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previous >>74748955
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chubby goth gamer librarian lifter baker tattoo chicks. that is all
Your stomach shrinks after like 1 week of not eating like a gluttonous nigger. Fat people are so pathetic.
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This is someone’s mom.
Do you think that the ink from the tattoos exacerbates the inflammatory effects of obesity in her?
He is also claiming to be tired all the time from his calorie restriction. I suspect a nutritional deficiency of some kind, like he's not getting enough, iron, vitamin D, or even something as basic as protein.
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The fatties in my office need the temperature set so cold I have to bring a jacket
>yoyo dieter
Sad many such cases.
I am also down 60 lbs, turns out its really easy if you make all of your own food
humiliation ritual?
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post moar fgts
This one lady at work kept ranting at me about how hot it was inside, I'm a diabetic blah blah blah and all I could think was
>type 1 or type 2?
>type 2 for sure
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>could people just be lying?
>no! it must be a disorder!
atypical anorexia is still my favorite nonsense diagnosis of the modern day
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yeah, this 1300 kcal cut sucked for a week or two but now its just normal
i think a lot of fatties dont cut the sugar dependency first as well, which makes running a deficit harder than it needs to be
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Boyfriend must be a fat nigger too, you could fix this into a 7 with 2 mesos of hard diet.
How much cuts suck depends on your bf
Fatties often don't even need to make big changes to drop a fuck ton of weight and they won't even get hungry - they'll just get bored and miss cake.

If you're single digit % bf though your body knows you're starving and you jump between wired and tired depending on how close you are to food.
With that much weight it's going to require surgery minimum for the excess skin
I am fat
I hate myself
I'd feel bad for her about the scars if she wasn't a fucking fatass.
>guys you used to think were big
I am sick
Id rather lose a limb than become diabetic. I cant imagine the level of self hatred you would have to have to let yourself slip that far.
this is literally exactly what happened to me minus the online and moving part
i got to just get hot again bros
surely she will love me again.......
have you considered not being fat?
Could be, could not. If it's not at the "fat apron" stage, people with good skin can bounce back. Actually going tot he gym and replacing the bulk with muscle helps too [fat people are far too lazy to do this]
Can that thing not be cited for public indecency? Not even joking, everyone else there is fully dressed, but here comes Shamu with a bikini and a backpack. This goes against every rule of etiquette, but also the actual laws of many places.
Someone impregnated that
>If it's not at the "fat apron" stage, people with good skin can bounce back.
Just how much of a fat apron is too much to come back from?
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>the future, 203x, The Wall gets built
>however a new administration uses it to keep American tourists in
>pictured, one of the few exit points
>”You must be this skinny to leave America”
Good news! With diabetes, you can do BOTH!
Have you tried not being a little bitch who needs to bundle up at 68 degrees?
If you suck in your gut [abdominal vacuum] and it doesn't un-apron, I'd say it's joever. It's not like skin flap surgery is the end of the world thought. It's like 2 hours tops and a week recovery.
What about the scars though, aren't they permanently marked unless they have good scarring genetics
Better scarred than fat.
yeah that should be illegal. in the words of Pantera, is there no standard anymore?
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This is how I feel but for bulking
>I'm tired of being crippled by my stuffed belly
>I'm tired of shitting so much
>No one cares how much I bench
>I hate looking fat
>I have plenty of muscle and it's time to leanmaxx
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Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates
It don't last long for fat people
funny you should asked that
Choosing to live as a failure makes no sense to me. I will be fit or I will die. Death would be a gift
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You sure showed them.
Lol don't even need to be particularly thin to fit on a plane
You CAN change.
You HAVE that power.
I believe in you, but you must believe in yourself!
>no public drinking
>no being shirtless
>no being loud
>no public urination
The fuck did they do to Rome?
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Look mate, if you let yourself go to the point you need surgery, you'd better make peace with scars. If you get jacked no one will care anyway, chicks dig scars [if you're hot].
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May God have mercy on that helpless baby
Correct. The answer to everything is to get jacked.
These ones make me feel bad, you can tell they’re not bad people they’re just incompetent which is normal for women. If they had been raised right they would’ve turned out completely differently unlike some of the hateful she-hulks out there who were born broken.
Thats sad
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why would they take that picture? Is this the fatty equivalent of a hunter posing with their kill? Is having a smorgasbord of goyslop all at once supposed to be like flexing your luxury life?
Anon, he's dead there. That's how he died.
This one kinda makes me sad.
Just looked her up, she's got some fat sperg boyfriend apparently that asked her out 8 days ago. Also she apparently lives with her parents, is unemployed, and "disabled" lmao. Of course.
I prefer morbidly a beast
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All redditors are disabled
Join /fat/ or /fast/. Lose the weight. Become human again
Fuck these guys, get on ozempic NOW
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Big if true
>people like this think they deserve sex and then complain about incels existing
every big city outside of Tokyo has to deal with thousands of retards who will break those rules, without having the resources to deal with it.
I'm curious what 450 pounds looks like. The visualizer site only goes up to 275 pounds.
fatter than the fattest white bitch you can imagine
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This is probably about 450 pounds.
Oh, that's sad. Imagine spending your one life on Earth as a 75% bodyfat flesh monster...
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Some people don't have to imagine.
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I think the saddest thing about these horribly distended guts is that even IF they lost the weight (which they won't because I'm pretty sure you only get this way if you're trying to get fat fast), the pannus is almost certainly inoperable, because intestines are literally spilling into it.
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Verification not required.
yea, could you imagine if someone was drinking a beer in public? the horror!
>Being in denial about the severity of their condition
Isn't it funny how every modern nonsense psychiatric disorder comes with this clause where denying that you are ill is used as proof that you are ill? This is the logic that leads to locking people up in asylums.
Instead of $90/day on uberjeets maybe spend more than $13 on clothes instead
But what will they do without the only thing that makes them happy?
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>I can’t stand for more than 10 minutes before I start feeling like I’ll pass out.

