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5x5 but the first 4 sets are progressively heavier warmups
depends on your goals
like i fucking know i usually do 3x8 but i cba those are so tiring
10x1. Much easier to concentrate on perfect form doing singles.
That's called 1x5.
Based 5/3/1 SSL enjoyer
Actually I misread the post. That’s not 5/3/1 SSL. You’re gonna need more working sets if your first four sets are just warmups imo
t. newfag
If you aren't breathing heavy get the fuck off the gym floor
1x20 gpp
Warmup 1x8 @ 60%, 1x8 @ 80%, then 2x8-16 @ working weight for specific objective.

I also do an antagonistic upper/lower a/b compound/iso superset 8x8 split four days a week once a year.

I just love 8 repes and don't know why.

My go to though in a pinch is just 2x8 clean-jerk ohp and blockpull deadlift. Done in about 20 minutes.
>2x8-16 @ working weight for specific objective.
back strain
Well that depends on the rest of your program silly!
anything more than singles or doubles, maybe triples, seems more trouble than it's worth, as you probably won't be able to do the whole set on a single bracing breath. also, it's a multiphase strength exercise more suitable for lower reps in the first place
Same here, that's pretty much what I do with all my compound lifts. After the 5th set I'll repeat the 4th if I feel like it.
deadlifts? 1x5
Why stop at a certain number? Surely that's like leaving gains on the table. There is no way you can accurately tell before you lift it. Some days you feel stronger some days you feel weaker. The only thing that makes sense is to lift until you can't lift it anymore. Go to failure.
>Go to failure
there's literally nothing that could demonstrate that training to failure has any benefits over stopping a few reps short of it, while there are many examples that could indicate the opposite is true, e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33343066/ and it only brings unnecessary fatigue. it's an especially bad idea for something like deadlifts, at best it will make you stall prematurely, at worst send you to snap city. it's only a good idea as a periodical check of what you're capable of, e.g. at the end of a mesocycle.
>back strain
How so?
>lifting is cardio
Been doing something along the lines of;
2x3, 2x4, 1x5 with weights ramping down.

Sometimes I change it up though and do 10x0 or even 0x15. I like to hit a lot of 0 reps or 0 sets depending on the day. It keeps me fresh and avoids injury
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I do 1x5 once every two weeks. I'm at 6pl8 x 5. On the off weeks I rack pull 1 x 5.
If you're weaker, just do 1x5 twice a week and move to once a week once you can't recover from it. It's all you need for diddly progression.
Heavy triple and two/three backoffs at 80%, you're welcome.
Pyramid. You slowly work up to weight while reducing the reps.
Thanks, almost failed my maths class
I do 1x5 everyday, sometimes I do a few reps more and when I get to 8 reps and feel that I have some more reps in the tank, I increase the weight by 5kg next time. same for bench and pullups but I use 2.5kg jumps
This is true, I've been hitting PRs deadlifting every two weeks
1x5 deadlifts per week on SS was the biggest meme imaginable.
Are you running Pavels PttP? I've always had really good times with his routines.
SS doesn't have once per weak deadlifts, it's 1.5x, like bench or OHP, and it's a very badly balanced program for the goals of 99% of people who run it
I looked it up and you were right. I take it back. 1x5 @ 1.5x week alternating with powercleans is actually solid.
yeah, after tweaking it to my needs. I usually do one or two lower rep sets with the same working weight as the warmup and sometimes add single sets of one or two accessories, like ab wheel, calves, curls, face pulls, depending on how I feel. I really like it so far
You can breathe between reps you know
1x5 (with warmups) one week
2x8 speed reps the next (at a lower weight)
15 12 10 8 6
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One set of 6-10 reps to failure.
i do 5 x 12 for every single lift
GVT. 10×10. I changed mine up though. You're not supposed to get fatigued until like the last couple sets, i didn't like it, couldn't feel anything. So I basically start at maybe 80% of my 1rm, get as many sets of 10 in as I can, then do a drop set, and repeat until I have 10 sets done. It's nice because it lets me see more of my progress as I can get more sets of 10@80%1rm. Once I can do all 10 sets with smooth form, I go for a new PR then the process starts over with the new 80% until I can do that for 10×10
MGVT is better than GVT

