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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is this f'real? Because if so, it sounds like my idea of heaven. If I paired this with homemade tomato and wild garlic soup for lunch, could I eat this for dinner every day?
calories in calories out you fucking ape
You can literally do anything you want
Go outside and eat a fistful of grass and dirt
all "Red meat is bad" studies use processed meat as the "red meat sample", and therefore are considered void
actually based
over easy eggs and medium rare steak are most nutritious
based fibrechad. i took 2 footlong shits today.
You do understand your digestion and poop muscles work regardless of fiber right
Plus who the fuck wipes shit INTO their ass like a retarded American and not uses a bidet tf
Personally I would throw some spinach or any leafy green on the side, but yeah it's a solid meal.
I would like to use a bidet but I'm scared my friends will laugh at me and call me gay
same. like half my diet is oats and potatoes with the skin. feels good man
>*riff hits*
>adds a single apple on the side
This is now the best meal you can eat.
Yeah people have been eating cows and eggs since Noah and have been fine, I'm sure you will be too.
steak and eggs is literally the best diet, yes.
go be a dumbass somewhere else
>on easily digestible food
poisonous, fails the universal edibility test
>leafy green
indigestible, also fails universal edibility test
Don't eat it for breakfast. Eat it for dinner. It's unhealthy to eat in the morning.
How many calories would that be? Three fried eggs and one (I think?) fillet steak?
I was going to eat it for dinner...maybe have some soup at lunch.
>eat the same thing every day
>is this healthy
no. this is a good meal, but you need to get some variety
Are those eggs fried or poached?
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Is this some carnivour meme?
yes. wait til you hear about "antinutrients" kek
these people are desperate to only eat butter and bacon
Both can be true retard
That's three eggs and a pound of meat too much.
i did keto for three months. "shitting" (i put the word in quotes because i don't know if straining over the toilet for 40 minutes once a week to just barely squeeze out a chicken nugget sized turd can really be referred to as taking a shit) was difficult to say the least. eggs, bacon, tuna, steak, whatever, all get boring over a long enough timeframe.

too many delicious things have carbs in them. the juice isnt worth the squeeze
It's not hard to eat a pound of carrots a day.
how does spinach or other leafy greens fail the universal edibility test?? what adverse reaction do you experience from eating them or merely putting them in your mouth even?
>You do understand your digestion and poop muscles work regardless of fiber right
You are actually retarded, lmao. Have fun with your ass cancer at 30.
>You do realize your quads work with or without stable ground to stand on right?
This is you.
God also gave you grains and shit retard, just an omnivorous diet you autists
Eggs + Cold Cooked Meat is awesome. You should try it, I eat it every midnight and it is great, I recomend it.
kek, there's a big difference between being constipated and shitting less though.
My common sense tells me there's simply less waste to shit out but that's not science so it must be wrong.
I got vitamin a poisoning from doing this
CICO has jack shit to do with health you fucking idiot.
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No it's not real. Both red meat and eggs shorten your lifespan
Weird to say that, since there is no Vitamin A in carrots or plants.
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>with the skin
Enjoy your pesticides unless you scrub them for 30 minutes with soap (look it up).
>pesticides from root vegetables
>he doesn’t only eat organic
You live in america, you can afford to be healthy
Been eating steak and eggs for 15 years, used to be the Gironda diet or just how to eat to stay ripped without trying, before everyone started calling it carnivore. Feels like more people eat this way now, or understand the benefits of eating natural foods, when I first started most people still had idiotic ideas about cholesterol and red meat.
I'm genuinely curious to see the result. Can you post body?
Cico is nonsense and you need to stop causing trouble promoting it.
>I dont understand basic physics
>Things have to be complicated because
>I am a retard
At least eat some veggies, you godless heathens
Yes yes, good goy; eat the eggs and red meat every day.
>I dont understand basic physics
I personally know two brothers who grew up eating the same meals. One got his mother's Fijian genes while the other got his father's indian genes. One is chunky while the other struggles to out on weight with a 6 pack. Cico is total bullshit when looking at these examples.
Nice useless anecdote retard, now go read from any credible source. You literally ignored half of the acronym which is CALORIES OUT.
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>now go read books from my favourite authors
No thanks.
Is that femboy pregnant?
Clogged arteries are all that await you eating this slop
>But muh ancestors
Their life expectancy was shit and they were stunted Manley's
>But it's mainly
Is that how you make all your decisions? What gets you conformity points to your fellow men?
Sad behavior
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Yes, the human body works just like a bomb calorimeter. Humans literally ignite food when they digest it. No, we are not complex biochemical machines, we just set food on fire. Muh law of thermodynamics and all.
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>Their life expectancy was shit
Due to infant mortality that reduced the average age. Had nothing to do with chronic diseases.
>they were stunted Manley's
Due to the invention of agriculture and the increase in plant foods.
That's ALMOST the healthiest meal you can eat. All it's missing is big cup of milk.
eggs are overcooked, and needs less muscle meat and more organ meat. cut the muscle meat in half, then throw in some liver and brain, with some fruit for dessert. now that's the healthiest meal
Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt. Cico is technically true and completely worthless