I saw this picture dozens of times before I noticed the stick thin dude standing in the back of the kitchen. Man just disappeared into the background. I wonder if the hamplanets ever let him eat anything.
>calculate TDEE
>measure food
>count calories
>lose weight

It actually gets sadder every time it gets posted
That's the first step.
Top comment is telling her to join a burn victim support group. She should, but that's still avoiding the bigger issue.
What causes this fat distribution? Cursed genetics or just massively herniated?
These are the same person apparently. Honestly she's not that bad if she just lost like 20-30lbs she'd probably be cute
The fatty contest on /fit/ helped me and it can help you too
kek black bulls get all the hotties lmao
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This is probably specifically because they intentionally gorged themselves trying to get fatter.
The intestines grow because the body learns that the intestines have prime importance.
You can smell the stench thru the computer. Utter filth
>body scars and skin condition
The horrific burn scar mention without elaboration makes me so sad for her honestly
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/fph/ is the best motivator to lose weight. I'm going to make it bros... Give me another ~8 months...
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She stuffed her clothes, right? That's gotta be the joke but I've seen so many weird blob people here that I'm not certain
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>She stuffed her clothes, right?
Ye. These have been making me laugh for the last three weeks since they've been posted.
I know where he's coming from as I've faced this very same issue. Solution is cardio. Every time I drink a 6 pack I do 2000 calories worth of cardio. Never ever deny yourself the food you love.
My problem with this image is letting hot food go cold. Do they not even care about the foods flavour?
They really fuck anything..
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me on the right.
even if shes spending 900 dollars on clothing she looks like a pig with make up and bettet clothes
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Another reason not to associate with, befriend, or date fat people.
Them doing that contributes to the dating culture we have today and the screaming isngle women on tiktok wondering why they can't get a 10/10. If a literal Goblina is made to feel desireable imagine how a 6/10 White woman would feel
........would, shamefully
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This is just stalking. If he isn't into you, he isn't a "jerk." She literally went to his house when he made it clear he wasn't interested.
You aren't entitled to love.
She needs to leave him alone. She's actually a threat to people.
Fuck it. I respect the honesty.
You know it's killing you, you know the risks.
What exactly happened? Did he tear his quads?
My obese boss brings sweets to the office.
I know, right? At my heaviest I was ~70lb overweight and I literally NEVER encountered anything like what these fat fucks complain about and that actually kind of made me lazier because I would say "well, at least I'm not THAT fat". Lost most of that now, thankfully.
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At one angle at least she’s losing weight, this one is down 80lbs from almost 300lbs according to her- but she still doesn’t understand that frankly no matter the method it’s a lot better than being almost 2.5x a healthy weight. No shit, people are happy to see you getting better. The cope is strange. I don’t get it,
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This is going around the same tags though, and again I feel split. It’s retarded because spot burning does not work and one or two workouts won’t give you results, BUT at least they’re working out and hopefully building some kind of muscle.
Or is this just to gate keep the fat ones who think they can just spam exercise to mitigate binging?
>Die yum
It's still a bit delusional. Dying from fat isn't dignified or painless. They'll be in immense pain, unable to breathe or move, drowning in their own fluid, infections and sores and rashes everywhere.
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this dude's a "Never Trumper" Republican pollster btw, almost as bad as being a commie
just retarded enough to be based
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Hey, she’s cute currently but it’s
eat better
get off of the birth control
for me
I like to imagine he's concentrating his psychic energy to block her and she's pressing her melee weapon down on the forcefield in vain
Temp is set to 75 degrees thank you very much.
T. Arizona Cowboy
Those moo cows are dead. Look at her staring at that ranch dressing. She'll probably drink that entire bottle for pre-feeding
i thought this was fp"H" not fp"L"
I miss ronnie, i hope he's doing well
Is that thing naked?
What about losing weight?? Dumb bitch, she does not deserve to ever be loved
She probably tried to cook something and because she is a land whale accidentally spilled it all over herself. Many such cases and honestly, to some degree you deserve it if you are that deformed and useless
>Hindusian times
I agree with avoiding the obese but watch who you associate yourself with in general
I don't think women who are pregnant, regardless of how gross they are, or women who's primary issue is burn scars, are really the idea behind these threads.
Holly kek
>rejected by male escorts
Is this the world's first trufemcel?
>be me
>use to think piano was worth being
>traps started to over develop
>literally cannot fucking sleep in any position ever without needing like fifty fucking pillows to position body to not get impingement or herniation of disc because of the body angle exaggerations

