was in my 20s.

Yes, TRT helps, but so does ten years worth of consistency, getting stronger in the big lifts, eating keto or lower carb and prioritizing quality protein like beef and eggs.
>being a childless loser and worrying about this at 25
lmao even
Arnold was the youngest-ever Mr. Olympia when he first won it at 23, retard.
GVS is 34, and still making gains.

Depends on the sport though, some peak stupid young, gymnasts peak at 15-22, depending on if they’re dudes or chicks. Lifters it’s later, marathon runners peak 27-32, usually it’s late twenties overall (assuming you’ve been training since teen years).
Caveat to this is that you don’t lose it for a long time, if you keep a good lifestyle. Also, if you were a potato as a teen or early twenties, you might keep progressing until your mid-late thirties, just because you weren’t achieving your max before.
Max at 40 is a ton better than low performers at 22. Pro athletes are in their twenties for a reason, but you can hang on for a long time, even as a natty. 40 year old who gets after it can maintain an impressive physique, and a lot of top natty BBers are 34-40. You get less explosive, so competitive sports are harder to hang in, but being a beach bro is maintainable, especially if you jump on trt at 40
Based oldfag
Exactly this.
Peak 50 is usually worse than peak 25, but almost nobody actually hits their peak potential at 25.
It’s entirely possible to hit all time bests later in the game, especially in sports or activities that don’t challenge absolute max reflexes or explosiveness.
Yes. Im the old fag. If I had known hot to train properly for my body (Im tall and lanky with a tendency towards looking skinny fat) as a much younger man, I would have prioritised getting as storng as possible in the basic barbell lifts and not trying to "hit all the angles" with bodybuilding movements and machines.

I also would have eaten a LOT more meat and protein and lezs carbs. Unfortuantely for me, diet and bodybuilding advice in the 80s and 90s was heavey on high carb and low fat, which just doesnt work for my body.

If I had better "advices" I may have been able to hit much better peaks at 25. Alas, that aint what happened.
Why are you old?
id say its like between 24 and 27
t.29 yo
bost body or competition vid
Absolutely not. I value my privacy. I understand your skepticism. Let me put it to you like this - there is one, maybe two of me at everybody's gym. The old, grey haired guy who looks way too red in the face (test face. Maybe I a bit of high blood pressure) but s great for his age. That's me at my gym.

Were not rare. We exist. I just happened to post on this board.
Also (Im the old fag) as decent as my body looks (i.e lean and muscular) my face looks like shit. Im pretty wrinkly and leathery. The years of obesity stretched out my skin AND Im fair haired/blue eyes. So my face probably looks like shit. Im hoenst enough to admit that.
Anon, most people only really start getting the capital to live life around 25. This pining for youthful days gone is gay and retarded, and instead of seething over it you should strive to make the most of your life while you still have it. Did you know there are people who only became doctors in their fifties? There are university graduates in their seventies. There are literally people who went to prison in the age of fucking brick mobile phones, and came out in the age of handheld supercomputers, and they'll still probably do more than (You) with that mindset.
I used to say 25 but I don't think 25 year old me could compete with 32 year old me in any capacity. But at the sametime I barely know anyone, fit or not, that can compete with me these days. I don't know what happened.
Technically early-mid twenties.
Realistically most people will peak in their thirties.
This. The idea of "physical prime" is a relative concept, and a lot of guys here who are in their mid to late thirties will hit their prime if they spent their twenties as lazy shut-ins who don't care for exercise. Pound for pound, the age you choose to start taking care of yourself is the age you hit your prime - it's why Redditors who never exercise never really hit their prime at all.
I just saw a guy must be in his 40s or early 50s deadlifting over 400lbs for reps with perfect form. Never to late to make it
A man’s life doesn’t even BEGIN until he is forty.
Extremely based. Not even going to ask for verification. Would love to see your physique. Bet your kids are proud of you!
Most star athletes have their best years around age 28

I started lifting last year at 35.
Just a basic bb routine with extra side-delt work because I look like an avocado.
Is it ogre for me? Aigmi?
Special Forces, SEALS etc usually recruit from the mid 20s to early 30s. You have enough time and exposure to testosterone to develop musculature, and have had the time to possibly be mature and not be as retarded as you probably were before. If you're younger than this bracket you can probably recover a bit easier but youre less likely to have the experience or maturity required for the job. If you're older even if you're sharper or more experienced or stronger, your body is more likely to give out.

So 25 to 33 basically. That's the peak. It's a gradual decline from that point generally speaking.
For me, when I'm in my 50s and I start hitting the roids hard.

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