This. And if you feel like you're not getting sufficiently close to failure, the answer is to add weight, not reps.
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>he lets his grip strength be the limiting factor on a posterior chain lift
8 sets of 3 reps. Guaranteed perfect form on each rep and limits fatigue.
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I do 3x9 or 3x12 because I like multiples of 3
>Short duration
>Limited measurement frequency
>Measurement inconsistencies
>Exercise selection omissions
>Training intensity variations
>Small sample size
>Homogeneous sample
That study is fucking garbage, but then again, most kinesiology studies suffer these issues. Still this one is particularly bad, especially because of the differences in 1rm%. Skews everything, also what's significant for a statistical study is only a p value of .05, so ultimately there was practically no fucking difference. Retards see the word 'significant' in a study and think they means the science is settled. You would need several thousand more of these studies for that to be the case.There's plenty of empirical observations supporting traditional GVT in professional circles. On top of that, I like traditional GVT because there's a more balanced focus between strength/hypertrophy/muscular endurance.
Also this. I have a thing for 10s. In fact I do 10×10 and instead of timing my rest period its 10 full breath cycles. 10 lifting breaths, 10 resting breaths.
Meant to tag>>74765427
Does noone do singles nowadays? I do singles warming up to my main and just do 1x3
nobody on this board except plg trains for strength anymore since the "leanpill" took over
GVT fucked my quad tendon up on squats going 60% to the point the next day I could almost not move my leg due to the inflamation
FxF /thread
>because I like multiples of 3
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4x4, unironically. Then 1 semi max rep.
very heavy
big rest
it's still a chore, because I'd either have to stop touch and going mid set, catch a few breaths and rebrace, which turns it into something akin to a cluster, instead of a normal set, or take a breath and rebrace on the top of each rep, which prolongs the sets and makes it very hard not to use straps, which I hate.
>2x8 speed reps the next
I really like it, even as a general training scheme, for other exercises too, but I'd personally use higher frequency, maybe one heavy and one speed workout throughout each week
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3-4 reps is optimal for me. Overusing sets of 5 or more degrades my physical strength over time.
>very heavy
>big rest
things like that always make me stall indefinitelly (and my strength sometimes even drops if I workout a bodypart only once a week), whereas very frequent training, nowhere near a RM, always gives me a new PR when I recheck it after some time
same but im a weak dyel and im getting assgaped by 3pl8+, i shouldnt need programming with light session this fuckign early in my lifting journey right?
On diddlys? 4*8-12 RDLs. Everything else is gay cope
i dont do RDL i was talking about conventional
Ditch it for RDLs. Conventional diddlys are gay cope.
it definitely won't hurt. programming is not recommended to novices only because they usually progress too fast for that to matter, but if you aren't, a more structured progression will definitely be superior
RDL isn't even a DEADlift and is a mediocre lift created when people tried to ineptly copy a famous weightlifter who was strengthening a specific portion of his clean and is now basically a partial stiff-legged deadlift, which is an actual deadlift and a much better lift
I do:
1 x 8
3 x 4
1 x 2
2 x 8

I usually am almost spewing at the end.
Isratel science kike detected. How’s your first year of lifting going faggot
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it's hilarious that you're braindead enough to only able to look at the world through your ecelebs and how retarded amebas like you started parroting the science meme (which were intended to mock presenting things that had nothing to do with actual science as some kind of scientific consensus, because they followed the current narrative, just like "vaccines" against corona viruses) and be completely oblivious to the irony. there's also 100% you are circumsized, because only a kike or their golem would try to ridicule actual problems jews are causing, by trowing it at basically anything.
Yeah okay you havent done either, makes sense
just because the ecelebs you watch try to paint is as a completely different movement, mostly as a cope for poor flexibility and not being able to go all the way down when moving the hips back with straight back, doesn't mean one isn't just half-repping the other and technically not even a deadlift exercise
Starr 5x5 works
Used to do 3x10 but now I do 3x8
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Are deadlifts all I need for traps/forearms or do I actively need to train them separately?

I did 3x5 for years and that second set really fatigues you to the point your final set is less weight than you would've been able to do unfatigued. I tried 1x5 and found the gains to be suboptimal. But 2x5 is a sweet spot between getting a warmup in and hitting the highest max possible, without too much effort or fatigue so it's quick to do and easy to recover from. Do a full body bodyweight warmup before your workout, I'm talking burpees, box jumps, boxing bag, etc not just fucking stretching.