It took years to become small enough to just sleep normal again after I stopped lifting for this body. Some things are a mistake.
>spot burning does not work
Spot burning does work, just not in the way you imagine.
Blood circulation determines everything, as we pump blood into an area (exercise) the markers for utilizing fat are equally pumped into this area as well. While the markers for conserving fat cannot enter this area due to inflammation.

This causes body fat recomposition.
If you still eat more than you burn you will still be fat yes, but if you workout a muscle group vs don't work out a muscle group. Your bodies fat distribution will vastly differ.

One of the biggest factors in working out is fat redistribution m8.
Working out daily and stretching daily gives you a much more aesthetic body fat distribution than not working out and stretching daily.
Regardless if your body fat maintains the same in either regard
Fucking disgusting.
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How do they get such nice homes? I doubt she works.
They forgot to flip her in the pan :/
It's so psychologically not right that they speak as if they are moving from one body to another. Like they are so disconnected from themselves that they think thay are that little grey alien in Men In Black who just happens to be inhabitaing a superfat body right now. They all seem to do this, as if it a healthy mode of self-perception, yet the only ones who do it are hamplanets who want to stay fat. Jeez, people - just face reality say "I am fat" or "I was fatter and I lost weight."
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Anyone got the screenshot of the girl saying she'll do a suggested diet for a month, goes ok the first day, starts slipping the second and then gives up on the third, saying shes happy the way she is?
so this is what built for BBC looks like
A female with an innocent heart like that is good to have.... Fat females aren't deal breakers when it comes to serious relationships, you can work with them on improving. You just got to come off as easy by using the words "us" and "we". You say "honey, ive read that cutting down on cheeto puffs and chocolate candy can be really beneficial for our health, what do you think about trying it together", or "I found these low calorie drinks that i think we would enjoy, what do you think about us trying it"
fuck off u/StarGamer-
Fatty yokel i will toss you like football into billboard if u do not go gym >:(
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I know this isn't what you're after, but here's this to keep you busy for five
All started back in 65
Yeah, I am less hungry when consistently fasting. Insulin spikes from early meals make you hungrier in the afternoon. The first 2-3 weeks of ADF or IF are a bit hard, but once your body adjusts to it, it becomes a chore to eat.
Most people have never actually felt hungry, they just feel bored and addicted.
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that honestly sounds like a pretty solid motivator, no one wants to literally do hours and hours of cardio so if you hold yourself accountable for those calories you will quickly find out how to moderate your consumption. i find you appreciate things much more in moderation as well.

im the opposite, i was always a starving skeleton and was convinced food was a waste of time and money. so i would only eat the absolute bare minimum to survive, most of the time well under 1500 calories a day and usually around 1000.

now i have a new respect for food ever since i started trying to gain weight and increase my strength and muscle mass. force feeding is brutal and any skipped meal is a cheat meal to me
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This fat guy has more of a life than every gymcel on this board. I would much rather be his friend and eat pizzas with him than ever hang around you incels.
the most disgusting video i've seen in awhile
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>hours and hours of cardio
Normally I do 45mins. If you can line up your gym session with those wankers who do marathon running you will blow yourself up just trying to keep up with their pace and you will chit chat helping to pass the time. This one marathon runner started going in depth about how running is the ultimate test of man hood and all this other horse shit. Meanwhile I'm just doing this cause I ate a cheesecake at some fat bitches going away party at work.
Holy shit am I confused by this
i literally can't tell if that's a fucked up penis or a fat vagina, or a hernia
sounds like a man moaning
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maybe this will help
>>74761010 dude here is the same person as the video
his ass looks like a dolphins mouth
lol no. More like 600.
I've seen ass belly,
now I've seen vagina ass.
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She should have burnt some calories instead of her skin
>Post -college body
Sounds like this disgusting person is trying to legitimise her wretched body as being the result of some sort of normal process. As if it's assumed that college is going to entail gaining the belly of a fat, mid-50s lorry driver. What a stupid fucking cunt
>this overly long video just to make the obvious point that she got fat
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yeah a bunch of publicly drunk belligerent homeless is really good for tourism
Something that can be attained by anyone with a bit of willpower is not a "privilege".
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That’s where you’re wrong. The woman with burn scars, yes it’s terrible and it’s awful that she has physical deformity. We have no idea how she got them. We have no idea if she got to cope with those physical deformity she was already fat. If she’s an unfortunate case, being to cope with life and all of extra tragedies, then yeah, she did it to herself. We don’t feel bad about the guy that fell into drugs or alcohol, but we are supposed to feel bad for someone that made them self horrifically that? It’s not that she’s been posted here, but it has been pointed out every single time that carries in and open themselves can look terrific short, but on a fat body, they look so much worse than you can imagine. Especially if she gained weight afterwards, then she stretched out already extremely fragile, shiny, raised, puppy red skin Even more and led to it looking so bad but absolutely no one wants to get near because it’s just the stuff of nightmares. it is still something that she did to herself wouldn’t be nearly as bad if she wasn’t so fat. She failed to realize that the only thing that brings her joy in life is also stealing her ability to have any other types of joy.
For the pregnant creature, you retard she’s posting in our side about being very obese, but also very pregnant. You can just tell at her she does not actually care about the state of her body, or the fact that she’s pregnant with a child that is dependent on her body. Pregnant women plenty of time in here, and it’s never been a problem because instead of looking at them, it’s just text and you can see that they are completely unashamed that they are 300 pounds and directly causing deformity to miscarriage. Pregnant women are even more disgusting than regular because you would think they’d want to do better for their children. A pregnant woman is the same as a smoking, pregnant woman or pregnant woman that still getting high.
Who could’ve guessed the sticky has been wrong for so many years? But you’re talking about fat redistribution, not fat loss or fat burning. They don’t want the fat moved around or dispersed at all, they want it gone. They’re also saying that after a workout, one or two workouts, that your arms for example would be smaller or your Abdomen would be flatter.
This clears up nothing! Am I looking at fellatio or cunnilingus here? You didn't censor the nips so are those man boobs?