how can I win a 5k race in 3 months?
>Oh that's easy, just go faster than everyone else
Cico still stands. The other exceeded his daily need and the other didnt meet it. I'm sorry you're too retarded to grasp a basic consept like "At what point do I eat more than I burn?". You track your calories and you find the spot where you lose weight. It doesnt matter if you have a million thyroid conditions on top your samoabeetus. At some point you start losing weight. You sound like a fatty coming up with excuses.
This dumb nigger thinks people literally burn food lmao
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holy shit this board is invaded with retards kill yourselves, go back to /r/keto and go jerk off your little shrimp dicks while you brag about eating steak boiled in entire sticks of butter you fat fucking losers.
Fibre is basically 1:1 correlated with health and this meal contains none
I mean it's not 'the healthiest'
if you have toasted black rye sour dough bread slavered in a pate made of sardines, oysters and beef liver, topped with 2 eggs and some pickled beetroot, carrot and cabbage
that is way healthier
you could also eat something like yoghurt with wheat germ, walnuts, pecans, berries, sardines, oysters, beef liver, and 2 egggs
Into the oven with you kike. Your confusion tactics wont work here.
nonsense is far from the right word
not all calories or nutrients are absorbed by the body
>vemgtables are.....LE BAD!!1!
>fiber are.....LE BAD!1!!
Total Ketard Death
plants and vaccines made me autistic though
Your logic is terrible
eat a vegetable you fucking toddler
Yesterday I had
>An orange
>100g of watermelon
>150g of strawberries
And today I had the most wonderfully smooth shit. I can’t go back to what I was doing before, bros. My asshole can’t take the rock-hard spears of shit anymore.
OK, so I tried this as my OMAD. Steak was nice though maybe a bit too rare, but I completely fucked the eggs up, they were stuck to the pan so it was more like yolk and a bit of egg. It was nice but I couldn't eat it every day. I also made myself a banana, raw honey and milk smoothie.
Based fruitarian
Okay vegcuck
>You sound like a fatty coming up with excuses
Better than some zoomer parroting ecelebs.
are you saying atkins diet doesnt work?
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Why do they forget calories completely?
>God's green earth
>no greens on plate
>Fibre is basically 1:1 correlated with health
it isn't

they're worthless
expensive poop
stupidity, they think diets are magic
Terra is blue, moron
>no blueberries on plate
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It's not too bad but deenz is where it's at.
These little guys will help most of your health problems by fixing your nutrient deficiencies.

Take the deenz pill.
You need to be deenzmaxxing RIGHT NOW.
Grilled sardines, grilled tomatoes with a side of cooked fresh potatoes and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
This is a true Apollonian meal.

I guess canned is fine if you can't get the real deal.
Oh and don't forget a zest of lemon juice.
sounds good
Fiber is a SAD requirement, not a keto one.
> le doctors don't want you to know
No competent dietician will tell you eggs or lean meats are bad for you. But if you eat it more than 1-2 meals like this a day you will be over a recommended saturated fats amount.

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