You'll be fatigued as shit by the final set and your max will suck. This is the problem with high volume and yes 5x5 is a high volume routine designed for roidfags. Only your max set matters so just hit the highest failure set possible, and you achieve that by going into it with no fatigue.

This is also bullshit. There's an optimal range for weights, and the purpose of them is to bring failure sooner. Right around 5 is optimal as to not get injured. 8-10 is not causing failure soon enough to trigger the body to condition to load. This doesn't touch your myofibrils, it only bloats up the sacroplasm. It literally just makes tour muscles capable of holding more blood and water weight.
1x3 65/70% to warm up, then 1x5
what should i do for a backoff set if at all?
I did 1 set warmup, 1 set max, 1 set cooldown and rhe cooldown. Never gave a benefit. It did however have the negative effect of making me more fatigued going into my next workout. I dropped it and only focus on the maxes. I want to say 1 set works, but I've had noticeably better results with 2 sets, warming up around 60-70% of max. 1 set only maintains but 2 sets makes steady gains.

I use weights only to stimulate strength gains. I do look great but I only consider it a side effect, and let's be honest any level of muscle looks good when lean so leanness is really what matters for looks not muscle mass. But the mass is coming in like never before as well as strength. Use weights for their purpose, to reach muscular failure quickly. That's all their for, any function or sport performance is going to come from doing that function or sport training specifically. The rest of my skills are developed in the boxing gym, climbing gym, or on the track. The reason I sought such a low volume routine was to have more energy to do all those, it just so happens to work better than every other routine I've tried. My body doesn't respond to 8-12 reps at all, only 1-5 but going below 3 on a 2x5 routine could lead to injury.
No anon, its because I feel one in the target muscles and I dont feel the other. But please keep ranting about strawmen online
2x4-8 then upgrade weight and scale up
Best thread up right now, not even being ironic.
ok cool but i still dont know which one to do
i'll stick to 3x6-8 i guess
2x5, if you really have volume fears 3x5 but do the max set in the middle and a volume set after. I'm telling you, once tou understand how much fatigue is sabotaging your failure/max sets and how important those sets are to growth, you're gonna come to the same conclusion i did. Volume is a waste of time, only your max set matters so don't sabotage it with fatigue.
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So in my anecdotal experience: I started (back in 2010) by never ever doing deadlifts because anons on here fear mongered me into never doing them, and also was told it was a waste of time to get shredded/aesthetic. My traps were weak and forearms looked like noodles, but I got good chest, shoulder, and bicep/tricep development. I posted my body on bb.com, got told I look weak, told them my routine and they told me to stop being a pussy and do deadlifts. I follow their advice, and suddenly everything starts filling in, including forearms and traps. I just start looking stronger and thicker.
I don't think the deadlifts made me "bigger" necessarily, rather I think lifting a massive amount of weight and slamming it to the floor psychologically affects you in a way that all your lifts go up. Might be some pavlovian shit in effect, I don't know. But I'm a big believer that mindset is the difference between blasting through PRs and barely squeezing out 3 reps of what you usually rep out with.
Warm up 1 8 reps @60%
Warm up 2 5 reps @80
Working set 1 5 reps @100
Working set 2 5 reps@100
Working set 3 5 reps @100
Dimmel set 1 20 reps @40
Dimmel set 2 20 reps @ 40
Why can I deadlift more with over/under grip when my right hand is under than the reverse, and how do I fix it?
jerk off with the other hand
No I dont I use hook grip and chalk
When is it okay to use straps? I’m at 295 lbs x 5 and I feel like my limit will come soon.
I never had to use them for deadlift and I was pulling 3.5x bodyweight. But I just started using them for DB rows once I got to around 130. The heavier DBs have fatter grips and I just couldn't hold it in my little baby hands. In order for my back to keep getting stronger, I had to strap up to remove my grip limitations from the equation. You'll know when, it's when you've been trying for months to lift a certain weight and your grip is what's holding you back, and it's not adjusting or getting stronger. Your grip itself will be what's holding you back from further your PRs. You don't use straps just to use them, they're to exceed what your grip simply cannot grasp.

If you're not at elite level lifts and struggling, you need grip specific exercises. I'm pulling 160x3 on 1 arm DB rows at 158 bodyweight, that's my excuse. My grip is strong it just can't keep up with my retard strength back.

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