Jesus Christ
No, that depends entirely on the individual. I have heard fat women get very upset in public, in restaurants, and grocery stores here because their partner suggested they get something low calorie or said they heard that the low calorie options are actually really good, they Flip out and say
>“so you want me to starve? So you want me to be anorexic? So you want me to lose weight? Do you think I’m fat and ugly? Is that what this is about” sometimes even go further than that and make a remark that they’re not interested in being a stick like their new neighbor/coworker/whatever. Either way, the fat blob and question was just stalking some poor young guy that never had any interest, but somehow she’s also such a narcissist that she insist she knows that all of it actually does want to have hot steamy yeasty Intercourse with her, but they know that she’s too good for them, so instead they try and cyber bully her. She insist that she wouldn’t want to have sex with anyone here anyway, apparently she prefers a fat White guy with dreads. What a catch
Probably fetish content
Pregnant chicks are the best example of the fat mentality. With the slightest bit of social permission, they jump at the opportunity to eat everything in sight. A newborn weighs 12 pounds, why the fuck do these retards think they need to put on 60 pounds of fat over 9 months and never lose it? Women have no internal accountability, and pregnancies shown what happens when external accountability is removed
It's not Rome, it's Split, Croatia. The city is built in and around the retirement palace of Diocletian. Very beautiful and unique city and wonderful history.
Why do fatties' mouths all look the same? Always thin lips, open mouth at all times but weirdly kind of pursed, like the lips are jutting out. Looks so fucking retarded.
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A 12lbs newborn is practically handicapped. Normal range is 5.11-8.6lbs, 3.4lbs over or under is concerning to a serious degree. Huge babies are very often the result of obese mothers or old mothers who’s bodies aren’t functioning properly.
Damn she sure showed me. I definitely don’t think she’s fat and disgusting now
Put the fork down. You’ll hate yourself less
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Legit a 2 mile 20 min run is all i do and ive been loosing, do weights after it but that 2 miles is massively helpful
That would be amazing. It would also keep spics out since they are even fatter
Maybe I should get a boat
I just picked an extremely generous number, I'm not writing a research paper
fetal macrosomia is mainly caused by untreated gestational diabetes (or previously existing diabetes)
so yea, mostly fat fucks who were diabetic before, or retarded women who suffered from gestational diabetes and didnt bother keeping it checked
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Pregnancy can be very nuanced, like the fact that there is a scale of how much weight you should be gaining and it’s entirely based off of your starting weight. The fatter you are the less Wait, they want you to gain, because honestly, you should be focused on losing weight so your net should be much smaller than a woman who started at a normal healthy weight. Even in some of those extra soft and friendly charts, they still say that 10 pounds should be the most fat woman gains during pregnancy. She does not need fat reserves in today’s day and age, it does not help the baby at all, it’s just so that, after she gives birth and she needs to breast-feed, she can afford to skip a few meals what was being so tired and the baby being so needy. Not that meals take such a long time anymore, not like most women breast-feed these days, not like we’re in the 60s where our grandfathers would never help our grandmothers with a singular task around the house or any of his own children. There’s really no need for fat gain anymore.
unrelated but my wife was overweight when she got pregnant and she barely gained 1kg by the end of the pregnancy
she pretty much converted body fat into baby lmao
and now she's eating like 2400kcal/day and still losing weight because of breastfeeding
when women are overweight prior to the pregnancy, theres really no need for weight gain, its only required for women with normal weight (and should be strictly pregnancy related weight, such as the placenta growth, the different fluids, baby itself, etc)
that whole 'pregnant women are supposed to store fat' is a load of bs nowadays
99% of people who were ever obese who lose weight gain it back. True stat, look it up, very grim. Fatassery is incurable
The exit? Putting on hella muscle mass.
They also get mega fatbrained. Neverfats mostly would sooner die than be fat. But something switches in fatties where even after weight loss they never stop accepting their role as the fat guy.
a lot of the older pics posted in these threads feature the deceased
retard is sitting in the wrong seat and literally rowing in the wrong direction
there are contraptions for forward rowing, or it works if you're standing up and have raised oarlocks, but he has none of those things.
hehehe nice
made me diamonds for some reason wtf
Kek you’ve never been in a relationship where they’ve gotten fat. The issue is you’re applying logic to women. Classic mistake I’ve done too.
> Fat females aren't deal breakers when it comes to serious relationships, you can work with them on improving. You just got to come off as easy by using the words "us" and "we".
That assumes that she both wants to improve and is receptive of criticism. Also the “us” and “we” helps but if you are already in shape and don’t have fat to lose, it’s obvious what you are trying to say. I think a blunt “I’m worried about your health long term and you should lose weight” is better. If it works great, problem solved. If it doesn’t, well you end it and it’s better than dating a fat girl.

Goddamn they go for the worst women and just don't know how to fuck lmao.
All she has to do is lose weight and she'll look nice, that's it
Honestly think this is salvageable
This a genuine post. IF you can change a fat girl to a fit girl you'll have a girl who will never leave you
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What about this?
Less confident about this one. She's looking like she'd have to cut at least another 50 pounds more than the other girl. Decent face, terrible everything else. But always worth a try, I guess
is the goblinx general poster okay?
Now I'm curious on how she looks like.
Jesus, how desperate do you have to be
Good, good, young fat ah-one! Let the self anger fuel your cuts and your gains!
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Incredibly based physician
The issue is that fat girls don't want fat guys. They still want Chad and "settle" for a 6/10.

As a former fat guy who is lifting and doing carnivore I don't feel any pity for them.
>99% of people who were ever obese who lose weight gain it back.

I really hate when people say this. Too many fatties use this as a blackpill to never even start dieting/losing weight. I had a fat friend use it on me when I started dieting, trying to crab me back into his fat bucket.
pretty sure goblinx grew tired of the schizo spam and started to essentially DMCA the image, requiring the posts be deleted
Pretty sure that's because most fatties who try to lose weight go for some meme diet that, sure, might work but isn't sustainable
Once they stop doing their X week program they go right back to their old diet which, unsurprisingly, still makes them fat
Those who succeed change their lives and habits in sustainable and long term ways
>the preview image
nope nope nope, not playing this
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This was just sad. Why have you shown me this.
Someone post the screen where piggy is rejected and blames her family's genetics, only for the guy to say he wants a healthy family so her family's genetics aren't a good match.
Passengers have ratings? And you laugh at China.
if it makes you feel any better she moderates a subreddit where people "age regress" to engage in sexual roleplay at children under 10 and also one called /r/PedoRedditors. she's not worth your pity.
No self control, even on behalf of people they claim to love.
I knew a fatty who told an almost identical lie. Fascinating behavior
It says more about fatties than it says about the difficulty of being healthy
Don't see how that's related at all.
A business owner in America can refuse service for any reason they choose to. A worker who does not want to work a job can refuse and quit when they want to.
The CCP keeps tabs on everyone just because they can.
But I guess since you're obese, you're suffering from cognitive decline. Sorry about that. Lose some weight.
'So literally just evolution?'
She's got potential, and she isn't really that obese. I think she can lose the weight. She'd probably look great with the fat distribution she has
Worse, it says something about the abysmal state of public health education that people know enough to diet and not enough go make sustainable, long term choices about their eating habits.

I'm on a long term deficit to cut the last of my fat guy fat (195 from a high of 260 with a goal of 170) and I know that some of these changes don't need to be permanent when I am back to maintenence, but I know some of them have to be. How many people who gain it back do so because they went right back to eating like they did pre diet? They don't think critically and so they get fuckin fat.
poor guy is probably done having to care for these "people" instead of lending his expertise to people who can actually take care of themselves
No this does not make me feel better, this fills me with rage and disgust
>how can u be fat without tits or ass?
Supreme kek
But on a serious note, despite how unfortunate those burns scars probably are, she's still morbidly obese. The last sentence where she talks about someone "accepting her" as she is - thats indicative of a lazy mindset. She doesn't want to improve herself, she wants to find someone pathetic enough to not offend her in a relationship with her. Ugly attitude to go along with an ugly appearance.
Right? I have a close friend who had a baby last year and you couldn’t even tell she was pregnant 2 months after. It’s not hard to be normal weight if you try.
>but I’m eating for two
No, you’re eating for yourself and maybe a tenth of a person. Yes growing that takes more energy but not that much.
I've never been fat and I think the main reason is that I don't want to have to buy all new clothes
It fucking sucks. Like 95% of my wardrobe was locked for 2 years when I gained a fuckton of weight. I stretched out all the clothes I still could wear and ended up needing new boxers to fit my fat ass
Fuck you
>diabetic, heart attack
>snacking on ice cream and chips
Single digit IQ in America, it's like they want to die
After I got back down to my post here>>74762061 I realize I come across as super cynical. If you have a girl who’s great other than being overweight it is 100% worth trying to get her/help her lose weight. I’m jaded by my experiences where they haven’t wanted to. Most recently she said “if I keep eating like this I won’t be able to fit into my dress” (for being a bridesmaid in a few months). I said “well we can diet together if you’d like”. This was met with silence and then “no we don’t do that”.

Previous girlfriends that were thin and worked out were scared of getting fat. That was awesome.
Complete lie unless he’s a 6’6” gigachad. That much weight on a fat human is so awkward and you have nothing to hold onto. Sure I can pick up 280 and carry that around, but not when it’s giant and soft and you can’t get a good hold.
Top zozzle
Got what he deserved
She could "feel normal like that" all the time, with one simple trick. (the simple trick is not being a morbidly obese cunt).
I'd be down to watch a strongman event where they need to pick up a 5 foot, loosely filled, 300 pound sack of suet
She wants someone to love her for who she is; who she is is a fat piece of shit --- ergo she should find a fat fetishist.
I don't know what she looks like but I'm pretty sure I've fucked worse
I'm the 5%
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Gained 30 lbs in two months despite eating less than 500 calories daily
it'a over
I was 130lbs, now 160. 5'11.
I don't really think there's much to be done.
gonna kms, starving and gaining weight it's too much for me.
My parents don't understand it as well.
I couldn't leave my room for 2 months as I broke my leg, I drank 3 serving of protein powder daily and nothing else. Less than 500 calories.
To gain all this weight I'd have to est over 8000 calories daily.
It's over. I'm a freak.
>muh diet industry!
theyre awfully silent when it comes to the goyslop industry however

dude make sure to get in touch with an engineer and a surgeon so you all can figure out a system to siphon fat off your body for infinite energy given you apparently create it out of thin air
Also no (you), kys
>unless he’s a 6’6” gigachad
Oh you mean like the anon who wrote pic related?
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I've been coming here for far too many years now and I still don't know what the "diet industry" actually is...
Is it gyms? Healthy, un-processed foods? Vegetable farmers? I honestly don't know and I doubt whether any of these fat cunts know either desu
Saw a post the other day that fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and grilled meats are not "intuitive eating", only donuts, pizza, and other goyslop are.
Its the weight. Myself and some other men I know dont mind scars/actually like them in some cases, but its the weight. Im going to go with a height of 5'6" seeing as she doesnt list it, and thats scary. Shes almost as round as she is tall. Shed 300 pounds and shes starting to hit the attractive zone, but as she is she wont find anyone.
Its an evil abstract they conjure to put the blame for their lack of willpower.
>n-no im not gorging with food, im actually doing it to dab on le ebil diet industry

Similar as with 'im recovering from an ED'
>n-no im not gorging with food, im actually healing my relationship with food and actually even eating a mere 500kcal is a hurdle for me!
Like a moth to flame
>Sat. morn came
>didnt need to /roon/
>decided to Bloat Max™
>woke @ 10:30
>ate fuck large massive carrot
>ate two massive celery sticks
>washed it down with tall glass of milk and cup of coffee
Probably had 250 calories and I was fuckin stuffed, no hunger sensation. Why do people complain about not feeling full?
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This retard is going to break his penis one day, lol. How does he not know how to dry hump so that it actually feels good? What is slamming your pelvis against a girl's butt supposed to do anyway?

Bro could have had some good dry sex right there and would never have had to take the whale home if he knew wtf he was doing.
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Birth control will do that to a young lady
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It's probably "official" programs that overweight people get tricked into buying into, like meal plans from Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc. What they don't understand is that buying something doesn't make you magically lose weight.

You can buy new gym clothes for a New Year's resolution, but you still have to exercise.
You can buy an 8 week meal plan from Atkins, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc but you still have to eat less food.
Self control and self discipline are still required and you still have to deal with the frustration of, no matter how much you THINK you've cut back, you still problem NEED to cut back even MORE!
The most well adjusted African American men that escaped the hood and black “culture” hate niggas the most. You have a unique perspective that could fuel you to become better than you could ever imagine.
Why take the time to type out such an absurd lie on anj2anm anonymous forum?
Not reading all that tubbo just stop eating. You don't need state funded lectures for that
Same brother. I’d also be down for the old world strongest man events like carrying a fridge around a track. It’s dumb and isn’t a great representation of strength, but it’s fun to watch.
Why make up this story? Are you that attention deprived?
U mad brah?
Bro had a heart attack and diabetes but still buying a shitload of snacks lmao she's doing him a favor honestly

> Fat Phobic Nature. Before hiking this trail there is a warning sign that states if you have difficulties passing through the 2 posts you should not continue, people have been calling nature fat-phobic and that it should be widened for plus-sized people, but the sign is warning people that the canyon is very narrow and avoiding anyone getting harmed. what do you think?
built for bcc haha
Then why are you here? Retard?
we don't know what's going on health wise and mental health wise because there's been complete radio silence from him, all we know he's a twitch mod for a friend that's a streamer, hope he gets better
Agreed. Being willing to "suck him off" before he goes to bed makes her pretty close to good enough, no matter what she looks like. That willingness to please is super fucking rare. Even if she is 20 pounds over "too chubby" she doesnt have awful distrbiton, has decent skin without pock marks and cellulite, and her face doesnt look so bad.

Maybe feed her a steady diet of semen and walks, see if she loses weight? I'd keep her aorund for a while.
>did he tear his quads?
it looks like he used his whole weight to push open the door when he tried to grab n run, causing his momentum to carry him further than he thought it would since the door was easy to open and made him stumble
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>we have to completely destroy everything in order to accommodate fat people
i hate "fat liberation" so much
I'm not saying it's impossible for you to have gained that much weight, but it's definitely not fat, it's some kind of fluid retention. You're probably impairing your kidney function by eating a pure protein diet. One, see a doctor to get checked out, and two, just eat 500 calories of real food and not freaking protein powder.
The diet industry is all the online grifters promising they can cure all disease and make all your problems go away with their special (literally) patented diet. See: Terry Wahls.
They just have to understand where calories come from. If they're putting mayonnaise and cheese on everything they eat, they'll be hitting their calorie limit at breakfast. Or they could eat 5 20z salads with fat-free dressing, onions, and carrots, salt/pepper (which is delicious, btw) and still be under 1,000 calories for the day and be stuffed as well. Being hungry is their own choice, and their own stupidity.

As a side note, being hungry is a natural state of being. It doesn't mean something is wrong. And if they're not shoving their face with processed food, hunger is barely even noticeable. It's a mild discomfort. A carb-heavy diet cause hunger to hit like a truck be literally painful. If they're not padding it with fiber and protein, yeah, hunger is going to be intolerable. Once again, it's their own fucking fault.
They act like being hungry is so fucking traumatic. God forbid any part of their lives not be a coddled diaper fantasy.
This looks like danny devito lmfao
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>Go to /cgl/
>Thread about hating on fat lolitas
>Fatties roll in to protest
>There is a man-hating dyke with pull in the moderation on the board
>She says she loves her fat girlfriend
>I point out that fat women turn bi to increase their dating pool
>Mods delete the post
Layers of fat and words can still hit the nerve underneath. I even got a warning while trying to post this post.
I looked up her user name
>Latest post is a nude selfie
$20 says this bitch is paying out of pocket for Ozempic right now. 'muh diet industry bad, muh pharmaceutical industry good'
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There is no such thing as a female incel.
Ozempic actually works though.
Man, I don't know. Maybe it's just because I'm older and my priorities are more about having company and someone to find my corpse before the dog's eat it. But I wouldn't have a problem with a fatty as long as they were actively (and successfully) losing weight, and understood I didn't want to fuck them until they could fit in the flatbed of my truck.

Like, don't pressure me to pretend to be attracted to you when you know damn well that you're not. I'm perfectly fine being jolly good company. But my last wife ballooned up to around 350 pounds and spent the entire time complaining that I wasn't showing her enough affection. Sorry? You're my friend and all, but I'm not going to fall madly in love with whatever is going on there. Tactical physical compatibility (as in, being able to comfortably hold someone close) is always going to be important. You can't physically bond with some that is not pleasant to be close to.
So do diets. And they're free. Just buy iceberg lettuce instead of captain crunch. Wow. Losing 2 pounds per week and saving money? Amazing.
>All this comments wanting to fuck her
Imagine she's your girlfriend and cheats on you, he'd probably be relieved he has a good reason to kick her out, even posting that online is reason enough to give her the boot
New Orleans says hello.
But yeah I get it. Retards ruin it for everyone because the whole world acts like it's high school.
I probably would
Can't tell if you are being willfully ignorant or if you are just stupid.
smells like moisy flaps in here
Thought the fat chick was the most desperate
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i know exactly what you mean!! i made picrel for u anon
fellatio, it's a man and he has one of the worst bodies i have ever seen. see here:
cgl is a dead board made up of >20 fat girls who ran out any actual practicing (hot) cosplayer/lolita back in 2015 and has been like this since.
Board is as sedentary as the whales who run it, theres still threads up in the active catalog from 2022.
Im not signing up for twitter just to see some faggot, screenshot it
...he's so fucking fat there's no nudity in his nudes.
Fat has completely encased and hidden his genitalia, even from below.
No need to censor it.
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as u wish: https://files.catbox.moe/rduja2.png
i thought the same way and it got me banned multiple times. sometimes, these fatties are so grotesquely obese that i can't even tell what i am looking at so i put a completely random censor box to appease jannies. i havent been banned in awhile tho so it's been working for me!
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What did he say that was incorrect? Be specific
i literally, unironically, cannot tell people who reach this level of fatness apart
they all become unrecognizable blobs with no defining features beyond being a lard golem
truly manmade horrors beyond my comprehension
Statistical data prove that diets almost never work while Ozempic almost always works. Stop being disingenuous. 95% of people do not have the mental capacity to lose weight and keep it off via dieting.
Lovecraft couldn't dream such a beast
I regret looking at that twitter. Did chuckle at the beauty and the hambeast vid though. I hope those men are paid well.
So 95% don't deserve to live?
If you prefer to think of it that way.
>He hides them
I guess not buying them in the first place is too difficult?
cumming inside
>I’m curious what 450 pounds looks like
Isn’t Boogie about 400 to 420 nowadays? So heavier yet probably shorter than Boogie
>Gained 30 lbs in two months despite eating less than 500 calories daily
How many calories were you drinking?
Yeah she probably is lying, honestly would have believed her if she didnt say "8 pack". Most guys who can lift that much wont be that lean, picking up a woman is basically a front squat but requiring way more grip strength.

I think shes being dishonest about her weight as well, given her appearance and height I find it really hard to believe shes under 300lbs with that giant belly
Browing /fph/ and doing the /fit/ fattycontest has lead to me losing 60lbs you can do it anon.
rock bottom
Ozempic almost always works*

*As long as you continue to use it (I.E. PAY FOR IT) for the rest of your life
Agreed. That fat at 5'7" is 300-350
She is lying. I am 6'5" and 265 pounds, so I have the angle and arm length to pick up something that big. I can also deadlift 550. I would struggle mightily to pick that thing up.

Also, when you pick up something that heavy you have to squeeze it almost as hard as you lift it, or it slips out of your arms. Most fatties would be crushed by arms encircling their flabby girth genrating that much force.

I picked up a 175 pound woman like that once because she didnt think I could and she said it really hurt her ribs to be lifted like that.

Woman dont understand shit like force, gravity, pounds. Or inches. I've had girls tell me my 7 inch cock is 10 inches long.
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>Why do people complain about not feeling full?
fats actually develop a tolerance/resistance to the hormone that the digestive system releases to tell the brain it's full.
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She still has a cute face, despite the weight gain. Simple as
holy fuck... my clitty is throbbing, im riding my BBC dildo in consolidarty with this Queen, we are voting for Kamala Harris together OH FUCK! OH GOD OH TRANSEXUAL CHRISTIAN GODDESS THIS IS HEAVEN
unironically based
We MUST vote for Kamala Harris in order to prevent Russia from conquering Europe. I can't wait to fight in the war and wreck the orcs with our high-tech weapons. Fuck Trump, fuck Putler, and fuck Hamas.
Unironically based
>What exactly happened
He pushed too hard and lost his balance. Then because he's so fat he rolled his ankle twice. Once going down the first time, then again the second time.
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>now im giving my money to slop food industries to profit off my eating habit.
Go to gym or do any exercise regularly and count the calories in all honesty, don't lie to yourself.
I'm unable to comprehend this anatomy.
fuuuuuuck, that face is beautiful but the rest is a purgatory
>Statistical data prove that diets almost never work
No, statistical data proves people aren't following the diets as suggested. It doesn't say jack shit about diets not working, pharma shill.
So much wasted potential
If people can't follow the diets, that means the diets don't work, retard. Medical treatments that patients are incapable of complying with aren't effective medical treatments.
I'm not having a discussion with an idiot that follows the "diets don't work" line of HAES thinking. Literal retardation and this thread is full of former-fatties that know it.

From now on, preface every one of your posts with "Diets don't work" so we all know to stop reading there.
>If you are incapable of accurately following clear directions to do a task that others can do following those same directions, that means the task is impossible.
That's you. That's how dumb you sound.
This triggered my fight or flight reaction.
Based on what?
> SCUBA gear does not help you breathe underwater
> I know this because I went diving and took my gear off, and I couldn't breathe underwater

This is your brain on feminism
pitiable retarded analogy and terrible strawman. concession accepted.
> condoms don't work
> I know this because I didn't like how it felt so I took it off and she got pregnant

Yeah, totally different
I'm not subhuman so I've never been so much as overweight in my life. I will never respect any fattie, "former" or otherwise, but I do want fat people to become healthy so they stop crippling societal progress.
No, it's more like if SCUBA gear was immensely painful to wear so no-one was willing to use it and you were going "hurr durr, anyone can dive to 200 ft, you just need to put on SCUBA gear, the problem is solved" and then a pharmaceutical company came out with a drug that let you dive pain-free without any gear at all and you made fun of the people using the drug because SCUBA gear exists
> not willing
> doesn't work
Totally the same thing
>I have 4 known health issues not including blood pressure and heart disease, I also miscarried
>I have no underlying health issues

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This one's for you guys

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